Cariboo Chilcotin Coast Region (British Columbia, Canada) Travel Guide

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What the Locals Say “It’s no secret, I love the whitewater rafting in the Cariboo Chilcotin and Fraser Canyon. This region has some of the best whitewater rafting in the world, with an amazing diversity of rivers and rapids. Many people don’t realize that all of the best rivers are tributaries of the Fraser River, which runs right through Cariboo Chilcotin country. I’ve personally rafted the Quesnel, Chilcotin (and tributaries the Chilko and Taseko), Bridge, Stein, Thompson, Nahatlatch and Coqulhalla. These rivers are incredibly unique, exciting and relatively unknown.” ~ Bryan Fogelman, founder and president of REO Rafting Resort “I consider the Cariboo Chilcotin grasslands a ‘wonder of the world’ as they’re the largest intact temperate grasslands left on the planet. When you consider that a hectare of prime, uncultivated grasslands contains greater biodiversity than a hectare of any other ecosystem, its in our very best interest to maintain this jewel for the ‘Seventh Generation’.” ~ Chris Harris, photographer and author

“In the Chilcotin, we share bonfires, supper tables, dance floors and stories. We breathe clean air and drink pure water. And when I walk to the north side of our property on timeless nights, the Northern Lights perform their show for anyone who stays up late enough to applaud their presence.” ~ Lise St. Gelais James, photographer, resident of Nimpo Lake 32

Yoho Adventures

“I love the rough-edged and raw wilderness flavour of the Chilcotin, and Tatlayoko Lake in particular. A large proportion of the Chilcotin remains essentially as it has been for the past few thousand years. I find that very appealing.” ~ Peter Shaughnessy, West Chilcotin project manager, Nature Conservancy of Canada

Cariboo Chilcotin Coast Travel & Touring Guide

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