Portfolio Carlos Sánchez Sanabria - English

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a r c h i t e c t u r e

por tfo l i o

carlos sรกnchez sanabria




Dear Sir/Madam: My name is Carlos Sánchez Sanabria, a graduate in the Master’s degree of Architecture from the University of Seville. I was born in Cáceres and moved to Seville to start my university studies. During these years, I have developed a global vision of architecture by being in contact with multiple disciplines. This fact has helped me to understand the transversality and complexity of the practice of the profession.I enjoy the whole process, from the first steps of an idea to its materialization in the construction, structures and facilities. As a result of this attitude, I completed my studies with my thesis project “La Fosa”, where I combined all these steps with a thorough investigation, finally obtaining an outstanding qualification. Thanks to my Academic Record, I have obtained the End-of-Degree Extraordinary Award to the best student 15/16 in Architecture by the University of Seville. In addition, I have collaborated in heritage rehabilitation projects at the Graphic Expression and Projects Departments. Before finishing my studies, I was awarded with the First Prize in the competition “Temporary Housing for Surfers in Tarifa” with my partner Verónica Rodríguez Vergara, with the project “The POP UP! Tarifa”. Thanks to this award, we appeared in many publications on architectural websites, both national and international. At the same time, we were both founders of the Treceuve platform, a place where we showed our architectural images, which led us to getting some visualization assignments and allowed us to teach in some workshops specialized in architectural image. I worked at VTrillo Arquitectos Office, which is specialized in museum projects in the Middle East. During this stage, I learned a lot about the development of specific technical documentation including the production of delivery packages of information for tender and construction intent.On the other hand, I developed tasks from construction detail drawings to designing proposals for shopping centres. Recently, I have been awarded with a Honour Mention in PIAM 2017 (International Awards of Architecture Matimex) in the Pro-Category. I consider myself a responsible and hardworking person, able to solve problems with short deadlines with a creative attitude and attention to detail. I have learned most of the softwares in a self-taught way. I like to work as a team and I always try to improve my work. In recent years, I have been interested in the world of photography and it has become my main hobby. I am attracted to the way photographs can create an emotion and I aim to translate this experience into architecture. In addition, I like to spend time doing sports as a way to relax. Sincerely, Carlos Sánchez Sanabria

E DU CA T I O N 2009-2016

August 2014

School of Architecture of Seville (ETSAS). University of Seville.

Master degree at School of Architecture of Seville. Plan 98 Final Thesis project (September 2016). Calification: with honors (9/10) Master degree average mark: 8,15/10

Workshop at Pablo de Olavide University. “Museology and New Technologies. Virtual Museum with Unity 3d”


Official Language School. B2 Level.


Norba Caesarina High School (Cáceres) University Access Exam - June 2009. Calification: 9,15/10 High School Calification: 9,48/10.

A B O UT ME My name is Carlos Sánchez Sanabria, a graduate in the Master’s degree of Architecture from the University of Seville. I consider myself a responsible and hardworking person, able to solve problems with short deadlines with a creative attitude and attention to detail. I have learned most of the softwares in a self-taught way. I like to work as a team because it helps you to improve your work.

WO RK E XP E RI E NCE Jan/June 2015

Address: Avda Isabel de Moctezuma nº7 2-1-3 Cáceres (Cáceres) Spain E-mail: E-mail: sanchezsanabria.carlos@gmail.com Web:


F O R M O R E I N F O R M AT I O N :

March 2015

Vtrillo Arquitectos Proposal for Aquarium and Marine Park in Málaga, Spain Culture Centre “Escuelas Nuevas”. Lara Museum in El Pedroso, Seville. Refurbishment proposal for Factory Dos Hermanas Shopping Center in Seville. Spain Stands proposal for shopping centers in collaboration with Duna. Exhibition implementation for the Memorial Museum in Al Shaheed Garden Park Museums in Kuwait City. Kuwait. In collaboration with Acciona Producciones y Diseño and Ralph Appelbaum Associates Exhibition implementation for the Habitat Museum in Al Shaheed Garden Park Museums in Kuwait City. Kuwait. In collaboration with Acciona Producciones y Diseño and Ralph Appelbaum Associates Exhibition implementation for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs Pavilion in Al-Janadria National Festival for culture and heritage in Riyadh. Saudi Arabia. In collaboration with Boris Micka Associates.

Master Class for the Department of Architectural Graphic Expression. School of Architecture of Seville. Classroom presentation of “Drawn Strategies” for the first year of the Degree in Fundamentals of Architecture.

October 2014 - In progress 2014/2015

Freelance at Treceuve Infographics and architectural visualization development and workshops on rendering and postproduction for architecture.

Student intern at the Department of Architectural Graphic Expression. School of Architecture of Seville. Proyecto Italicus. Analysis and proposal for the Roman archaeological remains of Italica in Santiponce, Seville.



GYGAarchitecture. Architectural visualization for the Santiago Ydáñez Museum in Puente de Génave, Jaén. Spain.


Student intern at the Department of Architectural Projects. Architecture of Seville.



Publication on Tectónica. “La Arquitectura del Equilibrio: fallo de la 3ª edición de los premios PIAM”.


Publication on Ondiseño. “PIAM Awards 2017”.


Publication on Edgargonzález. “Winners of PIAM Awards 2017”.


Publication on Beta-Architecture. “Temporary Housing for Surfers in Tarifa”.


Publication of the project “The POP UP Tarifa” in RETHINKING collection #001 Architecture Competitions. “Temporary Housing for surfers in Tarifa”. Sevilla. RETHINKING & RU books. ISBN: 978-84-941838-8-1


Public speech and exhibition as winners of the competition “Temporary Housing for surfers in Tarifa” in Fundación Valentín de Madariaga, Sevilla.


Publication on Plataforma Arquitectura (Archdaily). “Proyectos de España, Austria y Alemania, premiados por diseños de vivienda temporal para surfistas”


Publication on Arquitectura Viva. “Ganadores del concurso “Temporary Housing for surfers in Tarifa”


Publication on Wettbewerbe Aktuell. “Temporary Housing for Surfers in Tarifa”. WA


Publication on Metalocus. “GANADORES del Alojamiento Temporal para Surfistas en Tarifa”


Publication on Summa+. “Moradias temporarias para surfistas”


Publication on Blogdeconcursos. “Resultados del Concurso Temporary Housing for surfers in Tarifa”.


Cover and content of the project “Tras los espacios literarios” in the magazine eDap06. Documentos de Arquitectura y Patrimonio nº 06. Sevilla. Mítica y literaria. Avellaneda y Ventura editores. ISSN 1888-8836




HONOURABLE MENTION for the project “Wind Topographies” in PIAM 2017 International Competition by Matimex


End-of-Degree Extraordinary AWARD 15/16 (to the best Academic Record) by the University of Seville.


FIRST PRIZE for the project “The POP UP Tarifa” in REthinking International Competition.


Participation with the project “Cabina.RAR” in the International Competition “OPEN-OUTPUT”.


Graduation with honors Award in Norba Caesarina High School.




ENGLISH (Currently studying C1)




Publication of the project “Cabina.RAR” as a pilot project for public spaces in ADU2020 Public exhibition of projects in the “II Muestra de Arquitectura Española in Toledo”.










(Currently learning) 5

selected works


LA FOSA Performing Arts Center La Fosa, my thesis project, is a proposal for a Performing Arts and Audiovisuals Center located in the mining area of Aldea Moret in Cáceres, on the remains of the old superphosphate treatment tower. This industry was the main economic engine in the late nineteenth century until the mid-twentieth century. Nowadays, the only thing that remains is the remnants of a disjointed territory.

La Fosa es el nombre con el que se conoce el Centro de Artes Escénicas y Audiovisuales situado en la cuenca minera de Aldea Moret en Cáceres, aprovechando la antigua torre de tratamiento de superfosfatos. Esta industria fue el principal motor económico a finales del siglo XIX hasta mediados del siglo XX. Hoy en día lo único que sigue en pie son los restos de un territorio inconexo del resto de la ciudad.

It transforms the industrial use intrinsic from La Fosa, by a program that includes a center for performing arts, plastic and audiovisual that can take advantage of the spaces qualities offered by the ruins and enhance these activities.

Se transforma el uso industrial intrínseco a La Fosa, por un programa en el que se inserta un centro de artes escénicas y audiovisuales que sea capaz de aprovechar la calidad de los espacios que se ofrecían y potenciar estas actividades.

Year: 2016 Location: Cáceres (Spain) Use: Cultural


Size: Extra Large Status: Thesis Project (9/10) Co-authors: -



In an apparently regulated and compact volume, different spaces are concatenated, playing with height, materiality and functionality, leading to areas for diffusion and creation. The project configures a large matrix, a continuous and extensive support where the different uses are mixed, relating or associating with each other.

En un volumen aparentemente reglado y compacto, se van concatenando espacios distintos, jugando con la altura, la materialidad y la funcionalidad, dando paso a estancias para la difusión y la creación. El proyecto configura una gran matriz, un soporte continuo y extenso donde los diferentes usos se van relacionando o asociándose entre sí.


This project draws a flexible framework where the packages occupy their place according to their characteristics. The main areas that include the program are: an expository part, areas dedicated to audio-visual companies, auditorium for 600 people and a teaching area. The most important packages are education or teaching in the practices of various artistic disciplines such as theater, dance, painting, sculpture and ceramics, sewing and music.


Este proyecto dibuja un entramado flexible donde los paquetes van ocupando su lugar en función de sus características. Los grandes usos del programa son: una parte expositiva, zonas dedicadas a empresas audiovisuales, auditorio para 600 personas y un área docente. El mayor es el que se destina a educación o docencia con las prácticas de varias disciplinas artísticas tales como teatro, danza, pintura, escultura y cerámica, costura, música y audiovisuales.



The concept of matrix did not necessarily imply a literal translation to the physical. In its beginnings it was rather a way of organizing chaos, of serving as an anchor to the sequence of spaces that are stored in an art school. For this reason, the rhythm is not constant or uniform, but vibrates, expands and contracts, adjusting to the different needs of the spaces, from large stages to small study cells.

El concepto de matriz no implicaba una traslación literal a lo físico. En sus inicios era más bien una manera de organizar el caos, de servir de ancla a la secuencia de espacios que se almacenan en una escuela de arte. Por esa razón, el ritmo no es constante ni uniforme, sino que vibra, se expande y se contrae, ajustándose a las distintas necesidades de los espacios que alberga, desde grandes escenarios a pequeñas células.

This project seeks a more permeable and transversal teaching model, which is reflected in new educational typologies.

Así, este proyecto busca un modelo enseñanza más permeable y transversal, que se refleja en nuevas tipologías educativas.







THE POP UP! The Story about an emergent structure The surfer´s relationship with nature is unique and fragile. Constantly moving around the world, these nomads are always seeking a dynamic nature composed of atmospheric changes own of each place. Therefore, you can´t develop a single project, Tarifa is just an excuse, the POP UP global project is the answer. A project that appears and disappears, a no place proposal that needs a continuous medium, obviously water is the root for all these activities. A project that can be transported and set up in every place, as a kind of festival that brings together the whole surfer community.

La relación del surfista con la naturaleza es única y frágil. Constantemente moviéndose por el mundo, estos nómadas siempre buscan una naturaleza dinámica compuesta por cambios atmosféricos propios de cada lugar. Por lo tanto, no se puede desarrollar un sólo proyecto, Tarifa es sólo una excusa, el proyecto POP UP global es la respuesta. Un proyecto que aparece y desaparece, una propuesta sin lugar que necesita un medio continuo, obviamente el agua es la raíz de todas estas actividades. Un proyecto que se puede transportar y montar en cada lugar, como una especie de festival que reúne a toda la comunidad surfista.

We focus on a structure of articulated and preassembled bamboo able to be easily folded. This structure is lighter and can be transported and quickly mounted anywhere, without undue machinery.

Nos centramos en una estructura de bambú articulado y preensamblado capaz de ser fácilmente plegado. Esta estructura es más ligera y puede ser transportada y montada rápidamente en cualquier lugar, sin maquinaria excesiva.

Year: 2015 Location: Tarifa, Cádiz Use: Housing

Size: Medium Status: Competition (1st Prize) Co-authors: Verónica Rodríguez Vergara

Therefore, the structure is easy to carry, easy to assemble and easy to adapt…like and accordion. You just need to follow the next steps:

opening the bamboo structure, stiffening with an auxiliary structure and finally, adapting the height to the occupation volume. 20





WIND TOPOGRAPHIES New Health Center Extension Tarifa is a city that triples its population in summer and is one of the main tourist destinations of surfing. Although the health center is located on the main access road and it goes unnoticed.

Tarifa es una ciudad que triplica su población en verano y es uno de los principales destinos turísticos del surf. Aunque el centro de salud se sitúa en la principal calle de acceso, pasa inadvertido.

The strong winds in Tarifa complicate access to the building because it is exposed to the wind. The new areas of the health center are structured in the form of bands that provide different degrees of privacy in corridors, waiting rooms and consultations. This is shown in the section with different heights, creating fissures between them that allow a direct illumination in each room.

Los fuertes vientos que hay en Tarifa complican el acceso al edificio por estar expuesto al viento. Las nuevas áreas del centro de salud se estructuran en forma de bandas que aportan diferentes grados de privacidad en pasillos, salas de espera y consultas. Esto se ve reflejado en la sección con alturas distintas, creando unas fisuras entre ellas que permiten una iluminación directa en cada una de las estancias.

To get an easy assembly, a triangular metal structure is proposed that will withstand strong lateral winds.

Para facilitar el montaje se propone una estructura triangulada metálica que permita resistir los fuertes vientos laterales.

Year: 2014-2017 Location: Tarifa, Cádiz Use: Healthcare


Size: Medium Status: Competition (Hon. Mention) Co-authors: Verónica Rodríguez Vergara


Planta -1. Hall, cafetería, zona rehabilitación, fisioterapia, terapia grupal, electroterapia, consultas de atención continuada.

Planta 0. Consultas, salas de espera, hall e información, despachos, vestuario sanitarios, sala de estar de sanitarios, almacén. 26




The exterior finish is made by a metallic corrugated sheet in the band´s direction and is accompanied by large windows protected with a substructure that incorporates translucent elements that filter and play with the light inside the medical practices. El acabado exterior se realiza mediante una chapa ondulada metálica en la dirección de las bandas y queda acompañada por grandes ventanales protegidos con una subestructura que incorpora elementos traslúcidos que filtran y juegan con la luz hacia el interior de las consultas.




C H I L D R E N ’ S H O S P I TA L Infanta Elena Hospital Extension Hospital Infanta Elena de Huelva needed an extension that incorporated a new area of children’s and adult´s rooms, as well as new administration areas. In addition the project has to solve the connection with the existing equipment.

El Hospital Infanta Elena de Huelva necesitaba una ampliación que incorporase una nueva ala de habitaciones infantiles y adultos, así como nuevas zonas de administración. El proyecto tiene que resolver la conexión con el equipamiento existente.

One of the keys in hospital design is the division between the trajectories of health workers and visitors, and how to manage these meeting points. This problem was aggravated by the need to connect both parts.

Uno de los principales problemas en diseño de hospitales es la separación entre las trayectorias del personal sanitario y los visitantes, y cómo gestionar esos puntos de encuentro. Este problema se veía agravado por la necesidad de conectarse.

As a solution it is proposed to divide these routes, creating a public square as an access and building a platform of medical equipment above.

Se propone dividir estos recorridos, creando una plaza pública sobre la que se construye una plataforma de equipamientos médicos.

Year: 2014 Location: Huelva (Spain) Use: Healthcare


Size: Large Status: Student Project (9/10) Co-authors: Verónica Rodríguez Vergara



A hospital has to function as a cog, however, we can not ignore the psychological component in patients. The rooms’ design are like nests where patients feel comfortable. All rooms have a terrace where you can breathe outside air. To avoid risk situations, the design of the facade covers all the terraces by sifting the light into the interior.

Un hospital funciona como un engranaje, pero, no podemos obviar la parte psicológica en los pacientes. Las habitaciones configura un pequeño nido donde los pacientes se sientan agusto. Todas las habitaciones tienen una terraza donde poder respirar aire exterior. El diseño de la fachada recubre todas las terrazas tamizando la luz al interior.





T H E M OA T Urban Experimental Laboratory Anyone who has been to Seville, will hardly have seen the Rectorate’s Moat. It is a space totally alien to the city and therefore, a magnificent opportunity to experiment with the perception of the visitor. In a project in which there is no use planned, the possibilities are endless. Once you are inside, the feeling of isolation is total, that space could be anywhere and the climatic conditions change drastically. This was one of the qualities that deserved to be strengthened by a series of ephemeral artifacts which played with perception and varied throughout the seasons.

Todo el que ha ido a Sevilla, muy difícilmente habrá visto el Foso del Rectorado. Es un espacio totalmente ajeno a la ciudad y por lo tanto, una magnífica oportunidad para experimentar con la percepción del visitante. En un ejercicio en el que no hay programa previsto, las posibilidades son infinitas. Una vez dentro la sensación de aislamiento es total, ese espacio podría estar en cualquier lugar y las condiciones climáticas cambian drásticamente. Esta era la cualidad a potenciar mediante artefactos efímeros que jugaran con la percepción y que variaran a lo largo de las estaciones.

The first of the artifacts is the Anechoic Staircase. This intervention plays with the idea of isolation that the subject has when entering the moat, it seems he has been moved to another place. Anechoic means total insulation to noise, creating a vacuum and enhancing the sensation of travel.

La primera de los artefactos es la Escalera Anecoica. Esta intervención juega con la idea de aislamiento que tiene el sujeto al entrar en el foso, parece haberse trasladado a otro lugar. Anecoico significa aislamiento total a ruido, creando un vacío y potenciando la sensación de viaje.

Year: 2013 Location: Sevilla (Spain) Use: Cultural


Size: Small Status: Student Project (10/10) Co-authors: Verónica Rodríguez Vergara


The strange sensation was an initial concept for the artifacts, we did not want to mimic the place but to enhance the difference, to create an alteration in the public space with plastic coatings, tree-based structures, colors, lights ... All this is reflected in the pavilion of longest permanence : The Cloud. A place that contains individualized study cells for the students and also serves as a link between the moat´s borders.


La sensación extrañeza era un concepto inicial para los artefactos, no queríamos mimetizarnos con el lugar sino potenciar la diferencia, crear una alteración en el espacio público con recubrimientos plásticos, estructuras arbóreas, colores, luces… Todo esto queda reflejado en el pabellón de mayor permanencia: la Nube. Un lugar que contiene células de estudio para los estudiantes y que además sirve de unión entre los extremos del foso.



PUMAREJO “Experimental Micro-City” The Pumarejo House represents one of the last neighbours’ courtyard of the Historic Quarter of Seville. Over time, its use has varied from palace, to jail, or to community housing. Currently, it faces the dangers of gentrification as well as all the surrounding areas

El Palacio del Pumarejo representa uno de los últimos corrales de vecinos del Casco Histórico de Sevilla. A lo largo del tiempo, su uso ha ido variando desde palacio, a cárcel o a vivienda comunitaria. Actualmente, se enfrenta a los peligros de la gentrificación.

One of its main characteristics is to be able to contain a neighborhood with almost all its services within it: Pumarejo, a micro-city. To support this idea, we work with the mat-building concept, rather than creating architecture, we create a system, a chip. New ways of dwelling with new types of houses adapted to the old and new inhabitants.

Una de sus principales características es la de ser capaz de contener un barrio con casi todos sus servicios dentro del mismo: Pumarejo, un edificio-ciudad. Para esta idea, nos apoyamos en el concepto de mat-building, creamos un sistema, un chip. Adaptándonos a las nuevas formas de habitar con nuevas tipologías de viviendas para los antiguos y los nuevos habitantes.

The roof becomes a space for production and sustainability where neighbors can create a self-sufficient community.

La cubierta se convierte en un espacio para la producción y la sostenibilidad donde crear una comunidad autosuficiente.

Year: 2013 Location: Sevilla (Spain) Use: Housing


Size: Medium Status: Student Project (10/10) Co-authors: Verónica Rodríguez Vergara





P H O N E B OX . R A R Wasted Urban Spaces There is, inherent in every metropolitan area, a system hiding under the city movement: telephone boxes. There are not just “opportunity objects” but strategic points waiting to be discovered. Throughout the years, that network has grown according to people’s needs. Squares and streets have become more complex. The key of the project is understanding the boxes as a network, already existing in the city, that needs to be updated. The answer is the design of tech pieces that recover the surrounding spaces around the boxes through social hubs. It´s like a compressed phone box where you can charge your electronic devices, create kinetic energy by movement or search for city information. Year: 2013 Location: Anywhere Use: Cultural

Hay, inherente en cada área metropolitana, un sistema que se esconde bajo la ciudad: cabinas telefónicas. No sólo hay “objetos de oportunidad”, sino puntos estratégicos que están a la espera de ser descubiertos. A través de los años, esa red ha crecido de acuerdo a las necesidades de la gente. Las plazas y calles se han vuelto más complejas. La clave del proyecto es entender las cabañas como una red, ya existente, que necesita ser actualizada. La respuesta es el diseño de piezas tecnológicas que recuperan los espacios alrededor de las cabinas a través de los centros sociales. Es como una caja de teléfono comprimida donde puedes recargar tus dispositivos electrónicos, crear energía cinética o buscar información de la ciudad. Size: Small Status: Student Project (10/10) Co-authors: Rodríguez+Freytas+Lagares


AVA N T - G A R D E Seeking Literary Spaces. Social Hub When the title of the work was presented to us at the beginning of the course: “Mythical and Literary Seville”, several questions came to mind. How did the theme relate to architecture and heritage?

Cuando se nos planteó el título del trabajo: “Sevilla Mítica y Literaria”, varias preguntas se nos vinieron a la cabeza. ¿Qué relación tenía el tema con la Arquitectura y el Patrimonio?

Our proposal is part of the extinct Café Kursaal, a meeting place of the avant-garde Seville where literature, painting, politics were discussed, exhibitions, concerts ... in short, a place of cultural exchange.

Nuestra propuesta parte del extinto Café Kursaal, lugar de reunión de la Sevilla vanguardista donde se discutía de literatura, pintura, política, se realizaban exposiciones, conciertos… en definitiva un lugar de intercambio cultural.

We change the city creating an invisible landscape, an attractor focus where everyone can expose their ideas, texts, drawings, etc. We give a physical space to social and cultural claiming. Year: 2012 Location: Anywhere Use: Cultural


Cambiamos la ciudad creando un paisaje invisible, un foco atractivo donde todos pueden exponer sus ideas, textos, dibujos, etc. Damos un espacio físico a la reivindicación social y cultural. Size: Small Status: Student Project (10/10) Co-authors: Verónica Rodríguez Vergara



THE MAZE Detailed Study in Chiclana The requirements of the detailed study proposed a great number of different uses in a compact space that simultaneously solve the problems of mobility and transport of the river banks.

Los requerimientos del estudio de detalle proponían una gran cantidad de usos diferentes en un espacio compacto que resolviera al mismo tiempo los problemas de movilidad y transporte del río.

Our idea is based on the proposal of designing the entire block as a macro-project where the different uses are mixed up, the public space invites exploration with multiple trajectories, opening to the different urban spaces avoiding a border.

Nuestra idea se basa en la propuesta de proyectar toda la manzana donde se mezclen los usos y en el que el espacio público invita a la exploración, a la multiplicidad de trayectorias, abriéndose a los distintos espacios impidiendo generar una frontera.

This is a clear commitment to the heterogeneous, to the sustainable and also a claim against the homogeneity imposed on homes. Different openings guarantee a good exposure to sunlight in all levels, as well as a good ventilation.

Esta es una apuesta clara por lo heterogéneo, por lo sostenible y también es una denuncia de la homogeneidad impuesta en las viviendas. Se abren distintos huecos que permiten un soleamiento en todas las plantas, así como una buena ventilación.

Year: 2013 Location: Chiclana (Cádiz) Use: Urban planning


Size: Large Status: Student Project (8/10) Co-authors: Rodríguez + Gragera


T h a n k yo u fo r yo u r t i m e


sanchezsanabria.car los@gmail.com

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