Chapter 2
and, for a buck, you can store your bike there, too. Other high-end bike shops around the world offer similar services.
“It costs the Earth to buy a bike”
It costs the Earth to drive. Literally and figuratively. A bike, even a fancy-schmancy one, is a steal compared to buying and running an average car. The only fuel required to power your bike is food. Parking is free. Bikes are simple and cheap to maintain. You don’t need bike-specific clothing: your own clothes will do just fine.
Sticker from www.zeropergallon.com
“Only expensive bikes are good”
Sure, a carbon fiber road bike is light and lust-worthy but it’s the wrong sort of bike for city use. And hugely expensive bikes can’t go exponentially faster than the bike you may already have in your shed. Fit thin tyres to an old mountain bike and you’ve got an instantly speedier machine. Naturally, once you get hooked by cycling you’ll want to upgrade and will notice every half a mile an hour improvement your investment gets you, but to begin with, it’s fine to start with an economically-priced bike. An entry-level new bike from a decent bike shop will be strong, stable and safe to ride. High-end bikes are designed for high-end users, people with the skills to ride bikes that may seem ‘twitchy’ and unstable to beginners. When you consider the enjoyment and the transport potential you’ll get from your bike you’ll soon understand why many people spend as much money on a new bicycle, and all that goes with it, as on a quality used auto, and a $3000 bicycle will give you a lot more pleasure than a $3000 auto but just as a new motorist doesn’t start driving in a Lamborghini, there’s no need to start riding on the bike world’s equivalent.
“I’ll get a flat”
Modern tires and tubes are supremely puncture proof. You can also add gloopy sealant to repair small holes on-the-fly. If all this fails and you still get a flat (perhaps a ‘snake bite’ puncture from hitting a kerb with under-inflated tires) fit a new inner tube. Don’t know how to do this? Sign up for a class at your friendly neighborhood bike shop or watch the many online how-to videos on this and other bike maintenance topics. Always carry a pump, tire levers, micro set of hex keys, the right spare inner tube for your wheel size and a patch kit. Stash this tool kit in your bag and forget about it, you won’t need it much.
“I’m too out of shape”
You don’t have to be super-fit to start cycling. Start slowly, progressively increase your exertion levels, and your fitness will grow along with your skills and expertise. Naturally, if you’re starting from zero and have any existing health conditions, seek advice from your doctor about the levels of recommended initial exertion. Most doctors recommend cycling because it’s a low-impact, weight-suspended form of exercise. The bike does the carrying. Unlike jogging, your knees do not take a hammering from hard tarmac. When runners are out of puff, they have to stop. The cyclist has the advantage of being able to