3 minute read


What would your wedding day look like if there were no boundaries?

01. Dream up your best day | The first step in any great creative process is the dream and brainstorm. This is where you and your partner explore all the possibilities of what your day could look like without being hindered by details or logistics yet.


02. Make the big decisions | Once you have an overall vision of what you to want out of your day it’s time to make the biggest decisions that will affect your elopement experience the most who you’re inviting where you’re going and how long you’re going for.

Think outside the box have you always envisioned your wedding day being multiple days? Do you wanna include some sort of adventure? Do you want it to be just the two of you? Just keep dreaming…

03. Plan out the details | The next step is to plan out all of your details for your day including booking your travel, a place to stay, choosing your vendors, deciding on activities, picking out your wedding day attire, and gathering any other items or gear you may need.

04. Craft your timeline | Once you have all the details decided on it’s time to put your vision all together and create a timeline for your wedding day that fits everything you want to experience.

05. Have the best day ever | You did it! Your day is here relax and soak in every moment and be fully present with your partner. Enjoy the incredible experience you created together as you say your vows and commit your lives to each other.

In the final chapter of this welcome guide (p. 34) we will tell you a little more about us, your team! The "why" behind our work and how you can trust us with this very imporatnt day! We will provide you with some details about what your videography coverage entails and our noninvasive approach in the way we create story driven films. We will walk you through the booking process from start to finish.

We're confident this guide will answer most of your questions.

We whole heartedly believe that no single elopement or wedding is exactly like another just like there’s no couple out there exactly the same so don’t let what you’ve seen on blogs, social media, friends and family or even from us stop you. Your wedding day is about creating a day that’s going to make you feel the most alive, happy, relax, and in love. This part of the planning process is all about letting your imagination go wild and envisioning the most enjoyable day for the two of you. How you would celebrate your relationship in the most authentic way forget about any restrictions for a moment and just dream big that’s where you’ll find what speaks most to you, you’ll have time to figure out the details later

Decide on “where”.

We realize that most of you have already chosen a venue by this point. BUT, in the hope of keeping your imagination flowing some more, we are asking you to think outside the box! It’s no secret that a wedding or elopement day goes by in a flash but how can you make those moments with your partner more intimate on the day. How can we incorporate it all! Regardless on “where” we go we will always push you to get out at sunset! (Note: let your planner know to include a 30 minute photo session on your timeline) Sunsets are our favourite times among photographers to take pictures and videos because of the golden lighting and vibrant colours that are caused by the sun being low in the sky. In sunny climates midday sunlight can create harsh under eyeshadows which is why the middle of the day is when I usually recommend doing indoor photos, getting ready photos, travelling, or hiking, doing activities, or hanging out and relaxing.

Videographers will also remind you how important audio is to tell your story so think about this concept when choosing your locations. If choosing a more secluded scenic location to say your vows privately make sure you’re not doing it in front of a waterfall or else you’re videographer won’t be able to capture the audio. You might want to recite your views in the forest first, and then head to the waterfall for the photo session?

Leave No Trace

Leave no trust is a set of ethics that everyone who recreationally uses the outdoors should strive to practice in order to do their part in protecting the environment. It is made up of seven principles that guide decisions to leave the least amount of impact possible on outside spaces.

1. Plan ahead And prepare

2. Travel and camp on durable surfaces

3. Dispose of waste properly

4. Leave what you find

5. Minimize campfire impacts

6. Respect wildlife

7. Be considerate of other visitors

To best follow leave no trace you should do research before hand so that you can make a plan to stick to trails and other durable surfaces be ready to leave everything you fine and pack out everything that you bring in and be prepared in case you encounter any local wildlife.