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October 2019

Leaders Among Us Page 11

Published by

Are you cyber safe in public areas? page 8

Find an October event near you page 36


Meet the Women Roofers of Rutherford County —p   age 28 Oct covers.indd 1

9/11/19 4:03 PM

Henry Platt, former president and chairman of Tiffany & Company, called tanzanite

“The most important gemstone discovery in over 2,000 years.” “This ring is incredibly beautiful - the pictures do not do it justice! - well worth the price.”

2 Carats of Genuine Tanzanite

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“I am very pleased with this ring. The sparkle is amazing. I highly recommend.”

ONLY $59 Save Nearly $300!

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African Gem Cutter Makes $2,689,000 Mistake...Will You?


his story breaks my heart every time. Allegedly, just two years after the discovery of tanzanite in 1967, a Maasai tribesman knocked on the door of a gem cutter’s office in Nairobi. The Maasai had brought along an enormous chunk of tanzanite and he was looking to sell. His asking price? Fifty dollars. But the gem cutter was suspicious and assumed that a stone so large could only be glass. The cutter told the tribesman, no thanks, and sent him on his way. Huge mistake. It turns out that the gem was genuine and would have easily dwarfed the world’s largest cut tanzanite at the time. Based on common pricing, that “chunk” could have been worth close to $3,000,000! The tanzanite gem cutter missed his chance to hit the jeweler’s jackpot...and make history. Would you have made the same mistake then? Will you make it today? In the decades since its discovery, tanzanite has become one of the world’s most coveted gemstones. Found in only one remote place on Earth (in Tanzania’s Merelani Hills, in the shadow of Mount Kilimanjaro), the precious purple stone is 1,000 times rarer than diamonds. Luxury retailers have been quick to sound the alarm, warning that supplies of tanzanite will not last forever. And in this case, they’re right. Once the last purple gem is pulled from the Earth, that’s it. No more tanzanite. Most believe that we only have a twenty year supply left, which is why it’s so amazing for us to offer this incredible price break. Some retailers along Fifth Avenue are more than happy to charge you outrageous prices for this rarity. Not Stauer. Staying true to our contrarian nature, we’ve decided to lower the price of one of the world’s rarest and most popular gemstones.

Our 2-total carat Sunburst Tanzanite Ring features marquise-cut gems set dramatically in gorgeous sterling silver. Each facet sparkles with the distinct violet-blue hue of the precious stones. Behind the shine you’ll find that the exquisite silverwork of the setting calls to mind the detailed treasures being produced by Europe’s finest jewelers. This is a ring designed to impress and it does not disappoint. Now is the point where opportunity knocks. If you open that door today, you can own this spectacular ring for less than $60. If you wait? We can’t say for sure. LIMITED AVAILABILITY. We can’t guarantee our supplies will last long. In fact, we only have 1200, 954 left for this ad only. Of course, your satisfaction is 100% guaranteed. If you are not completely aglow with the Sunburst Tanzanite Ring, send it back within 30 days for a prompt and courteous refund of the item price. But, please don’t wait, our supply is dropping rapidly. Sunburst Genuine Tanzanite Ring (2 ctw) $349† $59 + S&P

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9/10/19 12:15 PM

Volume 51, No. 10



Favorites 4 Viewpoints 6 More Power 26 Energy Sense 30 Carolina People 34 Carolina Gardens 36 Carolina Compass 38 Classifieds 39 Marketplace 40 Carolina Kitchen 42 Where is This? 42 Featured Photo

On the Cover Four County EMC member Randolph Keaton heads up Men and Women United for Youth and Families, a nonprofit empowering residents of Bladen, Brunswick and Columbus counties. Read more about rural leaders starting on page 11. Photo by John Urban, Blue Sky Photography.


11 18 28 32

Leaders Among Us

Individuals across rural NC are stepping up to do great things.

‘Love Who You Are’

A springtime summit equips Hispanic students with knowledge and self-confidence.

The Charitable Women Roofers of Rutherford County

A volunteer group is committed to helping neighbors stay dry.

My Molasses-Making Mother And other things you remember.


Carolina Country Scenes Our annual photo contest is just around the corner. Send in your best to be considered for our January issue. See page 38 for details.

October 2019  | 3

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Celebrating Rural Leadership By Patrick Woodie

Thriving rural communities church. It is the story of the chief at Our flagship leadership developneed leadership that is inclusive, the volunteer fire department. It is the ment program, the Rural Economic connected, informed and creative. owner of the local small business. It is Development Institute (REDI), is a But we know leaders are not born the city council member. Every day in statewide program that trains rural fully formed. They are developed out leaders to examine their communities communities across this state people of necessity. They are nurtured by and regions through a comprehensive, are leading and working without recogthose who came before them. They nition to build a better future for their community economic development are supported by their neighbors families and their neighbors. However, lens. The program instills the tools and communities. And, perhaps most of those humble and hardworkand skills needed to create a collecmost importantly, they should be ing individuals might never think of tive vision and to build upon existing celebrated and recognized by us all. themselves as a “leader.” But they are, capacity to create sustainable change. Developing skilled leadand we want to help them ers who are fully resourced their full potential and Today’s rural leaders are ushering in a reach is essential for the future connect with other rural new era of innovation and growth. successes of rural North leaders across the state. Carolina. At the NC Rural Today’s rural leaders are Center, we know that established ushering in a new era of innovation Through our Homegrown Leaders and emerging rural leaders — those and growth, and though these lead(HGL) program, we take leadership who believe in the potential of the ers are breaking new ground in their development into the field and places they call home, who are ready communities, we have to ask “what challenge participants to develop a to build stronger economies in their broader and deeper regional approach more can we do?” and “who will lead local communities, and who will not tomorrow?” Let’s work together to to rural economic development and shy away from the challenges that lie leadership advancement. Homegrown empower the current and future ahead — are the greatest asset a comrural leaders with the support and Leaders creates a space for local munity has to leverage. resources they, and their communileaders to train alongside other leadAt its core, leadership is a commuties, need to be successful. ers from across their region, in their nity investment. The fertile ground for region, while building the partnerContact us. Let us know how we future leadership requires a commuships and shared knowledge necessary can help. If we aren’t the right organinity working together to create a space to reach across county lines and work zation for you or your community, we that embraces newcomers, values, will work to connect you with the best together toward a common vision. diverse perspectives, and encourages partner for your own place. Counting both REDI and HGL mentorship. Truly effective leaders are graduates, the Rural Center now has a Our state is better when all our the ones who can bring together comstatewide network of more than 1,300 community spark plugs are firing at munity assets and inspire innovation; their full potential. Help us identify leadership alumni working in our who can foster a community will for who those spark plugs are today and small towns and rural communities. more representative leadership and a who they will be tomorrow. The NC The feature story starting on page collective stewardship for the future. Rural Center is ready to work with 11 of this issue celebrates just a few For 30 years, leadership developyou and your community to help our of the hundreds of inspiring stories ment has been at the core of the Rural of our rural leadership alumni. Their state grow and thrive. Center’s mission, and we have develdedication to their communities and Patrick Woodie is president of the oped a variety of programs to support regions is unwavering. We are proud nonprofit NC Rural Center. the vision and dedication of these to stand alongside them, to support leaders — these “spark plugs” who them, their towns, and their regions Visit ncruralcenter.org for more ignite local innovation — in the work in reaching their full potential. information about leadership programs they do in their communities, counBut their stories are your stories. It in and near your community. ties and regions. is the story of the deacon at your local 4  |  carolinacountry.com

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9/10/19 3:16 PM



Homegrown Leadership What does it mean to be a leader? Oftentimes it doesn’t take much for someone to make a difference —j  ust a little extra time helping others. But some devote their lives to making a difference in their communities and beyond. In this issue you’ll meet leaders, some seasoned, some up-and-coming, and learn how they’re working to make rural North Carolina the best it can be. —Scott Gates, editor

Sweet Corn vs. Field Corn In the September issue article about hemp (“New Laws, New Promise for Hemp,” page 14), a source made a comment that I want to correct. The comment that compared sweet corn versus field corn (the source said you wouldn’t serve field corn) is wrong! Everyone, at least true country people, knows that you can, and we do eat field corn. There’s a three-day window in which you can pick field corn and it tastes just as awesome — if not better than— sweet corn. In those three days you can put up a lot of field corn — can it, freeze it, etc. My point is that people do eat it, especially if you were raised on a farm. Jennifer Barr, Bladenboro, A member of Four County EMC

An Historic Original In regards to “Life Along the Water” (September 2019, page 27), Washington, North Carolina, has always been called The Original Washington, NOT “Little” Washington. We have a bronze marker on Bridge Street/ Highway 17 that has been there for at least 40 years saying this. Native Washingtonians hate it being called this! Judy Cassano, Washington, A member of Tideland EMC Editor’s Note: Thank you, Judy, and apologies to Washingtonians! The town took its present name in 1776 and was the first in America to be named for General George Washington, earning it the moniker of The Original Washington.

Watermelon Calling I read the June 2019 article on “Mighty Fine Watermelons” (page 28) and I cannot tell you how strongly this particular article ‘spoke’ to me. So much so that I have determined that growing watermelons in Bogue Sound is what I am supposed to do when I retire. This is several years out so I have plenty of time to plan, but I am already scaring my husband with all the talk about my plans because I am very serious about this! I appreciate your magazine and all the interesting articles in it from all around the state. I now have a purpose for my golden years. So, in a few years, come by and purchase one of these mighty fine watermelons from me :) Melissa Whittington, Randleman, A member of Randolph EMC

(ISSN 0008-6746) (USPS 832800)

Read monthly in more than 700,000 homes Published monthly by

3400 Sumner Blvd., Raleigh, NC 27616 919-875-3091 carolinacountry.com Warren Kessler Publications Director Scott Gates, CCC Editor Renee C. Gannon, CCC Senior Associate Editor Karen Olson House Contributing Editor Tara Verna Creative Director Erin Binkley Digital Media Tom Siebrasse Advertising tom@carolinacountry.com Joseph P. Brannan Executive Vice President & CEO Nelle Hotchkiss Senior Vice President & COO North Carolina’s electric cooperatives provide reliable, safe and affordable electric service to 1 million homes and businesses. The 26 electric cooperatives are each member-owned, not-for-profit and overseen by a board of directors elected by the membership. Why Do We Send You Carolina Country Magazine? Your cooperative sends you Carolina Country as a convenient, economical way to share with its members information about services, director elections, meetings and management decisions. The magazine also carries legal notices that otherwise would be published in other media at greater cost. Your co-op’s board of directors authorizes a subscription to Carolina Country on behalf of the membership at a cost of less than $5 per year. Has your address changed? Carolina Country magazine is available monthly to members of North Carolina’s electric cooperatives. If you are a member of one of these cooperatives but do not receive Carolina Country, you may request a subscription by calling Member Services at the office of your cooperative. If your address has changed, please inform your cooperative. Subscriptions: Individual subscriptions, $12 per year. $20 outside U.S.A. Schools, libraries, $6. Carolina Country is available on digital cartridge as a courtesy of volunteer services at the N.C. Department of Cultural Resources, Library for the Blind and Physically Handicapped, Raleigh, N.C. 888-388-2460. Advertising published in Carolina Country is accepted on the premise that the merchandise and services offered are accurately described and willingly sold to customers at the advertised price. The magazine, North Carolina Association of Electric Cooperatives, Inc., and the member cooperatives do not necessarily endorse the products or services advertised. Advertising that does not conform to these standards or that is deceptive or misleading is never knowingly accepted. Should you encounter advertising that does not comply with these standards, please inform Carolina Country at P.O. Box 27306, Raleigh, NC 27611. 919-875-3091. Carolina Country magazine is a member of American MainStreet Publications that collectively reach more than 27 million readers every month.

Contact us Phone: 919-875-3091 Fax: 919-878-3970 Mail: 3400 Sumner Blvd. Raleigh, NC 27616

Web: carolinacountry.com Email: editor@carolinacountry.com

Change of Address: carolinacountry.com/address Experiencing a power outage? Please contact your electric co-op directly to ensure prompt service. Visit carolinacountry.com/co-ops to find yours online.

Periodicals postage paid at Raleigh, N.C., and additional mailing offices. Editorial offices: 3400 Sumner Blvd., Raleigh, N.C. 27616. Carolina Country® is a registered trademark of the North Carolina Association of Electric Cooperatives, Inc. POSTMASTER: Send all UAA to CFS. (See DMM 707.4.12.5); NON-POSTAL AND MILITARY FACILITIES: send address corrections to Carolina Country, P.O. Box 27306, Raleigh, NC 27611. All content © Carolina Country unless otherwise indicated.

October 2019  | 5

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More Power

Co-op Lineworkers Continue to Hone Skills at Nash Community College It takes highly trained and skilled lineworkers to meet the mission of North Carolina’s electric cooperatives — to provide safe, reliable and affordable power to their members. A program that started in 1998 continues to be valuable training in advancing electric lineworkers as they progress in their career to do just that. Six electric cooperative linemen recently completed advanced education work in Nash Community College’s Electric Lineman Technology program, and a Haywood EMC employee earned an associate degree in 2018. Teamwork and consistent training are benefits for these students as they train with peers from sister cooperatives throughout the program. The program includes courses with both classroom content and practical, hands-on objectives. The specially designed training field built by North Carolina’s Electric Cooperatives serves as a controlled environment that allows individuals to increase skills that are directly applicable to work they’re doing back home with their individual cooperatives. They learn skills such as overhead line construction, underground line construction and the National Electrical Safety Code. Beyond classes in line work and energy management, they can take courses toward an associate degree ranging from writing and math to critical thinking, computers and communication. Since the program began, 22 co-op linemen have graduated with an associate degree. The program is supported entirely by the electric cooperatives, but is also attended by linemen from Duke Energy and the municipal electric systems. In 2019, approximately 400 co-op employees attended the NC Electric Cooperatives’ Job Training & Safety Technical Training Schools at the Rocky Mount-based community college. —Farris Leonard, North Carolina’s Electric Cooperatives

Associates Degree Haywood EMC David Mehaffey

Summer 2019 Advanced Certificate Recipients (17 Course-Hour Credits)

Blue Ridge Energy Ethan Sluder

Randolph EMC Timothy Williamson

Jones-Onslow EMC Jeremi Magers Shane Rich

Sandhills Utility Services Travis Byrd

Summer 2019 Third Class Recipients (16 Course-Hour Credits)

Surry-Yadkin EMC Nick Newman

October is National Co-op Month

Butler Farms Microgrid, Harnett County

A collaborative project by South River EMC, North Carolina’s Electric Cooperatives and Butler Farms

North Carolina’s electric cooperatives are creating a brighter energy future for the communities and people we serve.

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9/10/19 3:43 PM


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9/10/19 12:15 PM

More Power

Stay Cyber Safe in Public Areas October is National Cyber Security Awareness Month, although it takes a year-round effort to stay cyber safe. When accessing public networks at places like restaurants, airports and libraries, keep these 10 tips in mind: 1. Before you connect to any public wireless hotspot, be sure to confirm the name of the network and exact login procedures with appropriate staff to ensure that the network is legitimate. 2. Avoid conducting sensitive activities, such as online shopping, banking or other sensitive work, using a public wireless network. 3. Whether in a public place or at home, only use sites that begin with https:// (instead of http://) when online shopping or banking — this indicates that whatever information sent between the user and the website is encrypted, or more difficult for cyber criminals to read. 4. Get into the habit of locking your device when you are not using it. Even if you only step away for a few minutes, that is enough time for someone to steal or destroy your information. 5. Use strong PINs and passwords.

6. Use caution when downloading or clicking on any unknown links. Delete emails that are suspicious or are from unknown sources. 7. Disable remote connectivity and Bluetooth on your devices when in public areas so that you only connect to wireless and Bluetooth networks when you want to. 8. Using the mobile network connection on your phone is generally more secure than using a public wireless network. 9. To prevent theft and unauthorized access or loss of sensitive information, never leave your mobile devices, including any USB or external storage devices, unattended in a public place. 10. In public places (including hotel rooms), charge devices using only a plug-to-outlet charger. USB chargers in public areas can be hacked to access data on your device. — U.S. Department of Homeland Security

App Connects Visitors with NC Farms Where do you go to find fresh local produce? The Visit NC Farms phone app, developed by the NC Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services, is working to answer that question. Using cell phone technology, residents and visitors to an area can find farms closest to them with products and activities that interest them. The app can be used to explore farms, farmers markets and local restaurants that are off the beaten path and unique to each community. It’s a growing resource, with just over a dozen counties currently represented.

Want to use the app? It’s free to download for Apple and Android phones. Search for “Visit NC Farms” in the App Store or Google Play. Want your community in the app? Visit visitncfarmstoday.com/ partners for more information about creating an inventory of assets in your community to be included in the app.

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Checking What’s Under the Hood We recently received a comment from a reader about the electric vehicle (EV) graphic from our September 2019 issue (“What Makes EVs Tick,” page 6). The graphic points out components of an EV engine, including a “DC/DC Converter.”


Shouldn’t this be an AC/DC converter?

Stephen Rusk, Elkin, A member of Surry-Yadkin EMC


Thank you for the question —  the simple answer is that this is not a mistake. DC/DC converters are used to change voltages for different needs in the system (such as a higher voltage for the electric motor or lower voltage for electrical accessories). Without such a converter, the modern EV wouldn’t be possible! (You can learn more about that online at bit.ly/ran-ev, or read the paper at bit.ly/intech-dc if you want to get really techy.) While there is also AC to DC conversion taking place, this is handled by the onboard charger. I hope this helps!

Pat Keegan, regular contributor of Carolina Country’s Energy Sense column

October 2019  | 9

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Supporting North Carolina’s future. For 25 years, electric cooperatives in North Carolina have energized classroom learning through Bright Ideas grants. Join us in celebrating more than 600 teachers set to receive Bright Ideas grants this fall, as well as the impact their grants will have on students! Learn more at ncbrightideas.com.

Powering and empowering the people and communities we serve.

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Individuals across rural NC are stepping up to do great things Profiles courtesy of the NC Rural Center | Photos by Logan Cyrus


n communities throughout North Carolina, individuals are hard at work to make their piece of the world a better place. Some are easy to spot: teachers, church leaders and elected officials who stand out above the rest. Others may be working behind the scenes, quietly supporting projects and organizations to make their communities the best they can be. But all are leaders, and all are vital assets to making rural North Carolina great. The NC Rural Center is one organization that seeks to foster this kind of leadership across the state (see “Celebrating Rural Leadership,” page 4). For one, its nearly 30-year-old Rural Economic Development Institute (REDI) brings together rural leaders and emerging leaders each year to examine their communities through a comprehensive, asset-driven lens. REDI offers participants the opportunity to learn collaborative

leadership skills and rural development strategies to help them return home and make a meaningful difference in their rural communities. Homegrown Leaders, an extension of REDI, launched in 2016 and takes a regional approach to rural economic development and leadership advancement. Homegrown Leaders addresses the need for high-quality, professional and economic development training that equips community leaders with the skills they need to lead long-term economic advancement in their community and region. The REDI program alone has nearly 1,200 alumni located throughout the state, applying what they’ve learned and the connections they’ve made to improve the lives of those back home in their communities. The following pages highlight efforts from just a few of those alumni.

Visit ncruralcenter.org/leadership for more information about the REDI and Homegrown Leaders programs. October 2019  | 11

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“ c t o o a c d

“If our rural communities are going to thrive,

we have to start with our young people.”

Making a Difference on Dream Avenue On any given weekday, in an unassuming building on Dream Avenue in Delco, men and women face computer screens to fill out job applications. They sign up for GED classes and computer training. They meet with corporate recruiters. They plan out new futures for themselves and their families. This is the scene at the Tri-County Job Center, just one initiative of Men and Women United for Youth and Families, a small nonprofit organization that seeks to empower people who live in its three-county service area. “We serve as a hub,” says Executive Director Randolph Keaton, a member of Four County EMC. “In our rural

communities, we are proud of the fact that we have hard-working people. We come from that place.” As its name suggests, Randolph’s nonprofit also focuses on growing young leaders for these communities. Its youth outreach program serves teens between the ages of 14 and 19, offering leadership and life coaching, entrepreneurship programs, and mentorship. “If you work with them and say, ‘What do you like most in your community, and if you were a leader, what would you work on to change?’ they operate from a different place,” Randolph says. “They start to want to be more involved.”

Randolph Keaton Where you’ll find him Delco, serving residents of Bladen, Brunswick and Columbus counties What he’s up to Executive Director, Men and Women United for Youth and Families Rural Center training REDI 2014 graduate Read more Go to bit.ly/rc-randolph for more about his work, or visit menandwomenunited.org to learn about his organization.

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“Even with a similar challenge shared through more than one community, each of those communities approached that challenge in a somewhat different way …

there’s not just one right way of doing things.”

Bridging Small Town Cultural Divides Bryan Thompson started his career in local government more than 10 years ago as town manager of Mount Gilead in Montgomery County. He’s since also served as town manager of Erwin, in Harnett County, and Siler City, in Chatham County. Given Siler City’s large, multigenerational Hispanic population, it was there that Bryan saw language and cultural differences as potential barriers to good communication between the town government and the community. So he and his colleagues got creative. For starters, Bryan and other community leaders participated in Go Global NC’s Latino Initiative. The program, run through the UNC System, connects local leaders to

a better understanding of their Hispanic communities, including through a weeklong visit to Mexico. “It gave us a better sense of who this portion of our community is as a people,” Bryan explains. Other initiatives included an assessment of the community and its needs by the UNC Center for Global Studies’ Building Integrated Communities program, as well as small group conversations in Hispanic neighborhoods throughout town, where Bryan and residents could meet to discuss town services and the role the town can play in their lives. “There are varying creative or even practical ways to address a thing, whatever that thing is, that issue, that

challenge, that stumbling block, to get from where you are to where you as a community envision yourself to be,” Bryan says. “There’s not one way to get there.”

Bryan Thompson Where you’ll find him Chatham County What he’s up to Assistant County Manager for Chatham County Rural Center training REDI 2008 graduate Read more Visit bit.ly/rc-bryan for more about his work in Siler City.

October 2019  | 13

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“We have a saying about working from sunrise to sunset, but

these guys work from before the sun rises and they stop after the sun sets.”

Hope through Healthcare Shortly after immigrating from Monterrey, Mexico, to the United States with his family in 1998, Jesus Padilla had an experience that planted a seed. At a restaurant in Texas, he attempted to order food for his travel-weary mother and siblings. But he couldn’t read the menu, and a local refused to help translate. “I made a promise to the Lord,” Jesus says today. “I said, ‘If you help me learn this language, and if people need help, I’ll be more than willing to help them.’” As the outreach coordinator for the Ashe & Allegheny Farmworker Health Program, Jesus is living out that promise. He serves a Hispanic population facing chronic and acute health challenges. Many of the agricultural workers he serves spend part of the year harvesting Western North

Carolina’s prized Christmas trees. But when they get hurt or sick, they often turn to him. He interprets during medical appointments, translates forms and helps with case management to ensure clients receive the best possible health care. But the challenges he faces in his work are profound. Many of his clients are sick or injured but haven’t sought the care they need because of language or transportation barriers, a lack of after-hours service, or misinformation found on the internet. Many cannot afford expensive medical care. Some are contemplating moving back to their home countries because they are so despondent about their medical conditions. Through his work, Jesus provides hope. He and a colleague serve 500 to

600 people a year, and they’re seeking to secure more grant funding to bring on another caseworker to serve another 300 clients annually. “My purpose,” he says, “is to serve other people.”

Jesus Padilla Where you’ll find him Sparta, serving residents of Ashe and Allegheny counties What he’s up to Outreach Coordinator for the Ashe & Allegheny Farmworker Health Program Rural Center training REDI 2018 graduate Read more Visit bit.ly/rc-jesus for more about his work.

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CC10-wk.indd 15



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9/11/19 4:44 PM

“I’m all about leadership. I teach it, learn it, swim in it.

I can’t get enough.” —Megan Reyes

Kathryn Jenkins (left) and Megan Reyes

Empowering Local Businesses Kathryn Jenkins and Megan Reyes followed different paths to Murphy in Cherokee County. Kathryn came from Georgia to run a downtown outfitter store with her husband. Megan moved to town from Colorado in 2015 to consult on workforce and economic development. But the pair clicked when they met, each seeking ways to empower business owners in their community. They collaborated on soft skills training for business owners and on summits about marketing and leadership. Among the projects they tackled was one of Kathryn’s longstanding priorities—the establishment of a downtown business association. The organization would serve to facilitate economic development through events and other activities that draw people into downtown Murphy. The idea was met with enthusiasm by a

crop of downtown business owners. “They were like, ‘Yes, let’s do this, but we need some help getting it off the ground,’” Kathryn recalls. After weeks of meeting with the pair, the business owners began to formalize their work and the Murphy Business Association was born. In 2018, it hosted the first Murphy Spring Festival, complete with live music and a beer garden downtown. Last December it held the inaugural Very Murphy Christmas celebration. Nearly one thousand locals and tourists attended the event. “They were able to pull off things that have never been possible before,” Kathryn says. “It was unheard of. It was a dream that I had that I felt passionate about, but it was truly a team effort, and I’m so delighted that it got off the ground.”

Kathryn Jenkins & Megan Reyes Where you’ll find them Murphy, primarily serving business owners in Cherokee, Clay, and Graham counties What they’re up to Kathryn is Director of the Tri-County Community College’s Small Business Center; Megan is President and CEO of ROTOR Consulting Rural Center training REDI graduates, 2016 (Kathryn) and 2017 (Megan) Read more Visit bit.ly/rc-kathryn_megan for more about their work.

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CC10-wk.indd 17

9/10/19 12:15 PM

‘Love Who


Spring summit equips Hispanic students with knowledge and self-confidence By Tina Vasquez

The buses lined up outside of NC State University came from 31 counties, but most were from rural areas — and this was by design. For 20 years, the North Carolina Society of Hispanic Professionals (NCSHP) has made it its mission to promote education among Latino youth, specifically performing outreach in rural communities where Latino students have fewer resources. Each spring, these efforts culminate in the Hispanic Educational Summit, a daylong event filled with presentations and workshops. More than 650 middle and high school students attended the March 29 event, where the overarching goal was to inspire Latino students to graduate and pursue higher education. “There aren’t a lot of resources in rural communities for Hispanic students, and if there are, young people don’t know where to find them or where to look,” says NCSHP Director Caroline Oliveira. “That’s why it’s so amazing to see them at this conference.”

Covering critical topics

Inside the conference, Latino teens with southern accents speak rapid-fire Spanglish with their classmates as teachers and volunteers usher them into workshops. “Pásale caballero, sin miedo,” one teacher encourages

“We know these kids go through a lot to access higher education, whether that’s navigating immigration issues or figuring out financial aid as the first person in their family to go to college.”

a teenage boy, who awkwardly peers inside a quickly filling classroom. Caroline is seemingly everywhere during the event, making sure things go smoothly — including the surprise mariachi performance that accompanies the lunch Chickfil-A donated to the students. She says her organization handpicks the schools whose students are invited to the yearly event, based on the demographics of their county, whether the school is located in a rural area, and if students from that county have previously attended and benefited from the conference. “They learn to communicate what they need help with, they network, they ask a lot of questions of the colleges that table at the event,” Caroline explains. “We know these kids go through a lot to access higher education, whether that’s navigating immigration issues or figuring out financial aid as the first person in their family to go to college.” Presentations cover critical topics for these students, including “The Power of Bilingualism in School and Work” and “Immigration Options for Youth and Their Families.”

Deep roots, lean resources

According to Census data estimates, the Hispanic population of nearly 30 of North Carolina’s 100 counties grew by 25 percent or more between 2010 and 2017, a trend that began in the 1980s when Latino immigrants began to migrate to the state in search of economic opportunities. Despite the deep roots these families have developed in

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“For many students, the conference is often the first time they hear that being bilingual and bicultural is an asset.” the state, education remains tenuous for Latinos, who have the lowest degree attainment rates in North Carolina. The federal immigration program Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) certainly helps young, undocumented people by allowing them to live and work in the United States without fear of deportation. But North Carolina’s more than 25,000 DACA recipients, considered international students, still have to pay out-of-state tuition to attend college, including community college — on average almost three times the amount as in-state tuition. Cost was a deterrent for almost all of the students Carolina Country spoke with at the conference, no matter their immigration status. It should come as no surprise that one of the most anticipated events at the conference is the scholarship ceremony, in which NCSHP’s North Carolina Hispanic College Fund awards thousands of dollars to North Carolina graduates to continue their education. This year, more than $61,000 was handed out to prospective college students.

A path forward

Dalila De Abreu, an English as a Second Language teacher at Monroe Middle School in Monroe, went to the conference with 27 students, including 13-year-old Marlene Patino, who said getting invited to the event felt “intimidating,” but she decided to attend because she cares about her future. “I want to study medicine at Harvard,” Marlene says. “I worry about how I will do that, and what it will cost me, but I know it’s what I want to do.” For motivated students like Marlene, there were countless opportunities to get an early glimpse into potential careers, especially for young people interested in STEM fields. Representatives from Cisco, IBM, and other companies participated in panels and recruiting events. There

were even workshops geared toward helping high school students get ahead of the college curve, including one led by community college teachers about how many community colleges in the state now enable high school students to work toward obtaining their associate degree through dual enrollment programs. According to Arisha Guerra, communications and marketing intern for NCSHP, there is no downplaying the difference the Hispanic Educational Summit can make in the life of a young Latino student attending high school in rural North Carolina. It may be the first time they feel at ease being themselves, and for many students, the conference is often the first time they hear that being bilingual and bicultural is an asset. One of Arisha’s most beloved memories of the conference was watching NCSHP’s director lead kids in the chant, “I love who I am!” Arisha’s introduction to the organization came six years ago, when she was a high school student attending the conference. The intern, who is Guatemalan and Peruvian, says she’s proud to be Latina, but remembers what it was like to look different from your classmates and come from a different cultural context. Getting through high school can be hard, she explains, and tackling college can seem insurmountable. “It feels kind of full circle to now be working with NCSHP, and being here today is really fulfilling,” she says. “We [Latinos] still have to fight for our education, and this conference sort of helps kick down some of the doors for kids.” Tina Vasquez is a Carolina Country contributing editor originally from Los Angeles. She is currently based in Winston-Salem, where she is a journalist and researcher.

Visit thencshp.org for more information about the summit and other resources from the North Carolina Society of Hispanic Professionals.

October 2019  | 19

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9/10/19 11:53 AM


. p U e rv e S . p U k a e p S . p U d n ta S

In June, when summer was in full swing,

General Assembly by participating in

give back and serve while visiting and

more than 135 4-H’ers and adults

a mock General Assembly session.

working with a variety of service sites

representing 45 4-H programs across

The three-day conference includes

across Wake County.

the state attended Citizenship North

a visit to the North Carolina General

Carolina Focus. Youth delegates

Assembly, where delegates have a

Focus is sponsored by North Carolina’s

who attend this annual conference are

chance to meet and talk with their

Electric Cooperatives. North Carolina

encouraged to develop their leader-

elected officials. Delegates who attend

4-H is Cooperative Extension’s youth

ship and citizenship skills through

the conference also had a chance to

development program.

4-H Citizenship North Carolina

participation in workshops and group sessions. By gathering to exchange ideas, delegates gain knowledge and learn through hands on experiences about the importance of being an active and engaged citizen. This was reflected through this year’s conference theme: Stand Up. Speak Up. Serve Up. Delegates who attend also have the opportunity to hear dynamic speakers that encourage and promote youth advocacy and youth voice. Attendees learn about North Carolina state government and the North Carolina

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Carolina Living

Clever Parenting Six play activities to help children improve their behavior

When children misbehave, there’s often a reason for it, according to experts, who point out that understanding the behaviors can help you manage them more effectively, especially during playtime. "Our bodies want to be in balance and, ideally, we seek out what we need when we need it. When we are hungry, we eat. When we are thirsty, we drink. But when it comes to children whose sensory and nervous systems don’t process efficiently or effectively, this restorative balance may simply look like bad or undesired behavior,” says Ellen Metrick, a toy design consultant who has a background in special education During playtime, children who are understimulated may seek out sensory stimulation by spinning around repeatedly or intentionally banging into walls or even other children. Children who are overstimulated may get agitated and retreat from sensory stimulation by crawling under tables. “While playtime is when some of these behaviors may be exhibited, it’s also a chance for parents and caretakers to help children regulate their sensory system,” Ellen says. “Remember that every individual is different, and if something isn’t working for your child, you can tweak the activity to fit his or her needs.” Whether your child requires more noise and excitement to satisfy energy needs or less to reduce feelings of anxiety and stress, there are ways to cater to those individual needs. Here are six ideas from Ellen and The Genius of Play, an initiative which raises awareness about the importance of play.


If your child craves more sensory stimulation, consider having these activities.


Climb on a jungle gym. Hanging on monkey bars and climbing ladders use a child’s own body as resistance to send signals to the brain and help organize the nervous system.


Have a dance party. Games like freeze-dance and musical chairs add structure and auditory processing. Children receive feedback from their muscles and joints with every step they take.


Pop some bubbles. Jumping up and down on a sheet of bubble wrap is fun and the deep pressure will trigger sensory receptors, telling the brain how to control movement and balance.


For children who need less distraction, these ideas can help kids focus.


Tone down the sound. Removing extraneous sounds, such as music, television and the whirring of a washing machine, lessen distracting stimuli and improve the child’s focus and engagement.


Play at a table. Using a placemat or cookie sheet under a toy or activity at an empty table provides visual boundaries for focused play. It helps to have feet firmly planted on the ground, rather than dangling, so consider using a child-sized play table.


Create a quiet area. Adding soft pillows and blankets to a cozy corner gives children a soothing space to seek respite from environmental stimuli. —Statepoint.net

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Carolina Living

Invite the Outdoors In Enjoy nature’s benefits inside your home

Despite the comfort and convenience it affords, modern society is contributing to a vanishing relationship with the natural environment. A gap is growing between the time Americans spend outdoors and the time they’d like to spend in nature, according to a survey commissioned by the Velux Group.


n the United States, 63% of survey participants said they average one hour or less a week in nature, but 88% agreed they would like to spend more time. In addition, the majority of respondents said they believe nature, daylight and fresh air have a positive impact on stress levels. In summary, the study revealed a common theme, with 85% of participants believing they spent more time in nature as children than children do today. The trend carried over into adult habits, too, with adults unable to fit outdoor time into their busy schedules. One positive way to counteract this modern trend is to create earthy connections through home decorating and design. Here are some ideas to do just that. Houseplants Living plants are not only beautiful, they also help clean the air inside your home. In smaller spaces, even a few pots of herbs can add a welcome touch. If flat surfaces and floor space are at a premium, use your wall space and incorporate shelving and wall-mounted planters. Sunshine and fresh air Bringing natural light and fresh air inside can keep your space fresh and inviting. Refreshing the air can help eliminate volatile organic compounds, pet dander and microparticles from cooking and cleaning. If your home is lacking in natural light, consider enlarging a window or adding a window or skylight. It’s worth

noting that skylights bring in more light than vertical windows; their angle allows more of the sun’s rays to reach farther into the room. Some skylight manufacturers, including Velux, offer venting options. Research installation options and energy efficiency impacts of skylights before committing. Learn more at bit.ly/cc-skylight. Nature-inspired art Studies have shown that simply viewing photos or paintings of nature scenes has mental and physical benefits. Examples of art influenced by Mother Nature include photographs and paintings of animals, trees, rivers, mountains and beaches. You can also use decorative mirrors to reflect natural light and make a space feel larger and brighter. Botanically inspired patterns Look to pillows, area rugs, stencils and wallpaper to incorporate patterns inspired by flowers, foliage or landscapes. These decorative elements can boost your spirits by reflecting the outdoor world. Natural materials Sisal rugs and baskets, wood planking and stone side tables add touches of the natural world. These materials let you incorporate nature into your design aesthetic with textures that look stylish and feel good, too. —FamilyFeatures.com

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9/10/19 11:42 AM

Carolina Living

Co-op Month Crossword October is National Co-op Month! Complete the crossword puzzle below to learn about ways co-ops are unique.



1 4

1 Down: Co-ops are organizations and businesses, so they understand the communities they serve. 2 Down: Co-ops don’t have customers; they have . 3 Down: All co-ops operate according to the same set of seven cooperative . 4 Across: “Concern for seventh cooperative principle.

” is the

5 Across: Co-ops are members they serve.

by the


Answers: 1: LOCAL 2: MEMBERS 3: PRINCIPLES 4: COMMUNITY 5: OWNED October 2019  | 23

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9/11/19 2:31 PM

Carolina Living

Roasted Mushroom Wheat Berry Salad

Mighty Mushrooms Tasty, sustainable eating made easy


ow more than ever, folks want to know how their food is produced and what impact it has on the environment. This is commonly referred to as “sustainable eating,” and its popularity is growing. Known for their rich, umami flavor and nutritional benefits, mushrooms are recognized for their environmental sustainability. (Or, to put it another way—mushrooms are savory, healthful and gentle on the planet.) According to The Mushroom Council, they are grown in beds of composted agricultural materials. They don’t need light to grow, and producing one pound of mushrooms uses only 1.8 gallons of water. Not to mention that just one acre of land can produce up to 1 million pounds of mushrooms. With so many varieties to choose from, it’s simple to incorporate them into a variety of dishes. This mushroom avocado toast can be a quick breakfast or snack, and the mushroom wheat berry salad is a flavorful side dish. Visit mushroomcouncil.com for more recipes.

8 ounces white button mushrooms, halved 1 tablespoon extra-virgin olive oil ½ teaspoon kosher salt ¼ teaspoon ground black pepper 2 cups cooked wheat berries, warm* 2 green onions, sliced 2 tablespoons dried cranberries, chopped

Dressing 2 tablespoons extra-virgin olive oil 2 tablespoons fresh orange juice 1 teaspoon curry powder ¼ teaspoon kosher salt

Heat oven to 400 degrees. Place mushrooms on baking sheet. Drizzle with olive oil and sprinkle with salt and pepper. Toss to coat. Bake 10 minutes. Carefully stir mushrooms and bake 5 minutes until tender. Transfer mushrooms to medium bowl. Add wheat berries, green onions and cranberries. For dressing, in small bowl, whisk olive oil, orange juice, curry powder and salt; pour over salad. Toss to mix. Serve warm. *Note: Look for wheat berries in the baking, rice and beans aisles at grocery stores and natural food shops, or you can order them online. Substitutes include bulgur wheat and brown rice. Yield: 4 servings

Mushroom Avocado Toast 1 tablespoon extra-virgin olive oil, plus some for drizzling ¼ cup chopped sun-dried tomatoes 8 ounces sliced button mushrooms ¼ cup water ½ teaspoon fresh thyme leaves 2 ripe avocados, pitted, peeled and sliced 4 slices toasted bread Shaved Parmesan cheese Kosher salt, to taste

In skillet, heat 1 tablespoon oil over medium heat. Add tomatoes and cook

1 minute. Add mushrooms and gently incorporate with tomatoes. Add water and stir until water evaporates and mushrooms darken and become tender, about 4 minutes. Add thyme and salt, to taste. Set aside to cool. To assemble, gently smash and spread half of each avocado over one slice of toast. Top each slice of toast with mushroom mixture. Top each with Parmesan cheese and drizzle with olive oil before serving. Yield: 4 servings —FamilyFeatures.com

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8/21/19 12:24 PM 9/10/19 12:15 PM


Energy efficient options for a range of applications By Pat Keegan and Brad Thiessen


hen faced with a decision to replace either baseboard heaters or a forced‑air furnace, an energy efficient heat pump can be a good contender to replace either. Heat pumps are typically much more efficient than electric resistance systems and can be a solid solution in a wide variety of circumstances. They can be the right choice in a manufactured home, a construction addition or as a replacement for a broken or inefficient HVAC system. They’re also becoming more popular for central heating in new construction. But what are heat pumps, and how do they work in each case? Electric baseboard heaters can be replaced with what’s called a ductless mini-split heat pump system. This is a good solution because older baseboard heaters are typically inefficient. The mini-split system has a compressor outside that is connected with refrigerant lines to the blowers inside. A ductless system can serve up to four zones, so it can heat a small home or can be used in combination with another heating system in a larger home. The ductless mini-split system is a great option for a home that does not have a duct system, or if the existing duct system is inefficient or poorly designed. If replacing a central heating and air conditioning (HVAC) system, a cen‑ tral system air-source heat pump is an option. This system’s compressor is also located outside, but in this case, it’s connected to the home’s duct system to distribute cold or warm air through the existing vents. The central system heat pump can be an efficient option if your existing duct system is in good shape. A third, less common type of heat

pump is a ground-source, or geother‑ mal, system that taps into heat that’s naturally underground year-round. Geothermal systems are typically an expensive investment, but they are quite efficient. How they work Here’s how heat pumps work: During winter, heat pumps pull warmth from the outside air into the home; during summer, the process is reversed and warmth from inside the home is exhausted outside. It may seem odd that warmth can be found in outdoor winter air, but heat pumps are amazing inventions. They’ve become much more efficient in recent years to the point that they can be effective year-round in most cold winter climates. The efficiency of a heat pump is measured in two ways: The HSPF (Heating Season Performance Factor) rating measures heating efficiency, and the SEER (Seasonal Energy Efficiency Ratio) rating measures cooling efficiency. The minimum ratings for a heat pump are HSPF 8.2 and SEER 14. Heat pumps with the Energy Star® rating are significantly more efficient than the minimum standard. Heat pumps come with several perks — here are a few to keep in mind when considering a system for your home: ■■ Want to save money? If you are

currently heating your home with electric resistance or propane or heating oil, and you seal air leaks and install additional insulation, installing an efficient heat pump could reduce your heating costs by up to 75%. And if you are currently cooling your home with an old A/C system or window A/C units, you could also cut your cooling costs.

Your electric co-op may be able to provide an energy audit to help determine if a heat pump is a good solution for your home.

Marcela Gara, Resource Media

isk s

The Scoop on Heat Pumps

Piedmont EMC


Energy Sense

Heat pumps are efficient options, even for new construction. ■■ Want heating and cooling

flexibility? A ductless mini-split heat pump can serve up to four individual zones or rooms, and each room’s temperature can be controlled separately.

Before you consider installing any new heating and cooling system for your home, it’s best to conduct an energy audit first. Your electric co-op may provide energy audits or be able to rec‑ ommend a local professional. As with any major home improvements or installations, be sure to get a few quotes and references before committing or making any payments. This column was co-written by Pat Keegan and Brad Thiessen of Collaborative Efficiency. Visit carolinacountry.com/your-energy for more ideas on energy efficiency.

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DLGRC_016792_R1_20190925_COMBO_CAROLINA_COUNTRY_OCT.indd 1 CC10-wk.indd 27

8/21/19 12:01 PM 9/10/19 12:15 PM

n of e s m Th r o W ofe Ro le

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A volunteer group is committed to helping neighbors stay dry By Jean Gordon | Photos courtesy of The Women Roofers


ane Alexander Bell calls from a Rutherford County rooftop as her workmate, Susie Kernodle, climbs down to pick up cold water for the crew. “Shingles are up,” Jane calls, adding the quip: “Shouldn’t we be pulling weeds, dusting or doing other housework?” Not this crew — despite the telltale white hair that distinguishes the two septuagenarians. Their motto? “I’d rather roof it than clean it.” They’re part of the internationally recognized Women Roofers, who have been roofing houses for those in need since 2002. “We hope to get finished before the heat of the day,” Susie says. The Women Roofers group was born when the only representatives of a Sunday school class at First Baptist Rutherfordton to show up to help Billy Honeycutt with a roof repair were two women — Susie and Lori Herrick. Expecting to be asked to go back home and reschedule the project date, the women were pleasantly surprised when Honeycutt told them: “Well, let’s get to work.” The two spread the word, and by spring, a group of 11 women gathered to replace the full roof for that elderly homeowner under the patient guidance of “Bossman” Billy, as he is affectionately and respectfully called. He taught the women all that he knew and still guides their efforts when needed. Helping those in need is at the heart of what they do. “When we leave,” says roofer Becky Spencer, “their situation is better than when we came.” “I can’t say it’s not hard work anymore,” says Laura Hodge, a pharmacist and one of the original roofers. “But this is my way of doing God’s work. He gives me the strength, and the camaraderie is great.”

“There is a core group of 17 who show up for most work and offer leadership,” says Nell Bovender, the group’s coordinator who is also the director of Rutherford Housing Partnership (RHP), the nonprofit that depends on the efforts of the roofers. RHP provides urgently needed repairs to the homes of qualified low-income homeowners in Rutherford County. “The work is rewarding because you know you’re making a difference for someone who has a need,” Nell explains. “The secondary benefit has been such tight friendships with a great group of women. This is the most rewarding work I have ever done.” Known far and wide The Women Roofers gained national and international recognition a few years ago, appearing on CBS Evening News, NBC Nightly News and in People magazine. In 2018, they were featured on “Returning the Favor,” Mike Rowe’s Facebook series that recognizes those doing good in their communities. Watch the 26-minute episode, “All the Shingle Ladies,” at bit.ly/women-roofers. Their story has been told time and time again across the county, state and nation. Although they do not seek recognition, they will admit it is pretty cool sitting on a rooftop with Mike Rowe. What’s more, before leaving the county, Rowe presented the Women Roofers with an unexpected surprise: $45,000 in supplies and a vacation to Costa Rica. They have roofed as far away as Mississippi after Hurricane Katrina, and for Habitat for Humanity affiliates in Arkansas and across North Carolina. But their primary mission is to help those in need at home. In July, the Women Roofers sponsored the first ever WeBuild! Day Camp for 29 girls in fourth to seventh grade,

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9/11/19 4:05 PM

teaching them how to use simple power tools and experience hands-on building over the course of a week. The camp was facilitated through partnerships with RHP, Lowe’s and Isothermal Community College. According to the camp flyer: “WeBuild! is much more than hammering and sawing … The girls were introduced to skills they will carry with them the rest of their lives.” Meaningful connections The women support each other on and off the roof. Roofers have shared celebrations of grandchildren, marriages, retirements and the pain of divorce and losing a spouse. “There are so many joys from roofing,” Lori Herrick says. “The first thing that comes to mind is knowing at the end of a roofing project you have made someone’s life better that day. The joy the group of Women Roofers bring to my life is a gift I can never repay. The group brings so much encouragement, passion for the work and love to each other, as well as the recipients of our work. I consider it an honor to work with this group of women and hope we can continue helping others one roof at a time.” There are also members of the group who stay on the ground, of course, where other important work is needed. Janet Jolly is such a roofer. She believes she is fortunate to be doing something for a homeowner in need. “Often I speak with the owner, and I have even worked with a few homeowners cleaning up around their homes,” she says. A ground crew keeps track of water breaks, snacks, first aid, weather, time (including when the sun will set), as well as handing up needed or dropped hammers. Janet picks up felt paper pieces, shingles, recycling nails, plastic

bottles and shingle wrappers, and cleans off and folds up the ground tarps. “While I miss all the talk on the roof, I am still outside and doing something for a homeowner,” Janet says. Roofers agree their work is being able to reach out to others in their hours of need. Jane Bell sums it up: “I cannot imagine what it The Women Roofers must feel like to go to bed at night fearful that it might gained national and rain and damage your home international recognition a few years ago, appearing and belongings. The gratiin People magazine. tude from the homeowners is reward enough, but the icing on the cake is working alongside some of the finest women I have ever met in my life. It is an absolute honor and privilege to be a Woman Roofer, and I’ll continue as long as this body is able.” And “Bossman” Billy says the work of the Women Roofers won’t be ending any time soon. “The need will always be there,” he says. Jean Gordon is a former editor and reporter for The Daily Courier. She lives in Forest City and spent more than 48 years in the news business in her home county, Rutherford.


Watch the Women Roofers crew tackle a project and talk about their roots.

October 2019  | 29

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9/11/19 4:06 PM

Carolina People

The Music Maker Jerry Read Smith’s hammered dulcimers are nationally renowned By Debbie Moose


hen Jerry Read Smith was a student at Warren Wilson College in 1974, he was struck by a bolt of musical lightning. “I was walking across campus when I heard this music, and there was something in it I’d never heard before. It was [folk musician] John McCutcheon, playing hammered dulcimer in a concert, and I went in there and sat behind him and watched him play for a couple of hours. Then I thought, I have to get one of these things,” Jerry remembers. Jerry had played guitar growing up but hadn’t encountered a hammered dulcimer until that night. He ordered plans from the Smithsonian and, despite having little woodworking experience, built one in his dorm room. “When I got done with it, everybody gathered around, and I couldn’t play well, but they treated me like I was one of the Beatles,” he says. “After I played it a couple of months, I thought I could build a better one of these. That Christmas I was home in Hudson, Ohio, and started working in my dad’s basement.” More than 40 years later, Jerry is one of the nation’s top hammered dulcimer makers, with a waiting list

for his instruments — which look as beautiful as they sound. Hammered dulcimers have a centuries-long history, although they’re less familiar than three- or fourstringed mountain dulcimers. The trapezoid-shaped hammered dulcimer has up to 100 metal strings, which the musician strikes with lightweight wooden hammers to create a sweet, ringing sound. It’s popular in traditional folk music, but Jerry says it has even popped up in songs by The Doors and John Lennon. “There is something about the sound of it, that you strike the strings and the sound goes out into space. Nothing interrupts the tone, as when moving your finger on a guitar or violin,” Jerry says. He dropped out of Warren Wilson in his senior year and started building hammered dulcimers, selling the sixth one to his former academic advisor. Now he’s up to number 1,013. Jerry looks at types of wood, kinds of metal for the strings, and composition of the soundboards, seeking the construction that will offer the best combination of rich low tones and bright higher ones. Vertical bridges, which support the strings but are not glued


Watch Jerry play a hammered dulcimer.

down, are usually made from Bolivian rosewood. Elaborately carved sound holes are attractive and functional. Getting his first apprentice about five years ago freed him up to dig more deeply into design for the instruments, which are made in a workshop at his West Asheville home. He makes fourand-a-half-octave instruments with 88 strings, and five-octave ones that have 100 strings. That’s lot of strings to tune, which requires a special wrench to adjust the metal pegs holding them. “Before people buy one, this is my advice: You will spend equal amounts of time playing and tuning. That can freak people out who don’t want to spend all their time tuning,” Jerry says. But the sound those strings make is worth it. “Even if you play just one note at a time, people will stop and listen,” Jerry says. “You don’t have to be a famous musician or anybody else, you can be yourself, and people might enjoy listening to you as much as them, and that’s cool.” See more of Jerry’s instruments at songofthewood.com. Debbie Moose is a Raleigh-based freelance writer, essay writer and cookbook author.

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9/11/19 3:51 PM

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You can’t always lie down in bed and sleep. Heartburn, cardiac problems, hip or back aches – there are dozen of reasons that it’s too much. Those are the nights you’d give anything for a comfortable chair to sleep in: one that reclines to exactly the right degree, raises feet and legs just where you want them, supports your head and shoulders properly, and operates easily.

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Because each Perfect Sleep Chair is a custom-made bedding product, we can only accept returns on chairs that are damaged or defective. © 2019 firstSTREET for Boomers and Beyond, Inc.

CC10-wk.indd 31


Burgundy Cashmere Chocolate

9/10/19 12:15 PM

I Remember

Memories and photos from our readers Prayerful Polio Recovery

Mary Harri s with her mother (ag e 22) in 19 40

Molasses-Making Mother A short history of Mrs. Hattie B. Liles Gatewood, my mom: She was a native of Anson County, born August 12, 1904, and passed away April 23, 1972. In 1951, Hattie and her husband, Webster, purchased a 110-acre farm where they raised a family of 16 children, of which four daughters and one son remain. The farm produced milk cows, chickens, hogs, tobacco, watermelons, corn, wheat, peaches, beans, peas, sweet potatoes, white potatoes, sugar cane and cotton. Hattie was the first black woman in Anson to make molasses. Her brother, Gene Liles, taught her how to make molasses, and soon folks from the surrounding area brought their cane to be processed by Mrs. Hattie Gatewood. The mill is no longer in use but is still on the property. Mrs. Gatewood was well known in her community for her sharing and caring for those in need. A Godfearing woman who welcomed all to her table to share a meal and shelter from the storm. Mary A. Gatewood Camp, Morven, A member of Pee Dee Electric

In 1944, World War II was raging and a polio epidemic was on the horizon. My mother was told that a neighbor child had been diagnosed with polio, and I had recently played with the child. My mother was fearful, and a week later, I came down with a high fever. The doctor was called and the serious look on his face told my mother what every parent feared. The diagnosis was polio. Mother lamented the fact that she had no money for a hospital stay and no car. The doctor assured her that I would be fully taken care of at the Gastonia Orthopedic Hospital. All the arrangements were made th 7 9 r e gh lebratin 2015 by the doctor, and the next day, we e c r e Moth arch y in M arrived at the hospital. We were met a d h t bir by two nurses in white uniforms with masks. They took me from my mother’s arms and I was whisked away on a gurney. My mother was waving and crying in the distance. She would not see me for several months, and I was only four years old. Whenever mother could get a day off, she would board a Greyhound bus for a long trip to the hospital. She knew she could not visit with me, but because of a close friend that worked at the hospital, mother was allowed to catch a quick glimpse of me through a window in the isolation ward. She always left in tears and with a deep feeling of guilt. After three long months in the hospital, I was discharged and given permission by the doctors to return home. I left the hospital that day with a limp, orthopedic shoes and a long list of exercises for my therapy. Even though my treatment was deemed a success, I had to make evaluation visits to the hospital every month for several years. During those years, my mother was determined that my therapy would be a success. There were heel exercises every night and then my feet, in my orthopedic shoes, were strapped to the end of the bed for nightly support. I took dance lessons and spent my summers at my grandparents’ farm for fresh air and exercise. Later, I had surgery and continued therapy. Mother was always there to encourage me and I would not have been successful without her. That’s why we shared such a deep love for each other. My mother passed away in 2015 at the age of 97. If you would ask her about her life, she would always tell you it was wonderful. Even though she was a strong person, she would never talk about her early days and my bout with polio. But I always knew that her daily prayers, all through her life, were responsible for my recovery. Mary C. Harris, Southern Pines and Salter Path, A member of Carteret-Craven Electric Cooperative

Send Us Your Memories We love sharing photos and memories dear to our readers. Submit your photo, plus roughly 200 words that describe it, online or by mail with a self-addressed, stamped envelope if you want it returned (only one entry per household, per month). Include your name, mailing address, phone number or email address, and the name of your electric co-op. We retain reprint rights, and we’ll pay $50 for those we publish.Online: carolinacountry.com/contact U.S. Mail: I Remember, Carolina Country, 3400 Sumner Blvd., Raleigh, NC 27616

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9/11/19 2:28 PM


Now available in the U.S. without a prescription!

Popular French Diet Pill Goes On Sale Nationwide

Clinical study shows active ingredients trigger weight loss in the abdomen without harmful side effects; guaranteed results or get 110% of your money back HNS - A compound that triggers weight loss in the abdomen has been used safely in France for years. It is now available in the United States without a prescription. The pill contains ingredients that not only burn belly fat... but... also help maintain healthy cholesterol and blood sugar levels. Plus, at just two dollars per daily dose, it’s very affordable. Today marks the nationwide release of this pill in the United States. It’s being offered by the Applied Scienti�ic Research Center in Colorado. The U.S. brand name of this pill is OxiTrim. Clinical results show dieters can lose up to 5 inches from their waistline within just 8 weeks of daily use. That’s because OxiTrim works to enhance the body’s ability to burn a speci�ic type of fatty acid found in the abdomen. OxiTrim does not contain stimulants or dangerous chemicals. The active ingredients have a track record of safety showing no harmful side effects. France’s Weight Loss Breakthrough

In 2013, scientists announced a pill that facilitates weight loss in the abdomen. It contains a combination of ingredients shown to enhance the metabolism’s ability to burn belly fat. Since then, it has become a popular diet pill in France and parts of Spain and Germany. Sales continue to climb as new people discover how well the product works. Michael Kenneth, President of the Applied Scienti�ic Research Center is not surprised by the popularity. He says, “The pill is safe. It’s effective. It works fast. Plus, it costs less than a cup of coffee per day.” “And now, we’re making it available in America under the new brand name OxiTrim. We can’t wait to receive feedback from �irst time users. We know dieters are going to love this pill,” he added. Double Blind Clinical Results

A double blind clinical study was conducted on OxiTrim’s active ingredients. The study was reviewed and analyzed by scientists from the University of California, Davis.

The �indings were then published in the Journal of Medicinal Food... and... the Obesity Journal. Participants were given either a placebo... or else... OxiTrim’s active ingredients twice per day for 8 weeks. They then ate a normal 2,000 calorie diet and walked for 30 minutes, 5 days a week. The results were stunning. Those who took the active ingredients lost almost 4 times more weight than the placebo group. Even more exciting was the quantity of inches they lost from their waistline. The group taking OxiTrim’s active ingredients lost almost 5 inches of belly fat. That’s equal to 2 pants sizes for men... and... 4 to 6 dress sizes for women. The pill even helped maintain healthy cholesterol and blood sugar levels. This is especially good news for anyone who is overweight, given the health risks they often face.

How It Works The active ingredients in OxiTrim trigger weight loss in a way scientists have not seen before. Research shows they activate a protein in the body that breaks down fatty acids found in abdominal fat. “You can think of OxiTrim as a match that lights the fuse in belly fat,” said Kenneth. “This fuse effects metabolic rate which results in enhanced fat loss around the mid section and other parts of the body, too.” Kenneth also said, “Dieters should know OxiTrim is made from natural plant extracts. It is not a drug. It does not contain any stimulants or dangerous chemicals either.” “Plus, unlike a lot of other diet pills, OxiTrim won’t increase your heart rate or make you anxious. In fact, you won’t even know you’re taking it until you begin to see a slimmer waistline,” he added. Approved By Top Doctors

“The advanced ingredients found in OxiTrim have been used successfully in France for years. The clinical trials show they can burn fat fast for those with a few extra pounds to lose.” — Dr. Ana Jovanovic. “OxiTrim is the most exciting breakthrough in natural weight loss to date. It’s a

Sales Frenzy: The newly released OxiTrim pill from France is set to break sales records nationwide this week. In clinical studies, users taking the pill’s active ingredients lost up to 5 inches from their waistline in 8 weeks without strict dieting.

proven pill for men and women who want to cut pounds of belly fat.” — Dr. M. Usman, M.D. “I have reviewed the research and have decided to recommend OxiTrim to overweight people. That’s because OxiTrim doesn’t just reduce weight, it helps maintain healthy blood glucose levels, too.” — Dr. Ahmad Alsayes. 110% Money Back Guarantee

Amazing feedback from users of OxiTrim has generated a wave of con�idence at the company. So much so that they now offer OxiTrim with a 110% money back guarantee. The company’s president, Michael Kenneth says, “We’ve seen how well it works. Now we want to remove any risk for those who might think OxiTrim sounds too good to be true.” Simply take the pill exactly as directed. You must enjoy fast and impressive weight loss. Otherwise, return the product as directed and you’ll receive 100% of your money back plus an extra 10%. How To Get OxiTrim

Today marks the of�icial nationwide release of OxiTrim in America. And so, the company is offering a special discount supply. A Regional Order Hotline has been setup for local readers to call. This gives everyone an equal chance to try OxiTrim. Starting today the Order Hotline will be open. All you have to do is call TOLL FREE 1-888-312-1927. Then provide the operator with the special discount approval code: OTD19. The company will do the rest. Initial supplies of OxiTrim are limited. Those who don’t call within the next 48 hours may have to wait until more inventory is produced. This could take as long as 6 weeks.


CC10-wk.indd 33

9/10/19 12:15 PM

Carolina Gardens

Water babies, left to right: Persian shield, sun coleus, Cuban oregano, purple basil.

Water Babies

Nurture favored clippings through the winter Story and photos by L.A. Jackson

With autumn settling in, it’s time to bid farewell to the visual pleasure of annuals and tender perennials in the summer ornamental garden, as the coming killing frosts will make such warm-season pretties all but a memory. That’s a common notion with many gardeners, but, as for me, now is a fun time to transition from planting to propagating. Lots of garden plants that aren’t cold hardy can be reproduced by cuttings, so, this month, I patrol my beds for sassy showoffs worthy of taking clippings for rooting and then babying over

the winter in order to enjoy a second round from them next spring. Although commercial inert rooting mediums such as perlite and vermiculite are available, my first choice is water because: (1) as little as I use makes it dang near free, and (2) for many plants, it works very well. Feel free to experiment, but of the outdoor plants I have rooted in water, here are my current faves for being easy: Persian shield, sun coleus, Swedish ivy (and its close cousin, the popular Cuban oregano), creeping Jenny, purple heart and impatiens.

Herb-wise, I have successfully water-propagated lemon verbena, mint and basil. Start by taking clippings. Each should be an end branch about 3 to 5 inches long, depending on the size of the plant, with the cut being made just below a leaf joint. Strip all but the top three to four leaves, and slip the plants-to-be into small bottles of water located in a warm, brightly lit area but not in direct sunlight. Clear containers seem to work best for me, but I’ve played with tinted bottles, too, and they have also done well with water baby duty. Change the water once every week. This keeps the gunk factor low and also adds fresh, oxygenated water to help the roots develop. Once the roots are 1 to 2 inches long (which, depending on the plant, should take about two to four weeks), gently lift the cuttings out of the water and, being just as careful, tuck these young pretties into small pots filled with quality potting soil. While some rooted plants politely repose and wait for warming spring temperatures to spark their growth spurts, others will try to rambunctiously grow, grow, grow during the winter. These eager young’uns can be kept in check until outdoor planting time next year by tip prunings. L.A. Jackson is the former editor of Carolina Gardener magazine. Contact L.A. at lajackson1@gmail.com.

Garden To-Do’s for October Autumn is a good time to divide and transplant peonies. Wait until their leaves have been bit by the first frosts and then cut the foliage back to ground level. Carefully dig the peony clumps up, trying to save as much of the root systems as possible. For better producing divisions, make sure that each one that is cut out has at least four to five “eyes” and some portion of the roots. Keep in mind that peonies will usually not get into the full swing of flowering again until a few years after being relocated. FF

Scarlett O’Hara Peony

Thinking about planting spring-flowering bulbs? Think big. When it comes to these bulbs, for maximum potential in performance, the bigger their size, the better their springtime flower show.


Bagworms been bugging your arborvitaes and junipers? Insecticides are more effective when applied in the early summer, so it’s time to take a more simple, direct approach: If you see any bagworm bags dangling off branches like ugly, brown, oblong Christmas ornaments, just snip them off and toss away (do not compost).

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9/10/19 11:53 AM

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9/10/19 12:15 PM

Carolina Compass

Art Crawl

Rides, music Oct. 11–13, Hickory 828-322-1121 downtownhickory.com

5-Mile Yard Sale Oct. 12, Carthage 910-638-9006

Memorial 5k and Fun Run

Kids zone, performances Oct. 12, Cary 919-793-5857 ellieheltonmemorial5k.itsyourrace.com

Carolina BalloonFest Set for Friday through Sunday, Oct. 18–20 in Statesville, the Carolina BalloonFest offers mass balloon ascensions, tether rides, aerialist circus performances, a skydiving competition, artisan village and kids zone. The three-day festival is sponsored in part by EnergyUnited Propane. 704-437-2000 | carolinaballoonfest.com.

Oct. 4, Burnsville 828-766-1233 mayland.edu/foundation

Brushy Mountain Apple Festival

Ricky Skaggs & Kentucky Thunder

Gathering of Patriots Powwow

Our Common Thread

National Dance Company of Siberia

NC State Fair

Treasured textiles, demos Oct. 17, Sparta 336-372-1525 info@alleghanywriters.com

Performances, crafts Oct. 5, North Wilkesboro 336-921-3499 applefestival.net

Day of the African Equestrian

Festival of the Frescoes

Gala honoring history Oct. 19, Rutherfordton sportsquestinternational.com/DOTAE

Raffles, kids activities Oct. 12, Glendale Springs 336-982-3076 ashechamber.com/calendar.php

Woolly Worm Festival Vendors, races Oct. 19–20, Banner Elk 828-898-5605 www.woollyworm.com

Comedian Tim Hawkins Oct. 12, Franklin 866-273-4615 greatmountainmusic.com

Author Jan Karon Visit

Mountain Glory Festival

Tea with Mitford Series author Oct. 20, Hudson 828-726-8871 janice.woodie@townofhudsonnnc.com

Art, old-time music Oct. 12, Marion 828-652-2215 mtngloryfestival.com

Community Concert

Oct. 20, Maggie Valley 828-452-3522 haywoodcommunityband.org


See more events online with photos, descriptions, maps and directions.






County-bluegrass music Oct. 24, Lenoir 828-726-2407 www.broyhillcenter.com

Oct. 24, Morganton 828-433-7469 commaonline.org

PIEDMONT Grassroots Festival

Music, dance Oct. 3–6, Pittsboro 919-542-8142 shakorihillsgrassroots.org

Listing Deadlines: Submit Listings Online:

carolina­country.com/calendar (No email or U.S. Mail.)

Native food, dancers Oct. 17–20, King 336-749-0593 bit.ly/king-powwow

Attractions, competitions Oct. 17–27, Raleigh ncstatefair.org

Pig Cook-Off

Entertainment, vendors Oct. 18–19, Fayetteville 910-483-2858 bit.ly/vanderpig-2019

Splash of Color Quilt Show

Harvest Show

Door prizes, vendors Oct. 18–19, Concord cabarrusquiltersguild.org

Antique Tractor Show

Kids zone, performances Oct. 18–20, Statesville 704-437-2000 carolinaballoonfest.com

Steam Day

Craft items available Oct. 19, Seagrove 336-879-4145 thomaspottery.com

Pumpkins at Jugtown!

Music, kids games Oct. 19, Ramseur 336-824-8530 townoframseur.org/special-events

Fall Plant Sale

Bounce house, pet parade Oct. 19, Mt. Gilead 910-439-5111 lhaithcock@mtgileadnc.com

Fall Festival

Art by guild artists Oct. 21–Nov. 10, Hillsborough 919-732-5001 publicity@hillsboroughgallery.com

Cooking, antique tractors Oct. 4–5, Butner 919-528-1652 lgaha.com Swap meet, cake walk Oct. 4–5, Albemarle 704-982-7896 claylittle@ctc.net

Oct. 5, Trinity Machine demos, kids activities 336-861-6959 linbrookheritageestate.com Pottery creations Oct. 5, Seagrove 910-464-3266 jugtownware.com/pumpkin-day Master gardeners on hand Oct. 5, Lexington 336-731-1427 bit.ly/dc-plants

For Dec.: Oct. 25 For Jan.: Nov. 25

Shaw House Heritage Fair

Hometown Gospel Celebration Performances by several groups Oct. 13, Franklin 866-273-4615 greatmountainmusic.com

Dream Home Tour

Vendors, bale art Oct. 12, Mayodan 336-548-2273 facebook.com/Whatthehayfestival Music, old-time photo booth Oct. 12, Southern Pines 910-692-2051 moorehistory.com

October Events MOUNTAINS

What the Hay Fest

Carolina BalloonFest

Fall Festival of Leaves

Fall Festival

Fall Festival on Main

Studio Tour Preview Show

Oct 5–6 , Asheboro 336-629-0399 asheborofallfestival.com

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Carolina Compass

Boo at the NC Zoo

Daytime Halloween activities Oct. 26, Asheboro 336-879-7201 nczoo.org

Selma Railroad Days Parade, food trucks Oct. 4–5, Selma 919-975-1411 selma-nc.com

Barbecue Festival

NC Seafood Festival

Rides, music Oct. 26, Lexington 336-956-1880 barbecuefestival.com

Entertainment, cooking demos Oct. 4–6, Morehead City 252-726-6273 ncseafoodfestival.org

Badin-Hardaway Powwow

Arts on the Perquimans

Crafts, dancing Oct. 26, Badin 704-438-1491

Seaboard Festival & 5K Car show, music Oct. 26, Hamlet seaboardfestival.website

Cirque Mei

Circus acrobats Oct. 27, Pembroke 910-521-6361 bit.ly/uncp-mei

River of Yesteryear

Demos, living history interpreters Oct. 26, Louisburg riverofyesteryear.com

COAST Small Works of Art

Sept. 30–Nov. 7, Hertford 252-426-3041 perquimansarts.org/comingshows.html

Door prizes, bake sale Oct. 5, Hertford 252-426-3041 perquimansarts.org

Lobster Fair

Bounce house, face painting Oct. 5, Greenville 252-355-2125 st-tim.org

Peanut Festival

Vendors, parade Oct. 5, Edenton visitedenton.com/calendar-10.php

Sunset at Sunset

Kids’ area, vendors Oct. 5, Sunset Beach 910-579-6297 ncbrunswick.com

African American Music Series Oct. 11, Greenville 252-551-6947 pittcountyarts.org

Chowan County Regional Fair Amusement rides, exhibits Oct. 1–5, Edenton 252-482-4057 chowanfair.com

Know Before You Go

In case something changes after Carolina Country goes to press, check information from the contact listed.

Ensemble Schumann

NC Oyster Festival

Classic Car Show

John Lawson Legacy Days

Oct. 11, Oriental 252-617-2125 pamlicomusic.org

Vendors, live music Oct. 19–20, Ocean Isle Beach ncoysterfestival.com

Includes motorcycles Oct. 12, Oriental 252-249-0228 orientalclassiccarshow.com

Hog Wild Cookoff

Oct. 26, Beaufort 252-251-4741 beaufortwomansclub.com

Chili Cook Off

The Wall that Heals

Oct. 26, Oriental 252-571-5883 oldtheater.org

Traveling war memorial Oct. 17–20, Tarboro facebook.com/wallheals

Dismal Day & 5K Fun Run

Chili Festival

Exhibits, wagon rides Oct. 26, South Mills 252-771-6593 ncparks.gov/dismal-swamp-state-park

Vendors, kids activities Oct. 18–19, Havelock 252-671-7970 chilifestival.org

5KRun/Walk & Millpond Day Bounce house, food trucks Oct. 19, Gatesville 252-357-1191 bit.ly/TreadtheMill19



Speaker discusses disabilities Oct. 3, Greenville 252-317-3123 ecvcinc.com



visitaikensc.com visitaikensc.com visitaikensc.com


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Craftsman Style Architecture Tour

BBQ, music Oct. 12, Beulaville 910-262-5272 beulavilleareachamber.org

Anniversary Banquet

NC Oyster Festival This two-day festival, set for Oct. 19–20 at Ocean Isle Beach, offers a variety of foods, crafts, contests and musical performances. It is sponsored in part by Brunswick Electric. ncoysterfestival.com

Cannon firings, music Oct. 25–26, Grifton 252-714-5924 johnlawsonlegacydays.org/event

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The 33rd Annual

North Carolina Seafood Festival October 4 - 6, 2019 • Morehead City


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EXPERIENCE THE MOUNTAINS!!! VACATION AT OUR CUSTOM-BUILT BLUE RIDGE MOUNTAIN GETAWAYS. Kayak the New River, Bike the Virginia Creeper, Climb the peaks, Stroll the West Jefferson arts district and lovely boutiques. Then, relax with the stillness of the night and enjoy the serenity and calm of Helton Creek, NC/VA border (Ashe County/Grayson County). www.gocreeksidecabins.com 800-238-8733 or text 336-877-7897.

GOATMILK SOAPS, lavender and other fragrances. $7 extra large. 704-882-2223 BeckiesBackPorch@Etsy.com

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TRIANGLE DETECTORS. Large selection of metal detectors and gold prospecting equipment, SALES & RENTALS. Durham 919-949-4007

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100% SOY CANDLES AND MELTS. Natural Colored. Natural Textured. Loaded Fragrance. Fall Winter Scents Available. www.BarrelCandles.com SIX CEMETERY LOTS, Oakboro Cemetery $3,000.00 lutz5840@gmail.com

DON’T PAY $1500 FOR LASER WHITENING in the USA. Why not go to Costa Rica, enjoy a vacation, and get the same thing for $300! Contact us today for a referral, hotel and flight information. Dental Implants only $800. www.topdentalcostarica.com 336-608-5636 I BUY OLD JUKEBOXES – 704-847-6472. PLAY GOSPEL SONGS BY EAR—$12.95. “Learn Gospel Music.” Chording, runs, fills—$12.95. Both $24. Davidsons, 6727C Metcalf, Shawnee Mission, Kansas 66204. 913-262-4982. FREE MATERIALS: SOON CHURCH/GOVERNMENT UNITING. Suppressing “Religious Liberty”, enforcing a “National Sunday Law”. Be informed! Need mailing address only. TBSM, Box 99, Lenoir City, TN 37771. thebiblesaystruth@yahoo.com 1-888-211-1715. The N.C. Association of Electric Cooperatives and its member cooperatives do not endorse the services and products advertised. Readers are advised to understand fully any agreement or purchase they make. To place a classified ad: carolinacountry.com/classifieds


PHOTO CONTEST Send us your favorite photo (North Carolina people or scenes) and the story that goes with it. We will pay $50 for each one published in the Carolina Country Scenes section of our January 2020 issue. Judges will select more for our “Photo of the Month” feature throughout 2020, and we’ll pay $50 for each of those. Rules Deadline: November 15, 2019 One entry per household Digital photos should be a minimum of 1200 by 1800 pixels Prints a minimum of 4 x 6 inches

If you did not take the photo you are submitting, please tell us who did and, to the best of your ability, when it was taken so that we can appropriately recognize the person/organization.

Include your name, electric co-op, We retain reprint and mailing address and email address online rights. Visit carolinacountry.com/photocontest or phone number for full terms and conditions. If you want your print returned, Payment will be limited to those include a self-addressed, stamped envelope. (We will not return others.) entries appearing in print only, not entries featured solely on carolinacountry.com. Send to Mail: carolinacountry.com/photocontest Carolina Country Photo Contest 3400 Sumner Blvd. No emails, please. Raleigh, NC 27616


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October 2019  | 39

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Carolina Kitchen

State Fair “Stoup”

A little bit soup and a little bit stew

You know you’ve arrived at the NC State Fair when you’re greeted on the midway with the smell of sausages, peppers and onions. This stoup is my version of these fair favorites, but in a bowl to enjoy on chilly days at home … along with toasted hoagies and cheese butter. 6 tablespoons cooking oil, divided 2 (each) green, red and yellow bell peppers 2 large onions 4 stalks celery Salt and pepper 1 pound hot Italian sausage 1 package (14 ounces) kielbasa 1 cup beef broth 1 can (15 ounces) diced roasted tomatoes 1 tablespoon Italian seasoning 1 tablespoon minced dehydrated garlic 3 tablespoons brown sugar 3 cups unsweetened applesauce 1 jar (16 ounces) pepperoncini, drained 1 jar (12-ounce) sliced sweet ‘n’ hot pickled peppers (We used Mt. Olive.) 6 pack hoagie rolls, toasted and sliced in wedges Cheese Butter 1 pound butter, softened 1 cup shredded cheddar cheese 1 tablespoon each mustard and mayonnaise 1 teaspoon onion powder 1 tablespoon sugar ½ teaspoon black pepper

Send Us Your Recipes

Contributors whose recipes are published will receive $25. We retain reprint rights for all submissions. Recipes submitted are not necessarily entirely original. Include your name, address, phone number (for questions), and the name of your electric cooperative. Mail to: Carolina Country Kitchen, P.O. Box 27306, Raleigh, NC, 27611. Or submit your recipe online at: carolinacountry.com/myrecipe.

Unless otherwise noted, recipes on these pages are from Wendy Perry, a culinary adventurist and blogger, who chats about goodness around NC on her blog at WendysHomeEconomics.com.


We take food seriously. Search more than 800 recipes by name or ingredient, with a new recipe featured every week!

Preheat oven to 425 and crockpot to low. Cut peppers, onions and celery into 1-inch pieces. Toss with 4 tablespoons of oil, salt and pepper; spread out on large baking pan. Roast 30-40 minutes until lightly charred, tossing after 15 minutes. As peppers roast, heat 2 tablespoons of oil in large skillet. Over medium heat, cook sausages, turning to brown on all sides. Remove to bowl and cut into bitesized pieces. Add broth, tomatoes, seasoning, garlic and sugar to drippings and bring to a slow simmer. Put vegetables into crockpot. Add sausages, broth mixture, applesauce and pepperoncini. Stir to mix. Cover and cook 2–3 hours in crock pot. Garnish with pickled peppers. For the cheese butter, whip ingredients together until creamy. Serve on toasted hoagie buns. Yield: Serves 6–8

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Carolina Kitchen

From Your Kitchen

Country Ham Lollipups With Molasses Mustard

Ham biscuits and corn dogs … now there are a couple of fair favorites … along with those hot and crispy hushpuppies in the education building. We’ve combined this threesome into one fun food you’ll be sure to enjoy. Vegetable or peanut oil Popsicle sticks 1 cup hushpuppy mix (We used House Autry.) 1 tablespoon dehydrated onion ½ cup seltzer water* 4 teaspoons sugar 1 teaspoon sage ½ teaspoon black pepper ¾ cup diced cooked country ham (about 4 ounces) Molasses Mustard 3 tablespoons yellow mustard 3 tablespoons Dijon mustard ¼ cup mayonnaise 2–3 shakes Texas Pete 2 tablespoons molasses Pour oil 3 inches deep in fryer. Heat to medium-high (375 degrees). Combine all ingredients and mix together until well blended. Let rest 15 minutes. Batter will be stiff. Using fingers, pinch batter and make 1-inch balls. Carefully put into hot oil making sure not to crowd. Cook 3–5 minutes until golden brown. Drain. Stick popsicle stick into pups. Serve with molasses mustard. For molasses mustard, combine mustards, mayonnaise and hot sauce. Swirl in molasses. *Water can be used but seltzer water will make a crispier lollipup. Yield: Makes about a dozen pups

Cinnamon Candy Apple Nut Brittle

Pilgrim Pies

For those who might miss our NC State Fair, we stirred up something reminiscent of those iconic candy apples. Our nut brittle will tickle your taste buds with its crunchy texture and candy apple flavor filled with toasty NC pecan pieces, plus a hint of cinnamon! Made in less than 10 minutes in your microwave.

Pumpkin spice and everything nice, that’s what these pies are made of!

1 cup sugar ½ cup light corn syrup ¼ teaspoon salt 1 tablespoon butter 1 teaspoon vanilla extract 1 teaspoon apple pie spice 1 teaspoon cinnamon 1 cup toasted pecan pieces ½ teaspoon red food coloring 1 teaspoon baking soda 2 teaspoons coarse or flaky sea salt, optional

Combine sugar and syrup in an 8-cup glass measuring cup. Microwave on high for 5–6 minutes until it reaches a rolling boil. Carefully remove and stir in ¼ teaspoon salt, butter, extract, spices and pecans. Microwave 1–2 minutes longer until boiling. Remove and quickly stir in food coloring and soda. Pour onto greased slab or cookie sheet and spread with back of spoon. Sprinkle with salt. Let the brittle cool at least 1 hour. Break into pieces and store in airtight container. Variation: Unsalted roasted peanuts or other nuts can be substituted for the pecans. Tip: Best not to make this (or most candy) on humid days. You may end up with chewy rather than crunchy brittle. Yield: Makes about 1 pound

a.k.a. Pumpkin Whoopie Pies

2 eggs 2 cups light brown sugar 1 cup vegetable oil 1 teaspoon vanilla 1 can (15 ounces) of pumpkin 3 cups all-purpose flour 1 tablespoon pumpkin pie spice 1 teaspoon baking powder 1 teaspoon baking soda 1 teaspoon salt Filling 1 4-ounce cream cheese, softened ½ cup butter, softened 2 teaspoons vanilla 4–5 cups powdered sugar Preheat oven to 350 degrees and grease a couple of baking sheets. Beat eggs, brown sugar, oil, vanilla and pumpkin in a bowl until smooth. In a separate bowl, combine flour, pumpkin spice, baking powder and soda, plus salt. Add dry ingredients to the wet mixture a half cup at a time, blending until smooth after each addition. Drop a heaping tablespoon of batter onto a greased sheet and slightly flatten. Bake 8–10 minutes. Cool on rack. For the filling, beat cream cheese, butter and vanilla together until light and fluffy. Add in the powdered sugar a half cup at a time. You can use a quart-sized baggie filled with icing. Just cut off the tip of the bag to pipe the filling onto a “pie.” Top with another pie. Yield: About 15–20 pies

Recipe courtesy of Megan Muldowney Slocum of Raleigh.

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in Carolina Country is this ?

Send your answer by October 6, with your name, address and the name of your electric cooperative. Online:


By mail: Where in Carolina Country? P.O. Box 27306 Raleigh, NC 27611 Multiple entries from the same person will be disqualified. The winner, chosen at random and announced in our November issue, will receive $25.

September winner

The September “Where Is This” photo by Wake Electric member Alejandro Guitierrez features E. Carroll Joyner Park at the end of a rainbow. The 117-acre park, located on Harris Road in Wake Forest, features several restored local farm buildings (including a mule barn, tobacco barn, chicken coop and a restored log cabin), a pecan grove planted during the Great Depression that is still managed and harvested, a lawn amphitheater, the Walker Garden (the Walker family owned the farm prior to the Joyners), a Monarch butterfly habitat, three miles of walking trails and picnic areas. Portions of the park are bordered by a 2,000-foot stone ribbon wall. The farm buildings are a local favorite for family photos and professional portraits. The winning entry chosen at random from all correct submissions came from Ron DeWitt of Wake Forest, a Wake Electric member. Have a roadside gem you’d like to share? Submit a photo, plus a brief description and general location information, at carolinacountry.com/where.



featured photo

Go Bears Go!

Spending a Saturday morning watching some football. Pilot Mountain JV versus Mount Airy JV in the Foothills Youth Athletic League. Rory Lewellyn, Pilot Mountain, A member of Surry-Yadkin EMC Submit your photos at carolinacountry.com/photos

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