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The Garden Grapevine


white bells on long stalks, and you should have just a few of these for the ethereal beauty and fragrance in your garden. They spread but are easily kept under control. Even once they are finished blooming, the sword-shaped leaves are a nice ground cover.


Variegated goutweed brings a splash of light to your shade garden; goutweed has green leaves with creamy accents and is a beautiful perennial. But goutweed spreads with wild, reckless abandon. One year, conditions were just right in our garden and the goutweed became a great, waving sea of leaves that threatened to engulf anything in its path. It completely drowned our hostas, and finally the only solution was ruthless digging with a spade. We dug half of it out and you could barely see the difference. So be warned! But on the

Bergenia is an elegant looking plant, almost like a miniature rhubarb. It has thick, fleshy leaves about eight to 12 inches high, and blooms very early in the spring with dark rosecoloured flowers. There are no blooms later, but the plant is a valued addition because it adds interesting texture to your garden. Texture is always important to consider, because you can make a beautiful border totally out of foliage, and it’s every bit as interesting as one that is full of blooms. Look for different shapes and colours of leaves, and varying heights. This weekend is Mother’s Day weekend. For those of us who have lost our mothers, it is a time of remembering. My dear Mom was a true gardener; I learned at her elbow as soon as I was able to walk, and I’m so grateful for those wonderful gardening times we always had together. It wasn’t even all about the gardening, it was about being together, working and talking and laughing. Gardening does that. I have to work at all the knowledge that came so naturally to Mom, but I was blessed to have such a terrific teacher. I will savor every memory like the scent of an exotic rose. Thank you for everything, Mom. Words can never say how much I love you!

Have a special weekend and have a happy week in the garden.