Working of Heated Pet Beds

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Heated Pet Beds Heated pet beds are pet beds that consist of compartments that can be filled with heated gel packs. These gel packs are responsible for making these beds warm. These beds are best for dogs who feel cold in winters or have lost their fur. If you have a dog who is old and weak then getting a good quality pet bed is a good idea.

Working of Heated Pet Beds Heated pet beds are nothing but a pet bed with some compartments to fill the gel packs. The gel packs plays are major role here as they can be heated in a microwave. So these gel packs are heated in a microwave for a few minutes. After that, it is placed inside the compartment of the pet bed. Always read the instruction before heating to understand the duration till which it needs to be heated.

When the heated gel packs are laced inside the pet bed, it transfers its heat through conduction to the surface of the pet bed. When heated, it provides

warmth to your pet so that he is comfortable in the chilled winters. These pet beds are easily washable. First, the gel packs need to be removed from the pet bed and then the pet bed can be easily hand washed. It will ensure that your pet remains clean and comfortable.

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