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Let Your Appliances Save Money While appliances have two costs, a cost to purchase and a cost to run, purchasing Energy Star appliances can save you energy and money. Did you know the average American family washes about 300 loads of laundry each year? Energy Star can help cut those energy and water costs. Energy Star certified clothes washers use about 20 percent less energy and 35 percent less water than regular washers. They also have a greater tub capacity which means you can wash fewer loads to clean the same amount of laundry. They are available in frontload and top-load models. The top-load models look like

standard machines on the outside, yet don’t waste water filling up the tub. They clean using sophisticated wash systems. Many have sensors to monitor incoming water levels and temperature. They also rinse clothes with repeated high-pressure spraying instead of soaking them in a full tub of water. Don’t stop with just your clothes washer, installing an Energy Star certified refrigerator or programmable thermostat can save you money and make you eligible for a $25 rebate. That’s right, if you plan on purchasing any of these Energy Star certified appliances, or have purchased one within the last 90 days, you may be eligible for a rebate.

Program changes coming in February 2013.

Insulate and Seal To Save For optimal energy efficiency, your home should be properly insulated from the roof to the foundation. In addition, consider air leakage control. Attic Insulation Loose-fill or batt insulation is typically installed in an attic. Loose-fill is usually less expensive to install than batt insulation, and provides better coverage when installed properly. If it is located in a conditioned part of the house, also remember to insulate and air seal your attic access. Duct Insulation If the ducts in your home are in unconditioned space, seal and insulate them. Insulation choices vary; the best idea is to speak with someone who works with insulation in order to find the best fit for your home. Types of insulation include: • Blanket (batt and roll) insulation • Foam board insulation

• Loose-fill insulation • Sprayed foam insulation Even greater efficiency can be achieved if you weatherize your home as well. South River EMC offers a rebate to members for taking measures to increase the thermal efficiency of their home’s building envelope in homes that are inadequately insulated. Existing households served by South River EMC that are at least five years old with electric heating and/or cooling can benefit from this program. This includes manufactured housing. Required work includes: • Duct sealing • Air sealing in the attic • Insulation (upgrade) • Installation of bathroom ventilation fans (optional) Rebates are: • All electric homes $300 (one-time rebate) • Electric AC only $100 (one-time rebate) South River EMC January 2013 G

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