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General Information Adderall is a prescription drug used for the treatment of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and narcolepsy. Adderall, a brand name, is a combination of amphetamine and dextromptamine, which are central nervous system stimulants. Taking Adderall can help increase your ability to concentrate, pay attention, and control behavior. It is basically a brain enhancer tablet that increases the levels of the brain chemical dopamine which in turn stimulates the brain.

Dosage of Adderall The prescription should be followed while taking the dosage for Adderall. You can Order Adderall Pills Online  from Medisuppies.com. It can be taken orally on a daily basis, with or without food. Capsules should be swallowed with water. Capsules are available in various dosages from 5mg to 30 mg. The dosage is administered depends on the patient and the severity of the condition. Dosage for children between ages 6-12 should not exceed 30mg once daily.

Side Effects of Adderall Adderall has various side effects depending on the dosage. It induces various emotional and cognitive effects such as feeling of intense excitement and happiness, and change in desire for sex. Physical side effects also include stomach pain, weight loss and headache. In case larger doses of Adderall are taken, cognitive impulses are impaired, muscle breaks down at a fast pace, and delusions and paranoia. When used in a lower dosage, the risk of

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