Carolina Antoniadis | Portfolio

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Carolina Antoniadis (Rosario, 1961), artista visual que vive y trabaja en Buenos Aires, egresada de la Escuela Nacional de Bellas Artes Prilidiano Pueyrredón en 1984 . Desde el año 1985 trabaja sobre las posibles articulaciones entre el arte y el diseño, utilizando lo ornamental como lenguaje primordial, a través de su uso y trasmutación constante. Su obra abarca desde la pintura, hasta cerámica y esmaltes. Actualmente también desarrolla instalaciones y murales sobre el espacio público. A su vez, ejerce la docencia desde el año 1990. A principios del 2016 recibió el Gran Premio Adquisición de Pintura y el Primer Premio de Dibujo en el Salón Nacional del Palais de Glace. Ha sido distinguida con grandes premios a lo largo de los últimos 30 años, y sus obras forman parte de reconocidas colecciones tanto nivel local como internacional.

Carolina Antoniadis (Rosario, 1961), visual artist who lives and works at Buenos Aires, graduate of the National School of Fine arts Prilidiano Pueyrredón in 1984. From the year 1985 she works on the possible joints between the art and the design, using the ornamental thing as a basic language, across its use and transmutation constant. Her work includes from the painting, up to ceramics and glaze. Nowadays also she develops installations and murals on the public space. In turn, she works as a teacher since 1990. At the beginning of 2016 she received the Big Prize Acquisition of Painting and the First Prize of Drawing in the “Salón Nacional del Palais de Glace”. She has been distinguished by big prizes during last 30 years, and her works belong of recognized national and international collections.


por Philippe Cyroulnik

Al final de Citizen de Orson Wells, una cajita de vidrio cae de la mano inanimada del heroe y sobre el paisaje de esos ensueños kitsch cae la nieve que marca el fin de los sueños que no volveran más. Es un poco el equivalente de lo que sugieren las obras de Carolina Antoniadis. Sus obras bañan en la luz tenue de una melancolía que da forma a las figuras, los objetos y los motivos de un mundo perdido. Sus estallidos, sus colores y sus formas son los ecos de una Arcadia contemporánea cuya heroína habría sido expulsada. Sueños de modernidad y objetos de pacotilla estructuran el universo de su obra. No es difícil ver en su pintura la rearticulación del lenguaje pop, el cual encuentra en la cultura popular y en los íconos de nuestra cotidianeidad la materia prima de su trabajo. Pero vale recordar la deuda que ella reivindica hacia Matisse, por su apetencia a formalizar las figuras, y hacia Klimt, por su capacidad a disolver la figura en el motivo decorativo y viceversa. Considerando todos estos elementos, no podemos más que subrayar el lugar atípico y sólido en la escena artistica argentina de esta obra que, en los cuadros de la vida moderna que la artista nos ofrece, hace surgir la trágica realidad de un munto donde la muerte captura lo vivo. Carolina Antoniadis sobresale en el arte de reciclar imágenes anodinas y objetos insignificantes para producir figuras metonímicas de vidas y de alegrias muertas y fijadas, que el tiempo y el olvido habían recubierto de un velo para transferirlo sobre las cosas.


by Philippe Cyroulnik

At the end of Orson Wells’ Citizen Kane, a small snow globe falls from the main character’s inanimate hand while snow falls over the landscape of his kitsch fantasies to the tolling of dreams that will no longer see the day. This is in a way what suggested by Carolina Antoniadis’ works. They cast a melancholic light that shapes the figures, objects and motifs of a lost world. Her lights, colors and shapes are the echo of a contemporary Arcadia where the heroine would have been banished. Dreams of modernity and shoddy objects structure the universe of her work. In her painting, it is easy to see the rearticulation of the pop language that is present in the popular culture and the icons of our everyday life, the raw materials of her work. However, what might be more interesting to point out is the way she is inspired by Matisse for his desire to formalize figures and by Klimt for his way to dissolving the figure inside the decorative motif and vice versa. Considering this, we cannot but underline the atypical and outstanding place that this work enjoys in the Argentina’s art scene: in the tableaux de la vie moderne that the artist offers us, her work highlights the tragic reality of a world where the dead comes to life. She stands out in the art of recycling the most anodyne images and the most insignificant objects and to transform them in metonymic figures of lives and happy moments that passed away or were interrupted, and which time and oblivion had covered with a film to transfer them upon things.



Humo dorado, 2015, 150 x 150cm, ink on canvas. Particular collection

Aullido, 2017, 70 x 145cm, acrylic, ink, and lac on paper.

Abismo, 2017, 140 x 140 cm, acrylic, ink, and lac on paper.

El sonido de la abundancia, 2015, 150 x150 cm, ink and lac on paper. First drawing prize of Salon Nacional de Artes Visuales, Palais de Glace (2016, Arg).

Trama humana, 2015, 150 x 150cm, ink and lac on paper.

Sonido mental, 2015, 140 x140 cm, ink on paper and lac.

El sonido errante, 2016, 140 x 140cm, ink on canvas and lac.

CĂ­rculo contemplativo, 2016, 62 x 140cm, crylic, ink, loxon and lac on paper.

Sonido de los corales, 2017, 150 x 200cm, acrylic, lac, ink and enamel on canvas.

El sonido de la deriva, 2016, 180 x 180cm, acrylic, ink, loxon and lac on canvas. Painting acquisition award, Salon Nacional de Artes Visuales, Palais de Glace (2016, Arg).

Left: El sonido de la siluetas, 2016, 150 x150 cm, acrylic and lac on canvas| Right: Detail.

El sonido de la pasiรณn, 2016, 100 x 200cm, acrylic, lac and ink on canvas.

El sonido del ocultamiento, 2016, 100 x 120cm, acrylic, lac and ink on canvas.

Sonido estival, 2016, 120 x100cm, acrylic, lac and ink on canvas. Particular collection.

El silencio de la flores, 2016, 180 x 180cm, acrylic, lac, loxon and ink on canvas.

El sonido de la ilusiรณn, 2017, 100 x 200 cm, acrylic, lac and enamel on canvas.






Estilo Aguayo, 2012, 150 x 150cm, acrylic and lac on canvas.

Fronterizo, 2014, 200cm, acrylic and lac on canvas.

Estilo Huicol, 2016, 150cm, acrylic, ink and lac on canvas.

Exportaciรณn, 2014, 200 cm, acrylic and lac on canvas. Particular collection.

Reuniรณn, 2014, 100 x 200cm, acrylic and lac on canvas. Particular collection..

Celebraciรณn, 2014, 100x 200 cm, acrylic and lac on canvas. Particular collection.





Desliz, 2012, 150 x 150cm, acrylic and lac on canvas.

Ocaso, 2012, 200 x 200cm, acrylic and lac on canvas.

Talisman, 2012, 50 x 50cm, acrylic and lac on canvas.

Ocaso, 2012, 200 x 200cm, acrylic and lac on canvas.



Cortejo, 2013, 200 x 260cm, acrylic and lac on canvas. Particular collection.

Left: Rara Avis Alhaja, 2012, 150 x 150cm, acrylic and lac on canvas. Particular collection. | Right: Detail. Rara Avis 4, 2011, 100 x 120cm, acrylic and lac on canvas. Particular collection.





Cรณmplice, 2008, 100 x 200cm, acrylic and lac on canvas.

Left: EmpatĂ­a, 2008, 150x170cm, acrylic and lac on canvas. I Right: Especie, 2010, 200 x 150cm, acrylic and lac on canvas.

Right: Paseo, 2010, 50x50cm, acrylic and lac on canvas. I Left: Detail. Dominio, 2008, 150 x 200cm, acrylic and lac on canvas.



Birth Date: 24 – 10 – 1961 Birth Place: Rosario, Santa Fe. Argentina Currently, she lives and works in Buenos Aires. Studies and Teaching Experience: 1995 – 2003 Titular teacher of the chair painting of 3° year, Escuela Nacional de Bellas Artes P. Pueyrredon. 1990-2003 Assistant teacher of Apparel and Textile I, Chair Skific -Salzman UBA, In the career of Fashion’s design and Textile. 1984

Graduated as a Painting Professor at the Fine Arts School “Prilidiano Pueyrredón”.

Fellowships 2000 Antorchas Foundation. 1999 Fondo Nacional de las Artes. 1990 Antorchas Foundation to the Artistic Creation. Awards 2016

2015 2012 2011 2003 1999 1998 1997 1996 1995 1990 1989 1985

Big Prize Acquisition of Painting, Salón Nacional de Artes Visuales, Palais de Glace, Buenos Aires (ARG) First Prize of Drawing, Salón Nacional de Artes Visuales, Palais de Glace, Buenos Aires (ARG) First Prize, Grand prize of Painting of the Banco Provincia, Argentina. Residence for artists I Park Connecticut U.S.A Second Price Central Bank Argentina . “Accesit” Award, Aerolíneas Argentinas Foundation. II Certamen Ibeoramericano. MNBA (Fine Arts National Museum) Honor Award. Avon Foundation. Third Prize. Avon Award. Leonardo Award for the Artist of the Year. MNBA (Fine Arts National Museum). Mention of Honor. Fortabat Foundation Award. MNBA (Fine Arts National Museum). First Prize. Federico Klemm Foundation. Painting Award. Art Critics Association. Mention of Honor. Fortabat Foundation Award. C.C.C.B.A. Acquisition Award. Telefónica Argentina Award for the Young Painting. Silver Medal. Gunther CAYC (Center of Art and Communication) Silver Medal. Gunther CAYC (Center of Art and Communication) Second Prize. Saint Valery Art Museum. Silver Medal, Salon Nacional de Artes Plasticas

Solo Exhibitions 2015 2013 2012 2011 2008 2006 2003 2002 1998 1996 1993 1991 1990 1987

Antoniadis, Hotel Brick, Buenos Aires Ocaso, installation window Foundation Osde, Buenos Aires Incesantes Avalorios, Consult Panama Art Gallery Contrastes, Matilde Marin – Carolina Antoniadis, Del Infinito Art Gallery Gallery Diego Obligado, Rosario, Argentina Botanical suites , Galeria Expresiones, New London, Connecticut, USA. Bioredes, Gallery Art Consult Panama Jugenstill, Gallery Del Infinito Bs As Bio-Enlaces, Gallery Art Consult Panama Domus Rerencial, Recoleta Cultural Centre, Bs.As Pluscuanperfecto, Del Infinito Art Gallery, Bs As El Delito de la Belleza, Parque España Cultural CentrE. Rosario, Santa Fe. Barroca Anomalía, Patricia Ready Gallery. Santiago de Chile. Perla Irregular, Federico Klemm Foundation. Federico Klemm Foundation. Borges Foundation. Banco Patricios Foundation. Versiones Inversas, CAYC (Center of Art and Communication) Atica Gallery, Buenos Aires Altos de Sarmiento Gallery.

International Fairs and Biennial 2014 2013 2012 2011 2005


ArteBA, Del Infinito Art Gallery, Buenos Aires, Argentina Bienal del Sur – Panama ArteBA, Del Infinito Art Gallery, Buenos Aires, Argentina ArtRio, Del Intinito Art Gallery, Buenos Aires, Argentina ArtBo, Bogota, Colombia ArteBA, Del Infinito Art Gallery, Buenos Aires, Argentina Buenos Aires Photo, Del Infito Art Gallery, Buenos Aires, Argentina ArtBo, Bogota, Colombia Feria Arco, Madrid, España ArteBA, Del Infito Art Gallery, Buenos Aires, Argentina ArteBA, stand del Centro Cultural Parque España, Buenos Aires, Argentina ArteBA, Galeria Del Infito, Buenos Aires, Argentina

Collective Exhibitions 2015

Amor, Casa del Bicentenario . Participation in the Salon Nacional, Premio Banco Nacion, Premio Banco Central Trabucco’s Prize, National Academy of Fine Arts. Premio Banco Provincia


2014 2012 2010

2009 2008 2007

2005 2004

2003 2001

2000 1999 1998

Salón Nacional de Pintura Palais de Glace, Buenos Aires (ARG) Mitominas, Centro Cultural Recoleta, Buenos Aires (ARG) Bosquejar, esbozar, proyectar, curador Santiago Bengolea, Galería Quimera del Arte, Buenos Aires (ARG) Diagonal Sur-Arte Argentino Hoy, Centro Cultural Borges, Buenos Aires (ARG) Participation in the Salon Nacional. Museo Merida Mexico. Trabucco’s Prize, National Academy of Fine Arts. Arte + Historia, Palais de Glacê El tempo, Holz Art Gallery. Parpadeos, Lordi Art Gallery. Selected in the Prize of Banco Nacional. Selected in the Prize of Banco Central. Selected in the Prize of Banco Nacional. Urbanidades, curador Philippe Cyroulnik, Borges Cultural Centre. La espiral de Moebius o los límites de la pintura, curado por Claudia Laudazo. Parque España Cultural Centre, Rosario. Algo azul, algo prestado…, Arte x Arte Gallery, Buenos Aires. Auction of Contemporary Argentine Art, Wussman Gallery, Buenos Aires. ArteBA, Fair of Contemporary Arts, Del Infinito Art Gallery, Buenos Aires. ArteBA, Fair of Contemporary Arts, Stand del Centro Cultural Parque España, Rosario. ArteBA, Fair of Contemporary Arts, Del Infinito Art Gallery, Buenos Aires. Selected in the Foundation of Aerolíneas Argentinas, Borges Cultural Centre. International Art Basel Miami, Dot Fifty One Art Space. Exhibition of the collection MACRO, Rosario. Selected in the Fine Arts National exhibition of Painting, Buenos Aires Selected in Salón municipal Manuel Belgrano. Mention MNBA. Autorretrato, Borges Cultural Centre, with Alicia de Arteaga’ s invitation Selected in the Fine Arts National exhibition of Painting , Palais de Glace, Buenos Aires Selected in the Prize of Banco Ciudad, MNBA. Pintura Contemporánea, MNBA. Selected in the Salón Municipal Manuel Belgrano. International Fair of Arts, Art Miami. 19 Montbeliad Paris Cultural Centre, Paris. Museo de la ciudad Valencia, España. Center of Contemporary Art Catead Carreras, Córdoba. Banco Interamericano de Desarrollo, París - Francia. Selected in the Prize Fortabat, Museo Nacional de Bellas Artes. Selected in the Prize Constantina, Museo Nacional de Bellas Artes. Femenino Plural, Museo Nacional de Bellas Artes. INET- Salón sobre Arte y Tecnología, MNBA. Selected in the Prize Constantina, MNBA.

1997 1996 1996 1995

1994 1993

Fine Arts National exhibition of Painting, Palais de Glace. 3° Prize Avon. Biennial of Cuenca Ecuador. Work Shop at Progresso Foundation, Supported for Fundación Rockefeller, Núcleo Río de Janeiro en la Red, Brasil. Cork Gallery, Lincoln Center New York City. “Opera”. Selected in the Prize of Colección Constantini, MNBA. Honorific Mention, Prize Fundación Fortabat, Selected in the Prize Manuel Belgrano, Museo Sivori, Buenos Aires. Prize Dirección de Museos Salón Hugo del Carril, Museo de Arte Moderno de Bs. As. 20 Años de la Dictadura Militar, Ciudad de Buenos Aires Cultural Center. Prize Asociación Críticos de Arte, Salas Nacionales de Cultura, Palais de Glace. 7 70/80/90. Setenta Artistas de los Años ‘80 y ’90, Borges Cultural Centre. Erotizarte, CCCBA, Prize Gunther , Center of art and communica tion. Embalajes para el cuerpo, Curator Fabiana Barreda, Facultad de Psicología, UBA. Arte Pro-Domo, Vajillas Contemporáneas. Papelera Palermo. Frutos Prohibidos, Curadora Fabiana Barreda, Galería Facultad de Psicología, UBA. Prize Banco Mayorista del Plata, Museo Nacional de Bellas Artes. Salón Municipal Manuel Belgrano, CCCBA. 70/80/90, 70 Artistas Homenaje a los 100 Años del MNBA. Jeune Peinture Espace Eiffel Branly Paris, France. Latín American Art Auction Miami, Florida, Galería Gary Narder. Fair of Arts of Buenos Aires, CCCBA. FABA. Installation “Problemas de genero”, Jornadas de la Critica, Ciudad de Buenos Aires Cultural Centre. Mention in the Prize Inter Soft a la Pintura Contemporánea, Museo Sivori. Prize Federico Klemm, Buenos Aires Cultural Centre. Exhibition Manuel Belgrano, Ciudad de Buenos Aires Cultural Centre Prize Gunther , Center of Art and Communication. National Exhibition of Bahía Blanca. Honorable Consejo Deliberante, Centro Cultural de Buenos Aires. Municipal Exhibition of Fine Arts Manuel Belgrano, Centro Cultural Ciudad de Buenos Aires. Biennial Fortabat, Centro Cultural Ciudad de Buenos Aires. Prize Chandon, MNBA. Fair of Arts of Buenos Aires, Galería Adriana Rosemberg, Centro Cultural Ciudad de Buenos Aires.

1992 1991 1990 1989 1988 1987 1986 1985

Municipal Exhibition Manuel Belgrano, Centro cultural Ciudad de Buenos Aires. Las Voces Emergentes, Harrod´s en el Arte. Prize Gunther , Mention of the Jury, CAYC. La generación del 90, Museo de arte Moderno de Buenos Aires. Fair of Arts of Buenos Aires. ARTE BA. Prize Braque, Museo De Arte Moderno. Muestra de Arte por Artistas, Museo de Arte Moderno. Prize Navarro Correas, Museo de Arte Decorativo. Mural Project for the Municipalidad de Carlos Casares, Pcia. de Buenos Aires, Centro Cultural Ciudad de Buenos Aires. Novos - Novas de Argentina, galería del Instituto Cultural Brasil - Argentina de Río De Janeiro. Prize Gunther, Center of Art and Communication, Medal of silver. Eureka, Galería Álvaro Castagnino. Fine Arts National exhibition, Salas Nacionales de Exposición. Prize Shaw, Academia National Academy of Fine Arts, Centro Cultural Ciudad de Buenos Aires. Las Voces Emergentes, Jornadas de la Crítica. Prize Movado a la for the Young Generation, Shopping Center Spinetto. Member of “El grupo de la X”, with wich she exhibits at Museo Castagnino, Ciudad de Rosario. Museo Sivori Ciudad de Buenos Aires. Prize Saint Valery, second prize, Museo de Arte Decorativo. Nueve Pintores de la Joven Generación, Galería Ruth Benzacar. Exhibition of the Sociedad Hebraica Argentina. Prize Braque, Museo Arte Moderno. Biennial Fortabat, National Exhibition of Fine Arts Salas Nacionales de Exposición, Mention of the Jury. Exhibition Felix Amador, Municipalidad de Vicente López, Mención del jurado. Exhibition Félix Amador, Municipalidad de Vicente López. Exhibition Federico Lanus, Fondo Nacional de las Artes.

Jury 2012 2011 2010

2009 2008

Prize National Exhibition of Banco Nación Prize Fernet Branca for creativity National Exhibition of Painting Prize Itau. National Prize of Painting– Provincia de Rio Negro. Regional Prize of Painting, Sculpture and y Photography, Posadas, Misiones. Project A – Gallery of Contemporary Art. National Exhibition of Painting

CAROLINA ANTONIADIS (+54) (011) 54008494

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