What are Light Languages

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What Are Light Languages or Light Codes Light Language is considered an ancient form of communication that is futuristic and otherworldly. It has also been called “language of angels” or the “language of the soul”. It is what might be called more of a telepathic language that connects with the soul rather than the mind. Light language is channeled for those who are open to receiving it and expressing it, but it can also be relayed or expressed to another. Those who channel the language have access to it from a higher state of consciousness, in which they are a conduit for receiving and relaying the codes or messages. This form of communication can be communicated in a number of ways. It may be spoken or scribed in a written language in the form of symbols. In written form each language has its own visual style and the languages have no fixed alphabet. They visually embody a unique visual iconography, or imagery. Light language is a compilation of energy. These languages embody an energetic frequency that speaks directly to one’s soul and DNA. It speaks from and connects to one’s heart, soul, higher self, enabling one to obtain information in an energetic format that expands the senses. You feel the transmission as you hear them. The less you think about it and become more open to it, the more you can experience its benefits. Its purpose is to shift individuals and humanity to a higher frequency by accessing areas of the brain. Light Languages can help one to heal physically and emotionally, such as releasing or unblocking stuck energy and activating our DNA. They assist with stimulating and opening the pineal gland which helps in the interpretation of abstract information, which comes from Source or the Cosmos. It improves and strengthens out connection to our intuitive wisdom, the Divine, and Unity Consciousness. This activation links to our embedded knowledge and the truths and abilities that have laid dormant, assisting us in connecting and awakening to our life’s purpose. Light Codes Light Codes are a type of geometric symbol that can appear as shapes or colors, many times experienced in meditation or can be seen clairvoyantly. When they are put together in a series, they create a Light Language. These symbols are energetic

patterns that also emit healing energy, thoughts, messages, and emotions. Just like Light Language, a Light Code can also provide activation and healing. You may begin to experience Light Codes first, which marks the process of your spiritual awakening. When we begin to awaken, it is referred to as an ascension. The patterns are the first signs of your clairvoyance (all seeing) an opening-up. They can also convey the receiving of new wisdom. Receiving Light Codes or Light Language is like receiving new software, it is a downloading process. Symbols may initially repeat to get your attention and establishing a connection to the downloading process. You may even receive a name or message associated to a code. Those that receive Light Codes are called a Light Code Carrier. You can also be a communicator of codes. Reiki symbols are a type of Light Code and are used in this ancient Japanese, energy healing practice. However, there are many other types of codes and many of which you may not recognize. These are sometimes referred to as “Diamond Light Codes” or “Codes of Light”.

Keeping a journal can assist you in learning and

exploring more about your transmissions. While I do no write or speak Light Language or Codes, I am drawn to them and feel a connection to them. When I do a Spiritual Coaching Reading for someone, who knows they are a Starseed (I am using this word to embody all that I listed earlier), or my guides indicate that the seeker may be one, I am usually guided to use certain decks to assist in their reading. These decks not only help the seeker connect to their language, but can assist in the messages or confirmations they need to hear, or providing healing they need to receive.

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