Caribbean Export OUTLOOK 2014-2015

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Exporters’ Tool Box

Market Intelligence Training Workshops

request, the Agency can provide Market

The Direct Assistant Grant

Market Intelligence Training Workshops for

Pointers on a specific product and target export


private sector firms and BSOs are designed to

market. The tool represents an effective tool for

The DAGS is a reimbursement grant

assist in the capacity building of the regional

presenting data collected on potential markets

funding facility specifically designed to

private sector to procure high quality

in a way which is easy to understand.

provide financial assistance to legally registered firms/individuals/ BSOs with the

market intelligence information through the identification and use of various trade

Market Opportunity Brief

information data sources and platforms.

Market Opportunity Briefs provide key

potential to export their goods and services.

insights on the demand conditions for a

Special Call for Proposals

Regional Trade Information Training

particular product in both traditional and

The Agency also provides special calls for


non-traditional markets. This tool analyses

proposals allowing applicants to submit

The Regional Trade Information Training

various trends such as market size, market

proposals for funding outside of the regular

Programme builds the capacity of regional

growth rate, market consumption capacity,

DAGS facility e.g. Special Call for Proposals-

experts from various BSOs and Trade

wholesale and retail trends, social factors

Food Safety.

Promotion Organizations (TPOs) in trade

affecting demand, supply factors, and

information management.

opportunities for regional companies.

Promotion Agencies (CAIPA)



The Exporters’ Toolkit provides a step by

Caribbean Export offers direct market

Export is deeply involved in the support

step guide on how to export goods and

penetration opportunities for firms through

and strengthening of regional investment

services successfully. It provides templates

branded platforms for specific industries.

promotion agencies.

Design Caribbean

Regional Investor of the Year Awards

INVESTMENT PROMOTION Caribbean Association of Investment As the Secretariat for CAIPA, Caribbean

and resources that can help any business to export regionally or internationally.

Design Caribbean is the region’s leading

The Agency stages the Regional Investor of


contemporary design event displaying

the Year Awards, in collaboration with CAIPA

Caribbean Export provides a range of services

the Caribbean’s finest handmade designs

which invites nominations for foreign and

in the area of market intelligence to equip

and innovative products.(http://www.

local investors who have had a significant

firms with the tools required for effective

impact on regional industries. The Award also

market research, and provides critical

seeks to recognize investors in strategic areas

information used to inform the businesses

Caribbean Essence

of importance to the region, e.g. green energy,

decisions necessary when embarking on

The Caribbean Essence Fashion Showcase is a

research and development, projects that involve

exporting goods and services to new markets.

Caribbean Export project that demonstrates

a high degree of innovation and creativity and

the vibrancy and creative expression for which

those that are championed by women.

Market Intelligence Portal (CE-MIP)

we are known. This is where Caribbean Export

The CE-MIP is designed to be an online

presents the region’s trends in fashion design


platform, which gives the user the ability to

and the amazing potential within this industry.

Caribbean Export seeks to create an

obtain market reports on products, sectors

enabling business environment for regional

and countries of interest. Key data the portal

Caribbean Kitchen

SMEs on a macro level by establishing

will report on will be Trade/Economic data,

Caribbean Kitchen seeks to expose

relationships between territories through:

Market/Sector Profiles and reports, Tariff

CARIFORUM firms in the agro-processing

Bi-national Programmes

and Non-Tariff data, a business register/

and specialty foods sector that have the

Trade agreements

database of regional companies, trade

DNA to be globally competitive.

Memorandums of Understanding

agreements analysis, directory of Business


Support Organisations, Trade regulation

Soul Fusion

Within the context of Business Advocacy

and related documentation, and links to

Soul Fusion is a musical showcase of Caribbean

the Agency convenes a number of public/

important data sources.

culture with artists from the diverse nature

private sector engagement to facilitate the

of musical genres from across the Caribbean

exchange of ideas, experiences and explore

Market Pointers

namely Reggae, Soca, Creole Music (Zouk,

opportunities for regional growth and

Given the fact that exporters usually have

Kompa), Caribbean Jazz, Folk and Afro-Haitian.

development. Examples of these include; the Caribbean Exporter’s Colloquium, the

little time to plough through tedious and complicated market research publications,


Private Sector Advisory Group, the Caribbean

Caribbean Export provides information on

One of the most direct ways in which Caribbean

Conference on the International Financial

areas which are important for exporting in a

Export impacts SMEs is through its funding

Services Sector and the Regional Innovation

succinct and well organized manner. Upon

programmes. The two main programmes are:

Advisory Group.


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