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1. See http://www. 2. Camille Laurelli, Sans titre encore, video, 5”41’, 2010. 3. Camille Laurelli, Sans titre encore, video, 1”31’, 2010. 4. Camille Laurelli, Sans titre encore, video 0”57’, 2010. 5. The original term is la perruque and as Camille Laurelli defines it “La perruque [wig] consists in the use of materials by an employer at the place of employement, wasting his working hours with the aim of making an object for him, instead of the normal production of the company”. Camille Laurelli alludes here to Michel de Certeau’s concept of “perruque” as a practice of diversion: the worker diverts time away from his or her employer and instead uses it for his or her own enjoyment, for activities that are "free, creative, and precisely not directed toward profit." Michel de Certeau, The Practice of Everyday Life, trans. Steven Rendall, (Berkeley: California University Press, 1984), 25. 6. Interview by e-mail with Camille Laurelli, 5th May 2010. 7. Les pépites sur le net is a French television show on CanalPlus. Every Thursday it presents a mix of funny, unusual or suprising videos found on the net. 8. The first part of the title Folzofol (1 month ago)

Mybusterssss HELP! is also a comment posted on this video selected by Camille Laurelli. 9. Stéphane Sauzedde, Neverending story, trans. Inge Linder-Gaillard, Camille Laurelli, 6th october 2009, 10. Camille Laurelli, La conjugaison, 2009, handwriting on paper. 11. Interview by e-mail with Camille Laurelli, 5th May 2010. 12. Interview by e-mail with Camille Laurelli, 5th May 2010. 13. Pierre Bayard, Le plagiat par anticipation, Éditions de Minuit, Collection Paradoxe, 1997. 14. Interview by video conference with Camille Laurelli, 8th September 2010. 15. Literally means idleness, inactive. In french œuvrer means to work but also œuvre means work, or piece, of art; thus, in this case, désœuvrement not only means a state of inactivity but indeed a state where one doesn't produce art. 16. Nicolas Thély, “Avis de passage,” in “L'ardeur de l'art même Pratiques discrètes de l'art et leur nonlieux”, Pratiques Réflexions sur l'art, no. 21, Presses Universitaires de Rennes, Autumn 2010, 65. 17. “In 1972, Robert Filliou was invited to Documenta in 89

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