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expected progeny differences. Although there is no breed- specific genetic evaluation for SP breeders today, until this tool exists, SP producers can use Neogen’s Igenity® Beef Profile. The Igenity® Beef Profile draws off the database from International Genetic Solutions (IGS), the company that provides most genetic evaluations for Canadian beef breed associations. Using a common database for genetic evaluations ensures consistency and relevance for SP breeders and commercial beef producers alike. Using the Igenity® Beef Profile breeders can use the results much like an expected progeny differences (EPD) chart. The Igenity® Beef Profile evaluates 17 traits and provides a score of 1-10 on each trait. These traits include maternal, performance and carcass traits. A producer can use these traits to help make selections to achieve their herd goals. Each trait and score represent a metric of the estimated impact, the chart below identifies each trait with its unit of measurement and the prediction based on the reported score.

For example, if a producer has identified that their weaning weights are not consistent across the herd or they are declining in recent years, using the Igenity® Beef Profile they can select replacement heifers who have high milk and weaning weight scores to transition the herd. Another profile that the commercial producer can use in addition to the Igenity® Beef Profile is Envigor™. Envigor™ is the first and only test measuring the level of heterosis in crossbred cattle. Reported on a scale of 1 to 10, the results can be used as an indication of hybrid vigor. A higher score indicates increased heterosis. The benefits of hybrid vigor are increased fertility, lower cull rates, and more lbs. weaned per cow exposed. Making Igenity® Beef Profile+Envigor™ a powerful replacement heifer selection tool to select females that will not only excel because of increased heterosis and genetic potential, but also pass that same genetic potential on to their progeny for many generations.

Genomic testing can help each SP producer whether seedstock or commercial reach their goals in their herds faster. Through genomic testing SP producers can identify the polled, Myostatin free cattle that have the desired coat colour who will contribute genetic improvement to their herd and breed. Commercial producers can contact Neogen Canada directly to use the Igenity® Beef Profile and Envigor™ in their herds. Then the producer can take the 1-10 scores on the 17 traits plus the measure of heterosis to make more informed breeding decisions to get them to their goals.
