Carb Back-Loading 1.0 Download

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By and large, Carb Back-Loading is based on credible science and that explains why it is effective if correctly followed. If you ’ re generally inactive, the sugar in your body cells will not be depleted easily, meaning that any spikes will be stored as fat and subsequently a gain in weight. For as long as you ’ re inactive and your body stores the excess carbs as fat, you will gain weight. On the other hand, if you’re consuming a very low carb diet while working out hard during those first days, all the ‘back-loaded’ carbs that you consume after will go directly to the overworked muscles and other body cells. The Science The science on which the Carb Back-Loading technique is based is pretty basic and easy to understand. Your body easily burns more fat in the morning than at any other time of the day. Unfortunately, this is also when a lot of people eat the most. The stress hormone Cortisol is released in abundance as you rest at night, until the morning hours when it hits peak levels. This hormone helps your body burn fat in the morning hours, so long as you don’t load up on carbs. However, when you eat the classic American breakfast laden with carbs, the stress hormone will instead promote fat storage the same way insulin does. If you let the Cortisol hormone levels subside naturally as the day wears on without eating carbs, you will gain more from your training while maximizing the effect of the carbs stored in your body. It means they will be used up efficiently to fuel the increased physical activity rather than being stored as fat. That said, there’s also the notion championed by a number of nutritionists that carbs should be eaten prior to working out. But this is actually counterproductive for fat burning because when you consume carbs right before working out, you will not burn as much stored fat during the session as you should have. In fact, your body doesn’t really need the carbs at all for the session. In addition, carbs have a negative effect on your sympathetic nervous system (the system responsible for fight or flight threat response) will be very active. This will push your body to be more responsive as your brain will think faster and more clearly. As such, your muscles will work more efficiently. on the other hand, eating carbs just prior to a workout will make this system sluggish, so your body will response sluggishly as well. Worse, it doesn’t take a lot of carbs to dampen your body’s response. so, by all means, carbs should be eaten after training to get the best benefits of working out, and this is the science on which Carb Back-Loading is premised.

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