CNH 6.3.15

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Brussels graduation. See page C1


Twins graduate. See pages B4



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CALHOUN NEWSHERALD • Index • Obituaries . . . . . . . A3 Our Town . . . . . . . . A4 News . . . . . . . C6, D1 Public Notice . . . . . C5 Real Estate . . . . D2-3 Correspondence . . .B2 Social . . . . . . . . . . . A4 Sports . . . . . . . . . . B1 Obituaries in this issue: Esbach, Goetten, Knight

©2015 CALHOUN NEWS-HERALD All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.


juNE 3, 2015

VOLuME 142 - ISSuE 22

Hardin Village board eyes water main replacement plan BY MARk PACE Calhoun News-Herald A plan to replace the water main system throughout the Village of Hardin was presented to the village board at its meeting Monday night. Bartlett & West, the company in charge of the project, sent a representative to walk the board through the plans and explain the expected necessary steps needed to update the current system. The water flow for the current system is currently low across the village. “We are looking for 250 [gallons per minute]. With your current system, there are very few hydrants [throughout the village] that meet this criteria,” said Kevin Wittman, the representative for Bartlett & West. Wittman presented the board with six maps showing the system and repairs that will need to be made. Five of those maps consist of amendments

or replacements to the current system that could take about five years to complete. Most of the piping throughout the village will need to be changed from 4 inches to 6 inches in diameter to allow optimal water flow. The village replaced the piping around the bridge about 10 years ago, but that will also need to be replaced by new 6-inch piping. “Originally we were hoping that [the piping around the Joe Page Bridge] would not need to be replaced,” Wittman said. “However, to get water flow north of the bridge we found that that piping truly does need to be replaced.” The first amendment stage of the process involves updating current piping to functional 6-inch piping, and the following phase will also add 8-inch piping running north and south along the river. Production for phase one is scheduled to begin this week.

The entire process will cost about $200,000. The current design is based on all the pumps being off, which is the worst case scenario for the system. In other business, the board unanimously approved sponsoring a new tennis camp. The sponsorship will cost the village $350. The money will cover the cost of three instructors to come and teach the camp. It will also cover the cost of some tennis balls. There is a fee to attend the camp which will cover more tennis balls, T-shirts and possibly one more instructor. “We have the tennis courts. We might as well utilize them and get some more activity going in Hardin,” Hurley said. Hurley is looking for a grant to provide money for the tennis camp in the future and expects the camp to mainly be able to support itself in the future.

Hardin  to launch  website By MARk PACE Calhoun News Herald The Hardin Village Board unanimously approved to spend roughly $10 a month to buy a domain name and launch a website. The website is already designed, but the board had to approve the use of funds before the website could be launched. Mayor Matt Haug expects the website to be up and running before the board’s meeting next month.

Small class size fuses large bond

By MARk PACE Calhoun News-Herald It’s a rarity that an entire high school graduating class can be counted on one hand. In fact, it’s never happened before in the history

class for his senior year. The class of five was the smallest class in school history. The prior lowest enrollment for any class came from the class of 1987, which included seven students. “It’s definitely interesting

“Its unique. It’s really unusual  to have five graduates. The nice  thing is that you get to know them  really well. It’s one of beauties of a  small school.”

Dr. Mark Martin Unit 42 Superintendent of Brussels Community Unit School District 42. That is, until this year. The Brussels’ 2015 graduating class featured three students throughout grade school and high school: Adrianna Eberlin, Marisa Kuhn and Jordan Ohlendorf. The trio was joined by two others before last Friday’s graduation; Lucas Jenkins, originally a part of the 2014 class but stayed until December to finish some coursework, and Zachary Wilson, a student who was a part of the class in eighth grade, but moved away to Texas before rejoining the

to say the least,” Eberlin said. “You get to know each other really well, and you find out pretty much everything about the other people.” The three consider themselves to be best friends and plan to remain close even after graduation. However, just like with any group of close friends, they can get under each other’s skin. All three agreed that Jordan can be the most annoying. “He just talks all the time,” Eberlin said laughing. It was a claim Jordan agreed with. When one of them did something to annoy one of the others, there was

Mark Pace/Calhoun News-Herald

The three original members – left to right, Marisa Kuhn, Jordan Ohlendorf and Adrianna  Eberlin – of the Brussels High School Class of 2015 stand outside the high school. Five  graduates  received  their  diplomas  Friday  night  during  the  graduation  ceremony,  and  the class is the smallest in school history.

no hiding. They had to deal with each other all day. However, it gave the three students a strong and unique bond. Some of the key concerns for the small class was testing and attendance. Luckily for the school, each of the three

tested well and received high grades. If one of the three would have scored poorly in standardized testing throughout high school, it would have really hurt the school’s averages. Also, some of the state funding the school receives is

based on attendance, so with a missed a day of school, the attendance percentage would plummet. However, the good outweighed the bad, according to the students and school administrators. (See, small class, A2)

Village Consignments WOTUS opposition remains in spite opens in Brussels

By MARk PACE Calhoun News-Herald Village Consignments opened its doors for the first time this weekend, offering a place for locals to consign goods. The shop sells antiques, collectibles, glassware, accessories, furnishings and a variety of items that will attract customers to come to the town and buy what is on display, store owner Carla Gazall said. “I think this is good for the community to promote good will, to have an outlet for a lot of the locals that I know who do craftsmanship … and to bring tourism here,” Gazall said. “People come here from the Brussels and Golden Eagle ferries and come right up this strip. Why not give them another reason to stop in Brussels?” Although the store is inside, Gazall thought stormy weather might keep customers away from the grand opening, but that was not the case. The first weekend brought in over 100 customers, and Gazall was thrilled. Customers came from out of town and out of state. Due to the high turnout last weekend and an expected increase in demand for next weekend, Village Consignment added

of final rule issuance

By juSTIN A . COBB Calhoun News-Herald The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and Army Corps of Engineers have finalized their new rule defining “waters of the United States,” according to

Mark Pace/Calhoun News-Herald

Village  Consignments  owner  Carla  Gazall  (right)  stands  in the shop with business partner Gloria Marienau (left).  The  consignment  store  will  be  open  one  weekend  a  month through the peak tourist season.

another date to its schedule. The store will now open June 6 and 7 from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. The idea for a consignment shop in Brussels stemmed from last year’s quilt tour. Gazall and a couple of other people from the area were talking about consigning some of the quilts from the tour, so they did. She then expanded from there and decided to start her own store. “I’m very interested in there being other businesses

here in Brussels,” Gazall said. “I love the historic town of Brussels … I was hoping that local people who do crafts and things would bring things here to consign, and they have.” In order to help encourage locals to consign their crafts and antiques, Gazall sweetened the pot. Instead of offering consigners the standard 60 percent of earnings from the product, she is giving 75 percent of the earnings to those who bring the items. (See, brussels, A2)

would instead expand federal jurisdiction unnecessarily and possibly interfere with normal farming operations. This remains the case with the finalized version of the rule, according to Blake Roderick, executive director of the Pike and Scott county

“This is yet another example of the  EPA ignoring the concerns of our  farmers and failing to understand  the real-life impact of their rules  and regulations.”

U.S. Rep. Rodney Davis Illinois’s 13th Congressional District

a May 27 EPA press release. The new “WOTUS” rule, which will go into effect 60 days after publication in the Federal Register, seeks to clarify which waters are protected under federal jurisdiction, according to the EPA and Corps. However, the Illinois Farm Bureau and county farm bureau, whose members have opposed the rule since it was proposed in April 2014, have argued the rule does not add clarity and

farm bureaus. “A cursory review indicates that very little has changed. It is as if EPA did not take into account substantive comments from farmers, businesses, local governments and others opposing the proposed rule,” Roderick said in a May 27 email statement. “It still reads like the same WOTUS rule that does not offer clarity, opens the door to agency enforcement actions, citizen (See, wotus, A2)


Wednesday, June 3, 2015

Calhoun News-Herald

Outdoor Truths: Gary Miller

Every catch is worth celebrating

I’ve taken some time out of the last few days to fish the river. This is my sport of choice during this time of year. The weather has been perfect and the fish have been cooperating as well. One morning I felt like Mike Iaconelli who is one of the pros from the Bass Elite Series. Mike is known for his loud screams when he catches a big fish or a fish that gets him in contention to win. He really lets his emotions be seen and heard. I felt the same way the other day as I was landing several good fish. The difference in Mike and me is that he is fishing from a fifty thousand dollar bass boat, and I am in my twelve foot, river jon boat. But the thrill is the same. It doesn’t come from what’s above the water but from what’s below it. It’s that unexpected bite that becomes that

unexpected fish which gives you that unexpected battle. When it culminates with fish-in-hand, there is nothing else to do but give a big, bold, unashamed scream or high-five, or anything that celebrates the victory. For some reason many of us are hesitant to openly celebrate. Men are especially reserve when it comes to this. Sometimes we think it’s unbecoming to an adult. Other times we fear celebrating now because of what may lie ahead. It’s the old thought that we shouldn’t get too excited about something until the outcome is certain. And we surely can’t enjoy the good times because something bad is just around the corner. Now I know I’m speaking (writing) to some of you who fall right into this trap. Some of you catch a five pound bass and shrug it off

as if it is commonplace for you. Other times you won’t allow yourself to celebrate because you know there is still a “long way to go.” Let me tell you, you are missing out on some great moments. In life there are too many tough times. We deal with some trouble, problems, or heartaches, every day. Some are minimal; others are life-changing. We have no idea what tomorrow holds. We may be awakened by an unexpected phone call informing us about an unexpected tragedy. We may be met at work with an unexpected pink slip. We may be notified by our doctor about an unexpected illness. We just never know. There is one thing I do know however; I know I can celebrate each and every good moment and good day with a bold and unashamed zest. No one can keep me from


Hardin, Illinois

celebrating with everything I have. A n d for me, I will choose to milk every present moment of all its praise whether that moment is something as small as landing a bass from the river or something as big as winning the BassMasters Classic. I hope you will too. n Gary Miller is an outdoorsman from Harrowgate, Tenn. He serves as a pro staff member for several hunting-related companies and also speaks at game dinners and other hunting and fishing venues about faith and the outdoors. He can be reached at gary@

CALHOUN NEWS-HERALD The Calhoun News-Herald is published weekly by Campbell Publishing Co., Inc., USPS 083-300, Bruce Campbell, president. Periodicals postage paid at Hardin, IL Phone: 618-576-2345 E-mail: circulation@ Publisher: Bruce Campbell Executive Editor: Julie Boren Regional Editor: Bob Crossen General Manager and Advertising Director: Nichole Liehr Sports: Kory Carpenter Advertising: Jack Kallal Office Manager: Tammy McIntyre

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“Were it left to me to decide whether we should have a government without newspapers, or newspapers without a government, I should not hesitate a moment to prefer the latter.” -- Thomas Jefferson, 1787 2 0 1 5

Memoir of Oliver August Eschbach He was born Dec. 30, 1922. He is part of what has come to be known as the “Greatest Generation.” That is the generation that grew up during the Great Depression, fought in World War II, and contributed to the war effort on the home front as well. He grew up on a farm in a tiny rural town called Batchtown, in southern Illinois. He left his mother, father, and nine brothers and sisters to go fight for his country. He enlisted in the Army in January 1943. After basic training and parachute jump school training, he became part of the 462nd Parachute Field Artillery. He knew he would be heading into combat, and there was a strong chance that he would not return. He sent letters to his family and friends back home, then he was off by steamer to Brisbane, Australia. From Brisbane he would be going into heavy fighting against the Japanese on the Island of Corregidor. Corregidor was surrendered to the Japanese in 1942 after months of brutal fighting and the 11,000 American and Filipino soldiers who had defended the island were tortured, beaten, and marched to death in the infamous Bataan Death March. Those who miraculously survived were sent to slave labor camps where they were worked to death, killed, or if lucky, had escaped. General MacArthur made it his personal, moral responsibility

to retake Corregidor, and Oliver was part of that mission. The 462nd unit was supposed to parachute onto the island. It was a dangerous mission because the landing area was small, and because they would be jumping into enemy machine gun and mortar fire. As Oliver was standing in the doorway to jump, antiaircraft fire tore holes in the wing and the fuselage, barely missing him. They had to abort the jump and opted for an amphibious landing on the beaches. There would be three landing crafts with several hundred soldiers each. This type of landing attempt was dangerous, as well, because the Japanese had the vantage point and would be able to shoot the Americans like sitting ducks. Oliver was on the second landing craft and he watched as the first landing craft was ripped to shreds by Japanese machine gun and mortar fire. The second craft landed without a shot being fired because the enemy was reloading, the third craft was blown to bits by the enemy. Oliver was in the thick of battle, the task of killing the enemy and retaking the island was made almost impossible due to intricate tunnels that were dug under the island, making it hard to know where the Japanese were or how to get them. For nine grueling days and nights he fought the Japanese on the island. He saw many of his friends killed,


(Continued from A1) suits against farmers/landowners and greatly expands Federal authority from navigable waters to land features.” Illinois Farm Bureau president Richard Guebert Jr. echoed these concerns. “The Illinois Farm Bureau is currently reviewing the EPA’s final ruling in detail,” Guebert said in a May 27 written statement. “(We) believe this new regulation will cause greater confusion and new legal liabilities for farmers and land owners, while providing both agencies with almost unlimited authority to regulate at their discretion.” The new rule does not reflect the intent of Congress in passing the Clean Water Act, according to Guebert, and the U.S. House of Representatives has passed legislation to that effect. H.R. 1732, dubbed the Regulatory Integrity Protection Act of 2015, passed the House May 12 by a vote of 261155, with 16 members not voting, and has since been received in the Senate. If enacted, H.R. 1732 will force the EPA and Corps to withdraw the rule

Small class

(Continued from A1) “The good thing about having such a small class is the personal attention they received,” Superintendent Mark Martin said. “The bad thing is that you want your attendance to be up. It’s a negative thing in that way, but the educational opportunity is great.” The students took great pride in that educational opportunity and credited the attention and small class sizes to their academic success. One of their favorite memories was a class they all shared senior year with Miss Friedel, who also thought highly of the graduates and their intelligence. “When I first started teaching here last year, I realized the junior class then was only three kids. I thought ‘Oh my, gosh. What am I going to do with only three kids? That means no discussion or anything like that,’” Friedel said. “But once I had them it has been wonderful. They are more advanced than a lot of other classes because there are only three of them.

wounded, or disappear in the night. The aerial bombing of the island was having little effect because the enemy was deep in the tunnels. The only way to end this battle was to take the tunnels. The Americans began blowing up the main entrances to the tunnels and blocking the enemy from going in or out. Oliver was situated on a critical rock hill known as Monkey Point. He along with several hundred from the 462nd and 503rd were ordered to protect the hill and not let the enemy leave or gain access. This hill was strategically important because the main tunnel ran underneath. Oliver was in a ground swell with his friend Frank Dickert. Dickert had received mail from his wife several days before, and he hold Oliver, “my wife has been saving money and buying whiskey, and when I get home she is planning a big party.” Oliver jokingly replied, “You’re gonna get your ass blown off and I’m gonna go drink all that whiskey.” No sooner had the words left his mouth, the Japanese intentionally blew up their own tunnel under Monkey Point and Dickert’s head was crushed by a boulder. Oliver was hit by rock and burning phosphorous. He had internal and external injuries, and of the few hundred men on that hill he and two others were the only ones to be able to walk off. He

and develop a new one in consultation with the states and with public and private stakeholders. A bill introduced April 30 in the Senate, S. 1140, would force the agencies to revise the new rule under guidelines outlining the limits of federal jurisdiction and more explicitly recognizing the role of states in water quality protection. Neither Sen. Richard Durbin nor Sen. Mark Kirk are listed as cosponsors of S. 1140. U.S. Rep. Rodney Davis, whose Illinois 13th Congressional District includes the counties of Calhoun, Greene, and Jersey, cosponsored H.R. 1732 and has said he would continue pushing the agencies to withdraw the new rule. “This is yet another example of the EPA ignoring the concerns of our farmers and failing to understand the real-life impact of their rules and regulations,” Davis said. “The finalization of this rule further highlights the need, and urgency, for creating an agriculture subcommittee on the EPA Science Advisory Board to give agriculture a

was sent back to Subick Bay for medical treatment, and while he was in the hospital he missed MacArthur’s triumphant return. He received the Purple Heart and the Presidential Unit Citation for extraordinary heroism in action against an armed enemy. After hearing my grandfather’s story, I felt many different emotions. I felt fear as I thought of what it must have been like in that hellish place. What would it be like to see your best friend die only feet from where you are standing? You would feel lucky that ylu survived but in the back of your mind you would wish you could give your life so that he could return home to his wife. I felt hatred for the Japanese for what they did to American soldiers. Cannibalism, kamikazes, torture, killing their own men to seal off a tunnel. It makes them seem like inhuman beasts. But, I felt one thing more than any other. I felt a strong and overwhelming sense of pride. I thought to myself, “My grandfather went into war and put his life on the line to save his family, friends, and his country.” I am so proud of the extraordinary man that he is and I am glad to be able to call myself his grandson. A full obituary can be seen on page A3. n Daniel Eschbach of Nashville, Tenn. submitted this memoir of his grandfather.

stronger voice in the regulatory process.” Such a subcommittee is now being established, thanks to an amendment to the 2014 Farm Bill Davis authored, he added. In contrast to the Farm Bureau and Chamber of Commerce, the Center for Rural Affairs has come out in support of the finalized rule. Headquartered in Lyons, Neb., the organization describes itself as “a private, non-profit organization working to strengthen small businesses, family farms and ranches, and rural communities through action oriented programs addressing social, economic, and environmental issues.” “The revised rule is grounded in both law and science. Nearly one in three Americans get drinking water from streams that lacked clear protection before the Clean Water Rule,” John Crabtree, Center for Rural Affairs media director, said in a May 27 written statement. “Clean water is an economic driver for manufacturing, farming, ranching, tourism, recreation, and energy production.”



(Continued from A1) The shop is next to the Brussels Visitors Center, which is ideal, Gazall said. Her business partner is Gloria Marienau, who started the visitors center. “The visitors center started a ripple effect for the community,” Marienau said. It led to Village Consignments and also helped make Calhoun Touring Adventures and other local businesses possible, she said. The shop will open one weekend a month from May until October to allow for different merchandise each month. The shop is currently scheduled to open July 4-6, July 25-26, Aug. 8-9, Sept. 26-27 and Oct. 24-25. It is open from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. on scheduled weekends. “My goals for this year are to open once a month


I would personally like to thank all those who helped in any way with our mock disaster that was held at Calhoun High School May 11. To all our volunteers who came out to show our youth the results of drinking/ texting and driving and the impact of the outcome to all involved. Thanks to Calhoun EMS, Calhoun Fire Depts., Coroner Phil Gress, Sheriff Bill Heffington, Air-Evac, Leon Snyders, Adam Herter with A-1 Towing, MAW Salvage for donating the cars. Also to Mike Hutchens from Jersey EMS for putting “realistic” crash make-up on our students. Coordinating this is a small part that would not be possible without all of these wonderful people volunteering their time and skills to work to help and teach the students in our community. A big thank you also to Lori Mortland discussing with the students first hand how loss from such an incident can impact a family in a way that can never be taken back. Thank you to our student/victims, Trevor Bick, Morgan Baalman, Rebecca Oswald, Ali Baalman, Austin Laing, Gabby Workman, for playing their parts. As the students were all told that day, the simple little acts that you think can never have an impact on you can be a mistake that CAN happen to you. Have a safe summer and lets be examples for our children and remind them the dangers and safety concerns on our roads daily. THANK YOU AGAIN, LISA DOLAN, RN CALHOUN UNIT 40 SCHOOL NURSE

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were each able to bring in several, while Wilson also claimed some. Ohlendorf had a big grin when the baseball award was being presented to the senior with the highest batting average. He won in a landslide as he was the only senior on the team. While the three original students in the class will attend separate classes for the first time since kindergarten, the friendship won’t end. “I think we’ll stay close,” Ohlendorf said. “I want to … I think we’ll be able to stay pretty close.” The three boys; Ohlendorf, Jenkins and Wilson; will attend Lewis and Clark Community College. Ohlendorf will then transfer to Missouri Baptist University to study sports management. Eberlin will attend Southern Illinois University-Edwardsville and major in business. She plans to work in marketing. Kuhn will attend Southern Illinois University-Carbondale for biological sciences and pre-med.




oPen monday - friday


They’ve had so much more one on one and hands-on activities. It’s been a surprise for the better.” Each of the students is highly intelligent, Friedel added. One of the biggest concerns of any high school student falls outside of the classroom, however, and it was only exacerbated by the small class size. How do you choose prom court? The dilemma had an easy solution for this class. “We all just ran … That kind of evened that out,” Ohlendorf said. While Eberlin, Kuhn and Ohlendorf have been together the longest, the other two students fit in well, they said. Ohlendorf and Wilson became friends in eighth grade and picked that friendship back up when Wilson returned for his senior year. The 2015 class was close with the 2014 graduating class, so Jenkins fit in seamlessly. When it came to the class awards, the three original students in the class

through the scheduled season. I’m hoping next season that I can be permanent and find a permanent place. For now we’ll be open during the busy tourist season,” Gazall said. If the shop can become permanent next year, Gazall also hopes to start an online presence to begin consigning online. Gazall spent years in corporate employer provider benefits, and this is her first endeavor in the retail world. “Going to consignment shops is something I always loved doing,” Gazall said. “[Opening a shop] is something I always wanted to do, so here I am.” For those interested in consigning items or who want additional information about the shop, email Gazall at Village Consignments@ or call (618)7719827.

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virginiA c. Knight

Virginia C. Knight, 89 of Hardin, died Friday, May 29, 2015 at Calhoun Nursing and Rehabilitation Center in Hardin. Knight was born March 9, 1926 in Carrollton to Phillip and Marry (Carmody) Carmody. She married Chester E. “Bud” Knight May 11, 1946 in Hardin. He died Jan. 26, 2010. A homemaker, she is survived by her three sons, Rick (Linda) Knight of St. Peters, Ron (Brenda) Knight and Don (Denise) Knight, all of Hardin; six grand children, Sterling, Craig (Kristen), Ann (Michael), Laura, Stephen and Jenny; three great grand children, Kale, Adriana and Kai; a brother, David Carmody of Aswego; four sisters, Mary Clark of Lansing, Ill., Jeanette Wildhagen of Edlred, Lucy Johns of Hardin and Carol Lamb of Virden; and numerous nieces and nephews. She is preceded in death by her parents, husband and two brothers, Phil and Robert Carmody. She was a member of St. Norberts Catholic Church and Alter Society in Hardin, as well as the Hardin American Legion Auxiliary. Visitation was 8:30 a.m. to 9:45 a.m. Tuesday, June 2 at Hanks-Gress Funeral Home in Hardin. The funeral followed the visitation at 10 a.m. at St. Norberts Catholic Church in Hardin with Father Don Roberts officiating. She was buried in St. Norberts Cemetery in Hardin. Memorials may be made to the Alzheimer’s Foundation or to the St. Norberts Altar Society.

Wednesday, June 3, 2015

Calhoun News-Herald

Oliver August eschbAch

Oliver August Eschbach, 92, born and raised on a farm in Batchtown, died May 16. He was a retired towboat captain with Ingram Barge Line. He was a veteran of World War II, serving with the 462nd Parachute Artillery Battalion in the Pacific. He received the Purple Heart for injuries received in action on Corregidor. He was a communicant of St. Cecilia Roman Catholic Church and one of its founding members. He was a loving husband, devoted father, grandfather and great-grandfather. He was preceded in death by his parents John and Mary; by his granddaughter, Rachel Grace Eschbach; brothers Edward and Alfred, and sisters Zelora Richter, Irene Telkamp, Angeline Herter, and Evaline Broyles. He is survived by his wife, Lorraine, with whom they would have celebrated 60 years of marriage August

11. He also leaves his sons, Andy (Vicki, deceased) of Milan, TN; Eric (Leslie) of York, PA; two daughters, Cindy Eschbach of Memphis and Judy (Bryce) Stewart of Memphis; a brother, Vincent of Atlanta, GA; and a sister, Marie Kiel of Wentzville, MO. The loves of his life, his grandchildren, Andy, Jr., Matt, Tyler and Daniel Eschbach, Lindsay Kellum, Cecilia Chelius, Ellen and Emily Stewart and 10 much adored great-grandchildren. Gardening, cooking and trips to Tunica were things he enjoyed. He was an excellent cook and the family will miss his weekly scrumptious dinners. The family received friends from 5-8 p.m. at Memphis Funeral Home, Poplar Avenue. The Funeral Mass was 10 a.m. Thursday, May 21 at St. Cecilia Roman Catholic Church. Interment followed in Calvary Cemetery.

Hardin, Illinois

MArgAret gOetten

Margaret Catherine Goetten, 92, of Jerseyville died at 7:40 a.m. Wednesday, May 27, 2015 at Jerseyville Nursing and Rehabilitation Center. She was born in Meppen March 26, 1923, the only daughter of 11 children born to the late John B. and Catherine (Imming) Pohlman. Margaret graduated from Carrollton High School, and worked in the health care industry serving as a Registered Nurse for several doctors, and with the Jersey County Health Department for many years. She married Cyril H. Goetten on June 14, 1950 in Carrollton, and together they raised their three sons on their family farm and shared 64 years together

ents and husband, she was preceded in death by eight brothers, Lee, Ernest, Victor, Phillip, Alfred, James, Edward and Robert Pohlman; and an infant brother, Ernest. Visitation was from 9 a.m. until 10:45 a.m., Saturday, May 30, at Crawford Funeral Home in Jerseyville. A Mass of Christian Burial was held at 11 a.m. Saturday at Holy Ghost Catholic Church in Jerseyville, with Father William Hembrow officiating. Burial was in St. Mary’s Catholic Cemetery in Fieldon. Memorials may be given to the St. Francis/Holy Ghost Catholic Schools in Jerseyville.

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before his death on July 25, 2014. Surviving are her three sons and daughters-in-law, John and Connie Goetten, Thomas and Nancy Goetten, and Timothy and Diana Goetten, all of Jerseyville; five grandchildren and their spouses, Chad and Lynn Goetten of Fieldon, Tiffany and Matt Williams of St. Charles, Mo., Christopher Goetten of Godfrey, Alex Goetten and his fiancee, Megan Coyle of St. Louis, Mo., and Andrew Goetten of Chicago; six great-grandchildren; a brother and a sister-in-law, John and Mary Ann Pohlman of Jerseyville; and two sisters-in-law, Joan Pohlman of Carrollton and Charlene Pohlman of Granite City. In addition to her par-


The term "selfie," used to describe a picture one has taken of oneself, usually with one's cell phone camera, is loaded with insinuations of narcissistic self-centeredness, and perhaps with good reason. The vast majority of the pictures taken throughout the entire history of the world have reportedly been taken in just the last few years, with the advent of the digital camera and its ubiquitous cousin the cell phone camera. There are now small video cameras that mount just about anywhere and enable their users to get footage of just about anything, from skiing down an alpine slope to deep-sea diving, which has added to our ability to document our lives. But what is the point of all of this documentation? Are our friends and families that interested in looking at all of these pictures and videos of us or are they for our own viewing pleasure? Or do they really just serve to certify that we were actually at the concert or visited the Eiffel tower? It's nice that we can so easily share pictures and videos, but we run the risk of missing the experience in question if we are only interested in getting the great picture or video, and perhaps more perilous still is the prospect that a self-absorbed generation and culture will become even more so. We would all do well to remember that many experiences are best experienced by just being there and don't need to be photographed or recorded.

Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit. Rather, in humility value others above yourselves, not looking to your own interests but each of you to interests of the others.

Philippians 2:3-4

–Christopher Simon

Will not accept obituaries unless they are submitted by a funeral home. This policy protects the family of the deceased as well as our newspapers.

These religious messages are published each week in the Calhoun News Herald as a service to our churches and are sponsored by the listed business firms.


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Wednesday, June 3, 2015


Calhoun News-Herald

Hardin, Illinois

Happy Birthday Corner

Harold “Boge” Kraut turned 102 Swan/Schaaf wedding announcement Wallace Lee Swan and Trisha Yvonne Schaaf announce their forthcoming marriage. The couple will be celebrating their wedding on Saturday, June 20 at 2 p.m.

at the Hardin Riverfront Gazebo on Water St. in Hardin. A reception will follow at Straight Home Bar and Grill. No invitations will be sent out, all family and friends are invited.

In Memory

Card of Thanks

In Memory of Urban H. Kiel 6/6/17 – 6/9/08 God looked around his garden, And found an empty place, Then looked upon the earth, And saw your tired face. He put His arms around you, And lifted you to rest, God’s garden must be beautiful, He always takes the best.

Greatly missed by his children Donald, William, Elizabeth, Vanita, Janet, Jerry, Dennis and families. Also the families of his deceased children Marilyn and Joe.

Thank You

Thank you for the cards, letters and gifts for my 87th birthday. God bless you! Helen Friedel

Subscribe to Calhoun News-Herald online Did you know you can subscribe to Calhoun News-Herald online? For $30, you can have full access to To subscribe, log on to calhounewsherald. com or call our circulation department at 618498-1234.

SEE WHAT EVERYONE GREAT IS TALKING ABOUT! DEALS! Great deals on video game systems and games, Musical instruments, Knives, Chainsaws, Tools, Jewelry, Collectibles, Indian artifacts, Laptops, Tablets, Vintage toys, DVDs, Nascar, Furniture, Harley, TV’s ALWAYS BUYING AND ND LO LOA LOANING NING MONEY ON GOOD USED MERCHANDISE

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On Sunday, May 24, Harold “Boge” Kraut celebrated his 102nd birthday. Sixty-nine family members and a few close friends were on hand to help him blow out the candles! His oldest son, Jim, treated party-goers to rides in his 1912 Reo truck. Boge was the first one of the day to get a ride and really enjoyed the memories it brought back, a good time was had by all. Boge, a life-long resident of Calhoun County, still resides on the family farm that he purchased in 1946. He was born in a log house on South Blue Ridge. He served in the United States Navy during World War II on the USS Invade from 1943 - 1945 and is the oldest living vet-

Card of Thanks Thank You

I would like to thank everyone who donated food, sent flowers, sent cards, or offered a few kind words at the recent loss of my brother Richard. To Phil Gress and his wife Brenda, the Pastor for the nice service, the pallbearers and a special thanks to the Pour House for allowing us to have the meal there after the service. Thank you Sincerely Peggy Suhling

HAROLD KRAUT eran in Calhoun County. He enjoys riding his fourwheeler, reading and sharing stories with family and friends. Picture 1; Harold “Boge” Kraut Picture 2; Boge and his son Jim Kraut


Drake Robert Meiser

Jimmy and Laura (Retzer) Meiser of Cottage Hills welcome a son, Drake Robert Meiser, 8 lb. 2 oz., 7:55 p.m. May 22, 2015, Anderson Hospital, Maryville. Grandparents are Bill and Toni Meiser of Cottage Hills, John and Rhonda Retzer, and Todd and Natalie Garrison of Jerseyville. Great grandparents are Martha Horn of Alton, Jerry and Maurine Vonderheidt of Brighton, Maxine Garrison of East Alton, and Otto and Linda Retzer of Kampsville.


What’s Happening

June 5: Calhoun County Senior Center Resource Expo at the Presbyterian Hall from 10- 2 p.m. June 6: Registration deadline for the 3rd Annual Hardin Knights of Columbus BBQ Cookoff. $50/ team up to 5 members. For more info call Andy Brannan at 618-576-2540. June 6: Calhoun Cancer Committee will be hosting a Survivors Breakfast beginning at 9 a.m. at the Presbyterian Hall in Hardin. Please RSVP Joan Held 618-883-2690, by May 23. June 11: CCF ‘s 9th Calhoun Quilt and Church Tour, Planning Committee Meeting, 9:30, Extension Office in Hardin June 15 – 18: Art in Nature Summer Camp is available for kids Kindergarten thru eighth grade at Stone Bridge Valley Art Center in Michael. Enrollment is limited to 25 children so call now 576-9235. June 8-13: St. Matthew Lutheran Church in Brussels is inviting all area youth to attend Vacation Bible School. For more information call Debbie Kamp at 883-2162. June 13: Hardin Knights of Columbus 3rd Annual Barbeque Cookoff. Gates open at 12 p.m. Food tasting begins at 3p.m. live band begins at 7 p.m. “Bags” and “Washers” tourney. For more info call Andy Brannan at 618-576-2540. June 15: Calhoun County Democrats meeting at 7:30 p.m. at the Commissioner Room. We will be setting

Card of Thanks SMS Golf Tournament We would like to thank our golfers who attended our 14th Annual Golf Tournament, our hole sponsors and volunteers. We ended up having a good day for the tournament despite the rain predictions.. Everyone’s support is greatly appreciated. Thanks again to all who participated and supported the school this year … and we hope to see you again next year!

the date for the hog roast. June 17: FREE Rules of the Road Review Course offered by the IL Secretary of State is designed for seniors and persons with disabilities to renew or obtain a driver’s license. Taught by Ed Vehovic at Calhoun Senior Citizen Center, Hardin from 9-10:30 a.m. Sept. 14: Financial Peace University at St. Norbert’s, call Maria Carmody, 5762662 Sept. 27: SMS Quilt Game Day, Brussels American Legion. Doors open at 1p.m. and games start at 2p.m. Nov. 14: SMS Mouse Races, Brussels American Legion.



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Wednesday, June 3, 2015

Calhoun News-Herald


Hardin, Illinois


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Wednesday, June 3, 2015

Calhoun News-Herald

Did you know?

Aerie’s Terrace provides popular wedding services By BOB CROSSEN Calhoun News-Herald June may be a prime month for many brides, but Aerie’s Terrace in Grafton has found weddings don’t slow down throughout the year. Since opening last fall, Aerie’s Terrace in Grafton has nearly filled out the remainder of 2015 in weddings, Kelly Stiller, Aerie’s event coordinator, said. “Things are going fantastically. We are really hopping. Business is picking up. We are just about booked for 2015 and working on our 2016 season right now,” Stiller said. Just this year there are 45 more weddings booked for the Grafton reception hall,

and it is the venue’s view of the confluence of the Illinois and Mississippi Rivers that draws brides to the banquet hall atop the bluffs in Grafton. “Our biggest selling point is our view, of course. Anybody who’s familiar with Aerie’s, who’s been up here, knows the great view of the confluence of the Mississippi and Illinois Rivers,” Stiller said. But the services for brides, she said, extend beyond the average wedding reception hall’s offerings. The hall houses 24 hotel rooms for the wedding party to stay in, and if more are needed, the remaining Aerie’s rooms are also available. Having that many overnight options available is advantageous given the recep-

tion hall can house 300 people indoors and another 300 on its balcony overlooking the river and Grafton’s bluffs. Catering services are not offered at the reception hall, she said, noting brides prefer to choose their own caterer who may use the hall’s facilities to make the meals for guests in Grafton. “That’s the thing that brides really like. They can choose the food that they want from the place that they like through outside vendors,” Stiller said. Although popular since opening its doors, Stiller said Aerie’s Terrace accepts additional wedding parties and receptions. To schedule an event, contact 618-786-8439 or visit

Modern trends in wedding videography Few people want to sit through their entire wedding day frameby-frame. Montages of key elements of the day are much more popular than a chronological unfolding of the ceremony and reception. Some videographers like to show snippets of what's to come at the start of the wedding video, then go into more extensive segments later on. n Film chapters: Dividing segments of the video into different chapters allows viewers to fast forward to the parts they want to see and pass those they can skip. This saves the hassle of having to watch the video in its entirety.

n Cinematic styling: Instead of a stationary camera on a tripod, this method of filming incorporates different angles and close-up shots to give the video a modern feel. It's shot more like a movie than a documentary, allowing viewers to feel as though they're really experiencing the event. n Same-day editing: Want to revisit the ceremony at your wedding reception? Some videographers will edit portions of the ceremony and preparations for the big day in the time between the ceremony and reception. This gives all guests, including those who may not have been able to

make the ceremony, the chance to view the nuptials. n Unobtrusive technology: This trend relates to the equipment used to capture wedding memories rather than the actual finished product. No one wants their view of the ceremony or reception to be marred by a big, bulky camera. Smaller video cameras enable videographers to seamlessly blend in and perhaps capture shots that larger cameras could not. Preserving wedding memories takes on new meaning when couples explore the growing trends in wedding videos.

According to the 2014 Real Weddings Survey from popular wedding website, June was the most popular month to get married in 2014, when 15 percent of the nearly 16,000 brides and grooms surveyed tied the knot in what many people consider the most pleasant weather month of the year. Fourteen percent chose to tie the knot in October, another month with a reputation for agreeable weather. Those who chose to tie the knot in the New York/Tri-state area paid the most to make

their unions official, as five of the six most expensive areas to get married in the United States in 2014 were within that region. The most expensive locale to say "I do" was Manhattan, where couples spent an average of $76,238 on their weddings. Long Island was next up but still cost considerably less, with couples spending an average of $55,237. Chicago was the only locale outside of the New York/ Tri-state area to crack the top five, coming in fifth by costing couples an average of just under $51,000.

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A couple's wedding day is often a whirlwind for the brideand groom-to-be. Happy couples hope to remember every little detail, but that can be difficult when so much is going on. That is why many brides and grooms hire videographers to preserve the memories of their weddings. Couples who fail to capture their ceremony and reception on film may feel like they missed out once their big day has come and gone. As a result, a professional videographer can be a wise investment. The following are some wedding video trends popular among today's couples. · Brief clips and highlights:


Hardin, Illinois


SPORTS Calhoun News-Herald

Wednesday, June 3, 2015 Hardin, Illinois


Doug Pool/Calhoun News-Herald

the Calhoun softball team celebrates its sectional championship. the Lady Warriors were scheduled to play Cumberland tuesday in the Class 1a quarterfinals.

No-hitter lifts Calhoun into quarterfinals By Kory Carpenter Calhoun News-Herald Rain pushed Griggsville-Perry’s sectional championship game against Calhoun back two days, but the weather could not effect Grace Baalman’s arm. Baalman spun a no-hitter and struck out 13 to lead the Lady Warriors to the sectional championship after beating the Lady Tornadoes 16-0 at Mt. Sterling. Calhoun scored two runs in the top of the first inning, and the game would remain that way until the flood gates opened in the fifth, as five more Calhoun runners crossed the plate. The fifth-inning onslaught was more

than Baalman needed. Kassidy Klocke led both teams with three RBIs. Griggsville-Perry’s Hannah Dewitt pitched four innings to start the game, striking out seven, and Jordan Brite relieved her in the fifth inning. Griggsville-Perry finished the season 27-8. Calhoun improved to 31-4 heading into Wednesday’s Class 1A quarterfinal matchup with Cumberland in Springfield. The winner of Wednesday’s game will play in the state semifinals Friday in Peoria, and the third-place and championship games will be held at 10 a.m. and 12:30 p.m. Saturday.

Doug Pool/Calhoun News-Herald

Grace Baalman delivers a pitch Monday against Griggsville-perry. Baalman pitched a no-hitter to lead Calhoun to the sectional championship.

Calhoun football camp registration still open Staff report Calhoun News-Herald The Calhoun football program is offering a football camp June 8 through June 10 from 9 a.m. to 11 a.m. The camp is for all boys and girls that will be in first through sixth-grades during

the 2015-2016 school year. The camp is designed to show the basics of football. This is a non-contact camp that will teach fundamentals and fun. All participants will receive a 2015 futures camp shirt. To receive a registration form please contact Coach Elmore at

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Clowers competes at state

pleasant Hill’s rachel Clowers competes in the Class 1a Discus throw during the preliminary competition in Charleston May 21. Clowers finished sixth in the finals.

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Wednesday, June 3, 2015

Calhoun News-Herald

■ Point News

by Carol Sue Carnes ■ 883-2333

Engle, son of Rod and Lisa Engle of Golden Eagle. Daniel graduated recently from Illinois State University in Normal with a B.A. Degree in Anthropology and will this fall continue towards getting his Masters. Relatives from the area were in attendance for the graduation ceremony. Wishing you the best in your future plans. Congratulations to McKenzie Ruyle, daughter of Jay and Dianna Ruyle of Carrollton who graduated on Friday evening, May 22, from Carrollton High School. McKenzie achieved the roll of Valedictorian and plans on attending Bradley University in the fall and majoring in Chemistry. A graduation party was held on Sunday in her honor. She is the granddaughter of Pam and Phil Eilerman of Batchtown. Best wishes to you on your future endeavors. Congratulations to the graduates of Brussels High School. Commencement ceremony was held on the evening of May 29. Members included Adrianna Eberlin, daughter of Dan and Julie Eberlin, Marisa Kuhn, daughter of Charlie

Kuhn and Kelly Kuhn, Jordan Ohlendorf, son of John and Mary Ohlendorf and Zachary Wilson son of Don Gumm and Trish Wilson.s St. Mary’s Grade School held their ceremonies last Saturday evening. Among those graduating were Samantha Macauley, daughter of Lynette Macauley of Golden Eagle and Brad Macauley of Kampsville, Cody LaMarsh, son of Scott and Tracy LaMarsh, Gracie Nolte, daughter of Chad and Melissa Nolte, Toni Odelehr, daughter of Jim and Cathy Odelehr and Jaquelyn Rose, daughter of Rob Rose and Wendy Rose, both of Golden Eagle. A combined graduation party was held afterwards at the Brussels American Legion Hall. Congratulations to all of you! Shannon and Stephanie Peer and daughters Kaela and Malia of Wheat Ridge, Colo. spent the past week with his mother Judy (McKinney) Peer in St. Peters, Mo. and also visiting relatives in the area. On Wednesday they enjoyed a day at the St. Louis Zoo and on Thursday were in Calhoun. That evening 23 members of

by Marcy Klockenkemper ■ 396-2468

Lindy, Martha, and daughter Katie Bick, traveled to Cedar Rapids, Iowa over the weekend to visit Ben and Amy (Bick) Schatzle and children Ian and Alice. It was a special occasion, baby Alice was baptized at St. Jude Catholic Church Sunday, May 30. The Godparents were David Bick and Katie Bick. A celebration meal was held at Ben and Amy’s home. Ben’s grandmother Alice, who is 102 years old, was there as well as other friends a nd relatives. Alice is very healthy and active for her age and enjoys life and being with her great granddaughter Alice. Jerome and Betty Sievers and grandson Kyle Sievers, and Irene Wallendorf of Batchtown saw a winning Cardinal game against the Dodgers on Sunday, May31. Sevral 2015 graduates of Calhoun High School had a graduation party at Batchtown Park last Sunday, May 24. Their families and friends all brought food for the picnic meal. Ball and other games were enjoyed by all. Congratulations graduates. The grads were; Trevor and Tanner Bick sons of John and Michelle Bick of Hardin, Morgan Baalman son of Chris and Stacey Baalman of Meppen, Sam Barczewski son of Greg and Rosemary Barczewski of Batchtown, Austin Laing son of Jason and Dawnya Laing of Batchtown, Cody Steckel son of Tony and Sherry Friedel of Hardin and Greg Steckel of Carrollton, and Patrick Snyders son of Kent and Andrea Snyders of Batchtown. The Batchtown Womans Club will meet Wednesday June 17 at 7:30 p.m. at the Fill Inn Station. Karen Friedel is the chairperson and hostess for the evening. The program is “Home Life”. The Womans Club is celebrating 90 years in November. Many of the events are sponsored by the Womans Club throughout the years in Batchtown and jointly with the Brussels Womans Club who celebrates 80 years. A dual celebration is being planned for September 20 in Brussels. More details of this and other celebrations will follow as they occur. Women in our area are invited to join the Womans Club, an organization that helps in their community at the local, national, and international level to make women and family life better. In Batchtown contact Womans Club members to become a member. Bernie Snyders entertained the card party ladies at her home last Wednesday. They all enjoyed the games and visit. Rachael and Weston Childers are here visiting, from Kentucky, at the home of Everett and Karen Friedel from Friday until Wednesday, June 3. Rachael and Weston are moving to West Virginia. Rachael will

be doing her residency and Weston is doing his clinicals. They are both doctors. What a wonderful accomplishment. Greg and Rosie Franke entertained at their home a few weeks ago. Those present were son Nate, and a pal of his, and Greg’s mom Elsie Kirn. Greg barbequed and Rosie fixed the trimmings. It was a good day for all. Last Tuesday night Jerome and Betty Sievers saw a winning game at the Cardinals Ball Park. The Cards beat the Diamondbacks. It was a lot of fun. David and Janet Droege attended the graduation of their granddaughter Clara Smith, daughter of Ricky and Tara Smith, last Tuesday night. The little ones were so proud of their accomplishments. A resourse expo will be held this Friday, June 5 from 10 a.m. – 2 p.m. at the Presbyterian Hall in Hardin. It is an informational expo featuring many exhibitors for all ages and backgrounds. Lunch will be provided. The cost is $6 for those under 60 and free will offering for those 60 and older. There are many door prizes and a drawing for a flat screen T.V. at 2 p.m. If you want additional information call 618-576-9331 or 576-9567. There will be two days of preparation for the St. Barbara’s Batchtown Picnic. Chickens will be cooked and prepared by everyone wanting to help out. This is an important process, so many of the foods served at the picnic have a chicken base. Come and join in on Monday, June 8 and 15. The work begins at 7 a.m. The church schedule for the 8 a.m. mass on Sunday morning will return to St. Barbara’s in Batchtown on June 7. It continues at this location for the next six months. Gabriella Hurley recently graduated from Kindergarten at Montessori School at St. Norbert’s. Those attending the ceremony were her parents Amy and Dave, Alexandra, and Jackson Hurley, Roger and Roberta Hurley, Suzanne Kamp, Lacey Kamp, Matt Kamp, Cindy, Gwenn, Augie, and Jack Webster, who also graduated. After the ceremony, breakfast was enjoyed at Mels Riverdock Restaurant in Hardin. On Memorial Day, a beautiful service was held on the lawn of the Carrollton Courthouse. Grace Sturgeon, winner of the contest, gave a speech honoring our service men past and present. The Carrollton American Legion sponsored the contest. Those attending were her parents Kenny and Anne and Ellie Sturgeon, her grandparents, Kenny and Linda of White Hall, Suznne Kamp of Batchtown, and Amy and Gabriella Hurley of Hardin.

ings and a variety of items to sell and attract customers to buy what is on display. If you are interest in consigning items or need additional information you can reach Carla Gazall of Golden Eagle at VillageConsignments@gmail. com or 618-771-9827. Sympathy to the family of Vera Dunham who passed away on May 26 at the Jerseyville Nursing & Rehab Center. Visitation was on Thursday evening and funeral on Friday morning at Holy Ghost Church with Fr. Hembrow officiating. Survivors include a daughterin-law Elizabeth Dunham, five sisters; Irene Ervin, Rosalie Hughes, Delores Becker, Norma Glassbrenner and Loretta Linenfelser, a brotherin-law Robert Rosenthal and two sisters-in-law Marcella Redd and Doris Sibley. She was preceded in death by her husband Laverne Dunham, son Douglas Dunham and parents Charles and Catherine (Mossman) Narup (formerly of Batchtown). Relatives attending from this area were Doris Tepen, Marie Held and JoAnn Nolte. Many thanks to the Brussels Girl Scouts and their Leaders Debbie Kamp and Nancy Robeen who helped the Brussels American Legion and Sons of the American Legion place flags on graves of vet-

erans at local cemeteries in observance of Memorial Day. A service was also held on St. Mary’s Cemetery that day with Fr. Roberts officiating. Birthday greetings this week to Jeanette Held, David Titus, Hope Wilschetz, Joseph Brangenberg, Izella Fuhler, Emma Hoemmen, Mary Lee Rose, Kinsley Plummer, Gerry Eilerman, Gloria Ohlendorf, Rose Brangenberg, Bernell Weigel and all others celebrating their natal day at this time. Happy Anniversary to my son and daughter-in-law John and Julie Carnes of Edwardsville, also Ed and Brenda Kinder, Bob and Laura Kaibel, Glenn and Yvonne Campbell, Joe and Laura Navarre, Terry and Elaine Wieneke, Kyle and Kris Hagen, Bob and Bonnie Held, Chad and Melissa Nolte, Don and Jessica Droege and all other couples celebrating their wedding anniversary this week. All customers of Illinois Rural Electric Cooperative please be reminded the Annual Meeting will be held this coming week-end, June 6, at the Winchester Grade School. Reminder: St. Matthew Lutheran Church in Brussels will be holding Vacation Bible School June 8-13. If more information is needed call Debbie Kamp 883-2162.

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Gary Metz Business Development Manager


■ Batchtown News

the McKinney family enjoyed dinner at the Illinois Riverdock Restaurant in Hardin. On Sunday Hope Anderson of Liberty, spent the day with her mother Dorene Halemeyer. Sounds like they got a lot accomplished outdoors, cleaning flower beds, trimming shrubs, etc. This coming Saturday, June 6, beginning at 9 a.m. at the Presbyterian Hall in Hardin the 2015 Cancer Survivor Breakfast will be held. If you would like to honor a survivor, someone currently battling cancer or in memory of a loved one please stop by any of the Banks of Calhoun and purchase Cards of Memoriam for just $5 each. At the ceremony on Saturday candles will be lit for the different types of cancer and names will be read at that time. All survivors living in Calhoun are invited to attend. Please RSVP to Joan Held at 883-2690 as soon as possible so they know how many to prepare for. Once again this coming week-end, June 6 and 7, Village Consignments will be open for business in the Brussels Village Hall. The hours of the business are 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. both days. This unique business is a consignment shop inviting members of the community to consign antiques, collectibles, glassware, accessories, furnish-


Congratulations to Trevor and Cyndi Axford of Chesterfield, Mo. who celebrated their 25th Wedding Anniversary on Saturday. At 3 p.m. they renewed their vows at St. Matthew Lutheran Church in Brussels with Pastor Dave officiating. Afterwards a reception was held at the Brussels American Legion Hall, followed by a buffet dinner at 5 p.m. Many family members and friends of the couple were in attendance for the occasion. The Axford’s are parents of two daughters Madison and Mackenzie, who were their attendants on Saturday, along with their great nephew, 3 year old Noah Keppler, the son of Tommy and Ashley Keppler of Wentzville, served as ring bearer. Trevor’s parents are Roy and Anne Axford of Urbana, and Cyndi’s mother Carol Sue Carnes of Brussels (and her father the late Charles Carnes). Other members of the Charles & Carol Sue Carnes family present were Dennis & Shelly Scherer and Brittney Kirn, all of O’Fallon and John & Julie Carnes, Lydia and Caleb of Edwardsville. Congratulations to Daniel


Hardin, Illinois



Wednesday, June 3, 2015

■ Hardin News Congratulations to the Calhoun Warrior Girls on their regional win! On May 25, there was a celebration of the life of Veva Byrd of Roswell New Mexico. Veva was born and raised in Nebo and later married Marvin Byrd of Hamburg. Veva passed away on Jan 16. Members of her family gathered together to pay tribute to her life at the Oak Grove Cemetery on the west side. She is survived by James Byrd and his wife Mary Ann of Roswell New Mexico, Dave and Leann Byrd of San Angelo Texas and Mary Beth Byrd of San Antonio, Texas, and Jean Hurley a niece of Hardin. She was preceded in death by her husband Marvin, parents William and Dosia Benz of Nebo, son Jolin of San Antonio, Texas and grandson Jason Byrd of San Antonio, Texas. Floyd Hamilton read passages at the graveside and Bev & David Dowdy provided the music. Balloons were released by all the children to give Veva a glorious send off. There was a reception held following the service at the Presbyterian Hall. Jean Hurley hosted many families from out of town for a few days before and after the celebration of life. Jean and visitors went to the loading dock in Grafton, the zoo and Ball Park Village. What a great way to spend some time with relatives! Sending well wishes and a speedy recovery to Allie Baalman the daughter of Mark and Kristy Baalman of Hardin. Here is to hoping you never give your parents any more gray hair. The Hardin Girl Scouts kicked off their summer with a trip to the Cardinals Game Tuesday May 26. 84 Scouts and family members brought home the win. GO CARDINALS! Get well wishes also go out to Michelle Krysl. What a way to kick off your

summer.... wishing you a speedy recovery and great balance in future. Get well soon! Tennis camp for kids is coming to Hardin. June 22-26. The cost is $25 per child and $20 for each child in a family. Contact Danielle at 618-576-2828 or email at HYPERLINK “mailto:danielle_hurley1@” for more information. Birthday wishes to my cute niece Rose Brangenberg who will be 8 on June 8. My handsome nephews Joe Brangenberg turning 10 on June 3, and Marek Neese turning 4 June 6. Also having birthdays Carmen Garner June 3, Susie Sibley June 5, Michelle Krysl June 6, & Jill Gauntt June 7. Roger & Roberta Hurley, David & Amy Hurley, John & Jean Hurley & Mark & Peggy Eberlin recently returned from a trip to Las Vegas. The group was celebrating Roger & Roberta’s 50th Wedding Anniversary, David & Amy’s 20th Wedding Anniversary, John and Jean’s 45th Wedding Anniversary, Mark & Peggy’s 25th Wedding Anniversary and Amy’s 40th Birthday (or should I say 29th birthday...hmmm). Congratulations to Nick & Tara Roth Adams on the birth of their beautiful son... and I mean beautiful! I’m sure his two big sisters will take perfect care of him. Congratulations to the Lady Warriors on their 16-0 win Monday night! Don’t forget about the following camps that are available for your children this June. Volleyball camp June 15-17 in Hardin. Art camp June 15-18 at Stone Bridge Art Center in Michael. As you can see these over lap. Please contact Danielle Hurley at 576-2828 if you are interest in both camps. I believe Linda at Stone Bridge will help us out.

Calhoun News-Herald

by Danielle Hurley ■ 576-2828

You still have time to sign up for the KC HALL COOK OFF! The event is Saturday June 13. This is a great family event and what a great way to show off your cooking skills. There are tons of categories you can enter. If you are not interested in entering then just come out and enjoy some great food and music. Defying Melody will be playing at 7 p.m., that’s worth coming out for alone. For more information call 576-2828. Golf, Golf, Golf... It’s finally time for the SNS Golf tournament June 14. Find a team and get signed up. This is my one and only time I play golf each year and it’s so much fun. So even if you are not a golfer you can get a team and play. For more information contact Danielle Hurley at 576-2828 Congratulations to Kristen Wieneke who won 2nd in sectional track in the triple jump and 7th in long jump at sectionals. Good job Kristen! Fourteen members of the local Birthday Club attended the monthly dinner meeting at the 518 Restaurant in Jerseyville Tuesday evening May 19. The club was celebrating the May birthdays of Shirley Slone and Alicia Mueller. Thanks to all of Calhoun CUSD 40 students, teachers, staff members, Board members, parents and administration for a great year. We hope everyone has a wonderful and safe summer! Registration for the 2015-16 school year will be held on Tuesday, July 28 from 1-8 p.m. and on Wednesday, July 29 from 9 a.m.-3 p.m. If you are registering your child in the Calhoun CUSD 40 School District for the first time, please make sure you bring an updated copy of their immunization records and a copy of their birth certificate.


General Admission $20.00 VIP Tickets $40.00


Legendary Mustang Sanctuary Saturday, June 13, 2015 • 2:00 At the Tri-City Speedway 5100 Nameoki Rd. • Granite City, IL 62040 Tickets on sale at: Andy’s Auto Body • Alton and Wood River Locations Alton Square Mall • Tri-City Speedway Tickets available at: and


Hardin, Illinois

■ Summit Grove News

by Martha Narup ■ 653-4306

Reminder… There will be no Johnes cousin reunion this year. Congratulations to all graduates, I wish them the best in the future. Deepest sympathy to the

family of Virginia Knight who passed away last Friday. My visitors recently were Dan Bland and Jim and Frances Stelbrink. Wednesday, Mr. and Mrs. Bill Hall from Pennsylvania,

B.J., Aeiken, and Lilly Hall from Freeburg, came to Martha’s. We all went out for lunch and then back to the house for a visit. It was an enjoyable day. We received lots of rain over the weekend.

Submitted Photo

Pictured front row: NIck Baalman, Josh Wieneke, Summer White, Cory Baalman, Miranda Lieber, Levi Hillis, and Claire Stein. Back row L to R; Racheal Baalman-Friedel, Sydney Baalman, Carter Haug, Holly Baalman, Kevin Carey, Deacon Mike Hagen, and Father Don Roberts.

SNS graduation held recently On May 15, St. Norbert School held their Eighth grade graduation mass. Mass was celebrated by Father Don Roberts who also conferred their diplomas. After mass students and guests enjoyed a reception in the St. Norbert School gym where awards were also presented. Carter Haug was awarded the American Legion award with Holly Baalman receiving Honorable Mention. Presidential Academic Awards were presented to Cory Baalman, Holly Baalman, and Carter Haug for achieving above a 3.5 grade point average and scoring in the top percentiles on standardized tests. Awards were also presented to Holly Baalman and Cory Baalman for their excellence in science fair presentation. Carter Haug was presented with the Knights of Columbus

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Religion Award for his service to his parish, school,

community and religious education.

Saturday, June 6, 2015 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.

Pere Marquette State Park, Grafton, IL

FOOD & DRINKS ON SITE! • 25 Outdoor Educational Activities • Trout and Bluegill Ponds • Free Gifts & Prizes And Much More! FOR MORE INFORMATION CALL (618) 786-3323 ext. 1

Wood River Refinery


Wednesday, June 3, 2015

Calhoun News-Herald


Hardin, Illinois

Calhoun Elementary/Junior High honored for reaching 100 points or more in Accelerated Reader program


Hamilton Primary School 107 E. Main, Otterville, Illinois

First Free School in Illinois, First Integrated School in Nation 50 Prize Raffle • 50/50 Drawings • School Tours • Music• Kids’Games • Great Food • Basket Raffle Crafts (12’x12’ space, $10/1 day, $15/2 days) • Coloring Contest

Saturday Schedule:

Sunday Schedule:

Joe Powell - 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. Outdoor Church Service - 10:30 a.m. - 12 p.m. Back in the Saddle - 1 - 3 p.m. Hamilton/Washington Tribute - 1 p.m. - 2 p.m. Bake-Off Auction , Watermelon Eating “George Portz & Friends” - 2 p.m. - 5 p.m. & Seed Spitting Contest 3:00 - 4:00 p.m. Watermelon Eating & Dick Marshall 4 p.m. - 7 p.m. Seed Spitting Contest - 3:00 p.m. Raffle Drawings - 5 p.m.

100 Point Club

Submitted photo

Kylie Angel, Bo Lorsbach, Cade Sievers, Charlie Kallal, Mary Pluester, Ella Webster, Wyatt Sibley, Jaden Herte, Aaliyah Lewis, Hunter Garrett, Carly Pohlman, Audrey Gilman.

150 Point Club

Submitted photo

Avery Kronable: 160 pts, Emma Godar: 150 pts., Paxton Browning: 163 pts., Elizabeth Warren: 159 pts., Missy Kay Clark: 150 pts., Braden Pohlman: 169 pts.

125 Point Club

Claire Hagen, Gage Bick, Brad Rose, Andrew Boxdorfer

200 Point Club

Submitted photo

Emma Green: 200 pts., Corey Nelson: 205 pts., Kevin Godar: 255 pts., Katie Matthews: 234 pts., Haylee Armbruster: 227 pts., Alexis Klocke: 398 pts., Jayda Bennett: 288 pts. , Kaitlyn Holste: 202 pts. Submitted photo

Twins recently graduate Morgan and Blake Kist, twin granddaughters of Cecilia Mueller and the late Orville Mueller, graduated with distinction from the University of Minnesota School of Nursing on May 15. Cecilia, accompanied by her niece, Sarah Kinder, who did the driving, on the 1025 mile round trip to Eden Prairie, Minn. to be there for the girls’ graduation. Cecilia presented the girls with a handmade quilts and pillows for all their hard work to become nurses. While there, Sarah and Cecilia were treated to the beautiful stage play, “Carousel.”

Jerseyville Motor Co.





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Submitted photo

For more information contact: Bob Rothe @ (618) 535-4858 or Mary Drainer @ (618) 535-0342 All proceeds are used to maintain and renovate the school listed on the National Register of Historic Places. For a tour of the school contact Jean Marshall @ (618) 786-2196 Visit our website:

Local outdoor news available online Keep up with local hunting news online at Two Rivers Outdoors covers hunting and outdoor news for Calhoun, Greene, Jersey, Pike and Scott counties, as well as statewide happenings.




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Wednesday, June 3, 2015

Calhoun News-Herald


Hardin, Illinois

Class of five celebrates graduation from Brussels

Mark Pace/Calhoun News-Herald

Zachary Wilson gives his mother a hug and presents her with a flower after receiving his diploma.

Mark Pace/Calhoun News-Herald

The Brussels Class of 2015 sits on stage during the ceremony. The class of five is the smallest in the school’s history. Left to right, Back: Adrianna Eberlin, Lucas Jenkins, Marisa Kuhn. Front: Jordan Ohlendorf, Zachary Wilson

Get $150 back instantly. Plus, we’ll pay off your old contract. Mark Pace/Calhoun News-Herald

Jordan Ohlendorf (front) and Adrianna Eberlin (back) throw their caps after being presented as official graduates.

Mark Pace/Calhoun News-Herald

Lucas Jenkins shakes the hand of a friend following graduation. Brussels graduates stand outside following the ceremony in order for the community to go by and congratulate the on their accomplishment.

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Mark Pace/Calhoun News-Herald

Adrianna Eberlin receives an award from Commander Bernard Snyders of American Legion Post 685. American Legion handed out several scholarships to graduates.

Mark Pace/Calhoun News-Herald

Marisa Kuhn gives her Valedictorian’s speech during the ceremony.

Jerseyville 1404 Windy Lane, Suite G, 618-498-7276

Mark Pace/Calhoun News-Herald

Jordan Ohlendorf peaks through the streamers prior to graduations and gives a thumbs up.

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Mark Pace/Calhoun News-Herald




Adrianna Eberlin looks toward the podium during the Graduation Ceremony. Eberlin was the Class of 2015’s salutatorian.




GENERAL INFORMATION DEADLINES: Classified ads, Monday 3:30 p.m. (For placement and for cancellation.) CLASSIFIED RATES: First insertion, 25¢ per word, minimum $6. Consecutive repeat insertion, 15¢ per word, minimum $5. Prepayment is required. Any change in original ad will be considered start of a new ad. Blind Ad, $4 service charge, plus postage if replies are to be mailed. Yard Sales, $6 up to 20 words. No Trespassing notice, one year, up to 20 words, $60. ADVERTISING POLICY The following are policies of: Calhoun News-Herald, Greene Prairie Press, Jersey County Journal, Pike Press, Scott County Times and The Weekly Messenger: We are not responsible for more than one incorrect insertion of display and classified advertising. One free insertion will be allowed for a classified ad with a significant mistake. Please let us know immediately. The newspaper reserves the right to edit or reject any advertisement submitted for publication. Yard Sale and Work Wanted ads are payable in advance. Proper identification is required of persons placing ads. A F.O.I.D. card will be asked for when selling a firearm. No exceptions will be allowed. Newspaper reserves the right to refuse any advertising, including the right to do so after the ad has been accepted for publication but before publication occurs. The advertiser’s sole remedy for such refusal shall be the refund of the funds paid to purchase the ad. Advertisements are accepted by the newspaper upon the representation that the agency and/or advertiser is authorized to publish the contents and subject matter of the advertisement and that it is not libel-

Reaching 75,000 Readers Each Week! CALHOUN NEWS-HERALD


P.O. Box 367, Hardin, IL 62047 Ph: 618-576-2345 Fax: 630-206-0320 Mon.: 11 a.m.-4 p.m.; Tues.: 9-11 a.m.; Fri.: 1-4 p.m.

P.O. Box 70, Pittsfield, IL 62363 Ph: 217-285-2345 Fax: 630-206-0320 E-Mail: 8 a.m. - 5 p.m. Monday - Friday


Scott County Times






832 South State, Jerseyville, IL. 62052 Ph: 618-498-1234 • Fax: 630-206-0320 E-mail:

• 100 Automotive * • 200 Business* • 220 Collectibles* • 300 Farm Market* • 400 For Rent* A: Calhoun County B: Greene County C: Jersey County D: Pike County E: Scott County F: Miscellaneous • 500 For Sale* • 600 Help Wanted* • 610 Hobby Shop/Handicrafts*

Ph: 217-742-3313 • Fax: 630-206-0320

Mon.: 9 a.m.-4 p.m.; Tues.: 9 a.m.-noon; Fri.: 9 a.m.-4 p.m.

3:45-5 p.m. Monday, Thursday

P.O. Box 340, Pleasant Hill, IL 62366 Ph: 217-285-2345 • Fax: 630-206-0320

8 a.m. - 5 p.m. Monday - Friday *Certain classifications of ads appearing in The People’s Marketplace also appear on on the Internet at no additional charge.


100 AUTOMOTIVE 1985 CORVETTE 2002 Funfest Winner! Winner Of Many Trophies. Trophies Go With Car. 350, Auto, Targa top, gold color, clean, many extras, 50,171 mi. $12,900 618-467-0310 6.3.15 2011 CHEVY Malibu LT mocha steel metallic in color. One owner with 67,000 miles. Very little read wear and original invoice was $24,955. Excellent condition and well maintained. Asking $10,500 firm. 217779-9661 6.10.15

FOR SALE 16 ft. hog cart, Pike Co. huts, bulk bins, headshoot & gates to go with, cattle pipe gates, 2 wagons, & old horse pulled mower. 217734-1811. TFN


JERSEY COUNTY for sale: 2001 Dodge Dakota Sport extended cab, 121,000 miles, 4x4, $2,800 OBO. Call 618-372-4637. Serious inquiries only. 6.10.15 2 BR house for rent No smoking No pets. Security deposit required. 217-285-4502.

IF YOU need Parts for your mowers and tillers, Dorsey's hardware and Western Auto have a large selection of belts and parts and service and new equipment sales available. Winchester. 217-742-9241. TFN SELLBEST, 110 W. Quincy St., Griggsville: Wednesday, Thursday and Friday, 10 a.m.-6 p.m. Quality Used Furniture & Appliances- Washers, Dryers, Freezers, Fridges, Microwave, Electric Stoves, Twin, Full, Queen Beds, New Mattress Sets, Bedroom Furniture, Tables & Chairs, Upholstered Furniture, Tools, T.V.s, Stereos. Everything for the home and you! Call 217-242-2252. TF RICK'S LAWN Equipment. Parts and services for all brands. Tillers, lawn mowers, chain saws, blowers and seedeaters. We sell the best and service the rest. Gravely, Stihl, Husqvarna, Zero turn mowers on sale! Pick-up and delivery. Hwy 54, west of the Illinois bridge, Louisiana, Mo. 573-7545055. 6.24.15 GREAT JOBS start here! Look here every week for new, exciting careers! The People's Marketplace Classifieds!

400D FOR RENT Pike County FOR RENT 64x48 shed with office space. Call 217-3705717. 6.3.15



OFFICE SPACE. Prime location. Ample parking. West Washington St., Pittsfield. Call 217-285-2848 or 217-285-5925. 7.1.15 FOR RENT Floor sanders for rent. Call Casteels at 217-2854488. TFN 1 AND 2 br apartments available. No smoking. No pets. Security deposit required. 217-285-4502. TFN

HOMEGROWN POPCORN: Japanese Hulless. Call 217-4302881. TFN G O O D Y E A R T125/70D15 95M Temp. spare for 1998 Buick. Never used. $20. 217-285-4975. TFN LG TV sales on all 2013. Full service. Authorized dealer and service center. Blu Ray DVD players. Whites and Garretts new and used metal detectors. New and used CBs and antennas and police scanners. 217-285-2893. 1402 Lakeview Heights. TFN SIX NEWSPAPERS, over 20,000 readers every week. The People's Marketplace Classifieds!

500 FOR SALE BED QUEEN pillowtop mattress set. New in the plastic. $175. Can deliver. 618-7722710. 10.28.15 FOR SALE, Retirement, Outdoorsman, Hunters Paradise. Nice 16x80 Patriot Mobile Home. 2 L. Bedrooms and Baths. Dining Front Room combined, Island kitchen w/cabinets above. Front Porch, back door opens to 2nd floor, 10’x20’ Balcony Deck, between Pere Marquette State Park and Copper Head State Park in Rosedale Township, 1+ Acres, tri-level landscaped. Excellent fishing, w/wo John boat, canoeing, and swimming, floating dock, and has access to Ill. River 1 1/2 mile. Duck, geese, turkey, deer, and rabbit hunting. Everything stays, nice furniture, hutch, antique secretary desk, 2 TVs 52” and 32”, dishwasher, washer, dryer, deep freezer, refrigerator, 16’ Fiberglass Canoe w/trolly motor, 2-90cc 4 wheelers, 22 hp. 46” cut - 4 years old. Cub Cadet exc. shape, 12’ - 18’ Amish Storage building. Central Air but never been hooked up. $79,900 firm. Cash or Certified check only. No appraisers, realtors, or bank approvals. S.I.O 618-535-5157. 6.3.15


HELP WANTED COOK AND waitress needed at Joe’s Drivein, Griggsville. Call 217-833-2833. TFN HELP WANTED We are currently looking for a HVAC Technician. We offer competitive pay & benefits. 2 years experience. Please email resume to 6.17.15 GREAT JOBS start here! Look here every week for new, exciting careers! The People's Marketplace Classifieds!


HELP WANTED FUEL TRANSPORT drivers needed: CDL Class"A" with tanker and hazmat, local deliveries, home every night, hourly pay, profit sharing, 401k, major medical, dental & vision. Call 618-2548122. 6.10.15 PART TIME Delivery Driver FedEx Contractor needs a part time driver: Tues and Sat, Must have 1 yr of commercial driving experience. $15 an hour. Call Kevin, 314443-6122 6.3.15 HELP AT Home how hiring office staff. 40 hours week, pd. vacation and holidays. Applications may be picked up at 1259 West Washington St. Pittsfield. 6.3.15 FARM LABORER Pike County farms needs a strong, hardworking laborer to help with the day to day animal handling, record keeping, and bio security standards. Lift up to 50 lbs. Prior farm experience is a plus! Lots of overtime hours are available. Call Heather at 217-245-5700. 6.3.15 DRIVERS-COMPANY & O\Op’s: get home more-spend time w\ family & friends! Dedicated lanes! Pay and benefits you deserve! 855-582-2265 6.3.15

ous or does not infringe on the privacy of any individual or entity. All advertisements are accepted and published by the newspaper upon the representation that the agency and/or advertiser will indemnify and hold harmless the newspaper from any loss or expense, including the cost of defense and any settlement and/or judgment resulting from claims based upon the contents of any advertisement, including claims or suits for defamation, libel, violation of right of privacy, plagiarism or copyright infringement. All advertisements created by the newspaper are not considered a “work made for hire” and the newspaper retains the copyright to all advertisements created by the newspaper for the advertiser. The advertisement may not be reproduced without the written permission of the newspaper. EQUAL HOUSING OPPORTUNITY All real estate advertising in this newspaper is subject to the Federal Fair Housing Act which makes it illegal to advertise any preference, limitation or discrimination EQUAL based on race, color, religion, sex, handicap, familial sta- HOUSING tus or national origin, or an intention to make any such OPPORTUNITY preferences, limitations or discrimination, in the sale, rental or financing of housing. In addition, the Illinois Human Rights Act prohibits discrimination based on age, ancestry, marital status, or unfavorable discharge. This newspaper will not knowingly accept any advertising for real estate which violates the law. All persons are hereby informed that all dwellings advertised are available on an equal opportunity basis. To complain of discrimination, call the Chicago area Fair Housing Alliance toll free at 1-800-659-OPEN.


P.O. Box 138, Winchester, IL 62694

P.O. Box 265, Carrollton, IL 62016 Ph: 217-942-9100 Fax: 630-206-0320




• 615 Hunting • 620 Kids For Hire • 700 Lost/Found • 710 Meeting Reminders • 800 Miscellaneous* • 900 No Trespassing A: Calhoun County B: Greene County C: Jersey County D: Pike County E: Scott County • 1000 Pets* • 1100 Real Estate* A: Calhoun County



REAL ESTATE Greene County

Greene County

CRACK YOUR pe- LAND FOR Lease: cans. Call 217-430- bow and shot gun 2881. TF season Northeast Greene County. 217257-5321 after 5 p.m. 900A NO TRESPASSING 5.22.15

Calhoun County

HARRY BURTON garage sale: Saturday, June 6, 8 am-? 375 Fulton , White Hall. Turkey fryer, cookers, cooking equip, coolers, tools,fishing gear,chains, ropes, 1200 lawn mowers and SERVICES parts, garage door opener. Lots of houseDEPEND ON an hon- hold items. 6.3.15 est, reasonable, local Tree Professional to 1500D take care of whatever YARD SALES tree work you need Pike County done. Call Bob at 1-217-204-1154 for YARD SALE Saturday, a free estimate. If no June 6, 8 am-2 pm @ answer, either leave 942 W. Adams St. Kela message or send a ley's. Pool table, mitext. 5.27.15 crowave stand, air lift jack and lots of misc.

NO TRESPASSING no hunting on property owned by Martha Knight (also known as Marty Aderton), Lincoln Valley Road, Hardin 11.26.15 NO TRESPASSING on Jack and Mary Jeaen Aderton property in Hardin. 5.1.15 PRIVATE PROPERTY: No hunting or trespassing on any property owned by Carl J. Roth Estate 1300 in Michael, Illinois, WANTED in Calhoun County. Violators will be prosWANTED TO rent: reecuted. 10.22.15 tired coupole looking for 2 bedroom apart900B ment or small house NO TRESPASSING to rent in Pittsfield. Greene County Non-smokers and no NO TRESPASSING, pets. 217-779-9661

hunting, fishing, etc. on any land in Greene County owned by George and Reita Rogers. 4.10.16 NO TRESPASSING ads are $60 for one year! Call to place yours today. In Calhoun: 618576-2345; Greene: 217-942-9100; Jersey: 618-498-1234; Pike: 217-285-2345 and Scott: 217-7423313. Keep unwanted people off your 615 property! Great way HUNTING to keep people off LOOKING FOR land your land! to lease for 2015 hunt900C ing season. 618-675NO TRESPASSING 2825 5.6.15 Pike County WANTED HUNTING ground for lease in ABSOLUTELY NO Pike County. Have trespassing on any insurance. 217-440- ground owned by 3044 6.29.15 Double Creek Farms, HUNTING OUTFIT- Inc. 9.10.15 TER Pike, Adams, MY LAND located Brown and Calhoun in Section 18 SW of counties looking to Pearl is private proplease any amount of erty. Hunting, fishing, property. 330-275- trapping, trespass7131. 6.29.15 ing, for any purpose, HUNTER LOOK- without the written, ING to lease land in signed permission of Calhoun County for the owner, is strictly deer hunting 2015 forbidden. Violators season. Responsible. will be prosecuted. TiCall Chris 828-734- mothy Brinkman. 5.20.16 9938 6.29.15


GARAGE SALE June 6, 8 a.m.-2 p.m. (no early birds) at 313 Clarksville Rd., Pittsfield. Childrens clothing (boys 2T-3T, girl's 12-18 months), toys, women's clothing, baby bassinett, furniture, pond/yard 6.3.15 plants and lots of STANDING TIMBER, misc. Rain or shine. buying. R. McKin- 6.3.15 non Logging. Walnut, MULTI-FAMILY INWhite Oak, etc. No DOOR yard sale/ yard trees. Not affili- moving sale 248 E. ated with Pleasant Hill Tucker St., Milton (due McKinnons. 217-242- to road construction 5401. 9.30.15 on route 100 S, must BARNS WANTED find alternate route) Looking for old barns Sat 6/6 8am-? & Sun to salvage. Call me 6/7 9am - 1pm (everyto come look at your thing 1/2 off or more!) barn and make you Something for everya deal. Experienced one! Household items, and insured. 217-652- décor, furniture, baby 1024, John. 6.10.15 items, toys, girls NBSIX NEWSPAPERS, 6, woman's plus size, over 20,000 read- Thirty-One, antiques, ers every week. The Fenton glass, huntPeople's Marketplace ing equipment and so much more. Scentsy Classifieds! and Avon Reps will be present! 6.3.15 1500A GIRLS AND boys YARD SALES Calhoun County clothes, shoes. Women's, small/medium MOVING SALE: Ev- clothes. About 3 miles erything must go. South of Pittsfield off Kitchen items to the Nebo blacktop. jewelry. 41 Galiniper 39900 205th Ave. Place, 7 miles S of Pittsfield. 7 am-6 pm Hardin. Watch for Friday, June 5 and 7 signs. Thurs June 4 to am-1:30 pm Saturday, Sat June 6. 7am to ? June 6. Call Erica for Rain or Shine. 6.3.15 directions 217-370LARGE CARPORT 2819. 6.3.15 SaleSaturday, June 6 SIX NEWSPAPERS, 8:30 am–3 pm 115 N. over 20,000 readSt. Louis Ave. Close to ers every week. The town park in Kamps- People's Marketplace ville watch for signs. Classifieds!

B: Greene County C: Jersey County D: Pike County E: Scott County • 1200 Services* • 1300 Wanted* • 1310 Web Sites* • 1400 Work Wanted • 1500 Yard Sales A: Calhoun County B: Greene County C: Jersey County D: Pike County E: Scott County

1500D YARD SALES Pike County RAIN/SHINE JUNE 13, 7:30 am-4 pm, 830 W. Perry St. 35 yrs of decorating cakes, selling equipment, lots of household items, bedding, electrical appliances, new sm. engine parts & tools, 5th wheel RV hitch, gas bbq grill, yard fertilizer spreader, and etc. No clothes. 6.10.15 NEED EXTRA cash? Sell your used items in The People's Marketplace Classifieds. One phone call puts your ad in six newspapers....a total circulation of almost 22,000 readers!




The People’s Marketplace


1500E YARD SALES Scott County YARD SALE June 5 & 6 @ 386 W. Cherry, Winchester. 9 am - ? Boat, complete tapes on OJ Simpson slow drive to tv conviction. Avon and Cape Cod dishes, lots of misc. 217-742-3520 6.3.15

1500 YARD SALES Out-of-County CLARKSVILLE, MO city-wide yard sales Sat. June 6,8-? Maps available. Enjoy the day in Clarksville. 6.3.15 MORGAN COUNTY 26 Family sale -Jacksonville. Morgan County Fairgrounds, 110 N. Westgate Ave. Rain or Shine! 2 buildings full! June 4- 11am to 6 pm; June 5- noon to 6pm; June 6- 8am to 11am. Saturday is half price day on almost all items. Furniture, toys, shelving, glassware (Fenton, Lenox, Waterford, Depression), camping stuff, too much stuff to list. Clothing from newborn to 5x women and 6x man. 6.3.15 NEED EXTRA cash? Sell your used items in The People's Marketplace Classifieds. One phone call puts your ad in six newspapers....a total circulation of almost 22,000 readers!

WHO do smart readers choose for their weekly news?

Pike Press



Find your perfect job here! Put Yourself in the

Marketplace, in the


caMPbell PublicaTions



PO Box 510977 S t. L o u is , M O 6 3 1 5 1 1 4 .3 7 5 .7 3 9 0 fa x : 3 7 5 .7 3 9 9



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ence must ncy.


RN s 13 Hour Shifts Available! $2,000 Sign On Bonus Available!


d in-column, inch) using entering and

14 CH 56



Corizon, a provider of health services for the Missouri Department of Corrections, has excellent opportunities at Women’s Eastern Reception and Diagnostic Correctional Center in Vandalia. If your interest and satisfaction with your career are not what they used to be, perhaps it’s time to try something different in the growing specialty field of correctional healthcare! A unique environment that provides a rewarding career in a specialized field that encompasses ambulatory care, health education, urgent care and infirmary care. Corizon offers EXCELLENT compensation, differentials and comprehensive benefits. C o n ta c t: M a rily n H o rn 5 7 3 -5 9 4 -6 6 3 8 OR D a n ie lle H a lt e rm a n 5 7 3 -5 9 4 -6 6 2 3 OR 5 7 3 -5 9 4 -6 6 8 6 x 2 6 7 6 m a rily n .h o rn @ c o riz o n h e a lt h .c o m Or V ie w jo b s & a p p ly @ w w w .c a re e rb u ild e r.c o m E O E /A A P /D T R

ollowing info to our agency:


The PeoPle’s MarkeTPlace classifieds


__ Gross $


Net $


Saturday, June June 6, 2015 Saturday 2015 Preview 99 AM - Auction 10 AM Perview 43K Quarry Court, Quary Court, (Winneberg) Golden (Winneberger) GoldenEagle, Eagel,ILIL62036 62036 Father Time®Auctions 314.962.4200 Cash, Credit Card, (Pre-Approved Check Only) Terms, Conditions, Buyers Premium Apply auct i o n z i p I D # 1 3 9 9 9 R i c k Bauer, Auc ti oneer


REAL ESTATE AND ANTIQUE AUCTION Saturday, June 6, 2015 • 10 a.m. Auction Location-1010 Mason St. • Barry, Illinois

Great location: 1 block east of park • 2-story • 4+ BR • Great Pine Floors

______9’ ceilings • Oak French & Pocket Doors • Oak Staircase & Trim


Awesome Front Porch • 60’x120’ Lot • Full Dry Basement

Vinyl siding • 4 y.o. metal roof • Bomb shelter • Large kitchen & DR Built-in cupboards • LR • 1 1/2 bath • Basement shower 2nd level attic is storage or living space. Come see this fantastic home!

Call Brian at 217-242-1665 to view home prior to auction! HUNDREDS OF ANTIQUES & FURNITURE SELL AT 10 A.M. • HOUSE AT NOON Antiques & Collectibles • Toys • Antique Furniture • Appliances • 8x10 Storage Shed

Join us onsite for this estate auction of a classic house and great antiques! Attorney: Ron Hoskin, 130 S. Madison, Pittsfield, IL 217-285-4822

VIEWINGS: 5-6 p.m. Thursday, June 4th & 11th or by appointment with auctioneer. ANTIQUES: 15 Oak church pews, various lengths from 8’-4” to 9’-8” long; 42”x26” oak table w/ drawer; Approx. 30’ of wood Spindale railing; cast iron bell; 48”x30” wood table; 2 Oak straight back chairs; Oak podium; Hymnal board. HOUSEHOLD: Frigidaire crown series refrigerator; Whirlpool elec. stove; Peavey XR 8300 Powered mixer, 600 watt, w/ 2 Peavey speakers and wall brackets; Peavey XM 6 mixer amp; electric organ; misc. small elec. appliances; utensils; four 10’ wood tables; knee hole desk; wood & metal file cabinets; HP printer; HP all in one printer; floor fans; upright piano; approx. 35 folding chairs; older wood cabinets; 2 large arm chairs; baby bed; misc. wood straight chairs; metal shelving; kitchen sink & counter top; other items to sell not listed. See photos at, auctioneer ID #16215. OWNER: GLASGOW NEW COMMUNITY CHURCH ATTORNEY: EDDIE CARPENTER




IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE 7TH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT GREENE COUNTYCARROLLTON, ILLINOIS Deutsche Bank National Trust Company, as Trustee for FFMLT Trust 2006-FF4, Mortgage Pass-Through Certificates, Series 2006-FF4 Plaintiff, vs.

14 CH 14

Lori Smith aka Lori Jo Smith aka Lori Jo Davies aka Lori J. Davies; CNB Bank and Trust,N.A. s/b/m to Cornerstone Bank & Trust N.A.; Unknown Owners and Non-Record Claimants Defendants.


Property Address: 609 Adams Street, Kane, Illinois 62054



Donna Gordon - Administrator

BUILDING: One-story frame dwelling, having approximately 2,128 sq. ft. with 2 half baths, newer gas F/A furnace & central air, replacement windows, partial basement, lot approximately 120’x120’. NOTE: Auction starting at 9 a.m. with misc. personal property. Real Estate to sell at 9:30 a.m., followed by Oak Church pews, Peavey speaker system, piano, chairs, etc. Sale terms, legal description and other information available at time of viewings or by contacting auctioneer.

NOTICE OF SALE PURSUANT TO JUDGMENT OF FORECLOSURE UNDER ILLINOIS MORTGAGE FORECLOSURE ACT ***THIS DOCUMENT IS AN ATTEMPT TO COLLECT ON A DEBT. ANY INFORMATION OBTAINED WILL BE USED FOR THAT PURPOSE*** PUBLIC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that pursuant to a Judgment of Foreclosure and Sale entered by said Court in the above entitled cause on March 30, 2015, JERSEY COUNTY SHERIFF in JERSEY County, Illinois, will on June 29, 2015, in Courtroom A of the Jersey County Courthouse, 201 W. Pearl Street, Jerseyville, IL 62052, at 8:30 AM, sell at public auction and sale to the highest bidder for cash, all and singular, the following described real estate mentioned in said Judgment, situated in the County of JERSEY, State of Illinois, or so much thereof as shall be sufficient to satisfy said Judgment:


81 ACRES +/- • 1 TRACT

FRIDAY, JUNE 19, 2015 • 11 A.M. AUCTION LOCATION: Pike Co. Farm Bureau Bldg., 1301 E. Washington St., Pittsfield, IL PROPERTY LOCATION: From Pittsfield, IL on IL. Hwy. 106, go east 3.5 miles. Property lies on south side of highway in the west 1/2 of the NW 1/4 of Section 23, Newburg Twp., Pike Co., IL

Public notice is hereby given that in pursuance of a judgment of said Court entered in the above-entitled cause on February 27, 2015, I, Sheriff, Ricky Graham of Greene County, Illinois, will hold a sale on July 2, 2015 , commencing at 1:15 PM, at the Greene County Courthouse, 519 North Main Street, Carrolltom, IL 62016, to sell to the highest bidder or bidders the following described real estate, or so much thereof as may be sufficient to satisfy said decree, to-wit: Commonly known as: 609 Adams Street, Kane, Illinois 62054 P.I.N.: 04-143-29-303-005

FARM DESCRIPTION: 81 acres m/l, 68.07 acres tillable (FSA) - Productive Winfield soils are dominant with a level to rolling terrain. The balance of farm is nice mature timber areas and a Bay Creek tributary on the south providing ample deer and turkey habitat. There are excellent building sites. Property lies in an ideal location with great access. Purchaser will receive 100% of the 2015 cash rent payment of approximately $16,336! For more info, please contact Brian Curless at 217-242-1665 or email: Please visit website or contact Brian for maps, photos & info Attorney: William Lowry, 130 S. Madison, Pittsfield, IL 217-285-4822

GEORGE BAUER ESTATE Curless Auction • Brian Curless • Auctioneer • 217-242-1665 WWW.CURLESSAUCTION.COM

First Lien Position; SingleFamily Residence; Judgment Amount $102,884.45

The Judgment amount was $126,178.38. Sale Terms: This is an “AS IS” sale for “CASH”. The successful bidder must deposit 25% down by certified funds; balance, by certified funds, within 24 hours. NO REFUNDS. The subject property is subject to general real estate taxes, special assessments or special taxes levied against said real estate, water bills, etc., and is offered for sale without any representation as to quality or quantity of title and without recourse to plaintiff. The sale is further subject to confirmation by the court. Upon payment in full of the bid amount, the purchaser shall receive a Certificate of Sale, which will entitle the purchaser to a Deed to the real estate after confirmation of the sale. The property will NOT be open for inspection. Prospective bidders are admonished to check the court file to verify all information. The successful purchaser has the sole responsibility/expense of evicting any tenants or other individuals presently in possession of the subject premises. If this property is a condominium unit, the purchaser of the unit at the foreclosure sale, other than a mortgagee shall pay the assessments and the legal fees required by The Condominium Property Act, 765 ILCS 605/9(g)(1) and (g)(4). IF YOU ARE THE MORTGAGOR (HOMEOWNER), YOU HAVE THE RIGHT TO REMAIN IN POSSESSION FOR 30 DYAS AFTER ENTRY OF AN ORDER OF POSSESSION, IN ACCORDANCE WITH SECTION 15-1701(C) OF THE ILLINOIS MORTGAGE FORECLOSURE LAW. For Information: Visit our website at http:\\ Between 3 p.m. and 5 p.m. only - Pierce & Associates, Plaintiff’s Attorneys, 1 North Dearborn, Chicago, Illinois 60602. Tel. No. (312) 372-2060. Please refer to file #PA1410061 Plaintiff’s attorney is not required to provide additional information other than that set forth in this notice of sale. 5.20.15, 5.27.15, 6.3.15

IN ACCORDANCE WITH 735 ILCS 5/15-1507(c)(1)(H-1) AND (H-2), 765 ILCS 605/9(g) (5), AND 765 ILCS 605/18.5(g1), YOU ARE HEREBY NOTIFIED THAT THE PURCHASER OF THE PROPERTY, OTHER THAN A MORTGAGEE, SHALL PAY THE ASSESSMENTS AND LEGAL FEES REQUIRED BY SUBSECTIONS (g)(1) AND (g) (4) OF SECTION 9 AND THE ASSESSMENTS REQUIRED BY SUBSECTION (g-1) OF SECTION 18.5 OF THE ILLINOIS CONDOMINIUM PROPERTY ACT. The property will not be open for inspection. Terms of Sale: CASH - 10% down at the time of sale and the balance due within 24 hours of the sale. All payments for the amount bid shall be in certified funds payable to the Sheriff of Greene County. The person to contact for information regarding this property is: Steven J. Lindberg at ANSELMO LINDBERG OLIVER LLC 1771 West Diehl Road, Suite 120, Naperville, IL 60563 (866)4028661. For bidding instructions, visit 24 hours prior to sale. This communication is an attempt to collect a debt and any information obtained will be used for that purpose. ANSELMO LINDBERG OLIVER LLC 1771 W. Diehl Rd., Ste 120 Naperville, IL 60563-4947 630-453-6960 866-402-8661 630-428-4620 (fax) 6.3.15, 6.10.15, 6.17.15


14 CH 46

JOSHUA R. UNDERHILL; DEFENDANTS 15377 JEFFREY LANE BRIGHTON, IL 62012-1983 NOTICE OF SALE PURSUANT TO JUDGMENT OF FORECLOSURE UNDER ILLINOIS MORTGAGE FORECLOSURE ACT ***THIS DOCUMENT IS AN ATTEMPT TO COLLECT ON A DEBT. ANY INFORMATION OBTAINED WILL BE USED FOR THAT PURPOSE*** PUBLIC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that pursuant to a Judgment of Foreclosure and Sale entered by said Court in the above entitled cause on March 9, 2015, JERSEY COUNTY SHERIFF in JERSEY County, Illinois, will on July 6, 2015, in Courtroom A of the Jersey County Courthouse, 201 W. Pearl Street, Jerseyville, IL 62052, at 8:30 AM, sell at public auction and sale to the highest bidder for cash, all and singular, the following described real estate mentioned in said Judgment, situated in the County of JERSEY, State of Illinois, or so much thereof as shall be sufficient to satisfy said Judgment: TAX NO. 07-312-032-00 COMMONLY KNOWN AS: 15377 JEFFREY LANE BRIGHTON, IL 620121983 Description of Improvements: SINGLE FAMILY HOME WITH ATTACHED 1 CAR GARAGE.

The Judgment amount was $77,977.76. Sale Terms: This is an “AS IS” sale for “CASH”. The successful bidder must deposit 25% down by certified funds; balance, by certified funds, within 24 hours. NO REFUNDS. The subject property is subject to general real estate taxes, special assessments or special taxes levied against said real estate, water bills, etc., and is offered for sale without any representation as to quality or quantity of title and without recourse to plaintiff. The sale is further subject to confirmation by the court. Upon payment in full of the bid amount, the purchaser shall receive a Certificate of Sale, which will entitle the purchaser to a Deed to the real estate after confirmation of the sale. The property will NOT be open for inspection. Prospective bidders are admonished to check the court file to verify all information. The successful purchaser has the sole responsibility/expense of evicting any tenants or other individuals presently in possession of the subject premises. If this property is a condominium unit, the purchaser of the unit at the foreclosure sale, other than a mortgagee shall pay the assessments and the legal fees required by The Condominium Property Act, 765 ILCS 605/9(g)(1) and (g)(4). IF YOU ARE THE MORTGAGOR (HOMEOWNER), YOU HAVE THE RIGHT TO REMAIN IN POSSESSION FOR 30 DYAS AFTER ENTRY OF AN ORDER OF POSSESSION, IN ACCORDANCE WITH SECTION 15-1701(C) OF THE ILLINOIS MORTGAGE FORECLOSURE LAW. For Information: Visit our website at http:\\ Between 3 p.m. and 5 p.m. only - Pierce & Associates, Plaintiff’s Attorneys, 1 North Dearborn, Chicago, Illinois 60602. Tel. No. (312) 372-2060. Please refer to file #PA1408506 Plaintiff’s attorney is not required to provide additional information other than that set forth in this notice of sale. 5.27.15, 6.3.15, 6.10.15



or special taxes levied against said real estate and is offered for sale without any representation as to quality or quantity of title and without recourse to Plaintiff and in AS IS condition. The sale is further subject to confirmation by the court.

14 CH 21


Upon payment in full of the amount bid, the purchaser will receive a Certificate of Sale that will entitle the purchaser to a deed to the real estate after confirmation of the sale

NOTICE OF SHERIFF SALE PUBLIC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that pursuant to a Judgment of Foreclosure and Sale entered in the above cause on May 8, 2015, the Sheriff of Jersey County will at 9:00 AM on June 19, 2015, at the Jerseyville County Courthouse, 201 WEST PEARL STREET, (South Door), JERSEYVILLE, IL, 62052, sell at public auction to the highest bidder for cash, as set forth below, the following described real estate: Commonly known as 12730 JOYWOOD DRIVE, Elsah, IL 62028 Property Index No. 01-240-013-0000 The real estate is improved with a single family residence. The judgment $118,866.71.


The property will NOT be open for inspection and plaintiff makes no representation as to the condition of the property. Prospective bidders are admonished to check the court file to verify all information. If this property is a condominium unit, the purchaser of the unit at the foreclosure sale, other than a mortgagee shall pay the assessments and the legal fees required by The Condominium Property Act, 765 ILCS 605/9(g)(1) and (g)(4). If this property is a condominium unit which is part of a common interest community, the purchaser of the unit at the foreclosure sale other than a mortgagee shall pay the assessments required by The Condominium Property Act, 765 ILCS 605/18.5(g-1).


Sale terms: 10% down of the highest bid by certified funds at the close of the auction; the balance, including the Judicial sale fee for Abandoned Residential Property Municipality Relief Fund, which is calculated on residential real estate at the rate of $1 for each $1,000 or fraction thereof of the amount paid by the purchaser not to exceed $300, in certified funds, is due within twenty-four (24) hours. The subject property is subject to general real estate taxes, special assessments,



14 CH 15

Sheridan Dale Jouett; Mary F. Jouett; Farmers State Bank; Aqua Finance, Inc. Defendants. 252 South Hancock White Hall, IL 62092


Judge James W. Day NOTICE OF SALE PUBLIC NOTICE is hereby given that pursuant to a Judgment of Foreclosure and Sale entered in the above entitled cause on February 25, 2015, the Greene County Sheriff’s Office will on July 1, 2015, at the hour of 10:00AM at the Greene County Sheriff’s Office, Greene County Courthouse, 519 N. Main Street, Carrollton, IL 62016, sell to the highest bidder for cash, the following described mortgaged real estate: Commonly known as 252 South Hancock Street, White Hall, IL 62092 Parcel Number(s): 305-016



14 CH 33

SARAH SCHUENKE; PETER SCHUENKE; DEFENDANTS 15382 HUMBERT ROAD BRIGHTON, IL 62012 NOTICE OF SALE PURSUANT TO JUDGMENT OF FORECLOSURE UNDER ILLINOIS MORTGAGE FORECLOSURE ACT ***THIS DOCUMENT IS AN ATTEMPT TO COLLECT ON A DEBT. ANY INFORMATION OBTAINED WILL BE USED FOR THAT PURPOSE*** PUBLIC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that pursuant to a Judgment of Foreclosure and Sale entered by said Court in the above entitled cause on October 27, 2014, JERSEY COUNTY SHERIFF in JERSEY County, Illinois, will on June 29, 2015, in Courtroom A of the Jersey County Courthouse, 201 W. Pearl Street, Jerseyville, IL 62052, at 8:30 AM, sell at public auction and sale to the highest bidder for cash, all and singular, the following described real estate mentioned in said Judgment, situated in the County of JERSEY, State of Illinois, or so much thereof as shall be sufficient to satisfy said Judgment: TAX NO. 07-290-002-00 COMMONLY KNOWN AS: 15382 HUMBERT ROAD BRIGHTON, IL 62012 Description of Improvements: ONE STORY SINGLE FAMILY HOME; ONE CAR ATTACHED GARAGE

The real estate is improved with a Single Family Residence. Sale terms: Bidders must present, at the time of sale, a cashier’s or certified check for 10% of the successful bid amount. The balance of the successful bid shall be paid within 24 hours, by similar funds. The subject property is offered for sale without any representation as to quality or quantity of title and without recourse to Plaintiff and in “AS IS” condition. The sale is further subject to confirmation by the Court. The property will NOT be open for inspection. If this property is a condominium unit, the purchaser of the unit at the foreclosure sale, other than the mortgagee shall pay the assessments and the legal fees required by the Condominium Property Act, 765 ILCS 605/9(g) (1) and (g)(4). For information call Plaintiff’s Attorney, Manley Deas Kochalski LLC, One East Wacker, Suite 1250, One East Wacker, Suite 1250. Phone number: 312-6516700. Attorney file number: 14011077. Zachariah L. Manchester MANLEY DEAS KOCHALSKI LLC Attorneys for Plaintiff One East Wacker, Suite 1250 Chicago, IL 60601 Telephone: 312-651-6700 Fax: 614-220-5613 Attorney. No.: 6303885 6.3.15, 6.10.15, 6.17.15

For information, contact Plaintiff s attorney: POTESTIVO & ASSOCIATES, P.C. , 223 WEST JACKSON BLVD, STE 610, Chicago, IL 60606, (312) 263-0003. Please refer to file number C14-03738. 5.20.15, 5.27.15, 6.3.15



The PeoPle’s MarkeTPlace classifieds

The Judgment amount was $80,413.41. Sale Terms: This is an “AS IS” sale for “CASH”. The successful bidder must deposit 25% down by certified funds; balance, by certified funds, within 24 hours. NO REFUNDS. The subject property is subject to general real estate taxes, special assessments or special taxes levied against said real estate, water bills, etc., and is offered for sale without any representation as to quality or quantity of title and without recourse to plaintiff. The sale is further subject to confirmation by the court. Upon payment in full of the bid amount, the purchaser shall receive a Certificate of Sale, which will entitle the purchaser to a Deed to the real estate after confirmation of the sale. The property will NOT be open for inspection. Prospective bidders are admonished to check the court file to verify all information. The successful purchaser has the sole responsibility/expense of evicting any tenants or other individuals presently in possession of the subject premises. If this property is a condominium unit, the purchaser of the unit at the foreclosure sale, other than a mortgagee shall pay the assessments and the legal fees required by The Condominium Property Act, 765 ILCS 605/9(g) (1) and (g)(4). IF YOU ARE THE MORTGAGOR (HOMEOWNER), YOU HAVE THE RIGHT TO REMAIN IN POSSESSION FOR 30 DYAS AFTER ENTRY OF AN ORDER OF POSSESSION, IN ACCORDANCE WITH SECTION 15-1701(C) OF THE ILLINOIS MORTGAGE FORECLOSURE LAW. For Information: Visit our website at http:\\ Between 3 p.m. and 5 p.m. only Pierce & Associates, Plaintiff’s Attorneys, 1 North Dearborn, Chicago, Illinois 60602. Tel. No. (312) 372-2060. Please refer to file #PA1405781 Plaintiff’s attorney is not required to provide additional information other than that set forth in this notice of sale. 6.3.15, 6.10.15, 6.17.15


14 CH 5

Gregory A. Watson; Unknown Owners and Non-Record Claimants Defendants. 1048 3rd Street, Carrollton, IL 62016 Judge James W. Day NOTICE OF SALE PUBLIC NOTICE is hereby given that pursuant to a Judgment of Foreclosure and Sale entered in the above entitled cause on February 25, 2015, the Greene County Sheriff’s Office will on July 1, 2015, at the hour of 10:00AM at the Greene County Sheriff’s Office, Greene County Courthouse, 519 N. Main Street, Carrollton, IL 62016, sell to the highest bidder for cash, the following described mortgaged real estate: Commonly known as 1048 3rd Street, Carrollton, IL 62016 Parcel Number(s): 03-92-23315-013

Sale terms: Bidders must present, at the time of sale, a cashier’s or certified check for 10% of the successful bid amount. The balance of the successful bid shall be paid within 24 hours, by similar funds. The subject property is offered for sale without any representation as to quality or quantity of title and without recourse to Plaintiff and in “AS IS” condition. The sale is further subject to confirmation by the Court. The property will NOT be open for inspection. If this property is a condominium unit, the purchaser of the unit at the foreclosure sale, other than the mortgagee shall pay the assessments and the legal fees required by the Condominium Property Act, 765 ILCS 605/9(g) (1) and (g)(4). For information call Plaintiff’s Attorney, Manley Deas Kochalski LLC, One East Wacker, Suite 1250, One East Wacker, Suite 1250. Phone number: 312-6516700. Attorney file number: 14027479. Zachariah L. Manchester MANLEY DEAS KOCHALSKI LLC Attorneys for Plaintiff One East Wacker, Suite 1250 Chicago, IL 60601 Telephone: 312-651-6700 Fax: 614-220-5613 Attorney. No.: 6303885


2. Defendant, Timothy F. Lathrom, last known place of residence was 1101 Walnut Street, Jerseyville, IL 62052.

CASE NO. 14-CH-57

TIMOTHY F. LATHROM and TERI L. LATHROM, Defendants. PROPERTY ADDRESS: 1101 WALNUT STREET JERSEYVILLE, IL 62052 AFFIDAVIT FOR SERVICE BY PUBLICATION The undersigned certifies the following: This Affidavit is made pursuant to the provisions of 735 ILCS 5/2 206, 5/2 413, and 5/15 1502 (c), for the purpose of obtaining jurisdiction of the above court over Defendants, Timothy F. Lathrom and Teri L. Lathrom, of the real estate described in the complaint filed herein.


1. Defendant, Timothy F. Lathrom, on due inquiry cannot be found so that process can be served upon him.

13 CH 11

BONNIE DAVIS A/K/A BONNIE B DAVIS; TERRY LEE DAVIS; MICHAEL DAVIS; CAROL SLATER; DENNIS R DAVIS; RANDY DAVIS; UNKNOWN HEIRS AND LEGATEES OF JAMES R DAVIS, IF ANY; UNKNOWN OWNERS AND NON RECORD CLAIMANTS ; DEFENDANTS 218 AYRES STREET WHITE HALL, IL 62092 NOTICE OF SALE PURSUANT TO JUDGMENT OF FORECLOSURE UNDER ILLINOIS MORTGAGE FORECLOSURE ACT ***THIS DOCUMENT IS AN ATTEMPT TO COLLECT ON A DEBT. ANY INFORMATION OBTAINED WILL BE USED FOR THAT PURPOSE*** PUBLIC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that pursuant to a Judgment of Foreclosure and Sale entered by said Court in the above entitled cause on July 15, 2014, GREENE COUNTY SHERIFF in GREENE County, Illinois, will on June 25, 2015, in GREENE COUNTY COURTHOUSE, 519 N. MAIN STREET, CARROLLTON, IL 62016, at 10:00AM, sell at public auction and sale to the highest bidder for cash, all and singular, the following described real estate mentioned in said Judgment, situated in the County of GREENE, State of Illinois, or so much thereof as shall be sufficient to satisfy said Judgment: TAX NO. 11-53-35-408-002 COMMONLY KNOWN AS: 218 AYRES STREET

3. Defendant, Teri L. Lathrom, on due inquiry cannot be found so that process can be served upon her. 4. Defendant, Teri L. Lathrom, last known place of residence was 1101 Walnut Street, Jerseyville, IL 62052. Faiq M. Mihlar HEAVNER, BEYERS & MIHLAR, LLC Attorneys at Law P.O. Box 740 Decatur, IL 62525 111 East Main Street Decatur, IL 62523 Telephone: (217) 422-1719 6.3.15, 6.10.15, 6.17.15

WHITE HALL, IL 62092 Description of Improvements: SINGLE FAMILY HOME, NOT FOR SALE, UTIL ON The Judgment amount was $28,850.79. Sale Terms: This is an "AS IS" sale for "CASH". The successful bidder must deposit 25% down by certified funds; balance, by certified funds, within 24 hours. NO REFUNDS. The subject property is subject to general real estate taxes, special assessments or special taxes levied against said real estate, water bills, etc., and is offered for sale without any representation as to quality or quantity of title and without recourse to plaintiff. The sale is further subject to confirmation by the court. Upon payment in full of the bid amount, the purchaser shall receive a Certificate of Sale, which will entitle the purchaser to a Deed to the real estate after confirmation of the sale. The property will NOT be open for inspection. Prospective bidders are admonished to check the court file to verify all information. The successful purchaser has the sole responsibility/expense of evicting any tenants or other individuals presently in possession of the subject premises. If this property is a condominium unit, the purchaser of the unit at the foreclosure sale, other than a mortgagee shall pay the assessments and the legal fees required by The Condominium Property Act, 765 ILCS 605/9(g)(1) and (g)(4). IF YOU ARE THE MORTGAGOR (HOMEOWNER), YOU HAVE THE RIGHT TO REMAIN IN POSSESSION FOR 30 DYAS AFTER ENTRY OF AN ORDER OF POSSESSION, IN ACCORDANCE WITH SECTION 15-1701(C) OF THE ILLINOIS MORTGAGE FORECLOSURE LAW. For Information: Visit our website at http:\\service.atty-pierce. com. Between 3 p.m. and 5 p.m. only - Pierce & Associates, Plaintiff's Attorneys, 1 North Dearborn, Chicago, Illinois 60602. Tel. No. (312) 372-2060. Please refer to file #PA1307205 Plaintiff's attorney is not required to provide additional information other than that set forth in this notice of sale. 5.20.15, 5.27.15, 6.3.15

6.3.15, 6.10.15, 6.17.15

The real estate is improved with a Single Family Residence.


If the property is a condominium and the foreclosure takes place after 1/1/2007, purchasers other than the mortgagees will be required to pay any assessment and legal fees due under The Condominium Property Act, 765 ILCS 605/9(g)(1) and (g)(4).

14 CH 00048

Brandon M. Wittman; et. al. DEFENDANTS RESIDENTIAL NOTICE OF SHERIFF’S SALE OF REAL ESTATE PUBLIC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that pursuant to a Judgment of Foreclosure and Sale entered in the above cause on 4/1/2015, the Sheriff of Jersey County, Illinois will on 7/8/15 at the hour of 9:00AM at Jersey County Courthouse, 201 West Pearl Jerseyville, IL 62052, or in a place otherwise designated at the time of sale, County of Jersey and State of Illinois, sell at public auction to the highest bidder for cash, as set forth below, the following described real estate: PIN 07-152-009-00 Improved with Single Family Home COMMONLY KNOWN 16390 Timberlane Drive Brighton, IL 62012


Sale terms: 10% down of the highest bid by certified funds at the close of the auction; The balance, including the Judicial sale fee for Abandoned Residential Property Municipality Relief Fund, which is calculated at the rate of $1 for each $1,000 or fraction thereof of the amount paid by the purchaser not to exceed $300, in certified funds, is due within twenty-four (24) hours. The subject property is subject to general real estate taxes, special assessments, or special taxes levied against said real estate and is offered for sale without any representation as to quality or quantity of title and without recourse to Plaintiff and in “AS IS” condition. The sale is further subject to confirmation by the court.

If the property is located in a common interest community, purchasers other than mortgagees will be required to pay any assessment and legal fees due under the Condominium Property Act, 765 ILCS 605/18.5(g-1). If the sale is set aside for any reason, the Purchaser at the sale shall be entitled only to a return of the deposit paid. The Purchaser shall have no further recourse against the Mortgagor, the Mortgagee or the Mortgagee’s attorney. Upon payment in full of the amount bid, the purchaser shall receive a Certificate of Sale, which will entitle the purchaser to a Deed to the real estate after Confirmation of the sale. The successful purchaser has the sole responsibility/expense of evicting any tenants or other individuals presently in possession of the subject premises. The property will NOT be open for inspection and Plaintiff makes no representation as to the condition of the property. Prospective bidders are admonished to check the Court file to verify all information. IF YOU ARE THE MORTGAGOR (HOMEOWNER), YOU HAVE THE RIGHT TO REMAIN IN POSSESSION FOR 30 DAYS AFTER ENTRY OF AN ORDER OF POSSESSION, IN ACCORDANCE WITH SECTION 15-1701(C) OF THE ILLINOIS MORTGAGE FORECLOSURE LAW. For information: Examine the court file or contact Plaintiff’s attorney: Codilis & Associates, P.C., 15W030 North Frontage Road, Suite 100, Burr Ridge, IL 60527, (630) 794-9876. Please refer to file number 14-1405608. 6.3.15, 6.10.15, 6.17.15


of Sale, which will entitle the purchaser to a Deed to the real estate after confirmation of the sale. The property will NOT be open for inspection. Prospective bidders are admonished to check the Court file to verify all information.


WILLIAM C. JONES AKA WILLIAM JONES AKA WILLIAM CASEY JONES, STEPHANIE M. JONES AKA STEPHANIE JONES AKA STEPHANIE MICHELLE JONES and EAGLE CROSSINGS HOMEOWNERS ASSOCIATION, Defendants. NOTICE OF SALE PROPERTY ADDRESS: 25724 KENSINGTON KNOLL DOW, IL 62022 PUBLIC NOTICE is hereby given that pursuant to a Judgment of the above Court entered in the above entitled cause on February 23, 2015, the following described real estate, to-wit: Permanent Index Number: 05-286-00120 Commonly known as: 25724 Kensington Knoll, Dow, IL 62022 will be offered for sale and sold at public vendue on June 25, 2015 at 1:00 PM, in the 1st Floor Hallway of the Jersey County Courthouse, 201 West Pearl Street, Jerseyville, Illinois.

For information, contact the Plaintiff’s Attorney: Heavner, Beyers & Mihlar, LLC, 111 East Main Street, Decatur, IL 62523, (217) 422-1719. The purchaser of a condominium unit at a judicial foreclosure sale, other than a mortgagee, who takes possession of a condominium unit pursuant to a court order or a purchaser who acquires title from a mortgagee shall have the duty to pay the proportionate share, if any, of the common expenses for the unit which would have become due in the absence of any assessment acceleration during the 6 months immediately preceding institution of an action to enforce the collection of assessments, and which remain unpaid by the owner during whose possession the assessments accrued. If the outstanding assessments are paid at any time during any action to enforce the collection of assessments, the purchaser shall have no obligation to pay any assessments which accrued before he or she acquired title. If this property is a condominium unit which is part of a common interest community, the purchaser of the unit at the foreclosure sale other than a mortgagee shall pay the assessments required by the Condominium Property Act, 765 ILCS 605/18.5 (g-1).

The Judgment amount is $219,810.69. The real estate is improved with a single family residence. Sale terms: The bid amount, including the Judicial sale fee for Abandoned Residential Property Municipality Relief Fund, which is calculated at the rate of $1 for each $1,000 or fraction thereof of the amount paid by the purchaser not to exceed $300, shall be paid in certified funds immediately by the highest and best bidder at the conclusion of the sale. The subject property is subject to general real estate taxes, special assessments or special taxes levied against said real estate, and is offered for sale without any representation as to quality or quantity of title and without recourse to the Plaintiff. The sale is further subject to confirmation by the Court. Upon payment in full of the amount bid, the purchaser shall receive a Certificate

If the sale is not confirmed for any reason, the Purchaser at the sale shall be entitled only to a return of the purchase price paid. The Purchaser shall have no further recourse against the Mortgagor, the Mortgagee or the Mortgagee’s attorney. IF YOU ARE THE MORTGAGOR (HOMEOWNER), YOU HAVE THE RIGHT TO REMAIN IN POSSESSION FOR 30 DAYS AFTER ENTRY OF AN ORDER OF POSSESSION, IN ACCORDANCE WITH SECTION 15-1701 (c) OF THE ILLINOIS MORTGAGE FORECLOSURE LAW. Note: Pursuant to the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act you are advised that the Law Firm of Heavner, Beyers & Mihlar, LLC, is deemed to be a debt collector attempting to collect a debt, and any information obtained will be used for that purpose. 5.20.15, 5.27.15, 6.3.15


Wednesday, June 3, 2015

Calhoun News-Herald


Hardin, Illinois

Leaders are newspaper readers.

and f places nd o t lo a d isite avy a "I have v ite a bit in my N o one qu Ig traveled eer. Every place r is a r NASA ca st things I look fo at's fi of the r er to find out wh und o newspap here I am and ar ow kn w I g happenin No other medium ing the d . the world with me like rea t things s ts e c of conne One of the bigg is no t er. newspap during spacefligh per!" a s p is e Im ery of th v li e d " e "hom et. , USN, R in ta p a C 2010 Altman, Scott D. Astronaut, 1995NASA

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■ Flew F-14A Tomcat flight sequences for actor

STEPHANIE DOERR, as Guardian and next friend of Morris Lee Welch Petitioner,

■ Graduate, University of Illinois; Graduate,

Cause No. 14-MR-2

Tom Cruise in 1986 movie "Top Gun" Naval Postgraduate School

And ERIC L. WELCH, Respondent

■ Graduate, Pekin High School

Source: Scarborough Research 2010

Be a leader. Be a reader.

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Dated this 7th day of May, 2015 Rita Hagen COUNTY CLERK 5.20.15, 5.27.15, 6.3.15



165.5 million people read a newspaper in print or online in the past week

NOTICE Public Notice is hereby given that on May 7th, 2015, a certificate was filed in the Office of the County Clerk of Calhoun County, Illinois, setting forth the names and post-office addresses of all the persons owning, conducting and transacting the business known as Village Consignments, located at PO Box 53, Brussels, IL 62013.

To: ERIC L. WELCH. Take notice that the requisite affidavit for publication having been filed notice is given you that a petition has been filed in the Eighth Circuit Court of Calhoun County, Illinois, by the Petitioner for change of name of Morris Lee Welch, of the above captioned action and for said relief therein; and that action is currently pending. Therefore, unless you file your Response to the Petition for Change of Name of Minor Child or otherwise file your appearance therein, in the Eighth Judicial Circuit Court of Calhoun County, Illinois on or before the 19th day of June, 2015, a default order may be entered against you at any time after that day, and a Judgment entered in accordance with the prayer of said petition. Dated this 4th day of May, 2015. Yvonne MaCauley CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT COURT Scott W. Schultz Attorney at Law 105 E. Exchange Street Jerseyville, IL 62052 618/498-6816

5.13.15, 5.20.15, 5.27.15, 6.3.15, 6.10.15, 6.17.15

Notice is given of the death of Kenneth W. Kronable of Brussels, IL, 62013. Letters of office were issued on May 21, 2015, to Kyle W. Kronable as Independent Executor, whose attorney is Edward J. Fanning, P.O. Box 527, Hardin, Illinois 62047. Claims against the estate may be filed in the office of the Clerk of the Court at Calhoun County Courthouse, Hardin, Illinois 62047, or with the representative, or both, on or before December 3, 2015, and any claim not filed on or before that date is barred. Copies of a claim filed with the Clerk must be mailed or delivered to the representative and to the attorney within 10 days after it has been filed. Dated: May 26, 2015 Kyle W. Kronable (Representative) /s/Edward J. Fanning Attorney at Law Name: Edward J. Fanning Attorney for: Independent Executor Address: P. O. Box 527 City: Hardin, IL 62047 Telephone: (618) 576-2284 6.3.15, 6.10.15, 6.17.15


INFORMATION Calhoun News-Herald

310 S. County Road, P.O. Box 367, Hardin, IL 62047 Phone 618-576-2345 Fax 630-206-0320 Submit your new: Advertising information: OFFICE HOURS: Monday, Tuesday 9 a.m.-4 p.m. and Friday 9 a.m.-1 p.m. ADVERTISING POLICY: We are not responsible for more than one incorrect insertion of display and classified advertising. Please let us know immediately upon publication of any errors. Responsibility is limited to the cost the space error occupies in the ad. All transactions under $50 must be paid in advance. Proper identification of the person placing the ad is required. The Calhoun News-Herald reserves the right to reject or edit any advertisement submitted for publication. DEADLINES: Societyweddings, birthdays, anniversaries, engagements, Noon Monday; Classified ads, 3p.m. Monday; Display advertising, 5p.m. Monday. We reserve the right to reject any photo that will not reproduce clearly. PHOTOS AND REPRINTS: 5x7-$9.00; 8x10$10.00. Copies: 81/2 x 11: 20¢ per copy; 8 1/2 x 14 to

11 x 17: 25¢ per copy. ADVERTISING RATE: $11.66 per column inch. Example: 1 column by 3 inches would be 3 col. inches x $11.66 =


For more information about display rates, quantity discounts and insert rates, contact the Calhoun NewsHerald at 618-498-1234. CARDS OF THANKS, MEMORIALS: $7.95 minimum; 25¢ per word after 65 words, pre-paid. SUBSCRIPTION RATES: $30 per year in Adams, Brown, Calhoun, Greene, Jersey, Macoupin, Madison, Morgan, Pike and Scott Counties, IL and Lincoln, Pike and Ralls Counties, MO. $60 per year elsewhere. $87 per year outside the continental United States. COLLEGE RATES: $26 nine months in Illinois. $34 nine months elsewhere. TO MAIL A SINGLE ISSUE: $4.


Wednesday, June 3, 2015

Calhoun News-Herald


Hardin, Illinois

Unit 40 student offers summer piano lessons at high school By Mark Pace Calhoun News-Herald Calhoun Community Unit School District 40 is offering summer piano lessons for the first time. The lessons will be held on Tuesdays and Thursdays starting the first week of June and will continue through the summer. So far, about 10 kids have signed up for the lessons, and Carly Vazis, who is teaching the lessons, expects that number to grow, before lessons begin, due to advertisements and increased publicity. Vazis will be a senior at the school and is teaching lessons like this for the first time. She taught a lesson for the first time last summer when she helped one young girl. She enjoyed her summer teaching experience and decided to do it on a bigger scale. “I really enjoy piano, and [wanted to teach these lessons] because I knew I was good at it. I knew I could have my own hours and could get some money, and I knew teaching lessons was a need [for the school],” Vazis said. The lessons cost $10 for a half hour session, and they will be held in the high school band room. While Vazis will be teaching the lessons, they weren’t her idea. Instead, Cara Rojas, Vazis’s piano teacher and Unit-40 band director asked her to do it.

“Carly is an excellent practicer and works hard every week,” Rojas said. “She’s a drum major in the band and is an excellent leader and has a great caring personality.” Vazis began playing piano in the fifth grade and found it as a place she could excel. She credits her piano lessons as the reason she discovered her love of music. While the piano lessons are being held at the school, Rojas considers it a summer job for Vazis, so Vazis will be able to keep her earnings. However, it is about more than just the money for both Rojas and Vazis. “I think [piano lessons are] important because they can help people discover a new talent … I wouldn’t have known my skill if i hadn’t started piano lessons,” Vazis said. While she has a talent and love for piano, Vazis also has a passion for helping others. She plans to attend a Christian college after high school and will major in social work. While she won’t be getting her degree in music, she will continue her musical career after high school by minoring in the subject and continuing to play piano. Rojas usually starts teaching children piano around the first grade and believed there was a lack of musical opportunity for students in the community. She saw this as a good opportunity to help with the problem while also allowing Vazis to demonstrate her leadership traits and love of music.

Fish fry and an afternoon of shooting June 7 By BeTH ZUMWaLT Calhoun News-Herald There will be a fish fry and an afternoon of shooting at the Pike-Calhoun Sportsman’s Club near Pleasant Hill Sunday, June 7 at 1 p.m.

The fish fry will be all you can eat for everyone, and nonmembers may eat and shoot for $20 for the day events. Members will pay half. All are welcome. For more information, contact Kendrick Hill.

Looking to sell your

rep. rodney Davis to Host Help Desk Hours in Hardin

1952 CHEVY

Hardin Constituents will be asked to fill out a consent form, which allows staff to begin the process of resolving their concern, and should also bring any pertinent information related to their issue. For more information, contact Congressman Davis’ Glen Carbon office at 618.205.8660.

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U.S. Rep. Rodney Davis announced an upcoming mobile help desk stop in Hardin. District Aides from Congressman Davis’ district office will be available at the following time and location to assist with individual constituent concerns: Tuesday, June 16 from 1-2 p.m. at; Hardin Village Hall,101 E. Main Street,


Wednesday, June 3, 2015

Calhoun News-Herald


Hardin, Illinois

News from the CCF grant given to Historical Society On April 23 the Calhoun cal Society Cemetery book, Calhoun County County Foundation awarded and there are undoubtedly $1000 grant to the Calhoun many more buried there of Senior Citizens Center aHistorical Society to sup- which records have not yet Summer is almost here, and there’s a lot happening at the Calhoun County Senior Citizens Center in Hardin! Call us for more information about our programs, events & activities: 618-576-9567. Our office is open Monday-Friday, 9a.m. – 3p.m.; we invite you to make an appointment for benefits counseling. Chair yoga, Mondays, 9:30-10a.m.: Join us for a series of gentle stretching exercises that will warm you up for the day. Lots of laughter included! Lunch, Monday-Friday, 11a.m.– 12p.m.: Let’s do lunch! For those over 60, the suggested donation is $6; we encourage you to donate what you can afford. Those under 60 are asked to pay $6, the full cost of the meal. Calhoun senior citizens group: Come on in for con-

versation, games, fun, and friendship! Our group meets at 1p.m. the second Tuesday of every month at the Center in Hardin. Everyone is welcome. For more information, call Violet Becker 618-576-2498 or Shirley McCauley 618-576-2500. Did you know? Illinois law requires all Landline and most Cable and VoIP telephone companies to provide telephone access for people who are deaf, deaf blind, hard of hearing, or speech disabled. If you or someone you know faces these challenges, you or they may be eligible to receive a FREE Amplified Phone or other telephone equipment. Call the Senior Citizens Center for more information: 618-576-9567. Weekly trivia: The animal with the largest eye, up to 16” in diameter, lives in water. What is it?

Email us anytime! For NEWS •


port the fund drive project of erecting monuments marking the Calhoun County Poor Farm graveyard. The County Poor Farm was located on 160 acres where the High School and Elementary/Junior High Schools are now located, along Route 100 and Poor Farm Hollow Rd. The farm was in existence from 1860 until the 1950s. The graveyard where some poor farm residents are buried is located on a wooded hillside across the creek from the new Elementary/Junior High building. These were persons who had little or no family to care for them during or after their lives, and forty seven known burials are listed in the 2011 Histori-

been located. The $1000 grant is being applied to the monument fund to erect one stone along the creek side across from the western entrance to the school and another on the hillside to be visible from the road to define the actual location of the graveyard. The purpose of this project is to preserve the site so it will never be desecrated in the future since there are no grave markers. The general public is not aware of this part of Calhoun County history, so this should be a point of interest to local residents and possibly some visitors. The Society is still seeking donations and they can be mailed to Calhoun County Historical Society, P.O. Box

46, Hardin, IL 62047. Please earmark for Poor Farm Memorial. Society president Emerson Retzer may be contacted at 618-535-4945 for additional information. The Society is grateful to the CCF for the grant to help

meet the goal of preserving local history and promote awareness of our past. Members of the Calhoun Community Foundation presenting a check to Emerson Retzer, president of the Historical Society, for the Poor Farm Memorial Project.

MRFW Area blinds available June 7 This is a preliminary list of available blinds for the June 7 drawing at the Mississippi River Fish and Wildlife Area. Registration is from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. with the draw at 1 p.m. The drawing will be held at MRA headquarters. Rip Rap Landing (6), (7), {10}, 12, 20, (24), 27 Total: 7 Red’s Landing 185 Total: 1


Submitted photo

From left to right; Dale Hagen, Emerson Retzer, Judy Burch, and Terry Strauch.

Mississippi River { 1 7 2 } , {173}, {176}, {177},{178},{179} Total: 6 Batchtown

5, {9}, {11},

15, {19}, {48}, (55), 65, {101} Total: 9 Godar - Diamond {428}, {431} Total: 4

418, {427},

Glades Total: 0


Helmbold Stump Lake-

None None

Total: 0 Fuller Lake Illinois River

None {17}, {18},

{22}, {124}, {126}, {128}, {129}, {131}, {133}, {136}, {139}, {140}, {142}, {144}, {444}, {445} Total: 16

Calhoun Point 33, 35, 39, 42, 44, 45, 53, 80, (91), 95 Total: 10 Piasa {1}, {4}, {8}, {9}, {10}, {12}, {13}, {14} Total: 8 Total blind sites: 61 ( ) – No Boat Hide ___- Pot Hole Blinds { } Boat Hide Blinds

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Wednesday, June 3, 2015

Calhoun News-Herald


Hardin, Illinois


JERSEYVILLE OFFICE 730 S. State St. Suite A, Jerseyville, IL 62052 618-498-2321


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1:00 - 3:00

1000 Warren St. Jerseyville $40,000

Lots of potential in this 1 bedroom 1 bath home situated on a large corner lot. Detached garage. Full basement, home features large living room, dining room, spacious bedrooms, full bath, enclosed back porch area, nice deck off back of property, covered front porch area. Mature trees. Bonus room could be possible 2nd bedroom. Kim Frazer 618-535-2262

205 E Arch St. Jerseyville $49,900 Well cared for home in established neighborhood. Close to restaurants and shops. Hardwood floors under carpeting. Connie Hayes 618-535-6784

304 W. Arch St. Jerseyville $56,000

Cozy, warm 2 BR, 50x50 lot includes 30x52 extra property. Updated 2008, 2011 new furnace, A/C and windows. Karen Bertman 618-535-6044

210 Curtis St. Jerseyville $49,900 104 Marion St. Jerseyville $58,000 Move Right In! 2 BR, 1 full bath with basement Brick home,2 BR, 1 bath, garage & fenced and open living/dining room. 2 Car Garage back yard with covered deck. Lg. laundry room with Storage/workshop in back. Big covered could be used as a sewing/craft room. New front porch and covered back patio. furnace & A/C in 2012. Roberta Wallace 618-535-5820 Tina McEvers 618-535-1059

105 Pleasant St. Jerseyville $74,900 Brick home with attached garage, close to downtown business district and schools. Ready for your personal touch!! Bob Jones 618-498-2321

503 S Liberty St. Jerseyville $85,000

Beautiful brick home, move in ready, features open floor plan connecting living room, dining room & kitchen with breakfast bar. Full basement with lots of storage. Carport, patio and front porch all feature concrete floors. Directions: Heading North in Jerseyville on State St. turn left on Hwy 16, then left on S Liberty, home is on the left.

Bob Jones 618-498-2321

544 Carlinville Rd. Shipman $84,900 Brick home, spacious lot, 3 BR, 1 bath, shed, fenced backyard, patio, 2 car attached garage, spacious kitchen, newer furnace in 2014. Kim Frazer 618-535-2262

RR 3 BOX 214 Carrollton $99,000 Bedrooms Bedrooms Bedrooms, large yard, great view! Here’s a great home with LOTS of space both inside & out! With 5 bedrooms, 2 full baths. Roberta Wallace 618-535-5820

17632 Salem Rd. Grafton $99,900 Beautiful setting, just minutes from Jerseyville, Grafton, Elsah & Godfrey. 3 Acres, Spacious home with large living room. Large family room with fireplace. Large eat in kitchen. Connie Hayes 618-535-6784

319 Northmoor Jerseyville $119,000 1 Dogwood Dr. Carrollton $134,500 Beautiful 3 BR, 2 bath home with updated 3 Bedroom, 2 bath home in South Gate kitchen & dining room. Large living room, Estates on large corner lot. Large kitchen with attic fan, deck off kitchen, covered brick patio island and wood floors. Fenced in back yard. off main level. Move in Condition! Roberta Wallace 618-535-5820 Connie Hayes 618-535-6784

23586 Jenny Ln. Jerseyville $147,500 Updated 3 BR, 2 bath, on cul-de-sac, large lot, shed, large kitchen, fireplace, attic fan, Anderson windows and new roof in 2014. Kim Frazer 618-535-2262

21047 Hickory St. Grafton $169,900 Lake view, 3 BR, 3 baths, open kitchen & dining room. Full finished basement. Rec room with pool table, Lg. family room, 2 bonus rooms. Sits on 2 lots, 200x200. Roberta Wallace 618-535-5820

309 N Liberty St. Jerseyville $187,000 340 Sandpiper Ln. Grafton $185,000 This stately 1800’s two story, 4,002 sq ft. Beautiful modern home on 1.21 acres in house has a lot of character. Built in buffet, Grafton Hills. 2 BR, plus bonus room, 2 full refinished staircase, 2 fireplaces, baths. Large open concept kitchen, dining & 4 bedrooms and an updated kitchen. living room with fireplace. 3 Car attached garage. Karen Bertman 618-535-6044 Tina McEvers 618-535-1059

405 W Prairie St. Jerseyville $139,900

Immaculate 3 bedroom, 1 ½ story home. You will love this brand new kitchen. Hickory cabinets, Corian counter tops, ceramic floors..WOW! Appliances stay. Full bath has also been updated, ceramic tile. Pretty sunroom, lots of closets and storage. Detached garage, landscaped, nice back yard. A must see!

Charlene Morgan 618-535-0071

Broker 618-535-0071

GREAT COMMERCIAL OPPORTUNITY 23067 BRANDON, JERSEYVILLE $120,000 Great Opportunity for YOUR Business/ Residential Use- Perfect for Lawn/ Landscape Business, Contractor, Automotive Repair and so much more. 5520 sf Commercial space with inviting living quarters above offering 2 large carpeted bedrooms, 2 baths, open great room/ dining/kitchen area with laminate flooring. There is also a 33x14 game room on the lower level leading to the living quarters. CONTACT ELAINE RHODES, MANAGING BROKER 618-578-8772

Managing Broker/Owner GRI, SFR, SRES, SRS, CNE

(618) 578-8772

OUR BUSINESS IS TO GET YOU MOVING! 5411 Godfrey Road • Godfrey IL 62035 • 618-466-9922

Broker 618-946-4618


Wendi Mielke Managing Broker GRI, SFR, SRES, SRS, E-Pro, CNE

618-535-2930 Kynan Mielke 618-535-0873 Devin Brown 618-581-6658 NEW LISTING! $89,900 23488 Apple Tree Ln, Elsah 3 Bedroom, 2 Bath Traditional split foyer. Large deck, walk out basement. Nicely Landscaped. NEW LISTING! $98,000 119 Jefferson St., Kampsville 3 Bedroom, 2 Bath Single story is energy efficient. Above ground pool with nice deck. NEW LISTING! $332,000 15331 Wildwood Lane, Grafton 4 Bedroom, 4 Bath on 9.21 ACRES. Quality built two story home features sunny breakfast room and fireplace. Many amenities!

$78,500 24837 Reddish Rd., Fieldon 3 Bedroom, Traditional story and half farm house on 1.17 Acres. Beautiful wood floors and large outbuilding.

NEW PRICE! $115,000 325 N. Market St., Grafton 3 Bedroom ranch out of the flood plain. Some wood floors and ceilings. Updated kitchen and bath. NEW LISTING! $74,100 110 N. St. Louis Ave., Kampsville 3 Bedroom on two lots. Well kept property has wood floors and updated heating and air. NEW LISTING! $288,000 41 G Riverview Dr., Golden Eagle 3 Bedroom 4 Bath overlooks the Mississippi River with no risk of flooding. Quality home with many amenities. NEW LISTING! $54,700 RR 1, Box 52, Mozier 2 Bedrooms, 2 Bath darling home with several updates. Guest house with workshop.

w w w. t h e i l p r o s . c o m

113 E. Main St Grafton • 302 N Broadway Kampsville Call a Pro to get you SOLD, Want Results? Work with us!

Lori Rose

Broker 618-535-1059


Call a Pro to get you SOLD, Want Results? Work with us! Call a Pro to get you SOLD, Want Results? Work with us!

Tina McEvers

Nikki Guymon

Call a Pro to get you SOLD, Want Results? Work with us!


Sue Beach

STUNNING MINI FARM 7248 STUTZ LANE, BETHALTO $369,000 Stunning Mini Farm offers a well kept 1-1/2 story 3 to 4 bedroom home featuring a nice size kitchen w/bar seating, tons of cabinets, built in stove, and wall oven. Sitting room w/nice bow windows, dining room w/ beautiful pocket doors. Beautiful wood work throughout, main floor laundry in pantry area and entrance foyer. Multiple outbuildings: large 20x62 barn with additions and lean-to, and loft, newer 30 x 50 pole barn with 2 lean-to areas-perfect for horses and cattle, strombrella w/brick pavers and swing, milk shed, 2-car detached garage, pole barn 1-car garage w/ tack room, block workshop, country kitchen w/ walk in cooler and attached chicken house w/fenced in area, grain bin w/asphalt floor for storage, covered pavilion w/ brick pavers for relaxing or grilling, gazebo and small storage building, fruit trees. All this on 6.12 acres. CONTACT: ELAINE RHODES, MANAGING BROKER 618-578-8772

Broker 618-535-6784

Call a Pro to get you SOLD, Want Results? Work with us!

MOVE IN READY 305 BELVEDERE, BRIGHTON $129,900 This beautiful 4 bedroom 2 bath home is move in ready! Many updates and this home has been well maintained. Large kitchen with hardwood floors and nice oak cabinetry. Stainless kitchen appliances also stay. Lower level has a large family room,a 4th bedroom with large walk in closet, and a bonus room that can be used as a den or office. CONTACT RANDY GIBSON, BROKER 618-917-1641

Connie Hayes

Bob Jones

Broker 618-535-3232

Broker/Owner 618-498-2321

Selling Your ProPertY BY Sign or gavel • Selling Your ProPertY BY Sign or gavel •

Our Phones Are Ringing! We Need Listings! Call Today And Sell Your Property The “Modern” Way! G!


Poplar St, Kemper 3 bed, 2 bath, Manufactured Home. If quality, peaceful & affordable are things you are looking for, all 3 are here. Very nice home sits on 3 full lots. Better Take a Look! Call Roger $50,000

906 E. Prairie, Jerseyville Former church, nearly 2,300 sq. ft., commercial building, 100x300 lot, near city park. Would make perfect daycare or dance studio. Owner would consider leasing. Call Roger $75,000



Lot For Sale

Lovejoy Street, Jerseyville 62x165 Lot. Call Angie $10,500

1003 Mulberry, Jerseyville 2 bed, 2 bath, just remodeled, and move-in ready. Has fenced back yard and shed. Call Stacey $55,000

13381 Hwy 16, Fieldon 6 acres m/l - 3 bed, 1 bath, full walkout basement. House built in 1973. Call Angie $119,900

214 6TH STREET, CARROLLTON 3 bed, 2 bath home with a full basement and 2 car attached garage. Remodeled from top to bottom. Don’t let this one get away Sellers say make an offer. Call Stacey $89,500

1001 High Street Jerseyville Corner lot, 2 bed 1 bath with additional rooms in a full finished basement. Call Angie $84,900

415 South Pearl, Jerseyville 3 bed ,2 bath, full basement, new siding, plumbing, heat and air, huge lot with storage shed. Call Stacey $120,000


RESIDENTIAL • FARM • COMMERCIAL 110 S. State St., Jerseyville 62052 • Office: 618-639-6399 Fax: 618-639-6398


ManagingBroker/Auctioneer Lic. #441002069


618-535-5356 618-535-5017

STACEY WOCK Broker/Agent


Selling your property by Sign or gavel • Selling your property by Sign or gavel • Selling your property by Sign or gavel

NICELY UPDATED ON DOUBLE LOT 16537 CEDAR CREST, BRIGHTON $87,900 Lots of Updates await you in the cute-move in ready 2 bedroom 2 bath home. Large corner lot includes two parcels. Home offers: a nice open living/dining/ kitchen, newer flooring, freshly painted, updated baths, and much more. Lake access for fishing and trolling, quiet well established Lake Piasa neighborhood. CONTACT ELAINE RHODES, MANAGING BROKER 618-578-8772

Broker 618-535-2262

Call a Pro to get you SOLD, Want Results? Work with us! •

BEAUTIFUL SETTING 16093 LAKE LANE, BRIGHTON $329,000 Looking for privacy and a bit of countrySprawling 4 bedroom, 4 bath brick ranch on 3.81ac. features vaulted ceilings, fireplace, main floor laundry and spacious rooms through-out. Large master suite w/sitting area, spacious eatin kitchen, family room overlooking the beautiful yard and lake, deck for entertaining. LL features bedrooms, full bath,spacious family room w/ additional kitchen. Attached 2 car garage, detached 42 x 42 garage w/workshop,tons of storage,another kitchen and bath for those large gatherings. Back yard offers a covered picnic area and boat dock at stocked 20 ac M/L shared lake. Contact Elaine Rhodes, Managing Broker 618-578-8772

Kim Frazer

Charlene Morgan

Broker 618-535-6044

Call a Pro to get you SOLD, Want Results? Work with us!

Karen Bertman

Managing Broker 618-535-5820

Call a Pro to get you SOLD, Want Results? Work with us!

Roberta Wallace

600 Stryker Ave. Jerseyville $84,900 3 Bedrooms, 76.5 x 125 lot size, 1,115 sq ft. Large yard with mature trees and shed. CA & Gas forced air 2015, roof 2010, circuit breakers. Charming Clean Home. Karen Bertman 618-535-6044

Selling your property by Sign or gavel • Selling your property by Sign or gavel • Selling your property by Sign or gavel


111 Roberts St. Jerseyville $85,000 Ready to move in, Beautifully decorated 2 BR home, recently installed kitchen cabinets, remodeled bathroom, 1 car garage and the roof was recently replaced. Bob Jones 618-498-2321

114 N Railroad Medora $83,000 With 2 generous lots, this home has some updates and is located in Medora. Adjacent lots are available. Sue Beach 618-946-4618

618-535-0235 618-494-1183


If you are considering having a Retirement, Farm, or Estate Auction, give Roger a call for a free quote. Let us take the worry out of liquidating your property. Roger Scheffel IL Licensed Auctioneer 618-535-5017

Selling Your ProPertY BY Sign or gavel • Selling Your ProPertY BY Sign or gavel •


Wednesday, June 3, 2015

Calhoun News-Herald


Hardin, Illinois

TRI-COUNTY REAL ESTATE TOUR HOME FOR SALE 3 bedroom, 1 1/2 story, 3 bath partiallyrenovated home in downtown Brighton. Selling because of family health issues.


Scott Gatewood

$69,000 AS IS

David McCartney 217-491-1014

Phone: (618) 798-1846 JERSEYVILLE OFFICE

730 S. State St. Suite A, Jerseyville, IL 62052 618-498-2321


Mack Raikes CARROLLTON OFFICE 500 N. Main St., Carrollton, IL 62016 217-942-5182

Scan This Code With Your Smartphone To Go To Our Website



SUNDAY JUNE 7th 1:00-3:00

503 S Liberty St. Jerseyville $85,000 Beautiful brick home, move in ready, features open floor plan connecting living room, dining room & kitchen with breakfast bar. Full basement with lots of storage. Carport, patio and front porch all feature concrete floors. Directions: Heading North in Jerseyville on State Street turn left on Hwy 16, then left on S Liberty, home is on the left.

Bob Jones 618-498-2321

V I S I T U S O N LI N E w w w . m c c a r t n e y - r e a l e s t a t e . c o m DAVID T. McCARTNEY Manging Broker 217-491-1014

Celebrating over 75 years in business!

Phone (217) 285-4502 Office Fax: (217) 285-9672


320 W. Washington Street Pittsfield, Illinois 62363

SONYA MILLER (217) 653-2943

ELAINE HOAGLIN (217) 491-1141

KEN RENOUD (217) 285-4749

KAREN McCONNELL (217) 723-4217

ANGELA MOSS (217) 883-2031

KIRBY HOBBS (217) 285-6401

LLOYD PHILLIPS (217) 335-2050

DENNIS & JUDY DOUGLAS (217) 285-6885

WILLAM MCCARTNEY (217) 285-2999

RESIDENTIAL PROPERTIES: NEW LISTING-ROCKPORT- 341 WALNUT ST.- Great three bedroom, one bath family home. This home features; GFA, CA, new in the last three years; septic, floors, gutters, siding, windows ,water heater and new pipes in 2014. Great location, all situated on two lots. Listing Broker David McCartney. NEW LISTING-PLEASANT HILL-113 RANDALL DR.- Very nice two bedroom, one bath ranch home located in a very nice neighborhood. This home also features, 1540 total sq. footage, central air, baseboard electric heat, attached garage, vinyl siding, roof only two years old, blacktop driveway and much much more. This is a MUST SEE!! Listing Broker Ken Renoud. REDUCED!!-MT. STERLING-948660 NORTH AVE.-Enjoy country living in this three bedroom, two bath home situated on 10.7 acres m/l. Pond, fully stocked, a 1 ¾ acre lake, many amenities’ and is move in ready. Listing Broker David McCartney. PITTSFIELD-414 NORTH MONROEListing Broker, David McCartney. In cooperation with Carter Network. PITTSFIELD-429 EAST WASHINGTONListing Broker, David McCartney PITTSFIELD-501 SYCAMORE-Beautiful brick ranch home that features; three/four bedrooms; two baths; living rm, dining rm, spacious kitchen and roomy family room; CA, hot water heat; full partially finished basement; newer windows and roof; add on (family rm and bedroom) in 1999; two car garage with concrete driveway; very well maintained lawn, spacious back yard, great neighborhood. This is a MUST SEE! Listing Broker David McCartney PITTSFIELD-33627 240TH AVE.Listing Broker, David McCartney. PITTSFIELD-40958 252ND AVE.-Two story country moveGin ready!! This NDIN PEhome, property features; four spacious bedrooms, kitchen, family room, utility, and den. Two car garage; CA; roof only 6 years old, great location!! All situated on 1.28 acres. Listing Broker, David McCartney. PITTSFIELD-807 NORTH DUTTONMany updates to this two bedroom ranch home; vinyl siding; new roof; one car attached garage; close to uptown and park; very efficient; great neighborhood; great for that family starting out or that couple wanting to down size. Listing Broker, Elaine Hoaglin. PITTSFIELD-Residential building Lot on East Washington Street. Listing Broker David McCartney PITTSFIELD-#15QUAIL RIDGE-Exquisite four bedroom ranch home located in a newer sub division of Pittsfield. This home features; four bedrooms three baths; living rm. Spacious kitchen; entertaining Dining rm. Family rm. Game rm and much more. This home offers 2144 total sq. ft of living space;




two car att. Garage; full finished basement; CA; maintenance free vinyl and brick siding; very efficient; new solid surface counter tops in kitchen; new hardwood floors thru out main floor of home. MOTIVATED SELLER!! Listing Broker, David McCartney PITTSFIELD-690 SOUTH WALNUTListing Broker, David McCartney GRIGGSVILLE-610 WEST QUINCY ST.-Very impressive five bedrooms, two story family home! This home features; two baths, attached garage, full basement, GFA, CA, new roof, 24 ft round pool, alarm system and all appliances to convey . All this situated on a large lot, and is move in ready! Listing Broker, David McCartney PITTSFIELD-916 EAST WASHINGTON ST.-In cooperation with Barton and Associates. PITTSFIELD-17916 369TH PLEASANT HILL, (In Martinsburg)-Ten year old modular family home situated on two acres; this home features, GFA, CA, maintenance free vinyl siding, very well insulated, patio; three roomy bedrooms, living room, dining room and very attractive kitchen; bath plus master bath. Listing Broker, David McCartney REDUCED BY $10,000!! PITTSFIELD-690 SOUTH WALNUTExcellent three/four bedroom, two baths, ranch family home, in super nice neighborhood. This home features; GFA, new AC, new roof, maintenance free vinyl siding; new water heater; full partially finished basement, remodeled master bath. Listing Broker, David McCartney PITTSFIELD-117 SOUTH JACKSON ST.-Very nice two bedroom home with CA, GFA, full basement, new gas fireplace and dishwasher; living room, dining room, kitchen, utility in basement, great investment, very affordable. Great for that couple down sizing or that couple just starting out. Listing Broker, David McCartney BARRY-26889 COUNTY HIGHWAY 4-. Listing Broker, David McCartney PITTSFIELD-HIGHWAY 54-1.85 Acres/ml of commercial acreage located in the Industrial Park. Great location, great business investment and opportunity!! Priced to sell, motivated seller. Listing Broker, David McCartney GRIGGSVILLE-107 EAST QUINCYListing Broker, David McCartney NEBO-14026 395th Ave.- Listing Broker, David McCartney G 4 buildings, MILTON-Lot-180x170 PENDINW/ located Milton. Great investment opportunity. Listing Broker, David McCartney. PITTSFIELD-419 S. MEMORIALREDUCED BY $20,000-Very nice two story family home, this home features added charm with refinished interior for that era; 4 bedrooms, 2 baths, CA, 2 car attached garage. Listing Broker, David McCartney


Cory Wilkinson 618-535-7255 Shane Hunt 217-370-0045

320 W. Washington St. Pittsfield, Illinois 62363 • Ph: 217-285-6000 PIKE COUNTY, ILLINOIS 84 Acres Excellent Hunting Property With Nice Income From Crops & CRP. Call Scott 95 Acres Over 60 acres of productive tillable land! Call Scott 35 Acres 5 Acre Lake, Great Building Sites & Excellent Hunting! 32.5 Acres Great small hunting property with building sites! Call Scott 62 Acres Located in Western Pike County, 2 acre stocked pond, great area! $4,400/acre Call Scott 80 Acres Excellent Tillable and Timber Call David 43 Acres Excellent hunting and building site $3,650/acre Call David Home & small SOLDacreage. Call Scott 40 Acres With Excellent hunting D SOLHome property with nice home Call David 68 Acres Almost SOLD 100% Tillable Land Located West Of Pittsfield $8,500/ acre Call Scott 15 Acres, Mostly timber, Nice creek SOLD located in Southern Pike County $3,590/acre Call Scott 44 Acres All timber farm at the end of LD $3,290/acre Call a dead endSO road! Scott 38 Acres Awesome SOLD hunting farm in Southern Pike County Call Scott BROWN COUNTY, ILLINOIS 41 Acres Great hunting property that G on adjoining ENDINrights includesPhunting property Call Scott GREENE COUNTY, ILLINOIS New Listing: 100 Acres M/L Excellent hunting farm with older farmhouse Call Scott ADAMS COUNTY, ILLINOIS 58 Acres Great property! D SOLinvestment

Well balanced property with 25 tillable acres! $3,690/acre Call Scott 27 Acres Great hunting property, LD Comes with 5 year SOPond, Creek, Timber, hunting lease on adjoining 13 acres $88,830 Call Scott 40 Acres Located 15 minutes from OLD end road, Proven Quincy on aSdead farm, $3,650/acre Call Scott 171 Acres Great tillable farm with SOLDpotential! excellent income 7.5 Acres m/l Beautiful building site located close SOtoLDSiloam Springs State Park $3,400/acre Call Scott 138 acres Nice mix of timber and SOLD tillable Call Scott CALHOUN COUNTY, ILLINOIS New Listing: 110 Acres With Custom Home Overlooking The Mississippi River Call Scott New Listing: 64.5 Acres Great farm located close to Kampsville, Priced Right! $2,800/acre Call Scott 79 Acres Investment Property With D Scott SOLCall Great Hunting 88 Acres GreatDCalhoun County OL recreationalS property! $3,200/acre Call Scott 550 Acres Unbelievable Recreational OLD Property! SCall Scott 45.61 Acres Located in Northern Calhoun County, SOLDSolid Timber, Great Hunting Farm $3,950/acre Call Scott 245.5 Acres LD Home, Perfect mix SOWith of timber and fields, located in great area $3,395/acre 83 Acres With 21 Acres Tillable, D SOLHome, Balance Timber, Perfect Hunting Property! $3,750/acre Call Scott 75 Acres Great hunting property SOLD Calhoun County located in Northern $3,750/acre Call Scott D 71 Acres Prime land tillable SOLbottom

$10,800/acre FULTON COUNTY, ILLINOIS 120 Acres S40 D tillable, balance OLacres in woods, great hunting property Call Scott JERSEY COUNTY, ILLINOIS: 20 Acres S AllOtimber LD property located along Sugar Creek. Call Scott New Listing: 85 Acres Big timber property located in a great area! $2,990/acre Call Scott SCHUYLER COUNTY, ILLINOIS: 50 Acres Recreational Property Close SOLD To State Park Call Scott 45.61 Acres Timber Tract D SOLMostly Located Along Sugar Creek Call Scott 85 Acres SExcellent OLD Mix Of Tillable & Timber 80 Acres Mostly Tillable, Excellent OLD InvestmentSProperty! Call Scott 125 Acres Great mixed property MORGAN COUNTY, ILLINOIS: 122 Acres All timber farm located SOLD along the bluffs! In cooperation with Landguys MONTGOMERY COUNTY, ILLINOIS: SOLD hunting property 41 Acres Awesome AUDRAIN COUNTY, MISSOURI: 27 Acres, 100% Offering 5% D SOLTillable, Return On Investment MONROE COUNTY, MISSOURI: 50 Acres m/l Great D hunting property SOL with small cabin LINN COUNTY, MISSOURI: 40 Acres Great Investment Property LD SOhunting with excellent Call Keith.






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Calhoun News-Herald 310 S. County Road, Hardin IL, 62047 • 618-576-2345

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Wednesday, June 3, 2015

Calhoun News-Herald

Hardin, Illinois

Calhoun Seniors Sponsor Resource Expo

Submitted photo

Marley Cazier concentrates on throwing the ball during the 2013 JPRD Itty Bitty T-Ball program, while the station leader, Shane DeSherlia, observes.

T-Ball for Toddlers with JPRD Watch your little one run the bases this summer with Jerseyville Parks and Recreation Department (JPRD). The department is offering a program for children 3 to 4 years old. Itty Bitty T-Ball is a noncompetitive skill development program that consists of small group rotations through skill stations. Stations include hitting, base running, catching, grounders and throwing. The program meets once per week for six weeks for 45 minutes. The session runs from Sunday, June 14 to July 26 on Diamond F at Dolan Park, located at the corner of June and Carpenter Street. There will be no session held on July 5. In the event of rain, the session will be pulled inside the Susnig Center. On the sixth and final week, participants

will be divided and scrimmage an entire game. There are four times to choose from: 4 p.m., 5 p.m., 6 p.m. and 7 p.m. The success of this program is dependent upon volunteer station leaders; therefore, parents/ guardians will be asked to be volunteers each week. Participants will need a glove, water bottle and non-marking soled sneakers. Program fee is $30 per child and includes a participation medal. The program is open to all city and non-city residents. Register soon because space is limited in each session and the deadline is Friday, June 5. For more information or to learn how to register, please visit jerseyville-il. us/ParkRec/forms.htm, call JPRD at 618-498-2222 or email

Join us on Friday, June 5, from 10a.m. to 2p.m. for the Resource Expo for Seniors and Persons with Disabilities. This event will be held in the Hardin Presbyterian Church’s fellowship hall and is sponsored by the Calhoun County Senior Citizens. Sponsors and other community businesses and groups who have responded to our invitation to date are the Calhoun County Health Dept., Brussels Visitors’ Center, McCully Heritage Site, German Insurance, Home Instead, Squier Insurance, Blessing Hospice, Calhoun Nursing and Rehabilitation Center, Jersey Community Hospital, Secretary of State—Senior Driving, Calhoun County Ambulance, University of Illinois Extension, Area Agency on Aging in Quincy, Lutheran Child and Family Services, Thomas H. Boyd Memorial Hospital, United Way, and Jerseyville Estates.

These exhibitors will showcase products, services, and information related to wellness, safety, nutrition, transportation, financial assistance, long-term care and assisted living. The event is free and open to the public. There will be ten door prizes of $30 gift certificates to county restaurants, which will be drawn throughout the event. The grand prize drawing will be at 2 p.m. for a flat screen TV. Lunch will be available and consist of a roast beef sandwich, three-bean salad, applesauce, sliced watermelon, chips, pie, and drink. It will be $6 for those under 60 and a free-will offering for those 60+. The Hardin Senior Meal Center will be closed this day. This Expo will provide the opportunity for seniors, family members, and caregivers to go to one location in order to receive pertinent information and resources.

JPRD opens additional spots for September Cardinals game Travel with Jerseyville Parks and Recreation Department (JPRD) to Busch Stadium to see the St. Louis Cardinals this fall. We have already filled-up the first motor coach, now we are working on a second! Join us for the Cubs vs Cards Battle trip on Wednesday, September 9. Tickets will be on the first-base side, in the Right Field Box section. Game time is 12:45pm. The fee $65 per person and includes game ticket, motor coach transportation and gratuities. There will be time to explore and eat at Ballpark Village before the game. Lunch will not be provided, but available for purchase.

Guests are asked to wear comfortable walking shoes and dress appropriately for the weather. The bus will leave the Susnig Center parking lot at 9:00am and will return at approximately 5:45pm. Guests are asked to arrive at the Susnig Center no later than 8:45am for an on time departure. Pre-registration is required and the deadline is Friday, June 12. As always, both city residents and non-residents are welcome to register. For more information or to learn how to register, please visit ParkRec/forms.htm, call the JPRD office at 618.498.2222 or email

#3000Strong, which means 3,000 veterans will become employed on a single day at one single career fair,” states Michele Unangst, the founder and CEO of Get My Vet a Job™. “We have partnered with employers committed to hiring veterans and transitioning military members, understanding the skills they bring to their job openings,” continues Unangst. Get My Vet a Job™ will provide all veterans, transitioning military members and spouses attending the job fair a free video cover letter for the event. Plus all job seekers can participate in workshops by industry experts in the areas of: telecommuting, interviewing, social media and job searching! To register for this free virtual career fair go to:

By MaRk PaCE Calhoun News-Herald Calhoun Communtiy Unit School District 40 celebrated graduation Saturday, May 23. Unit 40 consisted of 32 graduates, 11 of which graduated with honors. Melissa Godar, daughter of Tony and Barbara, was the class’s valedictorian. She won the CEA Scholarship, Calhoun Unit 40 Alumni Foundation Scholarship, Bank of Calhoun Scholarship, Silver Medallion Award, Science

Award, Mathematics Award, was a Illinois State Scholar and a member of the National Honor Society. The class salutatorian was Michelle Robeen, daughter of daughter of Paul and Julie. She also won the Boyd Memorial Scholarship, was an Illinois State Scholar, won the Silver Medallion Award, Social Studies Award and was a member of the National Honor Society. Deacon Mike Hagen gave the opening remarks for the ceremony and Class of 2015 President Mindi Eilerman followed with a welcoming.

Brussels holds smallest graduation in school history By MaRk PaCE Calhoun News-Herald Brussels Community Unit School District 42 held its graduation ceremony on Friday, May 29 to honor the smallest class in school history. The class consisted of five members: Adrianna Eberlin, Lucas Jenkins, Marisa Kuhn, Jordan Ohlendorf and Zachary Wilson. The valedictorian was Kuhn, and the salutatorian and class president was Eberlin.

Kaitlyn Glennon sang America the Beautiful to start the service. School Board President Flo Rose presented the students with their diplomas. Jenkins, Ohlendorf and Wilson will each attend Lewis and Clark Community College. Eberlin will attend Southern Illinois UniversityEdwardsville and major in business. She plans to work in marketing. Kuhn will attend Southern Illinois University-Carbondale for biological sciences and premed.

WIU announce spring Dean’s List Western Illinois University named students Megan Renee Brangenberg, a senior, from Hardin and

Samantha Nicole Martin, a senior, from Hardin to the 2015 Spring Dean’s List


The Medicine Shoppe® Emphasizes Customer Service and Affordable Prices 400a W. Carpenter St., Jerseyville, IL • 618-498-6461 M-F: 9 a.m. - 6 p.m. • Sat: 9 a.m. - 2 p.m.

Got News! Email

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Students who received certifications are Cassidy Becker, kayln Herkert, Connor Carmody, Ciara Gochenour, Clayton Haug (in all areas), Josh Gross, and Tim Roach.

CHS students receive certification CHS students became certified in Microsoft Word, Access, Excel and PowerPoint. The Microsoft certifications are valuable to place on resumes in order

to show employers that an employee has skills they listed on their resume. To have certified as a high school student also shows strong work ethic.

College for kids Program offers a summer of fun Lewis and Clark Community College’s Corporate and Community Learning division invites children to experience a summer of fun in the College for Kids program. College for Kids is an academic enrichment program designed to keep young minds active this summer as they engage, connect and learn. It offers more than 80 different classes for children ages 3 to 15 in Godfrey, Alton, Edwardsville, Bethalto and surrounding communities. New classes begin each week in June and July. “Our goal is to support the mission of Lewis and Clark by empowering the minds of the next generation through College for Kids programming,” said Dawn Zedolek, program coordinator. The program boasts a wide variety of classes for all ages and interests, including returning favorites like Kids Swim, Lewis & Clark Junior Explorers, Shining Stars Little Theater, Pet Detectives and Minecraft Designers. Many new classes being offered this summer include Junior Handyman

Unit 40 Seniors celebrate graduation

Ethan Vandersand, R.Ph. & Allison Vandersand, R.Ph.

Virtual career fair for veterans, families

Get My Vet a Job™ is hosting a career fair designed for one purpose: to provide jobs for veterans, transitioning military members, spouses, and family members. With employers in all 50 states with thousands of job openings, this will be a true hiring event. In Illinois there are over 300 immediate hire jobs throughout the state, which hiring managers will be conducting interviews on June 5 at the virtual career fair. Job seekers across the state can attend without leaving their home. The career fair will be online and all interviews with hiring managers will be done virtually. A few of the companies conducting interviews at the virtual career fair are: VMWare, Genentech, C.R. England, Camping World, CPI, plus many more. “Our mission on June 5 is


Camp, Survivor: Riverlands, Kids and Canvas, Brain Games Math, Make Your Own TV Commercial, Minecraft Modders, Chocolate Creations and Sports Fit Boot Camp. “I think what makes the College for Kids program unique is the wide variety of learning opportunities available,” Zedolek said. “We are also proud of our instructors. They bring a great deal of experience and enthusiasm into each classroom.” The following is a sampling of just a few of the College for Kids classes being offered: n Minecraft Designers: Ages 8-10 – June 22-26 from 9 a.m. to noon. Ages 11-14 – June 22-26 from 1-4 p.m. Ages 8-14 – July 6-10 from 1-4 p.m. $139. Registration deadline is 10 days prior to start date. n Lewis & Clark Junior Explorers: Ages 9-11 – June 15-19 from 8:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. $59. Registration deadline is June 5. n Pet Detectives: Ages 7-9 – June 22-26 from 1-4 p.m. $129. Registration deadline is June 12.

n Shining Stars Little Theater: Ages 4-6 – July 13-17 from 9 a.m. to noon. $119. Registration deadline is July 3. n Self Defense for Kids: Ages 8 & up – July 27-31 from 9 a.m. to noon. $119. Registration deadline is July 17. n Chocolate Creations: Ages 10 & up – June 8-12 from 9 a.m. to noon. $149. Registration deadline is May 29. n Make Your Own TV Commercial: Ages 12 & up – July 20-24 from 9 a.m. to noon. $99. Registration deadline is July 10. n Minecraft Modders: Ages 8-10 – July 20-24 and July 27-31 from 9 a.m. to noon. Ages 11-14 – July 20-24 and July 27-31 from 1-4 p.m. $139. Registration deadline is 10 days prior to start date. n Brain Games Math: Ages 11-13 June 22-26 from 1-4 p.m. $119. Registration deadline is June 12. For more information including how to enroll, call Zedolek at (618) 468-5740. For a complete listing of College for Kids offerings, visit www.

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An Informational Expo For Seniors and Persons With Disabilities Sponsored by the Calhoun County Senior Citizens Friday, June 5 10 A.M. - 2 P.M. In the First Presbyterian Church Fellowship Hall Hardin, IL Many exhibitors will be attending Lunch will be available ($6 for under 60; free-will offering for 60+)

Many Door Prizes! Grand Prize drawing for a Flat Screen TV at 2 p.m.! For questions or additional information, call (618) 576-9331 or 9567 Admission is FREE

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