27 June 2024

Page 12

No stamp duty payable for De Burgh apartments up to $800k.

You could save up to $25k.

Artist Impression.
Artist Impression.
Artist Impression.
Artist Impression.
Artist Impression.
Residents’ Lounge
Residents’ Rooftop Garden
Residents’ Gym
Sneha KC is running for Independents for Canberra, a platform supporting community independents who want to deliver better outcomes for the ACT. Photo by Jordan Mirchevski. See cover story, page 08

Without a kennel to rest their head,

ACT housing crisis hits dogs

Groceries, interest rateseverything seems to be going up, and it is getting harder to make ends meet. So, what does that mean for the members of the family who can’t bring in an income?

The dedicated team at ACT Rescue and Foster (ARF) has noticed an upswing in the number of dogs surrendered in the past 12-18 months. It is never an easy decision to rehome your best friend and many owners explain why they have been driven to this choice.

“One of the reasons we’re hearing a little more recently is the cost-of-living crisis. Essentially what we’re experiencing is a huge number of dogs being surrendered and we’re finding it challenging to find new homes simply because of the volume of dogs,” says Angharad Lodwick, President of ACT Rescue and Foster.

Helping find homes for pets rehomed directly to them and the local pounds, ARF doesn’t store any statistics on the people parting with their pooch but has an idea of the circumstances that brought them there. This includes a relationship breakdown, people moving or downsizing, older people moving into residential care or the passing of the owner.

There has also been an influx of dogs coming in that were purchased during the pandemic lockdown and whose owners no longer have the time for them.

“Or they didn’t invest a lot of time into training the dog during that period and now the dogs are going through teenage years and having behavioural issues.”

ARF currently has 17 pups ready to meet their forever family, behind the scenes they have another 15 who aren’t quite ready. These dogs include those undergoing health issues or additional training. The number of dogs they can help is entirely reliant on the number of foster carers they have and how long the animal stays.

“When we have dogs who have been in care for one or two years, that means that foster carer has had that dog for one to two years and they aren’t able to help other dogs. The longer it takes us to rehome dogs, the fewer dogs we are able to help.”

Housing strays, surrenders and animals who have been seized for their own welfare, the Domestic Animal Services (Canberra’s pound) is often at capacity with dogs too. The ARF team works closely with their staff to help assess dogs to paint a clear picture of the animal’s requirements for a new home.

“They’ll contact us if they’ve got dogs that seem like that are not coping very well in the pound and if we’ve got foster carers available, we will try and prioritise those ones,” says Ms Lodwick.

With the negative connotation of what a pound is still lingering in the air, the last few years have seen a major cultural shift. The centre houses

animals for long terms and tries their hardest to rehome them by promoting them on Instagram.

Also trying to promote some of their longerterm stays, ARF has launched the social media campaign #findingforeverhomes to get the local community on board.

There are a few ways the community can assist ARF. Ms Lodwick says they are always looking for foster carers, as the more carers they have the more dogs they can help. ARF looks after all the training and covers vet bills and transport, carers help prepare dogs for life in a loving home.

“Being in the pound is quite challenging for a lot of dogs and how dogs present in the pound is often very different to what they’re like in a home environment.”

Gone are the days when only large breed dogs are looking for a home or ending up at the pound, Ms Lodwick says they are seeing all sorts come through.

“We’re seeing a real range of dogs being surrendered at the moment as well…we’ve got working dogs, poodles, terriers, a real mix. It is a bit more likely that a foster carer that already has a dog or has kids would be able to find a dog that would be able to stay with them.”

There is no end for the help ARF needs says Ms Lodwick. If you can’t help at home, you could donate financially as they are also feeling the pressure. They need funds for vet bills, temporary boarding and additional training, particularly for the pandemic pooches.

The best home for a dog is the one they were first brought home to; Ms Lodwick says people often think rehoming will be the best outcome for the dog but this isn’t always true.

“There are so many dogs to rehome at the moment, but there aren’t enough homes available to do that. So, if you can really set yourself up for success early on. The better home is going to be staying with you if possible.”

Help find a forever home for one of ARF’s beautiful pooches; fosterdogs.org

- Jessica Cordwell

The team at ARF says that Canberra dogs are facing a housing crisis with more dogs coming into care and staying for longer. Image supplied.


A New for Canberra: Independents for Canberra’s Sneha KC

Thirteen years ago, Sneha KC came to Canberra from Nepal to pursue a career as a geriatric nurse. Coming from a developing country, Canberra appeared perfect on the surface, and the people were warm and accepting – but working as a nurse, Sneha says she saw how little the ACT Government did to improve people’s lives, and how people wanted a better system where they felt heard.

Sneha, one of the Independents for Canberra candidates for Yerrabi, says the healthcare system is understa ed and overburdened: doctors and nurses are burning out, exhausted by constantly trying to do the work of two people, and leaving their jobs sooner than expected. In hospital emergency departments, patients wait overnight, in pain, with broken arms, to see a doctor. Seniors wait months for a health assessment to get their care package; elderly couples travel to Sydney for treatment, because services are limited in Canberra; and pensioners put o seeing doctors because they cannot a ord out-of-pocket costs. These problems, Sneha says, are not a reflection on healthcare workers’ dedication or expertise, but a consequence of systemic shortcomings in governance.

Another example: Sneha petitioned her MLAs to fix the street lights in her suburb; it was dangerous to walk home after dark.

“There are a lot of imperfections that a ect people’s lives,” Sneha said.

As a Canberran, Sneha felt she could not stand by; she had to act.

Commission, Sneha felt she could not stand by; she had to act.

“Seeing all this dissatisfaction, people su ering and people feeling unheard, people who are vulnerable not having any voice, made me think: if I am standing here and I can see this, I should be able to do something about it. I’ve always been a person who wanted to have a larger impact for humankind… I am in this position where I can voice [my opinion], so that means I should be giving back to the community

and giving back to people, so I can be the voice for them.”

That is why Sneha is running for Independents for Canberra, a platform supporting community independents who want to deliver better outcomes for the ACT, following the example of Senator David Pocock and other independents at the 2022 federal election.

Sneha and the eight other candidates are not professional politicians, although Sneha is studying public policy at the University of Canberra, and her parents were politicians. She is also used to being in the public eye; in Nepal, she hosted health awareness TV shows, and acted in music videos and television commercials.

But that is one of the Independents’ strengths: they are genuine, committed, unbeholden to factions or party machines, have experience of the world outside the political bubble, are elected directly by the community they represent, and are answerable to the people.

“We do not hold a party line,” Sneha says. “We all come from di erent walks of life. We have seen at the grassroots level what the problems are surrounding people in their everyday lives. We can freely advocate for what we see, and how we want these systems and policies changed. The biggest strength that we have is that, under the umbrella of Independents for Canberra, we are only going to advocate what is needed for the communities.”

Thomas Emerson, Independents for Canberra’s founder and candidate for Kurrajong, said Independents for Canberra was privileged to endorse Sneha.

“Sneha KC brings a unique, authentic voice to politics grounded in her experience as a registered nurse who migrated to Australia from Nepal over a decade ago. She has a strong presence, brimming with empathy and a desire to bring people together… We share her belief in a more compassionate, more connected society, and want to see her play the role she’s ready to play in building a healthier community in Yerrabi.”

Indeed, empathy is one of Sneha’s biggest values – not, she says, a word heard a lot in politics.

“Being able to connect with people is very powerful,” Sneha said. “I’m a person with integrity. I’m a person who has always stood up for people who don’t have a voice.”

As a nurse, Sneha said, she advocates for people who are unwell or who cannot express themselves; as a politician, she wants to advocate for the homeless and for victim-survivors, as well as for patients and seniors.

“My decision to run for o ce is motivated by having seen Canberrans waiting in crowded emergency rooms for hours; seniors lacking essential support to live a quality life; members of our community su ering gender-based violence (which is prevalent and getting worse); and the stark realities of homelessness and the mental health crisis.”

Canberra, Sneha believes, is lashed by a scourge of loneliness, contributing to mental

Listen to everyone, learn from everyone, nobody knows everything but everyone knows something.

that things will change this October, because a lot of people are feeling that nothing is being done. The government has been in power for 23 years; it feels stagnant; we have stopped seeing the changes that the communities and people need; people are saying that needs to change.”

illness; she wants to create a connected community where neighbours, young families, and old people can have great relationships.

illness; she wants to create a connected community where neighbours, young families, and old people can have great relationships.

In her own electorate, Yerrabi, Sneha hears concerns about the tripping hazard posed by broken, uneven footpaths; the lack of parking; and tra c noise and congestion. Its growing population needs a hospital close by, while small business struggles to sustain itself, since there are not enough government buildings in Gungahlin for them to thrive.

“The government needs to look into problems proactively rather than reactively. There needs to be more assessment of what the problems are.”

In her own electorate, Yerrabi, Sneha hears concerns about the tripping hazard posed by broken, uneven footpaths; the lack of parking; and tra c noise and congestion. Its growing population needs a hospital close by, while small business struggles to sustain itself, since there are not enough government buildings in Gungahlin for them to thrive.

But the government does not consult the community when it makes policy, and its approach in sectors like healthcare is insu cient, Sneha believes.

Since her candidature was announced, women from di erent cultures have thanked Sneha for representing people like them.

“The government needs to look into problems proactively rather than reactively. There needs to be more assessment of what the problems are.”

The Independents would ensure that the government listened to people, consulted the community, and developed evidence-based solutions, Sneha maintains.

The Independents would ensure that the government listened to people, consulted the community, and developed evidence-based solutions, Sneha maintains.

Meanwhile, the ACT Government’s recent Budget announcements and election commitments seem insubstantial.

But the government does not consult the community when it makes policy, and its approach in sectors like healthcare is insu cient, Sneha believes.

“What the government is doing is a Band-Aid solution,” she said. “A lot of short-term fixes and short-term policies that only cater for specific things, but not as a holistic system.

Meanwhile, the ACT Government’s recent Budget announcements and election commitments seem insubstantial.

“These are all promises and not enough delivery,” Sneha said. “That is why a lot of people are feeling that it’s time we change the government or have a crossbench that can hold the government accountable.”

“What the government is doing is a Band-Aid solution,” she said. “A lot of short-term fixes and short-term policies that only cater for specific things, but not as a holistic system.

Sneha for representing people like them.

“I thought it was only for me trying to do what is needed for vulnerable people,” Sneha said. “I didn’t realise the impact I was actually having on women from di erent cultural backgrounds.”

“I thought it was only for me trying to do what is needed for vulnerable people,” Sneha said. “I didn’t realise the impact I was actually having on women from di erent cultural backgrounds.”

Nevertheless, Sneha observes, a lot of people feel disconnected, even despairing, because they feel they are not being heard. She urges them to have hope.

“These are all promises and not enough delivery,” Sneha said. “That is why a lot of people are feeling that it’s time we change the government or have a crossbench that can hold the government accountable.”

The election is a little over 110 days away, and Sneha feels confident. The public response has been positive, she said.

The election is a little over 110 days away, and Sneha feels confident. The public response has been positive, she said.

“People who come and talk to me are hopeful

Nevertheless, Sneha observes, a lot of people feel disconnected, even despairing, because they feel they are not being heard. She urges them to have hope.

“Every individual has power, and when that power is united, we can create changes. Please understand that you hold the power to change the system if it is not working for you, so don’t lose hope. There are people in your community who are working tirelessly to change [the system] for you, so have some hope for yourself and for the future.

“People who come and talk to me are hopeful

“Every individual has power, and when that power is united, we can create changes. Please understand that you hold the power to change the system if it is not working for you, so don’t lose hope. There are people in your community who are working tirelessly to change [the system] for you, so have some hope for yourself and for the future.

“I’m one of you; I am beside you; I am with you.”

“I’m one of you; I am beside you; I am with you.”

“I am for you, I am by you and I am one of you as I come from the grassroots.”

“I am for you, I am by you and I am one of you as I come from the grassroots.”

Could Dutton’s nuclear announcement win him the next election?


Win or lose, Peter Dutton’s announcement that the Coalition will build seven nuclear power stations, all government-owned, across Australia has really put the cat amongst the pigeons.

As anyone who reads this column should know, I support nuclear power in Australia and always have. It certainly has to be in the mix, and Peter Dutton has done just that.

All sides of politics will go through this announcement with a fine-tooth comb, but even just a few facts indicate it is most likely overall to be much cheaper than renewables, and a lot more environmentally and business friendly.

Chirs Bowen’s own figure, released a few months ago, showed that if we put 71 small modular nuclear reactors into disused power stations, it would cost in the vicinity of $380 million. As this minister is wont to do, he scored an own goal, because the total cost of his wind turbines and solar panels, including the 28,000 kilometres of new power lines, was around $1.5 trillion. Most countries overseas are now cautiously winding back their renewables. We are the only advanced country in the world that

does not do nuclear.

I think, properly sold, Dutton is onto a winner, and the next election could end up with something like 60 per cent to the Coalition and One Nation, and 40 per cent to the ALP, Greens, Teals, etc. It seems tailormade for a ‘battlers vs the inner city elites’ campaign.

The proposed power stations seem to be big ones, but the United Arab Emirates in 2009 paid $20 billion to get the South Koreans to build them four big stations. Three are currently operating, and the last one is coming on board in a few months. The first one took 10 years to build and to be connected to the grid, so I think that’s where Dutton gets his timeline from. So long as the fat man in North Korea does not invade the south, we can use South

Korean expertise to build ours.

I have been very concerned about Albanese’s timidity. Dutton is showing leadership and a willingness to debate the hard questions if nothing else. I must say I wasn’t terribly impressed with Morrison, who dogged it when he agreed to net zero by 2050. This, or a similar scheme should have been announced then.

Time will tell if this all gets up, but for all our sakes, I hope it does, as we are currently sleepwalking into a disaster where we will not be able to guarantee base load power if we just use renewables. It is also imperative in the interim to expand our use of gas, a low-admission transition fuel, and we need to open up more gas fields to do so.

If Labor were smart, they would come out in a month or so and say that they have had a look at it, it has merit, and they will work with the Coalition to make it, or something similar, happen.

Local doctor spotlight: New Kingston doctor from just across the park

Dr Ruth Przychodzka has relocated her long-standing practice from Barton to Ochre Medical Centre Kingston, just a 15-minute stroll away across Telopea Park.

In welcoming her patients to her new rooms, Dr Ruth will be keeping the same fortnightly on-off schedule, which includes Sunday morning appointments. Having previously worked as a locum across several Ochre practices in the ACT, Dr Ruth says she has been impressed with the company’s focus on supporting doctors to provide quality care. ‘They have always looked after me well’ she says, “The support and infrastructure are excellent.”

A highly experienced GP, one of Dr Ruth’s special interest areas is skin and she holds advanced certificates in both Skin Cancer Medicine and Dermoscopy, as well as a Diploma in Skin Cancer Medicine from Bond University.

“My background is actually nursing. Then, after 18 years as a nurse, I realised I could be even more useful to people as a GP”, she remarks. So began her journey to attaining her medical degree at the University of Sydney and being admitted as a fellow to the Royal Australian College of General Practitioners in 2000.

Dr Ruth spent ten years practicing in Tuross Head, a picturesque seaside village on the NSW south coast. She worked as a solo GP and therefore gained exposure to a wide range of cases, including

Pet of the Week: Phoebe

Phoebe, a beautiful lady and the apple of her owner’s eye knows how to make a grey day bright and how to make the most of moments of sunshine. From daytime naps to chasing balls and loving her people, Phoebe makes the most of every day.

Favourite way to spend the day: Phoebe loves having naps in the sun-filled bedrooms and climbing her tower.

Favourite snack: Phoebe loves creamy treats - chicken and salmon puree in particular.

Favourite toy: Phoebe likes chasing bouncy balls.

serving the community with her skin cancer expertise.

As a skin cancer practitioner, Dr Ruth is at the cutting edge of the field. She is adept at performing minor procedures, as well as using the latest equipment and technologies for detection.

“I now make use of a digital dermatoscope with Artificial Intelligence (AI) analysis”, she explains. This technology allows her to make more informed decisions and improve patient outcomes.

Dr Ruth honed her skin cancer treatment skills at the Skin Cancer Treatment Clinic in Warriewood on Sydney’s Northern Beaches. She moved to Canberra several years ago and she loves the community and the lifestyle.

“In the big cities you have ‘peak hour traffic’. In Canberra we have ‘peak minute traffic’!”, she laughs. She loves the holistic opportunities that general practice offers with respect to treating patients and being able to contribute to their improved quality of life.

“Canberra is an easy city to live in and it has very friendly people.” She is looking forward to continuing to embrace the worklife balance she has achieved.

“I have a lovely blend of patient care alongside my gardening, reading and other interests. Life is good!”

Dr Ruth Przychodzka is accepting new patients at Ochre Medical Centre Kingston. Bookings can be made online at ochrehealth.com.au or call the practice on (02) 6239 5520

Special talent: Phoebe knows what’s going on and gives special cuddles to people when they need it most.

Each week CW will share a furry, feathered or scaly face from around the region. To have your best friend featured, send your answers to the questions above and an image of your pet looking their best to news@newstimemedia.com.au

Rescue a lonely heart!

A lady looking for her other half, I bring a few titles to the table; lovebug, cuddle companion extraordinaire and good girl.

Name: Lunar

Sex: Female

Age: 6

Breed: Kelpie/German Shepherd What are you looking for? I am looking for a true connection, someone who would like to go on a daily walk together, cuddle companion and occasional trip to the beach.

Any Tattoos? One dainty one from when I was desexed. Do you want kids? I don’t mind older children; I could see myself loving someone over 10. Dogs or cats? I am a big lovebug - I want all your attention to myself, please and thank you. When was your last relationship? It’s nearly four months since my last dive into the dating pool, I’m ready to dip my toes in again now. Active or couch potato? I love a nice daily walk to get the blood going but if you sit down, I’m going to snuggle with you. What would your perfect day look like? Seeing you be happy! I just love humans and when I get my own, I’m going to love them so much. Some say I’m too clingy, but love is the best thing ever, why wouldn’t I want it all of the time?

See if it is love at first meet with Lunar through the RSPCA ACT adoption program; rspca-act.org.au/ adopt-pet

Not too cold for Canberra’s life models

Mid-winter may seem an unseasonal time to start a register of life models - to connect artists with nude models - but a Canberra entrepreneur has established a database of more than 60 models available for work.

Lauren Sutherland, a life model herself and founder of The Tipsy Sketching Club, has just created the Canberra Life Model Collective to bring local sketchers and muses together.

The need arose in 2022 when Lauren first started her business of running sketching sessions in bars around town.

“Initially, one of my challenges was finding a variety of models that I could hire for all of the life drawing sessions,” Lauren said. “The last thing I wanted to do was get returning patronage that would be turning up and drawing the same model every event.

“I really enjoy life modelling myself and being able to see other people take a step into that world and really blossom is great.”

All life models on the register are professionals with experience ranging from a few months to 10 years. Lauren said many of the newly-registered life models were millennials.

“I realised that there’s a disconnect where there are the traditionally older life models that have been doing it for years and may be nearing retirement now, and they’re very well established and they know everyone in the art world,” Lauren said. “But there wasn’t really a way in for young people to put their hand up and say, yeah, maybe I wouldn’t mind getting naked for people on stage. Like, it’s an odd thing to pose to strangers.”

It seems alcohol and the arts are a popular combo, with Pub Choir selling out around the world, and “paint and pinot” forming a delicious partnership. Lauren has grown her business from one venue a month to four. Her most recent venue is The Duxton at O’Connor and Lauren has her sights set on Belconnen.

In a smart business move, Lauren (who has a

hospitality background) holds her sessions on a quiet weeknight or Sunday, when a venue can be closed off to the public for privacy - and the hospitality industry is glad of the patronage. At an average Tipsy Sketching Club session, Lauren gets around 25 people. The demographic is varied but predominantly millennial and Gen Z.

“It’s awesome to see emerging generations being interested in this art form that traditionally attracts older generations,” Lauren said. “It’s opened up life drawing again to those social and public spaces that maybe those generations are just more comfortable being in.”

A side note to aspiring life models: All life-drawing venues are well-heated.

@Canberra.lifemodel.collective is on Instagram.

- Georgia Curry
A newly-formed Canberra Life Model Collective aims to bring local sketchers and models together. Photo: Michael Billing.

Canberra’s last surviving Services Club re-invents itself

In an Australian-first, Canberra’s financially-strapped and last surviving Services Club is re-defining its membership from defence personnel to the wider non-profit community and offering a share in 50 per cent of profits.

The heritage-listed club (est. 1948) has struggled since its original premises in Manuka burnt down in 2011. The club couldn’t afford to rebuild and is currently located in Barton. Two failed development applications later (to rebuild a club and hotel at Manuka), the club is still struggling.

The ground-breaking change means membership is open to all services - not just defence - including voluntary groups that provide a valuable service to “community and country”. Under a memorandum of understanding, the club will offer 50 per cent of profits divided amongst affiliated community groups.

Jonathan Hunt-Sharman, Club President and former AFP officer, said the changes were “significant strategic reforms” seen nowhere else in Australian services clubs.

“We are now a services club in the wider sense, inclusive of defence, police, emergency services and those who provide volunteer charitable/non-for-profit services to the community,” Mr Hunt-Sharman said.

“Our community incentive program is open to any voluntary group that provides a valuable service to our Canberra community. By working together with not-for-profit organisations, we will strengthen our capacity to provide support and service to our community, the original purpose of a community club”.

The Australian American Association (Canberra) is the latest voluntary organisation to join, boosting Canberra Services Club’s 500-strong membership.

“If we were in a healthier financial situation, we’d be donating to different groups anyway so why not have a much more transparent process,” Mr HuntSharman said. “When [affiliated group] members use our club, we’ll identify that in a percentage term based on their members’ usage of the club and share 50 per cent of profits at the end of each financial year.

“Given the club’s not-for-profit nature, the revenue

generated from these arrangements will enable the club to intensify its outreach and support for service support groups and the wider volunteer community in Canberra.”

The Canberra Services Club has reactivated its development application for the vacant Manuka site, for a community-based club and conference facility combined with a hotel.

With the Club’s newest affiliate being the Australian American Association Canberra, an American Independence Day celebration will be held at the club on the 4th of July.

Community groups interested in the Canberra Services Club’s community incentive program can email info@canberraservicesclub.com.au.



- Georgia Curry
Canberra Services Club president Jonathan Hunt-Sharman has expanded membership from defence personnel to all non-profit community groups in Canberra.

Solutions for social isolation

Talk to Your Parents About Home Care

Social isolation is a difficult topic. It’s often hard to see, and it’s often hard for people to admit to, but it’s a problem that is affecting thousands of people in our community.

Discussing home care with your parents can be a delicate and emotionally charged topic. It’s crucial to approach the conversation with empathy, respect, and a clear plan. Here are some tips to guide you through this challenging topic.

1. Choose the Right Time and Place

Select a comfortable and private setting where you won’t be interrupted. Timing is also key; ensure everyone is relaxed and not preoccupied with other concerns. A calm environment can help ease anxiety and facilitate a more open conversation.

It’s currently estimated that around one in five seniors in Australia are experiencing social isolation, with weekdays being exceptionally difficult.

concerns your parents might have. You can find easy-to-understand information at goodwin.org.au/ home-care

The factors that contribute to social isolation are many and varied, but the solution doesn’t need to be complicated.

2. Prepare Yourself

Before initiating the discussion, do your homework. Understand the types of home care available, the benefits, and the costs. Having this information ready will help you answer questions and address

Not only is the risk of social isolation greater for seniors in our community, but the outcomes can also have far-greater negative consequences on all areas of one’s life, impacting people both cognitively and physically.

3. Be Compassionate and Listen

Start the conversation with empathy. Express your concerns out of love and a desire for their well-being. Use “I” statements to avoid sounding accusatory, such as, “I’ve noticed you seem a bit more tired lately, and I’m worried about you.” Allow them to share their feelings and fears, and listen without interrupting.

Introducing Goodwin Day Clubs; social communities for seniors, offering the opportunity to create new friendships, stay active, and get out of the house.

4. Highlight the Benefits

With daily activities, games, light exercise, meals and outings, Goodwin Day Clubs provide an active and engaging space for seniors to enrich their days, all in purpose-built environments with a team of supportive staff should you need a hand.

with the chores, assistance with basic daily tasks or higher-level care.

Day Clubs provide morning pickups and afternoon dropoffs, as well as hot meals, drinks, snacks and good times.

5. Seek Professional Advice

Give the team a call on 02 6175 5650 or head to goodwin.org.au/day-clubs to learn more.

Open weekdays, Goodwin

Focus on the positive aspects of home care and how it can enhance quality of life. Emphasise that home care is not about losing independence, but rather about gaining support to maintain it. Home care can range from a helping hand

Navigating the ins-and-outs of accessing home care can be challenging. The Goodwin Home Care team can answer your questions and work with you and your family to tailor services that are right for them.

Learn more about home care at goodwin.org.au/home-care or call 6175 5650.

have you heard?

GIVIT donation of the week: Dining table and chairs

GIVIT is requesting the donation of a dining table and chairs for a family who has just been offered permanent housing. They are being assisted by an organisation in Canberra that provides various support programs and services for parents and young children. This couple has been through a lot. They sadly lost a baby and are taking care of three young children, two of which have special needs requiring NDIS support. They are experiencing financial hardship and cannot afford to buy furniture and other essential items. GIVIT is requesting a dining table and chairs so that this family can finally move in and enjoy their new home. Generous Canberrans can donate a dining table and chairs, or funds to purchase new furniture. 100% of your financial donation will be used to purchase a dining table and some chairs. To help please visit: GIVIT.org.au/what’sneeded, search Category: ‘dining table and chairs’; Location: ‘ACT’.

Canberra Jung Society

At our next meeting on Friday 5 July, Dr. Brentyn Ramm will be giving a talk on “Seeing your true nature, the headless way approach to selfinquiry”. We meet at McKillop House, 50 Archibald Street, Lyneham (and via Zoom). Members free, guests $15 (seniors/concession $10) We meet from 7:30pm for tea and coffee, snacks, music, discussion and library. The guest’s presentation is at 8pm for an hour or so, then we resume for questions and discussion, finishing by 10pm. For more details, contact 0406 375 670 or visit CanberraJungSociety.org.au.

community noticeboard  email news@newstimemedia.com.au with ‘HYH’ in the subject field

Red Dove Monthly

Preloved clothing opening, reuse and renew the wardrobe will be open Thursday to Saturday 9am-1pm, July 4-6 at Tuggeranong Uniting Church, 17 Comrie Street, Wanniassa. Easy parking and an auditorium full of great winter bargains, quality clothes, linen, books with delicious coffee and cake. Saturday only sees the Clothes Swap-a-thon run by SeeChange in the Foyer. Bring in a couple of items and take home a couple of swapped different ones.

ADFAS lecture

We all know that the East India Company brought tea from India to the United Kingdom, but there was so much more to the opening of EastWest trade. The next ArtsNational, formerly known as ADFAS, lecture by Vivienne Lawes is at the National Library at 6pm on Monday 8 July. Vivienne will talk about The Honourable East India Company and EastWest Trade: Chintz, Chinese Export and Chinoiserie, 1600-1800. The cost for non-members is $35 and refreshments are included. Book at: https:// www.trybooking.com/CNFDM.

SD Mission Free Yoga classes in Gungahlin for Seniors

Free Yoga classes every Tuesday at 10am at Gungaderra Homestead, Harrison. Yoga teacher with vast experience in Canberra. Cost for Seniors over 60 years: $10 one-time registration. No ongoing session attendance cost. Registration required for entry ticket. Register at www. sdmission.org. Contact email: sdmission.aus@gmail.com.

ANBG Thursday Talks

Australian National Botanic Gardens Thursday Talks presents Dr Steve Webb, Adjunct Professor of Australian Studies at Bond University: “Empty deserts: Megafauna, demography and extinction.” Did mankind kill megafauna or was it the four Ice Ages that caused the Australian megafauna extinction? Steve will lead a walk among the megafauna after the talk. Thursday 4 July, ANBG Theatrette, opposite ANBG Visitor Centre. Bookings at trybooking.com/COGME. Donations always welcome.

Conder Craft Group

Our Group meets on the first Thursday of each month from 1pm-3pm at the YWCA Mura Lanyon Community Centre, Sydney Nolan Street, Conder. New members to our group are always welcome. Ladies come along with your sewing, knitting or those projects you have always wanted to complete. Cost is $3. For further information please phone 0406 380 508.

Half Price Op Shopping

Another Chance Op Shop is running a half price sale between 1-6 July. Located at the Scullin Shops, Ross Smith Cres, Scullin. Our well-loved little Op Shop has a good selection of clothing for women & men and children and a wide range of other items.

HYH submissions

Submissions to our free Have You Heard community noticeboard are reserved for charity, not-for-profit and community organisations. Deadline for submissions is 10 days prior to the Thursday edition date. Email your submission with essential details – who, what, where, when, cost, contact details – to news@newstimemedia.com.au with ‘HYH’ in the subject heading. Flyers and attachments not accepted. Due to space restrictions, please keep it brief. Please note: publication in print is not guaranteed.


Two generations of brilliance

Established by master jeweller Je Chapman, Vangeli Manufacturing Jewellers has been creating fine jewellery in Canberra since 1978. Working in the business are Je ’s wife, Catherine, who has studied jewellery making, gemology, design and diamond grading, and their son, Evan, a secondgeneration jeweller.

Tell us about the history of your family business.

Catherine met her husband Je in 1978 and joined him in the business. A master jeweller, Je was trained in Europe and, during his time in the business, trained over 36 apprentices, many of whom now have their own successful business.

Catherine is a designer, jeweller and diamond grader, and the couple’s son Evan is a second-generation jeweller.

Vangeli has a full team of highly skilled industry professionals to ensure that you, the customer, receive only the best service Canberra has to o er.

What unique advantages do you feel a family business brings?

The unique benefits our family business brings is the understanding of the value customers place on their jewellery, especially family heirlooms.

How does your business contribute to the community?

The Chapman family are also very community minded, sponsoring many local sporting groups, charities and community organisations throughout the years.

What is the best way for clients to contact your business?

You can make an appointment online or call into the store at shop 2/15 Bowes Place, Woden Town Square, Woden. Follow us on Instagram and Facebook @Vangelijewellers

T: 02 6282 9235

W: www.vangeli.com.au

E: info@vangeli.com.au

Catherine Chapman and her son Evan work hand in hand at Vangeli Jewellers in Woden.



1 Genial (6)

4 Particles (8)

9 Gullible (5)

10 German sausage dog (9)

11 Public show (9)

12 Embed (5)

13 Accomplish (7)

15 Whirl (6)

18 Improve (6)

20 Captive (7)

23 Pry (5)

24 Gauge (9)

26 Innocent (9)

27 Precise (5)

28 Former Siam (8)

29 Of serfs and vassals (6)


1 Professional greeting (9)

2 Stand (5)

3 Scene of surgical work (7)

5 Vehicle propelled by explosive thrust (6)

6 Meanly (7)

7 Capital city of Slovenia (9)

8 Unfortunately (5)

10 Bill attached to a delivery (6)

14 Small rectangular wind instrument (9)

16 Nature spirit (9)

17 Marine mammals (6)

19 Seat of Government (7)

21 Put pressure on (7)

22 Movable shelter (6)

23 Vision (5)

25 Prize (5)

Puzzles and pagination © Pagemasters | pagemasters.com


1 Keira Knightley, Lily James and Jennifer Ehle have all played which literary character?

2 In which country would you find Rankala Lake?

3 Which musician released the album Scarlet in 2023?

4 Aubrey Plaza plays a woman involved in a credit card scam in which 2022 crime thriller film?

5 Former AFL player Isaac Smith last played for which club?



A business or personal situation may take an important turn over coming days, and this will enable you to re-evaluate your long-term circumstances. This is a constructive time, but you must avoid rash decisions; make the time to decide instead.

LEO JUL 23 – AUG 23

Links with your past via work or socialising will warm your heart. If there’s someone you’ve been meaning to contact, it’s a good week to reach out as you’ll enjoy a reunion. Next week is ideal for a health or work appointment.


You’ll appreciate the opportunity to connect with like-minded people via work and play, so consider organising constructive and/or fun events that are fulfilling, as you’ll be glad you did. A meeting or news next week will illuminate your feelings.


Meetings, projects and work are all likely to go well for you, and this is an excellent week to make contact with those you love and admire. Just keep an eye on details early next week to avoid unnecessary mistakes.


Where does your heart lie? If it’s with someone special, you’ll find the opportunity to deepen your relationship if they feel the same way. If your priorities are with your ventures, be sure to invest in these, as your efforts will be fruitful.


This will be an excellent week to bring more stability to your personal life, so find ways to establish more of a sense of security where you can. Someone may even surprise you by being helpful.


Your sign’s ruler, Saturn turns retrograde on Sunday, bringing the likelihood you will be experiencing key developments that will determine your path for several months to come. Be sure to engage a practical perspective for best results.


This will be an excellent week for a mini financial budget appraisal. Are you happy with your situation? If not, find the way to bring more security either through work or financial arrangements. You’ll enjoy a change of pace this weekend.


Someone you admire will add a sense of fulfilment and happiness to your week. You’ll enjoy being spontaneous this weekend, and may even be surprised by some get-togethers or news. Just avoid turning differences of opinion into conflict next week.


You’ll enjoy domestic developments that warm the heart as you deepen relationships and enjoy your home. Just keep an eye on expenditure. You may need to review work duties to ensure you’re on track.


This will be a good week to improve relationships with groups, friends and organisations. You may receive important news that could boost your profile, status or even finances, so be sure to be proactive about your ventures.


You’ll enjoy socialising. You can make positive strides ahead with aproject, so be optimistic with your ventures now. A financial matter next week will require careful attention, as there may be intense matters to decide upon.


For personal readings, contact Patsy through her website to make an appointment, or call 0448 808 333. Facebook: facebook.com/patsybennettpsychicastrology Instagram: instagram.com/patsybennettastrology www.patsybennett.com

Dining review: The Inn at Edgars

A local drinking hole and eatery, Edgars draws a crowd from further than just its Lyneham neighbours, serving as a long-standing go-to for Sunday lunch or a weeknight meal. Upstairs is its slightly more refined sibling - The Inn, home to Canberra’s only Asado Grill.

The softly lit eatery o ers a number of tables in di erent sections, all of them welcoming and comfortable. The easy-to-be-in setting feeds into The Inn’s ethos of simple yet flavour-first cuisine which is evident in its lovingly crafted menu. CW was lucky enough to be invited to sample the o erings ourselves.

From start to finish, the evening is what you hope for each time you enter a restaurant; the service is fantastic and delivered by people who want to be there and the food is impeccable.

Starting with a round of cocktails, the Pornstar Martini and Kiwi Sour, stood out as the favourites of the selected drinks. A blend of sweet, tart and a hint of fun, a taste of what was in store for our meal.

In the warm main dining room, we were treated to a tasting menu chosen by executive chef Wayne Alger, starting with a selection of single-serve delights. The oyster with mezcal & lime was a standout of the water creature-based dishes, a tart topping on a fresh oyster perfect. The grilled prawns with toum and chilli were enormous, juicy and had a delightful kick to them, while the duck skewers were complemented by slices of fresh mandarin.

Next up, the small plates - dumplings, bread and ceviche,

delicious! Snapper mixed with coconut, lemongrass and pickled radish was the star, with the radish complimenting the softness of the fish. Pumpkin and tofu dumplings were soft, juicy and scrumptious. While house-made, warm and doughy flatbread dipped in a creamy labneh, rose and pistachio provided a palette cleanser ahead of the main.

The heavy hitter of the evening was the 1.2kg slow-roasted lamb shoulder, which was so tender that the bone slid straight out. Every bite of the succulent lamb melted in your mouth, while the fatty bits were extra flavoursome. The accompanying red pepper and sumac onions added a freshness to the rich dish.

On the side, a delightfully sharp champagne vinaigrette was doused on leaves with soft herbs. One of the hardest things to turn down on any menu - the side chip also accompanied the lamb, crunchy shoestrings to top o the luxe main course.

Although we were already bursting at the seams from a decadent meal, there is always room for dessert - a second stomach we have been told. The Inn, in some of our diner’s opinions, saved the best for last.

A take on traditional American campfire food, the dark chocolate and almond biscuit s’more was an indulgent treat for the chocolate lover.

However, the showstopper, the pumpkin pie served with pecan ice cream, has been a topic of discussion in the CW o ce since our visit. The pie base was not flaky or crunchy but just right and the filling played o the natural sweetness of pumpkin and complimented it with

autumn-inspired spices. As a dessert lover, this is hands down the best finishing course I have had in Canberra in the past year.

If you are looking for a warming and welcoming setting to enjoy a meal this winter (or any time of the year, really) then you can’t go past the ambience, flavours and service of The Inn at Edgars. Highly recommended.

Dine at The Inn at Edgars Tuesday - Saturday from 5pm til late; edgarsinn.com.au/theinn

Enjoy an evening of delicious decadence at The Inn at Edgars in Lyneham. Image supplied.

Canberra horror creators set to Break A Leg with new film

Canberra creatives are once again proving that the local film industry is alive and well with the production of the new film Break A Leg. Created by Kaitlyn Boyé (actor, co-writer and director) and Brendan Kelly (actor and co-writer), the pair are offering a love letter to horror and the local industry.

Disgraced child star Molly McGrath hopes to return to acting after a five-year break and heads to an audition at a theatre, where aspiring actor Patrick Flynn hopes to finally catch his big break. The pair are the only ones to turn up and instantly get off on the wrong foot, after a while they realise that no one else is coming, not even the director.

To make it out alive, the pair have to put aside their egos and work together while navigating a space that is already home of illusion and delusion where strange encounters have them struggling to figure out what is real and what is not.

Horror comedy and meta-commentary, the film is a

self-aware narrative that explores the nature of the entertainment industry - the egos, exploitation and standards that are set for those participating.

“It is a story around the question of how hard we push ourselves, and where we suffer for our art. Are we dying for it? Are we dying because of it?” says Kaitlyn.

The screenplay was created with both humour and horror as a way to explore their own personal questions related to the screen industry. A performance-driven film, the pair started the writing with the development of the characters. Although Molly and Patrick are both deeply flawed, they are based on reality and questions the creators asked themselves.

“What is the worst version either of us could be? The worst version of an actor or artist? What are our worst fears about where we could end up or who we could be? They’re definitely real people, a horror story

of what happens when we let ego get in the way,” says Kaitlyn.

Knowing they wanted to shoot in a theatre, once they had the full support of The Q - Queanbeyan Performing Arts Centre, they wrote the rest of the script for that location. A building housing spooky backstage hallways and its own resident ghost, who can be heard playing the violin, the location was perfect for the film.

“Before we went in, we heard stories about the theatre being haunted from the staff or people who worked there. People who do the lighting rigs were talking about how high the activity is at 3am,” says Kaitlyn.

(continued page 22)

Canberra creatives Brendan Kelly and Kaitlyn Boye have wrapped up filming the new horror film Break A Leg.
Photo: Janelle McMenamin.

Science and art at National Archives exhibition co ide

Experience the intersection between art and science at the Waterhouse Natural Science Art Prize, now showing at National Archives of Australia.

This unique exhibition brings together artists from di erent disciplines as they turn their focus to the diversity of the natural world.

Acting Director-General Brooke Anderson says National Archives is proud to once again partner with the South Australian Museum to exhibit a range of thought-provoking works.

“We are thrilled to bring this amazing exhibition back to National Archives. From textile works to sculptures to paintings, the diverse array of works on display are a fascinating look at the ongoing dialogue between art and science,” says Ms Anderson.

“This exhibition is the only opportunity to view these incredible artworks outside of South Australia.”

Since 2002, the South Australian Museum’s Waterhouse Natural Science Art Prize has invited established and emerging artists to submit works that explore themes of art, science and the environment.

While visitors may come to view a beautiful collection of contemporary art, they will also be compelled to examine their own relationship with nature and science. Many of the featured works explore the complex relationships and interactions between humanity and the environment, contributing to the interrogation of issues facing our ecosystem and landscapes.

Jenna Lee, Gulumerridjin (Larrakia), Wardaman and KarraJarri Saltwater artist, was awarded this year’s Open Prize.

Her work Grass Tree – Growing Together reclaims the pages of a decades-old dictionary

of ‘Aboriginal words and place names’. The dictionary, published in 1965, homogenised languages and presented words in isolation from place or the people who spoke them. These words were intended as inspiration for the naming of ‘houses, children and boats’. Lee’s work transforms this flawed text into paper sculptures of grass trees, resilient native plants that thrive after bushfires. Lee’s sculptures are a striking representation of how resources created for and by colonisers can be reappropriated and reconstructed by First Nations people. Her work draws a link between the ability of grass trees to ‘rise from the ashes’ and the fierce resilience of First Nations culture.

Andrew Gall, Pakana artist, wins this year’s Emerging Prize for his work Coming Together His work features 3D-printed porcelain shells strung into a traditional kanalaritja shell necklace. Ocean acidification and warmer temperatures are impacting the ecosystems where these shells grow, putting the traditional cultural practice of necklace-making at risk. Gall sees his 3D-printed shells as a measure that may be necessary to allow the passing-down of knowledge that occurs during kanalaritja shell-stringing. His work speaks to the resilience of culture in the face of colonisation and climate change.

Over 22 works are featured in the exhibition, with mediums ranging from blown glass, acrylic and oil on linen, powder-coated steel, ceramics, brass, paper and deer antler.

Visitors can engage deeply with the works by attending a free object talk at 11am each day.

The Waterhouse Natural Science Art Prize is on display at National Archives of Australia until 27 October 2024.

More information can be found at naa.gov.au.

Jenna Lee: Grass Tree - Growing Together, Pages of Aboriginal Words and Place Names, book binding thread, book cover board, florist wire.
Andrew Gall: Coming Together, 3D printed Porcelain.

(from page 20)

Having worked at The Q onstage and behind the scenes before, Brendan says he always got a vibe from the theatre. Lights flickered when they mentioned a ghost, the lighting setting cleared themselves and more spooky encounters happened over the course of filming, especially for Brendan who was often the last to leave.

“There was one night where I was locking up and I do the calls down the hallway to check if anyone’s still there and then this shelving unit that we had installed fell onto the floor about half a second later,” says Brendan.

The creators wanted to have something in the film all lovers of the genre could enjoy, from gore to psychological intensity and the feeling of something lurking just around the corner. As horror lovers themselves, they know the different genres well.

“There’s no subgenre of horror that I don’t like to watch and deconstruct and find the formula and categorise.

Then there are the amazing ones, which I think we have kind of done with ours as well, where it is hard to nail down what subgenre it is - it’s a mix and something unique,” says Brendan.

Created for the community of horror lovers by a community of mostly local filmmakers, they are also hoping the community will support them in creating the best film they can. Now in post-production, the independent filmmakers have launched a crowdfunding campaign in hopes of raising funds for excellent sound design and finishing touches.

“I have redefined my idea of success in the last couple of years and it is all around community and what are we doing this for if it is not for people and for each other,” smiles Kaitlyn.

Search @breakalegfilm on Instagram or Break a Leg on Facebook to keep up to date with the film.

- Jessica Cordwell

showing now

The Promised Land (MA15+)

In 1755, the impoverished and retired Captain Ludvig Kahlen (Mads Mikkelsen) gains permission from the Royal Danish Court to use his meagre pension to cultivate the inhospitable Jutland moorland and establish a settlement to gain a noble title. Soon, however, local magistrate Frederik ‘De’ Schinkel (Simon Bennebjerg) explains to his neighbour his own plans for the area.

Director Nikolaj Arcel and stoic lead Mads Mikkelsen (both of A Royal Affair, 2012) return to bring the true story of Captain Kahlen to life, albeit with plenty of dramatic license. The movie both establishes the stark and brutal landscape and Kahlen’s back-breaking dogged mission to gain a noble title that is taken so much for granted by those

simply born into them. With more than the barren land in front of him, the psychotic and dastardly ‘De’ Schinkel is a wicked foil, doing his best to break Kahlen’s spirit to keep the land for himself and to put a stop to the commoner’s rise in the ranks.

Like The Convert (2023), the movie is a Western, showcasing the brutal but beautiful natural world that our lone pioneer is battling against, far from the protection of the Royal Court, law and civilised morality. Along the way, this lone wolf discovers that the pack they lead are the ones that make him strong, learning to rely on Schinkel’s escaped servant Ann Barbara (Amanda Collin) and young “Tatere” Romani thief Anmai Mus (Melina Hagberg).

Verdict: A rich, sweeping story with powerful performances.

- Luke McWilliams themovieclub.net Viewed at Dendy Cinemas

before has Medusa been looser, Achilles more sillies, or Uranus so heinous.


The Lifeline Canberra Bookfair is coming back to the Southside!

• • • • • • textbooks puzzles, console & board games computer software & games

lego, war gaming, models & miniatures magazines, pamphlets & comics maps & atlases

cds, records & sheet music talking books DVDs & blu-ray calendars & postcards note books & diaries bookmarks, posters & prints stamps & trading cards sets & encyclopaedias

9am - 6pm 9am - 5pm 9am - 4pm Friday 28 June Saturday 29 June Sunday 30 June

S u Donations of books and other items will be accepted on site

uggeranong Southern Cross Stadium 7 Pitman St, Greenway ACT 2900

Gold coin donation entry

book talk

This week, Michael Popple highlights three thrilling reads by world famous authors. You can find more of Michael’s book reviews on his blog: unseenlibrary.com.


by Michael Crichton and James Patterson

Century, $34.99

As a once-in-a-lifetime volcanic eruption begins on the Big Island of Hawaii, volcanologist John MacGregor believes that his experts are prepared to mitigate the worst of the disaster. However, a deadly secret hidden on the island for decades soon changes everything. Now, Mac and his team must find a way to divert the oncoming eruption before all life is wiped off the face of the planet. Bestselling author James Patterson utilises the notes of the late Michael Crichton to produce an exciting disaster thriller. An exceedingly cinematic book with a great story concept behind it, Eruption is guaranteed to blow you away.


Ghosts by

Off the coast of Florida lies the mysterious Dark Isle, a seemingly cursed island that used to be called home by a group of escaped slaves. When a shady company seeks to steal the island, the last surviving inhabitant of Dark Isle attempts to claim ownership and is forced into an impossible legal battle. But with the eclectic inhabitants of Camino Island behind her, she might just win. Grisham has come up with a thoughtful and intriguing novel in Camino Ghosts. Featuring his usual legal flair, Camino Ghosts is a very comfortable novel that proves extremely easy to get lost in.

You Like It Darker by

Hodder & Stoughton, $34.99

The master of mayhem, Stephen King, returns with another diabolically addictive book that will scare and entertain you. A collection of 12 fantastic short stories, You Like It Darker is an outstanding read that showcases King’s uncanny ability to create chilling and sinister fiction. There is a great collection of intense stories in this book, including quick, but impactful, tales of woe, longer novellas that reel you in with their elaborate plotlines, and even a sequel to Cujo. This is a must read for all fans of King, and even those unfamiliar with his work will love these exquisitely dark stories.

The winners in Canberra Weekly’s latest round of competition draws are:

Build a Slice: C. Scowcroft, Lyons; H. Agresta, Forde

Tina Turner: R. Halliday, Bonner

Mukti: S. George, Denman Prospect


Xmas in July Festival


Free entry to this traditional French-European winter Christmas experience in Canberra; wood hut artisan market, live performances, mouthwatering food, and plenty of festive cheer.

Parkes Place Lawns, 27-30 June; christmasinjuly.com.au


Waterhouse Natural Science

Art Prize

Artists from around the country present natural-themed works in this renowned competition.

National Archives of Australia, 28 June-27 October; naa.gov.au

Find more listings at canberradaily.com.au

To advertise here, contact Mohit on 0402 377 603 or mohit@newstimemedia.com.au

International Scarf Exchange 2024

Don't miss the last two days of the Canberra Spinners and Weavers 2024 Scarf Exhibition at their Textile Works gallery on Friday 28th and Saturday 29th 10am-3pm. Friday join in the Open Day fun in the Centre's Community Room where we'll be spinning, knitting, weaving and crocheting. $5 entry

Canberra Textile Works, until 29 June; canberraspinnersandweavers.org.au


Lifeline Bookfair


Canberra’s favourite book event returns with books, games and much more to keep you entertained with all sales going towards supporting the crisis support line.

Tuggeranong Southern Cross Stadium, 28-30 June; lifelinecanberra.org.au


Monster Fest Weekender


Lovers of slashers rejoice, Dendy is calling all ghouls to its mini horror festival featuring some cult classics including the Sleepaway Camp Slash-A-Thon (all three movies).

Dendy Cinemas Canberra, 28-30 June; canberra.dendy.com.au

29- 07

Gauguin’s World: Tōna Iho, Tōna Ao

Experience the enduring art of the French Post-Impressionist Paul Gaugin through some of his most recognised works.

National Gallery of Australia, 29 June-7 October; nga.gov.au


Beethoven's Missa Solemnis


Canberra Choral Society and The National Capital Orchestra are joined by choristers from The Llewellyn Choir for a performance of Beethoven's magnificent Missa Solemnis. Featuring soloists Sarah Darnley-Stuart (Soprano), Emma Mauch (Alto), Ryan O’Donnell (Tenor) and Sitiveni Talei (Bass). All under the baton of Louis Sharpe. Llewellyn Hall, The ANU, Saturday 6 July 3pm; ticketek.com.au

Join Canberra Spinners and Weavers at the International Scarf Exchange 2024 at Canberra Textile Works until 29 June.
Canberra Choral Society and The National Capital Orchestra, with The Llewellyn Choir, will present Beethoven's Missa Solemnis at Llewellyn Hall on 6 July, 3pm

Body image in young people – how do we help them? health & wellbeing


Body image refers to a person’s perception of their body (what we think it looks like, which might not be based on reality), and our attitudes and feelings towards it (whether we like it or not and how respectful we are towards it). The Butterfly Foundation (the National Eating Disorder Organisation) recently released the results of their 2023 Body Kind survey on youth aged 12-18 years. It found that body dissatisfaction (having negative

attitudes, perceptions and feelings towards your body) occurred for more than half of young people of all gender identities and sexual preferences. So, body dissatisfaction is not just a female issue as commonly thought.

Young people said that social media had a negative impact and so did being teased for their appearance. It made many of them not want to go to school and avoid socialising or bringing attention to themselves.

This is not new information. We’ve known for a long time about the impact of poor body image on mental health, particularly the development of eating disorders. Poor body image can a ect anyone at any age in a way that makes them feel bad about themselves and anxious. It impacts our relationship with food and exercise. I work with people of all ages where their body image impacts on their life in a negative way.

In my, and my students’ research at the University of Canberra, we look at not only the negative side of social media’s impact on body image but also the benefits, including what we can learn from those with a positive body image. What we’ve found is that focusing on the function of your body, what it can do rather than what it looks like, makes you feel better about it and yourself. Also, expressing gratitude towards your body, including talking to it nicely rather than berating it.

We have also found that social media breaks are important, especially when young people constantly compare themselves to others they perceive as having better looks or better lives. In their study, The Butterfly Foundation found that for about 60 per cent of young people, social media made them feel unhappy with their bodies and sometimes not want to

engage in life. Taking a break from social media often stops this unhelpful comparison and engages the young person in their life.

As adults, we need to be role models to our young people by respectfully talking about ourselves and others and engaging in activities that lift us up rather than pull us down. Teasing and bullying are not ok, and we can empower our young people to speak up for themselves and their friends. Unfortunately, most of us have experienced times when we’ve been teased, and it feels awful. O er validation for feelings and non-judgement when someone comes to you with their worries.

You might find my book helpful as a guide to helping children and young people with these issues, it’s called, No Body’s Perfect.

Australian Fertility Summit gives back to hopeful families in historic first

The first Australian Fertility Summit will be held in Canberra in July, with one lucky attendee receiving a free IVF thanks to Genea Fertility.

One in six families experience infertility. For these families, the journey to parenthood can be a long, overwhelming and expensive road, and one that can often feel lonely and isolated. The Australian Fertility Summit (AFS) aims to bring hope and support to those on their fertility journey, with keynote speakers and trusted vendors that will inform and inspire. One attendee will also receive an incredible gift of a free IVF cycle from Genea Fertility.

Founded by complementary health and fertility expert Liz Walton, this will be the first event of its kind in Australia, aiming to encourage the conversation around fertility and bring comfort to families on their journey.

The Australian Fertility Summit will be held on Saturday 20 July at the

Canberra Southern Cross Club in Woden. The event will feature Sheila Vijeyarsa (Channel 9’s Big Miracles) as Emcee, along with fertility experts and local and interstate health and wellbeing businesses showcasing products and services that support those on a fertility journey.

As Walton endured her own decade-long personal fertility journey, including six unsuccessful IVF attempts, before conceiving naturally at the age of 46, she understands the emotional and psychological impacts on the road to fertility, not to mention the financial impact. She is thrilled for the Australian Fertility Summit to be teaming up with Genea Fertility for ‘Genea’s Gift,’ in which a free IVF cycle will be awarded to a family in their fertility journey.

“As a part of the Canberra community for over 20 years, Canberra is like family to Genea,’ says Genea’s COO, Scott Portnoy. “We feel lucky to be part of this community and are excited to offer a free IVF cycle to a patient within the ACT region. Through ‘Genea’s Gift’ we want to provide access to a patient who demonstrates both a medical and financial need for treatment.”

‘Genea’s Gift’ will be awarded to a family who registers for the summit online and shows they have started their fertility journey and could benefit from IVF. The winner will be selected by a panel of judges and can be a resident of Canberra or from out of town.

Tickets to the event include refreshments, morning tea, lunch, a

goodie bag, and the opportunity to win lucky door prizes. Single pass tickets start at $199, and double passes at $330.

“My vision is for the Australian Fertility Summit to be a transformational space, uniting medical professional, complementary practitioners, experts, and laypeople,” says Liz Walton. “I’m driven to foster collaborations and build a supportive, holistic, Australia-wide community for fertility treatment and support.”

The summit will run from 9:30am to 5pm at the Canberra Southern Cross Club in Woden. Tickets are now available from Eventbrite or by visiting australianfertilitysummit.com.au

Australian Fertility Summit 2024

July 20, 2024 | 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM Canberra Convention Centre 123 Convention Ave, Canberra, ACT


• Dr. Ben Stephens on Egg Freezing Techniques

• Dr Tween Low on Fertility and Ageing

• Dr. Sumi Saha on Fertility and Endometriosis

• Dr Katie Ellis on Genetic screening the pros and cons

• Brittany Darling Fertility Nutritionist on Health and supplementation do they work?

• Sheila V from Big Miracles is our MC

• Liz Walton Fertility Coach on You Can’t Get Pregnant Running from a Tiger

Join us for the inaugural Australian Fertility Summit, a pioneering event bringing together leading fertility experts, healthcare professionals, and community leaders to explore all facets of fertility. Bridging the gap between medical and complementary fertility specialists. Whether you’re on a fertility or IVF journey, considering parenthood, or simply interested in learning more, this summit o ers a comprehensive in depth platform.


• Panel discussions with fertility specialists and community leaders

• Keynote speeches addressing advancements in fertility treatments

• Networking opportunities with peers and experts

• Exhibition featuring fertility clinics, therapists, and Complementary support organizations

• Sarah Hardie- Fertility and Finances

• Patricia Falcetta - Hormonal Harmony; Understanding Fertility Changes in Neurodivergent Women

Registration: Early bird tickets are now available. Reserve your spot today at www.eventbrite.co.uk/o/liz-walton-1664272928

Contact Information: For more information and inquiries, please visit www.australianfertilitysummit.com or contact Liz Walton 0432 427 464

Follow us on social media:


Don’t miss this opportunity to gain insights, connect with peers, and navigate your fertility journey with expert guidance. We look forward to welcoming you to the Australian Fertility Summit 2024!

Health and fertility expert Liz Walton.

How breakfast helps developing minds learn

We have long heard that breakfast is the most important meal of the day, especially for growing bodies and minds. A study from the University of New South Wales (UNSW) has linked the belief that breakfast leads to better academic success with scientific evidence.

The research funded by the Australian Research Council and The Future Project at The King’s School studied 648 high school students from New South Wales. Findings showed that eating a healthy breakfast can lead to higher motivation and achievement for students.

To investigate the role of breakfast consumption and the quality of students’ self-reported science motivation and achievement through a science test, students were surveyed on what they had eaten that morning

and what they usually eat to create a score for their breakfast habits based on dietary guidelines from the National Health and Medical Research Council. Researchers then tested the students’ motivation in science classes before they went on to complete a test based on the syllabus content.

“In the survey, we asked many questions about their background to help us control for various factors including socioeconomic status, gender, physical activity, previous achievement and conscientiousness to isolate the impact of breakfast on motivation and achievement,” says Scientia Professor Andrew Martin, lead author of the study and an educational psychologist from the School of Education at UNSW Arts, Design & Architecture. “We were also careful to time it right so we

could better determine the process, with the breakfast in the morning preceding the levels of motivation and achievement we saw later that day.”

The research also found while breakfast predicted student motivation, it did not predict student achievement. Instead, motivation predicted achievement. The research showed that the students who ate a healthy, well-balanced breakfast were more motivated and achieved better scores on the tests.

“A healthy breakfast has traditionally been associated with improved academic performance, but the motivational factors implicated in this process have not been well understood,” says Professor Martin.

What we put into the breakfast counts; the research found that

students who ate unhealthy breakfasts had similar results as those who didn’t eat breakfast at all. It also showed that the breakfast that day is what counts, students who had an unhealthy breakfast or none measured lower for motivation and scored lower on the test regardless of whether they usually ate a healthy breakfast or previously performed well.

“Eating a healthy breakfast every day is good for students’ motivation and achievement while skipping breakfast is not so good,” says Professor Martin. “Somewhat unexpectedly, eating an unhealthy breakfast could be as disruptive to motivation and achievement as not eating breakfast at all. Simply having breakfast isn’t enough to gain the full benefits of eating breakfast; quality is also important for optimal motivation.”

Taking care of your skin this winter:


Cold winter air can dry out our skin and cause it to flake, itch and just look a bit dull. This time we look at products that will keep your face hydrated and glowing throughout the cooler months.

$43, Mecca

Originally created as a ten-minute mask, people are using it as a daily moisturiser, whichever way you choose, this product is bound to give you enough hydration to last a longhaul flight.

Elizabeth Arden Hyaluronic Acid Ceramide Capsules Hydra Plumping serum, $160, Myer Hyaluronic acid is a powerful tool for hydrating skin, however, it is often used incorrectly, these easy-to-use, capsules ensure you get the right amount every time.

INIKA Organic Adaptogenic Cleansing Oil, $65, inikaorganic.com

Natural, sustainable and vegan friendly, this cleanser helps clean skin without stripping any hydration away. Leaves skin feeling clear but not oily.

Nudestix Dewy Barrier Hydrating Stick, $57, Sephora

Do you have a stubborn dry patch that demands attention throughout the day? Meet the hydrating stick- a go-to hydration boost whenever

Medik8 Total Moisture Daily Facial Cream, $89, medik8.com.au

Rich, thick and creamy, this moisturiser will leave your skin feeling replenished and happy throughout the day.

Aya Skincare Hydrate and Restore Water Gel, $65, ayaskincare.com.au

An instant hydration injection, a small drop goes a long way with this natural but mighty beautifully slick gel.

Foreo UFO™ 2 Facial Treatment Device, $499 & Make My Day Mask, $36, Sephora

Don’t have time to apply a hydrating mask? The Foreo UFO 2 cuts down mask time to a mere two minutes! Thermotherapy allows masks to be absorbed deeply and quickly while the full spectrum LED light keeps skin glowing.

Sulwhasoo Glowing Lip Balm, $59, Sephora

Fun packaging and a moisture boost for your lips, the Korean beauty brand o ers another fantastic product with this balm.

A ordable and e ective, the Lanolips overnight mask can be used as it says in the title or throughout the day to keep your lips soft.

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Mask, $19.95, Mecca

Luxurious Kingston apartment

Kingston 2/7 Leichhardt Street

Discover premier living at 2/7 Leichhardt Street, Kingston. This apartment sets a high standard with its excellent quality and design.

The apartment boasts three-metre ceilings and European oak herringbone parquetry flooring, providing a stylish and spacious environment.

Located in the Inner South, this property enjoys a prime spot in Old Kingston. The neighbourhood o ers easy access to cafes, restaurants, shops, and parks, blending urban convenience with a peaceful setting. The property includes a secure lockup

garage with extra storage and a distinctive basement in the Mercer development. Wine enthusiasts will appreciate the private wine cellar and tasting room with storage for 144 bottles and kitchen facilities, ideal for hosting or enjoying a quiet evening.

Designed to feel like home, the apartment features high-quality fittings and thoughtful inclusions, ensuring a comfortable living experience.

2/7 Leichhardt Street combines quality, thoughtful design, and a prime location, o ering a premier living experience in Canberra.

23 Brereton Street, Garran

18 Hooker Street, Yarralumla

23 Brennan Street, Hackett

4 Viner Place, Nicholls

$2,350,000 Cream Residential

$2,320,000 Luton

$2,200,000 Luton

$2,000,000 Blackshaw

60 Southwell Street, Weetangera $1,750,000 Luton

5 Millen Street, Hughes

26 Eucumbene Drive, Du y

31 McIntosh Street, Queanbeyan

12 Osborn Place, Banks

17 Rivers Street, Weston

$1,705,000 Ray White

$1,650,000 Ray White

46 Rosebery Street, Fisher $1,505,000 Hive

13 Lambert Street, Lyneham

62 Wakefi eld Avenue, Ainslie

$1,450,000 Ray White

$1,370,000 Independent

41 Eggins Street, Denman Prospect $1,365,000 Independent

18 Darmody Place, Jerrabomberra

41B Baracchi Crescent, Giralang

$1,220,000 White Rhino

$1,100,000 LJ Hooker

35 David Miller Crescent, Casey $1,027,500 Blackshaw

45 Blackburn Street, Pearce

6 Lads Place, Dunlop

$1,010,000 Cream Residential

$1,008,000 Marq

44 Mcwhae Circuit, Wanniassa $920,000 McCann

12/30 Blackall Street, Barton

1/84 Buckingham Street, Amaroo

45 Symers Street, Kambah

$900,000 Belle Property

$895,000 New Door Properties

$868,000 Cream Residential

70 Mornington Street, Amaroo $845,000 Hive

2/13 Balonne Street, Kaleen $830,000 Ray White

63 Mary Gillespie Avenue, Gungahlin $825,000 Stone

7 Gulwan Street, Ngunnawal

$824,000 LJ Hooker

72 Derrima Road, Queanbeyan $810,000 Ward

$810,000 LJ Hooker

$797,000 Luton

$795,000 Cream Residential 1/16 Fairlight Street, Dunlop

47 Outtrim Avenue, Calwell

20 Saunders Street, Ngunnawal

12 Lorn Street, Collector

11/17 Pickup Close, Casey

3/6 Webber Crescent, Calwell

3/171 Cooma Street, Karabar

28/22 Jelinek Street, Taylor

91/161 Mortimer Lewis Drive, Greenway

49 Northmore Crescent, Higgins

3/118 Barr Smith Avenue, Bonython

$795,000 LJ Hooker

$785,000 Blackshaw

$777,000 Stone

$750,000 Independent

$735,000 Ray White

$730,000 LJ Hooker

$710,000 LJ Hooker

$690,000 Canberry

$675,000 Canberry

$665,000 LJ Hooker

$659,000 Independent

211/4 Anzac Park, Campbell $650,000 Carter + Co

21/5 Burbury Close, Barton

$645,000 Independent 11/93 Chewings Street, Scullin

3 George Seddon Crescent, Taylor

23/142 Totterdell Street, Belconnen

8/2 Quayle Place, Florey

$645,000 Ray White

$640,000 Canberry

$599,000 LJ Hooker

$590,000 Ray White

22/11 Wimmera Street, Harrison $585,000 Stone

11/7 Light Street, Gri th $570,000 Independent

21/6 Ellison Harvie Close, Greenway $560,000 Marq

14/11 Irving Street, Phillip $560,000 Suburbia

4/141 Mapleton Avenue, Harrison $550,000 Confi dence

41B Baracchi Crescent LJ Hooker

1/82 Wanganeen Avenue, Ngunnawal $545,000 Hive

18/48 Abena Avenue, Crace $502,000 Ray White

8/66 Allara Street, City $485,000 Luton

24/97 Eastern Valley Way, Belconnen $482,000 Hive

97/1 Mouat Street, Lyneham $480,000 Raine & Horne

143/8 Limburg Way, Greenway $475,000 LJ Hooker

710/120 Eastern Valley Way, Belconnen$455,000 LJ Hooker

506/1 Elouera Street, Braddon $452,000 Hive

17/15 Stockman Avenue, Lawson $445,000


302/2 Akuna Street, City $405,000

White 15/31 Thynne Street, Bruce $395,000

100/8 Veryard Lane, Belconnen $375,000 Luton 117/77 Gozzard Street, Gungahlin $350,000 Stone 1/31 Moulden Court, Belconnen $350,000

Create a new the heart of Ca nberra

- F a v ou r ab l e pu r c h a s i ng t e r m s i n c l ud i ng l o w e r depo s i t and de l a yed s e tt l e m en t - Fr eeho l d Land w i t h no t i m e l i m i t t o bu il d ( s a v e no w , bu il d l a t e r )

- Le ss t han 3 0 m i nu t e s t o C anbe rr a ’ s C B D and u nde r 20 m i n u t e s t o Q ue a nb e ya n

- Le ss t han 5 m i nu t e s t o S upe r m a r k e t , S hop s , C a f e s and R e s t au r an t s

- C o m i ng s oon t o B ungendo r e : N e w $70 M H i gh S c hoo l and $2 . 5 M S po r t s H ub



• Oversized, executive residences ranging from 182m2 to 235m2 of living space offering multiple living options

• Luxurious customised interior with multiple choices for nishes and ttings

• Bathrooms and ensuites with Villeroy & Boch ttings, complemented by under-tile heating

• Reverse cycle ducted heating and cooling

• 5KW rooftop solar system to each residence

• Kitchen with Smeg appliances, stone benchtops and opulent butler’s pantries

• Up to 3.5 metre ceilings in many living areas

• Landscaped courtyard and gardens, many with access to the heritage trail

• Dual lock-up garaging with remote access and provisioning for EV Charging

• High energy rating of minimum 6.1 EER

Real estate listings increase in the ACT

Real estate sales activity across most of the country was strong in May with new listings much higher than a year ago according to the PropTrack Listing Report May 2024.

The ACT (+42.5%), Melbourne (+36.1%) and Sydney (+29.3%) saw the largest year-on-year increases in new listings in May.

Compared to May 2023, Hobart was the only capital city that had fewer new listings coming to market.

This higher rate of new listings resulted in more total listings than a year ago for all capital city markets except Brisbane, Adelaide and Perth where demand remained extremely strong. Perth in particular had 23.4% fewer properties for sale than in May last year.


• 3 Bedroom, 2 bathroom, 2 car garage

• 6.6Kw Solar system to cut power bills

• Rainwater tanks for washing machine, toilet and gardens

• Ducted & zoned air-conditioning

• Vaulted ceiling with clerestory windows

• North facing sun-room boosting warmth and light

• Low maintenance garden

• Tandem double drive-through garage


• Heated Indoor Swimming Pool

• Clubhouse and Function Room

• Gymnasium

• Arts and Craft Centre

• Lake, Jetty and BBQ Area Summerfield is a thriving community of 56 homes set on 8 acres. Overlooking heritage listed countryside on three sides, you will have a brand new sustainable home in a township everyone knows and loves.

By contrast, total listings in the ACT were 32.4% above the level seen a year ago, while Melbourne (+24.7%) and Sydney (+17.7%) also recorded significant increases. Despite the increase in stock these markets have continued to see price growth over the past year.

Regional markets saw a solid increase in new listings in May, up 10.4% year-on-year, with only regional Northern Territory (-16.3%) and regional Western Australia (-0.3%) recording falls.

Regional Victoria and regional New South Wales saw the largest year-on-year increases in new listings in May among regional areas, up 16.3% and 15.9% respectively.

- Kay Coombe


This bright, beautifully renovated one-bedroom apartment includes:

• Generous open plan living space opening onto balcony

• Modern kitchen with granite benchtops, user friendly appliances

• Large master bedroom

• Reverse cycle air-conditioning for year-round comfort

• An accessible bathroom

• Internal laundry

• Internal access to a single secure car park with lock-up storage

• Smart metering and community solar power to reduce your energy footprint, and cost of living

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Trades & Services Guide

Trades & Services Guide

Trades & Services Guide

Trades & Services Guide

Trades & Services Guide

Trades & Services Guide

Antoniak Tiling and Renovations

Email: Bantoniak051@gmail.com | 0417 092 760

Brodie Antoniak

Owner and contractor

ABN 14724243822

Reference available on request


WIN! Winter reading book pack

HQ Fiction has four winter reading book packs to giveaway in this edition of Canberra Weekly. The pack includes the new book by Stella Quinn Down the Track and Among the Grey Gums by Paula Beavan

Call Alex today 0475 000 528 localtilingact@hotmail.com

WIN! Star Wars Lightsaber

Kids can imagine their own roleplay duels with Lightsaber Forge Electronic Lightsabers, featuring extendable light-up blades and electronic sound e ects inspired by the Star Wars Galaxy!

Kids aged four and up can build the battle with customisable roleplay toys inspired by the Jedi and Sith weapons from the Star Wars Galaxy! Use the included blade, cap, cover, and core to build a Lightsaber and imagine harnessing the power of the Force while enjoying pretend Lightsaber duels!

And with pieces that are compatible across the Star Wars Lightsaber Forge line, boys and girls can mix and match to create, customise, and master 1000s of combinations!

Three CW readers will win two Lightsabers (valued at $39 each).

Digging up the past isn’t easy ... Sweet, funny and feel-good, the unmissable new book Down the Track from the bestselling author of A Home Among the Snow Gums and The Vet From Snowy River.

In Among the Grey Gums a woman must track down a murderer to save her brother from the hangman’s noose ... A rollicking and entertaining historical mystery, filled with adventure and romance from the Australian author of Daughter of the Hunter Valley.

WIN! Manly Spirits Co. gin

Manly Spirits Co., the artisan distillery known for premium, hand-crafted Australian whiskies, gins, liqueurs, and botanical vodkas, has launched the first two gins in the four-part series ‘Rockpools of Sydney’, inspired by Australia’s coastal living and landmark rockpools.

The delicious, limited edition ‘Fairy Bower’ gin is a citrus and lime forward spirit, made from a unique blend of sustainably grown Australian native botanicals and fruits including Rainforest lime, Finger lime, Ribery, and whole lemons and limes. While the ‘Bronte Baths’ is a cool-as-a-cucumber French 75-inspired gin.

Available for delivery nationwide at manlyspirits.com.au, $90 per 700ml bottle.

CW has 2 x Fairy Bower Gin and 1 x Bronte Baths Gin 700ml bottles to give away.

Enter to win!

To enter, scan the QR code or visit canberradaily.com.au and click on the ‘Entertainment’ tab to ‘Competitions’, find the competition you wish to enter and follow the entry instructions. Entries close 9am Friday 5 July 2024 and winners drawn same day. One entry per person per giveaway. Entrants must be aged 18+.

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