July 2015 Caldwell Perspective

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Caldwell, Idaho

Edition Eight DNA Double Helix Fun!

Look Who Got Hitched!

JULY 2015 Jack Sparrow Visits Rotary Pond

Miracle Bricks In Caldwell

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MASSI Page 2


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Caldwell Eagles Lodge Retires “Old Glory”

By Leora Summers, Caldwell Perspective Editor

Vietnam Vet and Legacy Vet Motorcycle Club of Caldwell Honored at Event

L to R: Cilla Clawson, RC “Streetwise” Clawson, Dan “Jeweler” Ward, Jo Ward, Luke Hayward, Brian Alspach, Christine Woodside, Max “Pilgrim” Woodside

The Caldwell Eagles Lodge ceremoniously replaced the American flag that flew high on their building at 815 Arthur Street on June 6th with the “Vietnam Vet and Legacy Vet Motorcycle Club of Caldwell” and others in attendance.

She was then passed on to RC “Streetwise” Clawson, the president of the vet’s motorcycle club, for proper disposal. He stood there with the flag under his arm as Gary Helfrich (Eagle member) began to raise the new American flag along with the Veteran’s flag. A beautiful new American flag now graces the Caldwell Eagles Lodge with the Veteran’s flag (honoring those who served our country) flying directly below it.

“Old Glory” was properly folded in the respected traditional triangle fold for American flags by Eagle members Bob Gans and Vince Deleon as Gary Helfrich looks on.

The flag that was retired at the Caldwell Eagles Lodge had been raised for the first time at that site in 1978. It definitely lived up to the name of “Old Glory.” It was time to put her to rest.

Displaying the Flag Outdoors from www.usflag.org When the flag is displayed from a staff projecting from a window, balcony, or a building, the union should be at the peak of the staff unless the flag is at half staff. When the U.S. flag is displayed from the same flagpole with another flag - of a state, community, society or Scout

unit - the flag of the United States must always be at the top except that the church pennant may be flown above the flag during church services for Navy personnel when conducted by a Naval chaplain on a ship at sea.

When the flag is displayed over a street, it should be hung vertically, with the union to the north or east. If the flag is suspended over a sidewalk, the flag’s union should be farthest from the building.

Page 2 CALDWELL PERSPECTIVE Senior Center 459-0132 Every Tues (ex/July 21): 9 AM Art Group Every Tues: 1 PM Pinochle Every Tues: 5:30 PM Bingo Every Wed: 10:30AM Crochet & Knitting Every Wed: 7 PM Square Dancing Every Thurs: 9 AM Exercise Class Every Thur: 10 AM Fit and Fall Class Every Fri: 6 PM Dance Closed July 4th Caldwell Library 459-3242 Closed Indendence Day! Every Mon: 10:30 AM Baby Storytime Every Tues: 10:30 AM Preschool Storytime Every Tues: 7 PM Hora de Cuentos Every Wed: 11 AM Heroes for Kids Every Thurs: 2 PM Read to a Therapy Dog (ex/30th) Every Thurs: 3 PM Teen Make It (ex/30th) Every Fri: 10 AM Tai Chi July 31st is the last day of summer reading! July 4 7 AM: Greenleaf Pancake Feed, GFA Football field. 10 AM: Greenleaf parade. 10 AM: Caldwell 4th of July Parade. 11:30 AM: Caldwell Celebration, Memorial Park. 12-4 PM: Caldwell Family Activities, Memorial Park. Dusk: Caldwell Fireworks, Brothers Park. July 5 8-11:30 AM: Breakfast at the Eagles Lodge, 815 Arthur, 454-8054. July 6 9 AM-12 PM: Musical Glee Camp, Caldwell Rec. (6-11 yrs) 119 Kimball, csanders@c.i.caldwell.id.us 1-4 PM: Musical Glee Camp, Caldwell Rec. (1218 yrs) 119 Kimball, csanders@c.i.caldwell.id.us. 6:30 PM: Band Booster Dinner, Memorial Park. 7:30 PM: Centennial Band Concert, Memorial Park. July 8 3 PM: Teen Gaming, Caldwell Library, 459-3242. 5:30 PM: Idaho Truck Show & Shine, “Stampede for the Cure” Benefit. Ladies Night at the Horse Races, Les Bois Park, Wear Pink To Benefit The Cause! July 9 10:30 AM: GEMSET, Caldwell Library, 1010 Dearborn St., 459-3242. 2 PM: Thurs. Afternoon Read, Caldwell Library, 1010 Dearborn St., 459-3242. July 10 9 AM: Idaho Truck Show & Shine Golf Tournament “Stampede for the Cure”, Riverbend Golf Course, 18981 Fish Rd., Wilder. Register online at www.idahotruckshowandshine.com or call Jared 573-1443.

Calendar of Events 4:30 PM: Kids Yoga, Caldwell Library, 459-3242. 5 PM: Adult Yoga, Caldwell Library, 1010 Dearborn St., 459-3242. 6-8 PM: Chicken Fried Steak Dinner, Eagles Lodge, 815 Arthur, 454-8054. July 11 2 PM: Family Movie, Caldwell Library, 1010 Dearborn St., 459-3242. July 13 9-11 AM: “Frozen” Fun Princess Camp, Rec. Building, 119 Kimball, csanders@c.i.caldwell. id.us. 9 AM-12 PM: Fishing Camp, Memorial Park, csanders@c.i.caldwell.id.us. 9:30 AM-7 PM: 4th Session Swim Lessons begin, Memorial Pool, csanders@c.i.caldwell.id.us. 11:15 AM-1 PM: Chamber Noonbreak Luncheon. Caldwell Memorial Park, skrajnik@caldwellchamber.org. 5-6 PM: Hip Hop Dance classes start, Rec. Building, 119 Kimball, csanders@c.i.caldwell.id.us. July 15 12-3 PM: 2 Day Cheer Camp, Memorial Park, csanders@c.i.caldwell.id.us. 3 PM: Jr. Makers Club, Caldwell Library, 459-3242. July 16 4:30-6 PM: Business After Hours, Silverhawk Realty, 2805 Blaine St. #200. July 17 11:30 AM-3 PM: 26th Annual Witco Golf Tournament, Purple Sage Golf Course, 454-3051. 12 PM: Dancing in the Dirt Meet & Greet, Advocates Against Family Violence Benefit. Music, Food & Beverage, Garrity Wal-Mart Nampa. 6-8 PM: Taco Bar Dinner, Eagles Lodge, 815 Arthur, 454-8054. July 18 10 AM-4PM: Fiesta in the Park, Serenity Park, Food, Vendors, Artists! Lacey Welt, 459-3242. July 19 8-11:30 AM: Breakfast at the Eagles Lodge, 815 Arthur, 454-8054. July 20 9 AM-12 PM: Lego Camp, Wind, Solar & Water. Ages 7-12, Memorial Park Classroom (4days), csanders@c.i.caldwell.id.us. 9 AM-12 PM: Musical Glee Camp, Caldwell Rec. Building, 119 Kimball, csanders@c.i.caldwell.id.us Ages 6-11. 1-4 PM: Musical Glee Camp, Caldwell Rec. Building 119 Kimball, csanders@c.i.caldwell.id.us Ages 12-18. 6:30 PM: Band Booster Dinner, Memorial Park. 7:30 PM: Centennial Band Concert, Memorial Park.

aldwell Perspective

July 2015

July 22 8-9:30 AM: Coffee Connect, Farmers Insurance, 112 W. Logan. 3 PM: Teen Gaming, Caldwell Library, 1010 Dearborn St., 459-3242. July 23 12 PM-12 AM: Canyon County Fair. 2-3 PM: Ballet Camp, Caldwell Rec. Building 119 Kimball, csanders@c.i.caldwell.id.us. 8 PM: Old Donion on stage @ CC Fair. July 24 12 PM-12 AM: Canyon County Fair: Purple up for the ManUp Crusade Day. 6-8 PM: Chicken Strip or Cod Dinner, Eagles Lodge, 815 Arthur, 454-8054. 8 PM: Brett Eldredge on stage @ CC Fair. Dusk (about 9:30-10 PM): Movie in the Park; The Princess Bride @ Memorial Park. July 25 12 PM-12 AM: Canyon County Fair: St. Al’s Healthy Living Day. 8 PM: Easton Corbin on stage @ CC Fair. July 26 12 PM-12 AM: Canyon County Fair: Family Day! (No alcohol) 7 PM: Knights of Valour Full Metal Jousting @ Canyon County Fair. July 27 9:30 AM: Session 5 Swim Lessons begin, csanders@c.i.caldwell.id.us. July 30 9-10 PM: Ribbon Cutting @ Grocery Outlet, 4907 Cleveland Blvd. Deadline to Register For CNR Rodeo Queen Contest. July 31 6-8 PM: Ribeye Dinner, Eagles Lodge, 815 Arthur, 454-8054. Last Day of Summer Reading Program, Library. August 3 9 AM-12 PM: Hunter’s Education. Ages 10+ Caldwell Police dept., csanders@c.i.caldwell.id.us. 9 AM-12 PM: Musical Glee Camp, Rec. Building, 119 Kimball, (6-11 yr.) csanders@c.i.caldwell.id.us 1-4 PM: Musical Glee Camp, Rec. Building 119 Kimball, (12-18 yr.) csanders@c.i.caldwell.id.us August 4 1-2 PM: Bowling Lessons, Caldwell Bowl, csanders@c.i.caldwell.id.us Want to add an event into the Caldwell Perspective? Email submissions to editor@caldwellperspective. com or dropped off at our office, 217 S. 9th Ave., Proudly Downtown Caldwell.

217 S. 9th Ave. Mailing Address Downtown Caldwell or visit online P.O. us Box 922 at caldwellperspective.com Caldwell, Idaho 83606

Editorial Mailing Address Leora Summers P.O. Box 922, 208-880-8426 Caldwell, ID 83606 or email editor@


Advertising Editorial

Chantele Hensel Leora Summers 208-899-6374 208-880-8426 or email chantele.

or email editor@ hensel@caldwellpercaldwellperspective.com spective.com

Advertising Classifieds

Kennedi Vavold Chantele Hensel 208-809-8097 208-899-6374 advertising@

or email caldwellperspective.com chantele.hensel@ caldwellperspective.com


For information about Subscription purchasing a subscription For information about please call Chantele at purchasing a subscription 208-899-6374

please call Chantele at 208-899-6374 2014 © ML Hensel Publishing


By Leora Summers, Caldwell Perspective Editor

Toilet Paper Brides

By Leora Summers, Editor

Canyon County Paramedics respond to calls for fireworks related incidents every year around this time. Here are some safety tips to avoid having us pay a visit to your celebration this year. Follow all local and state laws in regards to fireworks: • Alcohol and fireworks don’t mix. Always light off fireworks while sober • Protective eyewear is recommended • Use fireworks in an open area, away from buildings and other flammable material • Have a bucket of water and charged hose ready nearby in the event of fire • Thoroughly soak all used and “dud” fireworks before disposing of them • Closely supervise children In the unfortunate event that you or someone you know suffers a burn from fireworks, here are the steps to take. First, stop the burning process with cool water. Ice cold water or ice itself is not recommended. Carefully remove all clothing and jewelry from the burned area, as swelling is likely to occur. Cover the area with a dry clean sheet or loose fitting bandage. Call 911 or seek medical attention immediately. Have a great Fourth of July this year! Steve Blados is the Clinical Education Supervisor at Canyon County Paramedics and may be reached for comments or questions at sblados@ccparamedics.com.

Photo by Leora Summers

By Steve Blados, Paramedic

It was a beautiful day for a grand opening on June 4th at the Veteran’s Therapeutic Garden in Caldwell on Belmont Street. Veterans, their families and friends gathered for a barbeque and a blessing on the garden. The garden is in bloom and off to a good start.

L to R: Nicole Stevenson (Bride-to-be), Taylor Drake, Kelsy Smith, Leah Leatherman She rode in as Betsy

Look Out! Here ComesByThe Bride Leora Summers, Editor Photo by KarineLynn Photography

Well folks, summer is in full swing and the fourth of July is upon us. It’s time for backyard barbeques and fireworks. Fireworks are a traditional part of celebrating our nation’s Independence Day, perhaps gaining popularity after John Adams wrote of the holiday, “I believe that it will be celebrated by succeeding generations as the great anniversary festival. It ought to be celebrated by pomp and parade, with shows, games, sports, guns, bells, bonfires and illuminations from one end of this continent to the other.” We at Canyon County Paramedics agree and we urge you to celebrate with fireworks in a safe manner. Every year in the United States, upwards of 9,000 people seek emergency care from injuries sustained while lighting off fireworks. Remarkably, the majority of those injuries (89%) are from consumer grade products, including sparklers. Sparklers? Yes, sparklers. Most people don’t realize that these seemingly benign products with a built in handle and non-explosive nature can emit sparks at temperatures of over 1000 degree Fahrenheit! Also keep in mind that over half of all fireworks related injuries occur to people under the age of twenty years old.

Veteran’s Therapeutic Garden Grand Opening

Betsy Adams (bride) with father, Kelly Adams in tow.

Photo by Leora Summers

Stock photo

Paramedic Update Celebrate the Fourth July Safety


Photo by Leora Summers

July 2015

Eric and Betsy being a little bit nice as they shared cake.

Adams on a refurbished 1938 John Deere tractor with her father, Kelly Adams in tow, and walked out as Mrs. Eric Gorden. What an entrance! Betsy was married to Eric Gordon on June 6th at Indian Creek Winery. There was food, music, dancing and post wedding celebrating with about 200 guests in attendance. They honeymooned in Maui following their wedding. Directly after their return, life got “real” very quickly and husband Eric, a firefighter, got sent to Alaska for duty. Betsy is a 2003 graduate of Caldwell High School. She is a veterinarian (WSU graduate) and co-owner of Blayney Veterinary Hospital in Caldwell. They have made their home in Caldwell.

On Saturday, June 6th, Nicole Stevenson became a “toilet paper bride” as her friends fashioned her wedding gown in a 5 minutes contest among tables at her bridal shower in Caldwell. As it should be, she won the contest for best bride! The shower was given by her friends; Erin Smith, Jacque Foster, Colleen Johnson and Lisa Pennington. About 32 ladies attended to celebrate Nichole’s upcoming wedding. Nicole will be marrying Shane Sullivan, a 2001 CHS graduate, on August 15th. She is employed in the West Ada School District as an 8th grade math teacher. Shane is employed as a maintenance electrician at Darigold in Boise. Nicole and Shane will be married in Caldwell on August 15th and they will make their home in Meridian.

Our Community

United Metals Recycles Back!

The Heart of the Idaho Wine Country

Karcher Rd.

Nampa Exit 33i

Frost Rd.

Plum Rd.

Hoskins Rd.

Chicken Dinner Rd.

Beet Rd.

Darrow Ln.

Pear Ln.

iTo Marsing Come to the Sunnyslope Wine Trail Festival at the Caldwell Train Depot Plaza for an amazing Idaho Wine experience Saturday, August 22nd! All the wineries from the Sunnyslope Wine Trail will gather together for an afternoon filled with music. Grab a bite from a local restaurant and sip on some wine from any of the 10+ different wineries participating. All attendees will be required to show ID. Designated drivers are encouraged! Tickets are $20 pre-sale and $25 at the gate. Pre-sale tickets can be purchased online at https://goo.gl/iwj0mQ.

Club Members





Wine Tasting

Glass Pour


12:00–5:00 p.m. Monday-Thursday Call 455-1870

16645 Plum Rd., Caldwell • 208-455-1870


Don’t let the word get out, but Rod and Debby Ekart, owners of United Metals Recycling since 1997, are pretty good people. I don’t want to ruin Rod’s reputation, but doggone it, he and Debby have done some pretty nice things for quite a few worthy organizations. It all began when they organized their first Idaho Truck Show and Shine event in 2004 to bring awareness to drivers and trucking companies and as it began to make some money from the gate entry, they began to donate their proceeds to The Meth Project. They were able to support the trucking industry and support a great cause at the same time. Beginning in 2006, the proceeds were shared between the Meth Project and the Special Olympics. In 2007 personnel changed within The Meth Project and the event continued to support the Special Olympics through 2008. In 2009, Rod and Debby introduced motorcycles to the Truck Show. Camp River Run, having had motorcycle ride fundraisers to support their camp in the past, found out that United Metals was having a Truck Show and Shine fundraiser that now included bikes. They asked if they could help and be a part of the event and share in the proceeds. Camp River Run is a kids’ camp that is held in Cascade every year for children with life threatening illnesses, a great cause for United Metals to support. Ekarts are community driven and work hard to keep the funds raised from their Truck Show and Shine event to benefit the communities in which they live and work. They like the fact that the money they raise is used for local people. The Canyon County Food Drive has also benefitted. All of the funds that went to these organizations were made possible from the proceeds from their Idaho Truck Show and Shine events. In 2014, the Annual Idaho Truck Show and Shine celebrated a 10 year anniversary. For the last 10 years the commitment from the sponsors for this event has been tremendous. The Idaho Truck Show and Shine partnered up with Stampede for the Cure in 2013 and has been a

Summer At The P.E.O. Chapter House

By Leora Summers, Editor

Rod and Debby Ekart, Owners of United Metals Recycling

Photos by Leora Summers

Sunnyslope Wine Trail Homedale Rd.

July 2015

great fundraising source for them since. A big thanks goes to their sponsors: Western Trailers, Modern Machinery, Boise Peterbilt, Simplot Transportation, Rule Steel, United Metals and Schnitzer Steel.

Photo by Leora Summers


Early this July, the Idaho Truck Show and Shine has chosen to support the Stampede for the Cure (breast cancer awareness and for providing mammograms for Treasure Valley women in need). Look for the dates and info in the Caldwell Perspective’s Community Calendar.

Hat Ranch Plants Tempranillo

By Haley Tryon, Hat Ranch Winery

Photo by Chantele Hensel

By Darlene Harryman

Tasting Room Hours

15343 Plum Rd., Caldwell, Idaho HatRanchwinery.com

uston Vineyards July 4th

Open 12-4 p.m.

July 18th

Tasting Room Hours: Friday-Monday 12-5 PM

Reserve Chardonnay Release Party 12-5 p.m.

or by appointment

16473 Chicken Dinner Rd., Caldwell • 208-455-7975

For more information visit us at www.facebook.com/hustonvineyards

The new planting of about 1,200 Tempranilla plants on 1.5 acres of was on April 25, 2015. The first harvest will be three years from now, in the fall of 2018. The vineyard is now full. Hat Ranch harvested their first planting last fall. Estate Grown Dry Moscato will be released in the near future.

Photo by Darlene Harryman, Manager P.E.O

12-5 p.m. Friday, Saturday, & Sunday

The beginning of summer is celebrated at the P.E.O. Chapter House by this 8 foot tall lily grown by Betty Kinsey. It thrives on love and attention which Betty provides.Visit us on Facebook! https://www.facebook.com/ peochapterhouse .


Your stories or stories of good people you know wihtin the Caldwell/Greenleaf area. Send your ideas to: editor@ caldwellperspective.com or call Leora Summers (208) 880-8426. We want to highlight good people, the special events (weddings, babies, etc.) in their lives and then things they do for our community. Have an interesting hobby. We want hear about that also.

“Call today for a FREE estimate!” 208.455.2100 208-353.3771 (Cell)

Our Community

MASSI-Math, Science and So Much More

Photos by Leora Summers

It was about math, science and so much more when the College of Idaho and the Caldwell School District teamed up to have a math/ science institute for some Caldwell 7th and 8th graders during the week of June 2-5. The MASSI (Math And Science Summer Institute) program began in 2009. While doing research for grant proposals to fund this outreach program, Dr. Robin Cruz (chair of the C of I’s mathematics and physical sciences department) read research articles which indicated that students mostly liked math and science in elementary school but lost interest in math and science by the time they reached high school. These articles suggested that intervention needed to happen before high school. This is why middle schoolers were targeted for this program. The program is geared for kids who have a high potential to spur them on in the direction of a STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Math) career. This year, forty 7th and forty 8th graders were selected by their middle school teachers to attend this institute. On the first day the students took an attitude survey to determine their interest in science and math and their understanding of the role of math in science. Upon completion of the week, they retook the survey to see if there was an increase in their interest and understanding of those subjects. The 7th graders studied the DNA double helix and how the 4 different amino acids lined up to produce different traits in the genetic code. They created their own double helixes out of red licorice vines, toothpicks and 4 Angelica Duran and Lydia Hanson different colored gummy with their DNA strand. bears with each color representing the 4 amino acids that combine to create the different genetic traits. Then in small groups they did yeast cell experiments. They made some hypotheses about the effectiveness of different applications, such as Vaseline, sunscreen lotions or sticks with different SPF numbers, aluminum foil and other applications with regard to yeast cell growth. The teachers had them use a special kind of yeast that is killed by exposure to UV light. This way the students could see if sunblock protected against UV exposure. This was a way to test the effectiveness of different sunblocks. Then they experimented with their choice of an application to determine its effect on yeast cell growth. The students were later unleashed on the faculty and staff on campus to become detectives to study the relationship of genetic traits such as hair, skin and eye color to predict an individual’s risk factors for basal cell carcinoma (BCC or skin cancer). They surveyed people with specific traits to determine the relationship of these factors with the incidence of basal cell carcinoma (skin cancer). Their studies concluded with an oral presentation of their findings in the science lecture hall before their peers, C of I faculty and staff as well as teachers from the Caldwell middle L to R: Dr. Robin Cruz (C of I), Hector Ayvar Olmos, Dylan Meyer, Dylan Warner, Alias Jones schools. The students had to determine if their study was conclusive, inconclusive or if their hypotheses was correct or incorrect. The eight graders were given the task of building logic testers. They developed digital circuits to try to produce certain outputs and to also see




30 OFF



A Community In Mourning

By Leora Summers Editor

what outputs different circuits would produce. This task’s goal was to help them understand digital circuitry and computers. Dr. Jim Dull and Dr. Katie Devine led this group through this process. Dr. Dull was pleased that all the students made it through Dr. James Dull (C of I), Jalen Callender, Amy Cowling, Devin (C o I grad student), Erin Beltran the first circuit building. As he expected, the success rate in completing the second and third circuit boards dropped due to the increasing difficulty of those tasks. He said that the success for completing the first circuit was because they all tried their hardest and that’s what he wanted to see. The 8th grade students spent Thursday night in a dorm to experience a little bit of college life on campus and to show them that college really wasn’t really a very scary place. Syringa’s principal, Mr. Shay Swan, culminated their experience asking the students to be sure to thank their professors and teachers for a wonderful experience.

This program has been funded by grants in the past, but since the grant money dried up and for the past two years, the Caldwell School District has funded the program. We thank the C of I and the Caldwell School District for collaborating and investing in the future of our kids through education. One thing that I have learned while observing this program over that week is that I am not “smarter than a middle schooler!”

Caldwell’s 2014-15 Teachers of the Year

SCHOOLS TEACHERS Caldwell High School..............................................Melanie Hensman Canyon Springs High School......................................Jessica Figueroa Syringa Middle School..................................................Melyssa Ferro Jefferson Middle School.........................................Becky Bridgewater Lincoln Elementary School....................................Donette Hammond Sacajawea Elementary School......................................Jonelle Guillen Washington Elementary School......................................Holly Abshire Van Buren Elementary School..........................................Aimee Stacy

District Teacher of the Year...........Kathy Gomez

By Chantele Hensel, Publisher

Jeff Irby was a reserve officer for the Caldwell Police Department. He was in a fatal one car accident on June 15th. He was a respected officer and known and loved by many. What do you do when words fail? Grief is unchartered territory and valleys of blackness. Tragedies happen on the news to other people in other communities. CS Lewis said, “Whether it should or not, the world goes on.” Our community has had its splash in the media with the death of Jeff Irby, but for us it will take much longer to work through the sadness of losing this special man. We are a verbal culture and in times like these, it is not with our words that will heal his family and friends, it is more by listening to them. Don’t be afraid to let them remember out loud. Remembering is grace. As we all reflect on our relationship with Jeff as a friend, husband, father, brother, son, and peace officer, go home and hug your kids, love your husband, and open your ears to those around you who need to share a memory. Our friend, Jeff Irby, will be missed for a long time by many. May he rest in peace.

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Memorial Plaques by Shelly Renae Custom Wood Burning of your favorite animal or pet companion by award winning pyrography artist. Memorial Plaques by Shelly Renae offers a service to those of us who never want to forget the animals we have loved and lost. Commission me to do a wood buring of your four legged friend, past or present. It will be a treasure that will last a lifetime. These beautiful, Custom 8x10 burnings come sealed and ready to hang. Distance is never a problem.


Submitted photo

July 2015

Total Equine Horse Supplements 40 lb. Bag



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Lots of tack plus,new fly sheets and masks!

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Our Community

Kinley’s Hog BLOG

July 2015


By Leora Summers, Editor

Photo by Harry J. Zanks, 1990

It started out with 11 players at their first practice, directed by Mark Tripp, and by the time they had their first performance, they had 18 musicians. Twenty five years ago on July 1, 1990, they played down at the train station in Caldwell as a part of Idaho’s Centennial Celebration to welcome the “Centennial Train” during its stop, as it passed through Caldwell celebrating Idaho’s100 years as a state. That’s how they got their name, the “Caldwell Centennial Band.” A few charter members (John Blaisdell, Sam Stone, Charles

Kinley and Chops during the Stateline Swine Showcase in Boise. Kirk Pugsley is her 4-H swine leader. He is also the superintendent for swine for the Canyon County Fair.

Reed) still play in the band. Since then, this band has supplied our community with great music through past concerts at the Elks, the Senior Center, the 4th of July Parade, Jewett Auditorium, and the free summer concert series at Memorial Park. Today the band fluctuates between 40-55 members from ages 16 through 90 years old. This is an all volunteer band from top to bottom. The musicians come from Caldwell, Marsing, Meridian, Nampa, Emmett and Boise. They come together because they love making music

together. Many play in other bands around the area. Some just missed playing in college and high school and hadn’t played for years. The band changes as young people go on to college and others come and go, but the band plays on! If anyone is interested in playing in this community band, contact Jeannie Marie at (208) 573-1193 or by e-mail at: owyheetex@aol.com. For more information about the band, check out their facebook page at: facebook.com/ caldwellcentennialband.

Caldwell Firefighters Fill The Boot


By Chantele Hensel, Publisher


11 Craft Beers • Local Wines • Hot Drinks

OPEN 9AM-5PM Espresso • Hot Chocolate • Homemade Baked Goods OPEN TUES. TUES. 9AM-5PM Homemade Gourmet Sandwiches • MUSIC WED.–SAT. WED.–SAT. 9AM-9PM 9AM-9PM Baked Goods • Hot Chocolate • Espresso • Hot We will be closed willBeers be closed Drinks • Local Wines •June 11We Craft • July Espresso 28ththrough through June 28th July 6th Hot Chocolate • Homemade Baked Goods 6th • 11 Craft Beers • Local Wines • Hot Drinks • MUSIC Hot Chocolate • Homemade Baked Goods • Gourmet Sandwiches • MUSIC • Baked Goods • Local Wines • Espresso • Hot Drinks • Local Wines 11 Craft Beers • MUSIC • Gourmet Sandwiches Hot Chocolate • Homemade Baked Goods • MUSIC Drinks • Local Wines • 11 Craft Beers • Espresso Hot Chocolate • Homemade Baked Goods • Family Drinks • Local Wines • 11 Craft Beers • Espresso Hot Chocolate • Homemade Baked Goods • 11 Craft Beers • Local Wines • Hot Drinks • MUSIC Follow us on Facebook for upcoming events www.facebook.com/TheBirdStop

702 Main Street • Caldwell

Photo by Nikki Zachary

By Leora Summers, Editor

Photo by Leora Summers

Photo by Logan Schleicher

Kinley Schleicher is a 12 year old Vallivue 4-H club member. Caldwell Perspective is following her progress as she raises her hogs to take to the Canyon County Fair.

L to R: KC Zachary, Battalion Chief Bud Bryson, Toby Robinson, Ritchie Wheaton, Freddie Rodriguez

Band Boosters serving pulled pork dinners at the June 22nd concert!

This summer, prior to the Centennial Band’s summer concerts, the Caldwell School District’s Band Boosters will be selling dinners beginning at 6:30 p.m. to raise some money for their band activities throughout their 2015-16 school year. The menu for the July concerts is as follows: July 6 spaghetti, salad, dessert July 20 hamburgers, chips, dessert Dinners will also be served in August and announced at a later date. August concert dates are August 3 & 17 You can enjoy a fun evening of dinner and music and support the schools’ band programs at the same time. All concerts begin at 7:30 pm. Bring a lawn chair and your friends.

The Caldwell Fire department held their “Fill the Boot” fundraiser on June 11th and 12th. They stood at the intersection of 10th and Chicago holding boots for passerbyers to put in their donations and spare change. All the funds raised from their annual “Fill the Boot” event go to the Muscular Distrophy Association. During this year’s fundraiser, the firefighters raised $13,084.00. They thank all who donated during this event.


Movies In The Park At Memorial Park Starting at Dusk (around 9:30-10:00 p.m.)

July 24thth Thank you to our sponsors for making this possible.

Our Community

July 2015

AAFV’s M.I.T.T. Awards

Men As Victims of Domestic Violence

By Bryan Taylor, Canyon County Prosecuting Attorney

When most of you think of domestic violence I’m sure the first thing that comes to mind is a man abusing a woman. Say for instance, Ray Rice, a NFL player, who was captured on video knocking out his then fiancée in an Atlantic City hotel elevator. Or even Ray McDonald, another professional athlete who’s been arrested several times for repeated instances of domestic violence against his former girlfriend. But have you ever thought about if the roles were reversed? It’s hard to imagine at first glance, but it’s a huge problem in our society that needs our attention. Recent research suggests that around one-third of victims of domestic violence each year are men, the vast majority of which never report their circumstances. It is this stigma that men cannot be – or should not admit to being -- a victim of domestic violence that needs to change. This is a very difficult topic to discuss because of the ingrained perceptions we might have, but I couldn’t think of a better time to discuss it than right now. If you aren’t aware, the Women’s World Cup is currently underway in Canada and one of the stars of the United States Women’s National Team is goalkeeper Hope Solo. Solo is regarded as one of the best goalkeepers in all of women’s soccer, but she also has a checkered past of domestic violence related issues including allegations that she attacked her half-sister and her half-sister’s then 17-yearold son in June 2014. However, the controversies surrounding Solo are just that, controversies, because of our society’s inability to grasp the concept of the woman as a perpetrator. Had this been one of the stars of the United States Men’s National Team, it seems likely that he would have been kicked off the team or faced strict discipline. The public and sponsors would have demanded it like they did in the Ray Rice case. So why don’t they do the same when the woman is at fault? It’s because it has been engrained in our culture to see males as aggressors, and not victims. By no means am I discrediting that the number of male perpetrators of domestic violence, as this is evident by the number of cases in which my Office prosecutes. Our society portrays an overwhelming image of men as tough and macho in our television programs, movies, and literature. I have heard statements

such as “That guy is weak letting her hit him,” or “He is such a wimp letting her treat him like that.” Moreover, men in our society are culturally expected to suppress their physical and emotional pain in favor of appearing “manly.” In addition, some men might be nervous that if they call the police, the police are not going to believe them and they will be the one that is arrested because the law enforcement officers, like many others in the community, are not inclined to view a male as victim of domestic violence. When in reality law enforcement are trained not to look at gender but rather the facts. So how do we as a society address this issue? Widespread cultural change won’t occur over night, but case-by-case changes can lead to a new line of thinking when it comes to domestic violence. To that end, the question becomes how to prevent anyone – regardless of gender – from abuse. To the question of what causes men not to report domestic violence then, I would therefore respond that it is many of the same reasons that women don’t report violence against them: control, jealousy, physical threats, emotional and psychological abuse, and violence know no boundaries. Why do men feel as though they need to remain in the relationship? Many of the same reasons women do: protection of their children, embarrassment, dependency, religious beliefs, limited resources, and/or denial. So what can we do? We need to continue educating ourselves on domestic violence in general. Domestic violence isn’t a women’s issue, but a human issue. Neither men nor women should be expected to keep abuse secret, and should know that we – as friends, family, and a community – are there for them. Victims need to speak about their experiences as a victim of domestic violence. And finally, we need to come together as a community to support all victims of domestic violence, both men and women. We should never turn a blind eye, because “no one deserves to be a victim.” For more information and other links regarding this topic, see: http://www.canyonco.org/ElectedOfficials/Prosecuting-Attorney/ Vi c t i m - W i t n e s s - P r o g r a m / Domestic-Violence.aspx. 1998 study: • 834,732 men were victims of domestic violence • Every 37.8 seconds, somewhere in America a man is battered. • About 2 in 5 of all victims of domestic violence are men • Men report domestic violence around 37% of the time.

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Advocates Against Family Violence’s (AAFV) mission is to eliminate violence in families and homes by empowering individuals to make positive life choices through advocacy, support, education, affordable housing, awareness, and community involvement. On June 26th AAFV recognized two positive male role models in our community that positively affected the lives of children, families, and/or embodies the mission of the agency in which they belong. AAFV understands and values the importance of healthy male examples in the lives of children. The goal of M.I.T.T. (Men In The Top Tier) is to honor and acknowledge those men

Photo and Story by Leora Summers, Editor

L to R: Jennifer Opsut (COO West Valley Medical Center), Andy Smyth (Canyon County 4-H), Gerald “Jerry” Bauman (Caldwell Rotary Club), Rolando Aguirre Jr., (Community Council of Idaho MSHS), Mario A. Pile (Admission Counselor, Idaho Youth Challenge Academy), Kimberly Deugan (AAFV) Executive Director). Not present: Austin Snider (YMCA Senior Headguard )

that are “Top Tier” role models. Andy Smyth, a 4-H volunteer, was honored by Canyon County’s 4-H organization, for his involvement as an Organization Leader, his work with the Canyon County Teen

AAFV Breaks Ground Advocates A g a i n s t F a m i l y Violence, Inc. (AAFV) was founded as a non-profit in October 2002 as an answer to the horrific murder of Angie Leon right here in Canyon County. The shelter, Hope’s Door was opened as a sanctuary for victims of domestic violence to come to before more lives were taken. Since that time AAFV has grown into 15 different programs, expanded service into rural areas, and seen the evolution of our focus from direct services to prevention education. Over the last ten years, AAFV has assisted thousands of families through a variety of services and programs. AAFV’s mission has always been to eliminate violence in the

Builders Club and as the Volunteer Coordinator for the Idaho 4-H Ambassador Conference. He has been with the agency for 41 years. He has been recognized as follows: 2001-Idaho 4-H Hall of Fame, 2004 State 4-H Leaders Association Distinguished Service Award, and 2006-National 4-H Hall of Fame. Jerry Bauman, a member of Caldwell Rotary Club, was honored for his dedicated involvement in the club’s literacy campaign where he and other club volunteers distributed 1,400 dictionaries and books to children in 18 different area elementary schools. He also is highly involved in the Treasure Valley YMCA’s

M.I.T.T.Continued on page 11

By Kim Deugan, AAFV Executive Director

lives of individuals. Not long ago, we took a long, hard look at our mission and that’s when we realized that elimination meant beginning with prevention. In 2013 our Teen Outreach Program was launched and we have been able to provide Healthy Relationship classes to over 5,000 teens so far. We are currently working with 19 different schools and community agencies serving teens. We are also committed to bringing Project Connect to our community. It’s a national initiative that focuses on healthcare professionals, educating them about symptoms of domestic violence, and when and where to make referrals. We know that domestic violence affects every single health aspect of the victim. In July, we will be breaking ground on a health care facility at

Hope Plaza, Phase 2. We are very excited to be working with Terry Reilly Health Services, providing a community health center dedicated to providing affordable, comprehensive health care to everyone in our community to improve health and quality of life. We know that one in four of what’s reported will be affected by domestic abuse in their lifetime. Given this statistic, Canyon County currently has an epidemic of over 39,000 victims. If we are going to continue to provide that sanctuary in our community, we must be able to accommodate the need. To learn more about AAFV, call today and come take a tour. Our one-hour tour will give you information and ideas on how you can help provide hope, healing, and strength to victims of domestic abuse. Visit us at www. aafvhope.org, or call 459-6330.

Advocates Against Family Violence would like to thank their corporate sponsors Hope ($1,000-$5,000)

Vantage Institute Macy’s Grotto Group Amalgamated Sugar Idaho Press Tribune Karcher Mall Soroptimist International of Caldwell Heartwell Corporation Triton Management Wilson Sage Hens Idaho Youth Ranch Edmark Bank of the Cascades Nampa Association of Realtors Best Bath J.A. & Kathrine Albertson Fdn, Inc. Sisters YNC Modern Woodmen

Healing ($5,000-10,000)

Strength ($50,000-150,000)

Asumendi Holdings, LLC Stone Lumber Brown Foundation Team Mazda College of Idaho Bessemer Trust Fiesta Guadalarjara West Valley Medical Center PKG Walmart Valliere Foundation Knife River

Thank you for helping provide hope, healing and strength to the individuals we serve!

July 2015


Nature’s Camouflage at its Best

I don’t know why I spotted her because she was darn near invisible. But there she was sitting in the gravel easement of the road by my garage. She did her broken wing routine to try to confuse me and take my attention away from her 4 little eggs in the gravel. They all blended in very well. With the temperature climbing into the high 90’s, I was a little concerned that she would roast to death sitting in the gravel on those eggs, so I made her a little shelter out

of a box to put over the nesting area. I placed it there and watched her from the garage as she circled it over and over trying to decide if it was okay to go in there. Eventually she did. Then I started to worry that maybe I made a great place for a neighborhood cat to trap and kill her and that maybe if it stormed, the sound of the rain on her roof would scare her. I stewed and fretted and finally, I took the shelter away. Then my husband about ran over her with the lawn


Tomatoes, tomatoes, tomatoes... Now that I’ve got your attention, and if you haven’t figured it out yet, I’m going to talk about tomatoes. Everybody has an opinion about tomatoes and what makes them grow best, so here is another one. Let’s start out with types of tomatoes. There are indeterminate (tall vines-up to 20 ft) and determinate (short vines or a determined height) and there are heirloom and hybrid tomatoes. Heirlooms are tomatoes that reproduce through the generations from gathering seeds from within the tomato itself that can reproduce the same tomato from seed gathered from the previous harvest. Hybrids are cross-bred from multiple tomatoes to get a certain performance from that plant. These tomatoes are not capable of reproducing the same tomato from seeds harvested from this type of tomato. There are other types of tomatoes that do well in our climate. You may want to research some strains because some like cooler climates like the Black Krem’s, tomatoes that are grown in Russian-like regions. Whatever type of tomato you choose, it will need a support system that will allow support and openness to produce. I invented a system that does both. How do you properly grow a tomato plant that is not only healthy, but also productive? I’ve heard this same thing many times at my retail garden center, “I’ve got a big beautiful plant but not many tomatoes.” I always asked

Send us a picture of you and your “catch,” what kind of fish and how big it was with your name, where and when you caught it, and what you caught it on. See Example Below.

Sam Summers caught this 18 inch brown trout on the Owyhee River using a Blue-Winged Olive (BWO) Emerger last summer. This is an example of what I want, but more current. Looking forward to seeing your catches and hearing your stories! Attach and send your pictures and information to: editor@ caldwellperspective.com so we can share your fun with other anglers!

Fire Season Begins

Photo/Story by Leora Summers

On June 27th, there was a fire in the fields below my house where I usually walk my dog along the ditch. The temperature was 100 degrees on that day. I thought maybe it was started by fireworks as I watched it burn and heard fireworks going off all around the area. I came to find out later, that it was a prescribed burn, but it looked a little worrisome as it had 3 different outbreak areas. Be careful with your fireworks to avoid unwanted fires on the 4th.

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e m Co

mower when taking it down the roadside to the front of the house. I then decided to at least circle her nest with some larger rocks so no one would run over her. It bothered me though that the rocks may draw some attention to her spot, making her visible to some kids that might think it is fun to scare her away and break her eggs.

I wish I hadn’t seen her!

Local Dirt Perspective

Your Fishing News!

OPEN Everyday!!! 11am to Close

Photos and Story by Leora Summers, Editor

! s u ith

w y t par

The party goes all weekend! Pool Tables • Golf Game Karaoke Sunday –Thursday 9pm to close! Music & Dancing on Friday & Saturday Nights!

them what type of fertilizer they used. It was usually miracle grow or some fertilizer with a high nitrogen content. That’s okay for grass or non-fruit or non-flower bearing plants, but fruits and flowering plants need a lot more phosphorus for good root and flower growth. Also the soil has to actually be soil, not clay with poor drainage and no organic matter. The soil has to be rich and loose with good drainage, but also be able to hold moisture so the plant can get the moisture it needs. This can be done with good amounts of sand, compost and native soil (about a third of each). Or you could grow all your plants in five gallon buckets like I do, with holes drilled near the bottom for drainage. I use a slow release fertilizer like Osmocote and also a daily dose of a high phosphate water soluble fertilizer. You need water every day to stay hydrated and so do plants. You also eat everyday to keep your energy up. Plants are outside in the heat producing something for you to eat, so why not feed them too? I also use a product that has bunch of minerals ground to a fine powder that is to be mixed in the soil. So far I haven’t found that on the open market. I use a Simplot product in 25 pound bags and it is somewhat expensive. Now pruning and growing. Tomatoes are open pollinated, so shake your plant every couple of days and you’ll begin to see tomatoes popping up . Keeping the plant from being over crowded will help immensely in its fruit production. Airflow, airflow, airflow! The more the plant is open to airflow, the better. Just like roses, sunshine and air keep them

By Pat King

Submitted photo


healthy and productive. Staking is better than cages, because cages really restrict the growth and airflow. Keep your leaf stems and new stem growth under control by pinching them back. More foliage doesn’t mean more tomatoes because all the nutrients then go to support foliage growth. I keep mine pruned back to a very open look so there are more tomatoes than foliage, but enough to keep the plant moving upward. Determinate tomatoes need to have four to five main stems staked individually. Indeterminate tomatoes do better with a single stem always growing upward. Then trim off all the lower stems after harvesting the tomatoes. Just a little tidbit, tomatoes don’t have a time limit. I grew a tomato in the same bucket on the same root and over 60 feet of vine for three years straight. I brought it indoors every winter on my support system. I think I may have left you with more questions, so ask them. Until next time Pat.

Henson’s Dry Dock

Treasure Valley’s Boat Repair, Parts & Accessories Specialists Certified Mercury Certified Evinrude-Johnson Mercruiser Force • Volvo Outboard Jets

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July 2015


July at the Caldwell Farmers Market

By Kathy May


Farmers Market - Charlcie’s Cobbler (with fresh cherries from the market)

pan. Place in oven until the butter is melted. In the mean time, mix the Bisquick, sugar and milk together and set aside until the butter is melted. Once the butter is melted, pour in the cherries and spread them out evenly in the pan. Then pour and spread the Bisquick mixture over the top. Bake until the top is golden brown. This takes about 45 minutes. Enjoy!

Photo by Leora Summers

“Title Wave,” a group of realtors (two retired, one active), were caught performing at the Market on June 24th. James McMahan, Richie Kent and Mike May were turning out “Polk Salad Annie” and “Black Magic Woman” and other great oldies to the Market-goers as they shopped.

The weather is getting warmer and the produce is becoming more abundant at the Caldwell Farmers Market on Wednesday afternoons from 3:00 pm to 7:00 pm. Now available in the produce department are summer squash, cucumbers, spinach, lettuce, carrots, onions, Swiss chard and beets. Soon we will add tomatoes, corn and peppers. Fruit is also available, cherries, apricots to start with, followed by plums. Oasis Honey will have a permit to sample a variety of heirloom tomatoes as soon as they ripen on the vine.

Perfect with any fruit!

Bob Purvis, of Purvis Nursery and Orchard in Homedale, selling some robada apricots to market-goer Cherie Woodin. Bob has Orin and Goldrush apple, Robada apricots, Erde Jubileum (Hungarian tart cherry), Danube cherries, and raspberries. These are the perfect cherries to make Charlcie’s Cobbler, the Market recipe for this month. I made Charlcie’s Cobbler and it was great! BBQ sauce, mustard, honey and baked goods, tacos, hamburgers, beer, wine, lemonade, snow cones and kettle corn. Each month the market raffles off a $25.00 gift certificate, raffle tickets are obtained from any of our 35 vendors when you make a $5.00 purchase. Bring this article to the Market information booth for a free raffle ticket.

This Month’s Musical Line Up July 1 Erin Parrish July 8 Kelly Emo July 15 Aztec Dancers July 22 James Dewberry July 29 Flip Side Come on down to Arthur Street, park in the Kings parking lot or the TVCC parking lot, walk across the bridge and join us for dinner, live music and a wide variety of locally crafted items. Other items include:

Check out are Facebook Page and visit our website: caldwellidfarmersmarket.com; proudly sponsored by D.L. Evans Bank.

Imperial Taxidermy Wins State Championship Awards

Photo by Chantele Hensel

By Chantele Hensel, Publisher

Leading Taxidermists: Nathan DeNardi and Steve Eccard

As many farm kids do, Mitch Sanchotena grew up shooting the small critters on the farm. In the 8th grade, Mitch’s mom enrolled him in a NW School of Taxidermy program. The school would send a mounting kit to the individual and allot an amount of time for the member to complete the project. The enrollee would send the finished product back and to be graded. After high school Mitch served our country in

the Navy. In 1976 he married his wife, Shirley, and began a career as a mechanic and did taxidermy on the side. He opened Imperial Taxidermy in Middleton in 1999 and 4 years later hired current employee, Nathan Denardi, who was only 16 at the time. In 2007, a new building was erected at 121 Hannibal St., making Caldwell home to Imperial Taxidermy. Sanchotena is one of two hundred nationwide taxidermists, who are certified by the National Taxidermy Association. Imperial Taxidermy provides a large variety of services: mounting small mammals, fish, birds, shoulder mounts, African and Asia exotics, and European style mounts as well as pets. They also provide hunting enthusiasts on worldwide hunting excursions through customs to get their animals back home for restoration. He attributes his success to his location in Caldwell and to the support of the community and city officials. Recently, the State Taxidermy Championships took place in downtown Boise where leading taxidermists, Nathan DeNardi and Steve Eccard won the Best Show Elk, Best White Tail Deer, Best Water Foul Group, Best Non-water Foul Group and Best Turkey awards. Mitch’s showroom, only one of the hidden treasures in Caldwell, is definitely worth a visit. Congratulations to Mitch and all the guys at Imperial Taxidermy for their success!

1 lb. of pitted cherries (or more if you like lots of fruit) 1 cup Bisquick 1 cup sugar 1 cup milk (whole milk or 2%) 1 stick of butter (does not need to be soft) Pre-heat oven to 350 degrees. Place the stick of whole butter in a 9” x 13”

TREASURE VALLEY Renaissance Festival

By Leora Summer, Editor

I arrived a little late and was put into the stocks as my punishment, but was soon set free as the Festival was over and they didn’t want me to starve to death. I ran into Ed “Jack Sparrow” Watson of Eagle and Jessica Jessa of Boise in their Renaissance attire. The festival was held at Rotary Pond on June 6th and 7th. It was a bit warm for the folks dressed up in their Renaissance garb with all their activities of jousting on horseback, sword fighting, javelin throwing contests, Shakespeare, magic, Queens Procession, blacksmith demo, wool spinning demos, string making demos, knights in armor, kids crafts and games. They had a marvelous Renaissance Market Place with vendors of all types, but one of the cutest vendors I saw was this little woodland fairy, Cina Martin, at her “Backwoods Baubles” tent. She had all sorts of crystal baubles. She said her source for her crystal was a secret, but when she told me she was from the McCall area, I knew exactly where she got her quartz, but I will never tell because she would probably have to kill me so her secret would be safe!

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This was the 1st Annual Treasure Valley Renaissance Festival. There was a similar festival in Eagle 2 years ago. One of the participants, Bobbie Bertsch, said that she became involved in a group about 5 years ago that evolved into a sword fighting faire. She then went on to other faires and paired up with Dawn Russell and they began putting on Renaissance Faires. The folks that participate in these festivals really enjoy the fun of dressing up in the garb and acting the part of the Renaissance era. That is what keeps them going.

Rock & Roll


Mitch Sanchotena

Editor’s Note: I made this cobbler so I could take a picture of it to put with this recipe. Then I made the mistake of tasting it. Too good.....get fresh cherries or whatever fruit you want at the Market and try this out!

Photos by Leora Summers

Photos by Leora Summers

Submitted by Nancy Phillips from Charlcie Phillips (mother-in-law)


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Nickels and Dimes

If you could prepare yourself for all the contingencies that life can throw at you, you would be much better off than is logistically possible. Life can put up roadblocks faster than you can take them down and the consequences of some them are devastating. Severe illness, death of a loved one, loss of a job, and divorce are all examples of the types of setbacks that are difficult to plan for primarily, because they are difficult to even think about. However, to be prudent you should at least plan for an eventual change in your situation – because eventually it will change. Always have an emergency fund, at least six months worth of your expenses set aside in a bank account. While current interest rates don’t even cover inflation, it’s still better to have this fund in cash that won’t lose its value due to a drop in stock

By Michael Hensel, CPA

or bond prices. There is always discussion about how many months you should have in savings; I advocate accumulating six months in cash and carrying no credit card debt. Once you have those two accomplished, start investing in exchange traded funds with low fees. Now, let’s be realistic. Don’t sweat this – save and scrimp and do everything you can to meet this goal, but don’t lose any sleep. If you start young enough, you have years to accumulate a healthy nest egg. If you have a run of bad luck there are other resources to fall back upon. You can collect unemployment if you lose your job, you can sell other assets if things get really tough. I am an advocate of living life, having a ton of cash set aside when you die is not worth giving up all the fun things – live a little and save what you can, balance is the key to a great life. Prepare for the worse and do your best to insure that your family will be taken care of should something happen, but create some memories along the way.

CCOA Needs Donated Items An appreciation Day for CCOA volunteers has been set for August. They are in need of donated items for that day to show their appreciation for those volunteers. If you are able to help, contact Sandra at (208) 459-0065, or you can drop your donations off at their office at 304 N. Kimball in Caldwell.

July 2015


Did you know Ralph Smeed? If you are a long time Caldwellite, you could not have missed him unless you lived under a rock. Ralph was a community icon and self-professed curmudgeon and most certainly a force to be reckoned with. If you thought you knew him, you probably really didn’t. He was a mixed bag of attributes; stingy-yet generous, ‘ornery-yet kind and completely driven by his own individual brand of politics. During our Caldwell Rotary meetings, it was always fun to watch the face of some unsuspecting guest, who would just happen to sit next to Ralph during the Pledge of Allegiance, when Ralph would loudly say, “...with liberty and justice for some!” Ralph was actually correct. A lawyer friend of mine made that point to me once. He said that in our country, we are not guaranteed justice, but only a chance for justice. Though Ralph passed away in

By Leora Summers, Editor

2010, his Libertarian messages live on daily through his reader board that graces the entrance to Caldwell from the freeway. Before Ralph left this world, he had a foundation set up to serve the community that he loved, to become activated upon his death.

SMEED FOUNDATION–Community Grant Opportunity

By Rick Coffman, Ralph Smeed Foundation Chairman

The death of Caldwell icon, libertarian and businessman Ralph Smeed in the fall of 2010 set in motion the creation of what might be the most unique foundation in the state, the Ralph Smeed Private Memorial Foundation. By his dictates, the foundation must be liquidated within 10 years. He did not want any secondgeneration directors who he might not know making decisions with his money. Since Ralph was a life-long resident of Caldwell, the foundation document asks that preferential treatment be given to Caldwell and Caldwell-area projects and programs. The philosophical underpinning also sets the Smeed Foundation apart. Ralph’s directives in creating the foundation mandate that the money is to be spent in keeping with his values, and among those: “… to perpetuate and encourage the spirit of free enterprise, private property, market capitalism and the individual initiative …” and “the elimination of media inaccuracies and biases …” In addition, Ralph wanted consideration given to student scholarships that pursue his ideals, to crimefighting groups, to causes that further agricultural interests and for the prevention of cruelty to children and animals. He specifically dictated that the foundation not participate in “any political campaign or on behalf of any candidate for public office.” Ralph was a strong supporter of three national

organizations in keeping with his values and requested the foundation board support those, which we have done: the Foundation for Economic Education, the National Humanities Institute and the Institute for Humane Studies. Also notably, the board has given annual grants to the Caldwell Salvation Army (Ralph was a life member) and to the area Red Cross. Regionally, the board has funded programs and projects in keeping with Ralph’s values. For examples, a free enterprise class/professorship at Northwest Nazarene University; purchase of educational materials for Greenleaf Friends Academy; a liberty summit in Boise for high schoolers; a multi-day seminar at the Legislature for high school and college-age kids to learn about the Constitution and the intent of the founders; and the Idaho Freedom Foundation. The Smeed Foundation has reprinted two of Ralph’s favorite publications, “The Law” and “The Proper Role of Government.” Both of those are distributed at no charge to persons interested. Contact Rick Coffman at email address listed below for more information. In addition to the general guidelines listed, an organization wishing to apply for a Smeed grant must hold a 501 (c)(3) designation. For information on applying for a grant, please email Rick Coffman at rcoffman@cableone.net.

Washington Federal Welcomes Diane Moffat! Heather Chambers, Wa s h i n g t o n F e d e r a l We s t e r n Division Manager and Senior Vice President, has announced that Diane Moffat has been named Branch Manager of Caldwell’s Washington Federal Bank, located at 515 Cleveland Boulevard, Caldwell. Moffat is active in the Caldwell area. She serves on the

Submitted by Heather Chambers, Washington Federal

TVCC advisory Committee and is a member of the Mentoring Network. She also volunteered as a loaned executive with the United Way and continues to volunteer to bring Junior Achievement’s financial literacy education program to local schools. She was instrumental in helping to start the Grotto Group, working to grow the group to over 200 members. Moffat grew up in Emmett and has been a member of the Caldwell community for nearly 20 years.

In her new role, Moffat will be responsible for managing the branch’s current client base as well as acquiring new consumer and business relationships. She has over 15 years of industry experience, including working at Key Bank and Home Federal. They are pleased to have her become a part of their team. She can be reached at the Caldwell branch, located at 515 Cleveland Boulevard, via phone at (208) 459-4671 or via email at Diane.Moffat@wafd.com.

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July 2015



Parma Ridge Winery Reopens

By Chantele Hensel, Publisher

What’s not romantic about the grape (neonatal intensive care unit) and was to wine, blending the flavors to create that diagnosed with a major heart defect, perfect union and taste? Each year the wine TGA (transposition of the great arteries), grows into something new and different and was sent to Seattle Children’s than it was, developing, complimenting or Hospital and had his first heart surgery sometimes resisting. barely 24 hours old. Isaac had open heart Storm and Stephanie Hodge’s love story surgery one week later and struggled for begins at the University of Washington his life. Since those long hours, days, (UW). Stephanie, a former art student, and weeks, Isaac has become a beautiful working in human resources and Storm, healthy 11-month old future winemaker Director of UW Dining first met when living in Parma, Idaho. Stephanie conducted Storm’s new hire Due to frost damage, the red wine orientation… and the rest is history. Storm vines will take some time before they and Stephanie were married in July 2009 will produce, and the vines have needed at a Washington vineyard, Destiny Ridge nurturing but with Storm’s mom at the Vineyards. winery to help with the kids, Storm Growing up in the Southeastern Idaho and Stephanie spend long hours in the Storm spent many joyful days on his vineyard working to build their shared grandparent’s farm dreaming of having dream. They are getting ready to open his own farm someday. Once he began Parma Ridge Wine and Spirits will later Photo by Chantele Hensel this month. his culinary career he also fell in love with Storm, Stephanie, Kenny, Arvielle & Issac Hodge the idea of growing grapes and making his Storm and Stephanie have a beautiful own wine. As the years went by, Storm was serene setting. The tasting room sits on a months pregnant) and their 1-year-old daughter, Avielle, forced to accept that owning a winery was going to be and 9-year-old son Kenny made the long drive back to hill overlooking the valley surrounded by the 9.5 acres filled just a dream. Then one day while on a lunch break, a Idaho for a visit. with rows and rows of grapevines. Future plans include an new cook at UW from Sun Valley randomly approached Stephanie, an artist, quickly fell in love with the outdoor pizza oven, a patio overlooking the vineyard and him and said, “Right now is a great time to buy land for scenery and thought of living on a vineyard and began a distillery. The lane that leads up to the tasting room is a winery in Idaho.” Divine intervention? Coincidence? planning the placement of her art studio in the house. A lined with fruit trees. They plan to incorporate those fruits Storm went home and googled “wineries for sale.” There couple month later, back in Seattle, Stephanie gave birth into other fares that will be served at Parma Ridge Wine were two listing found, one of which was in Parma, Idaho. to their second child, Isaac. Just after little Isaac was and Spirits. Stephanie laughed at Storm when he sent the listing to her born, their pediatrician not on duty, came to see their “A relationship with your creator, intimacy with your and his mother in an email saying “let’s buy a winery”! new baby boy. The doctor told the proud new parents that spouse, celebrating with friends and family…with great Plans were made that he would fly to Boise, his mom would Isaac looked beautiful and turned to leave but hesitated. wine and food…this creates joy and this is the theme of our pick him up and they would “just” look at the property and She said it was nothing but she was going to order a test winery” says Storm Hodge. The winery has a wonderful he would ride back to Seattle with her. The entire 8-hour because he looked a little “dusky.” Tests were performed variety of white wines and will be serving Bartholomew drive back to Seattle was filled with talk of ideas, plans as Isaac began to struggle for life. His oxygen level went red wines until their own red wines are available. and their vision for the beautiful vineyard. A couple weeks from 80 to 70 and then 60. He was transferred to the NICU Congratulations Storm and Stephanie. The community following the trip with his mom, Storm, Stephanie (8 is going to love Parma Ridge Wine and Spirits.

By Leora Summers, Editor

For the past 16 years Idaho Business Review (IBR) has been

recognizing professionals under the age of 40 who have vision, are leaders and who have already made big differences at work and in their communities. On June 18th, Caldwell IIB’s (Idaho Independent Bank) Assistant Vice President and Bank Manager, Chris Batt, was honored along with 39 other honorees as one of IBR’s “2015 Accomplished Under 40” at the Riverside Hotel in Boise. Congratulations Chris! By the way, Chris was recently elected to be Caldwell Rotary Club’s President Elect for their 201516 Rotary year. He will become president of the club in July of 2016.

Submitted photo

Recruiting For Lancers

The Idaho Lancers Semi Professional football team is currently is currently recruiting players and interviewing potential coaches for the 2016 season. The lancers are a member of the Idaho Contact Football League. and will begin organized Team Activities in late summer or early fall. For further information, check out our facebook page for more information and contact Derek Self, owner (208)830-6197 or Marcelo Brown, general manager (208) 602-5762.

Bringing Joy to People Through Wine, Spirits, Food & Experiences

Estate Wines • On-site Catering • Vineyard for Events

ADM Donates to Caldwell Senior Center

Submitted Article

Photo from Caldwell Senior Center Facebook Page

Idaho Business Review Honors Chris Batt

Archer Daniels Midland (ADM) Company recently donated $ 700.00 to the Nutrition Program to assist with providing meals at the Caldwell Senior Center. ‘We deeply appreciate this donation to our Nutrition program and the support of Archer Daniels Midland through the ADM Cares program’ said Donna Queen, Center Coordinator. Caldwell Senior Citizen’s Inc. has provided Nutrition and Senior Activities for area Seniors since 1976. The Caldwell Senior Center will use these funds to offset the cost of the meals provided at the Center. In addition to the meals provided Monday Strong Kid Campaign. His efforts in both these areas have improved the lives of families in our area. Rolando Aguirre Jr., an instructional coach at the Migrant Seasonal Head Start (MSHS) program, was honored by that organization for his involvement in the program. He is a great role model for staff and children. He plays with the children and works with getting their fathers involved with their activities. He

through Friday at 12 Noon, the Center has a full schedule of activities for Seniors and others to participate in throughout the week. The donation was given through ADM Cares. ADM Cares is a social investment program that directs funds to initiatives and organizations that drive meaningful social, economic and environmental progress worldwide. The program comprises of three distinct focus areas: supporting the responsible development of agriculture, improving the quality of life in ADM communities and fostering employee giving and volunteer activities.

works closely with the school district, Infant and Toddler programs, and colleges and community as a whole. Aguirre is out in the community completing partnership agreements and looking for new partners for the organization. He has definitely made a difference in the lives of families. Mario Pile was nominated by the Idaho Youth Challenge Academy where he is an

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M.I.T.T. Continued from page 7 Admission Counselor. He is an outstanding role model with a nononsense attitude that transitions those he works with from making excuses to a path that will require self-reflection and hard work. He guides parents in directions that will help their children make progress. His approach is positive and his style of leadership is to walk with people rather than walk in front of people. Austin Snider was nominated by the Treasure Valley Family YMCA. During his 8 years of service as a lifeguard to his current position as Senior Headguard, he has gained the respect of both the youth and other lifeguards for his guidance and coaching skills. He is the type of young man that is always willing to help out when needed and provides support to people in need. He is honest, caring, responsible, and respectful and knows how to make people feel welcomed and valued.


Place of Grace

July 2015

Juniper Ranch-Veterans Fishing Day!

Photos by Leora Summers

By Leora Summers Caldwell Perspective Editor

Stan and Jeanie Meholchick, Owners of Juniper Ranch

Stan and Jeanie Meholchick have created a most amazing “Place of Grace” at their Juniper Ranch, tucked away out in the country in Caldwell. On June 2nd, they held a very special event at their place, a fishing day for veterans from the Idaho State Veterans Home and Boise VA Medical Center. This event has been going on for about 20 years.

Stan, a Vietnam Vet who served in the U.S. Marine Corps purchased acreage in Caldwell that used to be a corn field in 1985, to have a place where he could be insulated from the world. In 1995, he built a beautiful home on that property and created an amazing fishing pond. The first fishing day for veterans was held that same year with about half a dozen vets attending. The grounds now have a “Wounded Warrior” monument, a horse shoe pit and more space for other activities. There are covered picnic areas, fishing bridges, docks and accessible fishing spots on the banks with short attractive brick landscaping to prevent wheelchairs from rolling into the pond. Other events are held here about every third week during the summer. As a means of giving back to veterans, the Meholchicks hold two major fishing/chili feed events annually at their ranch to give the vets an opportunity enjoy a day away from their burdens, to fish in their pond, eat some homemade chili, and enjoy the outdoors. Service members from the Idaho Air National Guard, United States Air Force, Marine Corps League and other family and friends donate their time to assist the veterans with catching the biggest fish. Through this event, the Meholchicks wish to make the public more aware of veterans’ issues and needs.

About 125 people (vets, volunteers, family members and support groups) attended this June 2nd event. The vets were bussed in from the Idaho State Veterans Home and Boise VA Medical Center. Each vet was teamed up with a volunteer, who helped bait, cast the lines, reel in their catch if needed, and get them to where they needed to go. The pond has sturgeon, bass, trout and many other varieties of fish. One lady, named Emma, caught a 21 inch bass during the event! Many of the volunteers continue their connection with the veteran they helped that day and develop lasting friendships with them.

Other support groups attended this event. One such group was “Beyond Limits-Fishing Coalition,” a not for profit volunteer organization that strives to improve access to fishing areas for people with disabilities and/or limited mobility. Its founder, Gary Denniston (Navy Veteran), an avid fisherman and outdoor enthusiast, has been a Parkinson’s disease sufferer for over 20 years. Through his organization, he wanted to help remove some of the barriers that he has faced as an angler for others with limited mobility like himself. Kids First Cast, Inc. (first organized on November 30, 2011) provided fishing rods and equipment for the event. Executive Director, Howard Davis (owner of Howard’s Tackle Shoppe of Nampa), has been involved with kid’s fishing events for over 30 years. People have asked him why is Kids First Cast doing an event with the old folks. He said that he feels strongly that fishing is for everyone and he doesn’t care if you are 3 years old or 103, besides, he has a soft spot for vets. Another service provider that attended was Robert Feliciano, Local Veteran

“A Century of Service”

Employment Representative for the State of Idaho. His job is to match up employer’s needs to veteran’s abilities and to try to connect vets with them for job opportunities. Robert organizes workshops with employers to navigate them through the veteran’s acronyms to help them figure out what skills the vets have. There are “veteran friendly” employers and also Robert Feliciano VRA (Veteran Recruitment Appointment) federal agencies, like the BLM (Bureau of Land Management) that contact Robert to tell him what jobs are available. Feliciano also coordinates Veteran Job Fairs. For more information, contact Robert at: Robert. Feliciano@labor.idaho.gov or call (208) 454-7720, ext. 3624. Mike Smith, another veteran at the event, was a crew chief on a helicopter in Viet Nam. His crew picked up 5 or 6 patients at a time from the war zones to take them to hospitals. He literally learned his job by “baptism by fire.” He helped the medics and learned to fly the helicopter in the event the pilot became wounded. He said that “hovering” was the hardest skill he had to learn for piloting the Veteran, Mike Smith helicopter, but he finally learned that if he put his thumb on the little stick and made circles with it he could do it! Smith spent 10 months in Vietnam before his helicopter was shot down under intense enemy fire on May 17, 1970. He suffered a broken leg. He was then sent to Madigan and released to go home on a medical leave for awhile. When healed, he returned to Ft. Stewart, GA to complete his duty and left the service in November of 1972. After the service, he worked for Grumman Aerospace for about a year and then moved back to Caldwell. He then worked a Leo Smith’s Chevron (619 N. 10th Ave, no longer in existence) in Caldwell. He was the State Commander for the DAV (Disabled American Veterans) from 2008-09 and is currently the supervisor for the DAV Transportation Vans for the State of Idaho. He is also the DAV Senior Vice Commander for the Caldwell Chapter of the DAV and on the Council for the Veterans Memorial Hall in Caldwell. We, at the Caldwell Perspective, thank all our veterans for their sacrifice and service to our country. There is no way any of us can begin to fathom the sacrifice and suffering our wounded warriors and their families have gone through. These men and women 19666 Cumberland, Caldwell deserve our complete 1125 SF, 3bd, 2ba, 2 car gar. Great buy–like new. New paint & carpet. honor and respect. $116,000

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July 2015

Submitted photo

L to R: Gary White (service officer), Larry Gaukel, Evelynn Veasey (adjutant), Gene Enebo (2nd Vice Commander), Cecil Wilson (Past Commander)

On June 14th, our Caldwell , American Legion Post #35 held their flag retirement at the Legion Hall.

Proper Flag Retirement from www.usflag.org Most American Legion Posts regularly conduct a dignified flag burning ceremony, often on Flag Day, June 14th. Many Cub Scout Packs, Boy Scout Troops, and Girl Scout Troops retire flags regularly as well. Contact your local American Legion Hall or Scout Troop to inquire about the availability of this service.

Faith Lutheran Quilters Receive Award

Submitted photo

From the College of Idaho May 16th Commencement Exercise Program

Receiving the President’s Medallion Award from the College of Idaho for the Faith Lutheran Quilter’s group were Lucy Buus and Dee Guenthner.

A Healthy Lunch

Faith Lutheran Quilters have been an amazing group of supporters for the College of Idaho, in particular the

Department of Multicultural Affairs. Every year, for the past eight years, the Quilters have come together and made approximately 35 quilts per year for incoming C of I international freshmen students, a total of more than 250 beautiful handmade quilts. The quilter’s group includes the following people: Doris Grossaint, Becky Hume, Barb Starnes, Mary Jean Sanders, Brenda Carver, Lucie Buus, Helen Phillips, Dee Guenthner and Bev Shallberg. Upon arrival, students find their beds topped with quilts. The gesture tremendously helps international students transition to life in the United States, knowing there is someone who cares enough to sew them a quilt. It is an act that cannot be measured in dollars and cents or hours worked; it is simply a caring act from people who enjoy making our students feel happy and welcome.

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Caldwell Night Rodeo Queen Contest

By Leora Summers, Caldwell Perspective Editor

Submitted photo

The 2014-15 Caldwell Rodeo Queen Heather Skovgard’s reign is coming to an end. During her year, she has traveled over 6,500 miles and has many fond memories of her days a Miss Caldwell Night Rodeo. The friendships and connections she has made will continue long after her reign is over. Queen Heather is proud to be a part of an organization that gives back to the community and has enjoyed all the community service activities and opportunities afforded to her through the Caldwell Night Rodeo. She would not trade her experience for the world. What’s Heather up to now? She is working towards a bachelor’s degree in Engineering & Physics with a minor in Agricultural Research. She enjoy the challenges of combining the design and problem solving skills of engineering with medical and biological sciences to improve healthcare diagnosis, monitoring and therapy, as well as help farmers with crop production. She wants the opportunity to work with professors in the lab and develop her own ideas. After graduation she hopes to travel to China to study. After receiving her doctorate’s degree she plans to start her career with NASA to conduct research using robotic technologies to enable farmers to produce crops more efficiently. To balance her life, she hopes to start her own family on a big ranch where she can work with abused horses, along with breed and raise Hereford Cattle and Quarter Horses. Heather has been around horses her entire life, starting with the lead line at three and won her first buckle when she was four. Heather says “I have a lot to offer the world of rodeo. Although I am engineering major, I have spent my life around horses and rodeo, showing, competing, judging and for mere pleasure.

“One of my favorite memories was the Pendleton RoundUp! It was the largest rodeo I have been to and it was such a blast!! I also met so many other queens! I also met the New Miss Rodeo America.” Said Heather Skovard, 4th Queen from the left. Given my diversity of skills and training I would be an asset to SERVICE CLUBS & be the voice of rodeo and market MEETING INFO for the PRCA. Rodeo queens are the voice of the rodeo; promoting Caldwell Rotary Club and making appearances for Wed, Noon, sponsors. I’ve been a rodeo Kaley Wellness Center athlete, a rodeo clown, a rodeo Corner of Logan/So. 10th queen; I have grown up in this Contact: 459-1344 community and witnessed the benefits of the cowboys being Canyon Sunrise Rotary Club Thurs, 7:00 AM the stars and the value it’s had on Karcher Estates Canyon County. At each rodeo (thru gate in Karcher Mall audiences are reminded of our S. parking lot) western way of life, luck of the Contact: Brent @ 466-4181 draw, and the importance of hard work and dedication.” Caldwell Exchange Club Caldwell Night Rodeo Queen Applications Due July 30th Eligibility Requirements: • Girls between the ages of 18-23 • Must live within 150 mile radius of Caldwell • Must have competed in a previous rodeo queen competition. • Go online to: caldwellnightrodeo.com to download the application. The Queen banquet is Saturday, August 15th. Horsemanship competition is Wednesday, August 19th, 9:00 AM in Caldwell Night Rodeo arena.

Caldwell Youth Earns Eagle Award

Submitted by Suzanne Bauscher

The highest award attainable from the Boy Scouts of America organization was recently presented to a 14 year old Caldwell youth, Ryan Bauscher. Bauscher received the Eagle Award in a Court of Honor held at Our Lady of the Valley on June 9, 2015. Ryan, son of Brett and Suzanne Bauscher, received the award after earning 33 merit badges, including the 21 required for the rank of Eagle. His service project involved leading his fellow troop members and adult volunteers in placing location markers along the 3-mile stretch of Caldwell’s Greenbelt which runs through Centennial Park and along the Boise River. These designators will help local emergency services in responding more efficiently to people in need of assistance on the pathway. The Vision Charter School 9th grader advanced through all ranks of scouting as a member of Troop 277, chartered by the Knights of Columbus of Our Lady of the Valley Catholic Church. Ryan has served as Patrol Leader and currently as Chaplain’s Aid in his Troop. Last summer Ryan attended National Youth Leadership Training (NYLT). This July he plans to participate in Cullimore High Adventure Camp to continue developing his leadership and outdoor skills. Ryan and his family worship at Our Lady of the Valley Catholic Church. His hobbies include guitar, drawing, cycling, fishing, and history. After high school graduation, he plans to attend a university and study graphic design, as well as continue to mentor future Boy Scouts.

Photo by Brett Bauscher

American Legion Retires Flags


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Caldwell Elks Lodge 1st, 2nd, 3rd Thurs, of the month, 7 PM, 1015 N. Kimball Contact: 454-1448 Caldwell Lions Club Wed, Noon Golden Palace Restaurant 703 Main Street Contact: 459-3629 Caldwell Optimist Club Wed, Noon (except last Wed of month) Last Tues of Month, Dinner Meeting, TBD Sunrise Family Restaurant 2601 Cleveland Blvd Contact: 459-2576 Caldwell Kiwanis Club Thurs, Noon Kaley Wellness Center Corner of Logan/So. 10th Contact: 459-6102 Caldwell Soroptimist Club 2nd, 3rd, 4th Wed. of Month Noon Caldwell Elks Lodge #1448 1015 N. Kimball Contact: Ginny @ 459-0021 Native Daughters of Idaho 3rd Tues. of the Month Noon-Potluck Faith Lutheran Church on Montana Avenue Contact: Leta 459-8866 Scottish American Society of Canyon County 3rd Tues. of the Month 7 PM McCain Hall, C of I Bring a covered dish Contact: Lorene Oates 863-4672 Caldwell Eagles Lodge 1st day of the month 8PM 15th of the month 7PM 815 Arthur Street 208-454-8054 Raise Your Voice Toastmasters Club Monday, 6:30 PM Caldwell Airport, 4814 E. Linden Mitchel.Bethel@gmail.com Toastmasters.org

Watch our facebook for daily specials! Monday-Friday 6 AM-7 PM Saturday 7 AM- 7 PM Sunday 7 AM-3 PM

Tue, Noon, Stewarts Bar & Grill 2805 Blaine Street Contact: 455-4534

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Send your club news and photos to Leora Summers editor@caldwellperspective.com


July 2015


“What is your favorite decade of music? Who is your favorite group? Favorite concert? Favorite saying of the decade?” Information and photographs for this month’s Poll Barn were compiled by Leora Summers and Chantele Hensel.

Robin Lauver

Valerie Christensen

“70’s ZZ Top ZZ Top concert in Texas ‘Cool and Groovy’ Groovy was my favorite and I still use it!”

Audie Hensel

Ruth Rhoades

“80’s “Today Alabama Myself Martina McBride concert Star Wars is my favorite song ‘OH Snap!’” ‘Don’t Worry Be Happy!’” Publisher note: Sick of “oh snap!”(Audie is the Publisher’s son)

“Gospel Oak Ridge Boys Oak Ridge Boys ‘Don’t sweat the small stuff!’”


By Leora Summers, Editor

wikipedia photo

Flag Day is celebrated in the United States on June 14th to commemorate the adoption of the United States’ flag on June 14, 1777 by the Second Continental Congess. The birthday of the United States Army is also celebrated on Flag Day. As I drove around our area on June 14th, Flag Day, I observed a few flags around celebrating this national holiday. Here are some of them. Thanks goes out to all of you who put out your flag on this special day and we look forward to seeing them on Independence Day.

Flag Day poster commemorating the 140th Flag Day on June 14, 1917

Gena Gurney

Kennedi Vavold

“80’s “90’s to current day Dixie Chicks I love them all JoDee Messina at the fair Best concert, G-Easy ‘Don’t worry, be happy!’” ‘I’m going to go take a nap.’”

Let’s Talk Music..... Let’s talk about the greatest music ever. We all have that favorite era of music that stays with us forever, and for me it’s the 70’s. It doesn’t get any better than that! Your favorite music of all times is most likely the music when you were starting that second phase of your life as a young adult with new relationships, adventures and friends. In the 70’s, I was in college at the C of I, and the great music for us girls at Simplot Hall centered around the Carpenters, Tom Jones, Carol King, and Tony Orlando and Dawn. As a freshman on the first floor in Simplot Hall, we girls loved the song, “Knock Three Times on the Ceiling if You Want Me”, as the floor below us had the boys. This was one of the C of I’s first co-ed dorms, aside from that “Hippie” Hayman Hall across the campus from us.

By Leora Summers

During my college years, the first concert I ever went to was a ShaNaNa concert in Boise with the last one being a Rare Earth concert. I learned a lot at that concert! I also remember seeing Bill Withers, John Denver, and others. The words of my time were “groovy”, “wow”, “far out” (a John Denver favorite) and “cool”. Though I don’t say “groovy” any more, I still give my era away with an occasional “cool” or “wow.”

Elephant In The Room

By Leora Summers, Caldwell Perspective Editor

W h e n it come to relieving our Caldwell superintendent and his assistant superintendent of active duty, it reminds me of how politics sometimes gets in the way of allowing people to do the jobs they were hired to do, and then sometimes comes back around to hurt them when they do that job. Bill Gigray, Caldwell School District’s attorney, gave the only explanation saying, “There are times unfortunately in the management of affairs of either a school district or other entities where there can be circumstances where the cohesive, or unified, or mutual supportive management just does not exist or is in a struggling situation.” It is difficult to be at the helm, making decisions that affect many,


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to not have some people become unhappy. I have no clue as to the events that occurred to cause such a swift and severe action by the school board, but I appears that it may have just come down to politics. I am glad those two were compensated, because at least they got kissed! It saddens me that such an action, though it was called “mutual,” has put these two up for such scrutiny. The Caldwell School District has seemingly thrived with them at the helm. The school board even thanked them for their contributions and service to the district as they showed them the door. Let’s hope the district continues to progress. Time will tell. Sometimes you don’t know what you’ve got ‘til it’s gone. Right or wrong, this is strictly my opinion and I own it.


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July 2015

American Legion Baseball Shapes Our Youth



U13 Infernos win President’s Cup

By Chantele Hensel Caldwell Perspective Publisher

By Jerry Bauman, proud grandfather

Submitted photo

Top Row L to R: Coach Miguel Aguilar, Zafiro Aguilar, Anika Bowerman, Miranda Kassebaum, Brianna Woods, Jessie Maimer, Julissa Castaneda, Coach Steve Nutting, Karmen Monjaras, Jada Lopez. Bottom Row L to R: Shelby Hudgens, Kylin Olsen, Lauren Nutting, Jaden Hernandez, Kaydence Moore. (Not Pictured: Jaedyn Rhoton, Audrey McDonald)

Inferno Soccer At Its Best!

By Steve Nutting, Coach

Carson Woolery

“I would like to thank coach Papa (Papapietro) for giving me the motivation and confidence to succeed” shared Drew Ozuna. All of these young men have goals after the season, but for now they are just playing the sport they love with their friends. Good luck boys! Watch the community calendar at www. caldwellperspective.com for their game schedule.

This group of girls have had quite a run lately. In the last 4 IYSA (Idaho Youth Soccer Association) Ision 3 regular seasons, they have never finished less than 3rd in league standings, finishing tied for 1st place once and for 2nd place twice. Last 5 Tournaments: Fall 2013 Gem State Tournament (Boise): CHAMPION; Spring 2014 President’s Cup Tournament (Boise): CHAMPION; Fall 2014 Gem State Tournament (Boise): 2nd PLACE; Spring 2015 Canyon Rim Tournament (Twin Falls): CHAMPION; Spring 2015 President’s Cup Tournament (Boise): CHAMPION

Caldwell Ladies Golf Association

es !

Caldwell Ladies Golf Association 2-Lady Best Ball Tournament: Results from June 13/14 play. CHAMPIONSHIP FLIGHT: 1st Gross: Karen Markle/Shawna Ianson 136; 2nd Gross: Sharon Faylor/Rebecca Zimmer 153. 1st Net: Jackie Inglis/Sue Kushlan 123; 2nd Net: Vicki Luna/Jill Rowell 125. FIRST FLIGHT: Order of finish (Gross Scores): Karen Giardina/Dona Endicott T165, Wendi Blauvelt/Jean Cariaga T165; Terri Kelley/Mary Colwell 166; Hanna Larson/Judy Lowe T167, Shannon Leslie/Karen Harr T167; Nancy Bastida/Joanne Odiaga 169; Marnie Kuyper/Mui Stowe 174. SECOND FLIGHT: 1st Gross: Nancy Fortner/Jeanne Yamamoto 165; 2nd Gross: Mary Ann Mathews/Debbie Sanders 168; 3rd Gross: Belva Wildman/Pat Matteri 174. 1st Net: Diane Eldredge/Suzanne Hammons 115; 2nd Net: Jan Clark/Lisa Hedrick 121; 3rd Net: Nancy Albert/Laura Bareither 128.

oY ot

Drew Ozuna

L to R: Anika Bowerman, Jaden Hernandez, Jaedyn Rhoton, Shelby Hudgens, Jessie Maimer, Kylin Olsen, Brianna Woods, Audrey McDonald, Miranda Kassebaum, Kaydence Moore, Julissa Castaneda, Karmen Monjaras, Lauren Nutting, (Not Pictured: Zafiro Aguilar).


“The American Legion Baseball program is a great opportunity for kids to get exposed. We have 5 boys on the team this year who are going to play college baseball.” Statistics show that 60% of current American Legion baseball players will go on to play baseball for a college following their completion of the program. Pitcher for the Streaks, Jordan Britton, will be going to Oregon State in the fall on a baseball scholarship. Carson Woolery has played American Legion Baseball for 4 years. “American Legion Baseball has taught me to work hard and given me the passion to pursue my baseball career in Walla Walla this fall.” Says Woolery.

Photo by Chantele Hensel

American Legion Baseball was founded in 1925 to teach leadership skills, sportsmanship in a non-prejudice environment. The American Legion Baseball survived through a world war as well and national tragedy and provided some strength during despair. Frank G. McCormick, a Sioux Falls attorney and department Commander invited a friend, Major John L. Griffith, Collegiate Commissioner of the Western Conference (now the Big Ten), to give a presentation at the American Legion convention in Milbank, South Dakota. As men sat listening for the traditional address, Griffith instead spoke of the role athletes play in the development of our youth, specifically our young men who would go on to serve our country. The first American Legion Baseball World Series was held in 1926. The Yonkers, New York Post 321, beat a Pocatello, Idaho team. The second was played in Paris. The program is still run by its traditional values, providing baseball opportunities for our young men throughout the summer, gaining them more exposure time by college scouts. For 6 years, Danny Ozuna, has volunteered as the Caldwell American Legion Baseball program president. He is a Caldwell High School (CHS) graduate and father to two boys, Zack Ozuna (2012 CHS graduate) and Drew Ozuna (2015 CHS graduate) who is currently playing on the Silver Streaks , the Double AA American Legion Baseball Team in Caldwell. Both boys have played for 5 years leading them both to play baseball at the collegiate level. Zack played two years at Wenatchee Valley and Drew will play at Walla Walla CC this fall. Side by side, Danny Ozuna and his wife Carol, help the program remain strong in our community. The team will play 40-50 games this season and will play a tournament in Walla Walla from July 9th through the 12th .

Photo by Chantele Hensel

Back Row L to R: Manager Dan Richardson, Austin Van Horne, Tim Storms, Carson Woolery, Jordan Britton, Brandon Huffman, Kyle Jerome, Efrain Garcia, Asst. Coach Mitch Dame. Row 2 L to R: Justin Navarro, Steven Toothman, Lucas Pilote, Nick Tuttle, Chris Rambow, Brandon Burk. Front Row L to R: Tyler Walker, Omar Mora, Asst. Coach Tom White, Brendan Runnels, Drew Ozuna.

Shelby Hudgens traveled with the BOISE REAL CF HEAT team, a U15 soccer team out of Boise to the Region IV President’s Cup tournament in Washington. This is quite an honor as Shelby has just turned 13.

Submitted photo

Photo by Chantele Hensel

The U13 Caldwell Infernos recently won the Presidents Cup in Boise, beating several valley teams and then an All Star team from Jackson Hole (2-1) in a shoot-out. The coaches are Miguel Aguilar on the left and Steve Nutting on the right. This group of girls has won 3 out of the last 4 age group President’s Cups.

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Flashback THEN...Lem Harding


July 2015

Early Caldwell’s Concrete Masonry Craftsman

By Madeline Buckendorf with assistance from Chuck Randolph

Photo by Leora Summers

Lemuel Harding, one of Caldwell’s early builders, “came West” looking for work in Idaho Territory. He was born in New York in 1862, and his mother died soon after his birth. Harding left home at age 15 and slowly worked his way across the United States. Joining with other young fortune-seekers, Harding traveled to Boise by rail and by foot, arriving in 1882. Soon he and other young men headed to Alaska in 1886; after a while Harding worked his way down the West Coast to California. He came back to Idaho in 1890, went to Caldwell to ply his trade as a building contractor. Harding constructed the 1893 Canyon County Courthouse, a two-story wood building. An 1893 Caldwell Tribune article stated: “Lem Harding, who constructed the courthouse to the satisfaction of all parties, is making improvements to the Fahey residence.” That year Harding married Parma resident and Idaho native Dora [aka Doris] Petersen in Caldwell. The Hardings moved back to New York State for a while, but returned to live in Caldwell by 1903. He worked as a concrete and stone building contractor in town and constructed several houses in the north and western parts of Caldwell. Harding was described in the local newspaper as a “thoroughly competent workman.” He also constructed commercial buildings, such as the printing office for the 1904 Gem State Rural magazine (later renamed The Idaho Farmer), located at 613 Main Street. Other structures built by Harding included a school in Notus and a bank in Jordan Valley, Oregon (both in 1905).

Sample of “Miracle Bricks” on a house at 722 Kimball Avenue

erosion. Harding’s own house and outbuildings, located near the Canyon Court House, reflected to his construction capabilities. The house’s walls were built with molded concrete blocks, called “Miracle Bricks.”

This picture is an AD from the 1916 Caldwell High School Pow-Wow year book.

One of the most important Caldwell buildings constructed by Lem Harding was the “new” high school, built in 1910. The famed Boise architectural firm of Tourtellotte and Hummel drew the designs for the school while overseeing the construction of the Idaho Capitol building. Originally located on the corner of Dearborn Street and 11th Avenue South, the school was demolished in the mid-1990s. In 1912 Harding built a concrete structure (still standing) on North 7th Avenue for the Caldwell Traction Company, who owned two electric streetcar lines extending south of town. He also constructed the Huree Theatre on the east side of Main Street between Kimball and 7th Avenue. The theatre was named after a combination of its owners’ names, Roswell land developer Clarence B. Hurtt and Caldwell businessman Walter Sebree (who also owned the Caldwell Traction Company). Harding also played an important role in the development the early water, sewer, and irrigation systems in Caldwell and other parts of Canyon County making concrete pipe and drain tile to convey the systems’ contents and prevent soil

1904 ad for a concrete molding machine: “The mold box is turned, block released and mold box turned back without letting go of lever handles or moving away from the machine. No lost motion or wasted energy. Pallets made with handles. No carrier to fuss with.” Ad copied from an article by Gail Tischler, “Do it Yourself Concrete Blocks,” located online at http://bungalowclub.org/newsletter/winter-2010.

The “bricks” looked like quarried stone cut into blocks, but were much cheaper to produce. A molding machine was used at the building site to produce the blocks from poured concrete, with interchangeable faceplates to create the surface textures of rough-cut sandstone or other types of rocks. One worker could produce 50-70 blocks a day from a machine purchased from Sears and Roebuck or another catalog company in the early 1900s. The molded blocks then had to cure while being kept slightly damp for at least five days, and then aged on site another three to four weeks. Once the blocks had cured, they were stronger than bricks.

Photo by Madeline Buckendorf

Courtesy of Chuck Randolph

Photo by Madeline Buckendorf

Harding’s garage with attached wall and original BBQ.

Builder’s Mark – notice the two large white stones embedded on each size of the arched doorway.

Harding built his garage, rock wall and barbeque with concrete forms and created stone rubble and cobblestone veneers on the exteriors. The stones were held together by lime mortar. On the garage, Harding used two white stones on each side of the door as the builder’s mark—his signature as a mason. He also shaped pieces of rubble to create a keystone arch above the rounded entrance. Cobblestones worn smooth by water were laid in rows on the alleyfacing garage walls and at the top of the barbeque, adding a decorative touch to the structures. Harding used drain tile to create vents on both sides of the bottom of the barbeque. Lem Harding sold his concrete plant to George Williams in 1920, who owned it for one year. Harding and his wife stayed in the area until the 1930s, and then lived briefly in Nevada and Oregon before coming back to Idaho by 1940. He passed away in 1943 and is buried in Canyon Hill Cemetery. Canyon County bought the property and demolished the former Harding house and barbeque for safety and liability reasons. The stone garage and wall remain as a small reminder of Lemuel Harding’s craftsmanship.

Avalon Antiques Submitted photo

Open Monday – Saturday, 10 a.m. – 5 p.m.

Lem Harding’s house (1022 Albany St.) with “Miracle Bricks”

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July 2015



1022 Albany...NOW...Justice Park By Leora Summers, Caldwell Perspective Editor

a perfect fit to help the County accomplish its goals for the park before the summer. Eagle Scout candidate, James Harris, along with his 23 volunteers, painted the gables, rakes, doors and windows of the stone building on the property, erected 8 picnic tables and planted 7 trees and over 100 plants in the park on Saturday May 30, 2015.

fertilizers, and plant plants and flowers. A refrigerator was placed in that building to keep their lunches cold, as well as a container of ice water.

The County grounds crew staff, leveled the property, brought in clean fill-dirt to developed planting areas, installed a sprinkler system, and laid the new sod lawn. The grounds crew team includes the following people: Ken McRae (Grounds-keeping Supervisor), Jamie Toledo (Groundskeeper), Corey Hull (Groundskeeper), and Jerilynn McRae (Landscape Designer). The County is regularly contacted by Eagle Scout candidates looking for Eagle Scout projects. The park was

James took the project on, as it was to be a long lasting benefit to the County and the community. The park became an approved project through the Eagle Scout Board of Review, with James and Paul Navarro (County Facility Manager) working together to develop the plan and scope of work for the park. The 4 permanent ADA compliant picnic tables and the 4 moveable picnic tables were erected and installed by the Eagle Scout and his volunteers as part of the park improvements. The Stone Building is currently being used by the County grounds crew to house ice-melt, snow shovels, fertilizer, and tools associated with the grounds crew for the things needed for the assistance they receive to maintain their grounds from the Sheriff’s Inmate Labor Detail (SILD) program. On a daily basis, 2 to 4 SILD workers help mow lawns, prune trees, repair sprinklers, apply

Historical Snippets of Caldwell (continued from Bess Steunenberg’s Address to the AAUW on May 4, 1963 at the College of Idaho)

Intenet photo

Snippet #5…Old-Time Fourth of July and Cow Town T h e y had rousing celebrations on the Fourth of July, with a parade and barbequed beef for everybody. They waved flags, spouted oratory and exploded a ton of more or less of fireworks, all the while kidding each other without mercy. And now may I say, a word about these beards? Since most Caldwell men were young, and beards were considered old-fashioned, only a few men wore them.

town who really had a beard. Most of the time he wore it braided and tucked inside his vest, but on such festive occasions as the Fourth, he let it swing free and it fell well below his knees. His name was Tom Johnson, and I suggest that our present beard growers ought to try for his record. He had two brothers, also bearded, but they were not in his class. The Johnson cabin, by the way, is one of those now in Memorial Park. Caldwell was never what is known as “Cow Town.” True cattle and cowboys were not unknown, but they were only one part of the economy. Long before the railroad builders brought Caldwell to life, an older generation of real covered wagon pioneers were farming the lands along the river. Caldwell became their market town and shipping point. It was also the shipping point for miners, wool growers and cattle men in Owyhee County to the south. I can well remember their high piled freight wagons, drawn by 12 to 16 horses or mules standing on Main Street waiting to transfer their loads to the railroad.

The mustache was the favorite facial adornment, especially the walrus type. But there was an old man living a few miles west of

We give you a reason to...

Submitted photo

Photo by Leora Summers

Photo by Leora Summers

Over the past few years, the county has built the new County Administration Building and developed four new parking lots, three of which are along Albany Street from 10th Avenue to 12th Avenue. The purchase of 1022 Albany, formerly Staci’s Bail Bonds, was a long time in the works and after several years of negotiations with Canyon County, Staci Freeman agreed to sell the property to the County. The County purchased the property to align with the County’s Caldwell campus and then hired Mark Hess of Hess Construction to demolish the building.

In the renovation of the grounds, the fireplace was determined to be in pretty rough shape and was leaning forward about 30 degrees. And after having had the 4 majestic oak trees professionally pruned and trimmed, it was decided that to have an open fire in the park so close to the oak trees was not wise and prudent. The fireplace was then removed carefully, to prevent further damage to the rock wall attached to the fireplace. The fireplace was constructed of large basalt rocks and in the removal some unusual items were found in its construction, such as leaf springs from a car, old horse-shoes and steel rods. The newly renovated park is now named “Justice Park” and can be reserved through Canyon County Facility’s office by calling: 454-7473. There is no fee to use the park.

BEWARE! BE SAFE! July 4th Control your fireworks! Have water accessible. Bring your dogs inside.

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“Not Important...But Possibly Of Interest”

Caldwell Youth Results at Meridian Dairy Days

By Leora Summers, Editor

Want to share your photos from fair?

Send your photos with a brief description to editor@ caldwellperspective.com or drop them off at the Caldwell Perspective office, 217 S. 9th Ave., downtown Caldwell.

On June 20th at the Meridian Dairy Days, Cheyenne Rumsey (Caldwell) of Vallivue 4-H Club placed 3rd in the Quality Classes Holstein-Jersey, Heifer, Senior Calf division and 3rd in 4-H Intermediate ShowmanshipClass 1. Timbrie Asher (Caldwell) of the Critters of Gold 4-H Club placed 2nd in the Jersey, Heifer, Quality Classes Holstein-Senior Calf division and 3rd in the 4-H Intermediate ShowmanshipClass 2.

like the little smiling Babushka (grandmother) who chatted with Sara outside the monastery at Goritsky. She didn’t understand English and Sara doesn’t speak Russians but it didn’t seem to matter. Bottom line is that people all over the world have pretty much the same hopes and dreams. We were told many Russians over the age of fifty miss Communism. Their attitude is that they might not have had much, but at least they knew the state would take care of them. Few young Russians want to go back to the Communist system. While they may not be as successful as they would like, they feel they at least, have the opportunity to succeed. Some say Russians today are much different than they were during the Soviet days. That is true, to a degree.. They obviously like having the “toys” and some of the freedoms long enjoyed in America and other Western countries. But make no mistake, Russians are first and foremost RUSSIANS. And whether their leaders are right or wrong, I suspect most will stand behind “Mother Russia.” Wayne Cornell can be reached at wayne@swcornell.com

Guess What This Is?

Send your guesses to editor@caldwellperspective.com

Beautiful Lake Lowell Sunrise Story and photo by Debi Jensen, Caldwell resident “I was seeing the beautiful beginnings of this sunrise as I was leaving the house, and knew it was going to be something special. Then as I pulled onto the dam, it became amazing! I had no control over the urge to pull over to take pictures before I headed on to work. God sure does paint pretty pictures!”

Caldwell Eagles Lodge Club News By Leora Summers The Caldwell Eagles Lodge (F.O.E. #3691) currently has about 100 men and 120 women members. The men and women have separate bi-monthly meetings. The lodge serves a breakfast from 8-11 a.m. every 1st and 3rd Sunday. On Fridays they have some great dinners from 6-8 p.m.! The money raised from the breakfasts and dinners

all goes to charities. They have a full bar and social room which books pool and dart tournaments, dances, karaoke nights and other fun activities. The money made from their social room pays the bills. For more information about the Eagles Lodge, call (208) 454-8054 or visit www. caldwelleagles3691.com.

During our GSD meeting down at S t e w a r t ’s Bar and Grill in early June, we were sitting there discussing what we should have in the July edition of the Caldwell Perspective when we tried their “Drink of the Month.” Low and behold we found an amazing refreshing summer drink. They called it a “melon mule.” The barkeep told us he used Grey Goose Melon, ginger ale, fresh mint and a little mojito syrup. It was delish. There was one other requirement though. It must be served in a copper cup to reach its true flavor potential. Before I could go out and buy the ingredients and a copper cup to make this drink at home,

Chantele rewarded my editorial efforts with the whole “ball of wax” including the copper cup. The copper cup had a Moscow Mule recipe included with it. Chantele changed it up a little blending it with the Melon Mule recipe. Here is her recipe.

Chantele’s MelonByMule Leora Summers, Editor

Photo by Leora Summers

Mark Twain once observed that “Travel is fatal to prejudice, bigotry, and narrow-mindedness . . . Broad, wholesome, charitable views of men and things cannot be acquired by vegetating in one little corner of the earth all one’s lifetime.” On a September day in 2013, we found ourselves standing in Red Square – the spot where Soviet leaders once stood atop Lenin’s tomb on May Day and watched the troops, tanks and rockets pass in review. To our right were the colorful onionshaped domes of St. Basils Church (now a museum). To our left, the towering walls of the Kremlin. You don’t become an expert on any country in 15 days on a guided tour. Nevertheless, I

think we came away with a better appreciation of Russian culture and the people. One thing that takes some getting used to is the blank expressions on the faces of Russians when they are out in public. I suspect the look dates back to the Communist era when it wasn’t a good idea to stand out in a crowd. In St. Petersburg we met Elena, a young woman who is an Internet acquaintance of one of our daughters. She was fascinated by how much we smiled. It’s not that Russians never smile, she told us. It’s just that they don’t do it in public in front of people they don’t know. Most Russians we talked with seemed to take Vladimir Putin with a grain of salt. Some even told jokes about him. Now they seem to be solidifying behind their leader because he is telling them other countries are “out to get” them. Even with the fall of the Iron Curtain, Russians tend to be paranoid. It’s hard for Americans to understand the deep loyalty Russians have to “ Rodina,” the Motherland. But when you’ve lost a few million people in “The Great Patriotic War,” (World War II), it’s probably difficult not to be paranoid. We really enjoyed our Russian visit and the people we met,

July 2015

Chantele’s Melon Mule 2 oz. watermelon vodka 1/2 oz (1 TBS) lime juice from fresh squeezed lime Ginger Beer (for a lighter taste, try ginger ale in place of Ginger Beer) Fresh crushed mint Shake vodka and lime juice with ice and strain into a chilled mule mug filled with crushed ice. Crush about 4 mint leaves. Stir into mixture. Top with ginger beer. Slightly stir. Enjoy! Ahhhh.....the pause that refreshes! This drink has been tested and approved by Chantele Hensel and Leora Summers.

Book Review

By Amy Perry, Rubaiyat Book Store

“Dragon Tales Volume 8, Don’t Forget to Remember” by Margaret Snyder and illustrated by Don Williams, based on the characters by Ron Rodecker. This dragon tale is a story about listening. Adult Quetzal calls the little dragons together to help with a surprise, assigning each child an item to bring back with them. When they all return to start the project, no one remembered their part. The illustrations in this children’s book are bright and engaging. Based on this one Dragon Tale story, I can recommend the series for any child and many adults.

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CHS want to thank the sponsors of the safe and sober graduation night party on May 18th at Big Al’s in Meridian it was a great success. Over 100 students from Caldwell High School Class of 2015 attended the celebration. The grad night committee was able to get contributions of money and prizes from fundraisers and from several (about 70 of ‘em) local businesses, service clubs, individuals and alumni. The students and parents greatly appreciate all the support from these sponsors. Each graduate got a goodie bag of prizes and tickets to put in raffle drawings for other great prizes.

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We are reintroducting CLASSIFIEDS. If you would like more information, please call Kennedi at 208-809-8097 email: advertising@caldwellperspective.com or come by our office: 217 S. 9th Ave., downtown Caldwell between One Hour Martinizing & Continental Investors

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