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5 Health Screening Tests for Women in Their 30s Are you a woman running in your 30s? If so, there are some health screening tests that you should get done every year to ensure your long-term well-being. No matter how healthy you think you are, the truth comes to light with regular health check-ups. Women get caught up in the hustle and bustle of life and often take their health for granted. While the blood pressure and cholesterol level can be managed at home, the more serious health issues like diabetes and heart disease cannot be. The experts at Medical Centre Norwest say- ‘It's always better to find out early on before it's too late’. Our article will explain in detail why every woman should get a health check-up at least once per year and which screenings are important for their overall well-being.

Importance of Regular Health Screening in Women Being healthy is one of the most important aspects of a person's life and a healthy body can help us fight against illnesses or even prevent them altogether. These check-ups are a good way to know your health status, improve your wellbeing, calculate your risk factors, and monitor and manage your illness/disease via preventative measures. They can help in the early diagnosis of certain diseases like diabetes, cancer, heart disease and other chronic conditions that could lead to serious complications later on in life. Health Screenings offer a variety of other benefits, including: ●

There are better chances of the cures or treatments working well with regular health screenings.

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They can help detect early signs of illness that could lead to serious complications later in life. It makes it easier to maintain sound health and lifestyle. Since regular health screenings can deal with prominent health issues efficiently and at the early stages, the expense of medical expenditure is less expensive. Regular check-ups enable you to know whether you are consuming healthy foods and keeping under check your weight and body muscles, etc.

5 Must-Have Health Screening Tests for Women Over 30

Mammography A mammogram is a test that uses x-rays to check your breasts for any growths or changes. These tests are painless, quick and easy to perform and can detect breast cancer at an early stage when it is easier to treat. They can also help in screening for other conditions such as ovarian cancer and colon cancer. It is an important test to take because more than 1 in 3 women are diagnosed with breast cancer at some point during their lifetime. Health professionals at Medical Centre Bella Vista recommend that all women aged 30 and older should have a mammogram every year.

Pap smear A Pap smear is a screening test for cervical cancer and other types of abnormal cells on your cervix. The procedure involves scraping off cells from the surface of your cervix with a small brush and then examining them under a microscope to see if they show signs of cervical cancer (highly treatable if detected early). This test is highly advisable for all women above the age of 30 years.

Thyroid Test The thyroid is an organ that sits in your neck and the gland produces hormones that impact nearly every aspect of your body, including metabolism, weight gain, muscle strength and energy levels. It also controls how fast your body uses energy (calories), so when it doesn’t work properly, it can make you feel tired all day long despite eating well. A thyroid test measures levels of thyroid hormones in your blood and indicates whether the gland is functioning well or not. Your doctor may suggest treatment or follow-up tests in case of abnormal levels.

Blood Pressure Test Blood pressures tests help determine whether or not you have high blood pressure (hypertension). Hypertension is a major risk factor for heart disease, stroke, and diabetes and kidney disease. Ideal blood pressure is 90/60mmHg and 120/80mmHg. Having a regular blood pressure check through a certified Medical centre in Norwest will provide valuable information about the need for lifestyle changes that may reduce your risk of developing high blood pressure over time.

Skin Examination We all know our skin is prone to breakouts and blemishes, but did you know it's also the first line of defence against cancer? A skin examination is a routine procedure that a certified dermatologist performs. It helps detect any skin-related diseases such as moles, freckles or even pigmented lesions on the skin. The examination will also detect skin cancer or other forms of skin disorders at an early stage.

Final Words A healthy life begins when you give your health the due attention it deserves. Even if you don't have the risk factors, you never know what infections or illnesses are present in your body unless you get yourself examined. So why not be proactive and prepare yourself as best you can? With these screenings, in addition to regular doctor's appointments and annual check-ups, you’ll be able to attain peace of mind, knowing that you're doing everything you can to maintain good health. So go ahead and schedule your next appointment today at Medical Centre Bella Vista; you'll rest easy knowing that you're one step closer to staying fit for life.

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