1 minute read

Pause for Reflection


www.kenrolheiser.com that new beginning to our homes and our places of work. Our grandparents’ homes may have returned to the dust. My parents’ home is gone. But we can go back to our spiritual beginnings, to the Galilee of our first church and community, to the escapes of time and memory. The geography has changed, but the spiritual reality remains.


We can view the picture of our grandparents’ house, our parents’ house, in the changing physical realm, but the Galilee of new hope, of Resurrection, and of mission is constant. Eternal.

Before Jesus entered Jerusalem for the Passover and his crucifixion, He raised Lazarus from the dead. He waited purposely until Lazarus had been dead for days, and then He restored him to life. This was the absolute proof of his power over death.

On the Cross Christ told Dismas, “Today you will be with me in Paradise.” Again, this is the absolute proof that Jesus is the master over death and the reality of eternal life. The Resurrection proves beyond a shadow of a doubt that Christ’s power over sin and the fear of death can be ours.

In our Greatest Story the Prince waits patiently over the next hill for a signal from us. He will take us from the ashes of our afflicted lives and restore us to our baptismal gown of splendour.

Like Christ, we are born