BRCA December 2014

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DC AND MARVEL BETTER INGREDIENTS. BETTER PIZZA. BIGGER MARKET. Top 10 Gadgets Every Executive Wants (Whether They Know it or Not)


Education and comic books do not typically go hand-in-hand however the two have more in common than we think. As revealed in our feature Marketing story, “What Businesses Can Learn from Comic Book Giants DC and Marvel,” these superhero giants have much more to teach us than the standard and moral “do-good” lessons. While understanding best practices for marketing is key, it is equally as important for businesses to implement effective growth strategies—after all, if we’re not growing, there’s only one other option (Dying. The only other option is dying [Colossians 1:3-12]). In this month’s Leadership feature, we explore 6 simple strategies any business can implement today to ensure their growth doesn’t hit a wall. As an executive, you probably think you have all of the “toys” you need: a smart phone, a laptop, maybe even a tablet (or two); however, in “Top 10 Gadgets Every Executive Wants (Whether They Know It or Not),” Business Review Canada reveals just that: 10 gadgets you didn’t even know you were missing. And just in time for the holidays! E NJOY TH E I S S U E !

Jennifer White

Editor-In-Chief jennifer.white@wdmgroup.



26 Top 10 6 Leadership

Effective Growth Strategies You Should Implement Today

14 Marketing

Marketing Movie Heroes: Marvel vs. DC

Top 10 Gadgets Every Executive Wants (Whether They Know It or NAMCOR Not)




32 CCS Coatings

132 PPP Canada (Association)

42 The Dalton Company 50 Clobracon Construction Inc.

138 Kokish Hydroelectric Project


146 Planview Utility

56 True North Gems

154 K-Line Group

64 Cementation Canada 72 ArcelorMittal Canada 102 ArcelorMittal Canada (FRENCH)

FOOD AND DRINK 160 Papa John’s Canada 168 Patates Dolbec


4 December 2014

32 CSS Coatings 56 True North Gems


PPP Canada


Papa John’s Canada




Adopting these six techniques W R I T T E N B Y: 6

December 2014


s could mean all the difference. IAN HANNER 7

LEADERSHIP WHETHER YOUR BUSINESS drills for oil, manufactures beach balls or offers historical tours, it takes guts to make it in business today. In fact, it’s always taken guts. On one hand, you can take an idea into an existing market flush with competition knowing full well that you may get muscled out by the bigger players. On the other hand, maybe you’re the first to offer a product or service and the sky is the limit for you, but only if people adopt your business’ concept. In the end, you just take the plunge; roll the dice; and cross your fingers. But what happens once your business is founded? How do you make yourself competitive and achieve your vision? It’s going to take planning, hard work and, above all, smart work. You have to be able to recognize ways to grow. These same fundamentals can serve budding businesses just as well as established ones. To aid you on your quest for success, here are six proven growth strategies you should implement today to give your business the competitive edge you’re looking for. Diversification Despite the seeming obviousness 8

December 2014

While any growth plan will be tailored something new from all sectors. of this point, it’s surprising how often entrepreneurs still neglect this fundamental rule of business: Don’t put all of your eggs in one basket. Let’s use an example. Say you hold the patent on a piece of technology that gives vacuums 10 percent more suction. You’ve applied this innovation to your own line of vacuum cleaners and while your business is still small, you’re developing a steady flow of revenue. It’s time to sit back and let the market carry you to the top.

d to an individual business, you can learn

Except that it’s not. While this might be a great time for your business, no one can guarantee that you’re not soon to be outmatched by a competitor’s even better innovation. Or maybe the economy takes a downturn, consumer spending is down and it’s just not a great time to be in that business. Now you’re bust. Except you’re not broke. You took a risk on applying your technology to any number of other markets, such as aeronautics, brakes or chemical

application. You added a level of redundancy that acted as a cushion when you needed it most. And if you do that while vacuum cleaners are doing well, there’s nowhere to go but up. Market Development While you might have a strong hold on the market in your region, eventually you’re going to need to branch out to continue growing—the good news is, there’s almost always another market you can break into. Let’s illustrate this. 9


Solid metrics are key to assessing the effectiveness of any campaign. 10

December 2014


In keeping with the previous metaphor, let’s say you’ve carved out a sizeable market share in Canada. Congratulations! You’ve made it! But China, where the economy is booming, has never heard of your brand; however, according to Electrolux, 30 percent of respondents in a global survey said dust pickup is the most important factor in selecting a vacuum, while 57 percent of Chinese participants felt the same. Well, this is just perfect because as mentioned before, your vacuum is 10 percent stronger. So you expand into that market and more than double your sales. You’re getting closer to the top every day. Product Development After a while, the novelty of your product begins to fizzle out in your primary markets. That’s not to say it’s not as good anymore—people just have short attention spans and if you’re not evolving with them, you can fade into the background noise. Lucky for you, you’ve had your R&D department working on miniaturizing your vacuum technology so that it can be applied to a handheld unit without loss of suction. Well it just so happens

that a large portion of your market has been looking for just such an apparatus to clean their car interiors, hard to reach spots in the house and whatever other spots collect dust. Gangbusters! This principle is a simple one: always be innovating. A company that rests on its laurels is doomed to fade into irrelevance. Market Segmentation After extensive studies, polls and other forms of market research, you find that women between the ages of 25 and 50, and men between 30 and 50, do the vast majority of vacuuming. (disclaimer: the previous statistics are in no way based on actual market research). It’s time to focus your sales division on these target demographics. You know what stores they shop in the most. You know that for the most part, you have very little hope of making vacuuming ‘cool,’ so you focus on the things you know your demographic will respond to. You know this group tends to value reliability, efficiency and price reasonability. A very effective marketing campaign begins to emerge 11


The right plan for strategic growth can give you significant leverage in negotiations.

in your mind. Well it works and you’re that much closer to achieving your vision.


December 2014

Market Penetration This one is similar to the last strategy, but less tailored. It involves the basic principle of selling more across the


board. Maybe there’s a store your product still isn’t in. Maybe you just need to offer a sizeable discount for a special event. Perhaps online promotional content is the push you need to boost sales across the board. More than almost any other strategy on this list, market penetration is tailored to individual products or services. If marking up the price on your units by 4 percent is just enough to make them appear to be higher quality than the alternatives, do it. Find what small, incremental changes work for your brand and implement them. Early Adoption Finally, there’s one fact of life that cannot be denied: you’re getting older right now. If you’ve been lucky enough to avoid migrating body hair and wrinkles, that doesn’t mean you’re safe from the passage of time. And there’s one thing that’s almost certain to come with age—the hesitance to

change the status quo. When social media first started entering the marketing landscape, there was no shortage of companies that voiced skepticism over the perceived long-term benefits of investing in such a sector. But let’s take a look at two companies that have. When Twitter was still a new company on the social media scene, Coca-Cola got in on the ground floor. This allowed Coke to carve out a highly recognizable presence on the fledgling network. Beyond that, they also received more focused support from Twitter’s development team. Coke’s efforts generated huge gains and they remain a big fish even now that the pond has become an ocean. So whether it’s a marketing concept, a new technology, a new market or even a whole new industry, be bold: adopt early on or risk losing relevance.

‘This principle is a simple one: always be innovating. A company that rests on its laurels is doomed to fade into irrelevance’ 13


marketing m


In the battle for silver screen domination, th approaches when it comes to engagin

W R I T T E N B Y: K E 14 December 2014

movie heroes:

l vs. dc

he two comic book giants have very different ng fans—and one of them is winning.



Both studios have had great success with promotional tie-ins such as these Leg

WHEN IT COMES to comics, there’s no question the two biggest camps are Marvel and DC. Titans of the industry, these two have been duking it out through ink and image for more than half a century. The battle hasn’t always been a printed one, though, as various incarnations of each company’s properties has found their way to screens both big and small. The histories of Marvel and DC’s non-comic book adaptations are quite different and often counteract one another with a sort of ebb and flow. Also quite different is the approach taken in building these 16 December 2014

comic book-based brands, especially how the Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU) and the DC Cinematic Universe (DCCU) engage fans. Though each company runs extensive marketing campaigns for all of its films, there is a more delicate craft at work in planning these high-profile releases. The Importance of Feedback Listening to feedback from those who buy into your product is a big part of a successful marketing campaign— just look at the wonders Dominos is working right now with its campaign focused on acknowledging the poor

go versions of The Avengers team members (Photo Credit–W_Minshull and Flickr)

quality of its product and outlining its plans to improve. The complexity of effectively doing this, however, is magnified immensely when the people giving you feedback are fans with serious emotional investments in your brand. While the stereotype of the incredibly discerning and aloof “comic book guy”—think of The Simpsons character—is now less true than ever, dedicated fans make up a large portion of the brands’ core audience. Marketing to fans requires a special blend of secrecy, hype, and engagement—something Marvel does

better than anyone in the business, while DC tries to play catch up. Using Marvel and DC’s respective examples of what to do and what not to do, any company can learn from these that listening to your customers and giving them what they want in tantalizing quantities not only makes for a great marketing tactic, it’s just good business. Why So Serious? Currently, Marvel is at the top of its game and DC is struggling to catch up. Why? Though film output is certainly a 17

MARKETING factor–Marvel has far outpaced DC in this aspect–much of it comes down to the aforementioned aspects of marketing and fan engagement. Superheroes are now a respected genre unto themselves, though getting there required an evolution. The superhero films of the past were known for their campy, fun nature. The branching paths Marvel and DC took in moving away from the genre’s campy nature fundamentally altered the future of the companies. For DC, a gritty, more realistic approach was taken. Much of this can be attributed to Frank Miller, creator of Sin City and author of one of the most famous Batman stories, The Dark Knight Returns. The four-issue comic served as the basis for director Christopher Nolan’s trilogy and will also serve as the basis for 2016’s Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice. The story paints a picture of a much darker Batman—a Batman that is also equal parts Bruce Wayne and deals with his serious psychological issues. This more serious tone is found in the Nolan films and is already permeating the upcoming film, as the only image released depicts a serious Batman in stark black and white. 18 December 2014

Though DC is having trouble engagin trilogy remains a bright spot for the c It’s important to note the visuals fans have for Superman v Batman are this grim still photo and the film’s title card. Though the film is slated for 2016, the studio desperately needs to build the hype now. This is a prime case of not releasing enough information. Sure, fans know the movie exists and are undoubtedly excited, but all casual fans know is that (a) Ben Affleck is going to be Batman and (b) the movie looks dark in tone. DC has been accused of taking themselves too seriously and is currently reinforcing that viewpoint with this bleak campaign. This was also true of the most recent Superman film, Man of Steel, which tried to explain away the somewhat

ng its fans overall, Christopher Nolan’s Dark Knight company outdated nature of the character—a scene that was featured in much of the film’s marketing. Director Zack Snyder’s take on the Man of Steel mirrored that of Nolan’s Batman: dark, serious, and intense. Though Nolan’s films were met with high regard and praise, Snyder’s Superman received mixed reactions, with critics saying that while a more serious tone is always appreciated, the pendulum had swung too far to one side. “Put it this way,” NPR’s Glen Weldon explained, “Man of Steel is the kind of movie in which such bombastic cries as ‘SURRENDER THE CODEX!’ and ‘RELEASE THE WORLD ENGINE!’ occur with unabashed, metronomic regularity. But Snyder doesn’t allow

his actors or his film to luxuriate in the soap-operatic camp of such moments, preferring to keep things moving at a nimble trot.” This is a view held by many fans of DC’s films. Fans believe DC feels the need to act apologetic for its films being rooted in superhero lore, much to their disdain. The company is trying to generate buzz for its upcoming flicks, but the tone it has set while trying to get away from the campiness of its past has seen it overshoot its target; it has left fans cold, and with a virtually non-existent marketing campaign, giving them the silent treatment isn’t helping either. With expectations for Superman v Batman sky high and understandably cautious 19


Marvel Studios head Kevin Feige knows how to hype up his audience and drive excitement about upcoming films.

(The Social Network’s Jesse Eisenberg is playing Superman’s arch-nemesis Lex Luthor, after all), now is the time to be communicating with fans, giving them glimpses of the purported awesomeness that’s to come. For DC’s marketing campaign to turn around, they need to make fans want to see the movie out of excitement, as opposed to the blasé “I just want to see how this turned out” sentiment. More importantly, they need to reach out to new moviegoers and pull in those who don’t want another grim Batman tale. Essentially, by listening to the fans, DC could make up a lot of ground in winning moviegoers back over to its side. Masters of the Hype Marvel, on the other hand, is far more engaging in its marketing strategy. It has struck a balance of humor, action and serious emotional depth in its films, making for a winning combination. Much of this has to do with its characters and the actors who play them (seriously, there will never be a more perfect Tony Stark than Robert Downey Jr.), but Marvel capitalizes on this rather than trying to downplay it.

Major events and premieres are what Marvel does best.

Regardless of the nature of the films, Marvel harnesses something DC simply does not: hype. This all starts with their extensive, multi-layered plan for the MCU. At the head of this is studio president Kevin Feige. Feige is the figurehead for the studio and gives the MCU a credible voice. He’s someone the fans trust; they believe what he says is true in this world of rumor. Business Insider’s Jeff Gomez notes that DC has yet to catch on despite Marvel’s superior marketing success. “Strangely, Warner Bros. [DC’s parent company] seems unmoved,” he writes. “Clearly satisfied with the auteur-driven Batman trilogy by Christopher Nolan, and last year’s Man of Steel by Zach Snyder, the studio has yet to place a definitive and fully-empowered creative visionary in 21

MARKETING charge of its superheroes.” Marvel knows what its fans want and engages them in big ways, as exemplified by the recent announcement of all its films through 2019. A perfect example of Marvel’s brilliant marketing through these big-time events can be seen in the announcement of the third Captain America film. Capitalizing on fan expectations, Marvel employed the theatrical marketing technique of misdirection. Feige teased the new Cap as having the subtitle, “Serpent Society,” a nod to villainous organization Hydra, which played a major role in franchise’s first two films. The crowd at the reveal event, however, was not pleased, as they had hoped for the film to explore the Civil War storyline, which is one of the biggest events in Marvel Comics’ history. Toward the end of the event, after revealing a slew of new Marvel films, Feige ended with bravado by figuratively dropping the mic, claiming to have “second thoughts” about the subtitle, as a new title card with the words “Civil War” in all caps appeared behind the Captain America logo. To punctuate this, Robert Downey Jr. and 22

December 2014

Marvel has mapped out its cinematic Chris Evans (who play Iron Man and Captain America, respectively) walked out on the stage, fists raised in mock battle, to thunderous applause. As a result of this marketing, Marvel has fans and non-fans alike clamoring to buy tickets to a film that doesn’t even come out for another two years. It’s these kinds of stunts that put Marvel so far ahead of the curve when it comes to marketing and hyping its films. It’s a testament to what the


c universe all the way through 2028. studio has done in terms of film quality and marketing that Captain America: Civil War was only one of the films teased at the event yet is easily one of the most anticipated films, comic book related or otherwise, in the next two years. Fans got exactly what they wanted: not too much, not too little, and it happened in a major way. This one big stunt will undoubtedly carry the film’s marketing for months, dominating conversation until the

360b / actual marketing campaign begins sometime next year. It’s an ingenious tactic that Marvel has proven works time and time again—and something the industry should take note of. The Takeaway So, what can businesses learn from these comic book giants? Most importantly, know your audience: know what they want and know how to give it to them. DC 23


Iron Man at a premier event // Tofudevil /


has found great success in its other properties (video games, animated movies, television series), but it can’t quite figure out–or isn’t listening to– what moviegoers want. Marvel, on the other hand, has fans eating out of the palm of its hand by listening and building the hype. Giving fans what they want in just the right quantity has secured Marvel as a cinematic juggernaut that won’t be going away anytime soon. In fact,

“Marketing to fans requires a special blend of secrecy, hype, and engagement— something Marvel does better than anyone in the business, while DC tries to play catch up.”

MCU is still growing, with next year’s The Avengers: Age of Ultron likely to have the biggest box office opening of all time. Bottom line: embrace the hype, embrace your product, and most importantly, listen to your audience. They’re telling you exactly what they want—all you have to do is give it to them.

Though it performed well at the box office, the most recent Superman film was met with general apathy from the comic’s fans. marcello farina /


TOP 10

TOP 10 Written by: Sasha Orman

Top 10


You hav but you

0 Gadgets Every Executive Wants

her They Know it or Not)

ve the laptop, you have the smartphone— u could have so much more


TOP 10 YOU HAVE THE laptop, the tablet, the smartphone—what more do you need? You’d be surprised. There’s always something out there that you could use to enhance your life, whether it’s in the field of business or your free time. These executive gadgets may not be the essentials, but they’re the peripherals that will make your life on-the-go a lot more enjoyable.


A Sleek LaptopFriendly Briefcase

You’re going to need a bag to keep all your gadgets in place while you travel—but the last thing you want is a bright bag slung over your shoulder that will make you look like a backpacking student. The answer is a high quality bag or briefcase that makes it clear you’re a professional ready for business. The compact ScanFast Checkpoint Friendly Briefcase 2.0 fits up to a 17-inch laptop and offers a clever compartmentalized design to get you through airports in record time, while the Tumi Voyageur line pairs 15-inch laptop 28

December 2014

protection with a stylish and more feminine design. • ScanFast Checkpoint Friendly Briefcase 2.0: $99.99 USD • Tumi Voyageur Macon Laptop Carrier: $225 USD


A Practical Universal Charger

A charger isn’t always the most fun or exciting thing to buy for yourself. But in that minute that you need it, you’re thankful that you have one. The light and highly portable Kensington AbsolutePower Laptop, Phone, and Tablet Charger allows you to charge a laptop and two USB devices simultaneously, and comes with EU and UK plugs for ultimate adaptability, making it vital for busy and techdependent world travelers. • Kensington AbsolutePower Laptop, Phone, and Tablet Charger: $119.99 USD



A Useful Mobile Hotspot

Wifi-to-go has become a necessity, and a good mobile hotspot can make that happen— and can make you a hero for your executive team when you share it. Depending on your carrier of choice, consider the Samsung LTE Mobile HotSpot Pro from T-Mobile or the Verizon Jetpack, both praised by experts as leaders in its field for their long battery life and fast service. • Samsung LTE Mobile HotSpot Pro: $168 USD • Verizon Jetpack 4G LTE Mobile HotSpot: $229 USD


A Stylish Portable Projector

Here’s a nightmare: you spend countless hours preparing the perfect presentation, travel halfway around the world to present it to your partners or overseas office, only to find out that it’s not displaying properly on their setup. Here’s a solution: bring your own

setup. The Vivitek Qumi was named a top contender by Computer World for its bright 500 lumen highcontrast images, while its 30,000 hour LED lamp life and device compatibility makes it perfect for the job—and its stylish design and range of colors make it perfectly desirable. • Vivitek Qumi Q5 LED Pocket Projector: from $548 USD


A Handy Digital Pen

These days we’re all trained to take notes on our laptops or tablets, but sometimes a situation presents itself where it’s just not feasible to break out the cord and power up your laptop. On the other hand, you always have a pen handy in your pocket or purse, so why not make it a digital smart pen? The Sky Wifi Smartpen from Livescribe writes on paper like a traditional ballpoint pen. But unlike a traditional ballpoint pen, it captures your notes and syncs them wirelessly to your Evernote account for easy access from any device. The pen also 29

TOP 10 captures meetings and dictations with up to 800 hours of audio recording and can play them back through headphones or built-in speakers. • Sky Wifi Smartpen 4GB: $199 USD • Sky Wifi Smartpen 8GB Pro Pack: $249 USD


A Secure Flash Drive

You do a lot of traveling for your career, and when you’re traveling with sensitive data, you want be sure that your company’s proprietary information stays strictly between you and your laptop. The IronKey Personal S250 flash drive is beautiful in brushed metal and rugged enough to stand up to travel, with easy online password management and built-in encryption and protection against hackers and malware. • IronKey Personal S250 Secure Drive 16GB: $329 USD

4 30

A Lifesaving Smartphone Battery Case

December 2014

As an executive on the go, you don’t always have time to stop for lunch, let alone stop to charge your smartphone. But in this digital world, staying connected at all times is critical. A battery case like the Mophie Juice Pack Plus, with a sleek look that hides 2100mAh battery capacity, will give your phone a 120% battery boost to keep you online while you get where you need to go.

• Mophie Juice Pack Plus for iPhone 5/5s: $119.95 USD


A Versatile Wireless Speaker

It’s not all about work: sometimes you just need to unwind. A good quality compact wireless speaker with rich crystal clear sound can give you that simple pleasure at home, at the office, and while you travel. One that’s beautifully designed, like the colorful and travel-ready 9oz Mini JamBox from Jawbone, kicks things up a notch by giving your personal space a visual lift as well. When business demands your attention, the Mini


JamBox syncs up with your phone or tablet to transform the speaker into a conference call hub. • Jawbone Mini JamBox: $179 USD


A Wearable Activity Tracker

When you’re busy taking care of a growing business empire, it can be difficult to remember to take care of yourself as well. Activity trackers are quickly becoming all the rage right now, and for a good reason—these wearable pieces of technology unobtrusively track your steps, distance, calories burned, and sleep quality, then syncs the data wirelessly to your devices of choice. Any executive knows that good data can help you improve your bottom line, and data on your own habits can help you improve your quality of life. Thanks to their trendiness, even top designers are getting involved to ensure that fashionable execs can keep up with their fitness while looking their best. • Fitbit One or Fitbit Flex: $99.95 USD

• Tory Burch for Fitbit Flex Metal Hinged Bracelet: $195 USD


Immersive Noise Cancelling Earbuds

Whether you’re on an international flight or simply catching some alone time in the office, nothing helps to tune out the stresses and chatter of the outside world better than a good pair of noise cancelling headphones. The only problem is that most noise cancelling headphones are large and bulky, making them fine for your home stereo but a nuisance at the office or during travel. Noise cancelling earbuds are the perfect solution, offering the dual benefits of convenience and quality of sound. These noise cancelling earbuds from Bose provide comfort and superior noise cancelling capabilities, plus an “aware mode” that allows in just enough sound to keep you alert and ready for any situation. • Bose QuietComfort 20i Acoustic Noise Cancelling Headphones: $299 USD 31

Certified Coating Specialists

A Legacy of Quality

How Certified Coating Specialists became the most respected industrial painter in B.C. Written by: Ian Hanner

Produced by: Rich Gentile



CCS has partnered with Vancouver based Kinder Morgan Terminals for ongoing maintenance work.


ince its inception in 1994, Certified Coating Specialists, Inc. has grown through constant innovation to become “the Navy SEALs of the industrial coating industry.” Certified Coating Specialists (CCS) was originally founded 20 years ago by Cliff and Joy Harper in Castlegar, BC as Kootenay Powder Coating with an operational focus on mostly powder coatings in plant settings. With three full time employees, the company was able to carve out a substantial and growing chunk of the local market, raking in about $350,000 in annual 34

December 2014

revenue for their first three years. “Starting the business evolved out of my wife’s desire to have a job,” said CEO and founder Cliff Harper. “The last of [our] five children was in grade school and she wanted more out of life than sitting around missing them. The first couple of years were all about learning the business of powder coating and finding out there was not enough demand for the service where we were located to justify my continuous focus on the business. We needed something more.” Eager to find their niche, the company branched out, adding


CCS is a industry leader in the power sector. Revelstoke Dam, Revelstoke BC

thermal plastics and later abrasive blasting to their service offerings. From that point on, the company reoriented itself toward field work and the business took off, with revenue increasing to about $2 million per year. They’ve continuously expanded since, with revenue for this year projected at over $19 million. The success of CCS has a lot to do with how they pass value on to their customers. Through a comprehensive, software-backed approach to planning, estimating, management, safety, site set-up, performance monitoring and quality

control, CCS is able to assure its clients that work will be completed on-time, safely and at a reasonable price. For example, when it comes to estimating, the company breaks down every aspect of the project on a line item task basis. “The majority of the industry just bids on square footage and past performance,” Harper said. “We don’t. We look at every job as a standalone, individual project. We break it down to its smallest components in order to ensure that we’re successful.” He added, “We’re recognized as leaders in providing unique solutions w w w. c c s c o a t i n g s . c a



Maintenance made easy

Introducing the Interplan Mobile Service from AkzoNobel, the next generation in corrosion surveys ™

• Providing a customized site specific condition survey to prioritize corrosion maintenance work • NACE qualified technical service providing expert advice and assistance • Dynamic online survey reports optimizing asset management • Detailed coatings specifications and procedures • Extended life cycles to reduce overall maintenance costs Together with the International® range of passive fire protection and protective coatings products, we are now more than ever fully equipped to meet your maintenance and repair needs © 2014 The AkzoNobel group of companies.

C E R T I F I E D C O AT I N G S P E C I A L I S T S to challenges in access, scheduling, adverse conditions or remote locations. We’re a group of dedicated, ethical, professional tradespeople who are truly striving to be the best at what we do.” And they’ve got the certifications to back up their claims on safety and quality. CCS is the first business of its type in British Columbia to earn a COR certification from the Construction Safety Association, an organization that offers a range of training programs designed to improve safety and reduce capital costs of workplace injuries. In addition to their COR certification, CCS holds both SSPC-QP1 and SSPC-QP2 certifications. These are awarded by the 64-year-old Steel Structures Painting Council to signify that CCS is able to responsibly deliver quality work in surface preparation and industrial coating applications, as



CCS is able to take on any specialty marine coating systems.


AkzoNobel is the world’s leading global paints and coatings company and a major producer of specialty chemicals. Its protective coatings brands, International®, and Devoe™ High Performance Coatings are well established as industry leading brands across North America. The International® brand is further renowned as an industry leader on a global scale. Consistently ranked as one of the leaders in the area of sustainability, AkzoNobel is passionate about developing sustainable answers to its customer’s questions. Website:

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Proven Products from an Industry Leader Bitumastic® Carboglas® Carbothane® Carbozinc®

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Congratulations Certified Coatings Specialists on your 20th Anniversary!


Maintenance made easy

Introducing the Interplan Mobile Service from AkzoNobel, the next generation in corrosion surveys ™

• Providing a customized site specific condition survey to prioritize corrosion maintenance work

One Stop Source for Abrasive Blast Cleaning Equipment & Accessories

• NACE qualified technical service providing expert advice and assistance • Dynamic online survey reports optimizing asset management • Detailed coatings specifications and procedures • Extended life cycles to reduce overall maintenance costs Together with the International® range of passive fire protection and protective coatings products, we are now more than ever fully equipped to meet your maintenance and repair needs

Leading Canadian manufacturer and supplier of abrasive blast equipment Congratulations CCS Coatings on 20 years of success! 1040 78th Avenue | Edmonton, Alberta T6P 1L7 | Canada 780-468-2588 | 1-800-661-3842 | © 2014 The AkzoNobel group of companies.

C E R T I F I E D C O AT I N G S P E C I A L I S T S C O N S T R U C T I O N well as hazardous paint removal in an environmentally responsible manner. Their diverse range of service offerings and credentials have earned CCS some high profile jobs, such as the current project removing hazardous, lead-based

coatings at the Waneta and Mica Dams where BC Hydro is upgrading their power generators, according to Harper. This is a major project that showcases CCS’s reputation as a dependable coating company that can handle large-scale jobs.

CCS took on the challenging restoration of the historic Hagliwget Bridge, New Hazelton, BC.

w w w. c c s c o a t i n g s . c a



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December 2014


This same recognition earned the company a contract to perform surface touch up services on erected steel at a multi-billion dollar Rio Tinto Alcan smelter expansion project in British Columbia, a large project coating silo interiors at a coal-fired plant for Capital Power and a high-profile contract painting a new steel for a bridge deck replacement at Halifax, Nova Scotia’s Angus L. MacDonald Bridge. These projects, and the many that preceded them, could form the core of Harper’s legacy as he transitions out of the company. With the company reaching a point of substantial success and reputation, Harper recently sold his majority interest position in the company. “Today my role is to prepare the team we assembled for ‘life after Cliff,’” he said. “[I have to] hand over my thoughts and systems to others to develop and implement. I’m in the background able to respond where needed while continuing to build confidence in where the new leadership is going.” While it’s difficult to let go of anything you built from the ground up, especially a company celebrating its 20th anniversary, Harper says he’s proud of what he helped build. “I’m proud of what the team has achieved to date. I look forward to watching them continue to expand the service across the country. I am proud of the group of people that carried this brand forward.”

Company Information INDUSTRY

Industrial & Marine Painting Services HEADQUARTERS

Castlegar, BC, Canada FOUNDED



$19 million

w w w. c c s c o a t i n g s . c a


The Dalton Company

Building on Principles

The Dalton Company’s Alternative Approach to Building helps customers manage costs, avoid surprises, and earn its customers’ trust. Written by: Kevin Smeade

Produced by: Rich Gentile



Private Residence


ounded in 1940, The Dalton Company is a full service builder that provides a variety of services within the building industry. A family-run, professionally managed business, its services include project and construction management, feasibility studies, professional quantity surveying and master planning, as well as other consulting services. The company is known for its “Alternative Approach to Building,� which offers a unique and integrated approach to projects. Dalton adapted to significant 44

December 2014

change in the building industry by developing a trust-driven model of doing business. Based on accountability and leadership, the approach fosters a culture of trust that is inclusive of both its staff and clients. The company regards trust as a tangible, not intangible, quality that is a core part of its business model. Building on Principles Though other companies founded around the same time have not realized the same longevity, The Dalton Company has remained strong throughout its history.


The striking facade of St. James Cathedral in Toronto is just one element of Dalton’s work there

“That speaks to the commitment of not only my brother and me, but the people that work at Dalton,” President Randy Dalton said. The commitment of Dalton’s employees runs throughout the company, as the company’s culture is one not only of pride, but of growth and reflection. “We take our work very personally,” Dalton said. “There’s a pride in being involved in an organization where we’re all part of a group with consistent goals and objectives that are part of a bigger picture. We’re trying to succeed both as a company and as individuals.” As a learning organization, the company is also willing to invest in its employees to get the success which they’re all striving for. “We encourage growth from our employees,” Dalton said. “We have always assisted them with

“There’s a pride in being involved in an organization where we’re all part of a group with consistent goals and objectives that are part of a bigger picture.” – Randy Dalton, President

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T H E D A LT O N C O M PA N Y any training, coaching, or academic undertakings they want to pursue outside of their day-to-day work at Dalton and we’ll continue to do so in looking to advance individuals. We’ve had some people who have been with us for 20-plus years and started in very junior positions. Now, they’re in the senior management of the company. We believe it’s our approach that helps us recruit and retain the best staff.” Dalton’s core values and beliefs extend to the company’s building

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processes. Project management methods and standards are coupled with predictive analysis and measurement tools. The result is project teams empowered to serve clients as partners with open communication throughout a project’s lifespan. A common theme across all of its projects is the trust that Dalton establishes with its clients. Built into their project management process is a means to build, leverage, and even measure trust. The aim is to


preserve the integrity of the client’s vision, schedule, and budget. Dalton’s “Building on Principles” approach serves clients across a range of sectors, from academic, residential, and broadcast media to private clubs and religious institutions. A common theme across all projects is how Dalton’s way of doing business resonates with its clients. The company was recently involved in the renovation of Toronto Artscape’s Wychwood Barns— dilapidated structures that now serve as a major creative cultural space in the community. It was also one of the first LEED Heritage Gold projects in Canada. Taking on these types of sustainability and communityfocused projects wasn’t part of The Dalton Company’s original plans, and they’ve become a large part of the company’s portfolio. “It just fits with that we’re all about,” Dalton said. “Most of the corporations we deal with in notfor-profit are concerned about sustainability and good practice, so it’s just a logical fit with what we’re all about and what our customers are typically looking for.”

An Alternative Approach to Building Customers often look for certainty at all stages of the project and Dalton’s “Alternative Approach to Building” offers that by placing a heavy emphasis on pre-planning, and working with the client to establish their “Definition of Success”. “If you’re not involved early, you’ll find you’ll never get caught up with the subject matter,” Dalton explained. “If the design professionals are hired early and the builder is brought in later, it’s very difficult to understand the subtleties of what was discussed at the inception of a project. From our standpoint, the earlier we’re involved the better. For our clients, it’s the same way.” Dalton points to the example of its work at Upper Canada College. Planning for projects next summer is happening now in conjunction with the school and consultants, ensuring there are no obstacles when the project actually gets underway. “Cost certainty is a very important aspect of that as well,” Dalton added. “If all the elements of a project are monitored at the early stage, then the likelihood of success improves w w w. d a l t o n b u i l d . c o m



Global TV’s Morning Show studio is one of several new studios recently built by Dalton.

exponentially going forward. If a lot of the design work and planning is done without understanding cost right from the commencement of a project, it can often lead to surprises down the road.” Avoiding surprises and keeping certainty high are hallmarks of Dalton’s Alternative Approach. This has kept customers such as Upper Canada College, Bell Media, and the Anglican Diocese of Toronto coming back for more than 10 years. Dalton explained that the bar is set 48

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very high by both the company and its customers and maintaining that quality of work is an active, engaged process. “We’re constantly monitoring and measuring what we’re doing and reporting to our customers on an ongoing basis, getting feedback from them as to where they see things,” he said. “A cornerstone of our Alternative Approach is the client’s definition of success, which we approach them to establish. Often times, their definition of


success is different than what the project team might have assumed without having asked.” Upcoming Projects Of course, Dalton is always looking for ways to refine and improve its approach, always looking toward its upcoming projects, such as the renovation of the Bata shoe factory in Batawa, Ontario. The shoe factory, once a cornerstone of the community, has fallen into disrepair since its decommissioning. Now, it’s set to be repurposed as residential community space. “It’s part of rebuilding the whole Batawa community,” Dalton said. “We’re working with the Bata Development Corporation directly, to see their vision through to fruition. It’s very interesting being part of the rejuvenation of a community that was once thriving and the conversion of the shoe factory will hopefully re-instill the purpose and spirit that the town was founded on.” Ultimately, The Dalton Company hopes to set an industry standard for others to follow and they know that’s easier said than done. “There are other very good companies,” Dalton explained. “We’re not the only one. We’re hopefully showing a different way of doing business that will be beneficial not only to our company but the industry as a whole. Our approach has bolstered our competitive advantage, greatly increasing our repeat and referral work.”

Company Information INDUSTRY

Project & Construction Management HEADQUARTERS

Ontario, Canada FOUNDED



$75 Million

w w w. d a l t o n b u i l d . c o m


Clobracon Construction

Clobracon Celebrates 10th Anniversary Clobracon Construction Inc. has grown since its establishment in 2004 by providing excellent customer service, quality projects and by maintaining positive customer relationships that have resulted in constant repeat business. Written by: Lindsey Ryan

Produced by: Rich Gentile




stablished in 2004, Clobracon Construction Inc. is a construction company with a focus in private sector projects. The company offers a variety of construction contract formats to clients including lump-sum tender, construction management, construction management maximum upset, and designbuild. The efficiency and superior workmanship that is exhibited while delivering projects has resulted in constant repeat business and a reputation that attracts new clients as well. Michel Tylbor, president of Clobracon Construction, states “We are very flexible and cooperative to work with. We’ve heard this from many clients and consultants and that they enjoy working with us. We are known for respecting a schedule; it’s our reputation on the line.”

through some top projects including the TAV College project and the Delta Hotel project. The TAV College project is a six story private college project that Clobracon was referred for primarily based on the company’s respectable reputation. Tylbor explains that the project was very difficult because it was constructed on one of the busiest street in Montreal and though the project began in the summer of 2013, the early winter challenged Clobracon to work fast on its feet to still complete the project on time and in budget the following summer. Extensive planning and coordinating was required but the company was still able to complete the project within the scheduled time period. The Delta Hotel was another challenging project that Clobracon was able to execute on time and Taking on Challenging Projects in budget. This project was split The company works with clients into four phases and required including Sergakis Group, Westmont tremendous amounts of planning Group, CBRE and is currently because Clobracon demolished working on four project with Smart the exterior walls and installed new Center. Recently, the company has structural support and brick exterior been demonstrating its success to the building all while the hotel 52

December 2014


Complicated phasing and planning was required to maintain the tight deadlines on the Delta Hotel project

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CLOBRACON CONSTRUCTION was still in operation. Though this was extremely challenging, Clobracon has successfully worked through the project and is currently in the final phase, expecting to complete the project this month. “We’re not afraid to take the jobs that may be a bit off the beaten path, in terms of complexity and difficulty. We’re always willing to try to new things and that’s been very good for us,” states Tylbor.

Miroirs Verres Architecturals Unités scellées 950, rue King Est, Sherbrooke 819.562.4777 |

Celebrating 10 Years Though in recent years the company has worked on many new construction projects, when Clobracon Construction Inc. first began its main focus was on renovations. The company would completely redo old buildings from top to bottom to demonstrate dramatic transitions. This was the beginning of its reputation for quality and Clobracon quickly began to establish faithful clients that


continued to return for repeat business. Tylbor explains that Clobracon strives for continuous improvement and ensures quality in every project because the planning and review process in house is extremely meticulous. He says, “I’m very personally very hands on and I’m always talking to my team. We’re always trying to re-adjust, if we see something is not working, we are always trying to be sure that we don’t have the same issues again.” This commitment to quality and strong reputation has resulted in continued success as the company celebrates its 10 year anniversary. Tylbor stresses the importance of a good reputation and he explains that many of the projects Clobracon receives are due to repeat business from clients. He explains that Clobracon may not always be the least expensive, but clients receive a quality project and a positive relationship throughout the entire process. “Repeat business is what got us to where we are. All of our work is word of mouth and reputation. Your reputation follows you for good or for bad. We always try to build on that and I think that’s what’s going to keep moving us forward.”

Company Information INDUSTRY


Quebec, Canada FOUNDED



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True North Gems Partnerships Provide Pivot Role in True North Gems’ Bid for Greenland Mining

True North Gems is creating a legacy of social responsibility through key partnerships and a steady commitment to sharing the benefits of its business with the local community Written by: Robert Spence

Produced by: Bobby Meehan




reenland is home to some of the most pure sapphire and ruby gems in the world. The country, which has notoriously been hesitant to allow mining activities in the past, recently awarded an exploration permit to True North Gems – a junior exploration company based in Canada. The company plans to not only succeed in finding profitable gems but make a positive impact in the local community as well. Through key partnerships and a steady commitment to sharing the benefits of its business, True North Gems is striving to become the 58

December 2014

world’s premier producer of Rubies and Pink Sapphires by creating a legacy of social responsibility. Partnership with LNS Greenland In March, True North Gems was awarded a 30-year mining permit for the Aappaluttoq Ruby deposit in Southwest Greenland. The mining project, which has an initial mine life of nine years, will range from an open-pit mine to a gemstone grading and processing facility. To finance the infrastructure costs, the company needed to secure a financial partner. “We wanted to engage with


someone who had an interest in focusing on the quality of the ruby- and sapphire ore, not just the quantity,” says Bent Jensen, General Manager of the Aappaluttoq project. “Normally, you want to focus on the volume and get the most out of the ground. With us, that’s not the case. We want to protect the mineral ore as much as possible.” The company set off in search of an investor with the same mindset, experience, and financial backing to fit its needs, and the Leonhard Nilsen and Sonner AS Group (LNS) had all the attributes.

“We wanted to engage with an operator that would focus on the motive. We quickly came to the conclusion we needed to get an operator who would also be an investor,” says Jensen. “That’s why they’re interesting. They have the experience building and operating mines, the financial backing we need, and they were initially involved in the gold mining here in Greenland. So they have a relationship with the community.” True North Gems and LNS Group through LNS Greenland signed a deal for the latter to invest a total of $34 million into the project through w w w. t r u e n o r t h g e m s . c o m


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TRUE NORTH GEMS mine infrastructure and capital loan. The deal included: • Building a port. • Building a complete and modern camp for approx. 48 workers. • Building Fuel depot, Explosive Depot, Heli-pad and workshop. • Building a Process Plant. • Building approx. 8.5 km of roads to tie all facilities together. • The completion of all infrastructure, which will enable planned production to commence in 2015. • Once construction is completed, LNSG will be in charge of the daily operation of the mine-site. In return, LNS will receive 7 percent initial ownership in the Greenlandic company True North Gems Greenland (TNGG) and upon completion of the infrastructure and reaching operational status LNS will have earned the right to a further 20 percent ownership. Bringing their total ownership to 27 percent. “We had other interesting investors but we chose LNS because we saw the Group as the ideal partner for the project. At the end of the day, we wanted what was best for the not only the project, but


also the community” says Jensen. “We see it as a very strong joint venture.” Community involvement True North Gems has completed the Impact Benefit Agreement (IBA) negotiations and all parties have executed a ground breaking accord. The Company has also finalized the subsequent operating and closure plan for the Aappaluttoq Ruby deposit. As part of its agreement, the company plans to engage with the local community and provide training and economic benefits from the project. “If you look at our social impact assessment report, we raise the possibility of hiring local people right from the start,” says Jensen. “This is a decision we made a long time ago as we wanted to engage with the local community to make sure they benefit from this project. When we have a mandate we strive to adhere to it.” For the project, the company has planned to hire roughly 80 workers of which the company has committed to ensure that at least 75% of these will be local employees in which they would train and w w w. t r u e n o r t h g e m s . c o m



implement in various functions of the operation. According to Jensen, after initiating the Hearing Process, receiving exploitation permitting and approvals of Exploitationand Abandonment Plans from the Greenland government, the company had received 300 62

December 2014

unsolicited applications from the local community. “We couldn’t believe it. Over 300 people applied for positions within our company all on their own. I think the community is starting to trust us and our commitment.” In regards to training, the company quickly realized most of


the community had already been trained in the mining industry. “In 2009, the Government opened a mining school. The school is responsible for running a training program called Common Core. Over 300 people have passed the course. We quickly realized there are a lot of people who already have the skill sets needed,” says Jensen. Living up to their promises To further enhance the community, True North Gems is developing a local recruitment strategy which focuses on pre-employment, recruiting and employee retention and employee development initiatives. The company is also planning to launch an array of cultural awareness, community well-being and health and safety programs in an effort to address local issues. In addition, the company is working with the local community to minimize any negative environmental impacts of the project. With pivotal partnerships in place, True North Gems is building the platform for a successful mining operation through trust and integrity. According to Jensen, by building relationships through trust and open communication, True North Gems is working to provide social, cultural and community support, which will benefit both the community and the company. “We’ve already hired our first set of local-based employees. The people of Greenland can now see we live up to our promises.”

Company Information INDUSTRY


Vancouver, British Columbia

w w w. t r u e n o r t h g e m s . c o m


Cementation A New Way of Building Mines Canada’s premier mining contractor Cementation is changing the way mine contracting is carried out Written by: Robert Spence

Produced by: Bobby Meehan



Cementation raise boring team with underground set-up.


ementation is an underground mine contracting and engineering company that provides an extensive array of services for clients throughout North and South America. Based in Ontario, Canada, the company has a unique structure, one that is well suited for technically challenging projects. “We set out to do something different,” says President of Cementation, Roy Slack. “We wanted to change the way mine contracting is carried out.” The company started by focusing on three key aspects: safety, relationships 66

December 2014

and the way it implements contracting. “We wanted this to be an industry with zero harm so we aligned our vision to focus on safety,” says Slack. “Secondly, we wanted to restructure the relationship between us and the clients and avoid adversarial relationships. We really try and understand what the client wants from a project standpoint and we align ourselves with these goals. Lastly, we wanted to change the way contracting is done by providing a true design-build service for Clients. Traditionally, different groups would work on different stages of a project; we wanted to


establish both continuity and one point accountability through a strong engineering service within our contracting group. “These are the changes we wanted to make.”

corporate values as well as legislated requirements specific to the jurisdictions they work in. Cementation has also developed a risk management protocol. “We’ve developed a system for hazard recognition. The people in Safety our group have a lot of long-term Above all else, Cementation is experience and they’ve the ability to committed to safety. The company recognize hazards,” says Slack. “We recognizes that a safe contractor is wanted to implement that insight more attractive to both employees into this program.” and clients and this aligns with the The program is structured to have company’s goal of being both an project managers coach their teams employer and contractor of choice. on safety precautions and provide “We wanted to be the employer of insight for recognizing potential choice and we’ve worked extremely hazards. The goal is to establish and hard at that,” says Slack. “We support a culture of safety. wanted to align employee goals with “In safety, we talk about structure corporate goals in order to help our and culture. Safety culture is the people succeed. We have a strong mindset of the people: the attitude, training program in and out of office. the respect and the ability to work We believe safety is the right way together,” says Slack. to work and we believe in treating “Structure is also very important; employees with respect. If benefits if it is missing you’re in trouble. come from that, good, but we look at Structure includes a strong it as simply the right way to work.” orientation program, ongoing To maintain the highest level training and evaluation, along with of safety, the company has hazard recognition and detailed implemented training programs work procedures.” developed from its internal w w w. c e m e n t a t i o n . c o m


C E M E N TAT I O N Relationships Relationships are the lifeblood for contractors. They play a vital piece in keeping clients up-todate with progress and changes in projects as well as occurring repeat business. With that being said, Cementation is focused on maintaining and growing its relationship with clients as well as employees. Along with building quality client and vendor relationships, the company strives to maintain solid employee relationships. Cementation has implemented a wide array of programs for helping employees succeed. In Canada, the company has developed and utilized a leadership development program for employees. For this program the company utilizes the


Harvard Manager Mentor program for leadership development, a unique e-learning platform that gives employees an opportunity to receive customized programs geared at their specific training requirements. “It’s a computer based training program, but then we establish various forums where the trainees can get together to review and discuss the content,” says Slack. “Another aspect of the program is Lunch & Learns, where we bring in different departments to present on what they do – it’s sort of like an internal cross-training program. We want everyone to understand what each department is involved in.” Slack adds, “The training program was developed with our employees and supervisors in mind. We enlisted

Cementation raise boring team set-up on surface at AuRico Gold’s Young-Davidson Project near Matachewan, Ontario.

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Inspecting bored shaft at AuRico Gold’s Young-Davidson Mine near Matachewan, Ontario.


December 2014


a number of people in the program with a set number of courses to help them develop the skills required to succeed.” Along with nurturing quality relationships, Cementation is focused on cultivating meaningful partnerships. The company has developed numerous Aboriginal partnerships across the Canadian landscape to support and develop the Northern communities that those partners live in. Recognized as a “partner of choice” for First Nations and Inuit groups, the company has created opportunities for Aboriginal groups by creating jobs, training and resources to succeed. According to Slack, the ‘New Miner’ program was implemented nine years ago in an effort to introduce new people into the industry, including the First Nations partners. “The program is an excellent tool for extensive training. It includes roughly three months of classroom indoctrination and nine months working on site. Participants are paid the entire time and they’re expected to treat the training as a job, which it is. We’ve had nothing but success with the program.” By staying true to its vision and goals, Cementation has become the mining contractor of choice for both clients and employees. By achieving excellence in safety, performance beyond expectations and quality long-term relationships, the company has provided the mining industry with a different approach to the way mine contracting can be carried out.

Company Information INDUSTRY


Ontario, Canada FOUNDED



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ArcelorMittal Mining Can

World Class Performance

Steve Wood of ArcelorMittal Mining Canada G.P. discusse expansion project at its Mont-Wright mine, including major improvements and future plans to be best in class Written by: Robert Spence

Produced by: Aaron Wells

nada G.P.

es the company’s successful r investments, continuous



MW Mine avec sautage 74

September 2014


Expansion projects in the mining industry are no easy task. Successfully implementing new objectives into operations requires the successful planning, integration and execution. Under the helm of Steve Wood, ArcelorMittal Mining Canada G.P. is currently perfecting the skill. Founded in 1957, ArcelorMittal Mining Canada G.P. is the largest mining division of the multinational

corporation, ArcelorMittal. The company has become the leading supplier of iron ore and steel in Canada, producing approximately 60 percent of the country’s total production. Expansion of the future ArcelorMittal Mining Canada G.P. currently operates two large openpit mines: Mont-Wright Complex and Fire Lake. The Mont-Wright mining complex w w w. a r c e l o r m i t t a l . c o m




Located in Quebec (Canada), The Castech-Plessitech Group is a young, dynamic and experienced team that contains over 200 employees. Since 1931, Castech-Plessitech is present in many sectors such as: Mining, Aluminum, Pulp and Paper, Industrial, Hydro and Wind energy. The Group is unique because of its complete value added manufacturing services: •

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A R C E L O R M I T TA L M I N E S C A N A D A is a highly systematic operation comprised of an open-pit mine, an ore crusher and concentrator facility along with a train loading system. The mine is linked by a companyowned rail to the Port-Cartier industrial complex. Located roughly 55 kilometers from Mont-Wright is the Fire Lake mine. Because of the high demand for iron ore, the mine has become an additional deposit for the ArcelorMittal to operate at. In 2011, the company undertook one of the largest expansion projects in Quebec. The project, which was completed last year, entailed expanding infrastructure at the Mont-Wright mine to increase production from 16 to 24 million tons of iron ore by end of 2013. “We hit the run rate of 24 million late last year in November and things look good to make 24 million again this year,” says Steve Wood, president of ArcelorMittal Mining


Canada G.P. He continues, “It’s pretty phenomenal to get those rates right after an expansion project. It’s an exciting time in terms of expansion and maximizing benefit of our investment.” Part of the latest expansion involved the commissioning of new spiral lines and a concentrating plant with additional upgrades to the railway and port in Port-Cartier. Wood believes with a few minor improvements ArcelorMittal can reach an even higher production rate. “We can see a day where with a few minor tweaks we can go above name plate capacity,” says Wood. Overall, the expansion project included: • Commission of new spirals line at concentrator • New trucks and maintenance shop operational • Additional rail sidings completed • New concentrator completed

“Our job here is to get world class levels of performance in every aspect of the business in terms of productivity, maintenance, and reliability of equipment” – Steve Wood, President of ArcelorMittal Mines Canada w w w. a r c e l o r m i t t a l . c o m


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A R C E L O R M I T TA L M I N E S C A N A D A • New stacker-reclaimer and shiploader in commissioning • Concentrate production exceeded 2Mt in December 2013 • Shipments of 1.987 Mt in December 2013 • Costs benefiting from scale The province of Quebec is benefiting from the expansion as well. Income taxes and mining rights revenues will account for over $3 billion, which will assist the government through 2039. Quebec will also profit from increased export capacity of goods overseas, consolidation of the mining sector in general and community development. Job creation in Canada is another benefit of the expansion. Over 8,000 jobs were created during the construction of the project and another 600 permanent jobs


have been implemented since the completion of the expansion. Investments To get the project rolling ArcelorMittal has invested significantly to the tune of $1.6 billion, including an array of new equipment and technology to expand the production rate and increase efficiency. “We purchased new equipment; hired additional people; increased our processing capacity; added another large line, increased our capacity for concentrate by 50 percent, and put in a new processing mill and more spirals,” Wood continues, “We also purchased 13 Caterpillar 797 400 ton trucks to assist in moving larger volumes in less time.” The 400 ton trucks are equipped

“It’s pretty phenomenal to get those rates right after an expansion project. It’s an exciting time in terms of expansion and maximizing benefit of our investment” – Steve Wood, President of ArcelorMittal Mines Canada w w w. a r c e l o r m i t t a l . c o m


Revegetation through innovation.

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A R C E L O R M I T TA L M I N E S C A N A D A with an 18-step staircase to reach the driver’s cabin with each truck being utilized to transport crude iron ore to a breaker where it will undergo its first transformation. According to Wood, part of the expansion also included investing in its rail line to streamline production. The company railway transports iron ore concentrate from Mont-Wright to Port-Cartier and is renowned throughout the North American rail industry for its reliability and innovation. “We also wanted to amplify the capacity of our rail line so we purchased more locomotives and



cars, extended some siding that allows us to haul more to port, expanded our capacity to load ships by putting in a new ship loader and stacker as well as a modified conveyor. The future is all about cycle times and reliability,” says Wood. “We want to replicate what we’ve done in the past. We have some of the smartest people in the industry.” Along with acquiring the best equipment possible, technological investments were also made. “We’ve installed the best available technology in terms of planning, dispatching of equipment at mines


The introduction of this long family history journey began May 7, 1931, when Mr. Adelard Soucy clears itself a ground of Témiscouata street in Rivière- du- Loup, in order to install its smelter. It manufactured at that time , seamers crank to seal the lids of home canning. Two to three employees then specialized in machinery repair.


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Heavy equipment Services

Porlier Express oers direct and intermodal integrated solutions since 1953.



and monitoring progress on a daily, hourly and real-time,” says Wood. “We’re in the process of perfecting it. We know where we can be and we’re working towards it.” Continuous improvement According to Wood, ArcelorMittal is continuously looking to improve in all phases of operations. “Our job here is to get world class levels of performance in every aspect of the business in terms of productivity, maintenance, and reliability of equipment.” With the expansion completed, daily records show potential in system for further growth in: • First sustain 24Mt and chase the “shifting bottleneck” to maximize system potential • Incremental investments for debottlenecking


Port Remorqueurs


Established on Québec’s North Shore since 1953, Porlier Express offer different services such as: terminal operations, stevedoring, railcar transloading and heavy equipment services. From our installations located at Mont-Wright, Labrador and various ports (Sept-Îles, Port-Cartier and HavreSaint-Pierre), our local and specialized teams offer you direct or intermodal integrated solutions adapted to the specific needs of the region and the industries (mining, smelter, petroleum and chemical).

With Porlier Express, you can be assured of peace of mind ! (418) 962-3073

w w w. a r c e l o r m i t t a l . c o m


We are a dynamic company specializing in industrial and commercial electricity Kilotech Control Inc. is the prime contractor or subcontractor in collaboration with various partners trust. As electrical contractors for over 30 years, we are able to achieve a complete product into electricity through our multidisciplinary team, while ensuring the complete satisfaction of our customers. Our reputation is that of a company that meets the initial conditions and timing of contracts awarded. Business confidence, Kilotech Control Inc. strives to continuously improve its standards and remain leaders from different donors item. We are able to perform electrical work, instrumentation and control, work line, high voltage and fiber optic, our company offers a full range of services that adapt to specific customer needs, regardless of the size of the project.


1739 RUE GRANDE CHICOUTIMI, QUEBEC G7K 1H8 TEL: 418-545-6189 FAX: 418-545-7173


180, RUE NAPOLEON SEPT-ÎLES, QUEBEC G4R 3M5 TEL: 418-968-3006 FAX: 418-968-4009

A R C E L O R M I T TA L M I N E S C A N A D A as required: • Mt Wright mine optimization, Fire Lake expansion (richer ore) and crusher debottlenecking • Rail winter reclaim capability, long train capability, additional sidings • Additional conveyor capacity at port • Significant cost benefits from scale • Potential to expand beyond 30Mt at low capital intensity The company believes over time, with various improvements, the expansion has the potential of producing 100 million tons a year. Wood comments, “We believe there’s an opportunity to do even better. By applying some world class management techniques, training and improving productivity, we think we can hit



Produits Boulettes


We develop, import and distribute a full assortment of scales to service all types of scale dealers, under the Kilotech brand name. Furthermore, we also carry other quality brands such as Tanita. We focus solely on weighing and measurement products, allowing us to concentrate on a more personal level in servicing our dealers’ needs. Our front line team is ready and able to answer any questions you may have regarding weighing and measurement products. After all, they’ve combined over 50 man years of sales experience and 40 man years of technical support experience between them. We have an established network of distributors across Canada and the U.S. Website:

w w w. a r c e l o r m i t t a l . c o m


Crushing and Screening Heavy Civil Construction


Lalancette operating since 1970

Tailings Operation Machinery Rental Transportation

É q u i p e m e n t s L a L a n c e t t e i n c | 171 m a Lta i s , s e p t- i L e s , q u e b e c , G 4 R 3 K 3 t e L : 4 1 8 - 9 6 2 -2 3 1 6 | F a x : 4 1 8 - 9 6 8 -2 6 3 4 | i n F o @ L a L a n c e t t e . n e t | w w w . L a L a n c e t t e . n e t

PROSYGMA.CA Phone: 450 442-5100 | Toll-free: 1 800 736-6160 370, Chambly Rd, # 300 Longueuil (Qc) J4H 3Z6



Our highly qualified and experienced professionals are at your service for all of your reliability and maintenance needs.

Proud partner of ArcelorMittal




a higher rate of potentially 27-28 million tons and eventually more”. He adds, “Going forward, we’re continuing to work out the bugs so we’re more reliable and consistent in our production.” ArcelorMittal Mining Canada G.P. is continuously striving for excellence and accomplishes this by employing initiatives to not only reach their goals, but exceed them. With the help of employees and extensive training, the company is leading a number of teams in processes for operational excellence. According to Wood, “it helps engage employees. They’re the ones with the ideas and know how things need to run. We want to take their suggestions and implement them. We’re going to do some retraining, reorganization of work and

w w w. a r c e l o r m i t t a l . c o m


PROVIDING SOLUTIONS, CREATING VALUES Applied Industrial Technologies provides solutions and creates value for customers. We supports the manufacturing and maintenance operations in every industry segment. We offer technical expertise, repair services, and a complete offering of Bearing,

Material Handling, Mechanical Power Transmission products, Fluid Power products, and Specialty products.

For more information contact us at 1-418-296-5575 or visit our website at







LPS is a proud supplier of JRV Distribution




A R C E L O R M I T TA L M I N E S C A N A D A work methods so our productivity is best in class and everything is running consistently.” Though the company can’t control certain things, such as ore grade, it still provides superior service in everything it can control.


“We’re benchmarking ourselves in terms of equipment availability, utilization, productivity workforce and best practices,” says Wood. “We can’t change the ore body but we plan on being world class in everything we can control.”

Port Chargeur de navire et homme w w w. a r c e l o r m i t t a l . c o m


Rock-solid litigation expertise At De Grandpré Chait, we advise our clients at every stage of the litigation process before all levels of court in Canada. Whether a case goes to trial or is resolved through arbitration, mediation or negotiation, our experienced lawyers are committed to helping clients achieve the solution that best resolves the dispute at hand. Our expertise extends to a vast array of contentious issues, such as: • Construction claims and litigation • Commercial disputes • Insolvency and financial restructuring • Debt collection • Insurance and liability

• Litigation and dispute settlement • Tax litigation • Shareholder disputes • Real estate and environment • Intellectual property

Your Best Partner

Miller Thomson’s Construction and Infrastructure Group Understanding the mining industry’s construction needs


Our Construction and Infrastructure Group is a leading provider of legal services for construction and infrastructure projects across Canada. We understand the wide range of issues facing the sector and how they specifically impact mining companies. And with more than 80 lawyers in key cities across Canada, we can provide tailored solutions to your industry’s unique business needs. Louis-Michel Tremblay 514.871.5421

Added experience. Added clarity. Added value.

Normand D’Amour 514.871.5487

Miller Thomson LLP












A R C E L O R M I T TA L M I N E S C A N A D A The company works toward ambitious goals, including their zero-thirty-thirty goal. Wood explains that this goal, “entails zero harm, 30 million tons a year and 30


dollars a ton. It’s an aspiration we work every day on. That’s what our operational excellence teams are doing – identifying the potential and engaging teams to achieve it. We

UB Disques d’agglomération w w w. a r c e l o r m i t t a l . c o m


From pit to port Helping our clients realize maximum value from their investments

Our extensive experience in the iron ore industry includes: mining, crushing, beneficiation (gravity and magnetic), flotation, fines agglomeration, pelletizing, and sintering; rail, port, materials handling and feed and product blending; process and logistics dynamic simulation; market studies, and process optimization. To learn more visit




w w w. a r c e l o r m i t t a l . c o m


Expanding the horizon with the highest quality railway products. We supply new, relay and reconditioned track material for all of your track construction and maintenance needs. 905-873-6247

Is a proud partner of

and the Labrador Mining Community Supplying

Automatic Lubrication Systems

and B&D Manufacturing safety products

Jacking and Torquing Systems

Celebrating 30 yrs of business in 2015 Locations:

32 2nd Avenue, Labrador A0R 1B0 709-282-5403 And 45 Industrial Drive, Sussex, N.B E4E 2R7 506-432-5960

A R C E L O R M I T TA L M I N E S C A N A D A don’t think we’ve reached our potential yet.” Transforming tomorrow As a leading supplier of iron ore, ArcelorMittal is also committed to setting global standards for future generations. The company strives to provide the leadership, quality and sustainability that will transform tomorrow’s steel and mining industries for the better. ArcelorMittal’s focus on sustainability reaches far beyond just Canada and the company is firmly committed to minimizing its environmental repercussions. The company has developed a sustainable development policy aimed at maintaining its international leadership position and being a strong advocate of Towards Sustainable Mining (TSM), a Mining Association of Canada (MAC) initiative. In doing so, the company works to implement corporate Environmental Management System in line with ISO 14001; actively communicate and cooperate with governments, the public and communities of interest; and reduce greenhouse gas emissions. The company’s commitment to sustainable development derives from five fundamental principles: health and safety, profitability, improvement, commitment, and respect. It’s as simple as that.


Company Information INDUSTRY


ArcelorMittal is the world’s leading steel and mining company. Guided by a philosophy to produce safe, sustainable steel, it is the leading supplier of quality steel products in all major markets including automotive, construction, household appliances and packaging. ArcelorMittal is present in more than 60 countries and has an industrial footprint in over 20 countries.

w w w. a r c e l o r m i t t a l . c o m


ArcelorMittal Mining Can

Performance de niveau intern

Steve Wood d’ArcelorMittal Mines Canada G.P. discute du d’agrandissement de la société dans sa mine de Mont-Wrig majeurs, les améliorations continues et les projets futurs p Écrit par : Robert Spence

Produit par : Aaron Wells

nada G.P.


u florissant projet ight, y compris les investissements pour ĂŞtre les meilleurs



MW Mine avec sautage 104

September 2014



es projets d’agrandissement dans le secteur minier ne sont pas une tâche facile. Parvenir à transformer de nouveaux objectifs en opérations exige de réussir la planification, l’intégration et l’exécution. Sous la houlette de Steve Wood, ArcelorMittal Mines Canada G.P. perfectionne actuellement ces compétences. Fondée en 1957, ArcelorMittal Mines Canada G.P. est la plus grande division minière de la multinationale ArcelorMittal. L’entreprise est devenue le fournisseur principal de minerai de fer et d’acier du Canada, produisant environ 60 pour cent de la production totale du pays.

La mine est reliée par une ligne de chemin de fer qui appartient à la société au complexe industriel de Port-Cartier. À environ 55 kilomètres de Mont-Wright, on trouve la mine de Fire Lake. En raison de la forte demande de minerai de fer, la mine est devenue un dépôt supplémentaire où ArcelorMittal exerce ses activités. En 2011, la société entreprise a entrepris l’un des plus grands projets d’agrandissement de Québec. Le projet, qui a été complété l’an dernier, a impliqué l’expansion des infrastructures à la mine de Mont-Wright afin d’augmenter la production de 16 à 24 millions de tonnes de minerai en fer avant la fin 2013. Agrandissement de l’avenir « Nous avons atteint le rythme ArcelorMittal Mines Canada G.P. annualisé de 24 millions en fin exploite actuellement deux grandes d’année dernière en novembre mines à ciel ouvert : le complexe de et les choses se présentent bien Mont-Wright et Fire Lake. pour atteindre 24 millions cette Le complexe minier de Montannée encore » a indiqué Steve Wright est une exploitation Wood, le président d’ArcelorMittal extrêmement systématique Mines Canada G.P. Il continue, « composée d’une mine à ciel ouvert, C’est assez phénoménal d’obtenir d’un concasseur à minerais et d’une ce rythme tout de suite après installation de concentration avec un projet d’expansion. Ce sont un système de chargement par train. des moments passionnants sur w w w. a r c e l o r m i t t a l . c o m




Located in Quebec (Canada), The Castech-Plessitech Group is a young, dynamic and experienced team that contains over 200 employees. Since 1931, Castech-Plessitech is present in many sectors such as: Mining, Aluminum, Pulp and Paper, Industrial, Hydro and Wind energy. The Group is unique because of its complete value added manufacturing services: •

Engineering Department

Ferrous castings up to 40 000 lbs in all types of alloys and irons

Machining of parts


Assemblies with lifting capacities of 100 tons

Screw conveyors

Finishing and painting

Overload and wide load transportation

Installation on site

Website: –

A R C E L O R M I T TA L M I N E S C A N A D A le plan de l’expansion et de la maximisation des retombées de nos investissements ». Une partie du dernier agrandissement a permis la mise en service de nouvelles lignes en spirale et d’une usine de concentration et a apporté des améliorations supplémentaires à la voie ferrée et au port de Port-Cartier. Wood estime qu’avec quelques améliorations mineures, ArcelorMittal peut atteindre un taux de production encore plus élevé. « Nous voyons se profiler le jour où avec quelques ajustements mineurs nous dépasserons la capacité nominale » indique Wood. Dans son ensemble, le projet d’expansion comprenait : • la mise en service de nouvelles lignes en spirale au concentrateur • de nouveaux camions et un atelier de réparation opérationnel • la réalisation de voies de garage


ferroviaires supplémentaires • l’achèvement du nouveau concentrateur • la mise en service de nouveaux engins de mise et de reprise au tas et chargeurs de navire • la production de concentré a dépassé 2 Mt en décembre 2013 • des chargements de 1.987 Mt en décembre 2013 • des économies d’échelle La province de Québec profite également de l’expansion. Les impôts sur le revenu et les revenus des droits miniers représenteront plus de 3 milliards de dollars, qui profiteront au gouvernement jusqu’en 2039. Le Québec bénéficiera aussi d’une augmentation de sa capacité d’exportation d’articles à étrangers, de la consolidation du secteur minier en général et du développement de la communauté. La création d’emplois au Canada

“Notre travail ici est d’obtenir des niveaux des niveaux de performance de niveau international dans chaque aspect des activités en termes de productivité, entretien et fiabilité des équipements ” – Steve Wood, Président d’ArcelorMittal Mines Canada G.P. w w w. a r c e l o r m i t t a l . c o m


1 866 444-9944 |

MAC 18-14A



MAC 18-14D

Wherever there’s mining in Quebec and in Western Labrador, you’ll find Cat products hard at work – drilling and digging, loading and hauling, grading and dozing. You will also find a Hewitt Equipment Limited branch, providing unmatched support, expert service and integrated solutions. Superior products. World class service. One source.

MAC 18-14D



19-08-2014 13:41

Founded in 1952, Hewitt Equipment Limited is the authorized Caterpillar Dealer for Quebec, Western Labrador and the Maritime Provinces in Canada. Hewitt has the expertise to deliver the world’s largest mobile mining equipment and act as a partner to help customers achieve success in their projects. Hewitt also provides the following services: • Assessment and continuous improvement: Hewitt’s mining experts perform a wide range of evaluations on site, while assessing processes and operational performance, enhancing productivity measures and identifying gaps and areas of improvement. • Best practices implementation: Hewitt and Caterpillar have developed throughout several decades of field experience an outstanding portfolio of best practices, in areas such as Maintenance & Repair, Application Component Life and Service Contract Management. • One stop shop: Hewitt achieves important synergies, leveraged by the supply of the largest variety of mining equipment and parts, volume discounts, processes optimization, and the access to a large pool of expertise and technical resources.

Hewitt, Service par Excellence +1 514-6303100 Visit our Website:



constitue un autre des avantages de l’expansion. Plus de 8.000 emplois ont été créés pendant la construction du projet et 600 autres emplois permanents ont été mis en place depuis l’achèvement de l’expansion.

et plus de spirales », ajoute Wood. « Nous avons acheté aussi 13 camions Caterpillar 797 de 400 tonnes pour permettre de déplacer de plus grands volumes en moins de temps ». Les camions 400 tonnes sont Investissements équipés d’un escalier de 18 Pour débuter le projet, ArcelorMittal marches pour atteindre la cabine du a investi de manière significative aux conducteur et chaque camion est environs de 1,6 milliard de dollars, utilisé pour transporter du minerai y compris un éventail de nouveaux en fer brut vers un concasseur où il équipements et technologies pour subira sa première transformation. développer le taux de production et Selon Wood, une partie de augmenter l’efficacité. l’expansion a également consisté « Nous avons acheté de à investir dans sa ligne ferroviaire nouveaux équipements ; engagé pour rationaliser la production. des personnels supplémentaires Les chemins de fer de la société ; augmenté notre capacité de transportent le concentré de minerai traitement ; ajouté une autre grande en fer de Mont-Wright à Port-Cartier ligne, augmenté notre capacité de et sont connus dans le secteur concentré de 50 pour cent et installé ferroviaire nord-américain pour leur de nouvelles usines de traitement fiabilité et leur sens de l’innovation.

“C’est assez phénoménal d’obtenir ce rythme tout de suite après un projet d’expansion. Ce sont des moments passionnants sur le plan de l’expansion et de la maximisation des retombées de nos investissements ” – Steve Wood, Président d’ArcelorMittal Mines Canada G.P. w w w. a r c e l o r m i t t a l . c o m


Revegetation through innovation.

Irrigation NORCO Inc. is a leader in the realm of land reclamation and revegetation. Using broad agronomic principles, we change sterile mining wastes into young natural prairies. Thanks to the various works we accomplish in the field, sterile mineral substrate becomes a genuine living soil.

“Felix qui potuit rerum cognoscere causas� 418.409.0190 | |





Established in 1993, we are a firm which specializes in land reclamation, revegetation and offering a wide variety of agricultural engineering and agronomic services. The combination of these services allows us to offer our costumers several products of the highest quality.


w w w. a r c e l o r m i t t a l . c o m






A R C E L O R M I T TA L M I N E S C A N A D A « Nous avons en outre voulu amplifier la capacité de notre ligne ferroviaire, aussi avons-nous acheté plus de locomotives et de wagons, étendu certaines voies de garage qui nous permettent de plus transporter vers le port, augmenté notre capacité de chargement des navires en installant un nouveau chargeur de navires et empileur ainsi qu’un convoyeur modifié. L’avenir portera sur les durées des cycles et la fiabilité » précise Wood. « Nous voulons reproduire ce que nous avons fait dans le passé. Nous avons certaines des personnes les plus intelligentes du secteur ».



En plus d’acquérir les meilleurs équipements possibles, des investissements technologiques ont également été réalisés. « Nous avons installé la meilleure technologie disponible sur le plan de la planification, de la répartition des équipements aux mines et du suivi des progrès sur une base quotidienne, horaire et en temps réel », ajoute Wood. « Nous sommes en train de perfectionner le processus. Nous savons ce que nous pouvons être dans l’avenir et travaillons à le devenir ». Amélioration continue


The introduction of this long family history journey began May 7, 1931, when Mr. Adelard Soucy clears itself a ground of Témiscouata street in Rivière- du- Loup, in order to install its smelter. It manufactured at that time , seamers crank to seal the lids of home canning. Two to three employees then specialized in machinery repair.


w w w. a r c e l o r m i t t a l . c o m


Your business partner on the Terminal Operations


Railcar Transloading

Heavy equipment Services

Porlier Express oers direct and intermodal integrated solutions since 1953.

A R C E L O R M I T TA L M I N E S C A N A D A Selon Wood, ArcelorMittal cherche constamment à améliorer toutes les phases des opérations. « Notre travail ici est d’obtenir des niveaux de performance de classe internationale dans chaque aspect des activités, en termes de productivité, entretien et fiabilité des équipements ». Après l’achèvement de l’expansion, les rapports quotidiens montrent le potentiel du système pour une plus ample croissance : • Premièrement en maintenant le niveau de 24 Mt et en faisant la chasse aux « goulots d’étranglement » pour maximiser le potentiel du système • Investissements progressifs en tant que de besoin pour désengorger : • Optimisation de la mine de Mt Wright,



Port Remorqueurs


Established on Québec’s North Shore since 1953, Porlier Express offer different services such as: terminal operations, stevedoring, railcar transloading and heavy equipment services. From our installations located at Mont-Wright, Labrador and various ports (Sept-Îles, Port-Cartier and HavreSaint-Pierre), our local and specialized teams offer you direct or intermodal integrated solutions adapted to the specific needs of the region and the industries (mining, smelter, petroleum and chemical).

With Porlier Express, you can be assured of peace of mind ! (418) 962-3073

w w w. a r c e l o r m i t t a l . c o m


We are a dynamic company specializing in industrial and commercial electricity Kilotech Control Inc. is the prime contractor or subcontractor in collaboration with various partners trust. As electrical contractors for over 30 years, we are able to achieve a complete product into electricity through our multidisciplinary team, while ensuring the complete satisfaction of our customers. Our reputation is that of a company that meets the initial conditions and timing of contracts awarded. Business confidence, Kilotech Control Inc. strives to continuously improve its standards and remain leaders from different donors item. We are able to perform electrical work, instrumentation and control, work line, high voltage and fiber optic, our company offers a full range of services that adapt to specific customer needs, regardless of the size of the project.


1739 RUE GRANDE CHICOUTIMI, QUEBEC G7K 1H8 TEL: 418-545-6189 FAX: 418-545-7173


180, RUE NAPOLEON SEPT-ÎLES, QUEBEC G4R 3M5 TEL: 418-968-3006 FAX: 418-968-4009

A R C E L O R M I T TA L M I N E S C A N A D A expansion de Fire Lake (minerai plus riche) et désengorgement du concasseur • Récupération de la capacité ferroviaire en hiver, capacité de trains longs, voies de garage supplémentaires • Capacité supplémentaire de convoyeur au port • Importantes économies d’échelle pour les coûts • Potentiel d’augmentation au-delà de 30 Mt à basse intensité en capital La société estime qu’au fil du temps, avec diverses améliorations, l’expansion a le potentiel pour produire 100 millions de tonnes par an. Wood commente, « Nous croyons qu’il y a une possibilité de faire encore mieux. En appliquant quelques techniques de direction de



Produits Boulettes


We develop, import and distribute a full assortment of scales to service all types of scale dealers, under the Kilotech brand name. Furthermore, we also carry other quality brands such as Tanita. We focus solely on weighing and measurement products, allowing us to concentrate on a more personal level in servicing our dealers’ needs. Our front line team is ready and able to answer any questions you may have regarding weighing and measurement products. After all, they’ve combined over 50 man years of sales experience and 40 man years of technical support experience between them. We have an established network of distributors across Canada and the U.S. Website:

w w w. a r c e l o r m i t t a l . c o m


Crushing and Screening Heavy Civil Construction


Lalancette operating since 1970

Tailings Operation Machinery Rental Transportation

É q u i p e m e n t s L a L a n c e t t e i n c | 171 m a Lta i s , s e p t- i L e s , q u e b e c , G 4 R 3 K 3 t e L : 4 1 8 - 9 6 2 -2 3 1 6 | F a x : 4 1 8 - 9 6 8 -2 6 3 4 | i n F o @ L a L a n c e t t e . n e t | w w w . L a L a n c e t t e . n e t

PROSYGMA.CA Phone: 450 442-5100 | Toll-free: 1 800 736-6160 370, Chambly Rd, # 300 Longueuil (Qc) J4H 3Z6



Our highly qualified and experienced professionals are at your service for all of your reliability and maintenance needs.

Proud partner of ArcelorMittal




classe mondiale, en entraînant et améliorant la productivité, nous pensons que nous pouvons atteindre un plus haut taux, potentiellement 27-28 millions de tonnes et par la suite encore plus ». Il ajoute « En avançant, nous continuons à résoudre les problèmes et devenons donc plus fiables et plus cohérents dans notre production ». ArcelorMittal Mines Canada G.P. s’efforce continuellement de viser l’excellence et accomplit ceci en employant des initiatives non seulement pour atteindre ses objectifs, mais pour les dépasser. À l’aide de ses employés et d’une formation approfondie, l’entreprise conduit un nombre d’équipes dans des processus d’excellence opérationnelle. Selon Wood, « cela aide à impliquer les employés. Ce sont eux qui ont les

w w w. a r c e l o r m i t t a l . c o m


PROVIDING SOLUTIONS, CREATING VALUES Applied Industrial Technologies provides solutions and creates value for customers. We supports the manufacturing and maintenance operations in every industry segment. We offer technical expertise, repair services, and a complete offering of Bearing,

Material Handling, Mechanical Power Transmission products, Fluid Power products, and Specialty products.

For more information contact us at 1-418-296-5575 or visit our website at







LPS is a proud supplier of JRV Distribution




A R C E L O R M I T TA L M I N E S C A N A D A idées et savent comment les choses doivent fonctionner. Nous voulons suivre leurs suggestions et les exécuter. Nous ferons du recyclage, de la réorganisation du travail et des méthodes de travail, de façon que notre productivité soit la meilleure de


sa classe et que tout fonctionne de manière fiable ». Bien que la société ne puisse pas contrôler certaines choses, comme la teneur de minerai, elle fournit toujours le meilleur des services pour tout ce qu’elle peut contrôler.

Port Chargeur de navire et homme w w w. a r c e l o r m i t t a l . c o m


Rock-solid litigation expertise At De Grandpré Chait, we advise our clients at every stage of the litigation process before all levels of court in Canada. Whether a case goes to trial or is resolved through arbitration, mediation or negotiation, our experienced lawyers are committed to helping clients achieve the solution that best resolves the dispute at hand. Our expertise extends to a vast array of contentious issues, such as: • Construction claims and litigation • Commercial disputes • Insolvency and financial restructuring • Debt collection • Insurance and liability

• Litigation and dispute settlement • Tax litigation • Shareholder disputes • Real estate and environment • Intellectual property

Your Best Partner

Miller Thomson’s Construction and Infrastructure Group Understanding the mining industry’s construction needs


Our Construction and Infrastructure Group is a leading provider of legal services for construction and infrastructure projects across Canada. We understand the wide range of issues facing the sector and how they specifically impact mining companies. And with more than 80 lawyers in key cities across Canada, we can provide tailored solutions to your industry’s unique business needs. Louis-Michel Tremblay 514.871.5421

Added experience. Added clarity. Added value.

Normand D’Amour 514.871.5487

Miller Thomson LLP












A R C E L O R M I T TA L M I N E S C A N A D A « Nous évaluons notre performance en termes de disponibilité d’équipement, utilisation, productivité de la maind’œuvre et meilleures pratiques, » dit Wood. « Nous ne pouvons pas changer le corps de minerai mais nous planifions d’être de niveau international pour tout de que nous pouvons contrôler ». La société s’est fixé des objectifs ambitieux, y compris son objectif


zéro-trente-trente. Wood explique que cet objectif « implique zéro blessure, 30 millions de tonnes par an et 30 dollars la tonne. C’est une aspiration vers laquelle nous travaillons tous les jours. C’est ce que nos équipes d’excellence opérationnelle font -– identifier le potentiel et impliquer les équipes pour y parvenir. Nous ne pensons pas avoir déjà atteint notre potentiel ».

UB Disques d’agglomération w w w. a r c e l o r m i t t a l . c o m


From pit to port Helping our clients realize maximum value from their investments

Our extensive experience in the iron ore industry includes: mining, crushing, beneficiation (gravity and magnetic), flotation, fines agglomeration, pelletizing, and sintering; rail, port, materials handling and feed and product blending; process and logistics dynamic simulation; market studies, and process optimization. To learn more visit




w w w. a r c e l o r m i t t a l . c o m


Expanding the horizon with the highest quality railway products. We supply new, relay and reconditioned track material for all of your track construction and maintenance needs. 905-873-6247

Is a proud partner of

and the Labrador Mining Community Supplying

Automatic Lubrication Systems

and B&D Manufacturing safety products

Jacking and Torquing Systems

Celebrating 30 yrs of business in 2015 Locations:

32 2nd Avenue, Labrador A0R 1B0 709-282-5403 And 45 Industrial Drive, Sussex, N.B E4E 2R7 506-432-5960

A R C E L O R M I T TA L M I N E S C A N A D A Transformer demain En sa qualité de fournisseur principal de minerai en fer, ArcelorMittal s’engage également à établir des normes mondiales pour les générations futures. La société s’efforce de fournir le leadership, la qualité et la durabilité qui transformeront les secteurs de l’acier et minier de demain vers le mieux. La concentration d’ArcelorMittal sur la durabilité va loin au-delà du seul Canada et la société s’est fermement engagée à minimiser ses répercussions écologiques. La société a développé une politique de développement durable visant à maintenir sa position de leader international et à être un ardent défenseur de Towards Sustainable Mining (TSM), une initiative de l’Association minière du Canada (Mining Association of Canada - MAC). Ce faisant, la société travaille à la mise en œuvre d’un système de gestion de l’environnement de l’entreprise en conformité avec la norme ISO 14001, à communiquer et coopérer activement avec les gouvernements, le public et les communautés d’intérêt et à réduire les émissions de gaz à effet de serre. L’engagement de la société au développement durable dérive de cinq principes fondamentaux : la santé et la sécurité, la rentabilité, l’amélioration, l’engagement et le respect. C’est aussi simple que cela.


Company Information INDUSTRY


ArcelorMittal is the world’s leading steel and mining company. Guided by a philosophy to produce safe, sustainable steel, it is the leading supplier of quality steel products in all major markets including automotive, construction, household appliances and packaging. ArcelorMittal is present in more than 60 countries and has an industrial footprint in over 20 countries.

w w w. a r c e l o r m i t t a l . c o m


PPP Canada

P3 Knowledge, Leadership and Expertise Written by: Michelle Coates

Produced by: Mike Magno



Kokish River Hydroelectric Project(Port McNeill BC


he need for infrastructure renewal is real and governments across Canada have recognized that investing in public infrastructure is an effective way of boosting the economy while delivering tangible results Canadian can see and use every day. Public-private partnerships (P3s) have proven their ability to deliver value. Governments have seen this model work for projects across the country, with early adopters like Alberta, British Columbia and Ontario leading the way. When done well and for the right reasons. P3s can be a useful 134

December 2014

procurement tool for governments. P3s engage the expertise of the private sector and the discipline of capital markets to deliver ontime, on-budget, whole life-cycle solutions to delivering the public infrastructure Canadians need. Recognizing the growing attraction to P3s, in 2008, the Government of Canada saw an opportunity to leverage its role to enable the consideration of P3s through the creation of PPP Canada, a federal Crown corporation. Effecting change PPP Canada strives to deliver value


SRO Dowtown Eastside Vancouver_BC Housing

to Canadians through the effective use of P3s. We are doing this by working with all levels of government to share P3 knowledge and build best practices to change the way people think about procuring public infrastructure. Whether the goal is to procure a wastewater treatment plant for a small municipality or an international airport for a growing territory, value for Canadians is our over-riding focus. That is why we recommend a P3 approach based on a detailed and systematic assessment of value for money. The federal government has significant direct responsibility

for the provision of national public infrastructure assets and has mandated that all large federal projects with capital costs of more than $100 million be assessed for P3 suitability. PPP Canada is here to provide our federal clients with reliable advice and expertise to help identify P3 viability, perform a thorough procurement options analysis and advise on the procurement of the project. Our most visible federal advisory engagement to date is the New Bridge for the St. Lawrence project. Our team has been working with Infrastructure Canada to complete a w w w. p 3 c a n a d a . c a



Evan-Thomas Water and Wastewater Treatment Facility project Kananaskis Country, Alberta

study to support their procurement process. PPP Canada is similarly involved with Transport Canada and Windsor-Detroit Bridge Authority in the development of the Detroit River International Crossing. We also work with other levels of government to advise and evaluate P3 potential for projects submitted through the P3 Canada Fund. With the first 5-year, $1.2B tranche of the P3 Canada Fund now complete, we are in a position to look back on our successes and the impact the Fund has had on the Canadian P3 market to date. Between 2008 and 2013, the market has expanded significantly. Since the launch of the 136

December 2014

P3 Canada Fund, the number of P3s entering procurement has more than doubled. Between 2009 and 2014, the $1.2B Fund provided up to 25% support to 24 projects, leveraging more than $6B in P3 infrastructure across Canada. The estimated incremental value of these projects compared to traditional procurement exceeds $800 million. The Fund, combined with our considerable outreach and education activities has had a huge impact in attracting new players to the market – most significantly municipalities. Since launching the P3 Canada Fund, we have confirmed investments


to 14 municipalities, which make up 68% of the Fund’s overall portfolio. Most notably, 12 of these municipalities were first-time entrants into the P3 market. The entry of municipalities into the P3 market has created demand for a wider range of assets, including water and wastewater treatment facilities, public transit projects, and solid waste management assets.

Company Information INDUSTRY

Federal Crown corporation HEADQUARTERS

The way forward The ongoing success of the Canadian market has been recognized internationally. With strong capital markets, legal frameworks, private sector experience and capacity we expect the Canadian P3 market to remain resilient. In the 2013 Economic Action Plan, the federal government renewed the P3 Canada Fund with $1.2B over the next 5 years. It went further announcing that all applications to the New Building Canada Fund will be subject to a P3 screen if eligible costs are estimated at $100 million or more. These announcements underscore the federal government’s commitment to ensuring maximum value through the effective use of P3s and will no doubt have an impact on the number of projects brought to the market moving forward. PPP Canada remains in a unique position to help formalize best practices and push for greater transparency with respect to P3 projects and the Value for Money they generate so we can continue to lead by example.

Ottawa, Ontario, Canada FOUNDED


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Kwagis Power Limited Partnership

Environmentally Conscious Energy

The Kokish River run-of-river hydroelectric project is more than just a renewable power source as it goes to extra lengths to protect the environment. Written by: Kevin Smead

Produced by: Michael Magno



Powerhouse just downstream of the Kokish River


or the ‘Namgis First Nation, respect for the environment is a core value. This allencompassing belief is focused on the protection and enhancement of the key watersheds in its ancestral lands on northeastern Vancouver Island. The Kokish River watershed is an important one of these. The river has been home to a number of industrial operations over the years, but none has brought benefits like the Kokish River project. This run-of-the-river operation has an installed capacity of 45 megawatts and generates clean, 140

December 2014

sustainable energy while enhancing the fish populations in the river. The project is owned and operated by a partnership between Brookfield Renewable Energy Partners and the ‘Namgis First Nation, called Kwagis Power. For the ‘Namgis, it’s a requirement that the project’s impact on the river’s community and aquatic life must be a positive one. “In all of the projects and activities that we do, our key goals are respect for the environment, sound management, self-sufficiency, and sustainable prosperity for our


members,” Chief Debra Hanuse said: “These are the values that led us to take on the Kokish project. We are quite proud of our efforts together with our partner Brookfield Renewable. Our project won praise for exceeding environmental requirements and great care was taken not only to protect but also to enhance fish habitat and fisheries resources in the Kokish watershed. If all goes according to plan, the project will improve fish populations in the river through stream fertilization.” Consideration for Aquatic Life

Great care was taken to ensure that protection of the river’s aquatic life was at the forefront of the project. Planning of the project began in 2004 and was followed by years of studying the river system, gathering data, and preparing environmental plans. The result met all the requirements of the ‘Namgis First Nation and of regulators. In late 2011 and early 2012, the project received its environmental certificate and water licence approvals. Now, the operation is implementing its detailed

w w w. b ro o k f i e l d re n e w a b l e . c o m / k o k i s h r i v e r


Ecofish Research Ltd. - We are a leading environmental consulting firm in renewable energy, passionate to take on your toughest regulatory challenges. When the Kwagis Power Limited Partnership needed expert help to permit the Kokish Hydroelectric Project, they turned to Ecofish for our reputation as problem solvers. Our innovative mitigation and study designs were key in advancing the project through all phases of development. We continue to support Kwagis during operations, helping them deliver the promise of clean energy.

KOKISH HYDROELECTRIC environmental monitoring and compensation programs, and using innovative technology to protect the river’s fish populations. “For example, a feature of this facility is what is called a Coanda screen” Hanuse explained. “The Coanda screen ensures that juvenile salmon and steelhead can safely migrate out to sea.” The Coanda screen covers the intake weir and prevents the river’s young fish and diverse aquatic life from being drawn into the penstock and turbines. These screens have been successful on other rivers in ensuring that juvenile salmonids


travel down the river with a high rate of survival. The extensive care paid to environmental concerns isn’t the only thing that makes this project unique, however. A Unique Partnership Part of what makes the Kokish River run-of-river project special is the partnership between a First Nation and a major energy company. Also, for the first time in Canada, a First Nation is benefiting from the model of funding used for projects developed jointly by the public and private sectors.



Ecofish Research Ltd. are experts in environmental impact assessment, mitigation, compensation, and monitoring. Established in 2000 we have decades of experience in solving the tough problems that regulators and industry face when evaluating and permitting developments. With a team of experienced, skilled professionals, including biologists, hydrologists, chemists, and environmental technicians, we offer a broad range of environmental services including study design, data collection and analysis, reporting, training, strategic advice, agency liaison, environmental management planning, mitigation and compensation planning, and environmental monitoring. Website:

w w w. b ro o k f i e l d re n e w a b l e . c o m / k o k i s h r i v e r


KOKISH HYDROELECTRIC The ‘Namgis First Nation received $7.2 million in funding from PPP Canada. This agency manages public–private partnerships (P3s), which are an approach to developing public infrastructure that allows governments to hold the private sector accountable for a project’s success over its lifespan. The idea behind the P3s is to transfer to the private sector a major share of the risk associated with infrastructure development, such as cost overruns, schedule delays, unexpected maintenance, or latent defects. Essentially, a P3 project ensures that there aren’t any surprises for taxpayers and the private sector is engaged via a contract for the life of the asset. “Once the construction phase is done, all the high standards are met, and all of the risk of any delay is avoided, that’s the point where the P3 funding kicks in,” Hanuse explained. “That’s significant for us because P3 funding basically provided us with the means to stand on our own in terms of securing financing to participate in this project from a source other than our partner. It also will provide us with 144

December 2014

early benefits, so after repaying our loan, there will still be profits that are available for our community. That’s really important because one of our major goals is to become self-sufficient. The early profits from this project will provide us with the resources that we need to stimulate economic growth in our community and build a better future for our children.” The Long Term When looking at the life span of the asset, it’s important to take a long term view. “Our initial contract to supply power to BC Hydro is for an initial period of 40 years, so we have guaranteed income for 40 years,” Hanuse said. “It’s a stable and steady revenue stream. But the Kokish facility can have a lifespan of 100 years with good maintenance, so it could provide benefits for generations.” While the power agreements are important, the long-term environmental impact is still crucial to the ‘Namgis. “Throughout the lifespan of the project there will be environmental monitoring to ensure that the project continues to meet


safety and environmental standards,” Hanuse said. “Over time, the environmental monitoring will create opportunities for the members of our nation to become involved in technical support aspects.” This helps accelerate the First Nation’s progress toward self-sufficiency. Achieving this will require the ability to create and fund projects such as the Kokish River,run-of-river project which can be challenging. “Access to capital is a challenge that many First Nations governments face because reserve lands can’t be mortgaged, and therefore unless a First Nation has a lot of other assets it can offer for security, it’s difficult for many Nations to secure financing for economic projects,” Hanuse explained. “An initial loan from our partner Brookfield Renewable opened the door for ‘Namgis participation in the Kokish project. The loan from P3 Canada has helped us open the door further. By securing a P3 loan on completion of construction, we’re able to repay our loan to Brookfield and stand as our own as a partner in the Kokish project. The low-interest loan from P3 Canada will allow us to build equity in a green energy project within our core territory and realize benefits much sooner than we would have otherwise.” Overall, the project is not only a model of how sustainability, energy, and environmental concern can come together, it is also of how the public and private sectors can work together to improve energy infrastructure.

Company Information INDUSTRY


Quebec, Canada FOUNDED



w w w. b ro o k f i e l d re n e w a b l e . c o m / k o k i s h r i v e r


Planview Uti

A Triple

The utility services company offers three diverse area to provide world-class Written by: Kevin Smead


ility Services

e Threat

as of service and intelligently utilizes them in harmony s services to its clients.

Produced by: Michael Magno 147


Integrated Approach


lanview Utility Services is a diverse company offering utility engineering, GIS data management services, and subsurface utility engineering. Using a synergistic approach, Planview provides utilities with value added services for each of its three areas of operation. The company’s diverse engineering team is equipped to take on a wide range of projects and is able to see them through from concept to completion. This unique blend of services sets Planview apart from the competition. Planview is able to provide value added services 148

December 2014

throughout the asset lifecycle—from planning and design to construction and ongoing maintenance. “We never miss an opportunity to collect data,” Director of GIS Services, Kris Philpott said. “Once an asset is exposed we collect and deliver the data back to you in GIS format. This ensures a commitment to continual data improvement and reduces risk and truck rolls all while focusing on damage prevention, employee safety and public safety.” A Triple Threat Planview employs this level of commitment and attention to detail


across all of its diverse service areas. “Our diverse team brings understanding to every aspect of our clients—who are mainly Utilities (Telecommunication, Electric, Gas and Water/Municipal). Our focus is to provide small firm attention to the industry and to give partner level attention to all projects,” said Bob Irwin, president of Planview Utility Services. The company prides itself on not only its diverse service range, but also its flexibility. When it comes to project management, it’s important to Planview to not only focus on the details, but the bigger picture as well. With 90 years combined experience in its Partner Team, Planview is able to tackle projects across its three services areas as cohesive unit, utilizing its ability to manage both big and little aspects.

“Our team strives to maintain strong relationships with our clients built on trust.” – Bob Irwin, President

w w w. p l a n v i e w. c a



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“A SUE project brings opportunities to a utility to improve GIS data as well as provide detailed information to complete efficient engineering design,” Philpott explained. “An engineering project ultimately leads to construction of new assets which leads to GIS updates. The cycle continues as future SUE projects are more efficient with accurate GIS data.”

Locates,” Philpott explained. “The solution is built on MicroStrategies and GeoDash. The tool is called: DPRAT—Damage Prevention Risk Analysis Tool.” Working together with Project X Ltd we took the core knowledge and data available and coupled it with the cost effective solution of MicroStrategy to quickly reconfigure the underlying data to release the value of a highly customizable Working Together project. This enabled Plaview to The strong relationship Planview monetize their data and create a new maintains with those it works with is revenue stream. a key factor in its success. Philpott explained that the tool “Our vision as a growing company was developed for Bell Canada, is to continue to provide partner Union Gas and Enbridge and level attention to our clients,” Irwin currently has 80 users across the said. “Our team strives to maintain three organizations. strong relationships with our clients “We have developed a risk algorithm built on trust.” which analysis each Locate and One particular partner of note is assigns risk based on proximity to Project X Ltd (, the underground infrastructure, digging technology partner provider of the geo- methods, depth and even who is dash software and applications for doing the excavating,” he added. Planview. “Infrastructure owners can identify “Together with Project X Ltd, we where the high risk excavating is going developed a Damage Prevention to occur and choose to be on-site solution that allows infrastructure during the excavation or complete a owners to be proactive by analyzing quality check on the Locate.” the associated risks of Underground w w w. p l a n v i e w. c a




December 2014


The Power of Data Planview also believes that companies are now seeing the value of maintaining accurate mapping and GIS data, as it helps improve operational efficiencies. Recently, at the Canadian Common Grounds Alliance, Philpott presented on how crowdsourcing and swam theory concepts can transform a utility and adopt methods used by Google Maps to have an organic GIS maintained by the entire company. “This is a shift from the current paradigm of a single GIS or Records department that is responsible for the accuracy of mapping data,” he said. “Planview is actively working on a project, with a utility in Ontario, which is code named Mapping Utopia. This project aims to validate and improve existing GIS data and to implement the required processes to ensure the data remains valid. Working on a specific pilot area, our client hopes to measure the operational efficiencies of a near perfect GIS dataset.” Benefits of this technology include an increased number of locate clears, which will reduce the number of truck rolls to complete field locates. While this is something Planview will continue to work on, it also aims to improve in the more general sense as well. Using their diverse range of experience and services offered it hopes to provide support for its existing clients—all while growing a new client base.

Company Information INDUSTRY

Utility Services HEADQUARTERS

Markham, Ontario, Canada FOUNDED



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Two Trucks and a Vision Though it came from humble beginnings, K-Line has quickly become one of the most sought-after industrial maintenance contractors in Canada. Written by: Kevin Smead

Produced by: Michael Magno




December 2014



rothers Alan and Mark Kellett have been leading K-Line Group, a utility services provider, for more than 25 years. Though, as they put it, they’re just “looking after it.” K-Line was founded by their father, Glenn, in 1967. Armed with years of experience at Ontario’s Hydro One and a strategic eye for business,

he sold one of his properties in order to purchase two trucks— both of which are still owned by the company today—and began running operations out of the basement at his Scarborough home. Glenn saw an opportunity to provide service at a time when utilities began outsourcing work to third-parties. What began as K-Line w w w. k - l i n e . c a


Since inception in 2002 PMA has provided Engineering & Design/ drafting services. Our major Clients include: • RCM Technologies • Black & Macdonald • BECMA • Kinectrics/Brampton Hydro

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K-LINE Maintenance and Construction is now part of a larger group, which includes operations in several countries across the globe. Still, it was Glenn’s initial efforts put the company on the path to where it is today. “K-line didn’t just fall out of the sky,” Mark said, “but started with a person with a vision who came from Mendon, Ontario.” There are several key aspects that have afforded K-Line its current and continued success. Perhaps the most important is its retention of its family culture across the years. Though the company has grown, it still operates like a small, personal family business. K-Line’s emphasis on safety has also been a may factor in its success. The company goes to great lengths to train its employees on safety protocols on a routine basis, ensuring everyone gets home in as good as shape as they showed up. Finally, the K-Line is committed to always providing high-quality work, on-time and on budget. The company believes in honest operations and building relationships with its partners. Next month, we’ll dive deeper into K-Line’s successes. Stay tuned!


Company Information INDUSTRY

Energy & Utilities HEADQUARTERS

Ontariao, Canada FOUNDED



$80-100 million

w w w. k - l i n e . c a


Better Ingredients. Better Pizza.

papa john’s canada Senior Managing Director Mark Murphy discusses Papa John’s strategic distributor partnerships and plans for growth across the Canadian Prairies Written by: Sasha Orman Produced by: Sean Bakke



Founder Papa John’s Favorite Pizza, loaded with Pepperoni, Sausage and a 6 cheese blend on Papa John’s Original Hand Tossed Dough


estaurant brands may operate globally, but a lot of the regional development action happens on the franchise level. In Canada’s Prairie region of Alberta, Manitoba, and Saskatchewan, that development has been guided along by franchise partner Perfect Delivery Canada. Since 2000, the master franchisee has been building a strong base out of its initial location in Calgary, Alberta – today, it’s poised to take the Papa John’s philosophy of better ingredients and better pizza to whole new audiences in the more remote reaches of rural Canada.

Fresh Canadian made cheese tops every pizza 162

December 2014

A Strategy for Growth With 45 locations throughout Calgary and Winnipeg, master franchisee Perfect Delivery


Better Ingredients, Better Pizza

Canada operates the largest regional Papa John’s franchise in Canada. But there is still plenty of growth potential left to tap within the Canadian Prairies – the franchise has plans to more than double its presence in the region within the next few years. “We’re projecting to grow to more than a hundred stores between the three provinces [of Alberta, Manitoba, and Saskatchewan],” says Mark Murphy, Senior Managing Director for Perfect Delivery Canada. “We have about 21 stores in the pipeline right now that we’re working on, that will open between 2015 and 2016.” In order to facilitate this rapid growth, the franchisee has been investing heavily in aspects of the business that will ultimately benefit all stores throughout the franchise. “We just got finished doing over a more than $2 million upgrade to our

“With us being a master franchisee of Papa John’s, the benefit for the franchisee is that somebody’s got their back twice.” – Mark Murphy, Senior Managing Director for Perfect Delivery Canada

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commissary operations, distribution center, and regional office in Calgary, which will help us reduce costs and help with the cost at store level,” says Murphy, noting the benefits that individual franchisees gain from working with such an invested master franchisee. “With us being a master franchisee of Papa John’s, the benefit for the franchisee is that somebody’s got their back twice,” he explains. “For example, Corporate Papa John’s has marketing representatives that represent the franchisees, and we have our own marketing department where we help organize as far as TV, print & print distribution. We have a really good support network for our markets.”

Sausage & Pepperoni on Papa John’s signature pencil-thinedge thin crust.

Paving the Way with Strategic Partnerships Canada is a massive country with varied landscapes, from metropolitan centers in the south to remote mining communities in the north. Building a franchise isn’t always easy in those more remote locations, where the time and effort needed to distribute ingredients and materials can be cost prohibitive – but residents of Fort McMurray are just as in need of quality pizza as residents of Calgary, and Papa John’s is striving to deliver. Because success in remote locations can depend heavily on the strength of a good distribution network, a major part of the franchise’s growth strategy has been the development of a strong partnership with a distributor who is up to the task.

Only the freshest ingredients go into every pizza, Papa John’s goes the extra mile to ensure the vegetables are always fresh, so they’re ripe and full of flavour, we never cut corners!

w w w. p a p a j o h n s . c o m / c a n a d a /



Premium Chicken Breast Poppers, made with premium white chicken breast meat and baked to a golden crisp

“I’m projecting for us to add another $10 million per year moving forward. I really feel like we’ve got something strong going on here. – Mark Murphy, Senior Mananging Director

Papa John’s Dipping Sauces add an explosion of flavour to any pizza or sides 166

December 2014

“We have a main distribution hub that we own out of Calgary, which gives us a lot of buying power, but one issue we’ve had is that, as you get into northern Alberta, Saskatchewan, and Manitoba, there’s a whole lot of nothing between markets and to distribute product there is quite costly,” says Murphy. “So we recently teamed with Gordon Food Service (GFS Canada), where they’re going to be doing part of our food distribution for markets that are difficult for us to


service in an economical manner.” As the largest private food distributor in Canada, with a strong service network in the Canadian Prairies including distribution hubs in Winnipeg and Edmonton, GFS Canada offers the resources and the points of access to significantly open up the region’s potential for franchise growth. “It will add a lot of cost savings to people in markets that are hard to reach – markets like Fort McMurray, or Brandon, Manitoba, or Moose Jaw, Saskatchewan. So this GFS relationship is really going to be a big plus for us as we move forward.” With the finalization of this partnership, GFS Canada finds itself in good company with a host of other partners, from materials suppliers like Agropur and Cargill to equipment and services providers like G. Cinelli-Esperia Corporation and Apple Cleaning Supplies, all working to help Papa John’s achieve its goals of quality products at low cost to franchisees and consumers.

Company Information INDUSTRY

• Company, Perfect Delivery Canada O/A Papa John’s Pizza • Takeout and Delivery Pizza Franchise HEADQUARTERS

Calgary, Alberta FOUNDED



Falling Into Place With a strong growth strategy and smart partnerships coming together seamlessly, Papa John’s Canada is in a prime position to succeed in its plan for one hundred regional stores. “We’re just excited,” says Murphy. We’ve got a strong marketing department, we’ve got our supply distribution center, and we’ve brought on a solid team. I’m projecting for us to add another $10 million per year moving forward. I really feel like we’ve got something strong going on here.”

$40-50 Million

w w w. p a p a j o h n s . c o m / c a n a d a /


Patates Dolbec

Patates Dolbec Brings Innovation to Agriculture Dolbec executive Gord Medynski discusses technology, research, and growth in potato farming Written by: Sasha Orman

Produced by: Sean Bakke



We’re not your everyday run of the mill farm,” says Gord Medynski, Director of Purchasing, Sales, and Business Development at Patates Dolbec. Indeed, Quebecbased potato producer Patates Dolbec is an agribusiness dedicated to the future, merging the hard work and simplicity of potato farming with the promise of new technology to cultivate innovation and growth. New Innovations in Growing At Patates Dolbec, the traditional Russet potato is just the beginning. Beyond multiple varieties of its four staples – red, white, yellow, and Russet – the company puts extensive effort into the research and development of trendier 170

December 2014

consumer-friendly options such as creamer potatoes, fingerling potatoes, and proprietary brands like its pink-skinned Mozart variety. To help facilitate this research, Patates Dolbec is working with the University of Laval in Quebec City for additional R&D on new varieties as well as soil testing to look for diseases and optimize growing conditions. To take research even further, the company recently invested in a breeding program at a seed farm in Lac-St-Jean. New Innovations on the Consumer Side Patates Dolbec doesn’t leave innovation out in the field – every part of the company is devoted to


finding new and better solutions, and that includes when the potatoes start making their way to consumers. It starts with warehousing, where the company has invested heavily in state-ofthe-art temperature and humidity controlled spaces to keep its store of potatoes fresh year round. From there, the company is working on new cutting edge consumer packaging options such as its formfill-and-seal poly consumer packs imported in from Europe. “It’s a much nicer looking bag than the standard type,” says Medynski, noting the easy-to-carry handles and built-in greening resistance that has other North American potato

producers sitting up and taking interest. “We wanted to come out with new packaging that no one else had, so when purchasing new machinery we invested in fresh innovations featuring more of a European style.” Patates Dolbec into the Future What is in store for Patates Dolbec in the future? According to Medynski, the focus is above all on research and continuing to set the brand apart as a leading force in Canada’s potato industry. The brand has been focused on listening to and understanding the needs of its consumer base, leading to new innovations in packaging and in w w w. d o l b e c . c a


PATAT E S D O L B E C production with new potato varieties and valued-added products like its four-packs of foil baked potatoes. Into the future, Patates Dolbec is committed to research and development in order to meet its customers’ needs even further. “With the time and energy and funds we’ve put into R&D, and the new varieties and breeding programs, we’re hoping to develop newer varieties that are exclusive to us that we can offer to our customer base and hopefully expand that

base,” says Medynski. “It’s not a matter of price – anybody can give product away. You have to have something different from your competition to move forward, and that’s what we’re working on – that’s number one for us. Then it’s about buying more land, having good land for our potatoes, having proper rotation crops to keep our soil healthy, and having stateof-the-art machinery on our farms. We always want to be ahead of the competition.”

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More than a Job: What Sets Patates Dolbec Apart What makes Patates Dolbec something special? It could be the size and scope of its operation, as the largest grower in Eastern Canada and within the top five for the country. It could also be the technology that Dolbec employs, with its stateof-the-art warehousing and breeding programs. But there’s something more that sets the company apart – something personal that’s part of the company’s DNA and keeps its employees passionate year after year. “Outside of our business, we have an invested interest in the potato industry,” says Medynski, noting that he also holds a role as VP of the Quebec Growers Association, while CEO Stephan Dolbec has served as President of the Quebec Produce Marketing Association. “It goes a lot further than just what takes place at Patates Dolbec – our name is well known not only in the potato industry, but as a leader in the Canadian food industry.” It takes a lot of dedication to stay so invested in the industry after leaving the office for the day, but that’s the kind of dedication that comes standard at Patates Dolbec. “It’s not just a job – it’s a lifestyle when you get down to it,” says Medynski. “It’s a lot of work, but we have a great team behind us. We just finished our harvest, we have a good crop, and we’re all looking forward to the upcoming season.”

Company Information INDUSTRY

Potato production HEADQUARTERS

Quebec, Canada FOUNDED



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Tech Blend

Tech Blend Celebrates 15th Anniversary Manouk Djoukhadjian, president and CEO of Tech Blend, discusses the company’s business strategy and how Tech Blend has sustained its growth in the industry over its 15 years of success. He stresses the importance of organic growth and how the company will strive to achieve this in the years to come. Written by: Lindsey Ryan

Produced by: Sean Bakke



Kevin Greene, VP Sales and Marketing once again be attending Plastimagen 2014 November 18 to 21 in México City at the Canadian Pavilion sponsored by Foreign Affairs Trade and Development and Economic Development Canada (EDC) to further develop Tech Blend’s International Sales.

Tech Blend, a manufacturing company based in Quebec, has specialized in customized carbon black concentrates for the plastics industry since its establishment in 1999. Tech Blend combines different types of carbon black concentrate with various polyolefinbased resins to produce a new, more durable plastic product that is protected from UV radiation - This preserves the life of the product and lowers the level of plastic consumption over time. “The role of the carbon black is to extend the life of the 176

December 2014

product. It is one of the most cost effective chemicals to protect plastic products against the sun’s radiation,” states Manouk Djoukhadjian, president and CEO of Tech Blend. This year, the company is celebrating its 15th anniversary and Djoukhadjian is excited for the future. He discusses how the company has sustained its success over the years and what the goals are moving forward. 15 Years of Success With his Engineering degree


Quality checks, visual line inspections are performed throughout the production cycle

and over 30 years of business management experience, Djoukhadjian had a vision for the company when he became a Tech Blend shareholder in 2006. He had done some research on Tech Blend and wanted to see it grow financially while simultaneously developing a unique business strategy. “As we developed the business strategy we had to recalibrate the business. We have maintained our main strategy with periodic changes and we’re working to continue to do that. Our current strategy is successful so we continue to use it and modify it as needed,” he explains. Constantly working towards continuous improvement, Tech Blend has re-focused its business strategy over the past 15 years so that

“The role of the carbon black is to extend the life of the product. It is one of the most cost effective chemicals to protect plastic products against the sun’s radiation” – Manouk Djoukhadjian, president and CEO of Tech Blend

w w w . Te c h b l e n d . c o m


TECH BLEND the company is prepared to easily adapt to any circumstance that may arise in the work place. For example, Djoukhadjian explains, “We have developed a culture that ensures that if a problem or issue occurs more than once, it has to be eliminated and resolved. We need to find a solution to it. This could involve planning, scheduling or maintenance. It’s a business strategy that was developed about six years ago has shown to be effective and successful.” Achieving Organic Growth While many companies aim for strategic acquisitions, looking forward, Tech Blend is

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Let’s talk. Congratulations Tech Blend on your 15th anniversary! Pierre Franzidis* CLU Tel: 514-866-5811 ext 2286 1001 Square Dorchester, Suite 600 Montréal, QC H3B 1N1

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focusing on organic growth within its industry. Djoukhadjian believes the company’s number one current strategic business goal is to grow organically in active markets rather than achieving vertical integration. To attain this goal, Tech Blend is developing its business to utilize recycled resin, which differentiates it from other companies in the industry. The company offers an economic choice to clients while still providing the most cost effective and durable product. “We are a major user of recycled resin. This has been beneficial because it has taught us to develop the technology and the knowledge to use recycled resin to convert something that is reused, and at a lower value, to make a functional product,� says Djoukhadjian. Additionally, Tech Blend is ISO 9001:2008 certified and ensures the highest quality and stability of every product while providing excellent customer service at the same time. The staff is committed to customer service and strives to deliver the finest concentrates. Recently, the company even built a new distribution center which has enabled the company to serve the industry more efficiently and effectively. Tech Blend has certainly demonstrated its success over the past 15 years, most notably through tremendous company growth and their constantly evolving business plan suggests that Tech Blend can look forward to continued success in the industry.

Company Information INDUSTRY

Manufacturing HEADQUARTERS

Quebec, Canada FOUNDED



$47-51 M

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