Captivating Sound: the role of immersion for audio in games

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I don't usually play games that have no music, and even then, I usually prefer to hear the game sounds. Occasionally, I will listen to other music, but I try to pick songs that fit with the gameplay. [5] not interested [5] Sometimes certain games have no or really bad music like Counterstrike and I put on some other music bu generally I stick to whatever music is in the game. [5] Music in games usually compliments the actions and worlds, so it’s a shame to listen to other music while playing. Of course, there are exceptions (World of Warcraft for example), where putting on your own music can make it feel like less of a grind. [5] Music I normally listens to distracts me from the game. Good game music should not do this. Game music and actual music are two different things. [3] Audio feedback is critical in a lot of games. The eye is seeing so many things in a gameworld, you might miss crucial information. Audio helps set the focus on what needs to be noticed. (Plus I always really enjoy game music, often more than 'regular' music.) [5] I want te be immersed [5] I prefer to listen to the in‐game tunes. Most games I played had a decent soundtrack. [5] Soms beter dan ingame muziek [3] I generally only do that when playing certain games. FPS mainly as they can work with what ever music most of the time. Especially when playing multiplayer. [5] "Most games have good audio. If it don't I usually just turn it off. But it has happened that I have used some other music, say for Oblivion, if I wanted it to feel like Lord of the Rings or something. Then I just put on a fitting LOTR song. Thoguht, I have added some Final fantasy music + someone elses Oblivion theme songs to Oblivion because Oblivion ahve way too little music in it, and after a few hours you et too used to them." [5] I know the in‐game music already, and it doesn’t properly reflect the intensity of my actions in‐game. [1] When I play a game for a long time I sometimes get tired of hearing the same music loop over and over again, so I disable it and listen to my own. [4] Using other music would kill the immersion for me. [5] I either mod the in‐game music or see no reason to. [5] Als ik een bepaalde routine uit moet voeren die ik vaker uitvoer in het spel (denk hierbij aan bijvoorbeeld een normale dag doorwerken in Harvest Moon) wil ik nog wel eens een muziekje opzetten omdat ik graag naar muziek luister. Dit doe ik dus alleen als ik niet veel hoef na te denken tijdens de game. [2] Only with online multiplayer games, like Counterstrike [4] when I play does crappy point and click games and old gameboy or old snes games the music sometimes just doesn't work [2] Game music is a vital aspect of the immersion. I can't put on Metalica and play. Only if the game music is really horrible, then I'll do it. [4] I want to see what the makers chose and most make good decisions. [5] If I don't like the music in‐game I just switch it off so I can hear sound effects etc. [5] I do it when I get bored with game's soundtrack. Especially if it doesn't increase immersion or dramatism of the game. [2] Only time I substitute the game music for my own is when playing a sports game and they choose friggin Rap and hip hop garbage. Racing games especially...some good ol' Rob Zombie or KoRn really gets me in the mood for speed. [5] If The game has a good soundtrack, i don't need outside music, but if the soundtrack isn't good, it helps to listen to music i'm in to. [3] Usually the game is meant to be played with the music and many of the games I play have sound effects and other music just messes with that. [5] Ingame sound can get repetitive, especially in online games. In due time gameplay becomes more important and you don't care about ingame music anymore. [3] If i have a new game of which I like the music I download the OST. If I have new songs I listen to them about 10 times a day. It goes like that with every song in my library. [1] nu en dan zet ik een muziekje op. Alleen als ik dit kan combineren met een andere bezigheid [2] Sometimes I am in the mood for a particular type of music. If the game has a different type of music, I import music from a media player so that I can still listen to what I want. [4] The soundtracks of the games I play have been created especially for that particular situation in the game I am playing. It’s well thought out and more suited for the game I am playing than any other music. [5] It ruins the immersion. It's hard to match music with a game. [5] "Because most of the games which I play already have good music in them. But that isn't the real reason actually. Most of the games I play have good music in them, but not just good music, these are made especially for the game. These sounds will make the experience about 60% more immersible...should I say more? " [5]


Tons of game have wrong music: Ambient where it should be active, active where it should be ambient. Or simply music that does not fit the mood of the events. Burnout 3, it uses rock music, where you drive very hard trough different streets. Its just not the same setting as Tony Hawk game, for example, thats why its different and doesn't fit into the game. can't think of it


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