Captivating Sound: the role of immersion for audio in games

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The music really helps set the tone and feeling of the game. AVP, Hellgate, Thief, System Shock, Legacy of Kain (series) Audio effects enchancing immersion (AVP, Thief, System Shock), being able to rely on audio to provide information like in teal life (Tief), soundtrack building up the tension or going with the action when needed (System Shock, Hellgate), wonderfull and dramatic voiceacting (Legacy of Kain) Ambient sounds are more where I'm coming from. Music I can do without, but the realistic sounds of the world I'm playing in are what immerse me more than anything. Music is not something you hear in real life. No one, besides Peter Griffin has their own soundtrack running all the time around them. But the sounds of the world, real or fantasy, are what you'd hear. In Games like Metroid Prime, you can use audio clues to find out whats going on or what you have to do. Because instead of just looking at a sreen, you have to use more than one sense to play the game In Bioshock all the noise being made by the sea and pipes and people all around you. It made me feel like the the actions were happening around me. Half‐life: Use of reverb in different rooms. More believable experience. The audio in kingdom hearts 2, almost all of it really, just download the OST. I don't know. It's music. GOOD music and music pulls people in. It wasn't the same all the time, it sounded good and it wasn't irritating. How do you logically explain music? You don't. no example, but audio does help raise up the tension... it raises up the tension or other emotions... The Lord of the Rings Battle for Middle Earth. Playing as the elves, the sound of the giant eagle. The noise is realistic and added to the atmosphere. The intro music of legacy of kain soul reaver. It comes back multible times during situations similar to the intro event. This makes you recal what happened previously and get drawn more into whats happening now. Silent Hill, Mafia, Broken Sword. Silent Hill uses music very effectively to creep you out, the jazz in Mafia enhances the mood, and the music in Broken Sword fits the mood very well. Deus Ex again...just play the game, then you see that the ambience music is great and the sounds of all the objects are unique.

QUESTION 89­90: NEGATIVE INFLUENCE AUDIO Question 89: Can you give an example of audio in a game that made you feel less immersed? Question 90: Please explain why. 1:

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The more busy and moticable music in the same Metroid Prime The music becomes busier with bosses and such, and then you start to notice it more: You are confronted with the fact that this is music coming out of your video game. Rainbow Six Vegas music It has such an soundloop, doesn't make it good, gets me out my immersion I hate bad voice acting. Especially voice actors who're (hearably) not speaking their native language." my toes start curling mmm... misschien in race games. Daar vind ik dat storend. Old music if it isn't right with the game, the game can get very boring very quick Endless loops of boring music. Because its boring. Sudden high tones or sounds that doesn't match the area or setting your currently in. When your running in a jungle trying to catch a objective and some dude is using the voice‐chat. You loose all kinds or in‐game reality. Makes you understand your not in a real jungle but just some pixels. Yes "Sounds that are too loud (and not part of the story, such as explosions), any music that doesn't "fit" in the story, etc" SuperMario "Heb wel eens op een Nintendo gespeeld maar die bliepjes in vele van hun games maken "mij een beetje gek/geirriteerd." Lelijke of te harde muziek tijdens racegames die zowiezo onverstaanbaar worden door het geluid van de auto's. Bij racespellen hoor ik graag naar het geluid van de motor, hier doe ik de muziek dan ook vaak veel zachter. Can't really think of a game now... When guns sound like a paintball guns and really bad voice acting. Yeah if your in a fight and suddenly the music switches to some peacefull music If the music is not ok with the graphics, it feels like your in 2 games at once onexpected or not suitable sounds/music for a situation. Bad voice acting Distracts from the game and focusses on the strange voices Radio or TV playing in the background while playing a game


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