CalContractor Underground 2017

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Above: 250-ton crane setting conveyor system across Tujunga Wash.

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The conveyor system, which is powered directly from the LADWP electrical grid, utilizes culverts to run beneath roads and freeways. “There are noise restrictions written into the contract and running the conveyor system under everything, instead of over, helps to mitigate sound levels,” says Brodeur. “It is also much safer, and its use will eliminate around 185,000 truck trips, which in turn alleviates traffic congestion and reduces greenhouse gas emissions.” W.A. Rasic also recently installed a bridge conveyor over the Tujunga Wash. This required the use of a 250-ton crane to lift the approximately 75,000 lb., 170-foot long military stacker conveyor into place. Additionally, W.A. Rasic bored and constructed a 96-inch diameter casing for the conveyor system to make its way under


Inset: W.A. Rasic crew installing steel beams to support conveyor over Tujunga Wash.

Laurel Canyon Boulevard. “We have purchased a large amount of Superior Industries’ conveyor equipment from Aggregate Machinery Specialists out of Mesa, Arizona. They have been a great help, taking time to advise us on the assembly, maintenance, safety and other items related to our maiden voyage with this conveyor system,” says Brodeur. “We also have several employees who have experience with conveyors, and that has been helpful as well. Even with my limited experience, it seems that I am quickly becoming the resident expert because this is such a new alternative and solution to moving earth here in Southern California.”

2017 Underground construction ISSUE CALCONTRACTOR

Phase I of the Tujunga Spreading Grounds Enhancement contract also requires W.A. Rasic to install a storm drain interconnect system so that the water can flow from one basin to another. “We are installing anywhere from 18-inch to 84-inch diameter interconnected RCP storm drains, specifically 1,000 feet of 84-inch and 400 feet of 42-inch RCP,” says Brodeur. “We will also be putting in another 1,000 feet of 84-inch jack pipe and 130 feet of 96-inch jack steel casings near Laurel Canyon Blvd. We will construct inlet and outlet structures for all of the interconnect pipe, and also do a little road paving before job ends.” W.A. Rasic is using a couple of Cat 345 130,000 lb. hydraulic excavators, along with a long list of shoring equipment from Trench Shoring Company

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