Entr 530 week 1 homework assignment venture capital

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ENTR 530 Week 1 Homework Assignment Venture Capital

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ENTR 530 Week 1 Homework Assignment Venture Capital ===================================================

ENTR 530 Week 2 Homework Chapter 2 Questions

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Chapter 2 Questions 1. What are the major subcategories of private equity, and how do their investment approaches differ? 5. Why would a corporation, like Intel, want to invest in private equity?

6. Which type of LP might be inclined to increase its private equity investment allocation going forward? Why? 7. What is the primary role of a fund-of-funds, and what type of investor is likely to invest in one? 9. In the LPA, how are the interests of the LP and GP aligned? 10. What is the purpose of a “concentration limit�? ===================================================

ENTR 530 Week 3 Homework Assignment

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ENTR 530 Week 3 Homework Assignment ===================================================

ENTR 530 Week 3 Homework Chapter 3 Questions

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Chapter 3 Questions 1. Why do investors prefer proprietary deals? Why would an entrepreneur or a seller prefer these deals? 3. What are the key points to include in a pitch to a potential investor? 5. What are the channels for an investor to seek out an investment opportunity? 6. How does an entrepreneur find an investor? 8. Why might an investor prefer a CEO who had failed in the past? 9. Why would a general partner want to do most of the reference checks himself? 12. Why would an entrepreneur backed by a top-tier firm be more likely to start another venture? 13. Give three reasons why a private equity firm would syndicate a deal. How do the reasons differ for VC and buyout firms? ===================================================

ENTR 530 Week 3 You Decide

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ENTR 530 Week 3 You Decide ===================================================

ENTR 530 Week 4 Homework Assignment

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Chapter 6 pg. 196 (Answer questions 1, 3, 5, 12, 14 in a (2) page paper) 1. How do venture capital boards differ in composition from the boards of companies that have been bought out? Chapter 7 pg. 235 (Answer questions 1, 2, 4, 5, 7, 9, 12, 16 in a (2) page paper) Exits are ultimately how private equity firms realize returns on their investments. Describe the various ways as it relays for a private equity firm to exit an investment. ===================================================

ENTR 530 Week 5 You Decide

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ENTR 530 Week 5 You Decide ===================================================

ENTR 530 Week 6 Homework Assignment

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I: Chapter 12 page 371 Question 1: Why are there extreme disparities in performance among private equity funds relative to disparities in performance among other asset classes? Question 2: The evidence indicates that first-time funds tend to be the weakest performers; why would someone want to invest in one? Question 3: Why do subsequent funds tend to outperform their predecessors? Is there a correlation between performance and maturity? Question 4: If performance persists, why would anyone ever invest in a mid- or bottom-tier fund? Question 6: As a lower-tier fund, how would you go about improving your performance?

Question 10: From an LP’s perspective, when does it make sense for a private equity firm to grow? Question 13: Over time, why do VC groups tend to become less specialized? Is this more common for funds focused on certain sectors than others? II: chapter 13 - page 395. Question 2: (VC) How is the level of private equity fund-raising correlated with the public markets? Why is this the case? Question 4: (VC) Why are experienced VC and buyout firms more active than their less seasoned peers during periods of public market attractiveness? Question 6: Why would private equity firms be willing to pay higher prices for enterprises during boom periods when they are no more likely to go public or be sold for higher valuations than enterprises purchased in other periods? Why not sit on the sidelines until valuation expectations come down? Question 7: Draw the shift in supply and demand for private equity capital from the peak of the boom in 2007 to the immediate recession that followed in 2008 to the period of recovery in 2009 Question 11: What are some of the ways that public capital can better address the gaps in venture funding? What are some examples?] ===================================================

ENTR 530 Week 7 Final Course Project

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ENTR 530 Week 7 Final Course Project

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