Is It Worth Learning CPR? The Lifesaving Value of CPR Classes

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Is It Worth Learning CPR?

The Lifesaving Value of CPR Classes

Learning CPR, or cardiopulmonary resuscitation, is one such skill, offering invaluable benefits not just for you, but also for those around you.

When a person's heart stops beating, each passing minute without CPR reduces their survival chances by 7-10%. Immediate CPR can double, or even triple, a victim's likelihood of survival.

CPR classes also often include training in the use of automated external defibrillators (AEDs), devices that can further increase the chances of survival in cases of cardiac arrest. With the increased availability of AEDs in public spaces, this knowledge is more relevant than ever.

CPR classes provide not only the practical skills but also the assurance needed to remain calm and take control when it matters most.

The techniques learned can assist in various emergencies, including choking and drowning incidents.

Considering the value, the question should not be "Is it worth learning CPR?" but rather, "Can you afford not to know CPR?"

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