Cape Fear Living Magazine June 2018

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June 2018

g n i l z z e l y Si t rS e m m Su

Connecting Cape Fear Cultures




f eatur es //

June 2018


Living on Island Time

de pa rtmen t s // Health & Wellness

History & Legend 8




Local Surfboard Shaper Launches Shaping School

Arts & Entertainment


Tony Silvagni Riding A Wave Of Success

The Thalian Association: Community at Heart

Home & Garden 16




Travel & Adventure 34

Living on Island Time

Food & Beverage


Glamping: No Assembly Required

From the community 38

Meet the Chef: Caitlyn Fisher


Fashion & Beauty






Surf. Sun. Swim. Repeat.

ca pe f ear l i vi n g / J une 2018


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writers & photographers

June 2018

Publisher Leping Beck Editor Laura Frank

T.J. Drechsel Wanderlust traveler, wine enthusiast, foodie, and sunset fanatic.

David Howell Husband. Dad. Poet. Musician. Sea-lover. Non-profit professional. Looks at a life as a story that never stops telling, revising, and recreating itself.

Assistant Editor Kelly Johnson Editorial Graphic Designer Samantha Lowe Director of Sales & Marketing Melissa Snowden Senior Account Executive John Reed

Lisa Meadows Writer, Reader, Distance Runner, Life Long Learner.

Melissa Snowden Writer, Realtor, Entrepreneur, Marketing Guru, Selfproclaimed chef and wine enthusiast with a zest for life, laughter and travel.

Account executives Jeff Chalfant Will Hair Kym Hilton Samuel Hall Virgil Rogers contributing writers David Howel · Lisa Meadows · Melissa Snowden Colleen Thompson · Kevin Ward contributing photographers T.J. Drechsel · Nick Bartol · Mark Steelman · Ann Liles for event submissions:

Colleen Thompson Writer. Picture taker. Raconteur. Wine sommelier. Loves the art of a crafted cocktail and the storytelling that accompanies it.

Kevin Ward Artist. Author. History nerd.

published by CFL Media & Marketing LLC P.O. Box 1552 · Wilmington, NC 28402 910.408.2498 · All contents in this publication are the property of CFL Media & Marketing LLC. Reproduction or use of the contents in this magazine without authorization by CFL Media & Marketing LLC is prohibited. CFL Media & Marketing LLC takes every effort to provide correct and accurate information that is published in this magazine. CFL Media & Marketing LLC accepts no liability on behalf of contributing parties for any inaccuracies or copyright infringement. CFL Media & Marketing LLC also cannot be held responsible for any services or claims provided by our advertisers. Cape Fear Living Magazine is designed as an art, culture, and community resource. Our staff loves to hear from our readers. Contact us at


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Like any true history nerd, I could not bring myself to discuss the ghost story of Theodosia Burr before explaining a bit about the island’s history. Long before you could take a ferry across the water and spend a day basking in the beauty of Bald Head Island, Native Americans were using it as a supplemental location for food. In the early sixteen hundreds the island had a wild pig population to hunt and an impressive amount of shellfish for the taking. About the same time European settlers were starting to make themselves at home and explore the area we now call the Outer Banks, Bald Head was given its name. People piloting boats out of the Cape Fear noticed the lack of vegetation on the island and merely thought “it looked like a bald guy.” During the years 1716-1718 the island was frequently used as a safe harbor for infamous and formidable pirates like Blackbeard and (the less intimidating) Stede Bonnet. Both placing their names in the history books - Black Beard for being one of the most terrifying pirates, and Bonnet for being well, around Black Beard. Between the two of them, we can safely assume that a large number


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© Christian Holzinger

W r itten By: K e v i n Wa rd

of ships traveling near the island in those days would not make it to port with their cargo (if they made it at all). Apart from the occasional nuisance of pirate attacks, Frying Pan Shoals, caused many more ships to sink. With these unfriendly sandbars so close to the island, it was essential to build a lighthouse on the island, which they did in 1794. Sadly, that first lighthouse was short lived as it was built too close to the shore and had to be abandoned. Replacing the original safety beacon, a second lighthouse was constructed in 1817 in a safer spot on the island. It is now the oldest continually standing tower in North Carolina, known as Old Baldy. Although it remains as a beautiful historic site it is no longer required for the safety of passing ships. During this era, a few years before Old Baldy would be up and running, one of the island’s most persistent legends came into being. The central figure of this tale was a 29-year-old woman known as Theodosia Burr; the last name may ring a bell as it belongs to one of America's most intriguing historical figures. Aaron Burr, was at one point the Vice President of the United States, but after this prestigious high point, his life took a decidedly downhill turn. Most notably he killed Alexander Hamilton in an illustrious duel, and then committed treason by attempting to form his empire in the New Louisiana Purchase - so not the stuff that gets your face on currency. In 1808 after his trial, he was acquitted of all charges against him, and Burr did what any innocent man would do, he fled on a ship bound for Europe. In his rush to get on his extended European “vacation,” he left behind many things, including his beloved daughter, Theodosia. Her father did eventually return to America in July 1812, but he made port in New York and set-up residency there. Theodosia at that time lived in South Carolina with her husband Joseph Alston, and she would have under normal circumstances headed to see him as soon as possible, but tragedy befell her family when her ten-year-old son died from Malaria in June of that year. It wasn’t until December that she was in a fair enough state to travel to see her father and the quickest way was by sea. Her husband had recently been sworn in as South Carolina's governor, which

meant he would also be in charge of the state militia. With the War of 1812 having started a few months before, he could not leave his command to join her. Theodosia and a trusted family friend booked passage on the Schooner Patriot, which was bound for New York on December 31, 1812. Wishfully, I could say the voyage was a success and a young woman was reunited with her somewhat mentally unbalanced father, but that is not what happened 205 years ago. The Patriot, never made its intended destination and all those onboard were recorded lost at sea. The possibilities of what happened are pretty extensive, with the combination of lousy weather and Frying Pan Shoals among some of the theories, but there are other, even darker ideas out there. At the time of the disappearance, some very contemptible men had a monstrous scheme that operated off the coast. On stormy nights they would walk a donkey with a lantern on its neck back and forth on the shore and to ships in fear of a storm it would appear to be a fellow vessel safely in dock bobbing back and forth, in reality it was a lethal trap. The unfortunate ship would crash into the sandbars and become stranded, at which time the men on shore would swarm the vessel, robbing the ship, all with the intent of no survivors. If this is indeed what happened to Theodosia, it may explain why her ghost is reported to haunt the shore of Bald Head Island. Picture yourself on the beach of Bald Head, the moon is shining off the crashing waves, and you are probably feeling at ease. You see in the distance what appears to be a young woman walking in your direction. It’s an odd site, but you prepare to say a neighborly hello to the approaching stranger. You notice a peculiar fact; she appears to be wearing a long dress that seems to be of another time. Understandably, you’re wondering why someone would be so finely dressed at this hour for a stroll by the shore, but you figure “each to their own.” As you get closer to her, you realize with a healthy amount of fear that the approaching woman seems to be transparent, Then in rapid succession, you notice that she is making no footprints in the sand, and she is giving off an ethereal glow. Like most, you would take a moment to let out a welcoming scream, and quickly run in the opposite direction. ca pefea rliving mag a zin e .com



This is what countless residents and tourists have claimed as their experience on the beach of Bald Head Island. Stories vary slightly, as some see her being chased by three other specters, believed to be the men who killed her. In this particular sighting, her pace is understandably much faster, as she could be reliving her attempt to flee for her life. If this ghost is, in fact, Theodosia, she has never spoken to anyone to tell them why she has not moved on to be reunited with father and family in the hereafter. Popular modern opinions surmise that these entities are unwilling or cannot move on, because of unfinished business here on the mortal plane. Theodosia died on a journey to see her father after many years of his absence, no doubt this was something she was desperately hoping to do. If what we are told by popular culture is right, she may be unaware of her passing; she is continuously stuck in the year 1813, thinking her father is waiting for her in New York.


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Does the restless soul of this poor woman walk the shores or is she just a local folklore that is fun to tell around campfires and tours? I have no definite conclusion, but in the end, it doesn’t matter. If you want to see a specter you may find yourself walking the shores in the hope of seeing this lonely and lost woman. If not then you will no doubt enjoy it for the story and respect the fact that she is a beloved piece of local legend here on Bald Head Island. œ

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a r t s & e n t e r ta i n m e n t

The Thalian Association

Community at Heart

W r itten By: L isa M ea dows Photogra p hed by: M a r k St eelm a n

In 1941

, Mary Ingram founded the United Service Organization (USO) in response to President Franklin Roosevelt’s desire to provide morale and recreational services to the U.S. military. A mission began across the United States to entertain the troops and strengthen the communities around them. Fast forward seventy-seven years, there seems no-better location for TACT (Thalian Association Community Theater) offices than the former USO building at the corner of 2nd and Orange Street. Now known as the Hannah Block Historic/ USO Community Arts Center (HBHUSO/Community Center), like the building’s predecessor, TACT, is on a continual mission to strengthen its community with the arts as its tool.


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TACT was set upon its course in 1788 when planter James Innes left his estate as a legacy to start a free school. Among the school’s goals, supporting education and the arts was at the forefront and in response to Innes’s wishes, prominent Wilmingtonians formed the Thalian Association Community Theater to produce theatrical productions to provide income for the school. In 2007, North Carolina Legislature named the Thalian Association Community Theatre the Official Community Theater of North Carolina. At the formal ceremony in Wilmington, Secretary of State Elaine Marshall made clear that the title was not a distinction given lightly. In the decade since being distinguished, TACT has continued to broaden its community outreach. To understand the current trajectory, Susan Habas describes it as a wheel with a strong central hub and many spokes that support the rim (the community). At the center are Habas and two other full time employees: Chandler Davis, Artistic Director, and Samantha Herrick, Community Arts Center Director. Additionally, TACT is fortunate in having the talents of

five part-time employees, a committed volunteer board of directors and legions of amazing volunteers. The various spokes that comprise TACT’s program are performances, Orange Street Artfest, community outreach and education, managing the Hannah Block Historical-USO/Community Center, and Fundraising. It goes without saying each department encompasses much more. The most visible spoke is the musical productions. Five main stage musicals are showcased at Thalian Hall yearly. In addition, TACT is known for its youth theatre productions, as with the adult program, there are five fully realized productions a year. The TACT

Above: Mr. Roberts Opposite Page: Sweet Charity

youth theater productions are performed on the historic USO 2nd Street Stage at the Hannah Block center. Auditions are open to children ages 7-18 and Davis is quick to note, Wilmington is fortunate in having some very talented and hardworking young people who put on amazing shows. Around the Youth Theatre is where TACT does a lot of its community outreach. With each youth musical production, they do two special school performances at one of Wilmington’s Title 1 schools: A.H. Snipes Elementary, Sunset Park Elementary and Freeman School of Engineering. This year they have also added a sensory-friendly performance for NHCS Elementary, Middle and High School students. In addition, they offer a Theatre 4 Change Program, which teaches classes every week at the Community Boys & Girls Club and the Brigade Boys & Girls Club and offers classes in the arts to Girls Leadership of Wilmington. Throughout the year TACT conducts theatre art education classes that are affordable to area children and have funds available for scholarships. Through these various programs alone they have engaged more children with the performing arts and encouraged them to come audition. When the prospect of auditioning seemed too daunting TACT created an auditioning boot camp for all interested children. As the city of Wilmington grows, so does TACT’s area of outreach. Committed to bringing the theatre to the entire community means keeping ticket prices low for the Main Stage and Youth Theater productions. To put on a Thalian Hall main stage musical production cost $50,000on average and Youth Theater productions cost $10,000. With adult tickets, $32 and $16 for youth (Thalian Hall shows) and $14 (Youth Theatre shows) shows that sell-out do little more than break even. As is often the case with non-profits it takes a lot of fundraising to not only keep the mission going, but to keep it growing. TACT has been fortunate in receiving grants from various entities such as Corning, Landfall Foundation, Dan Cameron Family Foundation and the Wilmington East Rotary as well as many sponsorships and donations. However, to keep the community mission flourishing TACT still relies on several fundraisers yearly. In February, TACT joined forces with She ROCKS (Research Ovarian Cancer Knowledge Support) for two nights with Divine Divas II. ca pefea rliving mag a z in e .com


a r t s & e n t e r ta i n m e n t

However, the two biggest TACT fundraisers are still to come. After successfully teaming with the Battleship North Carolina last year to put on a production of the military-themed play Mr. Roberts on the ship’s fantail, this year TACT will again be using the fantail as a stage. This year’s production is the Naval courtroom drama Caine Mutiny Court-Martial, based on the Pulitzer Prize novel by Herman Wouk. Unlike the light-hearted Mr. Roberts, Caine Mutiny Court-Martial is a suspenseful courtroom drama and like a jury at trial, the audience only knows what various witnesses tell of the events on the Caine. The play will be performed for ten shows on the USS North Carolina June 29th-July 15th (Friday, Saturday, and Sunday) with a special July 4th production that includes an amazing view of Downtown Wilmington’s Firework display. Regular show prices range from $30 adults, $25 seniors, $15 children and retired/ active duty military. July 4th tickets are $50 adults and $25 children. If it rains, the show will go on below deck in the Wardroom. Tickets can be purchased at


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Additionally, by a generous gift from Viking Cruises and AAA Travel Oleander Office, TACT will be raffling off a Viking Cruise worth $7,228. The winner will have their choice of a Luxury Rhine or Danube Cruise. Only 2,000 raffle tickets are available for $20 a piece or 6 for $100. The winning ticket will be pulled at the Drawing Cocktail Party, August 30th at the Hannah Block Historic USO/ Community Center, but you don’t have to be present to win. Second place will win 10 tickets to 2018-2019 TACT Main Stage Productions. Raffle tickets can be purchased at or at AAA Travel Oleander Office. When asked about her “awe” moments working for TACT, Susan Habas said, “Every time I see the happy face of a child after a show, enjoying the performance of our friends and family members in a local production, hosting an art exhibit or serving coffee and donuts at the HBHUSO/Community Center, our amazing July 4th production, those are the incredible moments. TACT needs the community and the community needs TACT, they can’t thrive without each other.” ¶

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home & garden

Living on Island Time


ca p e f ear l i v i n g / J une 2018


Written By: Melissa Snowden


Photographed by: Anne Liles

ust the experience of traveling to Bald Head Island creates a sense of serenity. Leave your car and your worries

behind as you jump aboard a passenger ferry at Deep Point Marina for a twenty-minute cruise to this exquisitely isolated barrier island, a mere two miles from the Southport coast. As the ferry pulls into the marina, Old Baldy, the 200-year old lighthouse commissioned by Thomas Jefferson, paints the backdrop for this lush island retreat. Once you enter “island time” your entire pace slows down. Literally, it slows down to no faster than eighteen miles per hour, the highest permissible speed limit on the island, as gas-driven vehicles are prohibited on Bald Head Island. Electric golf carts, bicycles, or your own two feet are the only methods of transportation available. As you wind your way through the car-free roads called “Wynds,” take in the breathtaking natural surroundings of idyllic streetscapes with hidden architectural gems.

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home & garden

Bald Head Island has the unique characteristic of both east and west facing beaches that converge at a point. With fourteen miles of pristine beaches, beachcombers have the luxury of watching both the sun rise and set over the water to bookend the day. Just a stone’s throw from the ocean is a community called Cape Fear Station, which was named the Southern Living Inspired Community of the Year in 2017 by Southern Living Magazine. Very few communities hold this prestigious designation. Southern Living inspired communities are those that embrace the beauty and character of the natural landscape, embody southern inspired architecture, and foster communal gatherings within the development. Cape Fear Station was named after a U.S. life saving station that once stood on the island’s east beach. The Common at Cape Fear Station is the community’s village green that provides a park-like setting for residents to gather, play games and enjoy outdoor music. The homes are nestled on the homesites to take maximum advantage of the topography and the views. Connected by sidewalks and alleyways, residents can easily make their way to visit neighbors and surrounding amenities. Directly across the street from The Commons, situated on a prime corner lot, 202 South East Beach Drive is a low-country masterpiece built by Whitney Blair, three-time winner of Southern Living Magazine’s Custom Builder award. The home’s interior was thoughtfully designed by Southern Studios and exudes coastal elegance.


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If you are interested in making Bald Head Island your home or private getaway, 202 South East Beach Drive is currently for sale. The property is listed with Bald Head Island Limited by the highly experienced island experts, Doug Oakley, Stephanie Blake and Garrett Albertson. For more information about this property or other properties on Bald Head Island, call Bald Head Island Limited Real Estate Sales at (910) 457-7400.

This 2,300 square foot home boasts an open floor plan with 10-foot ceilings on the first level, shiplap walls and white oak floors. The kitchen is a chef ’s delight with top-notch appliances, quartz countertops, counter height island and a temperature-controlled wine room. The private, first level master suite has access to a rear deck leading to a screened in porch. This home takes full advantage of the outdoors with a built-in kitchen, extensive decking, and wide wrap-around porches. Curl up with a book or let the afternoon breeze lull you to sleep on a shaded sleeping porch. Let your stress wash away like the tide, for that’s what living on island time is all about. ¶

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Food& Beverage

Meet the Chef

C a i t ly n F i s h e r


Executive Chef, The Shoals Club, Bald Head Island

Chef Caitlyn Fisher had an “aha” moment while still at school during a presentation for her Spanish class. She had to choose a word and bring in objects that correlated with a childhood memory. For some reason, she thought it would be a good idea to make chips and fire roasted salsa for 30 kids. “Even though I had never tried to cook anything before, I created the best salsa I'd ever tasted and just like that I was hooked.” A graduate of Sandhills Community College in Pinehurst, NC and trained by Executive chef Curt Shelvey. She went on to work for European chef Mark Elliott of Elliott's on Linden, a 'farm to table' restaurant in Pinehurst and it was there, where she learned to shape her style of cooking and master the basics. “Elliott has played a huge role in my career for the 6 years I spent there,” said Fisher. “It taught me that being a chef is more than just cooking, it's a lifestyle.” With breathtaking views of the legendary Cape Fear Point, the Shoals Club takes its name from the Frying Pan Shoals that extend some 20 miles from the sandy shores that houses the club. As executive chef at the club, Fisher creates a menu that focuses on local ingredients as much as possible. Getting her inspiration from the atmosphere on the island itself and creating dishes that have a tropical flair, while maintaining a light, yet hearty vibe. “There are so many great staple local ingredients. I love cooking with asparagus, strawberries and soft shell crabs. Once those ingredients start coming around, you just know warm weather is on the horizon. There is also so much more you can do with strawberries than meets the eye. Most people expect desserts when it comes to berries, but I love putting a spin on savory recipes using unlikely ingredients.” Taking 20

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a ferry to and from work every day may not seem ideal to most people, but it is one of the best aspects of the job for the young chef. It offers spectacular views and sunsets, but it also gives her the chance to prepare or decompress from the hectic life of a chef. “When you’re surrounded by people on “vacation”, it’s easy to forget that you’re at work. On the flip side, literally being separated from the mainland offers many complications and obstacles others may forget about or not realize. Like how we receive food from vendors by barge, weather permitting- and what happens when the weather doesn’t comply. There are so many moving parts and employees that play a role in just getting to work. If one area lacks- we all feel it, which is why teamwork is vital and constantly stressed at the Shoals Club.” ¶

Steamed Mussels in a Thai Coconut Broth with tomato, peanut, cilantro and crusty bread Yield: 2 portions Ingredients 2 dozen PEI mussels, beards removed 1 c dry white wine 2 c Thai coconut broth (recipe follows) 1 c heirloom baby tomatoes, cut in half 1 Tbl peanuts, toasted & chopped 2 slices crusty bread, such as ciabatta or baguette Cilantro for garnish Good quality olive oil

Broth Ingredients 6 c fish stock 1 ½ c coconut milk ½ c orange juice, fresh squeezed ¼ c lime juice, fresh squeezed 6 scallions, sliced thin 4 sprigs fresh basil 1 c cilantro, chopped 1 ea yellow onion, minced 2 ea jalapeno, minced without seeds ¼ c garlic, chopped 1 knob ginger root, sliced thin ¼ c honey ¼ c sriracha sauce 1 t turmeric powder 1 t cumin, ground 1 stalk lemongrass, sliced To taste salt & pepper

F u n Fa c t s

a b o u t c h e f c a i t ly n Best Comfort Food: N.Y. style pizza Signature Dish: Shoals Club Crab Cake with chili mango sauce Favorite Foodie City: New Orleans Most Loves To: Bake and attend Food Festivals

Broth Directions In a medium saucepan sauté onions, garlic and jalapeno in olive oil until soft. Then combine remaining ingredients and simmer for 1 hour. Strain broth and season with salt and pepper. Preparing the Mussels In a large sauté pan over medium high heat, add a tablespoon of olive oil and live mussels. Give the mussels a gentle toss in the pan until they start to open, then deglaze with white wine. Once the wine has reduced by half, add the warm Thai coconut broth from the above recipe. Cover the pan until the remaining mussels have opened and at the last minute, remove from heat and toss in a few tomatoes and toasted peanuts. Garnish with grilled bread and fresh cilantro leaves.

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Fa s h i o n & B e au ty

Surf. Sun. Swim.

. t a e p e R Photog


Drech y: T. J . b r a p hed

ca p e f ear l i v i n g / J une 2018


ming ton ion. Wil h s fa g n does surfi in North r f s h op s ts up, so a u s e h t s e e r g u r t la ing mpera ne of the eye-catch o , , y p d As the te o n e h S tr urf ction of timal ot Wax S ive colle wards op s o n t b a se d H e d t e x r e a e g an hnolog y , carries -edg e tec g Carolina in t t u c s r that use swimwea Âś rmance. surf perfo


L*Space Rocky Top & Estella Bottom Scorching hot fixed wrap style “Rocky” top by L*Space has adjustable straps and a smooth back. The “Estella” bottom is one of L*Space’s more popular designs. This sleek suit has sexy cut-outs on the hips but stays in place like a second skin. Top $88.00 Bottom $70.00 Model: Rachel Jacobs

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Fa s h i o n & B e au ty

RipCurl's Tropic Tribe Collection Escape to paradise in Rip Curl’s Tropic Tribe collection. The fixed triangle bikini top has a racer back and adjustable straps. The hipster bottom provides generous coverage. Wrap-up with an ankle-grazing maxi-skirt to match. Top $49.95 / Bottom $39.95 Model: Kelly Johnson

Quicksilver Highline Division 2.0 Gear up for summer in Quicksilver's Highline Division 2.0 boardshorts. These high-performance boardshorts are made from extremely light, flexible fabric with 4-way stretch uses the latest quick-dry technology, allowing for a lighter, dryer ride on the waves. $52.00 Model: Damian LiBassi


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Velvet Roxy Western Escape One-Piece Velvet for a swimsuit? Absolutely! Rock the beach in Roxy’s Western Escape one-piece velvet swimsuit with criss-cross back. $90.00. Model: Kelly Johnson ca pefea rliving mag a z in e .com


Fa s h i o n & B e au ty

Billabong 73X Line Up Stand out in the line-up with Billabong’s retro boardshort design. These 73 X Line-Up boardshorts have an engineered fit with 4-way stretch and a throwback pattern that commands attention. $55.00 Model: Mitchell McDowell


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Away We Go Crossback Reversible Bikini by Billabong Maximize your swimwear looks with Billabong’s reversible “Away We Go” cross-back swimsuit. Create multiple mix-and-clash looks with a reversible stripe/floral pattern suit. Top $49.95 Bottom $49.95 Model: Kensi Snowden ca pefea rliving mag a z in e .com


Fa s h i o n & B e au ty

Rip Curl "Connor Surge Mirage" Ripcurl has created the ultimate high-performance boardshorts with the fusion of technology and surf knowledge. Pro surfer, Connor Coffin’s signature boardshorts are called the Connor Surge Mirage. $59.95 Model: Mitchell McDowell


ca p e f ear l i v i n g / J une 2018

H e a lt h & w e l l n e s s

Local Surfboard Shaper Launches Shaping School Hot Wax Board Shaping School


Michael Paul has been immersed in surfing and its culture for decades. He has traveled and surfed around the globe, picking up shaping tricks from some of the best masters in the industry. Michael created his own surfboard label, Proline Surfboards, which are shaped and sold exclusively at his store, Hot Wax Surf Shop, in Wilmington, NC. Now, he is sharing his foam-carving expertise with others by offering a Basic Surfboard Shaping class that meets weekly in the Shaping Room at Hot Wax Surf Shop.

Written By: Melissa Snowden

What inspired you to shape your own surfboards? “I think the thing that inspired me the most was watching my original mentor, Ed Barbera shaping surfboards on the North Shore of Oahu. I was living in Hawaii right after UNCW graduation for a couple of years and was able to hang out at the Country Surfboards Factory in Sunset Beach.”

How long have you been shaping boards? “I have been shaping Surfboards for over 37 years and I am still passionate about learning and changing with the evolution of Surfboards and Design.”

How did you learn how to shape surfboards? “I feel like I am still learning little things about surfboard shaping by discovering new tools to perform old tricks. It is still exciting for me to hold and feel the curves and subtle bottom contours of a finished shape.”

How did the board-shaping school evolve? “Many times, people have asked to watch me shape their custom boards and there has always been a lot of excitement in the Shaping Room. I was involved with several senior projects where the students wanted to learn shaping and it was always a positive thing for Hot Wax, so I decided to open it up a bit more and start teaching a Basic Surfboard Shaping class to anyone. The response has been great and currently, new classes are held three days per week.”

What do you teach students? “Some of the things I teach during the first 3-hour class are the thought patterns, all of my understanding of hand-shaping surfboards, and how to achieve the end-result with carving personal details into a piece of foam (the surfboard blank). We discuss other things during class dealing with using specialized tools, template designs and even how computers can aid the process.”

How involved are students in the process? “All of the first classes are similar with the student seeing a surfboard completely shaped from a raw blank and fins marked ready for the fiberglass process to begin at the surfboard factory. As the second class begins, it is catered to the individual student and it is a more hands-on approach with the templates of a surfboard being drawn and cut out by the student. We have it set up so that if a student wants to shape their own custom surfboard, I will be there to guide them throughout the entire process.”

For more information, or to register for Hot Wax's Board Shaping School, call Hot Wax Surf Shop at (910)791-9283

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ca p e f ear l i v i n g / J une 2018

H e a lt h & w e l l n e s s

T o n y

S i l va g n i

Riding success Š Nick Bartol

W ritten By: M e l i s sa S n ow d e n

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H e a lt h & w e l l n e s s

As the sun peaks above the ocean’s horizon, it’s common to spot local pro surfer Tony Silvagni checking conditions at the various surf breaks.

A long-time Pleasure Island resident, Silvagni has gained international recognition, helping Team USA win the overall gold medal in the ISA World Longboard Surfing Championship held in China back in January. It’s one of the many accomplishments Silvagni has achieved during his twenty-five-year surfing career. His achievements were recently recognized by locals and a parade was thrown at Carolina Beach, where he was presented a key to the city. Silvagni with his identifiable, unruly sun-bleached surfer hair and infectious smile, has an inimitable surf style and carries off difficult tricks with finesse and grace. He is so smooth as he walks the board from the tail to the nose and hangs ten, it is difficult to believe that he didn’t grow up near the ocean. He and his family moved to Kure Beach from Williamsport, Pennsylvania in 1993. They fell in love with the ocean and all that Pleasure Island had to offer and spent many memorable family vacations on the island before making Kure Beach their home. When he was five-years-old, Silvagni’s dad pushed him into a wave on a bodyboard - he stood up, rode the wave for as long as he could and was hooked. That feeling he felt riding a wave for the first time, fueled his passion and turned it into a successful surfing career. His source of inspiration along the way was older brother Andrew Silvagni, a respected longboarder on the island who competed coast to coast, before having to step down due to Lyme disease. Perfecting his craft and honing his skills, Silvagni began competitive surfing when he was just seven-years-old. With the full support of family behind him, he began competing up and down


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the east coast with the ESA (Eastern Surf Association) and the NSSA (National Scholastic Surfing Association). His mother, Barb Silvagni, dedicated most of her life to her sons’ surfing pursuits and spent countless hours traveling, taking surf photos and cheering her sons on to become world-class surfers. At the age of sixteen, taking home a cash prize for the first time in a surfing contest, Silvagni realized that he could make a living doing what he loved most. He poured his heart and soul into surfing and traversed some of the world’s best surf breaks over several years, including Japan, Brazil, Sri Lanka, Italy, France, Australia, Costa Rica, Puerto Rico, Nicaragua, Taiwan, China, Papua New Guinea and the Maldives. But of all the places he’s travelled, the surf culture of Japan and California are his favorite. “The people are so nice over in Japan,” said Silvagni. “The food is excellent, and the people are some of the most accommodating surfers in the world.” His favorite surf break however, is in Puerto Rico and his top local surf spot is at the Hamlet Avenue access at Carolina Beach. Longboard surfing has been gaining popularity since the early nineties, with board shapers going back to the drawing board and launching nostalgic, classic boards. A typical longboard has a single fin, a rounded nose and measures 9 to 12 feet long, providing surfers

with an effortless glide and the ability to perform more daring tricks - like nose-riding, tip-riding, cross stepping, helicopters, trimming, turning and tube riding. The surfing pro didn’t spend all of his waking moments in the ocean. Along the way he also managed to earn a Business Marketing degree in 2012 at the Cameron School of Business, University of North Carolina in Wilmington. His education provided the foundation and motivation for several entrepreneurial pursuits which have evolved over the years. In 2008 he launched Tony Silvagni Surf School and Beach Rentals. The business has grown into a thriving venture on Pleasure Island, with a team of top-notch instructors. The school offers surf camps both private and group, surf and paddleboard lessons and kayak tours. The beach rental segment of the business offers free delivery and pick-up of all beach related gear. Tony Silvagni is a name that is known worldwide in the surfing arena, yet, he has remained humble and serves as a role model,

particularly in his own community. In 2011 he raised $13,000 by hosting a surf contest as a fundraiser to purchase lifesaving boards for the Carolina Beach and Kure Beach lifeguards. Just recently, he partnered with the Make-a-Wish foundation and helped raise $12,200 as a “celebrity bartender” at the “Wishes at Waterman’s” event at Waterman’s Brewing Company to help grant wishes to critically ill children. When asked about his future goals, Silvagni responds, “My future goals are to grow my business, Tony Silvagni Surf school & Beach Rentals and I would love to win a world title on the WSL World Longboard Championships. This has been one of my goals for a long time.” With his unstoppable drive and energy, there is no doubt that he will continue riding the wave of success. Tony Silvagni is sponsored by Stewart Surfboards, Hot Wax Surf Shop, Coastwalk Real Estate, Hang Ten Grill and Casa Caribe Vacation Rentals. ¶

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Travel& Adventure

G l a m p ing N o A s s e m b ly R e q u i r e d

Š Bryan Collings

W ritten By: C o lle e n T h o m pso n


ca p e f ear l i v i n g / J une 2018


If you’re unsure if your camping trip qualifies as glamping, ask yourself a few pointed questions. Are sitting comfortably in a cushioned Adirondack, sipping an ice-cold glass of organic bubbly, with your feet up outside your yurt? Well yes, you’re probably glamping. Is there a chandelier gently tinkling from your tent pole? Yup, glamping. Are you screaming wildly, fleeing from your cold damp sleeping bag because something is crawling up your leg? Probably just regular old camping. If your idea of being outdoorsy involves the first two scenarios above, then glamping might just be your kind of camping. From down-filled duvets, crystal glassware and cooked meals to sleeping in luxury tree houses, tepees, pods and vintage Airstreams – glamping combines glamour with the outdoors, giving campers chance to appreciate nature without sacrificing comfort. It went from being a bit of joke to an entire industry now catering to it. As a testament to how strong the trend is, the first Global Glamping Summit was held in April in Colorado with another one happening in California in November. There are now dedicated websites to plan your next trip like, and Glamping Hub, and the soon to be launched, created by a community of Glamping Camp owners who are passionate about sharing their love of comfort in the outdoors. We’ve rounded up a few ideas to get you started this summer. These North Carolina glamping rentals take luxury camping to a whole new level. From a solar-powered modern yurt and converted retro airstream to a hand-painted tepee and luxury Bell tents. Less time spent pitching that tent means more time relaxing, sipping margaritas, or gazing at the stars. The best part - no assembly required.

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Travel& Adventure

Epic Excursions Wilmington, NC Setup by husband and wife team Kristi and Ian Balding in Wilmington, NC, Epic Excursions, started an extension of their custom surf and paddleboard company, Ian Balding Paddle & Surf. They offer all sorts of charters ranging from half and full day charters, paddle boarding charters, sunset cruises and surf charters. The experience starts with transportation on a comfortable deck boat over to one of the region’s beautiful islands, where guests will find their tent set up and ready for a wonderful night of glamping. They provide everything you would need for a comfortable night, from firewood to cooking supplies. When it’s all over they pack up and provide boat transportation back to the dock. They also offer a glamping experience in a 1961, 21-foot Airstream Tradewind, affectionately referred to as "Pearl" - renting it as an option on Airbnb as a comfy living space with lots of style. They will deliver and setup the Airstream anywhere within the Wilmington area.

Blue Bear Mountain Camp Boone, NC A luxury 22’ hand painted, solar powered tepee awaits you. Situated on 150 acres of pristine mountain land in the heart of the Blue Ridge Mountains. With beautiful views and cool temperatures at 4,000 feet elevation, it’s a great way to enjoy camping without actually roughing it. The tepee is furnished with a queen size bed, complete with highquality linens. There are miles of hiking trails, a large open field that is great for all kinds of games and a trout pond. It's also home to Music Fest at Blue Bear Mountain, held each year in September. 36

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Lake Nantahala-Smoky Mountain Yurts Topton, NC These unique luxury yurts form part of the lodging at Falling Waters and provide the perfect glamping getaway. With two private bedrooms, a full bath and a hot tub. The full kitchen features granite countertops, stainless steel appliances, luxury bedding, air conditioning and even a rain head shower. There are an abundance of outdoor activities to keep you busy from white-water rafting to zipline canopy tours or simply kick back and enjoy the serene lake view and beautiful tranquil surroundings.

Paint Rock Farm Glamping Resort Hot Springs, NC This resort offers beautifully furnished Bell Tents positioned on decks overlooking the French Broad River and embraced by the Pisgah National Forest. Each of the tents has a memory foam queen mattresses for ultimate comfort. Located 6 miles from Hot Springs NC, this historic farm offers miles of hiking trails, stunning views and an abundance of wildlife and wildflowers. There is a restored Madison county barn that provides indoor entertainment including Ping-Pong, dartboards, and games. The resort offers a deluxe glamping package that includes a complete camp set with camp stove, pots, utensils, lanterns so you can arrive with just your food and personal items and be completely set up for your glamping experience.

Earthseed Asheville, NC Nestled on 22 acres alongside a tranquil creek in the Smoky Mountains near Asheville, NC, on a Butterfly Farm Sanctuary. This small retreat offers a vegetarian-only refuge for people looking to rest, reflect and re-energize. The space you would occupy is called EarthSeed – a large, beautiful tent that sits upon a deck. Measuring 13’ in diameter and more than 12’ tall at the highest peak, the tent features a queen-size bed, chairs, small tables, plenty of lighting and space to store your gear. ¶

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[ June Events ]







Wilmington Sharks Baseball

Lego Coding for Kids

1 Friday Airlie Summer Concert Series Airlie Rd. | Downtown Sundown Concert Downtown Wilmington -- Riverfront Park | Live Music on the Oceanfront Terrace Holiday Inn Resort | North Carolina Arts Council's Artist Fellowship Exhibition Cameron Art Museum

2 Saturday

Movie in the Park Leland Municipal Park | 33rd Annual Carolina Beach Music Festival Carolina Beach Boardwalk | Riverfront Farmers' Market Riverfront Farmers' Market | Carolina Beach Farmers' Market Carolina Beach Farmers' Market | Back to the Beach Car Show

Fort Fisher Air Force Recreation Area | Rent Wilson Center | Wilmington Sharks Baseball Buck Hardee Field-Legion Sports Complex

3 Sunday Waterfront Music Series Bluewater Grill | Boogie in the Park Concert Oceanfront Park | Historic Downtown Artisan Market Historic Downtown Marketplace | Summer Movie at the Lake Carolina Beach Lake Park | 17th Street Surf Shop Shredfest Surf Contest Carolina Beach Fishing Pier | Port City Music Festival Various Venues

4 Monday Wrightsville Beach Farmers' Market Wrightsville Beach Farmers' Market | Learn a New Language Main Library | Port City Music Festival Various Venues

5 Tuesday Fitz & The Tantrums in Concert Greenfield Lake Amphitheater | Backyard Composting Hampstead Public Library | Tech Tuesday Pleasure Island Library | Touch Tank Tuesday Coastal Education Center | Port City Music Festival Various Venues

6 Wednesday Fitz & The Tantrums in Concert Greenfield Lake Amphitheater | Backyard Composting Hampstead Public Library | Tech Tuesday Pleasure Island Library | Touch Tank Tuesday Coastal Education Center | Port City Music Festival Various Venues

7 Thursday Concert at the Park Leland Municipal Park | Messy Hands Toddler Art Main Library | What's in Our Water? A Clean Water Week Panel Union Station | Live Music and Fireworks by the Sea Carolina Beach Boardwalk | Live Music at the Tiki Bar Ocean Grill and Tiki Bar | My Fair Lady Thalian Hall | Port City Music Festival Various Venues

8 Friday World Ocean Day Celebration UNCW | World Oceans Day NC Aquarium at Fort Fisher | My Fair Lady Thalian Hall | Wilmington Sharks Baseball Buck Hardee Field-Legion Sports Complex

9 Saturday Dancing With Your Library Northeast Regional Library | My Fair Lady Thalian Hall | Carolina Beach Farmers' Market Carolina Beach Farmers' Market | Little Explorers Nature Program Halyburton Park

10 Sunday Cinderella Wilson Center | The Revivalists in Concert Greenfield Lake Amphitheater | FUNDRAISER: Dining and Dancing on Water

Street Downtown Wilmington -- Riverfront Park | Historic Downtown Artisan Market Historic Downtown Marketplace | My Fair Lady Thalian Hall | Port City Music Festival Various Venues

11 Monday Wrightsville Beach Farmers' Market Wrightsville Beach Farmers' Market 12 Tuesday Kayak Eagle's Island Halyburton Park | Kure Beach Market Kure Beach Market | Lego Coding for Kids Myrtle Grove Public Library 13 Wednesday Story Time by the Sea Ocean Front Park | Wilmington Sharks Baseball Buck Hardee Field-Legion Sports Complex | Poplar Grove Farmers' Market Poplar Grove Farmers' Market

14 Thursday

Jazz at the Mansion Bellamy Mansion Museum | Sounds of Summer Concert Wrightsville Beach Park | Live Music and Fireworks by the Sea Carolina Beach Boardwalk | Crafteen: Sharpie Mugs Northeast Regional Library

15 Friday Summer of Love Party Brooklyn Arts Center | Downtown Sundown Concert Downtown Wilmington -- Riverfront Park | FUNDRAISER: Masquerade Ball Bellamy Mansion Museum | Veterans Services Main Library | My Fair Lady Thalian Hall


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Carolina Beach Double Sprint Triathlon

Wrightsville Beach Farmers' Market

16 Saturday Historical Walking Tour Oakdale Cemetery | Friends of the Battleship Day Battleship North Carolina | Heroes and Heroines Children's Museum of Wilmington | Summer Reading Kickoff Main Library | Riverfront Farmers' Market Riverfront Farmers' Market

17 Sunday Father’s Day | Clay Walker in Concert Wilson Center | Waterfront Music Series Bluewater Grill | Shakespeare Brunch TheatreNOW | Boogie in the Park Concert Ocean Front Park | My Fair Lady Thalian Hall

18 Monday Best of StarNewsVarsity Awards Dinner Wilmington Convention Center | Foxtrot Cinematique @ WHQR/Thalian Hall | Wrightsville Beach Farmers' Market Wrightsville Beach Farmers' Market

19 Tuesday Kure Beach Market Kure Beach Market | Touch Tank Tuesday Coastal Education Center | Play Time! Cape Fear Museum 20 Wednesday Story Time by the Sea Ocean Front Park | Hello Cello with Miss Michelle Pleasure Island Library | Upcycle Your CDs Main Library 21 Thursday Seahawk Family Arts Matinee Kenan Auditorium | Concert in the Park Soundside Park | Sounds of Summer Concert Wrightsville Beach Park | Live Music and Fireworks by the Sea Carolina Beach Boardwalk | Messy Hands Toddler Art Main Library

22 Friday

4th Friday Gallery Night Various Venues | Downtown Sundown Concert Downtown Wilmington -- Riverfront Park | My Fair Lady Thalian Hall

23 Saturday Carolina Beach Double Sprint Triathlon Carolina Beach | My Fair Lady Thalian Hall | Live Music on the Patio Hotel Ballast | Carolina

Beach Farmers' Market Carolina Beach Farmers' Market | Riverfront Farmers' Market Riverfront Farmers' Market | Wilmington Sharks Baseball Buck Hardee Field-Legion Sports Complex

24 Sunday

My Fair Lady Thalian Hall | Waterfront Music Series Bluewater Grill | Swim Carolina Beach Carolina Beach Boardwalk | Cape Fear

Blues Festival Various Venues | Piecework: Quilting & Fiber Arts Brooklyn Arts Center | Historic Downtown Artisan Market Historic Downtown Marketplace | FUNDRAISER: Bow Wow Luau & The Cat's Meow Bluewater Grill

25 Monday Auditions for Steel Magnolias Community Arts Center | Wrightsville Beach Farmers' Market Wrightsville Beach Farmers' Market | Lean on Pete Cinematique @ WHQR/Thalian Hall

26 Tuesday Kure Beach Market Kure Beach Market | Touch Tank Tuesday Coastal Education Center | Auditions for Steel Magnolias Community Arts Center | Lean on Pete Cinematique @ WHQR/Thalian Hall

27 Wednesday Story Time by the Sea Ocean Front Park | Wilmington Sharks Baseball Buck Hardee Field-Legion Sports Complex | Poplar Grove Farmers' Market Poplar Grove Farmers' Market

28 Thursday Concert in the Park Soundside Park | Seahawk Family Arts Matinee Kenan Auditorium | Sounds of Summer Concert Wrightsville Beach Park | Live Music and Fireworks by the Sea Carolina Beach Boardwalk

29 Friday Caine Mutiny Court-Martial Battleship North Carolina | Music Bingo for Adults Northeast Regional Library | Downtown Sundown Concert Downtown Wilmington -- Riverfront Park | Wilmington Sharks Baseball Buck Hardee Field-Legion Sports Complex

30 Saturday Caine Mutiny Court-Martial Battleship North Carolina | Carolina Beach Farmers' Market Carolina Beach Farmers' Market | Riverfront Farmers' Market Riverfront Farmers' Market

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A st r o lo gy

Walking the Moonlit Path Gemini New Moon June 2018 W r itten By: Dr . sha r a eisen

Happy Birthday Gemini and a happy Gemini new moon to all!

Gemini is the sign of the twins, and they are one of the most curious, intelligent, and versatile signs of the zodiac. These minds are lightning -fast, particularly with languages, literature, computers, and mathematics. They are known to be “jack of all trades” and may be equally comfortable repairing an engine, preparing a gourmet meal, or performing with an orchestra. They are typically well-liked, as they are truly curious about others and often excellent listeners. This is an excellent time to prioritize or expand your social circle, learn a new language, or plan domestic travel. Gemini rules the hands and they are often adept with them. It’s a great time to pursue activities requiring manual dexterity: sewing, guitar, and beadwork to name a few. June begins on a peaceful and optimistic note. Gemini is a mutable sign, which translates seasonally to the 3rd and last sign of a season. Indeed, Gemini concludes the spring, and the other three mutables, Virgo, Sagittarius, and Pisces, respectively conclude the summer, Fall, and Winter. Mutability translates into a relatively easy relationship with change and it is typical of this sign to happily embrace changes of all kinds. The relatively rare Mars retrograde begins this month on the 26th, which lasts for two months and occurs every two years. Everyone will experience this differently to a certain extent depending on house placement of Mars in one’s natal chart (plenty of sites will show you this info, or consult your favorite astrologer to obtain). We will all have an opportunity to learn more about how we can be more assertive and hopefully less impacted by anger if we work consciously with the Mars retrograde this summer. To read your horoscope this month, visit our website for the full article at To learn more about the writer, visit her personal website at 40

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f r o m t h e C o mm u n i t y

" T o d e s i g n a n d d i s t r i b u t e i n n o v at i v e , s u s ta i n a b l e t e c h n o l o g i e s w i t h o u r l o ca l c o mm u n i t y t h at e m p o w e r p e o p l e a l l o v e r t h e world to improve their own lives."

Women winnowing peanuts.

W ritten By: Dav i d H ow e ll

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f r o m t h e C o mm u n i t y


True problem solving often starts with something far less appealing to most folks – problem posing. Allow me to clarify… Some of our greatest achievements have been made not so much by an individual figuring out how to solve a problem, but rather having the ability, insight and intelligence to recognize and frame the nature of a problem in the first place. Many years ago, it was this notion that fueled the beginnings of the Wilmington-based non-profit, Full Belly Project. It started in 2001 on another continent when Full Belly Project founder, Jock Brandis, was visiting a friend in Mali and got into a conversation about shelling peanuts. Brandis had been sent to a small village to repair a water treatment system and noticed that the women in the village spent hours every day, shelling peanuts by hand. When he asked why they didn’t use a machine to help their output, they more or less said they didn’t know such a device existed and one of the women asked him to find them one. The problem had been posed. To make a long story short, Brandis decided he would go home to America, find an affordable machine that didn’t require technological advancements such as computerization and electricity and send it back to Mali. The more he looked, however, the more he learned that no such machine existed in the “modern” world, at least not one that could be operated mechanically, by hand and without complex technology. Brandis, along with friend Wes Perry, and a design recommendation from Dr. Ted Williams at the University of Georgia, decided to invent one. For this, he and the Full Belly Project have been featured on Discovery Channel in Canada and other countries, and has taught workshops at MIT on the technology. What they invented was a Universal Nut Sheller - a machine light enough to be hauled around and can load five liters of peanuts at a time. Here’s how it works. The nut sheller is a layer of two concrete cones, one inside the other, and the space between them (which happens to be just the size of a peanut’s actual “nut”) narrows as a peanut drops. As the machine is cranked, the cones revolve, and the peanuts start to spin faster and faster in a downward spiral until the shell around the nut literary crushes under centrifugal force.


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What’s even cooler is that the nut itself comes out whole and unscathed, without losing one drop of its precious proteins and nutrients. More importantly, the machine can be assembled by a person who has little to no knowledge of its functional properties and since they’re made of concrete from sets of molds, large numbers of machines can be crafted from one set, and each machine should last about 25 years. Problem solved? Not exactly… in the sixteen years since beginning, the Full Belly Project now does a lot more than solve or pose output problems, and they’re growing. While the organization continues to touch millions of lives around the globe yearly, they’re also looking inward. They just held their 16th annual fundraiser to great success and rolled out a new mission statement. It reads: "To design and distribute innovative, sustainable technologies with our local community that empower people all over the world to improve their own lives." Full Belly hired Amanda Coulter to be their Executive Director in 2016, whose passion and education is the perfect fit for FBP. “The emphasis is on the ‘local’ aspect. Since the beginning, we've focused on our global impact, but haven’t highlighted our local impact through volunteer experience in the workshop and office, interns, our work with local youth groups, sending volunteers abroad, as well as the fact that our equipment helps communities in Wilmington, in North Carolina and across the U.S. as well,” Coulter says. “We’ve also recently revised our vision to focus not only on the products we engineer but the true power of those products.” The Full Belly project envisions a world, in which all people are empowered with resources to change their lives through sustainable solutions to improve food security, better their health and increase their income. “The global citizen component of what we do spotlights our work in educating our local community on global issues and providing pathways for them to make a global impact by volunteering in our Wilmington office and abroad,” Coulter says. She further explains that the emphasis of the organization is also on how Full Belly not only engineers agricultural devices, but more importantly, devices that drastically improve sanitation and health.

Sheller in local church.

In addition to the Universal Nut Sheller (the UNS) there are products that can be built by almost anyone, that will improve the quality of life for all. There is the Hand Washing Station, made of readily available, recycled materials that allow access to hand washing anywhere. The Soap Press and the Soap for Hope program, where Local hotels provide the sanitized soap and disadvantaged members of the community are paid to make soap, while local nonprofits distribute it. Then there’s the Rocker Water Pump, a device that draws water from 30 feet and pushes it within a 200-foot radius. Anyone on a farm can stand on the pump and simply shift their weight from side to side to irrigate crops. The device enables farmers to get more food and more income than ever before. The latest product that will change millions of lives takes us back to where it all began… with the peanuts. Years ago the African Union declared that aflatoxin has replaced HIV/Aids as the number one health issue for the continent. Few toxins create such a wide array of adverse effects—mental and phys-

ical stunting in children, impaired immune response, and liver cancer. A common place for aflatoxin to be found is in agriculture that is not protected and tracked which are the very products so many depend on -namely, corn and nuts. To help in the fight to answer this agricultural epidemic, FBP developed an Aflatoxin Testing Kit that can be conducted in about twenty minutes on the bed of a truck if need be, and the implementation of a five-step system to aid those who need to control the toxin. Just as the problem of shelling nuts by hand was posed and finally answered with a device built for the masses, so too will be the test kit. While it is new, it’s clear to anyone familiar with the Full Belly Project that dealing with a toxin won’t be the last need the organization addresses. There will always be problems posed on the world stage when it comes to agriculture and development, and the Full Belly Project will be ready to help create a solution. ¶

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Š Donna Thompson

c a p e f e a r l i v i n g moments

Cape Fear Garden Club named "Club of the Year" by The Garden Club of North Carolina, Inc. at state meeting April 16, 2018, in Chapel Hill, NC.

Students of UNCW gave speeches on the economic outlook and investment strategies at the Investor’s Roundtable monthly luncheon.

Left: Angela MacKinnon, George Rountree and Elaine Andrews. Right: George Rountree speaks at the Rotary Club, Wilmington, NC.

Blockade-Runner Beach Sweep: Hosted every other Monday throughout the summer season. Info at

The Castle Street Crawl in support of the Wilmington Foundation. Left: Beth Rutledge and Blair Middleton. Right: Terry Espy 44

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c a p e f e a r l i v i n g moments

Wilmington's interior designers participate in the UpScale ReSale & Design Challenge-a fundraising event for Habitat for Humanity.

Elected Officials Appreciation BBQ at Wilmington Chamber of Commerce. ca pefea rliving mag a z in e .com


c a p e f e a r l i v i n g moments

Food & Wine Festival. L to R: Sherri Long and Mike Brown, Gemtree Wines & Epiphany Wine Distributors; KD Morris (Right) a featured artist, whose painting was auctioned off at the event; "Festive Indulgence" painting by KD Morris; Lily Johnson, Elizabeth Perrier, Alex Alexander; Tracie & Scott Draughon; John Sharkey & Terry Espy; Melissa Snowden, Lucian Wilson, Donna Goyda, Maleia Tumolo, Susan Shafer; Sarah Wesley Wheaton & Cameron White


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