C Magazine Vol. 9 Edition 2

Page 22

“This will be an unusual Christmas Tree Lane, but I think it will be especially meaningful for people this year.”

Leslie Berlin

a Paly parent who currently lives on Christmas Tree Lane, also greatly enjoys the reward decorating for the holidays entails. Ward makes his own themed decorations with his family and constantly rotates the decorations to keep them new and exciting. “Decorating is special and I look forward to it each year as it means the neighborhood will be full of people soon,” Ward said. “[Christmas Tree Lane] is a gift to the community and we enjoy seeing so many people enjoy the cheer.” During this pandemic, many people have altered how they celebrate in order to stay healthy and keep their loved ones safe. While Kivett continued with her festive Halloween decorations this year, the way in which she celebrated on Halloween and how she plans to celebrate future holidays has shifted. Kivett chose not to trickor-treat with her children on Halloween, in order to stay safe and distanced. However, she knows not all people will make this same decision. Kivett recognized that many children had been looking


forward to this holiday, so she came up with a solution. “We bought a long PVC tube and, from the second floor porch of our house, we shot candy through the tube,” Kivett said. Gestures such as these are important during a time in which so much has been taken away and canceled. While this holiday season is likely to be challenging with plans changing and the inability to see our loved ones, it will bring new traditions and an appreciation for what we have. Berlin recognizes that this year will be celebrated differently. “This will be an unusual Christmas Tree Lane, but I think it will be especially meaningful for people this year,” Berlin said. Holiday house decorations hold special meaning to both the decorators and viewers. These decorations can cross religious boundaries, as well as age and culture gaps. It is a way to express excitement and celebrate these different holidays, and it is oftentimes deeply rooted in traditions with family and friends. These traditions are just one of many different ways to recognize the holidays, and will continue as time goes on.

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