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CATHOLIC SCHOOLS WEEK A Celebration of the Blessing of Catholic Education

By Craig Davis

We were starting to get used to “not normal.” In fact, what does normal even look like anymore? For a while it meant wearing masks, or staying six feet away from everyone else. For a couple months last year, normal meant to stop everything you’re doing, and help the community clean up after Hurricane Ian. Regardless, nothing can help return things to “normal” like something familiar – Catholic Schools Week.


For students, it was easy to remember why we look forward to this week every year. Dress-out days, competition, and plenty of reminders as to why our Catholic faith is so important to us. The week started off with Mass and the announcement of this year’s Christ the Teacher winner: Margaret Kennedy. If there was a question as to why she won, it was clearly answered by the outpouring of love and admiration when she was announced. There was much more to be thankful for throughout the week, with National Signing Day, as well as this year’s charitable donation. With Hurricane Ian impacting us this past Fall, our Veteran’s Day plans were put on hold; so our in-house veterans, Greg Koziuk and Pete Orsita suggested we show our support for our service men and women now. Students responded in a big way, bringing in supplies that were organized, packaged and boxed up during the House period. These small tokens of our appreciation will hopefully bring a smile to those who most deserve it!

There was also time for some good old-fashioned fun, as there always is during Catholic Schools Week. There was the annual quiz bowl, where students and faculty put up their 5 best trivia buffs to see who would come out on top. Unfortunately for the students, who had the support of the entire school watching, they couldn’t stop the teachers – or more specifically, Mr. Atkins, as the teachers pulled off a win. Coach Herting put on a great bonfire for everyone on Wednesday night, behind the lights of the newly re-done baseball field. On Thursday, the entire school packed into the gym and competed in community competitions. There were some classic events, as well as a few new ones, and in the end, the Community of St. Clare was declared the winner, taking home the Viking Cup. Finally, students came to school Friday looking for redemption for the Quiz Bowl in the form of a win in the seniors versus faculty basketball game. The students put up a great effort, but in the end, Kyle Harding and the faculty pulled off the upset.

Saturday, we held our first Youth Retreat on campus. Catholic students from across Lee County were invited to attend the full day of worship, talks and entertainment, and it certainly did not disappoint. We love partnering with the other Catholic communities around Fort Myers, and we hope to make this Youth Retreat an annual event, that allows everyone to come together and celebrate our faith.

So, while Catholic Schools Week is anything but a normal week, it was the type of normalcy that was needed. A time to put off thoughts that have weighed heavy for months or years on us, and concentrate on the positives. A chance to give back to others that have given so much for us and our country. An opportunity to thank God for all of the blessings He has given us.