Uses of Helical Pile Systems

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Uses of Helical Pile Systems Are you planning the project of getting your dream house constructed? If yes then you should be aware that the foundations have to be solid, so that they can support your home for years through every possible calamity. For that, you need to find a contractor who uses helical piling systems as the foundation system for construction projects. Helical pile systems are the latest development in screwpile engineering technology. The screwpile engineering technology was first developed by Irish engineer Alexander Mitchell for support for lighthouses, and has been around since the 19th century as the support system for houses. The helical pile system consists of a strong central which has helical bearing plates welded onto it; these helical plates allow attachment to a structure. There are loads of advantages associated with using a helical pile system as a foundation system for your house: • • • • • • • • •

Strong Foundations: Helical plates are cold formed and corrugated, which makes them considerably stronger than traditional piling systems. Durability: When properly installed, helical piles have a life expectancy of more than 100 years. Quick Installation: The helical piling systems can be installed quickly into the sites, which helps contractors who are battling tight project deadlines. No Spoils Generated: Helical Piles do not spew soil to the surface, which helps contractors avoid disposal costs. This is particularly helpful when there is contaminated ground to deal with because the disposal of spoils is extremely costly. No Environmental Disruptions: Unlike traditional piling systems, which produce a lot of ground vibration, installation of helical piles is vibration-free. Install in Any Weather: Helical piles can be installed in any weather, whether it’s sunny or freezing, which means zero delay. Temporary Solutions: Helical piles are removable and reusable which make them a sustainable solution for temporary structures. Helical piles can be installed in areas where the space is limited, since they are so easy to install. Saves Money: As discussed earlier, they save a lot of disposal and hauling costs, but they save a lot of money where the ground is soft, where traditional piling is considerably expensive. Additionally, buying directly from certain manufacturers, like Cantsink who use 90% recycled steel, saves a lot of money.

All these advantages are making helical piling systems the preferred system for foundation of a structure. So, before starting on the dream project, hire contractors and engineers who use helical pile system, that will bring down the construction bill significantly, and don’t forget to read the reviews about their pre and post service quality.

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