Abr 2013

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13. Pastor David explained the changes to the constitution that were suggested in order to comply with the CNCA act. In order for this resolution to pass it requires a vote of 75% of the quorum. The resolution below was put forth for a vote to the membership in attendance:

Special Resolution of Members to continue the Corporation under the provisions of the

Canada Not-for-profit Corporations Act and authorizing the directors to apply for a Certificate of Continuance, and to approve updated by-laws.

BE IT RESOLVED AS A SPECIAL RESOLUTION THAT: i. The directors of the Corporation are authorized and directed to make an application under the CNCA for a Certificate of Continuance of the Corporation; ii. The Articles of Continuance (transition) of the Corporation, which have been submitted to this meeting are approved; iii. The General Operation By-law No.1 of the Corporation, as submitted to this meeting in its amended, and updated form, being referred to as General Operation By-Law No. 2013-1, is approved effective on the date that the Corporation continues under the CNCA. iv. Any one of the officers and directors of the Corporation is authorized to take all such actions and execute and deliver all such documentation, including the articles of Continuance (transition), the notice of registered office and of directors, which are necessary or desirable for the implementation of this resolution. 14. The scrutineers distributed the ballots for the special resolution. Once all votes were cast the ballots were collected and declared closed. 15. Pastor David put forth a motion to accept the ministry reports as distributed and mentioned the highlights of the year are the stories of individuals in who God is at work. MSC One question directed at Pastor David was if there was a ministry to shut ins or those in the hospital. Pastor David confirmed that Pastor David Aide regularly visits our senior shut ins and Hank Vanderloo also visit those in the hospital who list Calvary as their church home. 16. The scrutineers returned with the results of the vote on the special resolution. 97% voted in favour of acceptin the resolution. 17. A motion was put forth to destroy the ballots.


18. Pastor David concluded the meeting by offering his thanks to the staff, board and members of the congregation that make the ministries of the church happen. 19. The meeting closed inprayer and was adjourned at 7:40 pm.

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