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“What the Speckle Park breed has done in Canada and with these genetics flowing all throughout the world is truly impressive. You have my absolute admiration for what this breed has done. The quality that you’ve brought out in front of us today has been absolutely impeccable, both Katie and myself have been extremely impressed throughout all of the classes. With this overall quality and this type and kind, you can see why these genetics are sought after all over the world. You have a unique breed; you identified the traits that your breed excelled in and you really exemplified that and as you progressed and you bred these cattle you made them the kind that really worked for you and you never lost what you were noted for. These cattle are still noted for what they were developed for, but you’ve made them extremely good. The structure in these cattle is great, they’re deep bodied, they’re nice framed. There was probably some times when they were a little too moderate, but you brought them up and you didn’t lose what they were known for when you brought them up. These cattle work all over the world. They’re easy fleshing, they’re stout, they marble like none other, they’re hardy and when I look through all these females in this ring, they’re really good headed, they’re stout, they’re good at the ground, they’re great bodied, they’ll be the kind that work in the show ring here because they’ve go that extra class and flash, but they’ll also work for you back at the farm and that’s the main thing and I think that’s the big thing that the Speckle Park breeders never lost. They never lost their identity, they never lost their vision, they’re just refining their breed as they go forward and that is really commendable.”