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D \RXQJ FUHDWLYH to sponsor


I’m Owen, and I’m looking for your help. After 7 months of preparation, I managed to secure a place at the renowned School of Communication Arts (SCA) in Brixton.

SCA offers a rather unique learning model; Students work in a studio, compete for live briefs and visit real clients to discuss work. Even though their mantra is ‘learn by doing’ with a clear focus on securing jobs for their graduates. Student Finance still do not recognise the Diploma. This means that I am unable to apply for any maintenance, grants, bursaries or tuition fee loans.


Unfortunately, my family nor I can afford the £12,750 tuition fees or additional costs for studying in London The course runs for 1 year and is a full-time Portfolio Diploma that aims to develop the next best adverting ‘creatives’.

My target is: £24,000. Anything you could donate would be so very appreciated....



Materials: £20.00 Course Costs: £1062.50

OLYLQJ (per month)

WKH SODQ • Charitable Trust Applications: £6,000 • Fundraising: £3,000 • Sponsorship from Individuals/Businesses: £4,000 • Personal Savings: £6,000 • Weekend Work (during the course): £5,000


Total: £24,000

I have always created things.

Rent: £575 Water: £29 Gas/Electricity: £26.50 Phone: £25 Internet: £12 Food: £120 Travel: £50 Insurance: £16.06 Council Tax: £65

WRWDO £2,001.06 (per month) £24,012.72 (yearly total)

But it was at University that a tutor suggested I considered a career in ‘creative advertising’ as an Art Director, whose job is to create innovative ideas to brief.

I contacted many Advertising Agencies to learn more and was told much of the same; they favour problem solving skills and a range of hands-on experience over academic prowess. So from that point, I set about broadening my experience.



I created a student club-night in Leicester called Alice. A bar in Leicester was losing a lot of money during the week, so I converted the ex-mirror shop into a music and arts venue. Every week we would book young, unknown musicians to p erform and teamed up with the local Art Schools to showcase their student’s work. Alice continues to provide a platform for young talent.


After an ex-teacher was diagnosed with MS, I created an Arts Festival to raise awareness and funds. The result was a 12 hour event, 15 venues, over 70 different artists and donations in excess of ÂŁ5,000. All money went to two Leicester MS therapy centres.


Adrian loved planes, so this is what we wrote about. From only being able to write a couple of sentences, Adrian was eventually able to write a whole page and achieved a Grade C at the end of his GCSE mock exams. He was predicted an F. Extracts from Adrian’s Answers:

I devised ‘Write What You Know' workshops whilst working as an English Tutor. After noticing a lot of my pupils were not enagged with English, I changed the way we studied. Instead of the set poems, I focused on content they liked. Eventually my pupils became engaged and their confidence grew. I replicated en this technique for most of their exams and noticed a two grade increase by 80% of my students.

Write a short article, for your college magazine or blog, describing what you love or hate about winter? (10 marks) I hate ha winter for one particular reason - cancelled flights. My family choose to holiday in the Winter so we always get Winter flights. Winter brings ice, snow and storms, all of this means a flight is much more likely to get cancelled. The main reason is b ecause of airports not planes. Commercial flights are not able to detour to another airport due to flight path restrictions, and most airports do not have heated runways and therefore ice over very quickly. A competition has been launched to find a team of brave young people to complete an expedition to the North Pole. Write a letter to the organisers persuading them that you should be on the team. (16 marks) I am writing to request that I be considered for a place in the team that will be travelling to the North Pole. My two reasons are b ecause I’m a pilot and a aeronautical engineer. Firstly I'll be able to fly us to the North Pole. Unlike most pilots, I have a private charter licence which is the only plane able to handle this excursion


I worked out how much it would cost for 1 flute and a year of lessons and made this my target. After we had raised enough for a flute, each donation was calculated in minutes. With a 50p donation equal to a 1 minute flute lesson. A s well as putting up posters and giving out flyers, I produced, shot and edited a 2 minute campaign video which can be seen here:

As instruments are unavailable to many children and because I was teased for playing the flute as a boy- I started a crowdfunding campaign. The aim was to raise enough money to buy a flute and pay for a year of lessons for another young boy, who otherwise would of not been able to learn an instrument.

Eventually the campaign got noticed by other music charities and shared by renowned flautists.

We raised our target in August and will be donating the flute and lessons in 2016.

9ROXQWHHULQJ DW D GR WKH KHLPOLFK VRXS NLWFKHQ In collaboration with NHS direct, I created a learning aid for under 12s to teach the Heimlich Manoeuvre. Many people, including myself, do not know how to correctly perform this life-saving move. It is currently in its early stages, and has been sent to schools in Amsterdam, Laos, Paris and London to trial. I received lots of great feedback and support from local London parents.

I met the staff at Muswell Hill Church through a campaign I made to raise money for homeless charities. After donating the money raised, I now work as a pot washer as and when I can. I will continue my work here, and am planning another campaign to raise funds and awareness in the future.

IDTV You already have a degree, why another? This is true. Many have said that my English/Film degree will be a great platform to build from but it’s not enough to be considered by any Creative Agencies. They look for portfolios, and although I have one, great ones aren’t born overnight. They are crafted through hard work, determination and industry insight. SCA offers daily portfolio critique and have a 95% job success rate after graduating. The school prides itself on securing jobs, not qualifications.

I don’t have any money, can I contribute any other way? Yes. Reading this sponsorship pack is really appreciated It spreads the word that vocational courses are still unsupported by Student Finance. Also, if you like any of my work I’d really appreciate you sharing to anyone who’d be interested. Beyond this, if you have any projects you’d like to create campaigns for, I would be more than willing to help!

What can you give me in return for a donation?

1. A personalised thank-you letter. What about student finance? Unfortuanetly, Student Finance do not consider the ‘Portfolio Diploma’ as a legitimate course. The school is not a university so does not fall into the same bracket. I’ve exhausted all my funding options.

2. A monthly email update to let you know how I’m getting on, the projects I'm working on and the monthly highlights. 3. A commitment to work as hard as I can. 4. A promise to continue working on campaigns for worthwhile causes. 5. Give my expertise in photograph and filmmaking for your business. (perhaps you need some professional headshot taking)

Why haven’t you saved up? I have, well for the last 3 years or so to save for further education. I also plan to get weekend work whilst at the school, but the course is full-time and has over 40 contact hours a week. Meaning that week-time work and my school work will clash.

6. An invite to my ‘Sponsor’s Evening’ in 2016, where I’ll meet all of my sponsors and take them through my portfolio and future aims.

VSRQVRUVKLS IRUP (please tear and return to Owen in person or post to Owen Jenkins, 66 Moray Road, Flat 2, London, N43LG) ..................................................................................................................................... I want to sponsor Owen Jenkins to study at The School of Communication Arts, Brixton. Name (please print)...................................................................... Address............................................................................................. .................................................................. Post Code...................... Code Phone (home)..............................(mobile).................................... Email.............................................................................................. One Off Donations I would like to donate £……………….. towards tuition fees. I would like to donate £……………….. towards living costs for the year I would like to donate £……………….. towards either. please tick one of the below: 1) I include a cheque with this form for the full amount to be paid to Owen Jenkins ....... 2) I have made a BACS payment of the full amount to the account of Owen Jenkins (09-01-28 . 13004485) with the reference ‘Sponsorship' ........ 3) I have given the cash to Owen in person. ........ Regular Donations To: The Manager, ................................................................................................................. Bank/Building Society Address: ........................................................................................... ................................................................................................................................................ Post Code: ................. Name of Account Holder(s): ............................................................. Bank/Building Society Account Number:…………………………………………. Account Sort Code......................................... Please pay the sum of £……………………..(in words:………………………………) every month to Owen Jenkins (Santander, sort code: 09-01-28, Account: 13004485) The first payment should be made on (dd/mm/yyyy): ......................................................... The last payment should be made on (dd/mm/yyyy): ......................................................... Signature(s):........................................................... Date:..................


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