Academic Portfolio

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Carlos Gonzรกlez A r c h i t e c t - - - - - - - - - -

PORTFOLIO september . 2013

INDEX -- INDICE 01 Curriculum vitae 02 Culinary center 03 Park of the senses 04 Chinese wall 05 Transport exchanger station 06 Changing tower 07 High speed line


CURRICULUM VITAE BIO Carlos González del Mazo 20/12/1986 Madrid, SPAIN

skype carlos.gonzalez.del.mazo





Architect by Universidad Politecnica San Pablo CEU, Madrid. July, 2013. Landscape architect by Universidad Politecnica San Pablo CEU, Madrid. July, 2012. Erasmus Scolarship (Landscape architecture) at La Sapienza - Università di Roma, Italia, 2011 - 2012. Thesis Project Supervised by Mª Auxiliadora Galvez (Gálvez + Wieczorek arquitectura) and Andres Perea.

Timsa. Aug - Oct, 2013. - Graphical Data collection of the building facades and differences in different neighborhoods of the Community of Madrid. Ortiz Bordallo Studio of Architecture. Jun - Sep, 2008. - Basic project of a new technological area, shopping and entertainment, Spain. - Execution project of an hotel in Laos, Nigeria.

and workshops - Workshop “muevete (II) en el paisaje”


in Madrid, Spain, 2013. Interdisciplinary workshop about movement perception and plastic exploration by TOUCHandGOreality Collective ( Directed by Mª Auxiliadora Gálvez, Begoña López y Fátima Sarasola (Proyectual exploration; Andoni Larrabeiti (Coreografic exploration); Juan Barrero (Video and audio exploration).

- Workshop “ Sustainable Futures for the changing landscapes of the Henares Corridor” , Madrid, Spain, 2011. Directed by Profesor Steinitz Harvard University.

- Workshop “ Paisaje futuros:experiencias y acción” Coordinated by DJarq.

in Granada, Spain, 2010.

- Workshop “ San Pablo Ceu-Zhejiang University”

in Hangzhou, China, 2010. Urban and architectural pzroposals for a new urban plan.

- Summer intensive course “ Intro to architecture” Columbia University.

Carlos González - A r c h i t e c t

in New York, USA, 2009.

Sustainable Futures for the changing landscapes of the Henares Corridor Workshop. , Spain, 2011. Muralla china, Future Architecture Magazine nº 26 + 27. May 2011.

COMPUTER SKILLS 2D - Autocad, Photoshop, Illustrator, Indesing. 3D - Autocad, Sketchup + VRay. Structural - CYPE and Metal 3D. Facilities - Dialux.

Languajes Spanish, Native or bilingual proficiency. English, Professional proficiency. Italian, Professional proficiency. French, Limited proficiency.

A LITLE MORE ABOUT ME -- UN POCO MÁS SOBRE MI Cooking the Landscape Final Project, San Sebastian, Spain, July 2013. I consider myself as an architect who cares about the insertion of the building in the environment, so I decided to go deeper studing landscaping. I consider it’s very important to see what is being done elsewhere in the world so I went to different universities like Columbia, La Sapienza and Zhejiang to see how other students of architecture deal with diferent projects from different points of view. Me considero un arquitecto que se preocupa por la insercion del edificio en el entorno, por eso decidi estudiar paisajismo para profundizar más. Considero muy importante ver lo que se esta haciendo en otras partes del mundo por eso fui a la universidad de Columbia, La Sapienza y Zhejiang para ver como otros estudiantes de arquitectura abordaban los proyectos de formas diferentes.

Carlos González - A r c h i t e c t


CULINARY CENTER Cooking the Landscape Final Project, San Sebastian, Spain, July 2013. The proyect revolves around the creation of a new restaurant for Arzan located in San Sebastián. The main concern of the intervention is based in the natural surroundings where is located. “El Monte Urgull” is a strategic place whitin the city. El proyecto gira en torno a la creación de un nuevo restaurante para Arzak en San Sebastián. La principal preocupación de la intervención esta basada en el entorno natural en el que se encuentra. El monte Urgull un lugar estrategico dentro de la ciudad.

Carlos González - A r c h i t e c t

02 Culinary center in San Sebastián, Spain. 2013

surroundings -- entorno The chosen location for the intervention is the “Monte Urgull” because of its proximity to the markets, the nature and because of having a vision of 360º of the city and its surroundings. La ubicación escogido para la intervención es el monte Urgull debido a su cercania a los mercados, a la naturaleza y por tener una visión de 360º de la ciudad y su entorno.

Carlos González - A r c h i t e c t

02 Culinary center in San Sebastián, Spain. 2013

analysis-- análisis After a field survey I detect a poor preservation of it, so i decided to perform a landscape intervention to reactivate and give to the place a new life. Despues de un reconocimiento del terreno detectando una mala conservación del mismo, decido realizar una intervención paisajística para reactivar y dar nueva vida al monte.

Carlos González - A r c h i t e c t

02 Culinary center in San Sebastián, Spain. 2013

new landcape -- nuevo paisaje The visitor has a magnifying effect of the surroundings and that what happens there because of the performances. By varying its route depending on the season of year. El visitante tiene un efecto lupa del entorno y de lo que ocurre en él mediante las intervenciones. Variando el recorrido según las diferentes épocas del año.

Carlos González - A r c h i t e c t

02 Culinary center in San Sebastián, Spain. 2013

activation reaction-- activaci贸n reacci贸n All this heterogeneous elements generate a continous landscape of movement and surprise where the person can act as spectator or participate. Todos estos elementos heterogeneos generan un paisaje continuo de movimiento y sorpresa donde la persona puede actuar como espectador o participar.

Carlos Gonz谩lez - A r c h i t e c t

02 Culinary center in San Sebasti谩n, Spain. 2013

outside inside -- exterior interior The landscape interventions invade the restaurant and their immediate environment allowing diners to be aware of the overall intervention. Las intervenciones paisajísticas invaden el restaurante y su entorno más cercano permitiendo al comensal ser consciente de la intervencion general.

Carlos González - A r c h i t e c t

02 Culinary center in San Sebastián, Spain. 2013

vision -- visión From outside and from inside you can see the surrounding landscape and become an active part of it. The restaurant is located between the treetops. Desde el exterior como desde el interior se puede observar el paisaje colindante y formar parte activa de él. El restaurante se situa entre las copas de los árboles.

Carlos González - A r c h i t e c t

02 Culinary center in San Sebastián, Spain. 2013

continuity -- continuidad Pathways and spaces without doors, voids separating the rooms introduce the nature into the building, the intention is to suggest without seeing the space below by reflections and refractions. Recorridos y espacios sin puertas, los huecos separan las estancias e introducen la naturaleza en el edificio, la intencion es insinuar el siguiente espacio sin verlo mediante reflexiones y refracciones.

Carlos Gonzรกlez - A r c h i t e c t

02 Culinary center in San Sebastiรกn, Spain. 2013

movement -- movimiento Traffic supplies is introduced naturally in the performance, this being a spectacle to observe more. Se introduce el trafico del abastecimiento de manera natural, siendo esto un espectaculo mรกs para observar.

Carlos Gonzรกlez - A r c h i t e c t

02 Culinary center in San Sebastiรกn, Spain. 2013

dynamism -- dinamismo The building changes in the different seasons of the year, modifying the internal space with natural lights and shadows. El edificio cambia en las diferentes epocas del aĂąo, modificando el espacio interno mediante luces y sombras natutales.

Carlos GonzĂĄlez - A r c h i t e c t

02 Culinary center in San SebastiĂĄn, Spain. 2013

continuity -- continuidad The construction follows the idea of the project that blends with the landscape being important the outside and the inside. la construccion sigue la idea del proyecto que se funde con el paisaje siendo igual de importante el exterior como el interior.

Carlos Gonzรกlez - A r c h i t e c t

02 Culinary center in San Sebastiรกn, Spain. 2013

details -- detalles In large scale and small scale the building uses nature to create unique situations. Tanto a gran escala como a pequeña escala el edificio usa la naturaleza para generar situaciones sorprendentes.

Carlos González - A r c h i t e c t

02 Culinary center in San Sebastián, Spain. 2013

lightness -- ligereza The structure of masts and suspenders give the building the feeling of being suspended in the forest. Releasing the ground and blending with the forest. La estructura de mรกstiles y tirantes le da al edificio la sensacion de estar suspendido en el bosque. Liberando la planta inferior y mimetizandose en el bosque.

Carlos Gonzรกlez - A r c h i t e c t

02 Culinary center in San Sebastiรกn, Spain. 2013

transparent translucent - transparente translucido Transparent and translucent elements modify or distort the perception of space, their understanding and their dimensionality with reflections and shadows. Los elementos transparentes y translucidos modifican o distorsionan la percepciรณn del espacio, su comprension y su dimensionalidad mediante reflejos y sombras.

Carlos Gonzรกlez - A r c h i t e c t

02 Culinary center in San Sebastiรกn, Spain. 2013

mechanism -- mecanismo The architecture as a mechanism that adapts to inclement weather and human internal comfort conditions. La arquitectura como un mecanismo que se adapta a las inclemencias del tiempo y las condiciones de confort internas.

Carlos Gonzรกlez - A r c h i t e c t

02 Culinary center in San Sebastiรกn, Spain. 2013

conclusion -- conclusión This performance wants to disappear in the woods but at the same time feel that happens (rain, wind, sun ...). To generate reflections I use the rainwater with metal that also generates sounds. To feel the wind I use light mobile elements. To generate light effects and colors I use translucent elements. Use net to float in the forest and catch the leaves. The wood creates warmth and unique sounds of the forest. Is Not a building facade, the facade is the changing forest. Una intervencion que quiere desaparecer en el bosque pero que a la vez sientas los que ocurre (lluvia, viento, sol ...). Para generar reflejos uso la lluvia con el metal que también genera sonidos. Para percibir el viento uso elementos ligeros moviles. Para generar efectos de luz uso elementos translucidos y colores. Uso redes para flotar en el bosque y atrapar las hojas. La madera genera calidez y sonidos propios del bosque. No es un edificio fachada, su fachada es el bosque cambiante.

Carlos González - A r c h i t e c t

02 Culinary center in San Sebastián, Spain. 2013


PARK OF THE SENSES Universita di Roma La Sapienza

Landscape proyect, Roma, Italy, February 2012. The project is performed to regenerate an area of Rome in decline with the goal of restoring an old fort and generate around the large park to attract people who participate in the new green space. El proyecto se realiza para regenerar una zona de roma en decadencia con objetivo de restaurar un antiguo fuerte y generar en torno a el un gran parque para atraer personas que participen del nuevo espacio verde.

Carlos Gonzรกlez - A r c h i t e c t

03 Park of senses in Rome, Italy. 2012

garden -- jardĂ­n It is a zone of privacy within the park, with different environments depending on the sense you want to activate and stimulate. Each plant species allows this interaction with each sense and creates different spaces. Spaces large and small, narrow roads, places of passage and rest. Es una zona de intimidad dentro del parque, con diferentes ambientes dependiendo de los sentidos que se desean activar y estimular. Cada especie de planta permite esta interaccion con cada sentido y genera diferentes espacios. Espacios grandes y pequeĂąos, caminos estrechos, lugares de paso y de descanso.

Carlos GonzĂĄlez - A r c h i t e c t

03 Park of senses in Rome, Italy. 2012


CHINESE WALL Colaboration between San Pablo CEU and Zhejiang University Residential building, Hangzhou, China, June 2010. In a country of such expansion as is China, I proposed a building of high-density housing without losing the Chinese city life, with community places of relationship between people and its entrepreneurial lifestyle. En un pais de tanta expansi贸n como es china, se proponia un edificio de viviendas de alta densidad pero sin perder la vida de la ciudad china con lugares comunitarios de relaci贸n entre las personas y su estilo de vida emprendedor.

Carlos Gonz谩lez - A r c h i t e c t

04 Chinese wall in Hangzhou, China. 2010

transformable - transformable Houses that can be extended or converted into shops. casas que se pueden ampliar o transformar en tiendas.

Carlos Gonzรกlez - A r c h i t e c t

04 Chinese wall in Hangzhou, China. 2010


TRANSPORTS EXCHANGER STATION Performance in the railway area Landscape and insfrastructure, Aranjuez, Spain, January 2010. The intervention had to be respectful of the existing building and the outdoor garden that is world heritage. Improvement is made providing the park with activity to prevent deterioration from disuse. La intervencion tenia que ser respetuosa con el edificio existente y con el jardin exterior ya que es patrimonio de la humanidad. Se realiza una mejora del parque dotandolo de actividad para evitar su deterioro por desuso.

Carlos Gonzรกlez - A r c h i t e c t

05 Transport exchanger station in Aranjuez, Spain. 2010

coexistence-- coexistencia The building coexists with preexistence avoiding a competition with the old building and the environment. Thanks to the facade you can see the historic environment. El edifico convive con las preexistencia evitando competir con la antigua edificaci贸n y su entorno. Gracias a la fachada se puede ver el entorno historico.

Carlos Gonz谩lez - A r c h i t e c t

05 Transport exchanger station in Aranjuez, Spain. 2010

functional -- funcional The transport connections are direct avoiding cross-flow of people with different destinations being understood as a machine station. Las conexiones con los tranportes son directas evitando un cruce de flujos de personas con diferentes destinos entendiendo la estaciรณn como una mรกquina.

Carlos Gonzรกlez - A r c h i t e c t

05 Transport exchanger station in Aranjuez, Spain. 2010


CHANGING TOWER High building, Madrid, Spain, June 2009.

This building combines different uses on each floor, from homes, offices and public spaces. The triangular shape improves wind resistance and because of the turning shape its facade change from every point of view. Este edificio combina diferentes usos en cada planta, desde viviendas, oficinas o espacios pĂşblicos. La forma triangular mejora la resistencia al viento del conjunto y al girar va cambiando su fachada siendo desde cada punto de vista diferente.

Carlos GonzĂĄlez - A r c h i t e c t

06 Changing tower in Madrid, Spain. 2009


HIGH SPEED LINE Columbia University Performance in the Highline, NY, USA, August 2009. The idea is to create a highline for users who can not use the highline now as bikers, skateboarders, rollerbladers. I generate other way that that coexists and relates to the existing but more dynamic. La idea es crear un highline para los usuarios que no pueden usar el highline como son la gente en bici, skateboarders, patinadores. Creo otro camino que convive y se relaciona con el existente pero mรกs dinรกmico.

Carlos Gonzรกlez - A r c h i t e c t

07 High speed line in the Highline in NY, USA. 2009

Thanks for your time

Carlos Gonzรกlez A r c h i t e c t - - - - - - - - - -

PORTFOLIO september . 2013

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