BRUSA March 2015

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MARCH 2015

TOP 10




The Only App an Executive Needs in 2015


LETTER FROM THE DIRECTOR March is Women’s History Month, a time during which the world celebrates women from both the past and present. To show our support, Business Review USA features 10 influential, gamechanging women from the past century. The leading ladies stood up to conventional roadblocks and achieved what was thought to be unachievable. From piloting a flight across the Atlantic to refusing to succumb to inequality, the courage and perseverance displayed by each still inspires us today. We also take a look back at the evolution of the app and the growth of social media advertising, in addition to a special report on an app that we feel is the best-of-the-best; the only one executives will need in 2015. (Yes, the only one.) Making its debut at the 2015 International CES, businessfriend consolidates an executive’s needs into one easy-to-use application. Check out the article to learn more.


Jennifer White

Director of Content



18 Top 10

6 Marketing

The Growth of Social Media Advertising

12 Technology

Apps: A Look Back

Most Influential Women of the Past Century

30 Special Report

Small Businesses: businessfriend Is the New App for You



36 GW Plastics

72 Walsh – Zoo 100 Interchange Project

48 Amaray Plastics 58 American Apparel 66 Wiring Harness Manufacturers Association (WHMA)

4 March 2015

80 Carolinas AGC

MINING 86 Lundin Eagle MinePlant

48 Amaray Plastics

58 American Apparel

72 Walsh


Arazy Group





March 2015


MARKETING Most industry experts argue that the true beginning of social media advertising can be traced back to the launch of Facebook’s Pages in 2007, even though the first Facebook ad actually made its debut one year after the site launched in 2005. This revolutionary means of bringing brand awareness and recognition to a mass audience also inspired the term “cost per fan”—and transformed the entire industry. The Transformation What once began as a purely social tool for consumer entertainment soon revealed itself to be an unparalleled opportunity for businesses as executives who began to realize the potential reach ads could have through this platform—and developers took note. In 2010, Twitter unveiled Promoted Tweets, Trends and Accounts, augmenting this experience with a specialized analytics platform in 2011 to advertisers’ delight. Facebook followed suit by launching “Sponsored Stories” that appeared in users’ News Feeds that same year. Two years later in 2012, Pinterest launched Promoted Pins; Instagram announced Sponsored Posts; Yahoo 8

March 2015

released Stream Ads and LinkedIn unveiled Sponsored Updates. Facebook also launched a customized analytics platform. By 2014, social media advertising took another step forward and became more tailored: Facebook altered the algorithm for Sponsored Stories to include only those that related to a user’s social habits and proven interests; Pinterest announced plans in 2014 to serve ads based on

Pinned brands; and Twitter revamped its initial analytics platform to be more competitive and useful for advertisers. The Catalyst It goes without saying that the exponential growth of social media usage was a catalyst for increased advertising across this medium. In 2010, there were approximately 97 million social network users worldwide. By 2014, usage had

grown across all platforms, with approximately 1.8 billion internet users having accessed social networks worldwide. With an active audience and the free-flowing, uninhibited look at consumer behavior that results from social media usage and analytics, the opportunity was a no-brainer. The Spend The exponential growth of social 9


The ability to understand consumer interests through usage and analytics is one reason social media advertising is so successful

media usage undoubtedly encouraged marketing execs to reevaluate their corporate ad spend. By the end of 2011, ad revenue for Twitter had reached approximately $140 million while Facebook boasted $3.2 billion. In 2013, total spend for digital marketing 10

March 2015

advertising surpassed television for the first time with a reported $42.8 billion. Social media ad spend reached $8.5 billion in the U.S. in 2014 (up from $6.1 billion in 2013), and is expected to reach $14 billion by 2018. In addition, use of mobile-based social media ads


is predicted to surpass that of nonmobile in the near future, and experts anticipate that two-thirds of social media ad spend will go to mobile by 2018, creating a $9.1 billion market.

Sources: Bia Kelsey Business Insider Mashable Pew Research Center Unified Social




March 2015


BACK More than 30 years have passed since Steve Jobs, cofounder of Apple, predicted the upcoming creation and integration of apps— and the industry continues to prove him right each year. W R I T T E N B Y: J E N N I F E R W H I T E


TECHNOLOGY SINCE APPLE LAUNCHED the App Store in 2008, apps seem to be succeeding in the tech-based battle for world domination—or at least attention domination. With app downloads expected to increase by 28 percent in 2015, reaching more than 235 billion worldwide, Business Review USA has created a top-level timeline to take a look back at the journey so far. 1974 Theordore G. Paraskevakos received a patent for his 1971 invention: devices that combine telephony and computing. With support from Boeing, Paraskevakos took a revolutionary step toward the future of our consumer obsession. 1983 At a conference in Aspen themed “The Future Isn’t What it Used to Be,” Apple cofounder Steve Jobs discussed a phone-enabled software distribution center “similar to a record store.” That same year, the first cell phone was introduced to the consumer market. The Motorola DynaTAC 8000X weighed 2.5 pounds, was 13 x 1.75 x 3.5 inches in dimension, cost $4,000 14

March 2015

and served one single purpose: making calls (but not for much longer than 30 minutes at a time). 1987 The Psion Epoc was released in early 1987 and included app-like features such as a calendar. Today, the Epoc is referred to as one of the world’s earliest handheld computer devices. 1994 Using a prototype introduced by IBM at a 1992 COMDEX computer industry tradeshow as inspiration, BellSouth Cellular released the Simon Personal Communicator. This game-changing device incorporated functionality similar to a PDA device: “apps” such as an address book, scheduling tool, calendar, notepad, etc. via touch screen display alongside telephone,

The BlackBerry, or CrackBerry, integrated phone and email capabilities. It is considered to be one of the first successful smartphones

email and fax capabilities. The developers even threw in a few simple games in addition to a camera and a memory-card enabled music player. Apps, apps and more apps! ALTHOUGH THE LABEL would not become common for another decade, the release of Simon marks the initial release of the “smartphone,” a term that today goes hand-inhand with the concept of “apps.” 2002 Despite mass adoption in Japan throughout the late 1990s, it wasn’t until Research In Motion (RIM) released the BlackBerry 5810 in

2002 that U.S. consumers were truly introduced to the world of smartphones and the accompanying addictive apps. Revered as revolutionary for its integration with wireless email and telephone / text capabilities, “CrackBerry” was a common term by 2006. 2003 Apple launched the iTunes Music Store, offering more than 200,000 individual songs priced at 99 cents each. One million songs were sold within the first week.


TECHNOLOGY 2007 Apple released the first iPhone, which came standard with preloaded apps such as photos, weather and maps. More than 270,000 phones were purchased during the first 30 hours of sales. 2008 Apple took the concept of apps one step further in July 2008 when it launched the App Store. Within the first weekend, there were 10 million downloads among the brand’s 500+ apps. Within the first 60 days, recorded downloads had reached 100 million, and by November that same year, there were more than 10,000

apps available. The Android Market (now referred to as Google Play) launched in October 2008 with just 50 apps but ramped up to 5,000 within the first year. 2009 Although RIM announced plans for an app-based store at its developers’ conference in 2008, the BlackBerry App World, which was originally called BlackBerry Application Storefront, did not officially launch until in April 2009. Meanwhile, Apple’s App Store celebrated its 1 billionth download that same month. Shortly afterwards – one month, in fact – Nokia launched the Ovi Store with 1,200

The App Store launched in 2008 and reached 100 million downloads within the first 60 days. Photo credit: 360b / 16

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apps (90 percent of which were paid). 2010 Windows Phone Marketplace launched in October while Android Market caught up to the App Store when it reached an excess of 1 billion downloads in August. The first Apple iPad and the Samsung Galaxy—the first table computer with an Android operating system in the U.S.—were also released this year. By the end of 2010, the total number of mobile apps had reached 1 million, and downloads from both the App Store and Android Market exceeded 10 billion—separately. It’s no wonder, then, that the term “app” was listed as the 2010 of the Year by the American Dialect Society. TODAY Approximately 80 percent of internet users today own a smartphone, and 89 percent of mobile time is spent on apps. In January 2015, the top 200 free apps for iOS were downloaded 60 percent more often than January 2014. Specifically, these apps were downloaded 10.3 million times per

The BlackBerry, or CrackBerry, integrated phone and email capabilities. It is considered to be one of the first successful smartphones

day compared to 6.4 million during the same time last year. Moreover, the previous high point for downloads per day, December 2014, was a mere 9.2 million, revealing 12 percent growth in just one month. With numbers like these, it is safe to say that the app addiction is going to continue for many years to come. SOURCES: AMERICAN DIALECT SOCIETY, APPS CHOPPER BLOOMBERG BUSINESSWEEK, FISKU INDEXES LIFELIBERTYTECH.COM, MEDIAPOST NIELSEN, JUNIPER RESEARCH GLOBAL WEB INDEX, SHOUTEM, INC. SMART INSIGHTS, STATISTA THE GUARDIAN, VENTURE BEAT


TOP 10

TOP 10

Most Influential Women of the Past Century Written by: Jennifer White


TOP 10


staple in the business world today, while the idea of a weak, feeble and powerless gender is nothing more than a caricature of ignorance past. There truly is nothing a woman can’t do, from running a Fortune 500 company to discovering life-saving medication, proving time-and-time again that not only can there be a place for females at the boardroom table, there should be. But it wasn’t always that way; just winning the right to vote was a battle and that was barely a century ago. Thankfully, powerful, intelligent and resilient women forged paths and opened doors for today’s female executive, fighting those battles in the name of equality. The names are countless and the contributions endless, yet we somehow managed to choose 10: 10 forward-thinking, conventional-wisdom-challenging women whose accomplishments continue to inspire us today.

10 20

“I only want people around me who can do the impossible.” She may have been from Canada, but she found success in America. Launching her first spa on New York’s famed Fifth Avenue in 1910, Elizabeth Arden catapulted to success in the beauty industry, becoming one of the first global brands in 1922. Wearing make-up may have been rare, and women-owned businesses nearly non-existent, Arden achieved worldwide success: By the time of her death in 1966, more than 100 stores had been launched around the globe, and despite being sold in 1971 for $38 million, continues to thrive as a brand today—annual revenues cross the $1 billion mark.


Rachel Carson (1907–1964)

“I only want people around me who can do the impossible.” Elizabeth Arden (1884–1966)

March 2015

Environmentalists owe a debt of

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gratitude to Rachel Carson, as it is said that without her, the green movement may not exist today. In her game-changing novel “Silent Spring,” Carson revealed the life-altering effects of pesticides on birds and the environment as a whole, shedding light on a silent killer that many were quick to overlook. This book, in addition to many articles, novels and other works of non-fiction, helped to catapult the creation of the Environmental Protection Agency.

Rachel Carson (Editorial Credit: Olga Popova /


Helen Keller (1880–1961) “Character cannot be developed in ease and quiet. Only through experience of trial and suffering can the soul be strengthened, ambition inspired, and success achieved.” Born with all five senses in-tact, Helen Keller began talking at just 6 months of age and was walking by her 1st birthday. By 1882, at 18 months, Keller had contracted a “brain fever” as it was referred to at the time (most likely scarlet fever or meningitis, according to experts today) and as a result, lost her ability to see, hear or speak. Despite all odds, Keller learned

Helen Keller and tutor Annie Sullivan (Editorial Credit: Neftali / 21

TOP 10

to speak, write and read Braille, and graduated cum laude from Radcliffe College in 1904. A true symbol of perseverance, Keller was an advocate as well as a source of inspiration for the blind community, even (successfully) lobbying before Congress for government-funded reading services for the blind.


Amelia Earhart (1897–1937)

“The most difficult thing is the decision to act, the rest is merely tenacity.”

Amelia Earhart (Editorial Credit: catwalker /


March 2015

An advocate the development of commercial aviation and a champion for female participation, Earhart was a charter member of the Ninety-Nines, an international organization providing professional opportunities to women in aviation. Founded in 1923, each of the 117 licensed female pilots invited to join, and the group is named for the 99 of them who accepted. She was also a member of the National Women’s Party and an early supporter of the Equal Rights Amendment. Earhart made history in 1932 when she became the first woman pilot to fly over the Atlantic Ocean solo, further supporting her mission for female aviation and solidifying her legacy in American history. In June 1937, Earhart set out to be the first person to ever fly around the world. After departing from Miami, her plane disappeared over the Pacific Ocean.


Gerty Theresa Cori (1896–1957)

T O P 1 0 M O S T I N F L U E N T I A L W O M E N O F T H E PA S T C E N T U RY

Gerty Cori (Editorial Credit: catwalker /

“I believe that in art and science are the glories of the human mind. I see no conflict between them.” Originally from Prague, Gerty Cori and her husband, Carl, permanently moved to the United States in 1922 after graduating from medical school. Despite the lack of educational opportunities for women in general – and especially for women interested in the field of science – Gerty excelled as a biochemist alongside Carl, who insisted on continuing their collaboration despite being discouraged by his various employers throughout the years. Gerty was published multiple times—both as a coauthor with Carl as well as on her

own—but achieved her highest accomplishment in 1947 when she collaborated with her husband and Argentine physiologist Bernardo Houssay and discovered a mechanism to create lactic acid by breaking down glycogen in muscle tissue. The lactic acid is then resynthesized in the body and stored as a source of energy, a process now referred to as the Cori cycle. This discovered earned her the honor of becoming the first American woman—and third woman in the world—to receive a Nobel Prize in science.


Madam C.J. Walker (Sarah Breedlove) (1867–1919)

“There is no royal flower-strewn path to success. And if there is, I have not found it for if I have accomplished anything in life it is because I have been willing to work hard.”


TOP 10

Recognized today as the first selfmade African-American female to become a millionaire in the United States, Sarah Breedlove, better known as Madam C. J. Walker, was a pioneer in both the business world as well as within her community. Walker found success when she developed and marketed a line of beauty and hair products for black women under the company name Madame C. J. Walker Manufacturing Company. She created an empire with her revolutionary approach to the beauty industry, hiring agents across the country to sell her products at a national level. But Walker was much more than a successful entrepreneur: She was a role model. She also played a key role in the future success of other African-American women, training women to become “beauty culturists” while also providing a priceless education in the art of sales and business in general. She taught others lessons about the financing and logistics that go into starting a business, encouraging women to find independent 24

March 2015

successes. She gave lectures on political, economic and social issues and is even credited with hosting the first national meeting of American women regarding business and commerce.


Eleanor Roosevelt (1884–1962)

“We gain strength, and courage, and confidence by each experience in which we really stop to look fear in the face… we must do that which we think we cannot.” Once referred to as “the most popular living American” by Time magazine, former first lady Eleanor Roosevelt was key player in the establishment of equal rights for minorities and women as well as child welfare and housing reform. During her husband’s time as President of the United States, Eleanor transformed the role of the first lady by being more present in the public eye independent of her husband. From radio broadcasts

T O P 1 0 M O S T I N F L U E N T I A L W O M E N O F T H E PA S T C E N T U RY

“[To the colonel who said the ‘young lady’ must leave the war front because there might be trouble:] I wouldn’t be here if there were no trouble. Trouble is news, and the gathering of news is my job.” and a daily syndicated column to women-only press conferences to discuss women-focused issues, Eleanor shed light on topics from which many others shied away or simply ignored. She also worked closely with her husband, lobbying for civil rights policies and helping to formulate New Deal social-welfare programs. She also advocated strongly for the creation of the United Nations and, after her husband’s death, continued her humanitarian efforts as a member of the U.N., maintaining a role as chair the Commission on Human Rights and helping to develop the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.


Marguerite Higgins (1920–1966)

During World War II, it was not common to see women on the battlefield in any capacity, be it as soldier or reporter. But Marguerite Higgins Hall set to change that—at least for reporters.

Marguerite Higgins (Editorial Credit: Kuznetsov Viktor /

With a B.A. in French from Berkley and a masters from Columbia University’s School of Journalism, Higgins has her sights set on being a war correspondent and convinced the higher-ups 25

TOP 10

at the New York Herald Tribune to send her to Europe after a mere two years of employment. She was stationed in London then Paris, eventually landing in Germany in 1945 where she witnessed the liberation of the Dachau concentration camp one month later. She received a U.S. Army campaign ribbon for her assistance during the surrender by its S.S. guards. Shortly after being named chief of the Tribune’s Tokyo bureau, war broke out in Korea—and Higgins wasn’t far behind. General Walton Walker argued that women did not belong at the front and ordered her out of the country. But Higgins did not budge, instead appealing to Walker’s superior officer, the result of which was a telegram stating: Ban on women correspondents in Korea has been lifted. Marguerite Higgins is held in highest professional esteem by everyone. As a result of her work in Korea, Higgins shared with five male war correspondents the 1951 Pulitzer Prize for International Reporting. In 2010, South Korea posthumously 26

March 2015

awarded Higgins with the Order of Diplomatic Service Merit, one of its highest honors, for her bravery in publicizing South Korea’s struggle for survival in the early 1950s.


Frances Perkins (1882–1965)

“The door might not be opened to a woman again for a long, long time, and I had a kind of duty to other women to walk in and sit down on the chair that was offered, and so establish the right of others long hence and far distant in geography to sit in the high seats.” Frances Perkins was the first Commissioner of the New York State Department of Labor and the first female to serve in the U.S. presidential cabinet as the Secretary of Labor. She also served her country in the latter position longer than any other person in history. During her time as Commissioner, Perkins helped New York standout as a leader in the movement for

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progressive reform. As a close confidant of President Franklin D. Roosevelt, Perkins was instrumental in the development of the New Deal coalition, championing for aspects including the Civilian Conservation Corps, the Public Works Administration and its successor the Federal Works Agency and the labor portion of the National Industrial Recovery Act.

Perkins is credited for her work to establish fair labor laws through the Fair Labor Standards Act, which established the first minimum wage and overtime laws for American workers—and the standard 40-hour work week—as well as unemployment benefits, pensions and welfare. She also focused on ending child labor and ensuring safety for all workers, working closely with labor unions to help alleviate strikes and promote fair treatment.


Rosa Parks (1913–2005)

“Each person must live their life as a model for others.”

Frances Perkins (Editorial Credit: John Kropewnicki /

This person—and the reason for her ranking as most influential on our list of woman in the past century—should be relatively obvious to anyone with a knowledge of American history. Certainly not the only African-American to stand-up to the atrocities of the inequality horrendous treatment endured by an entire race, Rosa Parks’ actions 27

TOP 10

on a bus in Montgomery, Alabama, is considered by some to have been the final straw to break the back of injustice. Later referred to as “the first lady of civil rights” and “the mother of the freedom movement” by U.S. Congress, Parks made history on December 1, 1955, when she refused to give up her bus seat to a white passenger, as was the law at that time. This defiant decision caused her to be arrested and fined for violating a city ordinance— and kicked-off an entire movement for civil rights that would ultimately lead to the end of legal segregation in America. Rosa Parks (Editorial Credit: Neftali /


March 2015

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Business execs are inundated with apps that promis consolidate, simplify and streamline but do they reall We found one that does. W R I T T E N B Y: J E N N I F E R W H I T E 30

March 2015



se to ly deliver?


SPECIAL REPORT THE LINE BETWEEN professional and personal can be rather blurry in the cyber world, and the energy expelled by executives in an attempt to separate the two can be exhausting. From maintaining social connections and networking with likeminded professionals to organizing documents and collaborating with colleagues, there are dozens of apps on the market that are ready to provide solutions for every need. But how much time should be spent in an effort to save time? Downloading multiple apps and logging into each as needed can result in more energy and time wasted than saved. Consolidating the multi-step processes we robotically follow and accept as “routine” is much more impactful. Making its debut at the 2015 Consumer Electronics Show in Las Vegas, start-up tech company businessfriend proved to understand the need for consolidation and stepped up with a solution. Alongside the 3D printers, 4D TVs, robots and drones introduced at the 2015 CES was a “professionally social” app with one main goal: simplify your life. 32

March 2015

The ability to switch from mobile to and the interface across all platform

The platform BUSI, or Business Utility with a Social Identity, is essentially a hybrid of the best parts of commonly used apps—both personally as well as professionally. From Facebook and Twitter to LinkedIn and Skype, businessfriend aims to promote the productive and

o computer to tablet and back again is fantastic, ms is familiar and fairly easy to use

remove the excessive. Founder and CEO Glen White described it best: “[businessfriend] is a totally new concept for social networks and content provision, but it’s also a social network with a unified communications platform.” “Most platforms are either social

or business, not both,” continued Leslie Nash, VP marketing communications at the tech company. “businessfriend allows you to have both—so instead of juggling apps to get you through your day (i.e. Go-to-Meeting for screen sharing, LinkedIn for 33

SPECIAL REPORT professional, Facebook for social), you have everything you need in one platform.” The blend of professional and social isn’t a new idea however the line drawn between the two is typically favors one side. With businessfriend, that line is weighted appropriately for today’s executive, offering features such as instant messenger, VoIP calls, video chat, cloud storage, document sharing and contact management in one convenient app. But that’s not all: businessfriend not only offers features and

functions every exec needs, it also allows users to switch from mobile to computer to tablet and back again. Never again miss out on communication while traveling between offices or working from home—the transition is seamless. The BUSI platform is a welcome alternative to excessive app usage in today’s business world. The vibe is more professional than playful but don’t be fooled: The UI is clean, fresh and downright sexy. Download businessfriend today through the App Store or Google Play.

Free cloud storage complements the chat applications, encouraging teams to collaborate online for their work 34

March 2015

T H E O N LY A P P A N E X E C U T I V E N E E D S I N 2 0 1 5


GW Plastics

GW Plastics’ Comprehensive Consistency Moves Company forward, Maintaining Mission and Core Values GW opened for business 60 years ago with just two molding machines and a handful of customers. Today, they rank among the top injection molders in the world with locations in the United States, Mexico and China. Written by: Andrew Rossillo

Produced by: Brian Mooney




W Plastics was founded over a half-century ago in 1955 when two early plastics pioneers, John R. Galvin and Odin A. Westgaard, decided to combine their extensive business and materials engineering experience, and their initials, to start a plastics injection molding firm. After building GW Plastics into one of North America’s premier precision injection molders, they sold the company to Carborundum in 1973. A series of large-company M&A transactions in the 1980s resulted in ownership by Standard Oil of Ohio (Sohio). In 1983, a group of company managers and investors led by Plastics Pioneer Frederic Riehl, purchased GW Plastics from Sohio. In 1998, Brenan Riehl became the President and CEO after an early career with Owens-Illinois and General Electric, assuring a successful leadership transition and continuity of ownership. The company has remained closelyheld, under the same ownership, to this day. “We are a high precision injection molding and contract manufacturing company” said GW 38

March 2015

Plastics’ President & CEO Brenan Riehl. “We make precision injection molded thermoplastic and silicone components as well as completed assemblies primarily for the healthcare, automotive safety critical and industrial markets. The majority of our business is with Fortune 1000 market leaders who we supply on a global basis.” Riehl explained that what the Company primarily does is help their customers achieve a competitive advantage in the marketplace by helping them develop, innovate and manufacture their products. Contributing to GW’s competitive advantage is their experienced workforce and stability of ownership. “We’ve really enjoyed an exceptional period of stability of ownership and leadership with the company,” said Riehl. “We are also fortunate to have a professional leadership team supported by an outstanding Board of Directors and a talented, longtenured workforce. This has allowed us to keep a steady hand on the tiller, and GW on an even keel, as we have traveled through the highs and lows of the economy.” This steadiness throughout the


GW Molding

company has also allowed GW to reinvest back into the business with confidence. “We’re a privately held and financially strong company. We don’t have the burden of chasing quarterly earnings reports. This allows us to invest for the longrun which resonates with our customers,” said Riehl. Consistent Mission The mission of GW Plastics is to manufacture medium- to highvolume, close-tolerance molded components and assemblies. Their emphasis is on profitable growth supported by continuous improvement in all phases of their operations to meet and exceed customer expectations.

“What’s especially notable about our mission and value statement is that it hasn’t changed in over 20 years, which provides some insight into our culture. It has stood up against the test of time. We don’t chase the flavor of the month. Our mission and value statement has provided consistent and steady guidance in how we operate and conduct our business. We always put our associates, customers and integrity first,” said Riehl. GW Plastics’ Mission Statement first commits to stating that people are our most important asset, and that we must treat each other with respect and trust. “We really do take that very seriously from our leadership team through the w w w. g w p l a s t i c s . c o m


Global reach. Local solutions.

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w w w. e n t e c p o l y m e r s . c o m



entire organization. We practice servant leadership at GW, starting with me and flowing throughout the organization,” said Riehl. This approach allows the Company to listen to its associates and to do their best to make sure they address their needs and concerns. As mentioned, what’s especially notable about GW is their longtenured workforce. “We have a remarkably talented and longtenured workforce. For example, last year we recognized two associates with 50-year service awards. We consistently recognize associates with 40-, 30-, 20-year and 10-year

service awards. At the same time, we are hiring new talent to support the growth of our company. We really care about our associates and celebrate their longevity with the company. Experience matters,” said Riehl. GW encourages this longevity by taking care of their associates, by investing in its people. This includes a very strong compensation and benefits program (e.g. profit sharing, 90 percent of healthcare covered, tuition reimbursement, generous 401(k) plan that makes both a fixed and matching contribution) internal and external training, and more. These benefits combine to nurture a



Highly reputed for our experienced sales staff, technical guidance and logistics expertise, customers depend on Entec Polymers to deliver the trusted total solutions that meet their exacting specifications and material needs. - See more at: Website:

w w w. g w p l a s t i c s . c o m


GW Automation

GW PLASTICS truly loyal and engaged workforce. The second pledge of GW’s mission statement reads: “Customers are the only reason for GW’s existence and must be treated as such.” Speaking on this point, Riehl points out that when you get stability of ownership and leadership, paired with a highly trained, motivated and engaged workforce, you get very solid alignment with customers. “We really focus strongly on aligning with our customers. We work hard to make sure we achieve the right fit, so that our business, our culture and our way of working together, which is predominantly a collaborative mindset, aligns well with our customers,” said Riehl. “We work very hard to satisfy our customers. Our focus is really on making sure that we remain exceptionally customer-focused. For all the people of GW, fostering a strong and lasting customer relationship is of the greatest importance.” Furthermore, most of GW’s senior management spends much of its time outside of the office visiting with customers. As


part of that, in-person, quarterly, customer business reviews are strongly encouraged to ensure proper business alignment. “If you look at our customer base, it’s composed primarily of Fortune 1000 companies, where we are the preferred supplier to most, and where we have customer relationships that typically exceed 10 years. That’s of critical importance to us,” said Riehl. GW’s third element of their mission statement reads: “Quality of product and services is the number one priority. We must strive for excellence in everything we do.” As such, quality is a very high priority for the Company, starting from Riehl and reaching throughout the Company. Their focus on quality is intense to the degree that it challenges every employee in every department of the Company. The fourth component of GW’s mission statement holds that “Profits and enhanced shareholder value are absolutely essential to the success of the company.” “GW has never shown a net-income loss in its history,” said Riehl. “We’re responsible financial stewards, w w w. g w p l a s t i c s . c o m



GW Medical Device Contract Assembly

working very carefully to ensure that we’re here today, and we’ll be here tomorrow for our customers and shareholders. We manage the Company in such a way that we encourage consistent performance year-over-year.” This echoes very well not just with GW employees and shareholders, but with its customers and suppliers as well, since it serves as an indicator that GW can be relied upon. Furthermore, a majority of GW’s growth has been organic, versus pursuing a serial M&A strategy choosing to grow in a responsible, planned fashion, avoiding undue risk that would jeopardize the Company, their supply chain or their customers. “Not too many 44

March 2015

companies can show that they’ve never had a loss, particularly a company that’s been in business as long as we have,” said Riehl. This enables GW to reinvest back into the business with confidence, supporting the ability to grow with their customers, and be where they are needed throughout the world. The final element of the Company’s mission statement reads: “Integrity is a must in all of our dealings. We are a Company of great integrity — our word is our bond,” said Riehl. “We work very hard internally as well as with our customers, practicing what we preach, so that our employees and customers can trust each other.”


Investments GW has invested responsibly, but aggressively over the years to support their customers’ needs. “In the area of process consistency and process control, we’ve had a very aggressive investment strategy with regard to making sure we have state-of-the-art injection molding equipment to match our customers’ objectives and give them a competitive advantage, both in terms of productivity and quality,” said Riehl. GW also invests heavily in new technology. “We’re one of the few companies that have an advanced in-house tooling capability where we make our own molds; both here in the U.S. and in Asia,” said Riehl. “We’ve also invested very

heavily in multi-shot molding, liquid silicone rubber molding, clean room contract manufacturing and automation to improve process consistency and control.” “We also have a high level of standardization from plant to plant, whether it’s in Bethel, Vermont or Dongguan, China. When you walk into any GW facility, you see the same clean, environmentally controlled and high-tech facility, highlighting our investment commitment to standardization of facilities, equipment, systems and procedures. We are the manufacturing cousins of successful, standardized franchisees like Starbucks or McDonalds said Riehl. w w w. g w p l a s t i c s . c o m



In-house Training Supporting GW’s strategic investments and critical mission statement commitments is the Company’s comprehensive dedication to in-house training. Underlining the importance for internal training, Riehl pointed out that the United States workforce is losing a significant amount of highly experienced and talented people to retirement, making it increasingly more challenging to replace those skilled individuals and fill the gaps they’re leaving in the workforce, “GW recognized this many years ago, and began investing heavily in workforce training. Specifically, we have a long-standing apprenticeship 46

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program in our tooling areas. We’ve also invested heavily in some very innovative training and recruiting initiatives. With respect to recruiting, we started the GW School of Tech this year. Essentially, it’s an on-site high school accredited program where we bring in high school students into our facility; with high school teacher support. The students spend two days a week for an entire semester, learning about manufacturing.” One of the things the Company is trying to accomplish through this program is to get young people interested in manufacturing again. GW has also formed relationships with local tech schools in Vermont,


partnering with them and offering very generous, targeted scholarships, both for two- and fouryear technical degrees including paid internships. When certain criteria are met within this process, GW then offers employment at the Company. Extending the reach of and bolstering these efforts, Riehl said, “we are also working closely with Vermont state leaders and educators to help students earn free two-year associates degrees in technical fields.” In addition, GW also has a number of internal training programs. “Two years ago, we started a program called the GW Certified Manufacturing Technician Program. As part of this, we’ve partnered with Vermont Technical College, which is one of the finest technical colleges in New England. This program includes one class per semester for four years, covering a technical curriculum that helps GW employees become more effective in their roles within the Company. In addition to certification and increased proficiency in their role, those who successfully complete the program are awarded with a substantial increase in pay. With GW Plastics’ stability of ownership, professional leadership team and experienced workforce promoting a culture of customer focus, collaboration, continuous improvement, and adherence to core values GW is well positioned to continue on its steady course of growth and success.

Company Information INDUSTRY

Manufacturing HEADQUARTERS



Not Disclosed REVENUE


Plastics, Manufacturing

w w w. g w p l a s t i c s . c o m


Amaray Plastics How Lean Manufacturing Drives Profits In a Streaming World

Despite the world turning to online venues for movies and TV shows, Amaray’s production of disc boxes continues to grow and add profit to the company. Written by: Laura Close Produced by: Brian Mooney




s one of the highest volume producers of plastic components and assemblies, Amaray Plastics knows its business is driven by customer experience and therefore sets out to achieve extreme customer satisfaction as a focused solutions provider bringing insight, innovation and cost effective manufacturing alternatives within select markets where need for millions or billions of parts produced to exacting, repeatable tolerances exists. Amaray’s multinational manufacturing operations, working to standardized processes and 50

March 2015

procedures, enable them to provide all levels of project support with consistent quality and production outputs. Customer service, quality, advanced manufacturing technology, an informed, engaged workforce and innovation serve as the pillars for the company. As part of Greenwich, CT based Atlas Holdings, Amaray is a wellfunded organization poised for growth and diversification. As the long term, global leader in the molding of polypropylene boxes for discs that contain movies, games and software, Amaray is one of the best companies in the


world at high volume, highly automated, highly efficient injection molded plastic products. Now Amaray is charting new courses for growth and diversification leveraging the foundation that has led to its success in their primary market. Jim Sykes was brought aboard as President and CEO in April 2014 to lead the growth charter. Sykes, a recognized industry leader, was employed by Nypro Inc. for the prior 22 years. In a variety of commercial and operational roles, he successfully spearheaded new Nypro business growth in the consumer electronics space from its inception to nearly $700M annually. “Amaray has amassed 323 patents spanning 25 countries in the area of media package manufacturing,” shared Sykes. “The standard polypropylene box today is 42 percent lighter than 10 years

“Amaray’s drive into lean manufacturing stems from the aggressive market demands that they were under in the home entertainment or media packaging world with the erosion in that area” – Jim Sykes, president of Amaray Plastics

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A M A R AY P L A S T I C S ago. Innovation and continuous said Sykes. “Our roots are in the improvement is the genesis of where manufacture of home entertainment we come from.” or media packaging. “Amaray is one of the few global Profitability in a Streaming injection molders that have been World able to sustain profitably in this A decade ago, media packaging space. We will continue to focus was the main source of revenue for on this massive market, increasing dozens of companies around the share and extending product and world. However, with the growing service offerings. We have formed movement of people acquiring and empowered a dedicated global content digitally, the industry is now team of commercial and technical experiencing erosion. talents to forge and execute our “We’re a company in transition,” winning strategies on this front. As

Rick Mossback, CFO: “…by improving our system we have grown to about five times the total shipments in the last three years with the same staff level controlling inventory…”

Jeff Deeley, Warehouse Manager: “Today we might audit almost 500 storage locations before finding a single stock level error…”


in all of our multinational enterprise, we will maintain our competitive advantage through innovation, ingenuity, customer orientation Lean manufacturing processes, and increased integration of automation.” Progressive Lean strategies have helped with this transition. “Amaray’s drive into Lean manufacturing stems from the aggressive market demands that we were under in the home entertainment or media packaging world,” said Sykes. Employees are trained in Lean concepts and team events are held regularly to engage everyone in the process. Over the past few years, Amaray’s Lean journey has included Kaizen events targeting particular areas of opportunity. The organization also maintains formal, robust, cross functional continuous improvement and 5S programs. These programs involve every department within the company, but generally have registered the most profound impact in the manufacturing area. Ted Brown, a 13 year Amaray veteran, was responsible for originating many of

the companies structured efficiency programs over the years. Recently, Brown was promoted from VP North America to the global Chief Operations Officer role. Brown commented “Aggressively driving opportunities for operational efficiency gains, waste reduction and lower cost has long been part of the Amaray DNA. Our formal programs in this regard, now in their 11th year, continue to evolve and gain momentum. They have been the cornerstone of our success here at Amaray.” Although Amaray remains profitable in the media market, the company has turned an aggressive focus toward diversification. Dedicated business development and program management resources with strong experience and networks in new industries were hired in both Europe and USA in 2014. These folks are charged with the responsibility of securing additional products and customers that will benefit from the ultra-precision, low labor content manufacturing environment. Primary applications sought will likely involve technologies which Amaray has pioneered in the Media market; w w w . a m a r a y. c o m


A M A R AY P L A S T I C S living hinges, snap closures, high volume products lending themselves to highly automated secondary operations. Jamie Tinsley, Managing Director of Amaray Europe added “The team focused on Develop and Diversify is now in place across Europe and the USA; a blend of creative, innovative and commercial talent with a broad experience across many sectors, focused entirely on the delivery of new products, developing new market sectors and adding value for Amaray and its Customers. We have set ambitious targets as far as business forward growth plans, but the focus and drive shown over the past couple of quarters is delivering tangible benefits. We encourage market leading brands to talk with us, challenge Amaray to review its products, packaging and services and let us show you how Amaray can add value.”


Technology like InterNetworX’s ShopWorX ERP manufacturing software package helps Amaray’s Elizabethtown, KY and Pittsfield, MA facilities with planning, manufacturing, scheduling, costing, accounting and customer support. InterNetworkX tailored ShopWorX ERP specifically for the company to help develop automated palletizing as well as a warehouse inventory control system utilizing barcoding to minimize labor while maximizing accuracy. Amaray’s finished goods inventory accuracy has increased from sub 90 to 99 percent+ since the implementation. In addition, Amaray continues to increase their value added manufacturing services connected to the molding machine via an inline, automated approach. Hot stamping, pad printing, ultrasonic welding, thermal welding, InMold Labeling (IML), mechanical

“Aggressively driving opportunities for operational efficiency gains, waste reduction and lower cost has long been part of the Amaray DNA.” – Ted Brown, COO of Amaray Plastics w w w . a m a r a y. c o m



assembly and PSA application are all conducted at the molding machine, within cycle time with zero labor content. Ted Brown stated, “Over the years we have demonstrated a nearly flawless track record in integrating new technologies and ramping them to high volumes within project time and cost constraints.” Meeting its organic growth and acquisition goals will help Amaray remain profitable in the digital era. The company is poised for acquisitions. In the short term Amaray is actively seeking to 56

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purchase smaller injection molding companies in Western Europe and North America where adjacent capabilities or solid customer relationships can be obtained. Green Partnership with Major Studios As mentioned earlier, a big part of Amaray’s business is customer satisfaction. One of the company’s latest green initiatives was prompted by listening and responding to customer requests. One of major objectives of the film studios is to fill the retail pipeline


channels with movies and TV shows. However, filling these channels is based on demand speculation. If consumer demand doesn’t meet expectations, studios must take back the unsold products. “That take-back of inventory was causing pain among our major customers, the studios that produce these pictures,” said Sykes. “Based on that pain point, Amaray, three years ago, instituted recycling centers within our major U.S. and UK operations. “What happens now, the undersold product from the market comes back to the Amaray factories where we do a complete tear down and then we re-grind and re-process the plastic materials back into new cases.”

Company Information INDUSTRY

Manufacturing HEADQUARTERS

45 Downing Industrial Park Pittsfield, MA, USA, 01201 FOUNDED



For The Future Amaray has very ambitious plans for growth and is preparing to triple in size over the next five years. Sykes expects that half of this growth will be organic from current factories; the other half will potentially be through strategic acquisitions that will be complementary to Amaray’s services. “To sustain, increase share and remain profitable in this market, it comes down to: how can we continuously innovate, optimize manufacturing efficiency and drive lowest system cost?” With leverage on raw materials unlike we’ve seen at any other company and a laser focus on customer satisfaction, Amaray is in a good position to meet these aggressive goals.



w w w . a m a r a y. c o m


American Apparel Inc. Superior Supplier in Combat and Utility Uniforms

American Apparel Inc. was recently named Gold Star Superior Supplier by the Defense Logistics Agency Written by: Robert Spence Produced by: Jason Wright


A M E R I C A N A P PA R E L I N C .

American Apparel employee applying genuine care to their work


or the last 25 years, American Apparel Inc. has been an industry leader in manufacturing combat and utility uniforms for the Department of Defense. Headquartered in Selma, Alabama, the manufacturing company prides itself on providing stellar performance in quality and delivery, while being highly automated and efficient. And it’s paying off. Gold Superior Supplier Award 60

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The Defense Logistics Agency (DLA) recently named American Apparel Inc. as a top performing supply contractor, awarding the company with its coveted Gold Star Award. DLA considered 153 of its parts and commodity suppliers with the largest contracts that have done business with the agency over the past two years. “We are honored to be selected for this award and it is a tribute to the attitude and effort of all our employees. American has been a


American Apparel Inc. was recently named Gold Star Superior Supplier by the Defense Logistics Agency

major supplier of military uniforms for over 25 years and our employees take a tremendous pride in the support of the Warfighter,” said Chuck Lambert, Chief Operating Officer for American Apparel. “To be honest, we’ve never focused on the award, but to even be in the same discussions associated with the other Gold Star companies on the list is most humbling.” The award designation is part of the DLA’s Superior Supplier Incentive Program (SSIP), which is designed to incentivize contractor performance by identifying suppliers with the highest rankings in areas such as cost, schedule, performance, quality, and business relations. According to Lambert, winning the award has created an attitude within our organization that it

“Our QMS is maintained and continually improved through the use of quality objectives, internal audits, data analysis, corrective action and management review.” – Chuck Lambert, Chief Operating Officer for American Apparel

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A M E R I C A N A P PA R E L I N C . can be recognized when it puts forth the additional effort it takes to be at the top of your game. “We are by no means perfect, and learn from our weaknesses each day. It just helps all of our employees to understand by working together and communicating to each other so we can continue to grow and be successful.” Operations American Apparel employs just under 500 employees in three

facilities in Alabama. Historically, the facilities have been located in small communities where apparel cut and sew operation had previously operated during the 1980s and 90s. The company is currently positioning itself to be available for potential upswings in product lines and begin an effort to work with all other prime contract holders to create partnerships and to further stabilize production facilities. “Through these efforts, we were able to capture a new contract on


Long-term customer relationships are as important as the fabrics we make.

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manufactures battle dress uniform fabrics for US prime government contractors and supplies material for US Army ACU, US Marine Corp MCCUU, US Air Force ABU and US Navy NWU. In addition, Carlisle Finishing has been engaged in supply contracts in South America and countries in the Middle East. Other Divisions : • Raeford • Uniform & Career Apparel • Contract Fabrics • Barrier • Menswear • Activewear • Safety Components Carlisle Finishing LLC


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Marine Corps trousers that allowed us to reopen our trouser facility in Opp, Alabama, which had previously been closed in 2013,” said Lambert. “We have 70 employees back in the facility with plans to add an additional 50-75 in the weeks to come.” Along with a steady workforce, another thing that sets the company apart from competitors is Technology. The company has a proprietary application called American Apparel Information Management System (AAIMS). “The AAIMS system tracks our manufacturing process starting with the order entry and cut planning. This information then drives all the raw material purchasing, labor planning, and cut generation,” said Lambert. “All along the way, the system ensures that we have the contract cost accounting information that is needed by us and our customers.” In addition, American Apparel integrates various systems to ensure standards are consistently met. According to Lambert, the company’s success is based on the belief and understanding of a strong Quality Management System (QMS). “Our QMS is maintained and continually improved through the use of quality objectives, internal audits, data analysis, corrective action and management review,” said Lambert.

American Apparel works with prime contract holders to create partnerships and to further stabilize production facilities

Future plans American Apparel is currently working with the DLA Troop Support to help with the production

– Chuck Lambert, Chief Operating Officer for American Apparel

“We are honored to be selected for this award and it is a tribute to the attitude and effort of all our employees. American has been a major supplier of military uniforms for over 25 years and our employees take a tremendous pride in the support of the Warfighter”

w w w. a m a p p i n c . c o m


A M E R I C A N A P PA R E L I N C .

American Apparel’s shop floor features prime organization for optimized operations 64

March 2015


of new Army Combat Uniforms (ACU), which is implementing a new camouflage pattern for all combat uniforms worn by the Army personnel. The company is also working to reduce the labor content of the products it produces, and automation has been a strong focal point. “One of the major considerations in evaluating automation is the quantity to be produced and over what time period. Obviously, the larger the requirement the more feasible it is for the purchase and payback. Our plans for the future regarding expansion or capital expenditures will solely be determined by the requirement of the Department of Defense,” said Lambert. Over the last two years the industry has gone through some extremely tough challenges, according to Lambert, and the overall reduction in requirements of uniforms has had a major impact. “While we understand and support small business, there is a concern as to whether the shrinking industrial base and the financial stability of some small businesses will drastically impact the ability of DLA Troop Support to meet the requirements if the U.S. military is needed in a time of war.” “We have a great working relationship with the people at DLA Troop Support in Philadelphia that is the contracting office for most of our production and feel very comfortable with our position for the future,” adds Lambert.

Company Information INDUSTRY

Manufacturing HEADQUARTERS

P.O. Box 1310 Selma, Alabama, United States, 36702 FOUNDED



w w w. a m a p p i n c . c o m


Wiring Harness Manufacturers Association

WHMA is the only organization exclusively serving manufacturers of wiring harnesses, electronic cable assemblies, and cord sets, along with their suppliers and distributors. Written by: Rick Bromm, Chairman of the Board

Produced by: Brian Mooney



The Wiring Harness Manufacturers Association (WHMA) was established in 1993. WHMA is the only organization exclusively serving manufacturers of wiring harnesses, electronic cable assemblies, and cord sets, along with their suppliers and distributors. WHMA members have banded together as a not-forprofit association in the spirit of volunteerism and mutual benefit to provide the only industry forum through which member companies can aggressively solve both their specific problems and also address pressing industry issues. 68

March 2015

The WHMA is dedicated to providing our members the technical support, access to leading edge technology, benchmarking and the ability to network with the leaders of the wire processing equipment, services and manufacturing. The WHMA connects members to resources that make them industry leaders. The organization is currently comprised with over 200 manufacturing companies and 45 suppliers to the industry. Back in 2002, WHMA and IPC, an Association Connecting Electronics Industries, created a partnership to develop and market the A-620


Standard for the industry. This standard prescribes practices and requirements for the manufacture of cable, wire and harness assemblies. The standard describes materials, methods, tests and acceptability criteria for producing crimped, mechanically secured, or soldered interconnections and the related assembly activities associated with cable and harness assemblies. Any method that produces an assembly conforming to the acceptability requirements described in this standard may be used. IPC/WHMA-A-620 describes acceptability criteria for crimped, mechanically secured and soldered interconnection and the corresponding lacing/restraining criteria associated with cable and harness assemblies. Revision B of the standard was published in October 2012. . These criteria are supported by a hard copy book and a DVD with 682 full-color illustrations. Revision B, was developed during a six-year process by members from user and supplier companies, represents a consensus among industry leaders. The IPC

Wire Harness Acceptability Task Group of the Product Assurance Committee and the Wire Harness Manufacturers’ Association Industry Technical Guidelines Committee prepared this standard. An industry developed and approved program that includes training, certification and instructional materials based on the IPC/WHMA-A-620B is available to WHMA companies. Thousands of individuals have been trained to be IPC/WHMA-A-620 Certified IPC Trainers (CIT). A comprehensive and technically accurate program, IPC/WHMA-A-620 Training and Certification provides Certified IPC Trainers with high quality materials and detailed instructional plans that have been used for training Certified IPC Application Specialists (CIS) at all levels, including buyers, sales teams and management. More than 20,000 A-620 Application Specialists have been trained. Certification demonstrates commitment to customer requirements and greatly facilitates certification to ISO Certification or other quality assurance initiatives. By having earned this portable w w w. w h m a . o r g



credential, members receive immediate recognition, legitimacy and value throughout the electronics industry. The IPC/WHMA-A-620 training and certification program has two tiers of instruction. Certified IPC Trainer candidates are sent by their parent companies to receive 70

March 2015

intensive training and are then certified to provide Application Specialist training. • Certified IPC Trainers will participate in a week-long program that has 29 instructional hours. An optional eight hour hands-on course is available. • Application Specialist training


is modular and training/certification can be limited to the topics specific to an individual’s work requirements. In addition to receiving a 50% discount on all A-620 Standard training materials, members of WHMA receive a full portfolio of member benefits. One of the most beneficial member benefits is the knowledge exchange of best practices through peer networking at the annual WHMA conference and online throughout the year on our robust list serv. The three day conference is held every February, bringing together industry leaders together to discuss market trends and new technologies. Members are always looking for new sources of business. To facilitate this need, the WHMA lists on its website an online directory by market segments that is promoted to OEM’s and other potential new customers. WHMA also invites members to participate in the annual Benchmark Survey to help them better manage their company and maximize profits by comparing their performance metrics against others in the industry. To learn more about WHMA you can go to or contact Jim Manke, Executive Director at 763.235.6482 / jrmanke@ or Rick Bromm, Chairman of the Board at (800) 783-2589 /

Company Information INDUSTRY

Wire and Cable Manufacturers Association HEADQUARTERS

Maple Grove, MN FOUNDED

May 1993 MEMBERS


w w w. w h m a . o r g


Walsh Construction – Zoo Interchange Project

How Walsh Construction Helped Restore the Oldest Roadway in Wisconsin A strong management team and an unwavering commitment to safety have helped Walsh complete two high-profile projects for the Zoo Interchange ReConstruction Project. Written by: Laura Close

Produced by: Tom Venturo


WA L S H C O N S T R U C T I O N – Z O O I N T E R C H A N G E P R O J E


alsh Construction’s strong management team and dedication to safety has guided this Chicago, Illinois company to success since 1898. The company— with experience in a wide variety of building, civil and transportation sector jobs—has two current projects within the Zoo Interchange Program, the oldest and currently the busiest interchange in the state of Wisconsin. Walsh’s Involvement on the Zoo Interchange Project The reconstruction of the interchange, which forms the junction of I-94, I-894 and US 45, will take place over five years, with between $1.6 and $1.8 billion invested in the program. Walsh has won two contracts for projects: 76th Street Bridge 74

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valued at $31 million, the other I-94 UPRR/STH 100 at $73 million. The 76th Street Bridge Project was substantially complete on Nov 7, 2014 and the I-94 UPRR/ STH 100 Project completed Dec 19th, 2014. The scope of work was very diverse, including nearly 6 million pounds of structural steel, 2.5 million pounds of steel reinforcement bar, 11,000 cubic yards of structural concrete, 200,000 cubic yards of earthwork, as well as 65 fully cased drilled shafts—eight of which were pier shafts for the railroad. The company was one of only three contractors that were pre-qualified to perform this work for the State of Wisconsin on the Zoo Interchange Project. “The drilled shafts required a considerable amount of testing,” said Phil Griffith, project

“We’re going to continue to pursue Projects in Wisconsin, we believe it to be a strong construction market with many opportunities, in fact there are several future projects that are currently on our radar” – Griffith concluded

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WA L S H C O N S T R U C T I O N – Z O O I N T E R C H A N G E P R O J E manager. “We had to provide test shafts to the owner for both of diameters to prove means and methods. The acceptance of the test shafts as well production shafts included CSL testing, or crosshole sonic logging, TIP testing which consists of a thermal integrity profile of the shaft and base grouting was required for the pier shafts. All this under the very strict requirements of the railroad and the State DOT.” This project also included the installation of nearly a mile of 96” inch storm sewer along the right-of-way for I-94. The plans actually called for the storm sewer to be 90 inch, however we approached the state to increase the size of the pipe

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to a standard pipe size of 90 inch, thereby increasing production speed and decreasing costs. The project on Highway 100 was a complete demolition and reconstruction effort. The fourspan bridge was reconstructed as a five-span bridge. The south end of the bridge was moved back approximately 100 feet. Several different retaining walls were utilized throughout construction and in the finished product, including drilled secant pile, MSE, temporary wire walls, soldier pile and lagging with cast-in-place facing, steel sheeting, temporary soldier pile and lagging (both cantilevered and with tiebacks), gabion walls . Although Walsh is a general


construction company that does the majority of its own work, Walsh subcontracted much of the structural work to Zenith Tech, Inc. and the earthwork to C.W. Purpero with the idea of partnering with strong local Contractors on this fast paced and challenging construction project “We looked around, talked to several different companies: companies that we went with provided competitive pricing and we recognized that they had a strong local workforce in the Milwaukee area,” said Griffith. “They had familiarity with the work and the DOT and had management, crews and equipment ready to go, which was important on a Project this w w w. w a l s h g ro u p . c o m


WA L S H C O N S T R U C T I O N – Z O O I N T E R C H A N G E P R O J E

size and schedule. We thought that they would help on a project of this size and time frame. Overall it was a good relationship, we were satisfied with the quality of work they did, we had no issues with their safety culture and they were able to maintain the aggressive schedule. Severe weather, specifically during the winter of 2013 into 2014, created a big challenge for the Project. “[The bad weather] actually delayed the starting of the steel fabrication, the steel was ordered 78

March 2015

in October and November,” shared Griffith. “The job was bid in late September and the heavy snow in northwest Indiana and throughout the region combined with the bitter cold delayed in making it to the fabricator shop. The steel was actually sitting on railroad cars for six to eight weeks in some instances unable to be unloaded or delivered because of high snowfall amounts and cold weather.” The Importance of Safety Safety on any project this size is



paramount, and Walsh Construction understood this from the get-go. Prior to starting each activity the Project team completes a Work Plan which includes aspects of scope of work, materials, tools, equipment, safety and quality. In addition, daily meetings to discuss the work for the day allowed the project team to cover the safety requirements. “This gives everyone a chance to ask questions about what they’re supposed to be doing, and to make sure they have the right equipment and tools for the job and to make sure they are completing their goals safely,” shared Griffith. Once a week, members of the entire Walsh project team meet (management and field personnel) on the jobsite to discuss the safety topic of the week as well as the quality focus and any upcoming major activities. A separate event, Safety Week, allowed everyone at Walsh as well as subcontractors to participate in training, relevant safety discussions and to win safety awards. In the Future |Walsh’s completion of these two projects showcases the company’s capabilities for future projects, and the company isn’t planning on slowing down anytime soon. “We’re going to continue to pursue Projects in Wisconsin, we believe it to be a strong construction market with many opportunities, in fact there are several future projects that are currently on our radar” Griffith concluded.

Company Information INDUSTRY


929 West Adams, Chicago, Illinois, US, 60607 FOUNDED





w w w. w a l s h g ro u p . c o m


Carolinas AGC CAGC Author: Lori McGovern



Pinnacle Awards


he rebounding construction industry in North and South Carolina has already seen some major investments in infrastructure, such as the recently completed Raleigh-Durham International Airport terminal modernization, a $68 million project. A recently completed 20year South Carolina Department of Transportation Commission study found a $29.54 billion gap in funding for transit needs over the next 20 years, making future funding for infrastructure projects an even greater emphasis for the industry. The Carolinas Associated General Contractors (CAGC) lobbies for funding of building, highway and 82

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utility construction projects, and supports its members through tools and resources to help the industry thrive. Since 1920, CAGC has worked to help members influence, plan, grow and connect to other contractors in the Carolinas and beyond. CAGC is a trade association for general contractors, specialty contractors, suppliers and service providers who work in the commercial construction industry throughout North Carolina and South Carolina. Lobbying On Our Members’ Behalf CAGC has four full-time staff lobbyists who, along with members’


assistance, lobby on behalf of the commercial construction industry. In North Carolina, CAGC led efforts to enact legislation that resulted in a legislative study of the multibillion-dollar need for public building and utility construction work and permanent funding sources through the year 2025, as well as a new law that takes North Carolina from one of the weakest states to perhaps the strongest state concerning underground safety and damage prevention involving construction. In the upcoming North Carolina legislative session beginning in March 2015, CAGC will work with the transportation coalition it cofounded, NC Go!, to secure longneeded additional transportation funding revenue to support a sustainable North Carolina Department of Transportation program of delivering needed transportation projects and associated maintenance activities. In South Carolina, CAGC was instrumental in the passage of a $600 million road funding package, which includes $50 million in recurring funds allocated to the State Infrastructure Bank to be

bonded for $500 million, $50 million in one-time funds to be used for bridge repair, and moves half of the sales tax on automobiles to the Highway Fund on a recurring basis, generating approximately $41 million annually-- the first increase in highway funds in 20 years! Carolinas Construction Projects Other exciting construction projects that have been completed or are nearing completion include the I-485 turbine interchange in Charlotte, the I-77 toll road from Charlotte to Lake Norman, and major investments from Duke Energy in North Carolina and Boeing in South Carolina. Projects like these are making a big impact on the industry. But more funding and projects need to be planned to ensure prevention of ailing infrastructure in the future. Carolinas AGC will continue its crusade to bring positive impact to the Carolinas for its members and the entire construction industry. Recognition of Members’ Good Work In recognition of the great work by members, CAGC honors stellar w w w. c a g c . o r g



construction projects with the CAGC Pinnacle Awards, the most prestigious recognition in the Carolinas construction industry. The awards honor the work of general contractors and their partners, and projects are awarded in the building, highway, and utility construction categories. A panel of CAGC member representatives evaluates the work of their peers


March 2015

and winning projects are celebrated at CAGC’s Annual Convention each year. Along with the Best Building Project Award, the Best Utility Project Award, and the Best Highway Project Award, CAGC also recognizes the contributions of a non-contractor individual for his or her role in advancing the construction industry and the overall Carolinas economic welfare. This


distinguished Build With The Best Award honors individuals from outside the industry altogether or from a Carolinas AGC supplier/service company member. In 2013, this honor was bestowed on North Carolina Representative Mike Hager, who led efforts to rewrite the state’s underground safety/damage prevention laws. Together with members, Carolinas AGC provides a strong voice in the legislature, advances construction companies, unifies the industry and fuels its future. With 30 volunteerled committees and five Divisions (representing building, utility, highway, and specialty contractors and supplier/service providers), CAGC provides many opportunities to directly impact the direction of the construction industry in the Carolinas. The CAGC Foundation, Inc. supports the future of the industry through workforce development programs as well as safety, leadership and craftworker education and training. Preparing a qualified workforce continues to be a focus of the Foundation, as a recent Associated General Contractors of America study found that 83 percent of construction firms report having trouble finding qualified workers to meet the growing demand for construction services. Hear about the latest CAGC initiatives or learn more about membership at

Company Information INDUSTRY


Charlotte, NC

w w w. c a g c . o r g


a subsidiary of

Lundin Mining –

Eagle Mine Creating a Legacy at Eagle Mine As sole owner, developer and operator of the Eagle Mine, Lundin Mining is creating a legacy of responsible mining Written by: Robert Spence

Produced by: Bobby Meehan



Drill Core

Situated in the western Marquette County of Michigan’s Upper Peninsula, Lundin Mining’s Eagle Mine is gearing up for an exciting 2015 year. The underground nickel and copper mine, which was purchased in 2013 from Rio Tinto, has produced more than 218,642 tons of nickel and copper ore since commencing production in July 2014. Over its estimated eight year lifecycle, the mine is expected to produce 360 million pounds of nickel, 295 pounds of copper and small amounts of other metals. In building Michigan’s first 88

March 2015

new mine in decades, Lundin is dedicated to safety, protecting the environment and putting local people to work. The mine has been a shining example of the legacy Lundin Mining is striving to create. Creating a legacy Founded in 1994 and headquartered in Toronto, Canada, Lundin Mining Corp. is a metals mining company with operations and development projects in Chile, Portugal, Sweden, Spain and the United States, producing copper, zinc, lead and nickel. Lundin also has a 24% interest in the Tenke Fungurume in


Ball Mills

the DRC and 24% interest in the Kokkola Refinery in Finland. Both with Freeport. Lundin’s goal for Eagle was to build, operate and close a low cost, efficient modern mine. Because company-community relations were strained from inception, the company recognized it needed to be transparent with the community. “We set out to be very transparent with the community and make this project a two-way engagement,” says Mike Welch, General Manager of Eagle Mine. In the beginning of 2010, the company commissioned a series of focus groups to identify the issues of importance to the community when it came to new mining projects. The series was facilitated by external consultants with the aim to assist Eagle Mine

“It’s about boots on the ground, it’s about engagement, it’s about positive reinforcement, and it’s about understanding how they do their job” – Mike Welch, General Manager of Eagle Mine

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Building the Midwest Bacco Construction Company, Michigan’s oldest prequalified contractor, is very proud to be an integral part of the Upper Michigan’s rich mining history. Bacco Construction’s unique array of expertise surpassed the Eagle Mine’s needs for an all-encompassing contractor. Upper Michigan and Northern Wisconsin’s best choice for comprehensive mine site development.

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Bacco Construction Company, a contractor established in 1915 and incorporated since 1930, is Michigan’s oldest Department of Transportation prequalified contractor and is once again very proud to be an integral part of the Upper Peninsula of Michigan’s rich mining history. Bacco Construction Company began ground breaking operations in July 2010 for the Eagle Mine portal in the Yellow Dog Plains of Marquette County and continued with mine site development. Upon building a great working relationship with Eagle Mine representatives, the scope of work Email: for Bacco Construction expanded onto the Humboldt | Mill ore processing facility development which will be completed with final pavement and restoration in the spring of 2015. Bacco Construction Company is a proud partner and supporter of the mining industry. Bacco Construction’s wide range of construction methodology and all-encompassing capabilities pairs extremely well with the needs for establishing mine site facilities. The vast array of construction expertise for the Eagle Mine includes: mass excavation, landfill construction, crushing operations, piping and utility placement, GPS mapping, concrete and foundation work, multi-plate culvert/portal construction, concrete and asphalt pavements, rail spur construction, and site restoration. Bacco Construction Company also completed 12 miles of entirely new roadway construction and 22 miles of reconstruction as part of a joint venture to service the Eagle Mine. Bacco Construction Company is Upper Michigan and Northern Wisconsin’s best and only choice when it comes to comprehensive mine site development. Website:

LUNDIN MINING – EAGLE MINE in understanding the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats of mining from the community’s perspective. The focus groups ultimately provided a social baseline of the views the community held about new mining projects in the region. “I think every operation has to look at what their own community’s concerns and interests are, and what is the best way for all parties to communicate,” says Welch. “We now do these focus groups every two years and we keep building that knowledge capacity to understand what the community concerns are and how we can improve our performance in the community.” Secondary initiatives With constructive feedback from the focus groups, Eagle Mine has developed environmental and


community programs aimed at addressing the community’s interest. In an effort to build community trust and confidence, the company has developed a community scorecard which allows community members to rate Eagle’s performance in five areas– environmental performance, local hire, safety, communication and engagement, and community development. During town hall meetings community members receive an update on Eagle’s operation, ask mine representatives questions and then use electronic clickers to score the company’s performance as: “exceeds expectations”, “meets expectations”, “below expectations”, or “need more information”. The scoring is provided real-time during the meetings – for complete transparency the results go up on a screen for everyone

“We now do these focus groups every two years and we keep building that knowledge capacity to understand what the community concerns are and how we can improve our performance in the community” w w w. e a g l e m i n e . c o m


Industrial Services, Inc.

Our core mining management staff has more than 150 years combined mine maintenance, operations and repairs in mining and mine processing facilities. A FULL SERVICE HEAVY INDUSTRIAL GENERAL CONTRACTOR

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LUNDIN MINING – EAGLE MINE in the room to see. After scoring, community members are asked for comments on how the company can improve or what else they would like to see from Eagle. Next, the company takes the results and publishes them on their website and in the local paper. If there are areas of improvement identified, Eagle creates an improvement plan and publishes that too. Every six months the company will go back to the community and conduct the scorecard again. “Historically, there have been



perceived risks to such an open and frank style of communication, however that has not been a consideration and all our efforts have been of full value,” says Welch. He added, “For us, this works. The community has appreciated the opportunity for two-way dialog and as time moves on, community concerns have dampened. People have come up to us and thanked us for the transparency of the project. This has helped build more trust in our community relationships.” Taking it a step further, Eagle helped develop an independent


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together, we improve safety, productivity, and quality results. When operational performance is a priority… How do we help companies across North America improve operational or financial performance in a sustainable way? By empowering their people to lead and make the changes needed in both systems and behaviors. We accomplish this by combining consulting, coaching, and training to integrate “soft” with “hard” skills. Get your ROI fast. We achieve our agreed-upon return on investment, often before our mandate is completed. And your people’s self-reliant, continuous-improvement approach sustains your results long after we’ve left. Unleash your people’s potential. Unleash your organization’s results. For a free consultation on how we can help you and your organization reach and sustain world-class results, contact us today.


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program to conduct environmental monitoring of its mining operation. The program is called the Community Environmental Monitoring Program (CEMP) and it provides the community with third party verification monitoring at the mine, mill and along the transportation route. The program is administered by the Marquette County Community Foundation (MCCF) and the Superior Watershed Partnership (SWP) who work in unison to monitor Eagle’s environmental performance. MCCF provides an oversight board and serves as the pass-through of funds from Eagle to SWP while SWP is responsible for monitoring the company’s environmental performance. All together the program serves to strengthen relationships in the community and build


County Road 550 Marquette County


Employees: 15 Established: 1998 Industry: We’re in the professional services industry and specialize in Training, Consulting and Coaching in best practice management and leadership development. Services: Improve operational and financial performance by implementing best practice management systems and leadership behaviors using a “fit for purpose” approach combining training, consulting and coaching. Management: Pierre Capistran, Managing Partner Allain Boutot, Director of Operations Anne-Michele Bissonnette , Director of Finance & Administration Pierre wants this instead of manager part, if possible, if not inform him thst its not For a free consultation on how we can help you and your organization reach and sustain world-class results, contact us today. Website:

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With over 116 years of experience in the mining and heavy industrial markets, Gundlach Champion has proven track record of providing preconstruction and project delivery systems that accommodate a diverse range of clients. Services Offered Preconstruction | Design/Build | Construction Management | General Contracting Markets Served Industrial | Commercial | Public Facilities | Healthcare | Education


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trust within the local stakeholders. Whether it’s a community scorecard or independent environmental monitoring, the community has a say in how Eagle Mine operates. One common goal As mentioned before, one common goal among the company and the community is safety. The company employs roughly 355 employees, which includes full-time Eagle employees and contractors, making safety a top priority for the company. Derived from portions of the DuPont Safety System, the company employs the health and safety program Visible Felt Leadership. The program integrates a one-on-one engagement approach to making safety personal.

Humboldt Mill

Concentrate Loading w w w. e a g l e m i n e . c o m


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Know Your Watershed est. 1998

n o r t h j a c k s o n c o m p a n y | 3 07 s o u t h f r o n t s t r e e t, s u i t e 10 5, m a r q u e t t e , m i 49 8 55 c o r v a l l i s T e l : 5 4 1 -2 0 7 - 3 7 3 5 | m a r q u e T T e : 9 0 6 -2 2 5 - 6 7 8 7 | w w w . n o r T h j a c k s o n c o . c o m

LUNDIN MINING – EAGLE MINE “We use the leadership program as an engagement tool. When we talk about zero harm, what we’re saying is we’re engaging each employee individually with the philosophy that every injury is preventable,” says Welch. “It’s a mandate that this management and operations team has taken on.” According to Welch, one key tool of the program is Pre-task Hazard Assessment. Because environments change every day, the program ensures all work is being performed safely by assisting employees and contractors in continuously observing their surroundings to


identify potential safety hazards. “It’s about boots on the ground, it’s about engagement, it’s about positive reinforcement, and it’s about understanding how they do their job,” says Welch. “We all have a common goal and these safety programs and initiatives are a continuation of the common goal.” Along with Pre-task Hazard Assessments, Lundin encourages their team to interact and converse with other employees and contractors about the tasks they’re completing, as well as observations and desired behaviors recognized.

Eagle Mine w w w. e a g l e m i n e . c o m


Contact Us: +1 705.699.3 40 0 info@ w w w. x p s .c a

XPS would like to congratulate Lundin’s Eagle Operation on the successful commissioning of their mine and mill. XPS is a metallurgical consulting and testwork business with exper tise in: Nickel, Copper, Zinc, Gold, PGMs, Industrial Minerals and Rare Ear th Elements.

LUNDIN MINING – EAGLE MINE “Many of the contractors we’ve employed weren’t used to the rigorous safety standards we required while working onsite,” says Welch. “They had to change their own culture in order to meet our requirements.” “We’ve had contractors in the past who’ve brought our training and tools to new operations and other sites they work on. It goes to show the lasting impression we’re having on people. One of the company’s first commitments to the area was a local hire goal of 75% during operations. While the area has a lot of talented, hard workers, it didn’t necessarily have the people with the exact skills needed to commission and start an operation. Lundin had to be strategic with its training so that it could hire people from the local community and skill them up for the job. Today, Eagle has a local hire percentage of 84 percent. Eagle partnered with Northern Michigan University to develop specific training programs for its employees. Classes include Bearing & Power Transmission, Welding Testing, Conveyor Maintenance,


Basic Pump Maintenance, Manual Alignment, Laser Alignment, Hydraulics, and Welding Training. Last but not least, Eagle is funding a Technical Middle College (TMC). The Middle College will provide high school students in the area the opportunity to earn a high school diploma and an associate’s degree at no cost to the student. The program offers students the opportunity to pursue an associate degree in six career areas: Clinical Sciences, Industrial Maintenance, Electrical Technology, Building Technology, Automotive Service Technology, and Heating, Ventilation, Air Conditioning and Refrigeration. Operations at Eagle Mine Although Lundin has commenced production at Eagle Mine, the company is still currently ramping up production to reach its nameplate capacity. Current operations include a long hole stope mining method, which requires a main decline tunnel, a primary ventilation system and an emergency secondary egress to the surface. Once ore w w w. e a g l e m i n e . c o m



Mine Entrance

is mined from each stope, it is then backfilled with a cemented/ aggregate/sand mix to maintain structural integrity before mining the remaining stopes in the section. The ore is transported 66 miles by semi-trucks to the Humboldt Mill. At the Mill the ore is crushed (three stages) and then ground into a fine slurry whereby the nickel and the 104

March 2015

copper are floated, thickened and filtered to produce separate nickel and copper concentrates. This is where the process ends at Eagle. The concentrates are shipped to off-site facilities for smelting and refining before they can be used to manufacture the products that fuel society. Not to be outdone, Lundin


implements some of the most recognized and respected technology and equipment onsite. The company couples the latest equipment including crushers, grind mills, float circuits, filter presses and pumps with state-of-the-art programmable logic controls (PLC), DCS systems, and collects nearly 5,000 data points throughout the process. All-in-all, this mill is wired for success. In following with its community transparency plan, Lundin strives to ensure all water at the mine is up to the highest standards. The company employs a robust water management program with a reverse osmosis water treatment plant. “All the water we treat is discharged as drinking quality water, or better,” says Welch. “That’s the standard the community wanted and we wanted to ensure we delivered.” As sole owner, developer and operator of the Eagle Mine, Lundin Mining is creating a legacy of responsible mining by taking the community into consideration, incorporating transparency into operations, and providing one of the safest mines in the United States. “Our biggest obligation during and after we’ve completed operations at Eagle Mine is to make sure we’ve maintained our credibility with the community,” says Welch. He adds, “When you look back and think of Eagle Mine, it won’t be that we mined for eight years. Our legacy will be: did our employees go home safe, were we protective of the environment and did we have the trust of the community.”

Company Information INDUSTRY


Champion, Michigan, United States FOUNDED

1994 (Lundin Mining) Eagle was discovered in 2002, commenced production in Q3 2014. EMPLOYEES


Not Disclosed

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