Caribbean Compass Yachting Magazine

Page 30

Isla Po nd ets

Bequia at Easter Sitting at the Frangipani, Troubles fade — if you have any, Watching sailboats nod and sway, As dinghies hurry on their way To who knows which boat? Who knows where? Relaxed, no worries, no one cares. Easter time and Christ is Risen! Surely God up in His Heaven Blesses those who are compelled To face the ocean’s mighty swells. The sea, so often rough and chancy Is not everybody’s fancy.

MARCH 2013

MARCH 2013



ARIES (21 Mar - 20 Apr) The third week will be full of creative inspiration and high winds in your verbal skills and energy. It’s a good time to start new projects and make changes on board. TAURUS (21 Apr - 21 May) Boat business is in the doldrums but the rest of your course is free of obstructions, so get a firm hand on the helm and steer towards new horizons. GEMINI (22 May - 21 Jun) As romantic breezes wane, your verbal skills stall. This will not put wind in your creative sails but don’t fret — things will clear up after the 18th. CANCER (22 Jun - 23 Jul) You’ll feel creative inspiration with fresh breezes in your love life in the first three weeks. Use this aspect to your advantage now, as after the 21st the tide will turn and winds of change could drive you off course. LEO (24 Jul - 23 Aug) Don’t let fluky winds in your business sails deflect you from creative inspiration after the 21st. Start new projects that you can share with your romantic crewmember. VIRGO (24 Aug - 23 Sep) Your inability to express yourself clearly will cause choppy seas in your love life and creative aspirations. Be patient and conditions will mellow out after the 21st.

But for the sailor, there’s no choice And in this challenge, they rejoice. In slender hulls they put their trust, For them to be there is a must. So thank You Lord, for this sweet day, Anchored in Admiralty Bay!

— Nan Hatch


Celebrating, Living life, Traveling by wind and sea… As days and months go by We sail through the day and night, Greeted by the sun and kissed by the rain. Every day is an adventure, Learning, Discovering culture and nature. Sail away. Our journey through life, together.

— Olivia Frank

parlumps marooned

LIBRA (24 Sep - 23 Oct) Your sense of humor will help you sail through rough weather in your love life after the 21st. This aspect could stall your creativity and inspiration, so make the most out of the first three weeks. SCORPIO (24 Oct - 22 Nov) Slack sails in business could distract you from enjoying romantic aspects. Don’t let verbal insecurities deflect you from enjoying romance; sometimes the less said the better.

SAGITTARIUS (23 Nov - 21 Dec) The first three weeks will bring a chain of obstacles to your happy romantic course. Aspects will improve greatly after that and next month will be clear sailing ahead. CAPRICORN (22 Dec - 20 Jan) Enjoy the first three weeks, which for you are aspect-free this month. After the 21st, rogue waves could cause upheaval in your love life. Hold your tongue and resist the urge to get snippy with crew and you will avoid causing friction that might cause dissatisfaction in the future.

PISCES (20 Feb - 20 Mar) Enjoy the increasing wind in your sails of love in the first three weeks, but don’t let it tempt you to neglect business in the first week when a new opportunity will sail toward you.


AQUARIUS (21 Jan - 19 Feb) Hoist your sense of humor in the first week and don’t let minor wind shifts in business blow you off course.

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