Spaceport Camden: The Right Place at the Right Time

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Spaceport Camden The Right Place at The Right Time

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Spaceport Camden

Abstract This paper is an overview of where Spaceport Camden evolved from, to where it’s going. This includes the descriptions of the launch site and explores the approach and emerging opportunities to make this one of the greatest nonfederal, exclusively vertical launch, spaceports on the eastern seaboard. Spaceport Camden has been progressing towards being a commercial-friendly spaceport, but it must continue to strategically develop the historic site to become a viable and sustainable spaceport and this paper begins to identify several opportunities.

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Chronology of Significant Space Flight Events Nationwide:

Spaceport History For over 50 years, space exploration has been part of Camden County’s history. On February 27, 1965 the site was used to test the world’s largest solid fuel rocket motor (156 Inches or 13 feet in diameter and 100 feet long) which produced 3.2 Million pounds of thrust. The Southeast Georgian newspaper called the test a success and labeled Camden County as the “Gateway to Space”. Three additional rocket test launches occurred in Camden County. It is a desirable location for the Space program because of its deep water port and access to the Inter-coastal, river and Atlantic Ocean.

1945: First functioning spaceport commissioned on Wallops Island, VA.

1958: Space Complex Cape Canaveral begins construction of space exploration facilities on the east coast of Florida.

1960 - Mercury Astronauts train at Lewis' Multiple Axis Space Test Inertia Facility (MASTIF) to learn how to control tumbling spacecraft.

1961: Mercury's manned flights launch.

1965: Starfish Prime was one of the largest nuclear tests conducted in outerspace by the US. The explosion took place at an altitude of 250 miles, above a point 19 miles southwest of Johnston Island.

1969: Apollo 11 lands on the moon and Neil Armstrong became the first man to walk on the Moon.

1981: Space Shuttle Columbia was the first NASA flight to enter space by a rocket and land like a plane; from Kennedy Space Center.

1982: First Commercial Launch Payload – Conestoga I, test launch for payload.

1984: Commercial Space Launch Act, signed by President Reagan streamlined launch licensing and requirements for commercial entities to pursue space activities. Amended 1988, 2004, 2016. 1996: Coca-Cola Science Center, owned and operated by Columbus State University, located 275 miles from Spaceport Camden opens

2004: First privately funded human flight: Mohave Air, and Spaceport in California. 2005: Early NASA report becomes public, identifying Camden County, Ga. as a possible alternative launch site in the early days of the space race. 2015: Spaceport Camden Joined Commercial Spaceflight Federation as an Executive Member and county commissioners signed an agreement to allow the county to purchase a 4,000acre track for the construction of a spaceport. 2017: Camden Spaceport sees 1st launch – Vector Space Systems launched suborbital test rocket. 3|Pa g e

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Spaceport Camden Existing Conditions Spaceport Camden formed in 1965 with its roots in the Thiokol solid rocket fuels testing. Spaceport Camden is made up of approximately 4,000 acres on the Satilla River in Georgia. There is potential to add another 7,800 acres and expand Spaceport Camden to approximately 11,800 acres. Spaceport Camden has a natural existing land buffer which can never be developed, and thus assures the spaceport tenants and adjacent residents this area natural area continuum. Spaceport Camden is physically located between Jacksonville, FL and Savannah, GA. The 4,000 acres of Spaceport is located along the eastern shoreline of Georgia and is connected to the waterways through King’s Bay. The Spaceport location is also at the vertex of three interstate highway systems. I-95 runs from Jacksonville to Savannah, and additionally onto Miami and New York. I-10 comes from the west and connects to Jacksonville, Florida and I-75 connects to Atlanta Georgia once it breaks from I-10. Spaceport Camden has always had a locational advantage; with a natural trajectory path into Low Earth Orbit. The launch path is between 31 degrees and 58 degrees to the equator. There are only a few existing facilities remaining from its 1960s start: the existing dock, the main gate guard house and some roadways. Besides the many miles of asphalt roadway, there are thousands of square feet of concrete slab from previous facilities may be repurposed. Although existing infrastructure is very minimal, it will allow for a starting point for further connectivity for new construction. Water, power and fiber optic is already present on site. In the near term, the proposed facilities shown on a Master plan include: Landing Zone, Launch Control Center and Payload Integration, Vertical Launch Facility and visitor center. The National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) requires federal agencies to evaluate the potential environmental impacts a project may have on the environment. As part of the FAA licensing process for the Spaceport, an Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) needs to be completed. The EIS will define the purpose and need of the project, the proposed action, reasonable alternatives and an evaluation of the alternatives. Included in the alternatives will be a No Action Alternative. There are typically six steps to the EIS process: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

Notice of Intent to prepare EIS Scoping Period Draft EIS (currently here) Public Comment on the draft EIS Notice of Availability of the final EIS Record of decision.

Approximately a year and a half ago, Spaceport Camden embarked on their process of delineating the EIS. As of December 2017, the Camden County Board

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Spaceport Camden of Commissioners is awaiting the results of the completed EIS which should be available in the near future. The county has an option to purchase approximately 4,000 acres of an approximately 12,000 acre industrial site on which to construct Spaceport Camden. Spaceport Camden could be expanded to include up to another 7,800 acres of adjoining property in the industrial site. This land would be used primarily as buffer. All said, Spaceport Camden, with its rich aerospace history, is a clean slate and is poised to re-emerge into the commercial space market. Its location is an asset and its buffer is a benefit. Spaceport Camden has other regional assets that will set it apart from other Spaceports regionally and nationwide.

Spaceport Camden Aerial (proposed facilities over‐laid on aerial)

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Why Spaceport Camden? Infrastructure, People, Education, Quality of Life For Spaceport Camden, it is not just one thing that's going to make it a success, it is several things working together, strategically and in a master planned development, that will make it viable and sustainable. The advantages of Spaceport Camden are detailed below:

Infrastructure   

Multi‐modal opportunities – Four deep water ports (Brunswick, Savannah, Jacksonville, and Charleston) with access to the Atlantic Ocean. Interstate 95 corridor runs along the coast of Georgia. There are four airports within the area: Brunswick Golden Isles Airport, Hartsfield-Jackson Atlanta International Airport, Savannah/Hilton Head International Airport and the nearest major airport at Jacksonville International Airport. All three modes of transportation will enable supplies to move quickly to and from Spaceport Camden.

People 

Naval Submarine Base Kings Bay has approximately 500-600 transitioning workforce personnel from the military to private sector jobs. Spaceport Camden will benefit from this knowledgeable workforce. Georgia Tech is ranked # 2 in Aerospace Engineering and is consistently ranked among the best universities in the United States and the world. For over a decade, Georgia Tech has remained in the top ten public universities in the United States, and is currently listed as the smartest public college in the United States Educated workforce and Aerospace companies: Georgia ranked fifth (Innovation Aerospace‐ among US states with over 800 aerospace companies. Graphic at right, is from

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Spaceport Camden and shows the aerospace companies across the state. This is an existing workforce that customers of the Spaceport can leverage. 99,000 Georgians are employed in this industry. It’s important to note that aerospace products are the No. 1 international export from the state of Georgia. The synergy from the companies will help “fuel” the Spaceport brain trust and its growth both in the short and long term. (Commercial Space: An Emerging Industry for Georgia. Feb. 2015)

All types of companies

Education 

Space Industry education – Albany State University, Armstrong Atlantic State University, Atlanta Metropolitan College, Clark Atlanta University, College of Coastal Georgia, Columbus State University, Emory University, Fort Valley State University, Georgia Institute of Technology, Georgia Southern University, Georgia State University, Kennesaw State University, Mercer University, Middle Georgia State University, Morehouse College, North Georgia College and University of Georgia provide space industry related teaching. These institutions enable the region to bring new insights into the industry and into Georgia. Spaceport Camden can benefit from working relationships with these entities.

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Coca-Cola Science Center– along with a host of interactive gallery exhibits, the center is home to the Challenger Learning Center mission simulator, MeadWestvaco Observatory, Omni-sphere Planetarium Theater, and also serves as the teaching and research site for all Columbus State astronomy courses. The Coca-Cola Space Science Center proudly houses Georgia's most extensive Space Shuttle artifact collection. Valued at nearly $20 million and includes a nine-time spaceflown Space Shuttle Main Engine Nozzle, BioMed and Operations Management Consoles from Kennedy Space Center's Firing Room 3, Space Shuttle Escape Basket, General Onboard Computer, Front Shuttle Tire and more. This attraction brings interested students to the area and would create a beneficial partnership with Spaceport Camden.

Statewide Transportation Network (Georgia Department of Transportation Office of Intermodal Programs‐www.DOT.GA.US) 8|Pa g e

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Quality of Life The lifestyle of Camden County; for the most part, is non-Urban and integrates the outdoors into everyday living. A high quality of life is defined by having a balance of one’s working, living and playing lifestyle. Residents desire these items in the location they live. The sustainable environment within the region guarantees a high quality of life will be there long into the future. Spaceport Camden should embrace similar principles in order to be good stewards of the land. The following items offer the quality of life in Camden County, Georgia, one of the best in the nation.        

A natural setting; outdoor enjoyment, sightseeing, beauty Ample opportunity to go fishing; sport, enjoyment, food Waterways which are both passive and active enjoyment Many miles of walking trails; ecological education, sightseeing, exercising Camping/hiking; temporarily living outdoors, exercise Quality education; higher knowledge, contributing to economy Good quality Jobs; happy workers, good wages Affordable housing; home ownership, ample lot sizes, treed subdivisions

Spaceport Camden should embrace all of its quality of life advantages to push this well-sited location to the forefront of potential customers’ minds.

Competitors The competition for commercial space flight is dynamic. International competition often offers lower prices due to government subsidies or substandard regulatory requirements. Domestic players span federal and nonfederal spaceports with various specializations. Spaceport Camden needs to monitor the domestic spaceport license activity and news of key domestic and international market players. Understanding how other market participants are promoting themselves and their current activities will help develop a competitive position in the space flight market. Spaceport Camden should also create opportunities to work collaboratively with other Spaceports for mutually beneficial purposes; sharing R&D, supply-chain relationships and adjacent technologies. Regional competitors should be of specific interest as they offer similar location advantages. These include:  

Cape Canaveral Air Force Station and Kennedy Space Center, FL Wallops Flight Facility, Virginia

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Spaceport Camden There are 3 active launch site operator licenses on the east coast. One is horizontal and the other two, vertical. Spaceport Camden will be the only 100% commercial/non-federal, spaceport on the east coast with vertical launch. Table below is from the FAA’s website extract dated 06 JUN 17.

( The following is a list of active Spaceports in the US: EAST COAST Proposed Spaceport Camden – 100% commercial, vertical launch facility. With an ideal location on the coast of Georgia, bordering northeast Florida, Camden County is strategically positioned to be one of the most important commercial spaceports in the United States. Spaceport Camden will be the only exclusively vertical, non-federal range on the East Coast. Kennedy Space Center/Cape Canaveral – Launch complex 46 at Cape Canaveral has the license. These two entities work together to provide space access from Florida’s “Space Coast”. There is extensive existing infrastructure that is aging and air space is controlled by Cape Canaveral. Cecil Field Spaceport – Cecil Field shares assets with Cecil Field Airport, including maintenance and overhaul facilities for DoD, and is authorized for horizontal takeoff and landings of suborbital vehicles. Wallops Flight Facility – an extensively instrumented range to support launches of more than a dozen types of sounding rockets, small expendable suborbital and

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Spaceport Camden orbital rockets, high-altitude balloon flights carrying scientific instruments for atmospheric and astronomical research and—using its Research Airport—flight tests of aeronautical research aircraft including unmanned aerial vehicles. OTHERS California Spaceport – California Spaceport uses facilities provided by VAFB providing commercial payload processing and launch alternatives to cost conscious customers with either polar or ballistic space launch programs. Vandenberg Air Force Base – The Nation’s premiere polar launch site and only U.S. military site to launch robotic government and communication satellites into polar orbit. Vandenberg is the only installation in the world where operational intercontinental ballistic missiles and polar-orbiting space satellites are launched. Oklahoma Spaceport – Oklahoma Spaceport was established using existing airport real estate and is still in development due to loss of priority tenant. Houston Airport System – There is a license to operate a launch site within the Houston Airport System at Ellington Airport (EFD). Midland International Airport – The Midland International Air & Space Port was granted its Commercial Space Launch Site license by the FAA on September 17, 2014. It is the first primary commercial service airport to be given a spaceport designation. Mojave Air and Spaceport – Mojave offers opportunities for filming with a focus only on an inland spaceport. Mohave has a business-friendly regulatory environment, intermodal transportation hub, is away from residential areas, and has 300+ sunny days a year. Spaceport America – Spaceport America was created and is run by the New Mexico Space Authority (NMSA). It is the home base of Virgin Galactic, the world’s first commercial spaceport. It provides public preview tours and has a full complement of contractors for vertical and horizontal flight operations, including a social media presence. Pacific Spaceport Authority Alaska/ Kodiak Launch Complex – Kodiak hosts U.S. military and defense missions and is the only U.S. facility that can launch high inclination (63.4°) missions without land over-flight and the requirement to resort to energy consuming dog leg flight segments. Mid‐Atlantic Regional Spaceport (MARS) – MARS is located at NASA Wallops Flight Facility, which has access to two launch pads and supporting WFF facilities. MARS has a “Zero-G Zero Tax” law that provides state income tax incentives to locate and headquarter space flight launch and training business operations in Virginia. It also enables a Space flight Liability and Immunity Law, where the space flight entity is not liable for a participant injury, resulting from the risks of

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Spaceport Camden space flight activities in Virginia. FOIA relief is also provided to the customer when doing business with VCSFA MARS. An Enterprise Zone was established at MARS, including a Foreign Trade Zone. Wallops Flight Facility – Wallops is one of the nation’s oldest launch facilities. It operates a rocket sounding range and formerly tracked NASA shuttle missions using communications, telemetry and radar facilities. It has a social media presence and is suborbital only.

Industry Trends Influencing Spaceport Camden The following trends are summarized from industry newsletters and their impact on the growth of Spaceport Camden.

Technology and Economics Two basic economic principles are supply and demand. They are the twin driving forces of the market economy. A market is in equilibrium when supply matches demand and there is a balance price point that is acceptable to buyers and sellers. Currently the space flight market is not in equilibrium and this is preventing low cost access to space. However, this is slowly starting to change. The demand for commercial Small Satellite and Non-Geostationary Satellite Orbit (NGSO) launches are expected to be at a comparably high level as major NGSO telecommunication constellations are replenished and NASA ISS commercial crew and cargo resupply missions become more regular. The annual average of NGSO commercial launches is expected to grow from an annual average of seven launches a year over the last ten years to about 11.9 launches annually. Lowermass electric propulsion satellites, the first dedicated versions of which were launched in early 2015 (by a Falcon 9 in a dual manifested configuration) may shift the total number of geostationary equatorial orbit (GSO) satellites launched in the coming decade to a higher annual average. The industry is also waiting for technology to advance further to ensure reusable launch vehicles. There have been some noted movements in the past several years. There have been several successful launches with the vehicle returned safely. New vehicles are planned for introduction between now and 2024, including the Angara 5, Ariane 6, Falcon Heavy, MHI’s H-X replacement to the HIIA, and ULA’s Vulcan, replacing the Atlas V, among others, and these will spur shifts in market share. Indeed, such a shift has already been seen during the past two years with the introduction of the Falcon 9 and the reduction in bookings for Proton M.

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Spaceport Camden

Investment What does Venture Investment in Space look for? Investors gravitated towards profitable opportunities and to successful exits (situations in which early investors have seen returns on their investments). One can sum up investor expectations succinctly, “You can now make money with space investment, which largely wasn’t a true statement before.” Investors saw increased investment opportunities primarily (though not exclusively) related to small satellites, driven by decreased costs and by new potential for returns. Investors pointed to the reduction in cost of satellites associated with what one called the “CubeSat revolution” and to “commodity components that are powerful and cheap.” Satellite systems use off-the-shelf technology and very small satellites that are easily and quickly manufactured to present a much different value proposition for investors. The timeline from design to operation has also shortened significantly, which means investors can expect to see quicker returns on their investment. Thomas Matula, of University of Houston, discussed the wave of Spaceports that occurred in the early 90's. “Spaceports must craft realistic business models that promote business incubators, not transportation facilities. Spaceports need to start small and expand as needed, leveraging facilities both old and new.” (Spaceport; Building up the Space Travel Industry; Leonard David, May 2006) As with investments in other industries, investors consider the strength of the management team, the strength of the technical solution, and the potential demand for the product or service when deciding to invest. Leadership and market were the two most consistently mentioned considerations. One investor said, “We look for three things when we invest: Great management, billion dollar market, and an unfair advantage (IP or technical edge).The question I always ask is, what is the market?”

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Economic Impact: There are obvious impacts that should be acknowledged. By comparing other installations and other locations, one can deduce that there would be a positive economic impact to a region by incorporating a Spaceport. A Spaceport brings benefits at many levels: local benefits, regional and national

opportunities. Some of the local benefits are: launch days and related economic multipliers, leases, fees, testing, resources and wages. The regional benefits include: distribution, residual revenues, taxes, companies benefiting and sharing resources. On the national level, benefits would be: distribution, Federal funding and sharing of resources. If Spaceport Camden begins to connect with other Spaceports worldwide, then there would be global connectivity and a whole additional level of involvement would begin. The following are a few examples of the residual benefits of incorporating a Spaceport into your local economy: 

Launch Days: over the past 30 years of Shuttle, Cape Canaveral had local economic revenue spikes that were tied directly to launch events. Humans are enthralled with rocket launches. The residual benefit to the economy is the obvious: hospitality, dining establishments and other secondary places to tour like Space visitors’ center and Science centers. Launches typically are a family affair, which involves kids. NASA estimates it brought millions of dollars to the local economy because of

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its existence at Kennedy Space Center.(Economic Impact of NASA in Florida; 2008) Educational Initiatives: Universities are competing to attract the brightest students. STEM programs need even more to have the best students, because they become the next generation’s thinkers for our existing Aerospace companies and Startups. Universities incorporating Aerospace will be sought after as commercial space business becomes more common. Best use of property; one of the contributing factors for the success of Spaceport Camden is the fact that a scenic environmental buffer is already in place. The 4,000 acres of environmental wetlands are best utilized for the separation from land and safety buffer from operations. They are in-place, never to be developed or removed. This assures the tenants and adjacent land owners of a natural space continuum. This is buffer land that will not have to be purchased. Median Salary: For a worker in the Raleigh/Durham Research Triangle, Central Florida Research Park or Atlanta Research Park the median salary is approximately $92,500 per year. The median salary for an R &D senior systems engineer is approximately $103,900 per year. A senior mechanical system engineer makes approximately $97,800 per year. Research parks and Aerospace companies bring with them higher paying jobs. Space Coast Corridor: Aerospace manufacturing will benefit from being located in Camden County. The region has a solid distribution network; both local and national. With a Spaceport, it would also be tied globally. The highway network ties in directly to Interstate 95 which can develop to be the Space Coast Corridor. This corridor links Spaceport Camden to Kennedy Space Center in Florida to the Port in Savanah and to Wallops in Virginia. According to PwC’s 2017 Aerospace Manufacturing Attractiveness ranking Index, Georgia ranked NO. 1 among the top 10 U.S. states for aerospace manufacturing.

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Data from U.S. and international orbital launch activities for calendar year 2016, including launches licensed by the Federal Aviation Administration’s Office of Commercial Space Transportation (FAA AST).

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Competitive Position The advantage of Spaceport Camden is that it is a blank slate; a dream that should be realized. Its advantages compared to other spaceports are: 1. Ability to make quick business decisions, 2. More affordable, 3. Fewer regulations, 4. Business friendly, 5. Operationally efficient. There are 10 other spaceports in the US alone, but many have been in existence for decades and have aging and overburdened infrastructure. Spaceport Camden can be open and flexible.

Market Position Spaceport Camden should promote itself as a low cost, alternative and an environmentally friendly launch site. Positioning itself as a collaborator with existing spaceports will allow Spaceport Camden to focus on smaller payloads while also supporting other Spaceports with the larger payloads. A second collaboration opportunity will be to link to Research and Development parks which in turn attract educated employees with higher paying jobs. Spaceport Camden may also serve as a Research and Development logistics hub for other Spaceports and higher education.

Market Segments There are multiple ways to segment the space flight industry. Ten sub-markets have been defined by Space Florida. Space Foundation uses similar but different groupings as does the FAA when discussing the domestic economic impact. breaks out its aerospace industry into 11 segments but they are more aviation focused. For Spaceport Camden, the Space Florida groupings were selected and a market position created for each segment. Market Segments Space Transportation & Technologies Support System Satellite Systems and Payloads Ground and Operations Support Systems Agriculture, Climate and Environmental Monitoring Civil Protection and Emergency Management

Market Position Low cost, alternative launch site with history of launch success Focus on small / nano satellites; have a flexible schedule for multiple small payload launches each week Until further development in the southeast corner of Georgia, leverage existing resources in the state Can use site as a benchmark for environmental impact of a spaceport; this should be part of the branding of the site Aligns with small/nano satellites, especially with Unmanned Aerial Systems (UAS)

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Spaceport Camden ISS and Human Life Sciences Communications, Cybersecurity and Robotics Adventure Tourism Clean Energy Advanced Materials and New Products

Not a segment focus for Spaceport Camden Establish working relationship with higher education to promote projects occurring at Spaceport Camden Link with the natural resources surrounding the area; eco-tourism to adventure tourism Ensure sustainable focus in work to extend branding Establish working relationship with higher education to promote projects occurring at Spaceport Camden

Next Steps The industry is still waiting on technology to move it into a full growth stage. However, continual progress on near term and some medium term items will continue to move the dream of Spaceport Camden forward. The following items should be addressed in the Near Term (0-5 years):            

EIS completion Land Acquisition; available lands, identification of strategic locations and acquisitions FAA approvals for active launch site operator license Seek partnerships with Small rocket/satellite companies and Economic Development Organizations Infrastructure planning with local utilities and developers; capacity limits, agreements, easements, developmental incentives Partnerships with higher education entities to leverage Spaceport Camden’s site for research and development Transportation issues: connectivity to the property, traffic studies, etc. Potential dredging strategies for King’s Bay connectivity Enhance partnership with King’s Bay Naval Station A Master Plan development will help to guide growth and development. Area Development Plan; finer detail of Launch areas, Manufacturing area, etc. Additional potential revenue streams

The following items should be addressed in the Medium-Term (6-10 years):   

Identify manufacturing companies to partner with Identify aerospace/ testing companies to partner with Identify higher education groups to partner with

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Preliminary thoughts on Georgia State Route 25 Spur. Develop small eco-tourism segment at Spaceport Camden

The following items should be included in the Long-Term Actions (beyond 10 years):     

Analysis of the distribution networks and who uses them, capacity Launch and landings companies Determine supplemental and complementary roles to regional Spaceports and Airports Connectivity to distribution and networking with the local Ports. Comprehensive Regional Plan

Even though there are Near-Term, Medium-Term and Long-Term Actions, some of the Long-Term actions should actually start in the Near-Term. As with all planning tasks, it will be a re-iterative process going from local to regional and back again to test designs and end state out-comes.

Emerging Opportunities Several industry trends are beginning to influence the future of Spaceport Camden. These influences along with the existing economy and environment are providing fertile grounds for many emerging opportunities. Several of these opportunities align with the Near, Medium and Long term action items. There are two types of opportunities: 1. Opportunities that are literally emerging because Spaceport Camden is ‘growing up’ and 2. Emerging opportunities in the Aerospace industry that Spaceport Camden will be able to incorporate to keep growing. On-site opportunities: 

Multiple nuclear subs exist at the King’s Bay Navy Base. A local knowledgeable and experienced labor force resides is in the area and should be leveraged for their knowledge and skillsets. Spaceport Camden has the ability to utilize and leverage the workforce, facilities and land area of King’s Bay as a Supply chain installation for both DoD and private sector pursuits. EIS is being finalized; as the FAA approves the spaceport license for Space port Camden, the spaceport has an opportunity to begin to approach and set up agreements with launch related companies. That list and analysis of potential companies, and how to attract them should begin now. Sign

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up one company to start testing all aspects of the operation. The others will follow. Spaceport Camden has little existing infrastructure and therefore has the flexibility to define itself as to what type of spaceport wants to be. Factors such as area educated labor force availability, regional space launch customer demand, supply chain availability and transport, as well as financial resources are important factors necessary to define and support a spaceport. Camden can define itself as a large or small volume vertical or horizontal launch facility or a combination thereof. Launch criteria should begin to be identified for the different ratings of rockets and potential layout of the QD arcs and other restrictive requirements of launch. Spaceport Camden should consider developing a Research and Innovation Park to attract space research and development companies and serve as incubators for new research and development companies. A strategic planning approach must be instituted for land to be designated on-installation and off for specific land uses. The Research Park and surrounding parcels could be sized for SF of facility, parking ratios, employee counts and infrastructure capacities. Always, being aware of the flexibility of the plan because of leasing or selling of the land. Is the Spaceport Authority the master developer and the broker? For example: The Central Florida Research park incorporates 58 buildings, 128 companies and 9500 employees. Space sector research and development companies located at the spaceport will contribute to space technology and have the ability to test their products at the spaceport. The Spaceport might consider entering into an agreement; either a P3, or Design/Build for a hybrid building for companies to lease space and share labs or testing facilities. That way, companies do not need to produce the upfront capital, but benefit in the short term from being at the Spaceport and developing their product which in turns grows the program and generates revenue to re-invest in the Spaceport or Research Park.

Additional aerospace emerging opportunities: 

Zero-Fuel Aircraft; this idea has been growing steadily for both civil and commercial application. These aircraft engage with agriculture, aerial photography, 3-D mapping and environmental/wildlife delineation. Powered by solar photovoltaic panels, this aircraft technology may overlap with any one of the technology companies found at a Space Port or Research Park. The Department of Defense also has connections to this type of aircraft and may have some synergy with King’s Bay Navy Base.

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Advanced Materials: Lighter, stronger materials are rapidly changing the future of Aerospace Industries. The ability to manufacture new materials has tremendous advantages for efficiency, reduced weight and increased fuel consumption. Eventually, micro-robots will be utilized to assemble these new materials. 3-D Printing: As parts become scarce and potentially more complicated to design, 3-D printing has found itself assisting in several industries. The only constraint at this point is scale. Smaller scale pieces are easily created faster and cheaper than die cast or molded. Nanotechnology: With the ever “shrinking” field of Nanotechnology; materials, electronics, and sensors are all products that become part of the “supply-chain” feeder to companies and products that will be needed at the Spaceport and/or the surrounding Research and Development Park and its companies. Autonomous vehicles: Either Aircraft or automobile, driverless technologies are in their infancy and will have a greater part to play in the future. This is another technology that could have a symbiotic relationship to Spaceport Camden and its surrounding technology centers.

Whether needed in the beginning or to sustain Spaceport Camden, opportunities need to provide synergy between the Spaceport and its surroundings. These synergies such as supply chain companies will be essential for the Spaceport to grow and diversify within the region. If Spaceport Camden and its surrounds can help create new technologies for the Aerospace Industry and take advantage of them, then it will be relevant, sustainable and on the leading edge for many years to come.

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A Team Approach Making History Again!™ - The Camden County Board of Commissioners, in partnership with the community, will be collaborating with the Camden County Joint Development Authority, the Georgia Department of Economic Development, the Georgia Department of Transportation, and other State and Federal Agencies, and commercial space companies, in pursuing the development of a World Class Spaceport in Camden County, Georgia, U.S.A.

Camden County has a prime site under contract and is seeking to entitle, license and acquire the site for the development of an aerospace industrial park. This site has a history of space activity and will be home to one or more commercial space companies.

Vision To develop a successful world class spaceport through a public-private partnership that establishes Camden County as the Commercial Space Center of the United States.

Mission To create the premier commercial spaceport strategically positioned to provide economic diversity with a competitive advantage for the space sector, Camden County, the State of Georgia and the United States of America.

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200 S. Orange Ave Suite 900 Orlando, FL 32801 407.903.5001 Stephanie Sadowsky, PMP Kevin Kuehn, AIA, AICP Karl McKinster, AIA

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