Watamu Coast Club

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Watamu Coast club Watamu - Kenya

Watamu Coast club The resort will be built adjacent to the existing complex , enlarging it Restaurant and reception area overlooking the large swimming pool with artificial beach and party space The households are divided into groups each one with private pool

Watamu Coast club the rooms

Watamu Coast club the restaurant

CAFElab di ogni singola richiesta e sia dedicato ad ascoltare, is a multidisciplinary laboratory of architecture, lighting design, living spaces and historic preservation. Our focus is to provide clients an experienced design team who understand the complexities of each unique customer requests and is dedicated to listening, discovering and delivering the right design solution.

STUDIO DI ARCHITETTURA Capena (RM) - via del Mattatoio 13 Roma - via Appia Nuova 992 320 0413910 348 8893421

www.cafelab.it info@cafelab.it

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