Camden County 2022 Annual Report

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The Board of Commissioners usually meet on the first and third Tuesday of each month, with exceptions posted on the calendar Regular meetings begin at 6:00 p m in the Commission Chambers located on the 2nd floor of the Government Services Complex located at 200 E 4th Street in Woodbine Special called meetings and work sessions are held when necessary. All meetings are open to the public.

The Board of Commissioners make policies, adopt laws, sets budget limits and tax rates amongst its duties. The BOC appoints a County Administrator who is chosen by and responsible to the Board of Commissioners. The County Administrator oversees the day-today operations of the County, advises the Board, and implements Commission policy.


12/31/2022); and

(term expires 12/31/2024)

In November 2022, Camden County voters elected Martin Turner to serve District 2 and Jim Goodman to serve District 4. They began representing our community in January 2023.

Join us in thanking Commissioner Clark and Commissioner Blount for their service to Camden County as we welcome Commissioner Turner (left) and Commissioner Goodman (right) to the Board of Commissioners.

About our covers: The images displayed on our front and back covers were submitted to the Showcase Camden County Photo Contest by Frances Lewis (2022), Debbie Gauthier (2022), and Deborah Baird (2011)

From Left: District 1 Commissioner Lannie Brant (term expires 12/31/2024); District 2 Commissioner Chuck Clark (term expired 12/31/2022); District 3 Commissioner Trevor Readdick (term expires District 4 Commissioner Gary Blount (term expired District 5 Commissioner Ben Casey


The Board of Commissioners (BOC) serves as ambassadors and liaisons to many local, regional, and state boards, as well as committees that cover a variety of important matters impacting Camden County residents and businesses. Topics covered by these boards include the economy, transportation, regional and local planning, environment, tourism, juvenile issues, and the arts Members of the BOC are actively engaged in working for the community

Each commissioner is elected by a district to serve staggered, four-year terms Annually the BOC identifies and selects a Chair and a Vice-Chair to serve a one-year term. In 2022, District 4 Commissioner Gary Blount served as Chair and District 5 Commissioner Ben Casey served as Vice Chair.

Following each decennial census, county governments work on redistricting. This process balances the number of residents in each district. The map above was approved by the BOC and signed by Governor Brian Kemp in March 2022.



During 2022 your County staff has been able to achieve many exciting milestones while providing citizens County services It is my pleasure to present the 2022 Camden County Annual Report, which will highlight the accomplishments Camden County has made through challenging times This report will provide an update on the work and efforts made throughout the county, which are a direct reflection of our 2022-2027-2037 Strategic Plan.

The Strategic Plan model continues to be a useful tool for both leadership and staff. It provides a guide to help us establish value-based principles and a strategic focus for a yearlong work plan. The Board of County Commissioners set the policy agenda which provides staff with a solid action plan to follow. The Strategic Plan also outlines all major projects and goals and places emphasis on outcome-based objectives, targeting the next five to 15 years.

Camden County employees achieved many accomplishments and hit several milestones outlined in our Strategic Plan, in addition to being recognized for state and national awards. The benefits residents have seen is a direct reflection of the hard work, dedication, and talent of your public servants. The following pages will outline and highlight many of these accomplishments making Camden County a great place to live, work, and play. I look forward to continuing to build upon these efforts with you throughout 2023.


"I have been impressed with the urgency of doing. Knowing is not enough; we must apply. Being willing is not enough; we must do."

Budget includes $3 77 million in increases to salaries and benefits for all employees, including $2 09 million to the Camden County Sheriff's Office and $542,000 to Camden County Fire Rescue

No General Fund Debt

Employee Retirement Fully Funded

No Increase in Employee Health Insurance

38% of budget reserved in Fund Balance, or over 4 months of operating expenses

10% Property Tax Reduction


Camden County Goals 2027

Financially Sound County Providing Exceptional Service and Value

Grow the Local Economy Managed Growth and Plan for Resiliency

Great Place to Live

Highlights from the 2022 Policy Agenda

Top Priorities include:

Airport Development

High Priorities include:


Local Option Sales Tax (LOST) Agreement with cities

Highlights from the 2022 Management Agenda

Top Priorities include:

Residential Curbside Solid Waste Collection

The 2022-2027-2037 Strategic Plan and Action Agenda, along with links to previous year's Strategic Plans, are available on the Camden County Website at:

High Priorities include:

Trash Trucks Enforcement

Presentation on Airport Development

LOST Negotiation Participants New Signage at MSW Landfill

Camden County Grants Management secured nearly $1.55 million in grant funding as part of over $2.64 million in grant dollars requested. Although the money was requested in 2022, not all decisions were made during the calendar year. Additional grant dollars could be added to Camden County as a result of work occurring in 2022.

In October the Camden County Board of Commissioners accepted over $60,000 in funding through the Georgia Emergency Management Agency (GEMA) Hazard Mitigation Grant Program for the purchase of portable AM Radio Stations

These stations will be used as needed to broadcast specific emergency management and hazard notifications.

*General Government includes, but is not limited to: Board of Commissioners, Elections & Registration, Finance & Budget, Human Resources, Information Technology, Tax Assessor, and Tax Commissioner.

WORK 2022 ANNUAL REPORT Health & Welfare 2.1¢ Insurance 15.1¢ General Government* 23.5¢ Judiciary 8.1¢ Public Works 6.0¢ Public Safety 40.4¢ Housing & Development 3.6¢ Culture & Recreation 1.2¢

A Special Purpose Local Option Sales Tax (SPLOST) is a countywide tax used to fund capital outlay projects by the county government and participating municipal governments It may not be used for operating expenses This tax is collected on all items subject to sales tax, regardless of where the purchaser resides

In March 2019, Camden County voters approved SPLOST VIII and collections began on July 1, 2019, and will expire on June 30, 2025. SPLOST VII collections ended on June 30, 2019, but local governments had until June 30, 2022, to spend funding on these projects.


Beginning in October 2021, Camden County Public Works embarked upon an unpaved road stabilization/build-up project. Crews have added rock to nearly 42 miles of unpaved roads in unincorporated Camden County. This project is still in-progress as the Public Works Department works towards building up close to 70 miles of roadway during the first round of work. Funding from this project is from SPLOST VII, SPLOST VIII, and American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) resources. Road condition complaints have been reduced as a result of this project.

Two new ambulances began serving Camden County in 2022. These are the third and fourth ambulances purchased through SPLOST VIII.


Administered by the U.S. Department of Treasury, the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) Coronavirus State and Local Fiscal Recovery Funds provided a substantial infusion of resources to help turn the tide on the pandemic, address its economic fallout, and lay the foundation for a strong and equitable recovery

Through ARPA funding, Camden County received a total of $10,618,230.00 in two different payments.

At their April 19, 2022, regular meeting, the Camden County Board of Commissioners voted to approve spending $387,600 in American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) funding towards the new Camden County Health Department. This is the final approval for the joint city-county collaboration to fund the new facility.

The project cost for the new facility is $4 5 million Funding is provided by:

Special Purpose Local Option Sales Tax (SPLOST) VIII for $1 2 million; Community Development Block Grant COVID (CDBG-CV) for $1 million; Coastal Georgia Public Health for $800,000; and Women, Infants, and Children (WIC) for $300,000.

The remaining $1.2 million will come from the collaboration between Camden County and the Cities of Kingsland, St. Marys, and Woodbine. Based on population, Camden County is providing $387,600, the City of Kingsland is contributing $378,840, the City of St. Marys is funding $399,960, and the City of Woodbine is adding $33,600..

In March 2022, the Camden County Board of Commissioners approved renovations to the public restrooms located at the Camden County Public Safety Complex These facilities are used by visitors to the facility and staff and the renovations were completed in summer 2022

Conceptual Image Right: Renovated Public Restrooms

Due to the backlog of court cases caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, Camden County Superior Court requested assistance with outfitting an existing space in the Camden County Courthouse as an additional courtroom. At their May 17, 2022, regular meeting, the Camden County Board of Commissioners approved the purchase of hardware, software, and furniture to allow a third courtroom to assist Camden County residents.


In January 2022, the Camden County Board of Commissioners approved a Classification and Compensation Study for Camden County employees The job market for recruiting and retaining talent for all positions, specifically for emergency services personnel, has never been more challenging Our ability to recruit and retain those employees is vital to meet the needs of the citizens of Camden, and to do that we must ensure our competitiveness with compensation. As a result of this study, the FY 2023 budget included an additional $3.77 million in salaries and benefits.

At their June 7, 2022, regular meeting, the Camden County Board of Commissioners approved a one-time payment of $10,000 to Camden House due to direct impacts of COVID-19. Camden House is a family violence service center and shelter in Camden County.

At their September 6, 2022, regular meeting, the Camden County Board of Commissioners approved the purchase of a mobile field office for Camden County Emergency Management Agency (EMA). The FORTS Custom 2 Ton Model Mobile Medical Field Clinic/Office costs nearly $175,000 and will allow for the creation of a mobile field office to assist with recovery efforts following disasters and emergencies.

In January 2022, the Camden County Board of Commissioners approved the creation of a full-time Public Safety Placement Specialist in the Human Resources Department. This position's sole focus is recruiting public safety positions with the goal of dramatically increasing Camden’s exposure to applicant pools, as well as provide much needed support to fill our vacancies.




51.05% of registered Camden County voters cast ballots in the November 8, 2022 General Election.

Camden County Solid Waste Disposed of 197,633 tons of garbage at the Municipal Solid Waste (MSW) and Construction & Demolition (C & D) sites.

In December 2022, Camden County had 42,752 registered voters, including 36,013 active voters.

Camden County E-911 answered 164,179 calls for service in 2022, averaging over 13,600 a month

Camden County Planning & Development completed 2,241 residential and commercial inspections in 2022, averaging over 9 inspections each business day.


The Board of Commissioners continues to fund and hold public safety as a top priority. Proof is in the over $2.09 million increase in Sheriff's Office and $542,000 increase in Fire Rescue salaries and benefits in the FY 2023 Budget. This increase was part of an overall $3.77 million added to salaries and benefits following a comprehensive employee compensation study.


Camden County is on social media! You can find us on 5 different platforms including: Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, Nextdoor, and Twitter.

Additionally, Camden County Emergency Management Agency (EMA), Camden County Fire Rescue, and Two Rivers Gun Range are each on 2 platforms, Facebook and Twitter

The Camden County Sheriff's Office averaged 532 citations per month, with 6,380 issued in 2022.

MainPoint Health & Wellness conducted 3,516 office visits in 2022 for Camden County, the City of Kingsland, the City of St. Marys, and the Public Service Authority staff and families.





Camden County Citizens' Academy provides local residents with a behind-the scenes look at county departments and some Constitutional Offices. 11 individuals completed the 2022 session


The Board of Commissioners held 20 regular meetings, 7 special called meetings, and 12 work sessions in 2022

Camden County completed 205 open records requests in 2022. An additional 1,235 contacts were made through the website to 50 different departments, offices, or individuals.

Camden County Human Resources Department received 676 applications and resumes for employment in 2022.

Camden County Animal Control answered 2,107 calls service in 2022

Camden County Public Works spent over 17,791 blade miles grading unpaved roads in unincorporated Camden County.

Camden County Facilities Maintenance completed 938 work orders in 2022


Camden County Emergency Management Agency (EMA) sent out 99 situation reports about various emergency activities and events in 2022

Throughout 2022, EMA staff completed 15 unmanned aerial system (drone) missions.

Two Rivers Gun Range sold 5,289 nonmember day passes in 2022 An additional 931 day passes were sold to guests of members. County Fire Rescue averaged 20.37 daily calls for service in 2022.


The Government Finance Officers Association (GFOA) awarded the Certificate of Achievement for Excellence in Financial Reporting to Camden County for our annual comprehensive financial report This Certificate of Achievement is the highest form of recognition in the area of governmental accounting and financial reporting This represents a significant accomplishment by a local government and its management.

Since 2009, Camden County has been nationally recognized with twenty-seven (27) Achievement Awards from the National Association of Counties (NACo) The annual Achievement Award program was designed to honor and recognize innovative, effective county government programs that enhance services for residents. Each nominee is judged on its own merits and not against other applications received. In 2022, NACo recognized Camden County's ARPA Program's Rural Transportation Collaborative Partnerships in the Transportation category.

Camden County received a County Excellence Award from the Association County Commissioners of Georgia (ACCG) and Georgia Trend magazine for the Rural Transportation Collaborative Partnerships. Camden County was featured in the June 2022 issue of Georgia Trend.

Utilizing existing regional partnerships, Camden County spent APRA funds to assist in providing a fair and equitable resource for those without transportation. Through our Rural Transportation Collaborative Partnerships, Camden County . . partnered with the City of St. Marys and the Coastal Regional Commission (CRC) to pay for ridership fees for the Coastal Regional Coaches, a Federal Rural Transportation Program. Citizens that reside within unincorporated Camden County and the Cities of St Marys, Kingsland, and Woodbine will be eligible to ride free anywhere within Camden County

Through the Rural Transportation Collaborative Partnerships, Camden County sought to support public health by delivering citizens to vaccine sites, doctor appointments, mental health and substance abuse treatment, domestic violence shelters, . and other services This partnership also provides free transportation for unemployed workers to go to job interviews and gain access to workforce training


Citizen Engagement & Outreach



In MARCH The Georgia Emergency Management Agency (GEMA) recognized Camden County Emergency Management Agency (EMA) as meeting all incentive standards outlined by GEMA and the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) This significant accomplishment requires Camden County to meet a high level of readiness capability, training, and resources. Camden County EMA must continue to sustain this level of operational readiness to ensure the county is prepared for any disaster, while benefiting financially from this programmatic compliance.

In MAY the Camden County Board of Commissioners unveiled the redesigned Camden County mobile app. The update of the Camden County GA app, available on both Apple and Android devices, seeks to improve communications and bring residents advanced connectivity to the Camden County government

The app, developed with website partner CivicPlus, works seamlessly with the website design to provide consistent, comprehensive, and real-time information to users.

JANUARY - The Camden County Board of Commissioners adopted Legislative Priorities for 2022

FEBRUARY - The redesigned launched. The updated website allows users to easily access popular links and utilize the website's chatbot.

MARCH - Camden County first responders received a $1,000 grant through the Georgia Public Safety Officials and First Responders Supplement grant distributed by the Georgia Office of Planning and Budget. This totaled nearly $200,000 across public safety.

APRIL - Camden County and the Cities of Kingsland, St. Marys, and Woodbine unite to complete funding for the new Camden County Health Department using ARPA funding.

MAY - Camden County, Georgia was recognized with an Achievement Award from the National Association of Counties (NACo) for the Rural Transportation Collaborative Partnership.

JUNE - Eleven local residents graduate from the 2022 Camden County Citizens' Academy This was the first academy class since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic


In DECEMBER, Camden County Employees were recognized for their years of service Those honorees included 36 employees that reached a 5, 10, 15, 20, 35, or 40 years of service milestone in 2022, comprising 380 years of service to Camden County.


JULY - Camden County employees are recognized at a "catch-up" ceremony to honor those achieving a 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, or 35 year milestone in 2020 or 2021. Their recognition was delayed due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

AUGUST - The Camden County Board of Commissioners approved the Local Option Sales Tax (LOST) distribution. This agreement includes the county as well as the Cities of Kingsland, St. Marys, and Woodbine and is in effect for the next ten years.

SEPTEMBER - Hurricane Ian was the first of two tropical systems that impacted Camden County this hurricane season

OCTOBER - The Camden County Board of Commissioners reduced the millage rate for local property owners by approximately 10% This reduction was larger than the initially announced rollback rate

NOVEMBER - Shawn M. Boatright began service as County Administrator for the Camden County Board of Commissioners.

DECEMBER - Fire Chief Terry Smith earns recer achieves Georgia Fire Chief Certification from the G

In JULY, the Camden County Board of Commissioners approved spending $12,500 to provide swimming lessons for 100 children through the Camden County Public Service Authority (PSA). Through a partnership with the City of St. Marys, a total of $25,000 is available for swimming lessons for 200 children.

The eight-lesson program seeks to help children in our community learn to swim and to prevent drownings, the second leading cause of accidental death for children under the age of 14.

Robert Strickland (center) was recognized for 40 years of service to Camden County


2022 Employee Highlights

Employee Compensation Study added over $3.77 million to salaries and benefits

3 Employees completed the National Association of Counties (NACo) High Performance Leadership Academy

Staff Completed Sexual Harassment and Diversity Training



200 East 4th Street • P.O. Box 99 • Woodbine, Georgia 31569 • 912-576-5601 STAY IN TOUCH WITH YOUR COUNTY GOVERNMENT

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