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Vol 39•Issue 27 • March 18-24, 2010

carleton’s independent independent weekly weekly -- since since 1945 1945 carleton’s

Au Naturel

Ottawa naturists dive into the social scene — sans skivvies p. 12 cover by

Alexandra Haggert and Lasia Kretzel INSIDE: Carleton student unions get sued p. 3 • ONLINE: Students snub snacking at school see


News Victim sues CUSA, GSA GSA funding flap


March 18-24, 2010 News Editors: Jeanne Armstrong and Joel Eastwood •

by Matt Blenkarn by Marco Vigliotti As part of his $4.9 million lawsuit, Ben Gardiner accuses both of Carleton’s campus pubs of negligence relating to a fatal car accident that injured him and killed three Carleton students in January 2008. The lawsuit, filed last week in Ottawa, names both Carleton student associations as defendants due to their ownership of the bars, alleging the bars promote an “atmosphere” of overserving and fail to properly control the “intoxication of their patrons.” The lawsuit, which was also filed against the City of Ottawa and Grace O’Malley’s pub, among others, stems from a triple-fatal 2008 automobile accident, in which an SUV driven by Mark MacDonald with Gardiner and three other students collided with an OC Transpo bus after running a red light. The five Carleton students were partying at various bars, including Mike’s Place, before the accident. MacDonald and passengers Brianne Deschamps and Vanessa Crawford were all killed and Gardiner and Monica Neacsu were injured.

Ben Gardiner has filed a lawsuit related to a fatal January 2008 car crash. || file

Subsequent toxicology reports revealed all the deceased had been drinking, though police declined to say how much alcohol was found in their systems. The plaintiff states in his statement of claim that all the drinking establishments the group visited on the night of the crash consistently and gravely failed in the their responsibilities

by allowing MacDonald to get intoxicated and letting him leave without providing an “alternative means of transportation.” The plaintiff also charges that the employees of the bars were “incompetent” and lacked proper training in “detection and control of intoxication” of customers. The statement of claim said management failed to “establish and maintain a system” to keep track of how intoxicated customers were, especially those who staff knew would be driving after leaving. As a result of the accident, Gardiner suffered “severe brain trauma,” spinal, spleen and rib injuries, and a “prolonged period of post-traumatic amnesia,” the statement alleges. Gardiner is joined in the lawsuit by his sister Samantha, who alleges in the lawsuit that because of her brother’s injuries she is suffering a “loss of care, guidance and companionship.” The Carleton University Students’ Association has filed a statement of intent to defend these claims. The Graduate Students’ Association would not comment on the issue. q

Removing the roof

The Education of Charlie For more coverage . . . Banks Matt Blenkarn talks to the candidates in the GSA elections.

Petition rejected Jane Gerster reports on the petition to hold a referendum on CUSA’s CFS membership.

Week for women’s health

by Chris Tse “Rain,” said Michael Fleming when asked what he thought the biggest challenge about living outside would be. On the night of March 14 it poured, sending Fleming and his two friends Eric Berrigan and Jessica Karam scrambling into their makeshift cardboard hut outside the Unicentre. It was a fitting start to the week as the three commerce students set out to get a taste of what being homeless is like. “We actually had a pretty bad night weather-wise,” said Berrigan, a fourth-year finance major. “It was cold and rainy. . . . I can’t imagine having to go through this all the time.” Fleming, Berrigan and Karam are part of a national campaign called Five Days for the Homeless, which aims to support youth at risk and address the issue of youth homelessness. The initiative was started five years ago at the Alberta School of Business, when students decided to take up the challenge of spending five days out on the streets. Their reasons were twofold: they wanted to bring attention to the issue of youth homelessness in the city, and also shed the negative perception that business students don’t care about the community. The experience consists of living in a cardboard shelter with

A plebiscite question concerning a possible reduction in funding for some graduate students will be included on the Graduate Students’ Association (GSA) election ballot March 24-25. A plebiscite gauges students’ opinion on an issue without making a binding policy change. The referendum question asks students whether or not they support “plans to reduce internal funding for graduate students who receive large amounts of external funding.” Internal funding includes Carleton scholarships while large external funding includes national grants and scholarships, according to Kimalee Phillip, GSA president. Phillip said the proposed cut to internal scholarships would be up to 50 per cent of the value of the external scholarship. The Faculty of Graduate Studies and Research (FGSR) decided not to distribute election information to students as a result of this question. “We did not feel comfortable sending this communication because the plebiscite question does not accurately reflect the original recommendations of the Faculty’s Enrolment and Budget Planning Working Group,” said FGSR dean John Shepherd in an e-mail. He also said the funding

cut is a recommendation, not an official policy, and an offer to send out the information with the question removed or reworded was denied by the GSA. “The purpose of a plebiscite is to get a better sense of graduate students’ views and to enable the GSA council to ensure it is acting in the interests of graduate students,” Phillip said. Austin Miller, GSA vicepresident (external), said the association hasn’t heard where the money gained from funding cuts would go, which concerns the GSA. Nick Falvo, vice-president (academic), said there is “support in principle” for the cuts if the money is redistributed to poorly funded students and if the GSA can see that the money is going back to students. q

by Cassandra Federbusz

Jessica Karam (left), Mike Fleming and Eric Berrigan are living outside for five days as part of an initiative to support youth homelessness. || photo by Gerrit DeVynck

nothing more than sleeping bags and pillows. Participants are not allowed food or drink unless it is given to them, they cannot shower or use campus facilities, they must avoid personal communication devices such as cellphones or laptops unless using them for campaign promotion, and they are expected to attend all classes. Since 2005 the campaign has grown exponentially, expanding to 19 university campuses across the country. A government report on youth homelessness published in November estimates there are approximately 65,000 homeless youth on the streets of Canadian cities, which is more than a quarter of the entire homeless population.

“I actually had a couple of friends back in high school who were evicted or left their home,” Fleming said. “It breaks my heart firsthand to see these people not have a home. They don’t have a support system and they have to rely on others and it’s just really sad,” he said. Fleming, Berrigan and Karam were joined March 14 by Jerry Tomberlin, the dean of the Sprott School of Business, who Berrigan said stayed the night and then rushed home in the morning to shower before coming back to work. “He’s unbelievable,” Berrigan said of Tomberlin. “He told us himself that it’s really important for staff to support these student initiatives.” q

Pro-Choice Coalition Ottawa (PCCO), the main organizer of Carleton’s second annual Womyn and Health Week, was met with criticism and questioning from prolife protesters at the week’s first event March 15, which discussed the legal issues surrounding reproductive freedoms. The Carleton protesters were holding posters with pictures of fetuses and said they were present in an effort to draw attention to the humanity and life of a fetus in the womb of a pregnant woman. When two of the three panel experts unexpectedly cancelled, Heather Montgomery, a Carleton psychology and sexual studies student activist and PCCO member, led the discussion to address the concerns of educating women on their options and to express support for equality as well as ending oppression in Canada and around the world. One pro-life advocate asked Montgomery what her thoughts were on the unborn fetus. “I think whatever is going on inside there has the potential to be a person,” Montgomery replied, and later added, “whenever the mother decides it becomes a child.” Pro-life activist and LifeLine

club leader Ruth Lobo said there is not enough emphasis placed on the dangers of abortions. “Women aren’t told that abortions hurt them. In the future we want to continue to educate women and look toward showing and explaining the humanity of the unborn with more graphic images, show support for women and protect the unborn,” Lobo said. On behalf of PCCO, Montgomery said she trusts and supports any decision whether it is adoption, abortion or choosing to birth and keep the child. She said she would vow to help these women in any way she can with whatever decision is made. During the talk, both pro-choice and pro-life advocates managed to find some common ground on certain topics such as healthy food alternatives, access to affordable childcare and promoting maternity and paternity leave. One man at the event wanted to know what both sides could do to work together and create more civil dialogue on campus at Carleton. “It’s about the vulnerable women in the middle of the battle between the two extreme ends. It seems we agree on most things, we have a lot of support for women and should make that the focus,” he said. q



No fall reading week on the horizon by Marina von Stackelberg Carleton students won’t get a fall reading week this coming school year, despite the University of Ottawa’s decision to add one. The senate committee on admission and studies policy, which has complete authority over scheduling, has decided Carleton will not have a five-day break in the 2010 fall term. “We just don’t have enough room in the schedule,” said professor Brian Mortimer, clerk of the Carleton senate. Mortimer said there is no way to offer the break without starting school earlier or running classes into Christmas. To incorporate its new fall reading week U of O removed a fall orientation day, a high school recruitment day and a teaching day. Also, December exams will start the morning after the last day of classes, eliminating the rest period. Mortimer said a fall reading week is impractical and doesn’t benefit students, especially those in first year who might be struggling. “The four-day break for Thanksgiving works well to give students a break. If it was longer, they may not be likely to come back.” A fall holiday won't reduce stress either, according to Mortimer. He said it’s better for students to remain at school, where they can keep on top of their schoolwork and deadlines and have access to their professors. But Carleton University

Students’ Association (CUSA) president-elect Alex Sirois said he thinks an extra reading week would be beneficial. “We all have a ton of essays [and] midterms to study for. . . . We are given that week in the winter semester and it should happen in the fall [as well],” he said. Jason Quinn, a first-year information technology student, said he agrees. “It makes sense to have a reading week in the fall if we have one in the spring, so the first semester isn’t more difficult. ” On the other hand, Jonathan Halasz, a first-year political science student, sides with Mortimer. “I don’t think we need it. It’s a waste of time,” he said. “As a student who can’t go home, I don’t see it as beneficial. We don’t have to do everything [U of O] does.” Mortimer said while Carleton won’t be getting one this coming school year, a fall reading week will still be a topic of consideration by the senate committee. He said Carleton tries to harmonize its schedule with U of O, and because of this, the committee will continue to discuss the possibility of a fall reading week. Despite the senate's decision, Sirois said CUSA will continue to push the administration next year. “It’s something we’ve been told can’t happen. I mean, I’m sure they were told the same thing at [U of O] and they kept pushing. You don’t just give up on at the first sight of failure,” Sirois said. q

March 18-24, 2010

Wearing pink to take a stand by Jacqueline Chen Homophobic graffiti targeting a Carleton residence student sparked Carleton's participation in Day of Pink March 15, an event to fight bullying, discrimination and homophobia. Some Carleton students wore pink T-shirts to show their support for the event. The idea behind Day of Pink began in Cambridge, Nova Scotia, when a male high school student was bullied for wearing a pink shirt. His classmates banded together to take a stand against discrimination, all wearing pink. The idea spread to Carleton when Lindsay Czitron, a first-year public affairs student, woke up one morning in early February to find “lesbian” written on her door in permanent marker. Czitron, who has been open about her bisexuality, said she doesn’t believe she was attacked because of personal hate, but because of a “subtle bias.”

Lindsay Czitron organized Carleton’s Day of Pink. || photo by Grant Oyston

“I was really taken aback,” she said. “It shows that people still have these attitudes that need to be changed.” On an impulse, she began a Facebook event for a Day of Pink. She said the group grew from 45 attendees to more than 1,000. It caught the attention of Sam Whittle, programming co-ordinator at

Carleton’s GLBTQ Centre for Sexual and Gender Diversity. “I thought it was a great idea, and we could offer resources that she didn’t necessarily have before,” Whittle said. The GLBTQ centre helped with funding and promoting the event with the sale of pink T-shirts and general outreach. The event expanded to include a speak-out in the GLBTQ centre, as well as an allages Day of Pink party at Oliver’s, all addressing homophobia. “Homophobia is hard to talk about because many people believe it contributes to this sort of stigma,” Whittle said. Second-year commerce student Jonathan Shapransky, a participant, said he appreciated the deeper meaning behind the event. “Love isn’t about what gender the person is,” he said. “It’s about who they are, and what they bring into your life.” Czitron said she will be filing a report of her experience to Equity Services. q

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March 18-24, 2010


Weighing in on wage increase Ski and board club carves a niche by Paul Clarke by Catherine Benesch The $0.75 increase in Ontario’s minimum wage at the end of March is receiving mixed reactions from students, business owners and economists. The Ontario Ministry of Labour announced last week the provincial minimum wage is increasing to $10.25 an hour, as part of Ontario’s Poverty Reduction Strategy. The initiative “will reduce the number of children living in poverty by 25 per cent over five years,” the ministry said. The impact of the increase will depend on who is already in the workforce and which businesses are hiring, according to Frances Woolley, a Carleton economics professor. “For people who have jobs, the increase in the minimum wage is going to be positive because they could expect to see their takehome pay going up,” Woolley said. “For people who don’t have jobs, the [increase] might . . . mean there’s less jobs out there.” Woolley said companies might cut costs by hiring fewer employees or switching from paid to unpaid breaks to keep labour costs down. “Economists debate this a lot — does it actually make a difference to the number of jobs . . . when the minimum wage goes up? People

haven’t agreed on it,” she said. Woolley also said the impact of the increase will depend on the different labour markets across Ontario. In Toronto, for example, where the cost of living tends to be higher and wages are already above the Ontario average, the increase will have less impact than in smaller communities with fewer job opportunities, she said. “I think the big difference is not how much people want to work, but how much employers are prepared to hire,” Woolley said. Second-year psychology student Mike Ivankovic said with the increase, he might consider working more if he can find work. “It’s only a $0.75 increase but [with] a couple more hours every week, by the end of the summer, it’s a good chunk of change,” Ivankovic said. “It’s not anything crazy like a trip to Cuba, but you can treat yourself to something you’d never be able to do before.” Sheba Schmidt, owner of West End Kids, a small Ottawa business that sells waterproof outerwear and clothing for children, said her business employs six to eight students, and the increase in the minimum wage will not be good for her bottom line. “I’m not happy about it,” she said. “We’re dealing with it and will be fine, but I can’t give the [wage] increases I normally would.” q

For many prospective post-secondary students, choosing the right program is important. But often the decision to attend a university comes down to the quality of student life offered outside the classroom. Caden Brown, president of the ski and snowboard club and an avid skier for 19 years, said he chose to attend Carleton four years ago because there was a ski and snowboard club that catered directly to his biggest interest. “Even though I didn’t know what I wanted to study, I knew where,” he said. Boasting a combined membership and alumni of more than 1,000 people, the ski and snowboard club is one of Carleton’s largest clubs, attracting many high school students interested in winter sports. “Since Carleton is so close to Mont Tremblant, I actually checked to see if there was a snowboard club before I enrolled in the school,” said Reese Hong, a member of the club for two years. Known for its weekly trips to Mont Tremblant every Sunday during ski season, this club makes the most out of winter, including rowdy parties and the infamous Jibtest, the annual end of the season rail jam. Daly Brown, the creator of the club and Caden’s older brother, said he started the

The ski and snowboard club’s fifth annual Jibtest rail jam will take place March 26. || file

club six years ago because he wanted to get a whole bunch of people together to shred (snowboard) and party. “When it first started, we struggled to fill one bus a week and we didn’t have the support of the administration. Now we have waiting lists for three buses and have been featured in Maclean’s magazine multiple times,” said Daly, referring to the annually published Maclean’s Guide to Canadian Universities. Since the club’s creation they have added an overnight trip, the rail jam and a preseason party. “I feel like we’ve built a reputation around people having a genuinely good time,” Caden said, describing the club as a place to meet new people with similar interests and leave the stress of school and work behind. With the season winding down the club expects to make three more trips to Mont Tremblant before exams in April, if Mother Nature permits. The club will host the fifth annual Jibtest rail jam March 26, in Parking Lot 2 in front of the Unicentre. q

ANNOUNCEMENT The Charlatan will be holding its annual general meeting on April 8th from 3:00pm to 5:30pm in room 214 of residence commons. Food and beverages will be provided. Any student interested in joining the board of directors for next year should contact Nick at: 613-225-1238


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March 18-24, 2010

Glitch causing frequent false fire alarms by Ruby Pratka A technical malfunction was to blame for at least two of the four false fire alarms in the Unicentre this week, according to a firefighter at the scene of the March 13 alarm. The fire alarm went off in the Unicentre the night of March 10 and three times on March 13, the third alarm occurring minutes after the building had been reopened from the second evacuation.

Pierre Savary, Ottawa Fire Services information officer, said the explanation was plausible. “We get malfunctions with alarm systems all the time,” he said, “and we do have quite a few at this address.” Many students remained in the Unicentre while the alarms sounded, believing them to be the work of yet another prankster. “We hear [alarms] so many times, and nothing’s ever happened,” said Ola Obara, a

fourth-year psychology student who stayed in the Unicentre. “Apparently someone thinks it’s funny, but we’re in university now, so we should be past that,” said Carleton alumnus Tom Shields, who did decide to leave the building. The department of university safety could not be reached for comment. Savary said the fire department responded

to this week’s Carleton calls as normal, with one aerial ladder truck, two smaller trucks and a district chief on the scene. He said while no one can force students to leave the building for every fire alarm, he would. “If it was me, I would evacuate, and I’d be looking to see if there was smoke in the halls,” he said. “But it’s a personal decision.” q

Demystifying Islam

If the last time you had a “home cooked meal” it came in a box, it’s time to go home. Take off for less with ISIC student airfare discounts only at Travel CUTS. Visit your local Travel CUTS or book online at Carleton University, Unicentre #302, 613.526.8015

Students from Carleton and the University of Ottawa participated in Islam Awareness Week March 15-19 to promote Muslim culture and eliminate existing stereotypes surrounding Islam. For full coverage of the week, visit || photo by Adam Dietrich

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Graduate Students’ Association


Voting Dates March 24 10am to 8pm AND March 25 10am to 6pm Plebiscite Question The Faculty of Graduate Studies plans to reduce internal funding for graduate students who receive large external scholarships. Please check all that apply:  I support such reductions if the funding is transferred to unfunded or underfunded graduate students.  I support such reductions if the funding is used to expand the number of graduate programs offered.  I support such reductions if the funding is used to alleviate shortfalls in Carleton’s pension fund.  I do not support such reductions under any circumstances.

Referenda Question 1

Do you support a levy of $1.50 per semester for full-time students, pro-rated for part-time students and indexed to the Consumer Price Index (CPI), to support the costs of producing and distributing The Leveller? Yes/No

Question 2

Are you in favour of a mandatory universal bus pass for all full-time graduate students at a cost not to exceed $145 per semester for each of the Fall and Winter terms, beginning in September 2010? Yes/No

Question 3

Do you support increasing the Ontario Public Interest Research Group (OPIRG)-Carleton’s levy by $1.00 per term, pro-rated for part-time students? Yes/No

For more information:


7 March 18-24, 2010 National Editor: Lucas Kittmer•

Athabasca U course trains journalists for war-zones by Raquel Teibert Twenty-one days of desert heat, three different journalistic perspectives and a one-of-a-kind course entitled Conflict Zone Journalism is now providing Athabasca University students in Calgary with a realistic take on war-zone reporting. Evelyn Ellerman said she began the course in May 2009 hoping students would feel as strongly as she did about the positive aspects the course had to offer. “We became involved about a year ago, and I saw no problem in wrapping a course around the field experience that’s offered. Students are housed at Wainwright Military Base in Alberta for three weeks. They’re divided into three teams, and each week they take on the perspective of either a local, international or Canadian embedded journalist,” she explained. “I think it’s a good idea,” said first-year Carleton University journalism student Patrick Foley. “There is so much going on with war nowadays. It’s a major part of mainstream journalism and there needs to be more focus on it.” During the course the students gain hands-on experience of what it is like to be a reporter working in times of high demand and stress. They are required each

day to cover a story that has been assigned to them by two former war correspondents — a field producer and a broadcast journalist. The students must work on site, communicating with soldiers, and former Afghanistan residents who are hired to role-play to add atmosphere to the course. The students “are treated as though they are actually reporting for a news group, so hours are very long. Sometimes they can be working 15- to 18-hour days. If they must sleep out overnight they are provided with the essential equipment. However, they must be physically fit, carrying their equipment, running up and down hills, keeping up with soldiers — it is a pretty rugged three weeks,” Ellerman said. At the end of the three-week course, the students are provided with a portfolio of their work and the knowledge of what it takes to be an actual battlefield reporter. “Personally, I would definitely be interested in taking a course like the one offered at Athabasca University,” said Carleton University journalism student Sarah Daly. “Since I’m in first year, the journalism curriculum has been heavily based on theory. Though it’s critical to have a solid foundation of knowledge in journalism

OSAP rations leave students hungry for more

OSAP’s $7.50 daily allotment for students has become a matter of debate among students trying to stretch a buck. || photo by Lucas Kittmer

by Christine Sirois Students are starving, or so says the Ontario Undergraduate Student Alliance (OUSA). This week, the student group launched a program to highlight what it says is an inadequacy of the Ontario Student Assistance Program’s (OSAP) allowance for food. For the next three weeks, four students from different Ontario universities will attempt to live on the $7.50 daily stipend allotted by the province and will blog about their experiences. Their goal is to show the government how insufficient the amount is for students trying to maintain a balanced diet while juggling their studies and other responsibilities. “The OSAP need assessment uses a standard living allowance for every student living away from home,” OUSA said on their website. “It totals $34.72 per day, of which $7.50 is allocated to food cost.” The daily allowance totals $52.50 a week, adding up to $210 a month for food alone, an amount second-year Carleton film studies student Evan Graham called “ridiculous.” He said the allowance is reasonable.

“I cook nearly all of my own meals,” Graham said. Limiting himself to one meal out a week is one of a few ways he said he uses to keep his living costs down. Graham, who said he does his groceries on an as-needed basis, said he spends about $25 on groceries a week. Graham said buying in bulk and eating a vegetarian diet help his bottom line. “Obviously [vegetarianism is] not for everyone,” he said, “but it does help save money.” Graham said students need to adjust their attitudes towards cooking in order to make the OSAP budget go farther. Students “are used to being spoiled at home and buying frozen, TV dinners. . . . I know a lot of people who just don’t like to cook and eat a lot of microwave [junk] instead. Get a big bag of rice. Go to farmer’s markets to get cheap, fresh vegetables.” Another word of advice: keep it simple. “Simple recipes are a big part of making cooking fun. [Many students] find cooking daunting. They see it as this big thing that takes hours and hours,” he said. Some of Graham’s favourite dishes are chili and stir-fry, both full of vegetables, and protein that are simple and tasty, he said. When his recipes get stale, Graham said he hosts potlucks with his friends where they can try new dishes and swap recipes. “I just like food a lot. And getting people together over food is even better,” he said. Graham said eating well is possible on $7.50 a day. It is just a matter of spending a little more quality time in the kitchen. q Think $7.50 is difficult? The Charlatan’s Elise A. Milbradt attempted to live off just $2 a day to shed light on poverty issues. See Page 9

before you apply your skills in the real world, having a program such as the one offered at Athabasca University would provide a balanced combination of principle and practice.” The nonstandard course is scheduled around military training camps. “We have to roll with the punches,”

Ellerman said. “We have to be prepared to offer the course whenever the army is running their camp. We have a long history in collaborating with community and with other institutions so it works. The students have taken very positively to this course and it’s great to see such a program run by our army and a credited university.” q

— graphic by Katelyn Beaudette

York University student suspended for possible hate crimes by Andrea Wakim B’nai Brith Canada, a prominent national Jewish organization, has called for hate crime charges to be filed against York University student Salman Hossain for allegedly racist comments posted on his personal website. Hossain appeared before a disciplinary tribunal at the university March 15 to discuss his website, called “Filthy Jewish Terrorists,” and the potential for formal hate crime charges to be laid. Police are investigating whether Hossain may have breached the Criminal Code when he called for a “genocide [to] be perpetrated against the Jewish populations of North America and Europe” on his website. However, official charges have yet to be laid. Hossain also allegedly made additional racist comments about Muslims, Christians and other religious groups. B’nai Brith Canada was quick to request charges be laid against Hossain. However, the Ontario attorney general’s office will make the final decision. The results of the tribunal are expected shortly, but in the meantime York has suspended Hossain from attending classes and his website has been temporarily shut down. If Hossain is found guilty of hate crimes he could be suspended further or outright expelled according to university policy. “He has reiterated his call to genocide and blamed the Jews for 9/11 right down to claims on Jewish terrorists threatening the Olympics,” said B’nai Brith Canada representative Anita Bromberg. ”On the basis from the report of

allegations that he is responsible for the site and has been self-identified as the administrator and the poster, we have asked for the police to talk to the attorney general again,” Bromberg said. This is not the first time Hossain has been investigated for hate crimes. According to the National Post, three years ago Hossain attracted police attention for writing posts on his website supporting terrorist attacks in Canada and calling for the murder of Western soldiers “so that they think twice before entering foreign countries on behalf of their Jew masters.” No formal charges were laid against Hossain at the time. He also talked about wanting to shoot Jews and claimed he knew the ringleader of the Toronto 18 bomb plot. He was brought to a tribunal at that time but was not charged because he was undergoing rehabilitation. In self defence, Hossain discussed the controversial comments in posts on his website, arguing “you can’t charge me for possessing a thought.” The fear, however, is that the remarks on Jews and other religious groups might turn into incitement. “York has taken the responsibility of ensuring that a hearing is met,” Bromberg said. “Meanwhile the police are involved and York has sent out a press release calling on the broader community to be aware of the issue,” she said. Hossain maintains even though his comments may offend some people, he is protected under freedom of speech. “Yes, I can call for the slaughter of an entire people,” Hossain posted online. q



U of Winnipeg goes for gold with green building design by Lucas Kittmer The University of Winnipeg is gunning for a Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design gold certification with its new Science Complex and Richardson College for the Environment. The lab, which is scheduled for completion in March 2011, is expected to be one of the most energy efficient lab in North America. When completed the building will house laboratory facilities, classes and offices. The lab uses an advanced heat recovery wheel to retain 80 per cent of heat loss, and a staged air exchange system ensures circulation only when the labs are in use. The university is also planning for their upcoming Buhler Centre for Business and McFeetors Hall residence to be LEED silver, still a significant ranking in terms of energy efficiency, said Alana Lajoie-O’Malley, director of the U of W Campus Sustainability Office said in a statement. “As [sites] of innovative thinking, research and education, universities

An artist’s approximation of the Science Complex and Richardson College. || provided

have a responsibility to model sustainable practices,” she said. The University of Winnipeg Community Renewal Corporation (UWCRC) is in charge of the project, which will cost the university about $60 million, in addition to $18 million in federal government funding and $25 million from the province. q

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March 18-24, 2010

Cheaters ruin schools’ rep by Maghen Quadrini A recent study in Maclean’s magazine is questioning whether universities are losing their academic recognition and value due to academic dishonesty. Research done in 2007 indicates more than half of university students admitted to some form of cheating. Three years later, it does not appear the situation has changed. According to a new report done at the University of Guelph, 53 per cent of Canadian students have been caught cheating and rates are as high as 70 per cent in the United States. David Noble Harpp, professor of chemistry at McGill University, said there are two categories of cheating. “The first is on multiple choice exams and the other through term papers being accessed through the Internet. There are companies emerging to charge money for papers and making a profit.” McGill’s anti-cheating policies are among the strictest in Canada. Several copies of an exam are made and multiple choice answers are scrambled so very few of the existing

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exams are the same. Harpp said McGill does this because cheating is a lot easier than most would think. “When writing an exam, students have to be set up in a reasonable way so that they are not next to each other,” he said. “It’s next to impossible to cheat on a scrambled exam but [still] possible. [Most] students don’t even try [to] get around it, but most don’t want to anyways.” Some students admit the Internet makes it easy to get away with cheating. “Cheating is becoming far too easy because of all of the online schoolwork that has come up lately. Online quizzes or assignments are far too easy to cheat on because the Internet is right at our fingertips,” said first-year McGill student Taylor Berce. One of the main concerns is whether or not educational institutions will have a future if issues dealing with the lack of integrity in the university system continue to exist. “We need to make sure we are the kind of learning environment where students are motivated to engage meaningfully with course material, their peers and faculty,” said Guelph’s dean of management and economics Julia Christensen Hughes. Liz Sopher is a first-year psychology student at Guelph who said cheating has become a huge issue. “I think people cheat because we are told to overachieve in courses.” Deborah Eerkes, director of the student judicial affairs at the University of Alberta, said universities use strict policies to try and deter cheating, although it may inevitable. “We can . . . create better pressure so people don’t cheat,” she explained, but regardless “I don’t think we can ever stop it.” q The People vs. Cancer 2010 Ontario Speaking Tour with Stephen Lewis March 25, 2010 3:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m. Bell Theatre, Minto Building Hosted by Arthur Kroeger College of Public Affairs


9 March 18-24, 2010 Features Editor: Brittany Mahaney •

Living light for the cause Elise A. Milbradt lived on peanut butter, crackers and apples in her quest to survive on $2 a day


lmost half the world lives on less than $2 a day. Like most students, I’m not well-known for my exemplary eating habits. There are days I forget to eat, or I’m too busy to eat, or I can’t justify spending money on campus food when I could have packed a sandwich. However, for me, food is always available. Could I make it on $2 a day worth of food? Could you? The $2-a-day challenge is one taken on by many development organizations. In my own quest to gain more empathy for issues surrounding poverty, I put myself in the shoes of the world’s population. I set a $10 budget for five days of food. My first step was to go grocery shopping.

My boyfriend said something about pickles while making his dinner tonight. Now, the pickle jar sits there, on top of our fridge, daring me to open it. Taunting me. I want a pickle. Wednesday: In the interest of honesty, I’ll be forthright. Today, I ate Timbits. Not one. Not two. But three. Someone brought them to my class. I couldn’t resist. Really, there are only so many ways to make apples, peanut butter, rice and crackers interesting. To be honest, the thought of eating apples, peanut butter, rice or crackers makes me feel sick to my stomach. I will never again take for granted the diversity of my everyday food options.

Grocery list: 1 1 1 1

bag of Macintosh apples: $3.49 bag of white rice: $1.99 small jar of peanut butter: $2.99 box of soda crackers: $1.99

Total: $10.46

It’s not the best shopping list, I know. If I had really sat down and thought about my purchases, I probably could have done much better. This just goes to show, I am completely oblivious to eating on such a tight budget. Monday: Barely 20 minutes into my day, I’m acutely aware I’m not living in a $2-a-day world. I think about this as I shower in warm water, shampoo my hair with a $5 product and shave my legs with a $15 razor and $8 shaving cream. Thinking about surviving the week ahead on so little food seems impractical to me now, especially considering the cost of living here. However, my first day is not really a big deal. As I walk past massive lineups at Tim Hortons and Starbucks, I thank myself a million times over I’ve managed to avoid a caffeine addiction up to this point in my life. I enjoy a post-school snack of apples dipped in peanut butter, and a dinner of rice and peanut butter crackers. “I want chocolate,” is my final thought before crawling into bed. To avoid caving into temptation, I fall asleep. Tuesday: I wake up late on purpose, so I can put off eating as long as possible. All I want for breakfast is a bowl of cereal. I eat an apple instead. In my sociology class we discuss child labour. I’m acutely aware of how interconnected the issue of poverty really is. We talk about how the Western world tends to have a knee-jerk

An apple a day keeps the doctor away. What happens when it’s apples all day every day? || photo by Lasia Kretzel

reaction to child labour. Though we condemn the practice, we fail to recognize the context of the situation. Many young children and youth must work to provide for their families and making child labour illegal in these situations could mean pushing families further into poverty. This is not to say exploitation doesn’t exist — of course it does. However, our notion of the vulnerable child who must spend their time playing and going to school doesn’t make sense in some countries where practical skills could be more valuable than formal education. In this globalized world, I tend to forget how different everyone’s experiences are, especially when all I can think about is how much I want a bowl of chili.

Thursday: I’m sick. I don’t know if my immune system shut down because I’m not feeding it or if it’s just a coincidence, but I had to eat something more substantial than rice for dinner. You know what they say: feed a cold, starve a fever. Either way, I feel accomplished that I made it almost four full days on $10 of food. I actually have a ton of food left.Two tubes of crackers. A quarter of a jar of peanut butter. A couple cups of rice. Three or four apples. In terms of quantity, I probably could have lived on my $2-a-day budget. It’s just the quality of food that made this challenge so difficult. I realized that whether I went for tea with a friend, or grabbed lunch between classes, getting food was a chore I marked off my to-do list. This past week, I came to the stark realization that poverty is a reality not just for those in far off countries, but for many students and many Canadians. Next time I go grocery shopping, I’m going to enjoy the experience in a way I don’t think I could have if I hadn’t done this. And I can’t wait for my first bite of chocolate. Or pickle. Yum. q The Education of Charlie Banks

For more tasty coverage . . .

Fred Durst

Tackling poverty in Nepal Elise A. Milbradt spoke to a Carleton student who is volunteering to fight poverty this summer in Nepal.

Where is the love?

Belinda Ha explores why some students avoid food services on campus.

Michelina Teti gave up coffee and her morning omelette to attempt the 30-hour famine


omparative politics at 8:30 a.m. is hard enough. With an empty stomach and no caffeine, the class became almost unbearable. My roommates often wake up to the smell of my mushroom, asparagus and cheese omelette. Making breakfast motivates me to get out of bed at 6:30 a.m. Today I skipped the most important meal of the day and I couldn’t feel worse. Still, my biggest fear going into this challenge was not having coffee. Starbucks wakes me up every morning and keeps me occupied during long boring lectures. I breathe Starbucks. Anyone who knows me will tell you I have a slight addiction. I dreaded this assignment and was attempting to complete the 30-hour famine while continuing my day as a stressed-out, overworked student with too many deadlines. Walking up the Unicentre stairs after not eating for 18 hours is tiring. Any time I do anything strenuous — and I know, four flights

of stairs is no marathon — my stomach grumbles, begging me for a pita. It’s lunchtime after all. I considered eating a cookie, but realized that the ache in my

According to the World Health Organization, malnutrition increases the risk of disease and early death. For example, a lack of protein plays a major role in half the deaths of children under five years old each year in developing countries. The challenge became much harder after I hit the 24hour mark. From 5:30 p.m. to 11:30 p.m. I sat on a couch and watched as much absorbing television as possible to distract myself from the dinner I really wanted to eat. I became irritable and exhausted. When I took a nap, it was the best half hour of the evening because my mind wandered away from the ache in my stomach. I might have been hungry all day, but when 11:30 p.m. crept around and my 30 hours finished, I went to Denny’s for dinner and gulped down a chocolate shake. It was finally over and yes, I lived — with a better understanding of poverty. q

I became irritable and exhausted. When I took a nap, it was the best half hour of the evening because my mind wandered away from the aching feeling in my stomach.

stomach from my fast was nothing compared to the famine and poverty that is a reality for millions around the world every day. I’m hungry, not dying. After three hours of comparative politics, and a couple of hours in the library, I cave. Although I’ve only had water since I started almost 24 hours ago, I convince myself I need one coffee in order to finish the essay I’ve planned for today.


Overheard at Carleton Guy: Would you break up with me if I had a tattoo on my scrotum? OOO Girl: I realized I couldn’t remember how to spell ‘testicles.’ Guy: How’d you spell it? Girl: ‘Testicals.’ Guy: That’s what I call the decal on my testicles. OOO Girl: Wouldn’t it be cool to fly? Guy: Yeah. Imagine how cool sex would be. OOO Guy: We could bomb the Russians but we could use that money to buy more ganja! OOO (Two girls waiting for the number seven bus) Girl 1: It’s not coming. Girl 2: What number is that bus? Girl 1: That’s the one. Girl 2: That’s the one? Girl 1: Yeah it’s the one. Girl 2: Guys it’s the one! Let’s go! Girl 1: NO. THAT’S THE NUMBER ONE. Girl 2: Oh. I thought. . . Girl 1: No.



Hi I’m just calling to say I know exactly who the creepy voice guy is [pause] but I don’t wanna disclose his identity. BLEEP!

Hi Voicebox, I’d just like to say I’m very disappointed with the front page, umm, letter I guess, umm, the paper that you’ve chosen. I feel that I want to really show the for the first time around we raised $11,000 for the first time around. I feel you should have made it on the first page rather than GLBT. It’s a first nothing, I have nothing against GLBT but I feel that we made such a big accomplishment against the disease of cancer. It’s just a big [inaudible] that affect us all. I feel like you should have made it the first page news of the Charlatan of the week [background noise]. I feel you should have made it on front page rather than second or third page. In the Charlatan, all we got is a little blurb, a few paragraphs in second or third page. That’s my opinion. Thank you, Voicebox. Bye.

March 18-24, 2010

approval of Twinkie the Man and Ham the Man on campus. They’ve been cheating on their boyfriends for many years now. I don’t think it should be allowed on the campus anymore. I would appreciate it if you put this. I’ve already left a voice message before. It’s actually a personal warning for many girlfriends around the Carleton campus and as well and the world. Thank you, bye. BLEEP!


Yes, hello Voicebox, it’s me, creepy voice guy again. Calling in today to not talk about evil for change necessarily but simply speechless. Even though I am a straight man — I have a total man crush on Hashem Hamdy. I read his article in the shower — totally riveting. I wish that he would lay me in a bed of roses, make love to me repeatedly again and again and again. Wholesome, completely straight, but if I was a woman, I would certainly enjoy that. I should call you again, Voicebox. [creepy laugh].

Hey, I’m just calling about last week’s editorial written by a guy named Garnett. I know that he talks a lot about of the radical left-wing fringe that emerged on campus, and a lack of democracy. But, actually during some research for people I know, I found out that he worked for the prime minister’s office at some point. And this is Harper who prorogued the Parliament twice I believe — and also there has been the worst, actually, lack of information, or sorry there has been very little information, coming out of the PM office. So just something interesting to think about.

BLEEP! Hi, I personally disagree with the



Don’t you wish creepy voice guy had a crush on you? Call: 613-520-7500

Poor Girl 2! E-mail:

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11 March 18-24, 2010 Op/Ed Editor: Sara Hussein Douha •

Another reading week? Carleton University Students’ Association (CUSA) elections came and went, with candidates promising new ideas for Carleton, but one generated a lot of excitement among students: fall reading week. While the idea of a week-long break in the fall sounds appealing, it is best to read between the lines and see the consequences of having a break in the fall semester. The inconveniences may outweigh the benefits. Looking back at the past reading weeks at Carleton, the break is all about travelling to the hotspots such as Mexico or Cuba and relaxing rather than sitting down and catching up on work for an entire week. The majority of students do not use reading week to actually do schoolwork, and if Carleton does get a fall reading week, why would the student body do an about face and change? More than likely students are going to maintain their old ways and relax while the work that was supposed to be done remains unfinished. Also, sacrifices will need to be made since there have to be a certain number of scheduled class days. For example, if school has to start earlier in September, students may miss out on Frosh Week activities. Exams may have to be compressed into a shorter period or extended later into December, cutting out some of the winter break. These consequences will also affect the faculty and TAs who would have to stick around later in December. Finally, the fall reading week may not apply to all faculties — this is the case for some grad faculties at University of Ottawa — but this detail hasn’t been promoted. So before getting all excited for a fall reading week, look into what the consequences of having one would be. q

Think before you drink From the first day of university it’s drilled into students’ heads that drinking responsibly falls on their shoulders alone. However, there is a degree of responsibility for servers in bars to stop serving drinks to drunk people, especially if they’re driving. Granted, every student should know their limit and do their best to stay in control. Getting behind the wheel or even in the car with a person who has had a few too many drinks is a poor decision. This case hits close to home. In 2008 five Carleton students were involved in a crash when their car ran a red light and got hit by an OC Transpo bus after a night of drinking, and three died. Now, a survivor of the crash is suing the City of Ottawa and the undergraduate and graduate students’ associations that run Carleton’s campus bars. It’s not the first time a bar has been sued in Canada for allowing a drunk driver to get behind the wheel. When suits like these are successful, it leaves the impression that people who drink and drive can depend on others to prevent their poor decisions. Servers should always deny intoxicated people entry into a bar and never serve a customer alcohol when they are clearly intoxicated. Still, it’s not always possible to tell when someone’s reached their limit or whether or not they’re planning to drive. Ultimately it is an individual’s responsibility to plan for a safe ride home. The bars were packed on St. Patrick’s Day, a holiday notorious for the colour green, general merriment and of course, a pint of Guinness. Though drunkenness isn’t a prerequisite for March 17th merriment, we should all learn from this tragedy to drink more responsibly. q

charlatan poll the

Do you support a fall reading week? Vote online at Last issue: Is there too much PDA on campus?



Yes: 18 per cent

No: 70 per cent

March 18-24, 2010 Volume 39, Issue 27 Room 531 Unicentre 1125 Colonel By Drive Carleton University Ottawa, ON — K1S 5B6 General: 613-520-6680 Advertising: 613-520-3580

Circulation: 10,000

Maybe: 11 per cent


Julia Johnson

Production Assistant

Carleton student attempts to live on $2 a day — p. 9

Focus on responsible drinking the non-academic conduct of Carleton students, classifies underage consumption of alcohol as a Category 2 offence (with the addition that intoxication can result in additional sanctions beyond those for the actual offence), carrying with Josh Frappier is a second-year political it possible consequences of a $50-$500 fine and exclusion science student who says the Ontario from all extracurricular activities. government needs to take a different Other violations that are listed under Category 2 include approach to underage drinking. hazing, sexual harassment and inciting violence on campus. Anyone with common sense knows these violations have a far more harmful effect on our campus community than a Josh Martin’s March 5 Charlatan article entitled “Hull and first-year student consuming a few beers. drinking” provides an interesting perspective on drinking in The one caveat to my condemning the university’s heavyraucous environments, especially in the wake of St. Patrick’s handed approach is that it is unlikely Ontario would tolerate Day. His article got me thinking about drinking policies in anything more moderate from the administration. Ontario and how the focus should change from preventing Given how easy it is to drink alcohol responsibly and how underage drinking to promoting safe alcohol use. easy it is to educate others about doing the same, I think we Having not moved to Ottawa until I was of age in Ontario, ought to accept that we have a culture in which alcohol and I have not had many drinking experiences in Hull. But, being social exchanges play a prominent role. from Cornwall and witnessing the impact that 18-year-olds We have to move towards a different approach which going to Quebec has had on public safety emphasizes harm reduction and and on Eastern Ontario’s economy, I believe I think we ought to accept that education rather than prohibition it’s time we lower the drinking age to 18. and punishment. we have a culture in which A number of tragedies and dangerous While some may argue that my alcohol and social exchanges views give students a free pass to incidents could have been averted had we reduced the incidents of young adults in behave irresponsibly and violate play a prominent role. Cornwall (and elsewhere) going to Quebec, the law — a view that seems to getting drunk, acquiring alcohol illegally, be getting traction through our and drinking either in dangerous settings federal government’s toughor in dangerous amounts. on-crime initiatives, as they suggest a movement toward Furthermore, I believe leaving the drinking age at 19 punishment and retribution rather than liberalization and while eliminating the fifth year of high school (for students harm reduction where soft drugs are concerned — I’m beginning high school in the 1999–2000 school year or later) hardly alone in making these arguments. has had a negative impact on public safety at university The Amethyst Initiatives, a coalition of American campuses across Ontario. university administrators, advocates lowering the drinking Policies that have emphasized harm reduction, age to 18 across the United States. It approachs alcohol and responsible alcohol use, and protecting students from date the problems that can stem from it from a harm-reduction, rape and the other dangers of a good night out have given rather than a prohibitionist, perspective, given that underage way to policies that have emphasized keeping alcohol out of and underground drinking create a culture that encourages the hands of 18-year-old students. alcohol abuse, ignorance about alcohol and drugs in general, Most alarmingly, first-year students who find themselves and a lack of respect for the law. intoxicated and in compromising situations on campus are It’s about time we encourage responsible use among afraid to get help from campus safety or through other young adults and we aim our cannons elsewhere, at the means due to their desire to avoid paying fines. Carleton’s drunk drivers and at violent and white collar criminals who Student Rights and Responsibilities Policy, which governs truly harm individuals and society. q by Josh Frappier

Features Editor

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Op/Ed Editor

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Lasia Kretzel

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Victoria Abraham, Catherine Benesch, Olivia Bielicz, Lauren Blackburn, Matt Blenkarn, Heather Burgess, Jacqueline Chen, Maria Church, Paul Clarke, Gerritt DeVynck, Katelynn Enright, Cassandra Federbusz, Josh Frappier, Nikki Gladstone, Jane Gerster, Belinda Ha, Alexandra Haggert, Iris Hug, Daniel Link, Mitch Kearney, Josh Martin, Danielle McKeiran, Elise A. Milbradt, Andrew Nguyen, Grant Oyston, Ruby Pratka, Grace Protopapas, Maghen Quadrini, Marina von Stackelberg, Raquel Teibert, Marco Vigliotti, Andrea Wakim, Rizwaan Zahid, Wenyao Zhai

Ruby Pratka

The Charlatan’s photos are produced exclusively by the photo editor, the photo assistant and volunteer members, unless otherwise noted as a provided photograph. The Charlatan is Carleton University’s independent student newspaper. It is an editorially and financially autonomous journal published weekly during the fall and winter semesters, and monthly during the summer. Charlatan Publications Incorporated, Ottawa, Ontario, is a non-profit corporation registered under the Canada Corporations Act and is the publisher of the Charlatan. Editorial content is the sole responsibility of editorial staff members, but may not reflect the beliefs of all members. The Charlatan reserves the right to edit letters for length and grammar. The Charlatan’s official motivation to haul ass is green beer. Contents are copyright 2010. No article or photograph or other content may be duplicated or reproduced in any way without the prior written permission of the editor-in-chief. All rights reserved. ISSN 0315-1859. National advertising for the Charlatan is handled through the Campus Network, 145 Berkeley Street, Suite 500, Toronto, Ontario, M5A 2X1: (416) 922-9392.


12 March 18-24, 2010 Perspectives Editor: Wyatt Danowski •

Ottawa naturists in the buff The Charlatan’s Victoria Abraham went to a general meeting of a local nudist organization, with members fully clothed, to dive into the naked truth of nudism. People in this article are referred to by only their first names for privacy reasons.

Many people experience the common dream about going about their daily routine at school or work only to realize they have been naked the entire time. This realization is usually followed by embarrassment, mortification and feelings of vulnerability. The Ottawa Naturists/Naturistes de l’Outaouais (ON/NO), however, celebrate nudity and the human body. In fact, for

wink. ON/NO is a family-focused, not-forprofit naturist club that was formed in 1993. It has almost 200 adult members, and with 60 people attending their most recent swim, ON/NO’s attendance has increased by 20 per cent in the past year. The group has attracted a wide variety of people. To date, its youngest member was two weeks old and the oldest member was 92, Thompson says. Despite the increase in attendance, naturist clubs like ON/NO are still fighting to change common misconceptions about their activities. “The number one misconception is that this has all got to do with sex and orgies. The number one response from naturists is that nude is not lewd,” Thompson says. According to the Federation of Canadian Naturists (FCN), nudist events are not sexually charged. In fact they are often quite the opposite, completely lacking sexuality. This may come as a surprise to most; however, the FCN website argues the link between nudity and sexuality is an arbitrary one influenced by the media. Howard, who sits on ON/NO’s board of governors, says there is the idea that anything nude must be immoral, with some people thinking,

The like-mindedness is also about being one with nature. “It’s the casual and the one-with-nature sort of feeling. You are closer to nature; you can feel nature. The strange thing is when you don’t wear clothes as much, your body’s thermostat works a lot better,” Thompson says. For members such as Howie, being au naturel acts as a social lubricant. “Amazingly enough I find it far easier to meet people and socialize at these events than other events,” Howie says. Aside from giving one the joy of feeling the breeze and enjoying like-minded company, naturism also results in greater body acceptance. After all, it takes a certain level of comfort to be able to plunge into a swimming pool in the nude with a group of people you are just starting to get to know. The FCN’s website says most people feel less selfconscious on a nude beach and encourages practicing body acceptance. The FCN says naturists refute the concept of the perfect body, saying it is a myth. The members of ON/NO share the same view. “It is not a beauty contest. If it was a beauty contest I would be the first one to throw that out. It is about being natural and comfortable with your body,” Howard says. Currently, ON/NO is actively recruiting members and is interested in increasing youth participation. “As young people are growing up they get to an age where they suddenly become very body conscious and they stop coming with their parents,” Thompson says. “It has to wait until after they have become adults and they usually come back to it in their early to mid-20s.” Bert, a member of ON/NO, says the club definitely needs to get young people interested by holding nude events young people would be interested in doing. “We don’t have to get drunk to get naked,” he says. Some experts at seem to agree with the naturist belief nudity is freedom. Experiencing a dream where you are in your birthday suit and proud to be so symbolizes unrestricted freedom and self-acceptance. Perhaps the naturists are on to something. FM

The Banks men’s ForEducation a previewofofCharlie the national Fred Durst

basketball coverage . . .

— graphic by Katelyn Baudette

members of ON/NO nudity is synonymous with freedom and a way of life that promotes relaxation and self-acceptance. “The usual feeling of people is that it is comfortable, it is relaxed. I think that is the best part. You are not hiding behind your fancy leather jacket,” says Ted Thompson, the president of ON/NO, at a general meeting Feb. 18. According to Howie, a new ON/NO member, the fact that clothing does not restrict you provides a sense of freedom. “You’d be surprised by how quickly you become comfortable. In fact, you almost feel uncomfortable if you are clothed,” Howie says. A $30 membership and additional event fees give the members of ON/NO plenty of opportunities to enjoy the freedom of going full frontal at various events. The club holds bi-weekly swims, bowling parties, house parties, a midsummer barbeque and group visits to naturist clubs and resorts in Ontario and Quebec. “We’ve organized trips to the Caribbean, turns it into a naturist resort for a few weeks,” Thompson says with a

“Oh, those terrible naked people.” According to him, this idea is false and based on misconceptions. The actual lack of sexuality at nudist events allows women and men to enjoy nudity equally. To further ensure equal enjoyment by all members, ON/NO maintains a balanced ratio of men to women, and requires members who are new to naturism to undergo a preliminary screening, he says. For naturists, being nude is about enjoying the body and embracing the natural state of being, Thompson says. One might then wonder if naturists are nude for the sake of nudity, why join a club? The answer is simple. “The ones who join the club tend to be people who like meeting people and they also like the opportunity to be able to go swimming in the middle of winter. I think it is generally the idea of being able to meet people who are likeminded,” Thompson says. This like-mindedness is about viewing nudity as natural rather than taboo. “There are a lot of naturists around who don’t like to be weird and consider themselves to be quite normal and they like to meet other people who think the same way, to sort of counter the negative effects of people who do have a negative attitude toward it all,” he says.

Scott Ring (left) and Tyson Hinz, both rookies on the men’s basketball team, were recruited by head coach Dave Smart last year. || photo by Rebecca Phillips

Talking to the rookies Farhan Devji talks to Tyson Hinz and Scott Ring, up-and-coming stars for the men’s basketball team about how they were recruited to the Ravens.


13 March 18-24, 2010 Arts Editor: Larissa Robyn Johnston •

The retro radio man by Mitch Kearney For artist Marc Adornato, being a 30-yearold antique collector is proving worthwhile. Adornato, a media artist based in Ottawa, has found a new artistic venture in old vacuum tube radios from the 1930s. Using as many of the existing pieces as he can salvage, Adornato transforms these vintage wonders into speakers for iPods or MP3 players. As he is one of very few people recreating these radios, he said his work is a rare combination of past and present. “When you hear vintage radios with, like, Radiohead pumping out of them or something, it’s pretty cool,” he said. First, Adornato scours many sources in search of these radios. From websites such as Craigslist to garage sales and estate auctions, these radios are found everywhere. Much to Adornato’s surprise, few people realize the value of their antique possessions. “A lot of people’s junk that they’re just throwing out should be in museums,” he said. Next, depending on the condition of the radio, Adornato takes the existing speakers from the inside and attempts to replace what he can. If the retro speakers are faulty, he replaces them with modern equipment. Finally, he replaces the aesthetic

Ottawa’s Marc Adornato recycles vintage radios from the 1930s and remasters them into MP3 player speakers. || photo by Gerrit DeVynck

components of the radio and refinishes the wood shell. He said the entire process takes about a week. Adornato said his work is a form of recycling. The radios he creates combine the craftsmanship of the past with the technology of the present.

Exploring nudity at the OAG by Nikki Gladstone The Ottawa Art Gallery (OAG) is putting a new twist on an old image with its collection entitled Subjecting Figures. The collection is part of the Firestone Collection of Canadian Art and explores the representation of nudity in art. The exhibition looks at how women are represented in a variety of artistic mediums. Sinclair said she wanted to raise questions about the body’s physical presence in art. “I realized how many nude sketches there were in the Firestone Collection of Canadian Art. . . . However, I wanted to find the right context in which to do this,” said Catherine Sinclair, the curator. From a historical perspective, there was the idea of biology as an excuse to create social gender divisions, she said. In contemporary terms, it was about the artificial expectations of perfection to which women can be subjected. For Sinclair, it was all about the art raising the right questions. When she compiles contemporary artists within the Firestone collection, she said she likes to collect different perspectives. The two contemporary artists chosen for the collection, Chantal Gervais and Melanie Garcia, were perfect for this, she said. Gervais’ work consists of large photographic prints of her own body as subjected to examination through MRI and similar scans. Gervais’ aim is to question the fragility of the human body and its containment in

corporeality, Sinclair wrote in the exhibit’s description. Garcia’s prints are a compilation of unclothed store mannequins in images taken from architectural magazines. She attempts to question the perfection that is sought in a contemporary culture, Sinclair wrote. Sinclair said Gervais, an Ottawa artist, was exactly who she was looking for in terms of her exhibit. “I was blown away by her photographic compositions,” Sinclair said. Sinclair said she tries not to think of the collection in terms of having a main message. “I prefer to look at it as opening up dialogue in raising questions about the body’s physical representation and presence in artistic history and how this has evolved within contemporary artistic practices like [Gervais’] and [Garcia’s],” Sinclair said. The collection, originally complied by Ottawa residents O.J. and Isobel Firestone, spans the modern art period. For years, the OAG has displayed this collection in relation to exhibitions that feature specific artists, art historical themes or art movements. The difference with Subjecting Figures is that the artwork was incorporated into the exhibit. Sinclair said she incorporated a variety of fresh ideas into the compilation. The idea for the collection, which runs Feb. 13 to May 2, had been in place for four years prior to its opening, but Sinclair said that she really only began compiling the works a year ago. q

He said he tries to remain as authentic as possible with the radios, but occasionally needs to improvise. A resurgent fascination with vintage technology is a reason for heightened interest in his radios, he said. “It’s like retro nostalgia with a modern

twist.” Adornato also works in film, photography and music. His work is traditionally anti-war and anti-politics. However, as political as his work may be, he said he has previously developed propaganda footage for the Canadian military, as well as working with many former prime ministers as a videographer. Adornato takes the irony of this contradiction in stride. “Everyone’s a hypocrite,” he said with a smirk. “It’s about at what point you have to compromise your morals and ethics for a paycheque. You’ve got to live.” In his work in media arts, Adornato has focused on technology and how art permeates the world around him. However, his radios have allowed him to equally explore the influence of the past, Adornato said. The transformation of these radios bridges the gap between eras, he said. “It’s weird how I went from reflecting what’s around me back to the past,” he said. “Then I realized, I can do both.” Adornato’s work with the retro radios has garnered him a lot of attention. The different art deco qualities of these radios are the reason for his success, he said. “These boxes were made 80 years ago and they’re still beautiful.” q

Ottawa spins with record show by Danielle McKeirnan Nowadays when many people think of music, the latest number one song that trumps the Billboard Top 100 comes to mind for many. But for some people, LPs and CDs still matter. Although singles are claiming the charts, Dave Aardvark of CHUO 89.1 has a different opinion on living in just a single’s world. He and John Westhaver at Birdman Sound have been doing record shows for well over 10 years. The reason they finally started a record show in Ottawa last fall was because of the heavy decline in attendance seen at other record shows. “The Montreal record show was doing a disservice in the way they were promoting their record show,” Aardvark said. “Record shows attract all sorts of music with people bringing anything from specialized music to indie music to some hard-to-find items that are out of print,” he said. “There is still a demand for Led Zeppelin and Deep Purple records.” Aardvark said he makes recommendations based on an individual’s perspective. “I’m more inclined to recommend labels for specific genres. If you like garage rock then the label Voodoo Rhythm from Switzerland would be best. If you like funk or soul then I would recommend Funky Delicacies,” he said. Local bands have the opportunity to

bring their own LPs if they want, but the record show isn’t necessarily about strictly promoting your band. “I have been approached by bands but there isn’t really a point [to bring their LP] unless they want to sell other music besides their own,” he said. Aardvark estimated there may be more than 700 attendees this year. The first annual Ottawa Record Show last year was so popular the Sandy Hill Community Centre could not hold all the participants, Aardvark said. So this year they changed the venue to St. Anthony’s Hall in Little Italy. Having these record shows every fall and spring may become permanent, Aardvark said, depending on the outcome of March 21. If there is a high demand, Aardvark said he will definitely continue with producing these shows for both seasons. Aardvark said he considers himself an avid record collector but compared to other people, he knows his collection is fairly small. In this case, small is having only several thousand vinyl records at his home. “Personally, I avoid CDs unless I can’t find them on vinyl,” Aardvark said. The record show means a variety of different things to different people but to Aardvark, it is “a chance to look at a selection of music you wouldn’t normally get to see.” The record show is Sunday, March 21 at 525 St Anthony St. from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. with an admission price of $3. q



One Life Stand Hot Chip EMI Records

When an album opens with the gradually building synthesizer and a lone drum beat of One Life Stand, there can be no doubt that something musically intriguing is afoot. Opening with the memorable track “Thieves in the Night,” British electropop band Hot Chip’s fourth studio album feels nothing like its previous release, Made in the Dark. Members of the band have suggested that One Life Stand is going back to basics. This album is less futuristic in its ambition than the band’s previous efforts. Right from the outset, the distinction is clear: the synthesizers are not overpowering, the sound is soulful and melodic, and the songwriting focuses on the ubiquitous subjects of love and relationships. While “Thieves in the Night” draws the

listener in with lead singer Alexis Taylor’s distinct vocals and irrepressibly upbeat synthesizer, the subsequent tracks refuse to relinquish the attention of the album’s audience. The sound is incredibly cohesive, and One Life Stand holds together incredibly well. “Thieves” is followed by “Hand Me Down Your Love” in an almost seamless transition, and continues the formula of catchy keyboard-driven rhythms and poppy drums. The title track and album’s first single “One Life Stand” is truly a return to basics for the electropop quintet, with synth sounds echoing the heyday of 1980s New Wave pop. Taylor sings about turning a one-night stand into a lifelong love affair, and it is this notion of romance which seems to drive the rest of the album and hold it all together. Tracks such as “Brothers” and “Alley Cats” deal with the everyday relationships between people in a nonromantic fashion, expanding the theme of One Life Stand to a universal level of accessibility. It is the diversity of relationships within the framework of the album that keeps the consistency of One Life Stand from becoming dull. If One Life Stand holds true to Hot Chip’s intentions, this album is definitely equipped for more than just one spin on a turntable.

— Katelynn Enright

March 18-24, 2010

Voicing your ’hood by Christina Franc Children, seniors and people with disabilities across Ottawa are showing their opinions through the medium of photography. Photovoice, an initiative started in China to give rural peasant women the chance to be recognized, is now being implemented in Ottawa. Participants are asked to take a photo of either what they would like to see changed in their neighbourhood or what they enjoy about the area. “This is a part of a larger study, the Ottawa Neighbourhood Study, which didn’t include the voices of residents within those neighbourhoods,” said Chris Osler, the project’s co-ordinator. Some participants took dozens of photos, but each of the 125 photographers selected just one photo to be displayed at City Hall last summer for just one day. “We didn’t want to then put all the photos in a box and not see them again,” Osler said. So they decided to make a book named after the project, My Neighbourhood, My Voice, that included all the photos. A copy was provided to each city councillor, each participant and several community health centres and libraries. “We’re hoping that the councillors read the stories, see the photographs, enjoy them and also think about some of the messages,” said Elizabeth Kristjansson, project leader. At the same time, Mike Steinhauer,

director of the Bytown Museum said he was looking for a new addition to the museum to attract more visitors. He had just made the decision to keep the museum open over the winter months for the first time. “Once the decision was made to stay open, I was looking for projects that I could possibly host. And at that time, the Photovoice project had been wrapped up and they had shown all of their works so I asked them if they’d be interested in a collaborative effort,” Steinhauer said. As a result, the museum has been exhibiting the photos since Dec. 5, 2009, and will continue until April 4. Each photo includes a caption written by the photographer to explain their piece. Some issues that were raised included the lack of greenspace in the downtown core, condo development and run-down community centres. “It’s really cool to see their group photos as a whole, at the Bytown as opposed to individually. They’re more powerful as a group,” Osler said. q

The Education of Charlie Banks

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Magic at the NAC Olivia Bielicz unveils the magic behind Mysterioso, a magic show at the NAC March 18-20.

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March 18-24, 2010


Applying aerodynamics to athletes by Grace Protopapas With all of Canada behind her, Maëlle Ricker jostled and carved her way down the mountain to a gold medal in snowboard cross at Vancouver’s 2010 Winter Olympics. But what Canada didn’t know was Ricker had another support system, a top secret one. “The project started in January 2006,” said National Research Council of Canada (NRC) scientist Guy Larose. “We proposed the project to Own the Podium,” he said. “We were helping the athletes to reach their maximum potential.” Larose and Annick D’Auteuil, a Carleton PhD candidate in mechanical and aerospace engineering, worked with athletes over the past four years measuring their aerodynamic drag. “The goal was to help the athletes get to their best performance at the Olympics,” D’Auteuil said. In sports where speed is the critical factor, athletes are always looking to shave off hundredths of a second. “The athletes came to the wind tunnel in their Olympic gear and we measured the resistance of the air. We tried to minimize that resistance or drag by changing their body position, or even their gear,” Larose said. At first the main focus of the project

was the Olympic speed skaters. The two researchers analyzed different body positions, and, most importantly, the suits of the athletes. “The suit they were wearing was really a product of NRC research,” Larose said. Larose and D’Auteuil were able to improve the gear by measuring the different amounts of aerodynamic drag that came with the different fabrics or shapes of the skin suits. Once the best results were found it was presented to Descente Ltd., the manufacturer, who quickly made the modifications. “The goal was to provide the athletes with the best technology possible so that their equipment wouldn’t slow them down,” Larose said. Although speed skating was the focus of the project, Larose and D’Auteuil were able to help athletes in 11 other winter sports, including snowboard and ski cross, skeleton, luge, alpine skiing, para-alpine skiing, nordic skiing-biathlon, para-nordic skiing, freestyle aerial skiing, snowboard and bobsleigh. “It was all about the same thing,” said D’Auteuil. “Different sports use different positions but . . . we worked on changing the positions and their equipment.” It seems to have worked. Canada set a new record in gold medals won by one country in the Winter Games, ending with a total of 14.

“We were so happy for them because we know how much work they put into it,” Larose said. But the NRC’s job isn’t over yet. Now that the Olympic Games have finished, Larose and D’Auteuil shift focus to the Paralympic Games, held in Vancouver from March 12-21. “These athletes have more equipment than all the other sports,” said d’Auteuil. “If we can change the shape of the seat, for

example, then for them it’s a big deal. They can see the difference right away.” Both Larose and D’Auteuil said they wished the Paralympic athletes the best of luck this month. They have “worked so hard and [they] deserve this,” D’Auteuil said. “Just go for it.” But when it came to revealing which Paralympic athletes students should look out for, the scientists’ lips were sealed. “It’s a secret,” Larose said. q

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Sports Ravens rock expectations in rebuilding year


March 18-24, 2010 Sports Editor: Erin Walkinshaw •

The Raven men celebrated their third straight OUA title March 13. The team heads to Nationals as the number-one ranked team in the country. || photos by Wenyao Zhai

Raven Kevin McCleery put up 24 points in his final game in the Ravens’ Nest.

by Rizwaan Zahid In their first year without the likes of Aaron Doornekamp and Stu Turnbull, the Carleton Ravens are Ontario University Athletics (OUA) champions once again, defeating the University of Windsor Lancers 71-52 March 13. A strong defensive performance with gritty rebounding and hustle led the Ravens to the dominating and well-deserved victory. Both teams had defence in mind from the opening tipoff. After the teams struggled early offensively, the Ravens went on a tear,

taking a 22-11 lead into the second quarter. and McCleery’s quality passing, while Elliot The Ravens set up the solid run with the Thompson, Cole Hobin and Manigat added defence head coach Dave Smart has always their touches to the scoreboard. enforced, leading to numerous fast break Isaac Kuon kept the Lancers in it, but the points. first-team all star was simply one lion going Off the first inbound play in the second up against a pack of wolves. quarter, Kevin While Manigat McCleery used a s t r u g g l e d CHARLATAN CIS COVERAGE combination of size offensively, the and athleticism for a For up-to-the-minute Nationals Montreal native had left hand finger roll. coverage, visit seven rebounds and The 6’8’’ Ottawa March 19-21 to view live blogs of every six assists heading native distributed game and extensive photo galleries. into the final quarter. the ball well, T h o m p s o n dishing a pass to brought his hustle Willy Manigat at the top of the key. Manigat game, with 13 rebounds in the first three hit the three-ball on the next possession. quarters, while the entire Windsor team had Carleton looked in control near the end of 14. the half before Windsor quietly cut the lead. The one-sided quarter allowed the Ravens Smart was furious on the bench as the to gain a 59-46 lead heading into the fourth. Ravens blew a solid lead, ahead a mere 37Anticipating a comeback from the 32 going into the second half. Lancers, the Ravens started the final quarter The Ravens came out in the third with an 11-2 run in an attempt to put the quarter determined to put up a sizeable and game out of reach. insurmountable lead. The hustle the Ravens brought to the The Lancers had no answer for the Ravens game didn’t simply fade down the stretch.

Even with a significant lead and a win all but guaranteed, Tyson Hinz sacrificed his body to take a charge. Eventually, after some useless foul calls by the referees in the last 15 seconds of the game, the final buzzer sounded. McCleery was named player of the game as he led the charge all-around for the Ravens with 24 points and 10 rebounds in his last game at the Ravens’ Nest. “I think this year was a different challenge. I never had to be the leader before,” said McCleery, who left the game in the dying minutes to a standing ovation from the crowd. “We did the same preparation, so it wasn’t really different. It wasn’t emotional really, but it’s been an amazing five years and I’ll certainly miss it.” Smart expected a more difficult season for his team with the last year’s departure of Doornekamp, Turnbull and Rob Saunders. “With all the departures, I didn’t think we would have the year that we had. I thought we did a little bit better during the regular season, and during the playoffs it’s one game at a time. They’ve worked pretty hard and tried to work hard defensively, and [they’re] getting to a point where they’re taking a lot of pride in what they do on the defensive end.” q

The Education of Charlie Banks

For more Fred Durst

coverage . . .

The man on D Grace protopapas reports on Cole Hobin and how his defensive skills helped bring the Ravens to their third straight provincial championship.

Video with the bros Rizwaan Zahid interviews basketball brothers, Aaron and Luke Chapman. Video produced by Andrew Nguyen.

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