Grapevine Jun-Sep 2015

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JUN-SEP 2015






Grapevine - Jun/Sep ‘15


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Fashion Show Special Report 9 Meet the BWA House Staff 19



Secluded Jungle Getaway: Villa Kalisha Ubud 20


The Art of Enjoying Durian 22


Editor’s Note Chairwoman’s Message Newcomers’ Message Social Welfare News Event reports: June Coffee Morning St Patrick’s Welcome Night Summer Bazaar Wild Safari Golf Day Java St. Andrew Whisky Tasting Welcome Back Magic Night Book Reviews Weird & Wonderful News Notice Board Classifieds

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Cover photo by Li-Ha Luu Grapevine - Jun/Sep Grapevine - Jun/Sep ‘15‘151 1


Grapevine SEPTEMBER 2015

Dear Readers,


Welcome to the Summer issue of the Grapevine! We’ve had a bit of a break over the holidays, but we’re back now with a new team, raring to go. This is my first Editor’s Letter - I had the pleasure of working with Soma a little bit on the Grapevine, and I’ve been a freelance writer and editor in Jakarta (and elsewhere) for a little while now. I’m looking forward to bringing the best of the BWA and expat life here in a vamped-up Grapevine in the months to come. If you’re interested in contributing in any way, please get in touch at In this issue we have our Fashion Show debrief special - be sure to flick through and see the wonders of the Space Odyssey, with all the prizes, sponsors and charity details! One of my favourite pieces is Li-Ha Luu’s adventures in durian tasting - a really unique Asian experience. We’ve also got plenty of reportage on lots of fun BWA events that happened over the past couple of months, as well as your regular lifestyle pieces. Coming up at the BWA, we have a Pink Charity Golf Day on 8 October, Halloween Night (for adults!) on 24 October, and mark your diaries now for the Christmas Bazaar on 25 November! Our weekly events continue as usual as well (see page 32). Til next time, happy reading!


THE GRAPEVINE TEAM EDITOR: Annali Hayward DEPUTY EDITOR: Rabia Ahmad PROOFREADERS: Lorraine Gibbons CONTRIBUTORS: Laura Thompson, Lorraine Gibbons, Jackie Buchanan, Eszter Redmond, Noreen Hussain, Karen Turner, Li-Ha Luu 2 Grapevine - Jun/Sep ‘15



Honorary President Rachel Malik Chairwoman Laura Thompson Vice-Chairwoman Suki Brar-Khangura

Postal address: P.O. Box 7923 JKSM Jakarta 12079 email:

General Secretary VACANT!


Treasurer Melinda Mai Hawkins

Let me introduce myself: my name is Laura Thompson and I have been in Jakarta since May 2003. I arrived on a Friday and three days later went along to my first BWA Coffee Morning, which, in those days, was still at the Dharmawangsa (little did I know this would be the start of my love for spending time with great friends, sipping the world-famous chocolate martinis there!)

Grapevine Editor Annali Hayward Social Welfare Coordinator Jackie Buchanan Newcomers’ Coordinator Lorraine Gibbons Sponsorsip Coordinator Heather Powell Membership Coordinator Jane Fraser House Manager Karen Turner Programmes Coordinator Nell Costello Events Coordinator Noreen Hussain Website & Communications Coordinator Ezster Redmond Bazaar Coordinator VACANT! This Publication is the newsletter of the BWA, for the benefit of members of the British Women’s Association (BWA) in Indonesia. It is available online at The BWA and the Grapevine team cannot accept responsibility for unsatisfactory service arising from any of our advertising, or the misuse of this newsletter.

I had absolutely no idea what to expect that Monday morning, so I put on a frock, packed a bag with snacks and colouring books (no iPads in those days) and jumped in the car with Kyra, my four-year-old, in tow. I didn’t have a nanny, and it was the start of the mass summer exodus of families out of Jakarta. It was so daunting walking into this very swish ballroom full of ladies mingling - and not another tot in sight! I will never forget meeting Janine McTeir, the Newcomers Coordinator, who produced a small table and chair with games for Kyra before introducing me to everyone. I’ve never looked back. My first role on the committee was as Secretary. From there I joined Social Welfare, and over the years took on Newcomers, Website Communications, Bazaar, Vice-Chair and Fashion Show Producer - three times! I have met the most amazing friends who have come and gone - and quite a few of them have come back again. There have been many changes in the BWA over the years, from monthly coffee mornings at the Dharmawangsa, to our first little house on Kemang Raya just opposite Koi, to our current premises. Now, we have a playroom, and our own coffee shop but one thing that hasn’t changed is the people, their kindness and willingness to help you settle in, to connect with like-minded ladies and enjoy your time in Jakarta. In closing off my short introduction, please pencil in your diaries our upcoming events (which you’ll find advertised in this issue and online), and I look forward to seeing you there!

- Laura

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NEWCOMERS’ MESSAGE Welcome to Jakarta, and an even bigger welcome to the British Women’s Association! My welcome message this month will be about the delicate subject of our backsides… If you’re new to Jakarta, you may not yet know how well acquainted your bottom and your favourite seat in your car will become. They will be firm friends very soon. You will spend many hours in your car, on occasion just to ‘pop’ to the supermarket. That quick journey to Hero can turn into a mega trek, requiring a supply of drinks, snacks and in-car entertainment. We can keep our grey matter amused with our music and magazines, but what about our poor numb bums? Mine is getting wider and flatter. This is because I sit in the car, sit at home, sit in the café and sit down for meals. I really miss just being able to go out for a walk and I’m sure my dog misses it more. So what do I do to try to move the wobbly bits back up from behind my knees? I play golf, tennis and ask my personal trainer at the gym to help me get my bottom back up to where it once was. I’m sure he has a laugh telling his colleagues and friends about the mad bule (foreigner) he has as a client. The worrying thing is that he’s learning my humour and told me a couple of days ago that maybe I should consider surgery! It can be difficult to keep fit here, but look around and you’ll see gyms in most shopping malls plus activities such as Boot Camp. Most of the gyms offer group classes and that’s a good way to get chatting with other people. The BWA also offer activities such as informal tennis, gentle golf and Wednesday yoga at the BWA house. So to give your backside a helping hand, get involved. Drop me a line and I’ll put you in touch with the right people. Please do contact me if you have any questions or need a chat. One of the newcomers’ team is at the weekly coffee every Tuesday morning. The BWA was set up to offer support to you. Please join us, get to know your fellow expats and how we can help. Regards,

Lorraine Gibbons Email: Mobile: +62 (0) 811 1803 657

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Social Welfare

MASS WEDDINGS FOR THE GOOD OF EDUCATION Pak Dedi Rosadi is the Chairman of Yayasan Nurani Insani and runs a free school for street children in Petamburan district, Central Jakarta. He invited BWA Social Welfare to attend a mass wedding, as the Committee had given a financial contribution for around 10 couples. Suitably attired, Jackie Buchanan, Daleen Fourie, Angela Alhamid and the gracious Rachel Malik joined ladies from ANZA to witness this unique event. Mass weddings allow families to attain grace, avoid immorality, and secure family honour from promiscuity. In the past Social Welfare have contributed to Nurani Insani school and understood that all children must produce their own birth certificate and proof of their parent’s marriage as a prerequisite to enrol in a state school and sit for the national exams. Pak Dedi explained that for one reason or another many of the parents did not have a marriage booklet; some had not yet married, some had lost their marriage booklet, some had not been able to fulfill legitimate marriage requirements, but the most common reason for not marrying was because they simply could not afford a ceremony and they had only solemnised their union with a nikah siri. A nikah siri ceremony means that the couple made their vows in front of an imam and other witnesses but not in front of a marriage registry officer. Although this is considered valid in Islamic jurisprudence, it is not legal and the practice is frowned upon because of potentially adverse impacts on women. The date selected for the mass wedding ceremony was April 21st, otherwise known as Hari Kartini. Raden Ayu Kartini is a renowned feminist who struggled to elevate the status of women in Indonesia so it was only fitting that on this day women were enabled to claim their marital rights and the identity rights of their children. The Social Welfare team were happy to witness this event and see that the couples were all issued a marriage booklet, a savings bank account and a prayer outfit each. Islam encourages marriage to discourage immorality: [24:32] You shall encourage those of you who are single to get married. They may marry the righteous among your male and female servants, if they are poor. GOD will enrich them from His grace. GOD is Bounteous, Knower.

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BWA MOBILE LIBRARY The Social Welfare Committee are always looking for new ideas for our regular projects. One suggestion was for a mobile library. We would like to encourage the children and young adults from a number of Yayasans we support to read for pleasure. We decided to try out four orphanages we visit regularly. Some of the older children wanted some modern books and, most importantly, for them to be in Bahasa Indonesia. Always careful with the funds from the BWA, we asked another of our regular projects Wisma Cheshire to create some wooden boxes for the books that could be transported between projects. A few hours of shopping followed; asking staff and customers at Gramedia, and finding some bargains at Carrefour and Lottemart. Then, after many frustrating hours of covering the 200 books with plastic, the boxes were ready to go. It was a delight to see the children at Amal Mulia so excited about the books, even the boys! We brought books for all age ranges from Ben Ten to Cool Hijab Styles for Teens. Another popular book was I Am Malala. The boxes will be rotated on a monthly basis and the children will give feedback and suggestions for more books. - Til next time!

Jackie Buchanan

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The last GBCM (Great British Coffee Morning) before the summer break took place on 9 June at 9.30am. It was jam-packed - there were fabulous raffle prizes and vendors as well as the presentation of a cheque to one of our charities. The event was catered by our generous sponsors Turquaz. FASHION SHOW: Charity Donations and Prize-giving The coffeee moring saw the wrap of May’s Fashion Show. The producers of the show Tamzin Bianchi and Shweta Dawkin were hands-on one more time to facilitate the fun. A happy announcement was made that Mr. William Bright, winner of the generous cash prize sponsored by The Rio Club, chose to donate the charity component of his prize (£2,500) to a BWA-supported charity. Mr. Bright chose a ‘worthy cause’, Yayasan Amal Mulia, which is a children’s home in South Jakarta that works towards the facilitation of kids with disabilities and children who are unfortunately orphans. The donation will be used towards their education. Mr. William Grey of The Rio Club presented a generous cheque for Rp.50m to the lovely Ibu Dani from the Yayasan, who also gave a talk. Mr. Gray said that people are always looking to give back to the community and the BWA presents the perfect platform to do that. Keeping the spirit of giving alive the winners of the raffles were given gifts from the kind sponsors, namely Hotel Lombok, Hotel Shangri- La, Guardian, Cheese Board, Arnotts and Turkuaz, who provided the delectable food. The Fashion Show photographer was also there with photographs from the show for members to buy. Read on for more...

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COFFEE MORNING GUEST SPEAKER: Melbourne the Photographer Our esteemed guest speaker Melbourne the Photographer gave a presentation on how to adjust your cameras to get the best shot. A few members came with cameras, and following his presentation Melbourne answered questions about their cameras and photography technique. Melbourne is an award-winning British/Canadian photographer who conducts photography training sessions, photowalks around Jakarta and photo tours in Indonesia and beyond. The vendors put on a collection of interior items and pantry items, provided by La VIDA and Potman, and all in all, it was another great Coffee Morning!

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The 33rd annual BWA Fashion Show “Space Odyssey” lived up to its expectations and was true to its theme, offering its viewers an experience “Beyond Sight and Sound”. On 9th of May, 700 people dressed up in their finest and enjoyed a jaw-dropping extravaganza at the Shangri-La Hotel, in which over 60 talented BWA members performed. They were not disappointed: stunning choreography with foot-tapping music put 12 local designers and their collections into the spotlight. The presentation of the designers’ clothes was supported by out-of-this-world hairstyles and make-up, created by local hairdressers and make-up professionals. In fact, no less than 12 designers, 5 hairdressers and 3 make-up artists worked their magic in transforming the performers into stunning space dancers. What a show! The event was perfectly themed in every aspect, with the Space Odyssey starting right at the entrance, where guests were welcomed by LED cone lights, life-sized balloons and even a lit-up LED bar! The innovative 3D photo backdrop gave one the impression of looking at Earth while standing on the Moon, and guests lined up to take their pictures. Not only the venue and the show, but also the menu was themed to perfection: the welcome drinks were mixed and coloured fantastically, and each course of the exquisite meal was space-related in its shape, composition and title, from mercury rings to super novas. This event would not have been possible without the great support of our sponsors and event partners. The organizing committee (17 BWA members who were working tirelessly for 6 months to bring this event to life) could count on the support of fabulous event partners, such as NOW Jakarta, the Shangri-La Hotel, G4S, Hills & Associates and 100% Entertainment. Airstar excelled themselves as decor partners and Santa Fe was crucial as the show’s logistic partner. Fabulous silent auctions, raffle and door prizes rounded the event off. People walked away with not only top-notch airline tickets, gourmet meals, pampering treatments, luxurious hotel stays, weekend get-aways, fun outdoor activities, and various fashion, accessories and jewellery items, but one lucky winner even got a pocket full of cash to take home. This calls for another huge thank-you to all the generous sponsors, since all the earnings from the auction and raffles go to BWA’s Social Welfare projects. The after party and midnight snacks were well received also, and it was the wee small hours before the last guests were on their way home. What a night – truly an experience beyond sight and sound! Flick on through our special report photo-spread of the event, and sponsor and prize details!

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PRODUCERS Tamzin Bianchi and Shweta Dakin HAIRDRESSERS



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Galeries Lafayette Marline World BIASA Dini Pratiwi Irawati House of Q by Kiki O’Donnell Erika Weinzinger Laxmi Tailors Yudhistra TBL LAISON by Aurelia Santoso Ivan Gunawan Kiky Adam

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HAIR STYLISTS Combination Grace Hair Studio Tarra’s Salon Dinda Rella AMA2GEE Hair Club

MAKE-UP PARTNERS Combination NYX Wink and Kiss Eko Face Painting

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EVERYONE’S A WINNER The biggest expat event in Jakarta also ensured the biggest wins for guests on the night! With 24 silent auction items and more than 150 raffle prizes, there was something on offer for everybody. Prizes included... Draw card cash prize of £5,000, with £2,500 for charity sponsored by THE RIO CLUB. Luxurious holidays courtesy of Samabe Bali Suites & Villas (Bali), Lifestyle Retreats (Bali), Alila Villas (Bali), Mesa Stila Resorts (Magelang, Central Java), Papua Explorers Dive Resort (Raja Ampat), Poppies Resort Bali, Villa Almarik (Lombok), Gran Mahakam (Jakarta), Holiday Resort (Lombok), Tugu Hotels (Lombok), the Shangri‐La, Jakarta and Pullman’s Bali (courtesy Now! Jakarta), Villa Santai Seminyak, Villa Menjangan West Bali, the Bale Resort Nusa Dua.

The Rio Club

Business and Economy class tickets courtesy with Turkish Airlines, Blue Bird vouchers and a night with the Royal VIP Party Bus (Jakarta). Catered meals and dinner vouchers from Turquaz: Turkish Cuisine & Baklava House, Ganesha Indian Restaurant and Bar, Salt Grill, Mesa Stila Resorts, Grand Kemang, Gran Mahakam and the Shangri‐La. Vouchers from Aqua Marine Diving Jakarta, Senayan National Golf (Jakarta), JunKo Agus pole dancing fitness sessions, Gran Mahakan SPA, Ultimo Aesthetics, Liquidof, Canadian Chiropractor, Pilates with Sonja, NYX Cosmetics, Feliz Boutique Salon and Spa, Hair Club Salon, Grace Salon, New Mode salon, Ama2Gee Beauty and Tarra's Salon. Bespoke dress from Ivan Gunawan and Yudhistira. Tailored Tuxedo from Laxmi Tailors, Gorgeous crop top from TBL, a dress from Aurelia Santos, Biasa vouchers and Jewelry from Aneka Gems & Lapidaries, Atelier Pedra, Smallprint, and Beeqa. Johnny Walker Blue Label from Diageo, IKEA Furniture, a framed Lithograph by Ken Pattern, hampers & a year’s supply of Tim Tams & a factory tour by Arnotts, and home inspections & audits from Santa Fe Relocation Services.

- Til next year, Fashion Show fans! 18 Grapevine - Jun/Sep ‘15


Introducing The BWA House Staff...

Hani runs the reception at BWA House. She is the welcoming face that greets you whenever you step foot through our front door. She is married, with one daughter and a granddaughter. Hani enjoys art and is a Bahasa Indonesia and an English teacher (for those of you who may be interested in lessons). She has worked with BWA since 2013 and was previously employed by the United Nations in Vienna, World Trade Centre Jakarta, Qantas Jakarta and the Australian International School Jakarta.

Pak Parmin is the BWA's illustrious cook. He has been impressing our members with his culinary skills since 2010, after his previous employment in a similar role with several expatriate families here in Jakarta. His omelettes are the stuff of legend and he regularly caters functions at BWA House for up to 70 people. He is married with one son. In his free time, Parmin likes to hang up the sign that says 'Gone Fishing'.

Pak Sukisno, affectionately known to us as Kisno, has been our gardener, houseboy, handyman and pool technician, all rolled into one, since 2008. He began working in Jakarta in 1978 and previously worked with other expatriate families, including one role that lasted 18 years. Married, with one son and one daughter, he also enjoys fishing and we feel sure has many tales of 'the one that got away'.

Pak Susanto - not many of you will ever see Pak Susanto as he only comes out at night! He has worked with BWA since 2012 and keeps the BWA House safe and secure, while most of us are sleeping, in his role as night guard. He is married with one child. Susanto previously worked for expatriate families, including an exBWA member. He is a bit of an electronics and IT wizard and lists that as his main hobby.

If you see any of our staff down at BWA House, please do introduce yourself and say a warm hello! They are always happy to be of service.

-Karen Turner Grapevine - Jun/Sep Grapevine - Jun/Sep ‘15 ‘15 1919


Secluded Jungle Getaway


Villa Kalisha, Ubud

or Bali getaway fans, the eternal question to grapple with is villa-vs-hotel. Which really offers better value for money? What kind of experience do you actually want (the answer to which can often depend on who you’re travelling with) – total privacy, or total convenience? It can be quite the conundrum, warranting many back-and-forth trips to test each option out – just to be sure. On our last sojourn, we chose a secluded villa near Ubud for a small family celebration. If you go the villa route, there are some rules to live by. Due to the sheer volume of villas vying for your attention in Bali nowadays, it is far better to go by word of mouth and stay somewhere that is reputably good, rather than take a chance and book something unseen and unknown online. We did just that... Winding through the rice fields of Tegallalang, the villa’s jeep eventually pulled up to a path which snaked its way across impossibly-emerald green fields. The staff, Nyos and his team, cheerfully greeted us there, and deftly swung our luggage on their heads to carry across the fields to the villa. Villa Kalisha is owned by the incredibly helpful and flexible Rene and Tom, and they named it after their daughter. Everything just felt right from the start. The property is almost like a modern, adult-size treehouse. Surrounded by lush tropical vegetation, there are stunning views across more greenery and rice fields from almost everywhere, but particularly from the decked pool area. It is certainly impressive on first sight, and no less on closer inspection as we explored inside, like children running around discovering all the nooks and crannies. There are two double bedrooms, so it’s ideal for two couples. The bedrooms are high-ceilinged, charming wooden sanctuaries. The bathrooms – with unique baths (one is teak, the other is brass) have breathtaking views to enjoy while you soak. Careful though, as one tub-full drains the hot water tank, as we discovered! Since the emphasis here is on peace, greenery, quietude and serenity, the jungle you are enveloped within almost encroaches on the house and pool area, meaning two things to be aware of. First, you will get bugs and friendly, curious animals in most rooms. We befriended the bats sitting out on the verandah in the evenings. The forearm-sized tokek lizards, although alarming at first, keep the nyamuk away and entertain you with their haunting call at dusk. However, we were bemused to see the socalled ‘rice paddy rat’ mooching around the kitchen after dinner one evening – harmless but definitely not for the faint-hearted!

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The other thing to note is that the pool, though it does get plenty of daytime sun, is also quite well-shaded by the beautiful palm trees, so it can occasionally get a little chilly. But this is partly also because Ubud is higher up in the hills, so you’re a few degrees cooler than down on the beaches. Another benefit to this is the fantastic opportunity it affords for bird-watching. You can take a walk around the ountryside with Nyos, who points out some of the species to be seen. One of the best things about this place is how quiet it is – at dusk you could even hear strains of the local gamelan club practising – bliss. There is absolutely no reason to leave the villa whatsoever for the duration of your trip, being that you can order in massages, and the staff can cook and tend to your every need. We availed ourselves of these services more than a few times, but we also ventured out into Ubud (about a 20 minute drive) and Tegallalang when the energy took us. In-house, the dining options are simple but there is decent choice available. The fridge is very well stocked with tonic, wine, beer and even bubbly, and refreshingly they rely on you simply writing down your consumption in the honesty book. Meals are paid for separately (except breakfast), and we enjoyed some Balinese dishes prepared in the separate staff kitchen. In the mornings the team brought exotic fruits, and happily prepared coffee, pancakes and omelettes whilst we sat in bliss at the outdoor dining table (an enormous tree trunk). The quality of the food was not bad – perhaps not quite at that five-star hotel level, but then the price is so very reasonable. The staff even gladly obliged when we asked for fresh coconuts to cool off by the pool with. Best of all, we got a very special rate indeed for our four-night stay, roughly working out at an incredible £200 per couple. All in all, a blissful break at Villa Kalisha, thoroughly recommended to anyone looking for a relaxing jungle hideaway with an authentic Balinese vibe.

- Annali Hayward Grapevine - Jun/Sep ‘15



The Art of Enjoying Durian


- Li-Ha Luu

grew up in an Asian, durian-eating family. No. We don’t only eat durian. We LOVE durian.

At first when my husband asked me if I would move here, I said “Jakarta, Indonesia? No way!” Then he smiled and added: “Indonesia is the country of durian. You can have durian everyday.” Now, my husband is not Asian and is not crazy about durian - cannot bear the smell, but will taste it. So guess what? I moved to Jakarta without even visiting first! I’ve enjoyed a lot of durian over the past nine months we’ve been here. To my delight I discovered many varieties of this strange fruit! So when my sister came to visit, I couldn’t not bring her to a durian farm - it is a must in our family. Our durian adventure brought us to Warso durian farm in Bogor. The road we took is surrounded by rice fields and tea plantations, small villages and street markets. We walked into the farm, which looks more like a park, with a playground for kids amongst other fruit trees. There, I discovered that durian grow in big trees. Can you imagine one of those pikey heavy smelly fruit falling on your head?! We probably should have had helmets! Plus, they sometimes grow in a bunch - yikes! Double, triple, quadruple pain! And they can become pretty big - the farm recorded durians as big as 14kg! But in fact, the fruits are manually attached to the main branch once they reach a certain size to prevent unexpected and unwanted accidents. After quite a walk through the farm, we decided to take a rest in

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FOOD & DRINK the café. And yes, it’s a durian café! Besides water, teh and coke, I can’t recall them selling anything else but durian. So you better like it! How does it work? You go to the counter, ask for a durian, give an indication of size, and the man offers you what’s available. I was amazed to discover such a peculiar place. It is a lifestyle for some Indonesians to go there to taste durian. As we would go out to a wine bar or seafood restaurant, they go to the durian café! But how to choose? Well, first smell it. The more intense the smell, the riper the fruit (I know!) Second, check the shape of the fruit. It must show lines of dense pikes alternating with large stripes of pikes with more space. Last but not least, taste! Enjoy your durian! Look at this golden goodness! It must be that it’s so delicious, the gods decided to protect it with such a dissuasive appearance. Some people smile just at the thought of tasting it, whereas others start preparing themselves to get used to the smell. Yes it may sound strange, but for us, durian lovers, this fruit actually smells good! My children are not all sure whether they really like durian or not but they always want to taste it again. So far, only my youngest one would fight to get the last piece. No need to say how proud I am of him! Sadly for our taste buds, our durian adventure reached its end. But we couldn’t resist a last durian treat to enjoy during the trip back home: durian ice-cream! Thanks for reading. For those who haven’t dared yet, maybe this will help you go for it!

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Lone Wolf

By Jodi Picoult Picoult’s novel opens with Luke and his 15-year-old daughter, Cara, in a serious car accident. He is in a coma but Cara has only a shoulder injury. His ex-wife contacts their estranged son, Edward, who lives in Thailand and hasn't seen his family for six years. Edward comes back and immediately becomes caught up in a dilemma - the doctors are saying his dad's chances of regaining consciousness are negligible, but Cara wants to keep him on life support. Edward is in favour of pulling the plug - and in the ensuing drama (which ends up in court) the family's skeletons emerge from the closet. Interspersed are chapters narrated by Luke about his obsession with wolves and wolf behaviour - how they hunt, their intricate hierarchies and how difficult he found it fitting into society when he prefers the company of wild wolves. In her intro Picoult explains Luke is, to some extent, based on British wolf expert and TV personality Shaun Ellis. And while the sections on wolf behaviour are interesting, there is a great deal of human / animal comparisons in Luke's descriptions of wolf behaviour. Here is Luke - a wolf expert - describing his subject: “And if you’ve ever been lucky enough to look into a wolf’s eyes, you know that they penetrate. They look at you, and you realise they are taking a snapshot of every fibre of your being. That they know you better even than you know yourself.” Courtesy of

At the center of the story is a man in the early years of the 20th century whose life seems caught in an endless middle ground, with the merest hint of a beginning and only the scant prospect of an end, the thing he longs for most of all.


By Timothy Findley

This man, an art historian called Pilgrim, is being treated at the Bürgholzli Psychiatric Clinic outside Zurich after an attempted suicide that is only the latest in a series of attempted suicides, perhaps going back for centuries. Before being brought to the clinic by the wealthy and mysterious Lady Sybil Quartermaine, Pilgrim hanged himself in a London garden early one April morning in 1912, shortly after the sinking of the Titanic. Several hours later, although he had been pronounced as dead ''as any man can be'' by not one but two doctors, his heart began to beat and he started to breathe: another potential exit foiled. At first silent, though immersed in his own internal dialogue, Pilgrim finally complains to his therapist, C. G. Jung, that he wants to die ''because I am unable to die'' and that he is ''tired of being captive to the human condition.'' Who is this man? And why does he so crave oblivion? An intense read, you will surely relearn your history or rediscover it entirely. Thick with references to art, literature and philosophy this book is a heavy read, but a highly recommended one. Courtesy of the NY Times

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ARY ...psst! If it happened, I D it’s in the Social Diary! AL


St. Patrick’s Welcome Back Do

The St. Patrick’s Society Jakarta held a “Welcome Back Gathering” on Friday 18 September. It is a long tradition of the St. Patrick’s Society to hold get-together parties at the homes of the Irish community and friends of the St. Patrick’s Society around this time of year. A great night was had by all of the forty-plus people who attended; free flow drinks, Irish stew and Irish cheese together with freshly-baked brown bread prepared by the Irish Ambassador’s wife, Carol. To top it off, our friends enjoyed apple tart and cream. In keeping with the traditions of what makes a good Irish party, there was a “Céad Míle Fáilte” (a hundred thousand welcomes), great “craic” and lots of singing into the early hours of the morning. All monies raised on the night will go to Indonesian Charities – helping orphanages, paying less off students to attend university and part-financing elementary school construction in rural areas of Java. While the St. Patrick’s Ball, held annually in March, is the society’s largest fund raiser; further funds are generated through the generosity of the Irish community and their extraordinary friends by hosting society nights in their homes. Again, the night was in the true tradition of what the Irish refer to as a “Céilí”, whereby friends and neighbours were invited to a house to meet, swap stories, listen to tales, sing and dance. A big thanks also for the continuous support shown by our sponsors; Diageo who supplied the free flow Guinness & Kilkenny, meat supplied by Elders for the stew, Murphy’s Irish Bar for drinks and Krystal Hotel for desserts. Don’t miss out the next Irish “Céile” coming your way soon – “Craic agus Ceoil” (fun & music) guaranteed. Follow the St. Patrick’s Society on Facebook:

- Eszter Redmond Grapevine - Jun/Sep ‘15



Brilliant bAZAar IA C O S On 28th May the BWA held another fabulous and successful Summer Bazaar at the Grand Kemang.

128 Vendors lined up bright and early, for our own Ibu Hani and Karen Turner to open the doors in welcome at 4:45am. For the next three hours vendors were able to set up without incident. Once open, a steady stream of guests were delighted by the variety on offer. Huge thanks to those Committee and General Members that volunteered to help - this was a hugely successful team effort. Thanks to our Honorary President, Rachel Malik, for opening the Bazaar and for her overall support of the event. Thanks to the BWA Cake Stall Ladies – Julia Johnson, Phil O’Brien, Karen Webb and Jill Thompson for an excellent job selling all the donated cakes, which were extremely popular and sold out by early afternoon! A good day had by all. - Laura Thompson

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On 20th May, Motoa International Golf Course saw lots of BWA ladies enthuisactically taking part in the ‘Wild Safari Golf Scramble’, for an animal-themed day of golf! With a wonderful cocktail cart of drinks provided by Eastern Promise, it is safe to say it was a jungle out there! The attendees participated wholeheartedly with unique constumes and equally unique team names. An afternoon of great fun and lots of prizes to be had at the end. Our next outing (Pink Golf Day!) is on 8 October.

Grapevine - Jun/Sep ‘15





he BWA House proved a fitting location once again for a Java St Andrew Society (JSAS) event on Saturday 19 September - this time for the annual whisky tasting evening. A crowd of around 45 enjoyed some good craic, fine food, beer and wine from Eastern Promise....and of course some malt whiskies, courtesy of Diageo. Suggestions of dressing Pak Susanto in a kilt for the occasion were unfortunately not followed up but he performed his duties well nonetheless. As is customary on such occasions, the format for the 'formal' part of the evening involved decanting six malts and a 'ringer' into clear, numbered bottles and asking the contestants to match the name and description of the malts to the bottle numbers. Katie Nagar, Diageo's brand ambassador, gave some hints to supplement the tasting notes but most contestants were still fairly clueless in determining which malt was in which bottle. There were too many scores below 1 (out of 7) to single out any particular participant for humiliation, although perhaps most humiliating of all for those supposed-connoisseurs amongst the contestants, the winner - after a three-way-tie was Siobhan Caughey, who had appeared to be more focused on watching Ireland cuff Canada in the rugby on her iPad...... and the 'ringer' wasn't even an Irish whiskey! St Andrews Ball tickets went on sale after the main prize in the raffle (a table at the ball) was won by total newbies to the JSAS scene - welcome, Trevor and Emma Morrish Hale, hope you enjoyed the night and enjoy the ball even more see you there! Yours Aye, Graham Garven Chieftain 2015/2016 0818 731623

28 Grapevine - Jun/Sep ‘15






On 29 August I had the pleasure of attending the Welcome Back Night at the BWA house. This is an annual event to welcome the community back in Jakarta after the summer holidays. The event was attended by members from different parts of the world, representing the diversity of the BWA member community. The highlight of the evening was the captivating performance by Josh the Magic Man. Josh is a young Indonesian entertainer who grew up in America. He is not your everyday magician, pulling rabbits from hats, etc - rather he is an entertainer, who engages his audience, keeps them interested and makes them laugh! You could easily mistake him for a comedian, but his expertise certainly qualifies him as a master of the mysterious. The scrumptious Pakistani buffet dinner, with a selection of canapĂŠs and welcome drinks to begin with, was another wonderful part of the event. The organizing committee had also arranged a raffle with the winner taking home a bottle of whisky. It was a good opportunity to meet other fellow expats. This event, like most other social events organised by the BWA, is not restricted to members, giving non-members an equal chance to make new friends. I recommend newcomers in Jakarta to look out for the various events that are held throughout the year and make an effort to attend!

- A. Hussain Grapevine - Jun/Sep ‘15




The photographer at the centre of an international row over the ownership of a selfie taken by a crested macaque in Sulawesi in 2011 says he will vigorously resist the latest challenge to its copyright. Animal rights activists sought US legal permission for proceeds from the photos to benefit the monkey. They argue that because the photo was taken by an animal it cannot be owned by anyone. But David Slater said it took three days of hard work to get the photo. “It took...blood, sweat and tears to get...I had to be accepted by the group of monkeys before they would allow me to come close enough.”

CANNABIS COPSE How this cannabis forest managed to avoid detection for so long is beyond us. More than 150 plants, some of which are over 5ft in height, were found on an area of disused land the size of a football pitch in Kingston, UK. After a member of the public complained, police officers described the plot as a ‘a small forest of Christmas trees complete with a gazebo.’ ‘Whoever set this up used a really remote spot – the only way to get there was a 20-minute walk through wasteland,’ PC Sarah Henderson told the BBC.‘ But all their time, trouble and gardening skills will go unrewarded, as the whole lot will now be destroyed by police. No arrests have yet been made.

LOVE’S HEAVY BURDEN Engineers have urged romantics to stop putting padlocks on the Falls of Feugh Bridge near Balmoral Castle, as it could suffer the same fate as a section of the Pont des Arts in Paris, which collapsed last year. The mid-1960s bridge is not strong enough for the several hundred locks. It is popular with visitors who love to watch salmon leap, so local authorities are turning to social media and removing all the locks. However, the council does not want to discourage couples visiting the spot and a bespoke love-heart wooden sculpture has been installed beside the bridge. A spokeswoman said: “The idea is for visitors to take a selfie with the sculpture, positioned so that the dramatic falls are in the background, then upload it to social media using the internationally recognised hashtag #LoveWithoutLocks.”

30 Grapevine - Jun/Sep ‘15



Young children? Want to know… Schools and sport Where can I buy? Keeping them busy

Family Guide to Jakarta is available as a book (great for the car) and now on the internet at



YAYASAN WISMA CHESHIRE A Home in Cilandak, South Jakarta for 30 paraplegics of both sexes and any religion. Wisma Cheshire is part of the British worldwide Leonard Cheshire Disability organisation. VOLUNTEERS ARE ALWAYS NEEDED to help with Woodwork, Handicrafts, stock taking and admin. It need take no more than a few hours of your time each week and is rewarding and interesting work. Please contact: Petty Elliott 0816 922 099

at The Indonesian Heritage Society meet on Wednesdays for tours, talks, taking part in Indonesian daily activities. Join one of several groups who meet weekly, fortnightly or monthly Can’t make Wednesdays? Explorers also has a monthly Saturday group. Sessions start in September, February and June. for more information or call 021 2572 5870 The IHS is a non-profit organization offering the opportunity to learn more about cultural heritage of Indonesia.

What’s new? Latest business? Social & Sporting Events

Grapevine - Jun/Sep ‘15




JAAN works on Improving Animal Welfare in Indonesia through various Wildlife and Domestic Animal Protection, Rescue, Rehabilitation and Education Programs. If you’re interested in Adopting a stray dog or cat, Volunteering at the shelter, Sponsoring an Animal or making a Donation, please visit JAAN’s office at Kemang Timur 17A and/or website at Thank you.


Support BWA and its charities by renting the ’Geraldine Johnson Wheelchair’ Also available at the BWA House are a pair of Crutches. Contact BWA House or Baby travel cot for hire Rp200,000 donation per week or part of a week.

BWA HOUSE HIRE: Having a party? The BWA House is availabe to both members and non-members for a very reasonable fee. You get the use of the House, tables, chairs, napkins, crockery, cutlery, and also staff to help with the cleaning up! Children's parties, evening events, all needs catered to. Please contact GOT ANY ODDS AND ENDS? If you’re leaving and want to get rid of odds and ends which threaten to overload your container, do consider donating to the BWA. Items can either be sold in the thrift shop, at the White Elephant Sales or donated to one of the numerous projects that we support. We can always find a home for items in good condition such as used towels and bedding, clothes (sorted into male/female/adult/children), tinned or dried food, medicines, eyeglasses, hearing aids, toys, cleaning products, pots and pans and even old Christmas cards and foreign stamps. All proceeds go to the BWA and its charities.

REGULAR BWA ACTIVITIES MONDAY: Bahasa Lessons (beg/med) TUESDAY: Coffee Mornings (Great British Coffee Morning first Tues of the month with vendors etc) WEDNESDAY: Yoga, and ***NEW*** Book Club on the 1st Weds of the month THURSDAY: Playgroup, Mah Jong, Golf WOULD YOU LIKE TO SET UP AN ACTIVITY? Contact

32 Grapevine - Jun/Sep ‘15

Bali private villa in the ricefields Villa Damee, Ubud is a splendid place to chill out and recharge the batteries. A private 3-brm 3 bath beautifully designed luxury villa set in the rice fields located in an ancient Balinese village and only 4.5 kms out of Ubud. This beautiful villa comes complete with a villa cook, AC and WI FI. Breakfast included. The villa has a huge pool, free complimentary village tour and guided walk to the beautiful pristine river adjoining the villa with hidden temples in the rocks.


British Embassy, Jakarta

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Emergency Numbers Police Fire Ambulance

110 113 118 / 119

Medical International SOS Jl Rambu 10, Cipete

750 5973 (office) 750 6001 (24 hr emergencies)

Global Doctors 719 4565 Jl Kemang Raya 87, Kemang 718 2029 (24 hr call centre) Rumah Sakit Pondok Indah Jl Metro Duta Kav UE, Pondok Indah

765 7525

Metropolitan Medical Centre 520 3435 (24 hrs) Jl HR Rasuna Said Kav C-21, Kuningan Medic One Jl Prapanca Raya 6A, Jakarta 12160 Schools Australian Independent School British School Jakarta Jakarta Intercultural School Taxis Silver Bird/Blue Bird Travel Soekarno-Hatta International Airport

725 9111

717 90437 745 1670 769 2555 794 1234 550 5179

Information/Departures/Arrivals Airlines Air Asia Air France KLM British Airways Cathay Pacific Garuda Lufthansa Qantas

Indonesian Yellow Pages

Grapevine - Jun/Sep ‘15







Santa Fe Relocation Services T: +62 21 2961 2990 F: +62 21 2961 2991 E:

34 Grapevine - Jun/Sep ‘15



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