Yizhencai 921679 dd m2 journal

Page 9

Week Five


The reason I choose these torus to develop and 3D Print is because I want to design a place that people could enjoy the various kinds of lights and shading. Furthermore, in order to make a contrast between the specific spaces which created from two or more torus with the torus that totally no intersect with other , I intended to make some torus to intersect, in order to shows much more smooth and rounded in my matrix. I used a consistent of 30 degrees of rectangle box to cut it, in order to create some semi-permiable area for lights to penetrate , at the same time sheltered area it presents. Furthermore, intersections that do not interact with the surface envelope create heavier darker spaces. Moreover, I use a box to cut through the model is to create a concave, which can also be interpreted as an outer-space.


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