April 2020 Caldwell Perspective

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Edition 64 l APRIL 2020


Taste the Good Life on the AgVenture Trail

Fresh. Natural. Homegrown. These words are our way of life in Caldwell. Over the last five years, it has been Destination Caldwell’s mission to make Caldwell known for our locally produced wines along the Sunnyslope Wine Trail, market fresh goods and farm to fork dining to attract visitors to our region. Last year, we developed the AgVenture Trail, a self-guided adventure through 12 farms, orchards, pastures and produce stands across the valley, starting in Downtown Caldwell. Each stop along the 40-mile loop has opportunities for visitors to take classes from local farmers, pick produce, dine on farm-to-fork meals, horseback ride and more. The AgVenture Trail is for more than just visitors, it’s for us, the residents of Caldwell, too! Our community was founded on agriculture and to preserve our heritage we must support small farms. We’ve included the AgVenture Trail brochure and map inside of the Caldwell Perspective as a resource for you to shop local. We also want to encourage you to save it so when you have guests, want to plan something to do for a group of friends, or invite friends here from Boise. While you and I might frequent some of these places already, our visitors might have never seen a cow in real life! Each month, in the Caldwell Perspective, we’ll be telling you a little bit more about each destina-

tion, what you can do there, and how to support them. We can’t wait to share all the fresh produce and exciting adventures that await you right out of your front door. Before you head out on the trail, please note that many of the destinations are seasonal or offering limited services due to COVID-19. Be sure to call them or follow them on social media to see how you can support them during April and May. This month we’re highlighting our protein producers. At the time of publishing, Idaho is currently under ‘stay at home’ orders. So, you may not be able to get a tour of a ranch or farm right now, but you can certainly pick up the items you need for cooking at home or order your favorite ingredients online and have them shipped or delivered to your home. McIntyre Pastures, Caldwell The McIntyre family started farming in the Caldwell area back in 1909. The farm started out mostly with row crops and raising animals, including a small dairy and supplying local watermelons. Fast forward to 2009 – when brothers Ben and Brad returned from college and were picking up rocks in fields and began to wonder why the rocks just seemed to keep coming up. This led them (and all of the family!) down the road, in many directions, eventually guiding the family to start different farm practices that nurtured the land and the quality of the livestock they were

raising. If you want to learn more about the McIntyre’s farming methods you can visit their website, https:// mcintyrefamilyfarms.com/ or book a tour of the farm itself! The family plans to hold public tours by wagon every other month when allowed or you can even set up a private tour for yourself or a group up to 16 people. Until then, you can get a taste of the grass-fed beef, pork, and poultry, including chickens and turkey, by ordering from the family’s online store. They currently offer home delivery to some areas and have several pick-up points across the Treasure Valley. Little Cow Mountain Farm, Caldwell Little Cow Mountain Farm is a newer protein producer in our area. The farm was founded by Debra and Kyle Bruner in 2016. The couple used to run large cattle ranches but decided to start their own 10-acres farm because they wanted to bring high-quality products directly to the customer. Besides providing top-notch protein to consumers, the Bruner family takes pride in how they have improved the quality of the land and soil through their sustainable farming and ranching practices. Now they focus on a pastured poultry meat and free-range eggs while raising a few cows. Tours at Little Cow Mountain are a fun and interactive way to visit the

Destination Caldwell

farm and get a little glimpse into the day to day operations. While you’re there you will have an opportunity to shop for products available and in season. Be sure to visit the gift shop where you will find a variety of art prints, cards, and coffee mugs, featuring farm animals and Idaho wildlife painted by Debra herself! Tours will hopefully resume in the summer, so, for now, you can order poultry, eggs, and beef online at https://littlecowmountain.com/ and pick up your items from the farm. Continued on Page 6


Our Community

April 2020

A Message from Our Mayor, Garret Nancolas A message from Caldwell Mayor Garret Nancolas: These unusual and extraordinary times have been difficult for all of us. In the midst of confusion, it can be difficult to know what to do or where to turn to. Our sincerest thoughts and prayers go out to you and your families for bravely weathering an unprecedented crisis. The strength and resiliency of our community is truly humbling. City officials have been working and meeting daily with our local health districts, including Canyon County Emergency Management, Southwest District Health, and West Valley Medical Center. Those health districts are working in turn with other state and federal health officials in a massive

collaborative effort. Local governments are working diligently and tirelessly to ensure that we are briefed on the latest local, state and federal updates so that we can best serve the public. At this time, we encourage you to follow Governor Little’s guidelines; stay at home, avoid non-essential travel, avoid exposure to those not in your own household, and practice good hygiene. We encourage you to still support businesses that are open if you are able. Local restaurants have altered their entire business plans to provide takeout and curbside pickup for customers, while other businesses have transitioned to online ordering. Our heart goes out to those that have been closed due to public health and

safety concerns. The City’s number one priority remains to protect the health and well-being of our staff and citizens. This entails closing certain City services to reduce potential virus exposure so that we do not overburden our hospitals and healthcare systems. As of this time, Caldwell has closed public buildings including City Hall, the Caldwell Senior Center, Caldwell Event Center, Caldwell Public Library, Engineering/Planning and Zoning offices, the Caldwell Airport terminal and Parks and Recreation. Essential services remain operational and we have customer service representatives available for public inquiries on our City phone lines. We have closed non-es-

sential services including playgrounds and public restrooms in our parks. Parks remain open for recreational exercise such as jogging or walking, but the closing of playgrounds is recommended by our health officials due to the potential transmission of COVID-19. We have also closed our golf courses, Purple Sage and Fairview. This is in effort to meet the intent of the Governor’s order for non-essential travel, to encourage citizens to stay home and exercise in their neighborhoods and local areas, and to protect our most vulnerable citizens from exposure. To help offset the closure, we have moved up routine maintenance duties such as course aeration. We are making every attempt to

Caldwell Chamber of Commerce Leadership Program: Public Safety Day Margaret Mead said “Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committee citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has.” Since 1897 the Caldwell Chamber of Commerce has promoted and fostered the development of our community. The Caldwell Chamber of Commerce provides local businesses and their employees the opportunity to broaden their knowledge of our community while enhancing their networking and leadership skills. This program is called Leader-

ship Caldwell. Leadership Caldwell is a 9 months’ community leadership development program that begins with orientation in August and culminates with a graduation in May. Each month topics are presented through the use of prominent individuals from the public and private sectors. Through contact with a wide range of professionals and the behind the scenes knowledge gained, Leadership Caldwell participants have the opportunity to expand their influence in the community. The success of the program is measured by

the positive effects on the participants, their organizations and the community. Public Safety Day in March is one of the most popular portions of the program. The day begins with a visit with our amazing Sheriff’s Department and a tour thru the county jail. This tour provides each person the opportunity to ponder the need for a new jail facility. The next portion of our day was spent with the Caldwell Fire Department. In addition to lunch, we have learned of the importance of the jaws of life, how to complete a successful water rescue, and slide down the firepole without hurting oneself. Our final portion of Pub-

Press release

have the closure be productive so that the public can return to regular play in a timely manner. Municipal courses across the valley are being closed as well, and we want to work in concert with other municipalities. By implementing these measures, our primary focus is to protect our employees, citizens and most vulnerable members of the population, including our health care workers. I encourage the public to remain calm and be kind to your neighbor. We are all in this together. May God bless you and your loved ones. Sincerely, Garret. L. Nancolas Mayor of Caldwell

by Gail Friend, Caldwell Chamber of Commerce

lic Safety Day is spent with Caldwell’s “finest” Police Department and SWAT Team. We learn how this group recognizes and prepares for the needs of the Caldwell community and what it takes to control very serious and dangerous situations. They

truly have our best interests at heart. By the time 5 p.m. rolls around we have gleaned a huge amount of information on what it takes to make Caldwell a safe place for us all.

Caldwell Chamber of Commerce Moved! The Caldwell Chamber of Commerce will now be located at 1001 Blaine Street in Caldwell as of Monday, April 6th! Please update our mailing address in your system. All mail should be sent to 1001 Blaine Street, Caldwell, ID 83605 in the future. Thank you! Note from the publisher: Congratulations! I look forward to the ribbon cutting celebration!

Remember Red Friday Photo L to R: Neil Rogers, Amy Hazen, Lisa Cully, Josh OldenKamp, Cindy OldenKamp, Ladwina Lancaster. Red Friday is a reminder of those serving our country away from home. Caldwell Veterans Memorial Hall was presented a framed representation of Red Friday by Windermere Access Realty of Caldwell.

Remember everyone deployed until they all come Home!

April 2020

Our Community


The COVID-19 Pandemic from the Perspective of a High School Senior The novel coronavirus outbreak has impacted Americans of all ages in many ways, from crippling small businesses to halting concerts, festivals, and sports seasons. Although Idaho was one of the last states to report a case of the virus, it has unfortunately made its way to the Gem State—much too close for comfort! Idaho has implemented several precautions to flatten the curve, such as mandating that spring sports must cease for the time being, issuing a stay-at-home order, and shutting down schools across the state. For many students, this has been a very trying time. As a senior in high school, I can attest to the feeling many of us have as we watch as the last few months of our high school career are stripped away. These final weeks are meant to be a culmination of the hard work we have put in over the years. Now, we are left to wonder if we will even have graduation. Our principal and school administrators have done a great job keeping everyone informed during this time and not acting prematurely. In reality, because we don’t know where this pandemic is going, canceling things in the far future is as senseless as hoarding paper products!

When we received an email from the school administration announcing that we would have an early release to spring break, a lot of us were excited. It seemed like the perfect cure for senioritis! But when it began to settle in that we were going to miss out on so much, the excitement started to fade. As I slowly began to understand the gravity of the situation, I reflected on all the great memories I have made this year, and those I have yet to make. I’m not ready for it to be over! It feels as if we’ve been frozen in time. Our senior year has stopped, but we must somehow go on. On the bright side, at least we will have a great story to tell our kids later! I expected that this time would be full of uncertainties, but I never dreamed the future could be full of so many questions! What about Prom? Will there be a commencement ceremony? How is everything going to pan out as we enter college, or look for work after high school? Will we be able to go on our senior trip? These seem petty on paper, but they are things I have anticipated for a long time. In the grand scheme of life, I know they are of little significance, but maybe I wouldn’t feel so jilted if I didn’t think every-

one was overreacting just a teensy bit. I know there are people out there who have it much worse than I do, and that I should be thankful that our pantry is stocked, the cupboards are full of toilet paper, and my father still has work. I feel sorry for all of the businesses who have had to close their doors, many to never open again. I have a feeling that there are many repercussions—economic and otherwise—that will come to pass before this issue is resolved. This whole ordeal has made me appreciate the freedoms that I have more than ever. We truly are blessed to live in America. Unfortunately, with the recent stay-at-home order, I realize how easily our freedoms could be taken from us. Although I do see how social distancing could help flatten the curve, I do not appreciate the fact that I could be punished for being out on business deemed “unnecessary”. The situation has made me appreciate the freedoms I have, and made me recognize that they could very easily be taken away. Throughout this difficult situation, I have been thankful for Governor Little’s leadership. He has kept a level head when so

by Kirah Fillmore, Greenleaf Friends Academy and Caldwell Perspective Intern

many around us are panicking. As of right now, there are no punishments in place to ensure that we do stay home. That’s a far cry from the situation in many other states! I respect him for trying to come up with a solution to address the spread of the virus in Idaho, and for looking out for the safety of all Idahoans. My motto during times of struggle is “this too shall pass”. Even though it may be difficult to find a reason behind all of this, knowing that it can’t last forever makes it less worrisome. America has been through much harder things than this before, though I fear that we have become far less sensible than we once were. It may be that this is a time

for us as a nation to learn a lesson. The American drive to succeed can take over our lives, making us forget the things that matter most. This is the perfect time to take a step back, relax, and remember the simple things that give life meaning. It is in the times of trial that we must pull together as a family, a community, a nation. Although we are forced to remain physically distant, communities are closer than ever. In times of adversity, we discover who we are and what we’re made of, and I hope that America is made out of stronger stock than it often seems. The world may be in an uproar, but now is the perfect time to remember our identity as the United States of America.

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Our Community

Has/how have you or your family been impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic?

We ran out of tissues at my house and there are none in the stores because people are buying up all that Colton kind of stuff. People Fisk need to stop panic buying. I am not too concerned now because it seems like all the precautions being taken will make it hard for the virus to spread rapidly and cause a lot of damage. I think that the shutdown is a decent precaution to avoid the spread of the virus, and the extended break is a pretty cool side effect. –Colton Fisk, 18 (Senior, GFA) As a student at NNU, my plans for this semester have changed drastically in the last few weeks due to Jenna Winters COVID-19. I will be completing this semester online from home. Although the virus is an unfortunate reason to have to stay home, I have been enjoying spending extra time with my family. –Jenna Winters, 19 (Freshman, NNU) The entire COVID-19 situation doesn’t seem real, almost like a dream. It feels like the entire world just Sarah Ralstin pressed the pause button. Even though the coronavirus is taking away opportunities for more memories, especially when it comes to students and their senior year, we need to make the best out of this uncontrollable situation. Our world is con-

stantly changing, improving technology, and developing new things for a better way of life; we never take a break. Rest is so important, and during this time of stress and concern for our health we need to relax and find strength in God. –Sarah Ralstin, 17 (Senior, GFA) I know for me and my family, this entire pandemic has really altered our plans and put our lives into Brooke perspective. We Pfost are currently on a two week vacation in Arizona (where the virus is not bad) and have heard the news of our schools at home shutting down and the entire state going into lock down mode. It has been scary because we are unsure of how we are going to enter our lives back home. With that being said, the recent enforcement on the stay-at-home order has helped us realize that we all have very blessed lives living in America, and our freedom could so easily be stripped from us. We should never take for granted the liberties granted to us as citizens of the United States of America. –Brooke Pfost, 16 (Junior, HHS) So far the virus hasn’t had a drastic impact on me. I am a little worried it will have an impact on my future plans Zuriel Angulo though. My mom is still able to work as a cleaning lady but is concerned that

people will start cancelling on her. I disliked school to begin with, so I’m glad for the extended break, but I just want to get it over and done with and I don’t want graduation to be postponed. –Zuriel Angulo, 17 (Senior, VHS) The coronavirus has not seriously impacted me personally. We did have to cancel some plans on acDaniel count of it, which Dixon sucks. It has forced my grandma, who has a poor immune system, to not leave her house and stay away from everyone including family. It has not really affected my community a whole lot yet but I think that will change in the next couple days. I am not concerned about the coronavirus for myself, but rather transmitting it to an elderly person. As far as the shutdown and extended break goes I am very happy about it. I just hope we don’t have to add weeks on to the end of school. –Daniel Dixon, 18 (Senior, GFA) The coronavirus has impacted me directly due to school being closed. Luckily, both my parents Kylin can work from Olsen home so they are not majorly affected. I don’t think Caldwell has been as affected as much as the Boise area. My concerns about the coronavirus are for the doctors and medical providers working every day to help treat people as well as all those in jobs where their services are deemed necessary. I am also concerned that graduation and other school events will be either canceled or postponed. This is all so crazy and honestly still doesn’t feel real. –Kylin Olsen, 18 (Senior, GFA) So far, the coronavirus has given me more time to work on my senior project, which has actually helped me Clayton quite a bit. My bigKincheloe gest concern is what will happen if the virus spreads too quickly and the healthcare system isn’t able to keep up with all the sick people. What I have begun to put my hope in is all the people praying for those afflicted by the virus and healthcare workers all over the globe. Don’t underestimate

the power of prayer. –Clayton Kincheloe, 18 (Senior,GFA) The coronavirus has changed my life greatly. When we all heard about coronavirus and all the things happenAva Taylor ing around the world, we all joked about it and thought it would be cool to get out of school. Then when it came, it came very fast, and suddenly we were all out of school. I would rather go to school than do online school and not be able to see any of my friends. It’s sort of fun being able to get out of school unexpectedly, but now our drama production which we have been working very hard on is probably canceled, and a lot of other fun school activities. It’s not fun being home all day because our whole family of eight is stuck around each other all day with nowhere to go and sometimes we get on each other‘s nerves. I can no longer do the things that I love to do during breaks, like going on bicycle rides to stores, or going to friends houses. I hope this whole coronavirus thing goes away soon so I can see my friends again and can go into senior year the way I always thought I would. –Ava Taylor, 17 (Junior, CVCS) COVID-19 has impacted me mostly by affecting my school life. As a teenager without a job, my entire life Keira around O’Meara revolves school, sports, and friends. Because of the coronavirus, all these things have been taken from me. School has been shut down and sports have been cancelled. I am a very extroverted person, so being home 24/7 and not being able to see my friends or be able to go out and practice softball has been extremely difficult for me. I keep telling myself that I will be alright, but others might not be so we need to stay home to protect others and keep the virus from spreading more. I think the shutdown was the smartest plan of action. Greenleaf has some students who live in bigger cities like Boise where there are more confirmed cases of the virus. A person can unknowingly carry it which could be dangerous for faculty, staff, and students. In addition, online school is a good idea to

April 2020 by Kirah Fillmore\

be able to continue our education without being at school. I personally think that if you practice social distancing and proper sanitation you shouldn’t need to be concerned. –Keira O’Meara, 16 (Junior, GFA) My life as a highschool student has been impacted in many ways, both good and bad, by the coronavirus. I Ally McDaniel will be taking about 3 weeks of my normal classes online for my school. Taking classes online will be much more challenging than being in a classroom atmosphere with a teacher physically present to answer and help with all of your academic needs. However, having the extra time off due to the virus has given me the opportunity to spend more time with my family and find new ways to enjoy life. –Ally McDaniel, 17 (Junior, NCHS) As a sophomore in high school at Nampa Christian, I’ve been put on edge by Lindi the suddenness Dice of COVID-19 and everything it’s cancelled or postponed. It’s taken away a lot of my softball season as well as my brother’s baseball season, who is a senior. It’s disappointing to face the reality of everything that’s happening, and I hope it ends by everybody doing their part to stop the spread of it, but I’m enjoying the extra time to relax, train, and catch up on work. –Lindi Dice, 15 (Sophomore, NCHS) I currently attend, or was attending, Rocky Mountain High School as a Senior before Abbi Schmelzenbach our district closed school down a week before the scheduled spring break. This closure turned my world upside a little. The extra time at home has allowed me to catch up on some missing school work and devote more time to my art, along with spending more time with my family. However, I am really disappointed that events like prom have been cancelled and I’m anxious what the virus means for my graduation. – Abbi Schmelzenbach, 18 (Senior, RMHS)

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If you would like information about advertising or have a great story or event to share? I would love to hear from you. Information can be found at www.caldwellperspective.com

Chantele Hensel 208-899-6374 Publisher/Advertising

Our Community

April 2020

Rotary Scholarship Applications Available!

Caldwell Rotary Club is now accepting applications for a $1,000 Academic Scholarship (to an Idaho school) and a $1,000 Vocational/Technical Scholarship (to any trade school or associate program) for the 2020-21 school year. To be accepted, applications must be postmarked by April 15th. Applications for these scholarships can be found at your school counselor’s office or online. To find it

online, Google Caldwellrotaryclub.com. Once the Caldwell Rotary Club home page pops up, scroll down the far-right menu to “Homepage Download Files” and click on either the Rotary Academic or the Technical-Trade Application. Download the one you want, fill it out and complete all the requirements requested. Mail it to: Caldwell Rotary Club, P.O. Box 24, Caldwell, ID 83606 by April 15th. Incomplete applica-

tions will be disqualified. Academic Scholarship Applications are for those who plan to attend an IDAHO 4-year college program that will result in a B.A. or B.S. degree. It is also for those who intend to begin a college degree at a junior college, with plans to transfer to finish a B.A. or B.S. degree at a 4-year IDAHO university or college. Technical/Trade Scholarship Applications are for those who plan to attend

Caldwell Fire Department Calls For Increase Home Fire Safety

a trade school or a 2-year program that will produce an associate degree. This can be anything from diesel mechanics, hair, nails, cosmetology, nursing associate, dental hygienist and others not culminating in a B.A or B.S. degree. There are many trades that do not require a 4-year college degree. Students may apply to out-of-state schools for this scholarship. Students should only apply for one or the other and

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submitted photo

Many of us are spending much more time at home amid the COVID-19 Pandemic. This creates an even more essential need to ensure your home is safe for you and your loved ones. The leading causes of home fires are sparked from everyday items such as cooking, electrical equipment and heating items. In 2018, 27% of residential structure fires in Caldwell were cause by cooking activities. Overall, fire crews responded to 70 residential structure fires. It is important to remember, working smoke detectors save lives. Smoke detectors should be located in all sleeping areas, and on every level of your home. They should be tested monthly and batteries changed every six months. Click the link for a video on how to test your smoke detectors. https://youtu.be/ZMIHE7UeFTU The Caldwell Fire Department wants to share some helpful tips to aid to your fire safety routine: Cooking • Stay in the kitchen while you are frying, boiling, grilling, or broiling food. If you leave the kitchen for even a short period of time, turn off the stove. • If you are simmering, baking, or roasting food, check it regularly, remain in the home while food is cooking, and use a timer to remind you that you are cooking. • Keep anything that can catch fire — oven mitts, wooden utensils, food packaging, towels or curtains — away from your stovetop. • Make sure all handles are turned inward, away from

make sure they are not running across doorways or under carpets. Extension cords are intended for temporary use. • Use a light bulb with the right number of watts. There should be a sticker that indicates the right number of watts. Additionally, now is a good time to ensure your home escape plan is up to date, a safe outside meeting location has been established and everyone in your home is familiar with what to do in case of a fire. The National Fire Protection Association has lesson plans to help with educating children in fire safety with games, stories and more. https:// sparkyschoolhouse.org/ If you have any questions or concerns during this time, we are here for you. We will be posting safety information on our social media outlets (Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter). As always, you can contact us directly at our office 208.455.3032. or our Fire Prevention Officer Lisa Richard at 208-614-9610.

by Leora Summers

Caldwell Veteran Honored

by Lisa Richards, CFD Fire Prevention Officer

where someone can grab a hot handle or tip a pan over. • Be on alert. If you are sleepy or have consumed alcohol, refrain from using the stove or stovetop. • If you have young children in your home, create a “kid-free zone” of at least 3 feet (1 meter) around the stove and areas where hot food or drink is prepared or carried. Heating • Keep anything that can burn at least three-feet (one meter) away from heating equipment, like the furnace, fireplace, wood stove, or portable space heater. • Have a three-foot (one meter) “kid-free zone” around open fires and space heaters. • Never use your oven to heat your home. • Remember to turn portable heaters off when leaving the room or going to bed. • Always use the right kind of fuel, specified by the manufacturer, for fuel burning space heaters. • Install and maintain carbon monoxide (CO) alarms to avoid the risk of CO poisoning. If you smell gas in your gas heater, do not light the appliance. Leave the home immediately and call your local fire department or gas company. Electrical • When charging smartphones and other digital devices, only use the charging cord that came with the device. • Do not charge a device under your pillow, on your bed or on a couch. • Only use one heat-producing appliance (such as a coffee maker, toaster, space heater, etc.) plugged into a receptacle outlet at a time. • Major appliances (refrigerators, dryers, washers, stoves, air conditioners, microwave ovens, etc.) should be plugged directly into a wall receptacle outlet. Extension cords and plug strips should not be used. • Check electrical cords to


L To R. Kelly Powell, Terry Harrell, Oke, Jeff Davis, Dennis Carter, Randy Jensen. The Caldwell Veterans’ Memorial Hall Council presented our local WWII veteran, Delbert “Okie” Mitchell Pierce a plaque of appreciation. Okie turned 105 years old in February.

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Our Community


Not quite the “2020” I had in mind, but thankful for our Community! The Caldwell Perspective was founded to highlight the great people, businesses, places and events in Caldwell. The recent cancellations of our events, many were major fundraisers used to fund a complete program has made the April edition the most difficult in the 60 plus editions that have gone to press before. Social media became my venue. As I read through many posts I skimmed them for the positive or the highlight. The Caldwell School District responded quickly, keeping food available to our youth. The seWith all of the news regarding spreading of illness, it is important to understand the need for practicing hygiene basics. Washing your hands can help prevent the spread of illness. Handwashing with soap and running water removes germs from hands. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), this helps prevent infections because: • People frequently touch

“Be Liberated From Dirt”

by Chantele Hensel, Caldwell Perspective publisher

nior center and Meals on Wheels spent hours making sure the seniors had meals on their tables. I was so proud to watch our community rally. It takes a team! One who doesn’t wait for the need to be voiced, but love and care so much that the anticipation of need is always top of mind. The Salvation Army plays a vital role, they are founded on such actions. They also helped many individuals. ReCreate Ministry had five delivery drivers delivering food and making sure families were alright and knew that they had resources.

One person, I feel the need to personally recognize is Kelli Jenkins. That woman has spent days seeking out the needs and fullfilling the need with the help of her connections. So much self sacrificial love! I know that the list goes on and on and I do want to apoligize in advace if I did not name you or your organization. Thank you to the ones who fed a hundred and thank you to the ones who took a meal to a neighbor! This is Caldwell and we are the greatest community in the Treasure Valley!

April 2020

Caldwell High School Class of 68’

Front Row L to R: Guy Pilote, Gary Hodge, Ted Vermaas, Pat Parker Henson, Robin Rutledge Miesbach, Karen Summy Milligan, Ann Wiseman Day, Lana Rogers Friederich, Rita Paulen Alexander, Bill Ward. Back row L to R: Bob Sullivan, Pat Milligan, Dave McCormick, Ken Gainer, Bob Winder, Mike Smith, Lois Henry Buck. The next lunch will be on May 6th at Bob Winder’s home in Homedale. Bring a lunch, Bob will provide refreshments. Directions to follow. Check our FB page for more information, Caldwell Idaho CHS Class of ‘68 Reunion.

Don’t Forget to Wash Your Hands

their eyes, nose, and mouth without even realizing it. • Germs from unwashed hands can get into foods and drinks while people prepare or consume them. Germs can even multiply in some types of foods or drinks, making people sick. • Germs from unwashed hands can be transferred to other objects, such as, handrails, tabletops, or toys, and then transferred to another person’s hands.

Valli-Hi Angus Ranch, Caldwell Valli-Hi Angus Ranch was established in 1960 when Billye & Jerry Jenkins moved to Idaho with their 6 children to live Jerry’s dream of being a “Cowboy”. Billye’s father, William “Bill” Olsen assisted in the cre-

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3. Rinse your hands well under clean, running water. 4. Dry your hands using a clean towel or air dry them. If soap and water are not available, using a hand sanitizer with at least 60% alcohol can help you avoid spreading germs and getting sick yourself. To learn more information on handwashing, visit the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s website at www.cdc.gov. For any questions on health,

nutrition, and food safety, please contact the Canyon County Extension Office at 208-459-6003 or jamende@ uidaho.edu.


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• Removing germs through handwashing. Therefore, helps prevent viral and bacterial infections. Properly wash your hands by following these directions from the CDC: 1. Lather your hands by rubbing them together with the soap. Be sure to lather the bcks of your hands, between your fingers, and under your nails. 2. Scrub your hands for at least 20 seconds.

by Jacquie Amende, University of Idaho Extension-Canyon County

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ation of their cowboy dream by helping Jerry select 8 Pure-bred Black Angus cows. In 1980, their son William “Bill” Jenkins returned home to the family ranch for the summer and never left. Bill and his wife, Candy have worked the ranch for the past 40 years. Their oldest daughter Chelsea DeFriez has always loved the ranch life and has been able to share this lifestyle with her family. She helps her parents with computer work, marketing, running their beef store and her favorite is simply working out-


doors with the cattle. The family plans to continue the Valli-Hi legacy and dream for many more years to come. They currently sell beef and lamb meat at their store on the ranch 4 days a week. Under current circumstances, Valli-Hi has temporarily changed their store service to only receive orders online or by phone and then arrange for pickup at the ranch. If you are ready to try some local beef or lamb, you can preview what they have to offer at: https://www.vallihiangusranch.com.

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Our Community

April 2020


COVID-19 Hits H-2A Program: The Hard Truth About Hard Workers

H-2A Workers navigate through an Owhyee Produce farm, in Parma, Idaho to pick asparagus in mid-Spring, which usually lasts three months. To harvest asparagus, workers search for 7-9 inch spears and cut, below ground level, allow the shorter spears to grow, then they return a few days later and cut the fully grown spears.

COVID-19 has created a pandemic across the world and influenced private citizens to seclusion, sending businesses to shut down and employees to file unemployment for four weeks. While the world stops, time still ticks, and deadlines quickly approach for farmers to meet. March is a time to prune and prep farmland, then comes asparagus harvest in April, with a short window for packing and shipping. The process starts over at a faster pace over the summer. All this runs like a well-oiled machine with laborers provided by the H-2A Temporary Agricultural Workers program from Mexico. Beginning March 18, the U.S. Department of State declared the suspension of new Visa processes for the next four weeks in response to the CDC’s guidelines for preventing the spread of COVID-19. With only a few details, the U.S. Dept. of State declared closures of U.S. offices in Mexico clarifying only seasonal workers could bypass the interview process and cross the border, while new applicants will not be seen for another 4-6 weeks. However, onsite that was not the case. “I’ve been keeping in touch with my workers, and they let me know that’s what the letter says, but they closed the doors on them,” exclaims Shay Myers, general manager of Owyhee Produce in Parma, Idaho and Nyssa, Oregon. “I had eight guys show up at the office and only two were let through, even though they have all been here the past two years.” This inconsistency led My-


We Want Your Good News!

ers to plea for help on social media because this is a critical time for him. If he doesn’t receive the 30 workers, he requested, Myers will lose his asparagus and sweet potato crops, as well as the millions of dollars that went into their production. That’s just one farm. Without these workers, farmers across the nation will suffer severe losses, and the country will experience a food shortage in a few months. “If we lose our planting window, it will be financially devastating,” explains Myers. “Not only that, but it has serious ramifications when six months from now, we’re supposed to be eating all this food, and it won’t even be planted.” Unlike office workers, Myers explained farmers cannot work from home in times of distress or delay the work because they have planting schedules according to the seasons. In a day, Myers received a wealth of support from members of the agriculture industry and the welltimed attention from Secretary of Agriculture Sonny Perdue, who released a press release shortly after Myers’ plea. “USDA is directly engaged with the State Department and working diligently to en-


sure minimal disruption in H-2A visa applications during these uncertain times,” states Secretary Perdue. “This Administration is doing everything possible to maintain continuity of this critically important program. The U.S. Consulate General Monterrey announced that they would prioritize the processing of returning H-2 workers who are eligible for an interview waiver. Otherwise, the Administration will continue to examine what authorities are available while ensuring public safety and health.” Upon arrival, these workers will receive an onboarding process where coordinators, like Jennifer Uranga, owner of Mountain West Ag Consulting, will educate these H2A workers on Corona Virus, how to stay healthy and what to do if they experience any symptoms. For the most part, they will be isolated from the general public, with only a few workers per dwelling and limited grocery shopping trips. “Now we’ll get all our workers because all eyes are on this issue,” expresses Uranga, who coordinates seasonal contracting workers for farmers in Idaho, Oregon, and Washington. “I love the passion that Shay (Myers) has and I believe, as a result, the Government will realize how important this program is to us.” Last week, Uranga sat on the National Council of Agricultural Employees board, which she is also a member, and she presented a case as to why she needed so many migrant workers when the United States has a multitude of unemployed citizens. She has posted all these positions in the unemployment office and all job boards possible to only receive 3 applicants. The times she hired U.S. citizens


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by Kamelia Basir-Rodriquez, Daxx Marketing Press Divison

to work the land, she learned they never returned after the first lunch break. “I know that is a common argument, ‘why not hire domestic’ and I understand that aspect of it, but there’s no way,” retorts Myers. “There’s no way I will reach the numbers or deadlines if I had to depend on U.S. workers.” The cost of an H2-A worker is 25-30% more than hiring an American. The expenses that go into each applicant, travel, and room and board keep increasing annually, but that is the only choice local farmers have as many Americans choose other job avenues over farm labor. A 2013 study by the New American Economy shared that even when unemployment rises in the United States, no U.S. job seeker applies for farm labor positions, which in turn jeopardizes the U.S. economy. The Great Recession of 2008 was the only time native workers pursued farm labor. Therefore, without these foreign-workers, the agricultural economy would

While juggling multiple hats, animals and children in her life, she enjoys writing for Daxx Marketing, a marketing company in Idaho. After having her journalism skills sharpened in the U.S. Army, she writes feel-good features and contended issues that beckon introspect. Kamelia grew up in New Jersey, but now writes from her Caldwell ranchette.

cease to exist. “We’re all passionate, and I can tell people in the community care,” says Uranga, but warns during these uncertain times, farm labor may be the only option. “These farmers don’t farm for the money; we do what we do because we care about the American families around us.”

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Page 8 CALDWELL PERSPECTIVE I was asked if I’d like to share a few Easter thoughts for the April Perspective. Most of the time I’m grateful for an opportunity to share a personal “perspective,” but today as our world wrestles with an unseen (yet very real) enemy, I struggle to find words. So much is happening in real time. With every news cycle offering a fresh stream of incoming data, it’s hard to find our bearings; in fact, I’d challenge anyone to find a newscast that doesn’t begin with some over produced orchestration and an anonymous baritone voice proc-

Easter Message In Troubled Times

laming, “Breaking news ...” This morning, we live life together/apart with restrictions placed on our movements and activities. We’re encouraged to keep our distances. Out of the well reasoned intent to “flatten the curve” have come cancellations, postponements, and rescheduling of events that a week ago stood out prominently on the calendar. I know of more than one family who’ve had their much anticipated vacations wiped out. Requests from the highest levels of government have their trickle-down effects in

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For months now, our driveway has slowly washed out and when it would rain puddles would fill the low places. When pulling into the driveway I would strategically park the car in a way that everyone riding in the car could place their feet on a less

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by Jim Porter, Pastor of Caldwell Free Methodist Church selfish and self-absorbed? I not only suspect it would, I’ve seen proof that it does. Even this past week. The British theologian N.T. Wright once commented, “Death is the last weapon of the tyrant.” In other words, death is the last and greatest weapon in evil’s arsenal. Jesus told his followers of two important things before they happened; that he would die a violent death and that he’d prove to the world who he was by not allowing death to win. In one of the most well documented events in human history, death lost it’s grip on Jesus Christ. I’m feeling a peculiar emptiness this year because I won’t be able to gather with my much loved church on Easter Sunday morning to celebrate the reality of the resurrection. But the resurrection still stands. Many have tried to erase, minimize and marginalize the reality of the event, but it remains standing as the corner-stone of human history. It’s trustworthy; the only thing we can be sure of. It has never been rescheduled, postponed, or cancelled—in fact, I suspect the world (both believers

and skeptics) may pay even greater attention as we mark the event this year. Two weeks from today as I write, on Easter Sunday 2020, the world will have dramatically changed many more times because more will be known, shown and Twittered every day. In two weeks perhaps there will be a cure; perhaps not. We can’t knows. But the invitation that Jesus extends to you and I— that death cannot claim those who have placed their faith and trust in him—will continue to endure as certainly as the resurrection itself. If this has created some questions in your heart and mind, contact Chantele Hensel, publisher of The Perspective, 208-899-6374. There are scores of ministers in Caldwell who would love to help you find peace, and we will help you find one.

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our much admired and much loved city of Caldwell. I miss Flying M. As a result, all of us (whether we’d admit it or not) are living with a degree of fear. Things are not as they should be. Everywhere we go it feels like the tempo of life is off … in the local grocery store, in the new normal of being homebound, the way we wonder if the person who just bumped into you had washed their hands in the last half hour, the way we take a quick scan of the room to see who just coughed, or in the lingering thoughts of how our elderly parents and young grandchildren are faring. Encouragement from one another may be abundant, but comfort is elusive. What do we fear? We fear what lies beyond our control; death, then, becomes the greatest fear of all. But what if someone was able to live with no fear of death and its consequences? Would they become a more caring person … willing to share, give away, and even make a neighbor’s need more important than their own? Would the lack of fear and worry make them less

April 2020

Michael Hensel, CPA

wet place. Michael had gravel delivered and for a couple days until our dear friends came over with their skid steer and compactor it did my heart so good to watch the remotecontrol backhoes, dump trucks and excavators come down from shelves to dig in the dirt. Audie, our 11-year-old son provided entertainment to the couple who live across the street as they sat at their kitchen table. The neighbor man called me over after I got out of my car, before I reached him he was laughing and said, “that boy has made my day! He has given me confidence in the next generation watching him play on that mound

of dirt instead of playing on a phone.” Sometimes it’s the simple pleasures and blessing in life and I will gladly take each and every one of them.

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by Chantele Hensel, publisher

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April 2020 Note from the publisher: Can we just start over with 2020? What an appropriate story! My three grandsons looked out the window at the falling snow. It had been snowing all day. The boys were driving us crazy. “GinGin! GinGin! Can we go outside?” five-year-old Seth asked my wife. “When the snow stops.” Ginny replied. “Poppa-Mike, can we go outside?” four-year-old Josh asked me. “When the snow stops, Josh.” When they couldn’t convince us, they turned to their mom. “Mom, can we go outside?” They asked Heather in unison. “Josh! Seth!” Heather

Their First Snowman

scolded them. Only when Poppa-Mike and GinGin say you can. Go play in your room until then. You’re not going to make it happen any faster by pestering everyone.” Two-year-old Benny was oblivious to it all. “Blues Clues” played on the television. He was content to watch Dora and her friends yell at Swiper, the evil fiend of the show. “Swiper! Swiper! No swiping!” We expected company that day. Ginny and I were owners of an online support group for widows and widowers. Every year we hosted a Christmas party for the local members of our group. We did it for the children who lost a mother or father. Ginny was adamant, the party could wait. She wasn’t

going to miss her grand-children’s first experience playing in the snow. If things weren’t ready when our guests arrived, they could wait. The boys were more important. The snow stopped. It was time. “Come on, boys. Get dressed! Let’s go out and play.” Ginny clapped her hands. “Let’s go!” It took thirty minutes, three adults, and lots of patience to stuff three moving targets into their bulky snow suits. Seth and Josh had the strength to move their arms and legs. Benny? He was another matter. His arms, encased in synthetic restraints, stuck out from his sides, unable to move. The same restraints held his legs stiff. He walked with the gait of a young Frankenstein character.

Book Review by Amy Perry

Theodora Goss is a HungarianAmerican fiction writer and poet. Her writing has been nominated for major awards, including the Nebula, Locus, Mythopoeic, World Fantasy, and Seiun

Awards. Her short fiction and poetry have appeared in numerous magazines and anthologies, including Year’s Best volumes. (copied) The Strange Case of the Alchemist’s Daughter is Goss’ debut novel. It is a Sherlock Holms pastiche mixed with early horror fiction. Mary Jekyll’s mother has just died, leaving Mary

Poetry Corner

Our Normal Disappeared by Deborah L. Wynkoop The sound is gone from our Wolfe Field The wind is all I hear The purple seats are empty No voices rise to cheer The scoreboard lights remain unlit It is a sorry state The young men have all gone home The fans must isolate

Page 9 CALDWELL PERSPECTIVE by Michael T. Smith

“Is Poppa-Mike coming?” Josh asked. “He’s going to get dressed and join us in a minute.” Ginny told him. “Let’s go!” “What are we going to do, Poppa Mike?” Seth asked me. “Make a snowman, Seth.” “A snowman, Poppa-Mike?” He looked at me. “We don’t know how to make a snowman.” “How do we make a snowman, Poppa-Mike?” Josh chimed in. “Mmph?” Benny said from behind the two layers of scarf covering his mouth. “When I come out, I’ll show you.” I said. ************** I opened the door and stepped into our backyard - a private winter wonderland.

The Strange Case of the Alchemist’s Daughter by Theodora Goss

destitute. When her solicitor presents her with papers that appear to lead her to the villain, Mr. Hyde, Mary sets off on an adventure that leads her to Holmes and Watson, Frankenstein’s monster and much more. The story is well written, contains humor and is kindly. The plot is easy to follow, the ending as expected,

mostly. There is already a second book printed in the series and I plan on reading

Stay safe.

We will reopen as soon as possible.

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it, as well. I would be comfortable recommending it to most of my women readers.

Be well.

Oh, sometime in the recent past We lulled the hours away While at our nation’s pastime Watching the Coyotes play This baseball season now is lostThe schedule has been cleared And there is no joy in Yote town Cause our normal disappeared.

“A Lifetime of Memories...A Single Act of Love”

The boys struggled through the deep snow in the center of the yard. “Ok, boys,” I said. “Grab a ball of snow and roll it forward.” I demonstrated by rolling my own snowball through the snow. “See how it gets bigger.” They began to roll their own. I put the bottom of the snowman in place and started on the second ball. I lifted it into place. A snowball struck the back of my neck. Ice crystals melted and trickled down my back. I turned. Josh and Seth stared at me with silly grins on their faces. They’d obviously grown bored with their own snowman. To their right, Benny lay face down in the snow, struggling to get up. I got him on his feet, cleaned snow from his face, and turned to Continued on page 15

If you have any concerns or suggestions on how the County can service your city better for the future, please contact Chuck, 208-2502410, Twitter: @ChuckStadick To support or for more information contact Treasurer: Dick Ledington, 14924 Hillside Drive, Caldwell, 83607

• Chuck opposes the use of Urban Renewal, because of the property tax burden it shifts to other taxpayers. • Will ensure conservative budgeting. • Through his service with a local Idaho non-profit (5C), Chuck has helped formulate a plan to ensure the affordable construction of the proper jail facilities at the present County Courthouse site . • Prefers Impact fees on new construction to reduce property taxes. • He will advocate open meetings for citizen input. • Supports saving Ag Ground in Canyon County. • Chuck is on the Caldwell Community Volunteer Committee, a member of the Caldwell Veterans’ Memorial Hall Board, the Board of Trustees of Grace Lutheran Church, served on the Purple Sage & Fairview Golf Board, Love Your City and is a member of the (5C) Concerned Citizens of Canyon County Committee.




Sam Summers using the “stay at home” edict to get some yard work done.

When the governor tells you to “stay at home” a lot of things can get done if you take advantage of the time created now that you can’t avoid tasks by golfing, fishing and other “not stay at home” activities. So get busy and pick some chores you have been avoiding. Don’t try to do them all

by Leora Summers

at once because we may have a lot of time to get them done. Pick one thing at a time and make a dent in it. I am going to clean out closets, the pantry, the broom closet and maybe even go through all the photos that are in baskets in my basement. Experiment with new recipes. Practice an old musical instrument or piano that you haven’t played for years. Be considerate of others and stay home to the best of your ability so as not to endanger others either by catching this virus or by giving it others. Bless us all and keep all of us healthy!


I was cooking dinner around 5:56 p.m. on March 31st and suddenly I heard my hanging wine glasses tinkling and my first thought was EARTHQUAKE! Then soon after there was an aftershock. The water in the pool and hot tub was rolling. What the heck is going on these days? This was felt in Mackey, McCall, Moscow, Sun Valley, Winnemucca, Butte and Spokane to mention a few others places. The news said it was rated at 6.5 at the

by Leora Summers

epicenter, which was said to be west of Challis and east of Cascade. Here is your earthquake drill for home according to www.shakeout.org: Drop, Cover, and Hold On: Drop to the ground, take Cover under a table or desk, and Hold On to it as if a major earthquake were happening (stay down for at least 60 seconds). Practice now so you will immediately protect yourself during earthquakes! Stay safe!

Enjoy Hot Cross Buns this Easter

A number of foods are enjoyed during Easter celebrations, from hard-boiled eggs to ham to roasted lamb. Sweets such as candies and chocolates also take center stage on Easter Sunday. In addition to these traditional favorites, hot cross

buns have become must-haves for many Easter celebrants. The tops are marked with a cross that is often piped with icing. While there’s no clear explanation of how hot cross buns came to be, there are indications that they once were

reserved only for Good Friday. Others say they were consumed throughout Lent. The cross is a Christian symbol of the crucifixion and Christ himself. Hot cross buns are soft and sweet, and they’re easily created.

Hot Cross Buns (Yields 12-14 buns) Buns

Topping 1⁄4 C. apple juice or rum 1 Lg. egg white, reserved from above 1⁄2 C. mixed dried fruit 1 T. milk 1⁄2 C. raisins or dried currants 1 1⁄4 C. milk, room temperature 2 Lg. eggs, plus 1 egg yolk (save the white for Icing 1 C. plus 2 T. confectioners’ sugar the topping) 1⁄2 t. vanilla extract 6 T. butter, room temperature Pinch of salt 2 t. instant yeast 4 t. milk, or enough to make a thick, pipeable 1⁄4 C. light brown sugar, firmly packed icing 1 t. ground cinnamon Lightly grease a 10” square pan or 9” x 13” pan. 1⁄4 t. ground cloves or allspice 1⁄4 t. ground nutmeg 1 3⁄4 t. salt 1 T. baking powder 4 1⁄2 C. Unbleached All-Purpose Flour Mix the rum or apple juice with the dried fruit and raisins, cover with plastic wrap and microwave briefly, just until the fruit and liquid are very warm and the plastic starts to “shrink wrap” itself over the top of the bowl. Set aside to cool to room temperature. Note: If you worry about using plastic wrap in your microwave, simply cover the bowl with a glass lid. When the fruit is cool, mix together all of the dough ingredients (including the eggs and egg yolk from the separated egg); hold out the fruit for the time being. Knead the mixture, using an electric mixer or bread machine, until the dough is soft and elastic. It’ll be very slack, sticking to the bottom of the bowl and your hands as you work with it (greasing your hands helps). Mix in the fruit and any liquid not absorbed. Let the dough rise for 1 hour, covered. It should become puffy, though may not double in bulk. Divide the dough into billiard ball-sized pieces, about 33⁄4 ounces each. A heaped muffin scoop (about 1⁄3 cup) makes about the right portion. You’ll make 12 to 14 buns. Use your greased hands to round them into balls. Arrange them in the prepared pan. Cover the pan, and let the buns rise for 1 hour, or until they’ve puffed up and are touching one another. While the dough is rising, preheat the oven to 375 F. Whisk together the reserved egg white and milk, and brush it over the buns. Bake the buns for 20 minutes, until they’re golden brown. Remove from the oven, carefully turn the buns out of the pan (they should come out in one large piece), and transfer them to a rack to cool. Mix together the icing ingredients, and when the buns are completely cool, pipe it in a cross shape atop each bun.

Fire up the smoker for Easter dinner this year


Big meals are part and parcel for Easter Sunday, this recipe for “Pork Loin Roast with Hot Pepper Jelly Glaze” from Karen Putman and Judith Fertig’s “Championship BBQ Secrets for Real Smoked Food” (Robert Rose) is a great way to take advantage of warmer Easter weather while still ensuring everyone has a full belly by the end of the meal.

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April 2020

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Pork Loin Roast with Hot Pepper Jelly Glaze (Serves 4 to 6) 1 boneless pork loin roast (about 2 lbs.) 4 C. apple juice 1⁄2 C. Brown Sugar Rib Rub (see below) 1 C. hot pepper jelly Additional apple juice for spraying 1. Rinse pork under cold running water and pat dry. Place in a large sealable plastic bag and pour in apple juice. Seal bag and refrigerate for at least 8 hours and up to 12 hours. 2. Remove pork from marinade and pat dry. Discard marinade. Sprinkle dry rub over the surface of the meat, coating evenly. Set aside. 3. Prepare a fire in your smoker.

enjoy your home and family while we take an intermission...

4. Meanwhile, in a small saucepan, melt hot pepper jelly over medium-low heat. Keep warm by the smoker. 5. Place pork directly on the smoker rack, add wood to the coals and close the lid. Smoke at 225 F to 250 F, spraying with apple juice every 30 minutes, for 2 hours. Brush with hot pepper jelly, close the lid and smoke, spraying with apple juice every 30 minutes, for 1 to 11⁄2 hours, or until a meat thermometer inserted in the thickest part of the pork registers 160 F for medium, or until desired doneness. Let rest for 15 minutes before slicing.

Brown Sugar Rib Rub 2 C. packed dark brown sugar 1⁄2 C. fine kosher or sea salt 1⁄4 C. sweet Hungarian paprika 1⁄4 C. chili powder 1⁄4 C. ground lemon pepper 1⁄4 C. granulated garlic 1 T. freshly ground black pepper

(Makes about 31⁄2 cups)

1 t. dried basil 1t. dried thyme In a medium bowl, combine brown sugar, salt, paprika, chili powder, lemon pepper, garlic, black pepper, basil, and thyme.

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Their First Snowman continued from Page 9 the older two. “Alright, you ...” Before I could finish, a snowball hit me in the chin and melted down the inside of my shirt. “That’s it! You’re going to get it now!” I grabbed a handful of snow and returned fire on them. The fight was on. A snowball hit me in the head. “I got you, Poppa-Mike.” Josh giggled. I grabbed them up and rolled them in the snow. “Take Later that night, after that!” I laughed. the boys were put to bed, When the battle was over, I sat up thinking about we put the final touches on Seth’scomment. “We don’t their first snowman. I added know how to make a snowthe head, as the boys collectman, Poppa-Mike.” It was ed sticks for arms and pinetrue. The boys grew up in the cones for the eyes, mouth south. They rarely saw snow and buttons. I found an old and never enough to make a cap and put it on the head. snowman. From the deck, Ginny threw I’d made a mistake. I asus a carrot for the nose. In the sumed my grandsons expegarage, I found an old broom rienced the same childhood I and scarf to complete our credid at their age. I knew how to ation. make a snowman. Why didn’t “They’re you go, boys. You they? It made me question now know how to make a myself. How many times have snowman.” I done the same with other “Thank you, Poppa-Mike.” people I knew or met? Josh said. Everyone is different. We Benny said, “Humpff!” from experience different things, behind his scarf and fell over and each of us has many again. things we can teach.

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Page 12 CALDWELL PERSPECTIVE I must first admit I forgot about this months column. This last month has been anything but normal as we’ve all had our plans and lives disrupted beyond the pale. I typically have my hands full with spring cleanups, our Knights of Columbus Lenten fish fry’s, Sunday masses and teaching youth ministry, working a concert or two at the Ford Idaho Center and doing my weekly radio show for Salt and Light radio in

Boise on top of writing this column. Those activities not only keep me very busy, they also put me in touch with people that ask me all sorts of questions regarding their gardens, landscapes and sprinklers, which help me formulate thoughts of what to write. I live alone in the country and my neighbors are over 3000 strong but they’re dairy cows and they look at me funny when I ask them questions, either that or they

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Local Dirt Perspective got gas. The only things on the news is the current crisis that has kept everyone cooped up with nothing to do, not even sports going on anywhere. I always get excited with opening day of baseball and planned to watch a few of BSU’s first season of baseball games in 40 years. I guess the most exciting thing going on is the chase for toilet paper and hand sanitizer. The grocery store shelves are empty from people fearing the worst and trying to gain some control over their future wellbeing. So this brings me to the points I have been making for many years even before writing this column. In my retail garden center, I taught classes on container gardening, using fruit

If you are an avid outdoor enthusiast this Corona virus may not change your life style much, easy for an old retired guy to say. No problem for me to adhere to all the helpful hints about staying healthy, wash your hands. The six-foot rule, no gathering maybe a little more difficult. Always nice to have a cold one after the 18th hole. Fishing, hiking, camping name your outdoor activity it should be compatible with Corona virus guidelines. If you are younger and still in the work force. Gainful employment may become much more of a concern than outdoor entertainment. Financial insecurity and unemployment will affect the entire community. My sincere hope is that Canyon County will

April 2020 by Pat King

trees in place shade trees and growing herbs indoors in place of house plants. Maybe a silver lining of this crisis will help you to see where you can have a little peace of mind when it comes to food security. I was a Cub Scout a Weblo and a Boy Scout and I grew up with grandparents that by their comments thrived during the great depression because they knew how to grow their own food and then canned it for later uses. I can remember times when my grandma would ask me to go down in the root cellar to retrieve some apricot jam or green beans. It was a scary place for a young boy, dark, cold and musty smelling with very little light. But eventually

Dave’s Big Back Yard

be spared some of the hardships that much of the rest of the country is experiencing. Enough said about current affairs Idaho produces some really great fishing opportunities. Many state records have been broken in recent years the tiger muskie record (cross between a muskie and northern pike) was broken in 2013, yellow perch in 2016 and white crappie in 2012. I guess my point is there are some lakes reservoirs and rivers that could give up a state record fish in any given season. There are also International Game Fish Assoc. line records. The biggest fish of a certain species caught on the lightest line, for example the current line record for a cutthroat trout on 6lb test line is 15lb., 8oz., catch one

your eyes adjusted and I’d find what I was sent for. We’ve become far to accustomed to being able to walk into any store and pretty much get what we need, yes we are America but being prepared is even more American. Besides how can you be charitable if you’re not prepared? Im adding 15 more peach trees to the 15 I had because they were all delicious according to those I gave them away to. So God Bless you and America and we’ll garden next month, until next time, Pat by Dave McCormick

15lb. 9oz. you would be the new line record holder. Most of us are probably not looking for a line record or a state record. Fishing is just good fun for young and old. Heads up there is a boater education class sponsored by Idaho Dept. of Parks and Recreation. It is a 60-question test and will be required to boat on Oregon waters. The test booklet can be obtained through Parks and Rec. or at most boat dealerships. The course can also be found on line at www. boatidaho.org. Hope to see you on the water.

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