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Catholics in Action

Catholics in Action, or CIA as it is referred to around campus, continues to be one of our most popular and well-attended clubs. The group meets weekly, planning events to grow in faith and inspire others to do the same.


Students kicked off the second semester by joining the 50th Annual March for Life celebration in Washington, D.C. The theme of this year’s momentous event was Marching into a Post-Roe America and included a march to the steps of the United States Capitol. Participants joined the Youth Rally, heard from Fr. Mike Schmitz, and met the founder of the 40 Days for Life, Mr. Shawn Carney. Students also visited the Bible Museum and the Jefferson Memorial during this spiritual and educational trip.

Paul Harris

Bishop Verot students joined parishioners and students from throughout the Diocese of Venice for this year’s Catholic Days at the Capitol in Tallahassee. Wearing red, the Catholic community gathered together in our state capitol to learn about the legislative process, advocate for policies promoting human life and dignity, and to pray for our elected officials. Finally, on Ash Wednesday, students participated in the Diocesan Walk for Life, leading both the procession as well as the Rosary.