Aircraft carrier

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complab Byron, Johny, Riho, and Michael

Introduce the aircraft carrier--------------------------------------P01

Aircraft carrier’s effect---------------------------------------------P05

kinds of aircraft carriers-------------------------------------------P09

History of aircraft carrier-------------------------------------------P13

Author: Byron




We did aircraft carrier this topic because: 1.Aircraft carriers can carry lots of troops. Aircraft carriers are the military forces for the lots of countries. Poeple don’t need any ticket for riding the aircraft. Also, lots of people can ride on the aircraft. 2.Aircraft carriers have lots of meaning for their names. I would like to believe that one day we would be able to use aircraft. Bombers, fighters, and helicopters. However it is up to the government. 3. All the ships Aeros mentioned usually follow an aircraft carrier into battle. They are known as a carrier battle group. The battle group of course would be a huge priority to the carrier. Actually, aircraft is not good if there is no protection. 4. Aircraft carriers can be on the water little bit of time. Aso, it can hadle little bit of water if the water comes in. It is going to be nice to have protection at home as well as protection for our allies on the land and ocean. 5. Aircraft carriers would offer more jobs to the military as any Naval unit does.


This is few aircraft at one place

this is the aircraft that has a missile

these are ships that has aircraft

This is how it loos when we look through inside of the aircraft.

This is the ship that the aircrafts on it. So, the aircraft can fly on the ocean, if there is this ship.

This is more detail pictures for aircrafts. This is inside of aircraft.


This air plane’s fastest speed is 376mph. Airacobra’s first flight was on April 6, 1938. It introduced on 1941,

Figure 1

Fury This airplane’s fastest speed is 485mph. The first flight was 21 February 1945. It introduced in 1945.

Mohawk This airplane’s fastest speed is 450 mph. the first flight was 14 April 1959. It introduce on

October, 1959.

This is how you make wings for aircraft. There are center spars,rear spar, front spar, ribs, underside of skin panel, stringers, and skin panel.

This is aircraft’s body. It has propeller, engine compartment, wing, aileron, fuselage, rudder, elevator, flap, and landing gear.

Structure of aircraft carrier It can carry stuffs. The Nimitz class carrier are over 1,100 feet long. 


The superstructure refers to the structure above the flight deck. It contains most of the command and control operations of the carrier. To be clear, the superstructure (usually referred to as the "island") contains the ship navigation and control command center, as well as the aircraft communications and landing control centers. The combat information center (where all combat-related information and decision are located) is located aft, several decks below the flight deck.


Chart of the Aircraft carrier

United States has a lot of aircraft carrier than other country and they have great technology to make new aircraft carrier and they have the biggest navy in the world. France and Russia has same one, but they don’t have a lot. I think most Europe countries has it.


Chart of money to spent for navy

How long can an aircraft carrier stay at sea? They can change out the men with planes coming in and picking them up/dropping off new crew. They also receive food, gas, water, and spare parts from other Navy ships. They could perform the maintenance in deep water They could stay out forever (except Nuclear powered ones who would run out of their nuclear fuel in 50 years).

An aircraft carrier is an carrier that is able to aircraft for transport and mid-sea take offs. The world’s large aircraft carrier is the USS it weighs 100,000 tons.

By Riho Kudo


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There are many kinds of aircraft carriers in the USA, like CV (aircraft carrier), CVA (attack aircraft carri-er), CVB (large aircraft carrier), CVL (light aircraft carrier), CVN (aircraft carrier (nuclear propulsion)) and CVAN (attack aircraft carrier (nuclear propulsion).


aircraft carrier in china

The Shenyang J-15 (Chinese: 歼15), also known as Flying Shark (Chinese: 飞鲨, Feisha), is a carrier -based fighter aircraft in development by the Shenyang Aircraft Corporation and the 601 Institute for the Chinese People's Liberation Army Navy's aircraft carriers.

Shen yang j-15

UK's Largest Warship Starts To Take Shape Now the hull of one of these two mammoth aircraft carriers, HMS Queen Elizabeth, will be in one piece for the first time as construction continues in Scotland.

aircraft carrier in France

Charles De Gaulle (R91)

Charles de Gaulle (R91) is the flagship of the French Navy (Marine Nationale) and the largest Western European warship. She is the tenth French aircraft carrier, the first French nuclear-powered surface vessel, and the first and so far only nuclear-powered carrier completed outside of the United States Navy. It is named after French statesman and general Charles de Gaulle.

History of Aircraft carrier

The 1903 advent of heavier-than-air, fixed-wing aircraft was closely followed in 1910 by the first experimental take-off of such an airplane from the deck of a United States Navy vessel (cruiser USS Birmingham), and the first experimental landings were conducted in 1911. On 4 May 1912 the first plane to take-off from a ship underway flew from the deck of

Seaplane tender support ships came next; in September 1914, the Imperial Japanese Navy Wakamiya conducted the world's first successful navallaunched air raids. Used against German forces during World War I, it carried four Maurice Farman seaplanes, which took off and landed on the water and were lowered from and raised to the deck by crane. On 6 September 1914 a Farman aircraft launched by Wakamiya attacked the Austro-Hungarian cruiser Kaiserin Elisabeth and the German gunboat Jaguar in Qiaozhou Bay off Tsingtao; neither were hit.

The aircraft carrier in WWII

Most early aircraft carriers were conversions of ships that were laid down (or had even served) as different ship types: cargo ships, cruisers, battlecruisers, or battleships. During the 1920s, several navies started ordering and building aircraft carriers that were specifically designed as such. This allowed the design to be specialized to their future role, and resulted in superior ships. During the Second World War, these ships would become the backbone of the carrier forces of the US, British, and Japanese navies, known as fleet carriers.

Before World War II international naval treaties of 1922, 1930 and 1936 limited the size of capital ships including carriers. Aircraft carrier designs since World War II have been effectively unlimited by any consideration save budgetary, and the ships have increased in size to handle the larger aircraft. The large, modern Nimitz class of United States Navy carriers has a displacement nearly four times that of the World War II–era USS Enterprise, yet its complement of aircraft is roughly the same—a consequence of the steadily increasing size and weight of military aircraft over the years.

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