Katalog 32. Liffe (2021)

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Predpremiere Avantpremieres

Junak Ghahreman A Hero Iran, Francija Iran, France 2021

Asghar Farhadi re`ija/directed by Asghar Farhadi scenarij/screenplay Asghar Farhadi fotografija/cinematography Ali Ghazi, Arash Ramezani monta`a/editing Hayedeh Safiyari igrajo/cast Amir Jadidi (Rahim), Mohsen Tanabandeh (Bahram), Fereshteh Sadrorafaii (ga./Mrs. Radmehr), Sahar Goldust (Farkhondeh), Maryam Shahdaei (Malileh), Alireza Jahandideh (Hossein), Sarina Farhadi (Nazanin), Ehsan Goodarzi (NadeAli) producenta/producers Asghar Farhadi, Alexandre MalletGuy produkcija/production Memento Production 9 cité Paradis 75010 Paris, France E production�memento-films.com & Asghar Farhadi Production & Arte France Cinéma format/format DCP, barvni/colour dol`ina/running time 127' festivali, nagrade (izbor)/ festivals, awards (selection) Cannes 2021 (velika nagrada žirije/ Grand Prix)

prodaja/world sales Memento Films International 9 Cité Paradis 75010 Paris, France E sales�memento-films.com distribucija/distribution Fivia d.o.o. Preložnikova 1 3212 Vojnik E cenex�siol.net

Dvakratni oskarjevec Asghar Farhadi se v rodni Iran vra~a s {e eno izvrstno napisano zgodbo o morali in dostojanstvu, ki mu je prinesla veliko nagrado žirije na filmskem festivalu v Cannesu.

Two-time Academy Award winner Asghar Farhadi returns to his native Iran with yet another exquisitely written tale of morality and dignity that won the Grand Prix at the Cannes Film Festival.

Rahim v iranskem mestu [iraz služi zaporno kazen zaradi dolgov, ki si jih je nakopal pri lokalnem trgovcu. Ko do~aka dva prosta dneva od prestajanja zaporne kazni, pa v njegovo življenje nenapovedano poseže usoda. Med pohajkovanjem po mestu skupaj s svojim dekletom na avtobusni postaji najde izgubljeno torbico s 17 zlatniki. Dogodek potrka na Rahimovo vest in odlo~i se lastnoro~no poiskati lastnico. ^astno dejanje hitro vzbudi pozornost javnosti in Rahim po televizijskem intervjuju celo postane lokalni junak. Vendar pa niso vsi navdu{eni nad njegovo nenadno slavo. Kmalu se za~ne pojavljati vse ve~ dvomljivcev, ki menijo, da se dogodki niso zares razpletli tako, kot jih je izpri~al zapornik.

Rahim is on a two-day leave from prison in the Iranian city of Shiraz, where he's serving a sentence for a debt. The money owed to a shopkeeper still hangs around his neck like the proverbial albatross. During his brief release from jail, there seems to be a way out of his predicament when Farkhondeh, the girl he intends to marry, finds a lost handbag at a bus stop containing 17 gold coins. Rahim considers selling the find, however, as his conscience nudges him, he makes an effort to find the owner of the bag, a dignified act that sees him celebrated by a television report. Yet there are plenty of skeptics milling about as doubt is thrown on Rahim's story via social media gossips.

"^e v Iranu komu dolgujete denar in ta vloži tožbo, lahko greste v zapor. Ampak ~e že dan zatem izjavi, da denarja no~e, ste prosti. Enako velja za umor: ~e se družina žrtve odlo~i morilcu oprostiti, ga lahko iz zapora izpustijo. Gre za sistem, ki ga poganjajo jeza in predsodki. Na podlagi teh ~ustev naj bi ~lovek sprejel zelo pomembno odlo~itev o nekogar{nji usodi. Ni pravi~no." (Asghar Farhadi)

"In Iran, if you owe someone money and they file a complaint, then you may go to jail. But the day after, if they say they don't want the money, you're free. It also applies to murder: if the family of the victim decides to forgive the killer, he may be released from prison. It's a system driven by anger and prejudice. Through these emotions, you're supposed to make a very important decision on someone’s destiny. It's not fair." (Asghar Farhadi)

Asghar Farhadi

filmografija (izbor)/filmography (selection)

Rojen leta 1972 v Isfahanu, Iran. Na teheranski univerzi je magistriral iz odrske režije. Nase je opozoril že s celove~ernim prvencem Dancing in the Dust, ki je takoj osvojil nekaj mednarodnih nagrad. Njegov peti film Lo~itev je postal mednarodno najuspe{nej{i iranski film vseh ~asov; med drugim je prejel oskarja za najbolj{i tujejezi~ni film. Slednjega je osvojil tudi za film Trgovski potnik.

2003 2004 2006 2009 2011 2013 2016 2018 2021

Born in 1972 in Isfahan, Iran, Farhadi graduated from the University of Tehran with a Masters in stage direction. Soon afterwards he asserted himself with his first feature film, Dancing in the Dust, which went on to win several international festival awards. Unprecedented for any Iranian film, A Separation, his fifth feature film, was an international success that won the Academy Award for Best Foreign Language Film. Farhadi won the best foreign language Oscar for a second time for domestic drama The Salesman.


Raghs dar ghobar (Dancing in the Dust) Shah-re ziba (Beautiful City) Chaharshanbe-soori (Fireworks Wednesday) Darbareye Elly (About Elly) Jodaeiye Nader az Simin (A Separation/Lo~itev) Le passé (The Past/Preteklost) Forushande (The Salesman/Trgovski potnik) Todos lo saben (Everybody Knows/Vsi vejo) Ghahreman (A Hero/Junak)

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