CNH District Newsletter- October 2013

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CNH | KEY CLUB October 2013

Volume 5 | Issue 5!

Please BEE Green! Do not print this newsletter.!

The Official !

A Key Club member serves pizza at the Italy on Wheels event.

CNH District Newsletter The Official California-Nevada-Hawai’i District Newsletter !


The CNH District Newsletter ! !


In THIS Issue

Contributions from your 2013-2014 District Board

The September Edition A Word from the News Editor……...2 Executive Messages..........................3 Message from your Trustee ……..…5 DCON…………………………………..6 • Registration Info • Friday Night Dinner Options Policy, Intn’l Business, & Elections….7 • Pass the Policy • International Corner Communication & Marketing….….8 • International Media o Key Club Magazine o Key Club TV Fall Rally South………………………...9 Kiwanis Family & Foundation …….10 • Key Club Week Service Projects……………………..11 • The Eliminate Project • Spotlight on Service: UNICEF Member Relations……..……………12 • The Importance of Spirit Member Recognition………………13 • Contest Guidelines GOLDEN Features……...……..…….14 District Calendar…………....………16 • Division Council Meetings Clubs of the Month…………..….….19 Member of the Month………...…...20 Officers of the Month……………....21 Contact Information…………….…22 Thank you…………………………….23

NEWS EDITOR Hello CNH Bees! Happy October! From all the articles submitted, it sounds like there were many successful club days and rushes in our district! As more service opportunities come up, make sure you capture the moments on your camera or reflect on your experience in an article. The administrative year is just flying by so fast; it may be hard to keep track of tasks and deadlines. Officers, establish a comfortable system with yourself so you turn in submissions, contest applications, and reports on time! Remind yourself every day why you ran or applied to serve your fellow members and community. Please let me know if you have any comments or questions about the publication or making submissions. Happy reading!

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The Official California-Nevada-Hawai’i District Newsletter !

Buzzing in Service, Kelly Chan District News "! Editor

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Executive Messages ! !


Contributions from your #!‘13-‘14 Executive “Bee Team”

Buzzing CNH Bees! Welcome to the fall. With member recruitment activities, RTCs, and Fall Rally, October is a month full of many opportunities to grow as an ohana through service and leadership. As we continue to pour our efforts into reaching new heights within the clubs we serve, I encourage you to keep our GOLDEN Goals in mind and plan accordingly. As one district, our aim is 46,000 members. As divisions, we want to work towards contributing to a goal of $150,000 for Pediatric Trauma Program. As clubs we want to come together to serve 1,000,000 hours of service. And as individual members, we each want to save 3 lives from maternal/neonatal tetanus. Together this will bring us to one GOLDEN year. With the help of our entire CNH ohana, there is no doubt that we will be able to achieve these goals by District Convention 2014. I hope you are all as excited as the Executive Team is to be joining members from all across the district to celebrate another successful year of fundraising for Pediatric Trauma Program (PTP). Year after year, the effort you put into fundraising for PTP makes a difference. With last year’s fundraising totals adding up to over $158,000, there is no telling what this year

will bring! Remember that fundraising efforts do not have to stop at Fall Rally! In addition to fundraising for PTP, I encourage you to take advantage of this month to achieve our goal for individual members of saving 3 lives from maternal/neonatal tetanus. With your opportunity to participate in Trick-or-Treat for UNICEF in support of the Eliminate Project, achieving this goal should be as easy as pie! Just $5.40 is all you need to achieve this goal. Throughout this month, keep in mind that each and every one of you is capable of changing the life of another. Whether it be through introducing a future leader to this organization, fundraising for Pediatric Trauma Program and the Eliminate Project, or just going out into the world to truly care for and serve others—this is your opportunity to be a hero. You are GOLDEN. I look forward to meeting many of you at RTC or Fall Rally! Your unending service is both admirable and inspiring. Thank you for all that you do!


With great care, Victoria Lai District Governor

Happy October, CNH! It’s amazing how fast time flies during serving during our term! We are well on our way into the Key Club year. Have you reached your goals you set for yourself? Great job if you have! Keep up all the golden work you all do for the division you are part of, district, international, and more importantly, yourselves as individuals! I am extremely excited for this month because of Fall Rally North that is taking place on October 19th! I cannot wait to see all the spirit you have to celebrate the year so far. Please remember to stay safe during Fall Rally and be sure to eat and drink a lot throughout the day. It will be a long and eventful day. Secretaries, please remember to submit your Monthly Report Forms to your Lieutenant Governor by October 5th. All of your hard work is golden! Thank you for all of your submissions! To everyone in the California, Nevada, Hawaii District, thank you for all of your golden work. Each of you shines just as bright as a piece of gold reflecting in the sun. Thank you for everything! And if you have any questions, comments, or concerns, please contact me at any time! Reaching in GOLDEN heights and service, ! Amanda ! Redublo District Secretary

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Treasurer Hello CNH Bees, Guess what time it is? Time for your club to start paying dues! The Membership Update Center is available for use, and you can even print out an invoice and send it to International for processing. The golden date for dues to be received is by December 1st. Even though the final date for dues is by this date, I know that each and every club will be able to pay dues long before then! Start now and have a successful dues submission. Along with paying dues, it’s also time for one of Key Club’s biggest projects: Trick or Treat for UNICEF! If you go to the Trick or Treat for UNICEF website, ordering boxes are very simple; however, remember you need to order your boxes from Kiwanis in order to have your funds go towards The Eliminate Project. Email either or call (317) 217-6213 to order them. Remember that supplies are limited, so be sure to order them as soon as possible for a successful fundraising event for your club. The boxes are completely free! The last Region Training Conferences will be taking place on October 12th, and Fall Rally North is just a week after on October 19th. I hope everyone attends their Region Training Conference for gold mines of information, as well as fundraises as much money as possible for Pediatric Trauma Program. Remember the last day to mail in donations to the CNH District Office is October 12th, and this is a received by date! On-site donations will be processed at Fall Rally, but remember that any change will not be counted. Can’t wait to see all of you busy bees there – have an amazing and spooOoky October! Buzzing in service, Johansen Pico District Treasurer

Tech Editor Happy October! The month of scares, Trick-or-Treating (for UNICEF), candy, Fall Rally North, and the UC Application is finally here! I hope you are all doing well in school, serving your homes, schools, and communities as you always have been, and showing off that amazing Key Club spirit that never ends! For all you seniors, make sure you’re keeping a balance between schoolwork, college applications, and Key Club work! Start early on those personal statement essays, and make sure you’re asking your teachers for letters of recommendation as soon as possible! Remember, it’s better to be early than to be skipping school on the due date in order to submit your applications! I wish you the best of luck in everything that you do! If you’re not a senior, still make sure that you’re keeping up with your school work and balancing all of your activities. Start preparing for Fall Rally soon, whether you’re attending North or South. I’m excited to see all of you there, cheering your hearts out and representing your home divisions! If you ever have any questions, comments, or concerns about technology or otherwise, feel free to contact me at any time!

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The Official California-Nevada-Hawai’i District Newsletter !

Yours in service, Lincoln To $! District Technology Editor

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Hello CNH District! I hope you have adjusted to this new school year well so far. Though it is easy to get weighed down by studying and homework assignments, at least school means Key Club meetins and service projects can begin once again! As it is October now, I hope you are gearing up to go Trick-or-Treating for UNICEF for the Eliminate Project this Halloween! It is Key Club’s biggest fundraiser for the project, and we take a lot of pride in our efforts to eliminate maternal neonatal tetanus, a horrible (and completely preventable) condition. To order boxes, visit the Kiwanis Family Store online! I wanted to talk a little bit about a really exciting week that is coming up. The first full week of November is one of the best weeks of the year- it’s Key Club Week! This week-long celebration is an excellent way to recruit more members for your club, as well as a great opportunity to bond more with your Kiwanis counterparts. This year, Key Club Week will be November 4-8. Here is a basic breakdown of the week: November 4: Show your K in every way! This day meant to really promote Key Club, so wear all of the Key Club gear you own! Go out and spread the word about your school’s club to recruit members. November 5: Kudos to Key Players! This day should be used to thank those who really help your Key Club Give sincere thank-you’s(gifts are great) to your advisors, principal, Kiwanians, and everyone else who helps your club make a difference. November 6: Connect the Ks! Participate in a joint service project with your local K-family. Reach out to your local Kiwanis, Circle K, Builders, K-Kids, and Aktion Clubs to work together for a common goal. Hopefully the experience will bring you all closer together. November 7: Bring a friend to Key Club! This day is an amazing opportunity to get more members. If everyone in your club brought a friend to a meeting and god him/her interested, the size of your club (and service hours) could DOUBLE. Make this meeting engaging and informational! November 8: Your way! Use this day any way you want. Plan an awesome service project or host a recruitment party- do what you feel is most appropriate! For more information and resources on Key Club Week, visit I hope you all enjoy your Fall Rally! In caring and service,

! Kelsie Hoppes ! International Trustee

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Pass the Policy ! !

Brought to you by the International Business Subcommittee of the Policy, International, & Elections Committee. '!

Original: Each Key Club is required to pay $4.50 per year for District dues for each of its members. International Dues shall be paid as required by Key Club International. Dues are effective on the date that the member is inducted, or, in the case of a continuing member, on October 1. A membership list must accompany the dues payment. Each person who registers to attend the District Convention must be a dues paying member of a club in this District unless specifically invited by the Governor. The District Office shall not allow a person to register for the convention if their name does not appear on a club roster. (4/05) Policy Resources:


Translation: Each member of each Key


Club must pay $4.50 per year that goes to the District in addition to the Key Club International dues. Dues are effective starting the date the member joins the club, or October 1 for returning members. Only dues paid members on the club roster can attend District Convention.

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Want to get to know your! 2013-2014 Key Club ! International Board a bit better? What do you hope to bring to the member experience to Anaheim ICON 2014?! I hope to bring to the members, just as we are attempting this year, to bring their experiences and voice to the international level. I hope to meet as many of the Key Clubbers as I possibly can and have their passion for the organization and service rub off on me as I move on to the next chapter in my life. Raeford Penny, International President Being on the International Board has most definitely changed my life for the better. Not only am I seen as a person who has a huge responsibility to others, but I see myself as a better person. I've learned humility, service, and love all over again within the first two months of being elected. I can't wait to see what the next 9 months have in store. Casey O’Neil, International Trustee

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Being on the International Board has had such a positive impact on my life. Although it has been stressful at times, it is completely worth it. I have met so many amazing people that have already changed me, in a good way. I still can't believe I have the chance to represent one of the world's best organizations. Kelsie Hoppes, International Trustee [to CNH]

Stay tuned for more questions and answers with the International Board on the next issue.

You just been served!

I wish to bring excitement, passion for service, and the feeling of family, love, and acceptance through all Key Clubbers no matter what district they come from. We are all one big ohana, and as Lilo Pelekai most famously put it, "Ohana means family. Family means nobody gets left behind or forgotten." Alberto Berrizbetia, International Trustee New ideas, fun and just different ways we can all enjoy ourselves in Anaheim. ! Renisha Daley, International Trustee I hope to encourage education of our great organization and charities associated with Key Club, as well as being a smiling face for any member to come and befriend while at ICON 2014! Avery Hitchock, International Trustee

How has being an International Board member changed your life? Being an International Board member has changed my life completely for the better. I have definitely had to work on my time management ! skills now '! that school has started, but I love doing the Key Club stuff so much that I don't mind giving up a few things to get more time to focus on my job as a trustee. Maria Palazzolo, International Trustee

International Media! ! !


Compiled by the CNH Communications & Marketing O! Committee !

The KEY CLUB Magazine What is it? The Key Club magazine is published twice a year – In September and March. The former is mailed to advisors for distribution to club members and the latter can be found as a digital publication on the Key Club International website ( KEY CLUB includes information about the impact of our service, our vision partners, core values, and more! Where do I begin to get more involved with KEY CLUB magazine? Navigate to > Discover > Magazine. How can I contribute? Any member can contribute to KEY CLUB by writing articles and submitting them to be featured in the magazine! You need only ensure that you follow the article guidelines ( _Key_Club_magazine_writer_s_guidelines.sflb.ashx) and submit it to the executive editor!

Check out the September issue at > Discover > Magazine

Key Club TV Introducing all members of the Key Club family, Key Club TV! This program is where Key Clubs from all over the nation are able to share their events, whether it is your latest fundraiser, an informative interview with one of your advisors, to even a talent show that might have happened. From a local level, to an international level, you’ll be able to see what this organization has done like never before. It is a new way to let all people see what Key Club is truly about, and for other Key Clubbers to see current events. Starting back in 2009, regular Key Clubbers such as yourselves have contributed to these many videos and shows we have up there today. There have been many videos going more in depth to what things we really do, and what all people can be a part of. You can see all of these things for yourself on ! the Kiwanis website, and on YouTube, by simply ! searching up Key Club TV!

The Official California-Nevada-Hawai’i District Newsletter !

SUBSCRIBE to keyclubtv LIKE the videos ENJOY the videos SHARE the videos


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Key Club Week 2013! ! !

This year, Cali-Nev-Ha would like to recognize the most spirited clubs who participated in Key Club week in the District Newsletter by featuring how they have celebrated this week. The goal is to encourage clubs to strive for a GOLDEN Key Club week, showcasing what they have done in their schools and community, and providing examples for new clubs.

Compiled by the CNH Kiwanis Family & IA! Foundation Committee !

Save the dates: November 4-9th!

It is important to make sure that club officers are aware of this opportunity to display their hard work and fun experience. There are many ways to promote club submissions: • Utilize methods of communication to advertise such as email, social networks, etc. • Provide incentives: Some clubs need even more convincing. Encourage them with prizes, awards, or even food! • Try your best to offer assistance or guide officers through the submission process. This will help hesitant clubs to submit, and make the process less daunting. • Ask club officers to plan Key Club week effectively. Be sure that they prepare many weeks beforehand so that the event days are properly advertised and executed well. Members can sense a rushed event. They should also be prepared for submissions by taking a sufficient amount of pictures, and also understand the deadline to be featured. See below for some guidelines regarding submission: • Submit a Picture of the Key Club Day event. Make sure that everyone in the picture has signed a Kiwanis Photo Release Form. • Include Name of the Key Club Week Day when the picture was taken (e.g Friday ‘Show Your K in Every Way’) • Add a Brief Summary or Blurb on what the club did for the event day. • Include Key Club Name, Officer Contact Information, Division #, and other Identifying Information with the submission. Clubs can begin submitting their Key Club Week information on November 15th, 2013 to The deadline for submission is December 6th, 2013. For any questions regarding this contest for Key Club Week recognition, please contact Kiwanis Family & Foundation Chair Susan Chor at

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“WE FEEL GOOD, OH WE FEEL SO GOOD!” - The Importance of Spirit ! !

Compiled by the I"! CNH Member Relations Committee!

This cry of pride and joy is known to resonate at service events, fundraisers, and socials alike. While Key Club is a service club, one of the things that set us apart from other clubs is our spirit! However, to many new members, the hip thrusts and yells may seem a bit extreme. Why spirit? 1.



Spirit recruits members. Club rush with Key Club is an entirely new experience. Our

brings us together. The fun of performing the “How do You Feel” Cheer at public parks aside, our cheers and spirit battles rally a sense of camaraderie that unites Key Clubbers from different schools, different states, and different countries. spirit and enthusiasm shows our pride in being members of this organization. How many other clubs can say the same?


Spirit breaks the ice. Imagine a Key Club social without the spirit? It’s our enthusiasm

and spirit, our boundless pools of energy that inspire us to make new friends, and forge closer bonds with old ones. 4.

Spirit can promote service. Be spirited and enthusiastic to rally members towards tasks and goals throughout the year. It can also be utilized to pump up members and get them engaged at service events and fundraisers.


Spirit raises money. Spirit is an integral part of our largest fundraiser for PTP – Fall Rally!

What is Fall Rally?

Fall Rally is the largest gathering of Key Clubbers all across the District. In addition to spirit battles, District Board auctions, and the chance to meet Key Clubbers from all over California, Nevada, and Hawaii, it is your chance to help make an impact. Pediatric Trauma Program, an initiative created by the CNH Kiwanis Foundation, helps provide pediatric doctors with the proper training and hospitals with the proper equipment to treat pediatric trauma, raises awareness to accidental injuries in youth, and directly saves many lives every year. At Fall Rally, we raise over $100,000 each year for this cause. We couldn’t do this without your dedication, time, and spirit. Fall Rally North – October 19 th ! th ! Fall Rally South – November 9

The Official California-Nevada-Hawai’i District Newsletter !


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GOLDEN Features ! !

For more information on how to submit articles, visit!


Italy on Wheels

Catherine Kim | Division 44 South| Folsom !

On September 14th, Folsom High School’s Key Club volunteered at the Italy on Wheels event in Folsom, CA. Folsom has a historic house and museum called the Murer House that has an Italian influence for the creator of the house, Joe Murer was from Italy. For the Italy on Wheels event, the Murer House displays Italian cars, motorcycles, and bicycles while serving Italian drinks and pizza. At this event, Folsom High Key Clubbers gave parking directions to the spectators for the event. They also helped register the cars that were to be displayed. They assisted in making Italian sodas and served pizza to those at the event. On top of that, the members monitored and gave tours of the house and museum. There were various tasks that the members had to accomplish, but they all worked diligently together to put on a

K-Kids Poem

Kimy Cabrera | Division 44 North | Whitney About Whitney Key Club’s annual K-Kids event in December. ‘Twas the morning of K-Kids and all through K-Mart All the kids were a-shopping, filling their carts. They were less fortunate than all the other tots, So Key Clubbers helped them with all that they bought. Sixty bucks from Kiwanis to each young girl and boy All the volunteers helped bring them joy! The! kids, all smiles, left feeling peppy. !

spectacular event for the public. After the event was over, the members cleaned up in less than 20 minutes and impressed the event coordinators with the fast clean-up. The members had a wonderful time serving the public during the Italy on Wheels event. Folsom High’s Key Club received a little of taste of Italy and the amazing experience of community service.

Southe Pointe Middle School Tutoring

Vivian Sun|Division 35 East | Diamond Bar Middle school: where the kids always seem energetic, where not everyone is taller than I, but most importantly, where students need the most help in homework in order to build a strong foundation for classes later in their school careers. Tutoring in the afternoons at South Pointe Middle School provides the students an opportunity to get help on homework, but it also provides the tutors many opportunities to demonstrate their knowledge, patience, and leadership. When I tutored for the first time this year, I was nervous that the students may ask questions that I couldn’t answer. My fear soon faded when I was greeted with amiable smiles of the teachers as well as the students. At the end of the day, I’m able to leave school knowing that I’ve helped others and I$! being more confident in my own abilities.

The Official California-Nevada-Hawai’i District Newsletter !

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Corn Festival ! !

Cailin Kuchenbecker | Division 30 North | Sonora “Water! Get your water! Most delicious water here at the Corn Festival! High quality H20 on sale!” After several hours of selling bottled water at the La Habra Corn Festival, Noah Cervantes is in good spirits and is still selling strong at the Kiwanis Booth. The 65th Annual Corn Festival has become a long anticipated summer event consisting of a dog show, rides, parades, raffles, and corn (of course). What made this year new and refreshing was helping our La Habra Kiwanis Club raise money for The Gary Center, The La Habra Children’s Museum, and other community improving programs. Every purchase of an ice cold water is distributed right back to the inspiring people of La Habra. Being held on our home turf, Sonora High School Key clubbers jumped at the opportunity to volunteer at the festival. Signs, raffles, and a few can-cans brought customers in. But it is the customers themselves that make the impact. These customers are the very people who make up our city! Policemen, volunteers, teens, teachers, children, men, women, and even the mayor are all friendly and willing to support their own La Habra family. People even coming back two and three times to buy ice cold water! Even at 10pm, after the hot day turned into a cold night, water was flying out of the Kiwanis Booth. I left with confidence, excitement, and a lot of new friends. “Working at the Corn Festival was fun and everyone is willing to take help,” said Andy Halsig after a successful day of selling. The only thing missing? A buttery ear of corn to ! celebrate an inspiring weekend!

I%! Keep Calm It’s Only an Extra Chromosome

Cienna Rosal | Division 23| Edward C. Reed

Members from the Reed and Wooster Key Clubs of Division were invited to host a basketball workshop for the campers of Camp Lotsafun, a camp that tends to the needs of people with physical or mental difficulties. I was able to teach the campers how to dribble and shoot. We even had a few one-on-one games. The campers were amazing and just so happy to be able to interact with everyone. They were so nice and just a joy to be around. At the end of the day we saw them receive their awards and party with their fellow campers. It was a fun event, and I can’t wait for the winter camp!



The Official California-Nevada-Hawai’i District Newsletter!

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Compiled by CNH Lieutenant Governors!

Division Council Meetings






6:30 PM

Family House of Pancakes

1900 E. Plaza Blvd, National City



3:30 PM

Canyon Crest Academy

5951 Village Center Loop Rd, San Diego, CA 92130



3:00 PM

South Clairemont Park

3605 Clairemont Dr, San Diego, CA

37 East


2:30 PM

Canyon Crest Academy

5951 Village Center Loop Rd, San Diego, CA 92130

37 South


2:30 PM

Canyon Crest Academy

5951 Village Center Loop Rd, San Diego, CA 92130

37 North

No information provided

Region 1

Region 2

Region 3 4 North


10:00 AM

Bolsa Grande HS

9401 Westminster Ave, Garden Grove, CA 92844

4 East


5:00 PM

Orange HS

525 N. Shaffer St, Orange, CA 92867

4 West


3:00 PM

Fountain Valley Rec. Center 16400 Brookhurst St., Fountain Valley, CA 92708

30 North


12:00 PM

Bolsa Grande HS

9401 Westminster Ave, Garden Grove, CA 92844

30 South


11:30 AM

Bolsa Grande HS

9401 Westminster Ave, Garden Grove, CA 92844

41 North

No information provided

41 South


11:00 AM

Bolsa Grande HS

9401 Westminster Ave, Garden Grove, Ca 92844

6 North


12:00 PM

John W. North HS

1550 3rd St Riverside, CA 92507

6 South


4:00 PM

Heritage HS

26001 Briggs Rd Romoland, CA 92585

36 East


5:00 PM

Boys and Girls Club

1251 Clay St, Redlands, CA 92374

36 West !


4:00 PM

Sycamore Hills Park

11075 Mayberry Ln, Fontana, CA 92337I&!

47 !


3:00 PM

Hemet Salvation Army

340 S. Palm Ave, Hemet, CA 92543

Region 4

The Official California-Nevada-Hawai’i District Newsletter !

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Region 5 ! 28 North !





Silverado HS

I'! 1650 Silver Hawk Ave, Las Vegas, NV 89123

5:00 PM

28 South

No information provided

28 West


38 East

No information provided

38 West


5:00 PM

Brunswick Sands Bowl

43233 Sierra Hwy, Lancaster, CA 93534



12:00 PM

Joe Crowley Student Union

1664 N. Virginia St, Reno, NV 89557


No information provided

5:30 PM

Desert Oasis HS

6600 W. Erie Ave, Las Vegas, NV 89141

Region 6

Region 7 3 North

No information provided

3 South




25 East


25 West


3:00 PM

Verdugo Park

1621 Canada Blvd, Glendale, CA 91208



3:00 PM

Northridge Park

18300 Lemarsh St Northridge, CA 91324

1:00 PM

Warner Center Park

Warner Center Park

Region 8 1

No information provided

13 North


13 South

No information provided

19 North


1:00 PM

Carnegie Mellon MS

21820 Bonita St, Carson, CA 90745

19 South


12:30 PM

Carnegie Mellon MS

21820 Bonita St, Carson, CA 90745



1:00 PM

Mosswood Park

3612 Webster St, Oakland, CA 94609



5:30 PM

Laurel Creek Park

2896 Gulf Dr, Fairfield, 94533

26 North


2:30 PM

Pittsburg HS Theater

1750 Harbor St, Pittsburg, 94565

26 South


2:00 PM

Dublin Ulferts Center

4288 Dublin Blvd, Dublin, CA 94568

1:00 PM

Carnegie Mellon MS

21820 Bonita St, Carson, CA 90745

Region 9

Region 10 24

No information provided


No information provided

42 East


3:00 PM

Rancho Madera Community Park

556 Lake Park Dr, Simi Valley, CA 93065

42 West


12:00 PM

“Pirate Park” Mandalay Shores

1601 S. Harbor Blvd, Oxnard, CA, 93035

Region 11 18 East

No information provided

18 West !

No information provided




No information provided

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! 5 North


6:00 PM

Clovis HS

1055 Fowler Ave Clovis, CA 93611

5 South


6:00 PM

Hoover HS

Hoover Fresno, CA United States

46 North


6:00 PM

Peter Johansen HS

641 Norseman Dr, Modesto, CA 95357

46 South


6:00 PM

Pitman HS

2525 W. Christoffensen Pkwy, Turlock, CA

Region 12 !


Region 13 10 North

No information provided

10 South


1:00 PM

Almansor Park

S. Almansor St, Alhambra, CA 91801



2:00 PM

Red Hills Community Park

7484 Vineyard Ave, Rancho Cucamonga, 91730

35 East


10:00 AM

Creek Side Park

780 Creekside Dr, Walnut

35 West


12:00 PM

Del Norte Park

1598 W. Rowland Ave, West Covina, CA 91790



3:30 PM

River Valley HS

801 El Margarita Rd



7:00 PM




11:00 AM

Courthouse Square

96 Old Courthouse Square, Santa Rosa 95401

7 North


1:00 PM

Kiwanis Family House

2875 50th St, Sacramento, CA 95817

7 South


4:00 PM

Country Side Park

Sacramento, CA 95828

27 North


4:30 PM

American Legion Park

835 S. Hutchins St, Lodi, CA 95240

27 South


5:00 PM

Kimball HS

3200 Jaguar Run, Tracy, CA

44 North


3:00 PM

Loomis Train Depot

3640 Taylor Rd, Loomis, CA 95650

44 South


12:00 PM

UC Davis

1 Shields Ave, Davis, CA 95616

12 East


6:00 PM

KIPP San Jose Collegiate

1790 Educational Park Dr, San Jose, CA 95133

12 West


4:00 PM

Mary Gomez Park

651 Bucher Ave, Santa Clara, CA 95051

12 South


6:00 PM

Evergreen Valley HS

3300 Quimby Rd, San Jose, CA 95148

34 North


1:00 PM

San Francisco State Uni.

1600 Holloway Ave, San Francisco, CA 94132

34 South


4:00 PM

Memorial Park

Stevens Creek, Cupertino, 95014


No information provided

Region 14

Region 15 20/32

Region 16

Region 17

Region 18 22 Hikina


5:00 PM

‘Iolani HS

563 Kamoku St, Honolulu, HI 96826

22 Komohana 19

3:00 PM

‘Iolani HS

563 Kamoku St, Honolulu, HI 96826

12:00 PM

Romanchuk Garden

55 N. Church St, Wailuku, HI, 96793

! ! 22 Makai


The Official California-Nevada-Hawai’i District Newsletter !


Page 17

Raising the Gold Standard

! !


Clubs of the Month Lt. Governors recognized these performing clubs last month for their commitment to service! Congratulations! Division 1





3 North 3 South

STEM Academy

4 East

Villa Park

4 North

Rancho Alamitos

4 West


5 North

Clovis North

5 South


6 North

Notre Dame

6 South

Rancho Verde

7 North 7 South

Monterey Trail



10 North 10 South 11

Saint Augustine

12 East

Mission San Jose

12 South


12 West


13 North

South Gate

13 South 14 15

! !

River Valley Etiwanda




John Burroughs

18 East



34 North

South San Francisco

34 South

Mountain View

19 North

Da Vinci Science

35 East

Charter Oak

19 South

Torrance South Bay Community

35 West

Los Altos

36 East

San Gorgonio


Maria Carrillo

36 West

Jurupa Hills


The Bishop’s School

37 East

Mission Hills

22 Hikina


22 Komohana Waipahu 22 Makai



Edward C. Reed


37 North 37 South

Canyon Crest Academy

38 East 38 West

Eastside West Valley

25 East



25 West


41 North

26 North


41 South

Aliso Niguel

26 South


42 East

Oak Park

27 North

Middle College

42 West

Santa Paul

27 South

Merrill F. West


28 North

44 North

Lincoln Rio Americano

28 South


44 South

28 West



30 North

Sunny Hills

46 North

Thomas Downey

30 South


46 South



Steele Canyon



The Official California-Nevada-Hawai’i District Newsletter !


Page 18

With the Midas Touch


Members of the Month Lieutenant Governors recognized these individuals last month for their commitment to service! Congratulations! Division


1 2

Fiona Gee

3 North






Manny Ilasco, Burbank

34 North

Christopher Maramoros, South San Francisco

34 South

Beatrice Li, Lynbrook

35 East

Justin Wong, South Hills

35 West

Alicia Chen, Baldwin Park

18 East 19 North

Edward Kim

19 South

Chloe Isabella Velasco, Narbonne

3 South

Sandrda Ruiz, Benjamin Franklin

4 East

Kevin Garcia, Foothill

4 North

Kelvin Huynh, Santiago

4 West

Kris Kevin Nguyen, Fountain Valley

5 North

Avena Cheng, Buchanan

22 Komohana Greg Manuel, Waipahu

37 North

5 South

Whitney Markwaldt, Edison

22 Makai

Reyson/Reygan Agcaoili, Kaua’i

37 South

6 North

Jacob Morales


Cienna Rosal, Edward C. Reed

38 East

6 South

Emily Ear


7 North

St. Francis

25 East

Lorraine Pacilan, Granada Hills Charter

7 South

Josef Tribiana

25 West

Jeremy Figueroa


Veronica Seward- Aponte

26 North

Isha Kane

26 South

Ivy Li

27 North

Grace Lee, Tokay

27 South

Kevin Nguyen, Kimball

10 North 10 South 11

JunKi Kim, Bonita Vista

12 East

Alex Ngo, Piedmont Hills

12 South

Brandon Roman

12 West

Tairy Dulay, Wilcox

13 North

Eric Working, Cerritos

13 South 14

Maikou Lee, Live Oak


Catherine Eng, Los Osos



Jinny Tran

36 East

Khoa Phan


Sangeeta Vishwanath

36 West

Amanda Lopez, AB Miller

22 Hikina

Nalani Kaku, Kamehameha

37 East

Nikki Aranda, San Marcos

Amanda Du, Westview

38 West

Jason Barajas, Highland


Erin Kaiser, West Valley

41 North 41 South

Kiran Maqbool, Mission Viejo

42 East

Andrea Magat, Santa Susana

42 West

Khrystyna Gavryushenko, Oxnard


28 North

44 North

28 South 28 West

Raymond Mendoza, Clark

30 North

Serena Mann, Sunny Hills

30 South

Anthony Nguyen


Kayla Cartaciano, Helix

The Official California-Nevada-Hawai’i District Newsletter !

Joseph Kiefer, Whitney

44 South 45 46 North

Cody Little

46 South

Talin Shamun, Turlock


Mario Ruiz, Imperial

Page 19

Serving Among the Stars


Officers of the Month Lt. Governors recognized these officers last month for their commitment to service! Congratulations! Division


1 2

Jason Yu

3 North 3 South

Krzel Manansala, Hollywood

4 East

Vivian Nguyen, El Modena

4 North

Alyssa Nguyen, Garden Grove

4 West

Christina Tran, Huntington Beach

5 North

Ashley Wong, Clovis West

5 South

Ellen Phetsa, McLane

6 North

Raj Chaklashiya

6 South

Donelle Alcantara

7 North

Syria Powell, Sacramento

7 South

Renee Zapata


Jackie Francisco

10 North 10 South

Christine Phan


Kane Gillego, Sweetwater

12 East

Roselin Yao, Mission San Jose

12 South

Cynthia Voly

12 West

Christine Oh, Leigh

13 North

Mary Ortega, Huntington Park

13 South 14

Quinta Pedraza, River Valley


Jenny Hong, Rancho Cucamonga







Rachel Trujillo, Burbank

34 North

Iris Hung, Mills

34 South

Lucy Li, Homestead

18 East 19 North

Sashini Godage

35 East

19 South

Valentin Tsoy, Torrance South Bay Community

Ananda Gutierrez, Diamond Bar

35 West

Jessa Alcaide, Monrovia


Serena Uppal

36 East

Josh Nuesca


Aileen Lee

36 West

Jurupa Hills

22 Hikina

Jenise La, Kaiser

37 East

Kimmy Le, Escondido

22 Komohana Mark Domingo, Waipahu

37 North

22 Makai

Kalani Murakami, Kapa’a

37 South


Caitlin Rosal, Edward C. Reed

38 East

24 25 East

Issac Leon, Granada Hills Charter

25 West

Joe Yuengert, Crespi

26 North

Roy Golingan

26 South

Brandy Bondoc

27 North 27 South

Megan Ly, Canyon Crest Academy

38 West

Angel Gomez, Eastside


Emelia Lindsey, West Valley

41 North 41 South

Christine Qian

42 East

Donna Rahgoshay, Simi Valley

Carrie Huang, Stockton

42 West

David Lai, Pacifica

Lynzie Vang, Stagg


28 North

44 North

Margie Oxley, Bear River

28 South

44 South

Cynthia Huynh, Mira Loma

28 West

Sharlene Lim, West CTA


30 North

Timothy Lim, Buena Park

46 North

30 South

Kim Truong

46 South


Luisa Murillo, Valhalla


The Official California-Nevada-Hawai’i District Newsletter !

Charles Litao

Hidy Kuang, Hemet

Page 20


Contact Information Questions? Contact us! Have a GOLDEN day! Executive Team Governor Victoria Lai.....................… Secretary Amanda Redublo……… Treasurer Johansen Pico………….… Technology Editor Lincoln To…....………....… Leadership Team News Editor Kelly Chan…………..........…… Communications & Marketing Chair Jennifer Nguyen……………… District Convention Chair Madison Draper….…… Kiwanis Family & Foundation Chair Susan Chor……………..……..… Member Recognition Chair Carissa Yen………...............… Member Relations Chair Jeffrey Xiong……………...… Policy Int’l & Elections Chair Jacob Torres………………...… Service Projects Chair Kelly Administrators District Administrator Lisa Lotito-Byers………...… Assistant Administrator Marshall Roberson………….… Special Assistant Marek LeBlanc……..…………… Special Assistant Pete Ballew………..……………… Service Leadership Programs Director Bruce Hennings……………… !

Region 1 Division 11…...………...…… Division 31……………...… Advisor Geoff Tobias…… Region 2 Division 21…………...…… Division 37 East……..… Division 37 North……… Division 37 South……… Advisor John Region 3 Division 4 East………… Division 4 North………… Division 4 West……..… Division 30 North….…..… Division 30 South……… Division 41 North……… Division 41 South……… Advisor Frank Barry………..… Advisor Elaine Pong………..…… Region 4 Division 6 North………..… Division 6 South……… Division 36 East………..… Division 36 West……… Division 47……………..…… Advisor Carolyn Region 5 Division 28 North……… Division 28 South.……… Division 28 West……… Division 38 East………..… Division 38 West………… Advisor Alyson Palmer… Region 6 Division 23…………….…… Division 45………….…… Advisor Michael McStroul…

The Official California-Nevada-Hawai’i District Newsletter !

Page 21


Contact Information Region 7 Division 3 North……….… Division 3 South……….… Division 16…………….…! Division 25 East……….… Division 25 West……… Advisor Doug Ridnor…………

Region 13 Division 10 North…… Division 10 South…… Division 15…………… Division 35 East……..… Division 35 West……

Region 8 Division 1…….… Division 13 North……… Division 13 South…… Division 19 North……… Division 19 South…… Advisor Mark Ross…………… Advisor Alan Quon……………

Region 14 Division 14……………...… Division 39……………

Region 9 Division 2………………… Division 8………………… Division 26 North.……… Division 26 South…….… Advisor Doug Gin……… Advisor Lisa Grover…

Region 16 Division 7 North…….… Division 7 South……… Division 27 North…… Division 27 South…… Division 44 North…… Division 44 South.……

Region 10 Division 24…………...…....! Division 29…………...… Division 42 East……...… Division 42 West… Advisor Mike Van Etten…

Advisor Judy Whitby………..……

Region 11 Division 18 East……… Division 18 West…… Division 33………..…….… Advisor Carole Farris……… Region 12 Division 5 North …… Division 5 South ……..… Division 46 North…..… Division 46 South……… Advisor Frank


Advisor Patricia Cridland……

Advisor Rhonda!

Region 15 Division 20/32…………! Advisor Sue Cummins….….…!

Advisor Rae

Region 17 Division 12 East………! Division 12 South…..… Division 12 West……… Division 34 North…… Division 34 South….… Division 43…………… Advisor Jennifer Buelna… Region 18 Division 22 Hikina…… Division 22 Division 22 Makai…… Advisor Charlene Masuhara…

The Official California-Nevada-Hawai’i District Newsletter !

Page 22

The Cali-Nev-Ha District Newsletter !

Thank you for reading!

Division 21 Key Club members volunteer at the Bubble Run.


Cali-Nev-Ha District | Key Club International | 8360 Red Oak Street #201 Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91730



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