This I Believe 3

Page 35

Study the science of art. Study the art of science. Develop your senses - learn how to see. Realize that everything connects to everything else. - Leonardo DaVinci

Tracy Barrientos Tracy Barrientos is a seventh grade life science teacher at Dr. Jorge Prieto Math & Science Academy in the Belmont-Craigin neighborhood of Chicago. In 2001, she earned her Master’s degree in Education from the University of Illinois-Chicago, and then taught 4th grade and 6th-8th grade ELA, Social Studies and Science for 12 years at Joseph Jungman Elementary. Tracy has also provided science professional development since 2009 through a collaboration between Chicago Public Schools and Loyola University. Tracy is endorsed in bilingual education and middle school social science and middle school general science. When she is not teaching, she enjoys spending time with her family either camping or travelling.

Book recommendation Problem Based Learning: An Inquiry Approach by John Barell is a very good book I used to get started on using student driven inquiry in my classroom. It is a quick read and gives you a step by step approach to implementation. The author explains the three phases of PBL: the teacher-directed approach, the teacher-student shared inquiry, and finally, student-directed inquiry. Also included are sample units, and opportunities for self-reflection as well as rubrics for assessment.


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