The Canberran 2012

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Debating MiC: Ms Angela Bardwell

Vice Captain Murray: Abi Prakash

Ford Coach: Mr Andrew Gray

Vice Captain Ford: Oliver Tridgell

Captain: David Sheridan In the ACT Debating Union’s Ford Competition for Year 7 and 8 students, CGS entered six teams. It was an enjoyable season and many boys in Year 7 and Year 8 were able to learn and practise the “Art of Persuasion”. Special thanks to Oliver Tridgell and Alex Richards for their efforts in training the Ford debaters, and sharing their considerable debating experience. The Douse CGS 1 team had a stellar season, enjoying many victories, culminating in a vigorous Grand Final against Narrabundah College. Awarded the Runnersup trophy on the night, Abi Prakash, David Cribb, Hugh McCarthy, Guy Lemmon and David Sheridan carried out and completed the season with pride and dignity. I wish

these talented young men all the best in the years to come. Once again, the annual Kitchen Tyrell debates delivered an evening of intellectual frivolity, with an onslaught of wit conducted by the CGS Douse team. The topic was That Men are Oppressed in Modern Society. The CGS 1 team’s efforts included David Cribb revealing a dress underneath his blazer, urging males in the audience to rise up and embrace their femininity. The boys charmed their way to victory against the skilful CGGS team. I wish to express my sincere gratitude to Debating Captain David Sheridan, who balanced masterful debating skills with commitment and energy. His assistance in Debating matters great and small was invaluable. Angela Bardwell


The Canberran 2012

For two years now, members of the Alternate Reality Club (ARC) have been meeting and plotting. Plotting fun! Fun for all the members of our club. With the club barrelling down the highway during year one, we had no intention of slowing down.


This second year saw some fantastic activities and events for the club. To kick off, the members of ARC invited our sister club at CGGS, Nexus, to a retro science fiction event in Term 1. After a get-together, activities and dinner, we moved into the CGGS Hall and watched Back to the Future. Everybody put a big effort into costumes, and a great time was had by all. In Term 2 we held a sleepover movie marathon, this time with a focus on superheroes (in anticipation of the release of The Avengers, and The Dark Knight Rises).

Over 14 hours, six movies were watched, including The Phantom, Batman Begins, The Dark Knight, Captain America, Iron Man and Iron Man 2. Twenty pizzas and around 25 bottles of fizzy drink were consumed and as usual we got very little sleep. Later in the year a band of Year 10 boys took it upon themselves to organise the first ARC Trivia Night. Meeting over the course of the term, both inside and outside of school, the boys organised a magnificent event and invited members of CGGS’s Nexus Club to participate. With a great turnout the Dining Hall was full of people dressed to impress (in costume). The event consisted of nearly 200 questions (which had all been written by the Year 10 boys), with film, music and slideshow sections. With standout performances from the teachers, the night was a resounding success.

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