Newsletter 2022-2023 Volume 11.7

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"If you focus on what you left behind, you will never see what lies ahead." - Ratatouille
Pumpkins are classified as vegetable, not as fruit. True or False Hey all! Quick True or False Question! If you want to know the answer, read this newsletter to the end! ;)
Editor's Note Board '22-'23 Committee CoHeads '22-'23 Service Progress Member of the Month October Events Recap October Fundraiser Announcement/Reminders Answer to the True or False Table of Contents 5 6 7 9 11 13 25 28 32

Editor's Note

Hello Key Clubbers!! ��

I hope you had a great October! Personally, this past month was one of the toughest months I’ve ever had. I had to take care of my college applications and research paper along with all the homework and tests from school—AND I even got the flu. I really don’t want to experience that again. �� I think the past few weeks were tough weeks for many people from what I heard. I hope you guys are more relaxed now! Did you notice that this newsletter is Halloween-themed? I personally love it so much. I hope you guys like it too! Last month, we had many Halloween-related events, monthly Japan Fes, the first key club meeting of the school year, a fall rally, and more! You can check out all of them in my newsletter. :)

By the way, I'm so excited to write the November newsletter because I already got at least like five articles solely from Light the Night LOL�� I love to see it If you guys ever go to events, please consider writing an article! It’s called an article, but it’s really just a few sentences about how you felt about the event. It’s not that deep�� It's your chance to share your experiences with other Key Clubbers.:) Ok, now, go read the newsletter. ENJOY!!

P.S. Don’t get sick and don’t get burnt out. See you at the club meetings on Thursdays~~

Warmest Regards, Jeongwon Lee '23 Webmaster/Bulletin Editor

Board '22-'23 Shiya Lin '23 Mandy Lim '23 Chrissy Jung '24 Melody Jiang '24 Jeongwon Lee '23 SECRETARY PRESIDENT VICE PRESIDENT TREASURER WEBMASTER/BULLETIN EDITOR
Darien Lu '25 Committee Co-Heads '22-'23 PROJECTS FUNDRAISING SOCIAL MEDIA Jessica Lin '25 Malika Toregeldiyeva '25 Emily Xia '24 Eric Leem '25 Emily Zheng '25
SCRAPBOOK AWARDS PUBLIC RELATIONS Committee Co-Heads '22-'23 Sumaya Suma '24 Ena Lu '24 Junjin Tan '24 Stacy Qu '25 Emily Guan '25 Kevin Fu '25
Service Update GOAL: 11,000 HOURS 11207 HOURS
GOAL: $7,000 $8755 RAISED Fundraising Update


October Edition


Ever since William was introduced to Key Club, he has become more active and involved. Despite his busy sports and workout schedule, he puts great effort into going to events and meetings. He also talks to many people at key club events, being a great member of the community and helping people feel welcome and included :)

I agree so much with Kevin's statement. I've seen William going to a lot of meetings and events recently, and I really appreciate his dedication to Key Club. I hope to see you more at the future events!

CONGRATS WILLIAM! You deserve this position so much.:)
10/1/22: New York City Congenital Heart Walk 10/6/22: First Meeting 10/8/22: Cures 5K Walk - Multiple Myeloma Research Foundation 10/16/22: Breast Cancer Walk 10/23/22: JAPAN Fes 10/22/22: Kiwanis-Halloween Window Painting event 10/23/22: Volunteer at the Botanical Garden Pumpkin Patch 10/29/22: NYSoM Halloween Havoc 10/29/22: NY District Key Club Fall Rally 10/30/22: Halloween at the Garden Festival October Events

New York City Congenital Heart Walk


This event was held at Bronx Zoo! Members helped load up supplies at tents!

First Key Club Meeting of the Year!


Unfortunately, our president Shiya got COVID the day before the first meeting. :(( But our vice president Mandy did such an amazing job leading the meeting with hundreds of people! So proud of you Mandy.:))

During the meeting, we introduced Key Club and our board members. Then, we played Kahoot afterwards! There were about 200 people who joined the Kahoot :0

Breast Cancer Walk

The Breast Cancer Walk Event was very delightful and uplifting! We got to see so many people walk together in Central Park in support and honor of breast cancer survivors and it overall gave off a very positive atmosphere after seeing so many people coming to support these people! It made me feel happier and warm inside knowing that breast cancer survivors are getting the support they deserve :). It was also very fun in general being around my friends too!




Hi! My name is Eva Russo and I went to one of the Japan Fes events in October. I had been to a couple Japan Fes’ before, and this time I was in charge of handing out green teas to customers passing through the festival in exchange for them filling out a survey. I was with a few friends and met new people from other schools! We teamed up and had a great time. I even got the contact information of some of the other students so we could keep in touch and plan to go to future events together.

I can’t leave out the best part: free food!! Some vendor were really generous and offered food to me while I was working. I ended up getting a free boba drink, free k-dog ( was my first time having one… it was delicious), and got discounts on other food items! It was so nice just being in the presence of incredible food all day. I’ve never left a volunteering event feeling so full haha. I also met an influencer that I had been following for quite some time which was really cool! Overall, I would 100% recommend this event to other Key Clubbers because I truly had the best experience. Even if you don’t come with a friend, you’ll probably leave with one! - Eva


Voluntee Botanical Gar Pat 10/23

This event ended up being a lot more fun than I expected! As my friends and I were arriving to the event we passed by many pretty flowers and small gardens along the sides of the pathway. We also found a koi fish pond which was really cute! The job my friends and I were assigned was to monitor the actual pumpkin patch. This meant that we helped families choose out pumpkins and guide them through the little farm. It was very enjoyable to meet many different kinds of people and talk to their kids to help them pick out the perfect pumpkin! Other volunteers were helping decorate the pumpkins with families and giving out refreshments and snacks. We were also given free lunch and free tote bags to bring home. After the event me and friends got to explore the garden even more and visited the volunteers at the education building where they had many more fun activities! Overall, this event was perfect for a chill fall event, especially with friends.

- Sumaya Suma '24

er at the rden Pumpkin

tch 3/22

At this event, my friends and I had the task of monitoring the pumpkin patch and making sure everything moved smoothly for the visitors! This event was fun because we got to roam around and see all the autumn decorations. It was also kinda rainy but we were able to get some free stuff at the end! I recommend this event to other key clubbers since it was a pretty chill event and a great opportunity to take some scenic photos!

-Junjin Tan '24

The event I went to was the Queens Botanical Garden - Pumpkin Patch on 10/15/22! Prior to the event, I got lost for like 2 hours and I spent one of those hours circulating the park. The other hour I was sitting at like a bus stop and didn’t realize I was sitting at the wrong stop until 30 minutes later. I don’t want to talk about it… Anyways, the event was really fun! My friends and I did our own jobs, where I sat and sold beers, wine, etc. I got to sit and watch everyone do their own parts while watching kids run around drawing with chalk. I also got to talk about a finch that was flying around eating bugs in the air with a couple to who I sold food. As a wrap, it was a success and fun!

- Stacy
Qu '25

Continuing from the last page...

Even though it was supposed to rain a lot that day, there were a lot more volunteers than needed so half of us were at the actual Pumpkin Patch but the other half were helping with a Family Science Day Event with Urban Advantage and I was a part of the latter. In the beginning, we carried a lot of stuff around since we had to change places because of the rain. It was pretty fun but one of the best parts was that the “prizes” for the event were notebooks and edible bugs… yes… edible bugs. Anyway, what was memorable was that Kevin actually ate a bag of the crickets and two containers of the miscellaneous bugs, which were huge by the way, for $10. We also just talked to a lot of kids and families and I got to meet a lot of new people, like all other key club events. All in all, this event was very fun.


NY District Key Club Fall Rally

I was planning to go as well, but I couldn't go because I got the flu.:(( But I am glad that those who went there had a lot of fun!

Fall Rally, our members dressed up formally and attended workshops!
Our president Shiya led one of the workshops!
They made these cute little origamis.<3

Kiwanis- Halloween Window Painting event

"More than 100 children from area schools and more than 30 merchants participated in the 65th annual Kiwanis Club of Riverdale Halloween window painting contest Saturday." - The Riverdale Press

This was an event organized by Riverdale Kiwanis! Below is the article from the Riverdale Press! This event was featured in a newspaper!
October Fundraiser: Horror
Fundraiser: Prey
for the Devil
To get into the spirit of the spooky season, BXSCI, AAS, NEST+m, and LaGuardia Key Clubs collaborated for this horror movie fundraiser! The movie we watched was called Prey for the Devil (I haven't watched it, but I could tell it was a terrifying movie just from the trailer...)

All proceeds were donated to the Kiwanis Pediatric Trauma Center, a Key Club International endorsed project that is dedicated to caring for children after they have experienced traumatic situations.

Announcements/ Reminders Check Out Upcoming Events! Sign the Petition Sets! Click on bucky to see more events on our Events Doc! 10/8/22: Cures 5K Walk - Multiple Myeloma Research Foundation 10/9/22: JAPAN Fes - Upper West Side 10/13/22:October Divisional 10/15/22: Volunteer at the Botanical Garden Pumpkin Patch 10/23/22: JAPAN Fes And more! Petition Set #8: Global Climate Change Awareness Adolescence is a critical time for forming social and emotional habits that are necessary for mental health. It's important to safeguard adolescents from harm, foster socio-emotional learning, and psychological well-being, and ensure access to mental health care. By signing these petitions, you can help many adolescents come one step closer to receiving the help they deserve. - Public Relations Coheads, Stacy Qu '25 and Sumaya Suma '24 Click on the poster to sign the petitions!
Check Our Youtube! - Watch our October Recap and Key Club Birthday Celebration video created by our social media coheads Eric and Emily! Check our Website! You can check all the upcoming events, fundraisers, and even petition sets on the main page of our website! (Click the bucky on the right) Link:
Set #7: Raising
Hunger Awareness Approximately
hunger. Since it is
what we can do aid
Food should
ensure a healthy life,
meals a day. By signing these petitions, you can
approach solving hunger problems
- Public Relations Coheads, Stacy Qu '25 and Sumaya Suma '24 Click on the poster to sign the petitions!
828 million people around the globe are affected by
help these people
should do
to everyone to
have the privilege of eating three
help change how we
all around the globe.
Check Previous Newsletters! Click on the cover pages to view the newsletters!
I can't wait to write about Key Club week, Thanksgiving week, and the Light the Night event in my November Newsletter. Look forward! See you all at the club meeting on Thursday!

Answer to the True or False Quiz


The answer was False! Pumpkins are classified as fruit, not vegetable!
THE KIWI: October 2022 Thanks for reading and see you next month! VOLUME 11.7 BRONX SCIENCE KEY CLUB

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